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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 202 KB, 540x400, 1465070407673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2579011 No.2579011 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>2546824

Bring us your roughs, your storyboards, your pencil tests etc. Talk about industry, schools, the hopelessness of it all, how we all gonna make it etc.

If you're gonna post animation that isn't yours give source or state that it isn't yours.

Keep shitposting to a minimum. Don't feed the trolls.

>Stuff you may find useful, books basic program tutorials etc

>Reference stuff you can find with a simple google search


Japanese style animation tutorial: http://listeningside.net/a_side00.html
Stoyboard & composition: http://www.floobynooby.com/comp1.html

>Play YT videos frame-by-frame

Lastly, if you've got some good animation resources, contribute!

>> No.2579017
File: 141 KB, 750x556, reeses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna get into storyboarding but I'm only just taking drawing seriously at 25. Slowly getting only a schedule of 6-8hrs drawing a day am I gonna make it?

>> No.2579018
File: 138 KB, 500x281, clown5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2579022

Those legs aren't taking any shock; too stiff.


>> No.2579027
File: 572 KB, 500x324, tumblr_n6xpexOMxI1roqda3o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wanna get into storyboarding but I'm only just taking drawing seriously at 25. Slowly getting only a schedule of 6-8hrs drawing a day am I gonna make it?
i started at 25. now im 32. however i prefer skeletal animation over traditional because im so into videogames/indie games and years of 8-16 bit games made me a skeletonfag.
I know there are game like Cuphead with traditional animation but idk.
>inbf andgry traditionalfags
>inbf muh

overall i dont really see a problem at starting to draw during late 20s.

>> No.2579043

What >>2579022 said. Also the legs should speed up when they go down to catch the sheeps weight. It looks a bit floaty otherwise.

>> No.2579081

I just picked a random gif from last thread, I think sheepboy has a tumblr or something you can send critiques to

>> No.2579592
File: 323 KB, 1000x613, red-jumper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted in the previous thread, some practice with different types of motion

>> No.2579605

The leg one looks really good.

On the jump it looks a bit weird to me when it lands, it loses all of its momentum. Maybe make it land just before the target and it tumbles/slides onto it to stop.

>> No.2579623
File: 317 KB, 500x281, wind.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2579627

do you have a blog? this is looking really good.

>> No.2579628

thank you, it's

>> No.2579952

gorgeous, I wish people made more animated films with silly clowns and a lot of movement.

>> No.2580019
File: 62 KB, 640x360, stepup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some guy with a cane

>> No.2580039

damn dawg 32. like damn you old enough to be our dad.

>> No.2580055

theres literally no way he could have recovered near the end

>> No.2580059


>> No.2580072

I Agree with
You did a great job with the anticipation on that one and the snap out when the leg finally breaks free is pretty good as well. Basically great set up and pay off. Good job anon keep it up.

>> No.2580132

quiet child. your life at my point will be a lot more boring than mine kek

>> No.2580145
File: 16 KB, 236x168, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any particularly good books on the simplified style and construction used for animation besides the Preston Blair book?

>> No.2580299
File: 57 KB, 600x600, Little-Girl-Meme-Face-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're 32, shit posting, and using "kek". Seriously?

>> No.2580310

>damn dawg 32. like damn you old enough to be our dad.

>being this insecure about your age
Speak for yourself faggot. Not everybody on /ic/ is a fucking choolkid.
>your life at my point will be a lot more boring
Agree. A lot of these "artists" will find some shitty job or stay at their mom's place at 30. Im 28 and already have an art career.

>> No.2580695

Is TVpaint any good?

>> No.2580721
File: 693 KB, 1440x810, Tween1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aspiring 3D animation learner here. I've been looking for a place that has animators that can give critique to people in need, and from reading last thread you guys generally seem to know what you're talking about / give a damn about critique. Hopefully 3D isn't an issue to be posted here, but /3/ is shit for advice and is horrendously slow. Here's to hoping this place is better.

I started taking animation seriously 2 weeks ago, and started this little project a few days back. Currently I'm at what is presumably the third stage of systematically animating a scene. It's a yoga animation from warrior II to warrior I to warrior III, looped with the prayer pose. It's currently in a stepped interpolation so that I can get the key poses right. Willing to accept any critique that can be given at this stage.

Also, one last thing. I wanted to know if this order or operations is the best for animating a scene:
Blocking (key poses)
Tween set 1
Tween set 2 (my next step)
Offset + smooth interpolation
Curves editing + polish

Here's a webm of what I currently have.

>> No.2580723

Also, the parts where she squats are the precursors to jumps she will do.

>> No.2580957

I heard it has a tough UI, some people prefer TVPaint over ToonBoom

>> No.2580999

>>2580957 >>2578428
The UI is atrocious, but it has the best art system of any animation program and the best animation system of any art program. If you use it, prepare to be frustrated for a long time before you get the hang of it.

>> No.2581389
File: 387 KB, 616x600, animation tiles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did these about a month ago but haven't animated anything since, just been drawing. critique would be appreciated

>> No.2581415
File: 603 KB, 700x394, w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks mate

but he's magical!

I've redone the cape at the beginning. unfortunately the size changes with the second scene, where he leans forward. I know I shouldn't do any secondary action at this state, but animating fluttering cloth is surprisingly fun

>> No.2581421

looks good, the flour sack on the bottom left looks a bit stiff. I like the growing ball though

>> No.2581427

Can someone at least confirm if the order of steps in >>2580721 is the right way to go :( It's killing me

>> No.2581451

It looks to me like you're going in the right direction, just work on the timing. I wouldn't place timing after the tweens. I advise deciding on the timing right away, and then checking it between every step.
Two things you should keep in mind for the next step:
Yoga is generally pretty slow, so don't rush the animation.
Weight is one of the most important aspects in animation, make sure you display it well. In particular take care when animating her jumping and in the balance stick pose.

>> No.2581452

Thankyou very much. Would you advise skipping a second set of tweens (going from 7 key poses in blocking, to 7 tweens (14 poses) to 28 poses) in place of adding only the tweens in places like the jumps? Tried my best to not make this question confusing.

>> No.2581475

Yeah, I would. The apex of the jump should be a key pose imo.
After you add the first set of tweens I think you should start keying in poses based on the 3D program's faults in tweening.
Since it's 3D you want to work with the program's auto tweening feature, as opposed to classic animation where I say the second set of tweens is pretty much required. Though I assume that's what you meant by "smooth interpolation."

>> No.2581496
File: 553 KB, 1280x800, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! That's exactly what I meant. Thanks a ton. I'll get started on it immediately. When I got the idea of a second set of tweens and added blank keys (the column of diamonds on the right side of the darkened lines) I knew I was doing something wrong and waited until I got a reply before I spend days adding unnecessary key poses.

Pic related for what I was about to ruin my week with. Will post an update webm when I think I have the timing down first.

>> No.2581506

You're welcome, anon. Good luck.
I don't see the controls for the ears, but that's a good looking rig.

>> No.2581512
File: 2.06 MB, 800x450, DanceJudyReduced.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who created the rig told me that things like hair and accessories, in 3D animation, would get animated last so I typically hide them to keep the clutter a little less bothersome. He made the character and pic related, so I took his words as reliable. His reasoning was that they react directly to the movement of the body, so straight-ahead animating them in the end would suffice. It seems logical to me.

>> No.2581521

Yeah he's right, that's pretty much how you do it. I was just wondering why they weren't visible, and I guess if they were FK or IK. I've seen some animators that prefer their overlap's bones be FK, but I prefer IK.

>> No.2581529


Fucking christ. I know some animators use it religiously, but I simply do not understand how they use it on anything other than robots. It's basically a restraint on body motion imo. I tried it once and wanted to kill myself. Floaty IK bones are life. Fuck using twigs.

>> No.2581533

Good, except for the tumblr ellipse eyebrows.

>> No.2581561

lmao post work. drawing commissions for tumblr and deviant art isn't a career retard.

>> No.2581781

Industry 3D animator here. Everyone has their own way of working. Having said that, IK is awesome for contact (leaning on table, touching, pulling, pushing, etc...). FK is great for when the force comes from the root (jumping, acrobatics, walking, turning, etc...) Sometimes I use both in a shot. Sometimes one arm will be IK and another FK. It all depends on the scene.
I kinda get why FK would be a restraint on body motion sometimes though. For me personally though, its faster to just cheat the look of IK sometimes. Especially when its only for like 8 frames or something.

tl;dr I use both, each has their own strengths and weaknesses. Each takes a while getting used to.

>> No.2581804

>6-8hrs drawing a day
That's some dedication.
You're probably gonna make it, good luck.

>> No.2581896


he he he

>> No.2581898

and your labeling pictures as little girl meme face.


>> No.2581901

really good, but a little stiff looking. exaggerate those poses more!

>> No.2581902

it would be nice if I was a neet

>> No.2582339

I wish it were mine, but the webm in the post you replied to was from the guy who created the character.

Maybe some day I'll get that good.

>> No.2582802

the flour scak jumping isn't very good. The anticipation is confusing, it lacks a proper punch when it goes up, remember, the highest part on the jump should be slightly slower than when going up and when coming down.

>> No.2583028

>it would be nice if I was a neet

No. You never ever ever want to be there. Coming from a person who was at that point once, it's horrible and very difficult to get out of.

>> No.2583096

I want to storyboard too. I feel like my drawing skills are good but my storytelling skills are terrible. Does anyone have any advice on improving story skills? Not just cinematography, writing too. Everything I try feels really disingenuous and forced to me.

>> No.2583104

Don't have any books to recommend but I'd recommend studying from pros. Look at comic books or manga you like and try to understand how the author trabsitions from panel to panel, composes their image, etc.

>> No.2583118
File: 561 KB, 700x350, 1 opening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started working on my round 2 entry p late couldn't decide on a story, 26 seconds left to do in 9 days. suffering.

>> No.2583132
File: 252 KB, 500x363, Walking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know anything about getting into the animation program at Sheridan?

>inb4 underage b&

pic unrelated, some loop from

>> No.2583139




>> No.2583149


>those smears

Are they ninjas or something?

>> No.2583185

Different anon, but from my experience, being a neet is a double edged sword. You just need a firm resolve.

You got front page from your last loop. Keep your chin up

>> No.2583190

>26 seconds
>9 days

rest in peace.

>> No.2583234
File: 968 KB, 960x540, Timing1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a first pass on timing in. I added plenty of space between yoga poses to make it somewhat feel like yoga with it's slow, methodical nature. Although yoga is slow, I'm getting a feeling that maybe in a few spots there's a bit too much time passing between poses, but I'm trying to say that's just my impatience kicking in. Right off the bat I see that the poses before and after the last hop need changes to the face since they look too angry and too sad respectively. I also need to do a pose right after the first jump that shows the rebound from landing and getting back into proper position before moving on.

Willing to accept any and all feedback.

>> No.2583235
File: 308 KB, 1280x800, Keyframes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a picture of the keyframes, if it would be of use to anyone.

>> No.2583258

Just show us the summary, much easier to look at lol

>> No.2583289

very lovely

>> No.2583387

>Does anyone have any advice on improving story skills?

>> No.2583416

that has to be the least efficient way of unloading from a truck

>> No.2583510
File: 135 KB, 1280x800, Simplified.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay here

Is the timing in the webm good?

>> No.2583621
File: 199 KB, 640x360, jsquat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2583623

focus on pelvis/torso/arms and do the face/hands/feets afterward

the core of the movement is the pelvis/legs/torso, if it's dynamic then everything will follow

>> No.2583821
File: 1.02 MB, 700x350, 1 opening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving how active this thread is

it's a crutch desu, just make everything blurry to hide the fact I can't draw

I'm guessing I'll place 3rd or 4th for lack of color or humour, which I'll try to add this round

yes it's pretty dumb but I like the motion.


>> No.2583869

>placing third for lack of color
I really dont get Newgrounds. Its two weeks to animate, but they expect something polished. It makes no senese to me

>> No.2584207
File: 2.83 MB, 960x540, TimingBezier.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current state of the animation. Spent the my time today getting the timing right, but mostly watching 12 Principles of animation explanations. I believe the next step from here is to add tweening to the current pose with the help of default interpolation from beginning to end. Here's a webm of what I have


Are there any communities online that are large enough with people who know what they're talking about that can give feedback on animation progress within the hour? I've looked all over but I have not been able to find a place that could help guide me in any useful amount of time. Even the fastest ones I've encountered were only just as fast as this thread. It would be tremendously useful to me.

>> No.2584223

I'm assuming you've already looked into 11second club?

Other options are starting to find people to work with and discuss stuff with at a predetermined time, that will take more time but might be more helpful to you than post by post responses.

>> No.2584365

Other than this place, I guess you could try making a Skype group.

>> No.2584376

Keep going. There is not a lot of feedback we can give to it right now.

Just remember to add weight

>> No.2584383

she looks like she's on the moon

>> No.2585024
File: 2.40 MB, 720x360, robo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread better not fuckin die on me, where's sheeplad when you need him

I don't know shit about 3d but needs weight, overshoot and why is every body part arriving at a stop the same time?

>> No.2585371
File: 964 KB, 1440x810, Tween2_P1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started the second pass of inbetweens. This covers the beginning jump so far.

Currently I don't think I'm even good enough to be in a team with other people to make those kinds of connections. Aside from a few shitty non-attempts, this is my first serious piece :(

Added weight I suppose. By "weight" I guess you guys are talking about leaning into extreme actions with recoil after it's done.

>> No.2585562

How do you guys prioritize cuts? I just finished Kono Suba, and looks like I can get away with low framerate while adding jiggling titties. Do prioritized cuts need to be on 1's? Thoughts?

>> No.2585651

7 days left.

Be sure to think of how you would like to be remembered.

>> No.2585657

very cool style

>> No.2585674

Yep, that's weight.
I recommend watch yoga videos, to understand how the body balances and how concentrating the weight in some parts of the body look like.

>> No.2586126
File: 20 KB, 372x373, output_Ii8hO9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so bad and one panel always zooms out but I am so proud.

my first time... sniffthough that's obvious...

I'm so retarded, I have such a hard time learning how to tell the difference between frames and layers, I've tried to animate before and all I got was like, drew my animation onto several layers... but had only one frame then gave up.

>> No.2586131

is it realistic to make a traditional, fully coloured, two minute fight scene (man mounted on horse versus wolf) with painted backgrounds in 6 months, with a full process and concept art book to accompany it? im not an experienced animator but im fully willing to put in the work to achieve this

>> No.2586154

Well sure but obviously the quality depends on your skill and you'd have to really care about it to stay motivated, 6 months is a long time, and you may get a little crazy from working on the same 2 minutes for so long.

It'd be around 2000 frames with mostly 2s and some 1s.
Assuming each frame took you 20 minutes to draw, clean and color (averaging the longer time for keyframes and the shorter time for inbetweens) and you took the first month to plan/storyboard and paint the backgrounds it'd take about 4 solid hours per day to make something p high quality, but of course you should put in 6 just in case, but if you're really making a personal investment in it you might as well hire people to help you.

>> No.2586168

I'm not particularly personally invested in it. Its an assignment where I essentially have to design a project for myself that shows initiative into research, skill-building, and forming industry professionals.
I have two weeks to decide what im going to do, and i was tossing up between doing this animation or doing an art book and portfolio. The art book is obviously easier but im very interested in animation as a career.
Either way, i will have to present my product to about 180 of my peers, so i do want to be proud of it.
Im very concerned about time, if it was just producing an animation, I'd feel a little better. But a good chunk of my time will be going into documenting my process, producing concept art, contacting animators, researching historical clothing-styles, and studying animation.

>> No.2586172

Post an example of something you've animated before. I don't understand how you could end up in a situation where you get this kind of a project without personally invested into animation.

Not the anon you responded to btw

>> No.2586175

I havent really animated before, at least not anything serious (which is the main reason why i am so nervous about choosing animation as my project). The only reason I am considering doing this is to motivate me into actually getting off my ass and do some animation.
>I don't understand how you could end up in a situation where you get this kind of a project without personally invested into animation.
The project itself isnt about animation, or any art, its a purely self directed, self designed project in which i have to showcase some initiative in to research, and skill-building in a field that i am interested in, in order to create a product which showcases this.

>> No.2586200

>not much experience animating
>2 minute high quality fight scene with full painted BGs and color + "How It's Made"
>6 months

I generally don't like to tell people that they can't do something, but this seriously seems like a poor situation to start to try and get into animation at a somewhat professional level. It takes years to get decent at animation my dude. Now, you could be better at it than I assume, but it just seems slightly infeasible if you are true to "I havent really animated before".

>> No.2586212


show us what you have anon

>> No.2586504

post art at least? I don't know if it's possible to do a cool fight scene if you haven't even animated a bouncing ball yet. You might wanna try something simpler.

>> No.2586511
File: 2.00 MB, 720x360, robo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I'm in over my head.

>> No.2586524

god damn it thats a lot of effort.

>> No.2586693
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, fight scene kick and punch 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on a fight scene, got to finish all the rough animation though

>> No.2586718
File: 37 KB, 256x400, BLINKTEST1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the realism guys, I know I sound like an idiot.
I cant find much previous animation, the only thing i could find was this that i did about a year ago

>> No.2586730

3d animator here, maybe I can say some things more directly relevant to you:

1. There is no single workflow that works for everybody. You do what works best for you. The majority of cartoony animators will block in stepped (no splining ("tweening" is what you are calling it) and getting the key poses down. Some people will ignore timing and get the poses themselves first, then shift to create the timing, while others will create the timing as they start blocking. Then, the majority of these stepped animators will keep on animating in stepped. They will get it down to about 2s 4s and 6s (a pose for every 2nd 4th or 6th frame). Only THEN do most stepped animators spline it and clean it up. The definition of what is a key or a breakdown also depends on the animator and the shot, but usually you will want to go for the poses that communicate the story the most clearly, and then look for extremes of movement.

2. The other main approach is splining, where you either go from stepped to spline very early or stay in spline throughout. Within this approach are also two main methods, one is similar to stepped where you make a lot of poses and then refine the transitions, and the other is called "layering" where you treat different parts of the body separately and work on their individual movements rather than focusing on poses.

And of course animators will often change/blend methods depending on the shot.

>> No.2586734

You might wonder why would anyone follow the first method and ignore the splining capabilities of 3d software? The thing is that splining by default looks like shit, it creates lazy inbetweens. This can be very distracting for some people because it makes it hard to focus on the performance. A lot of animators prefer to view it in more of a 2D fashion and nail down the frames that they can see first and then deal with movement quirks later. Nevertheless, the approach doesn't matter as long as the result is good. I know that Pixar is a studio where most animators use more of a spline approach. If you ever animate in visual effects a spline method is also preferred because many directors will find a stepped shot jarring (because it looks like it's skipping to a live action guy, whereas to someone familiar with 2D animation it's perfectly understandable).

>> No.2586749

You're creating smooth movement but the issue is that you're clearly not versed in the principles of animation. The timing and spacing feels regular, you lack appealing/diverse posing, secondary action/offsetting, and there is still a lack of weight. This is good for someone very new to animation, don't feel bad. But I think you are biting off more than you can chew with a full character animation at this point.

Here are some exercises i suggest:

1. Bouncing ball/flour sack:
The bouncing ball applies to everything, it will allow you to better understand weight and force. The flour sack allows you to practice timing, spacing, and acting without worrying about dozens of controls.

2. Walk cycle with no arms:
There's a rig out there that's just a ball with legs. This will help you start to understand animating limbs. Walks are also somewhat difficult starting out and it is a good exercise in mechanics and you don't have to worry about acting.

3. Jump with no arms:
Similar to above.

4. Posing with a full human character (no face):
Get one of those rigs that are just basic joints and don't have facial features. Look at figure reference and create a dynamic pose that matches it and pushes the pose further. Do this over and over. This will help you make poses that aren't shitty which is probably the #1 problem with amateur animators. It's like how figure drawing would help a 2D animator.

5. Posing with a full human character (face):
Same as above, try to create dynamic facial expressions based off of reference.

6. Full human mechanics exercises:
Now you're back to where you are now.

For a site that's at least kind of active check out 11secondclub. Most people there aren't that good but it's probably the only active community I can think of dedicated to 3d character animation.

>> No.2586796

You know what, maybe you're right anon. This probably is too much for me currently.

rip Judy Hopps Yoga Session ;_;

>> No.2587169

Hey, whoever's doing the OPs for this now.... I'm pretty sure this used to be in the OP, but maybe not.


I think it should be, it's fun to use for inspiration or just generally looking at random clips to get ideas or see how people do things

It's been useful to me at least.

>> No.2587305
File: 407 KB, 1920x1080, Head turn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this the other day while I was bored.

>> No.2587332

pls tell me how to git gud

>> No.2587344


>> No.2587346

how early should i begin animating

im ok at drawing but im scared ill start animating and not have the essentials down enough

>> No.2587374
File: 42 KB, 1516x771, Starters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just why are you scared in the first place? The worst thing that can happen is you could make a mistake. And so what if you make a mistake! You can always try again. That’s how you learn.

To start you off you should at least know three basic principles of animation: Arcs, squash and stretch and ease-ins and ease-outs.

>> No.2587381

I actually have the Animator's Survival Guide so I might pick that up today and start.

Part of it too is that I've hyped myself up all my life that I was gonna be an animator so there's this pressure associated with it.

I should just calm down and draw.

>> No.2587391

That’s the spirit.

>> No.2587394

people say that if someone tries to animate without the essentials they would explode. why do you think the U.S. outsources animation to Korea? because it's super cheap to replace exploded people doh

of course it doesn't fucking happen there's no point in mulling over that you're scared to try without actually trying first. if you at least create a shitty animation we can tell you what essentials you don't have down

>> No.2587497
File: 2.57 MB, 1280x720, wellshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting a call from an old friend who owns a company now. Praises my demoreel (it´s shit, don´t bother asking, anon)
>would like to have an simple animation of a stick figure pushing a rock up a hill
>working on that animation whole saturday
>tells me today that it´s nice, but he actually just wanted a picture

new lesson learned: if you ever get a job via telephone, make sure to make them send you their demands via email aswell so they can´t say "I wanted something different"

some anon please take this animation and do some shit with it for the sake of entertainment. Yes, it´s a challenge

>> No.2587501

gosh, I even called the project file "sisyphus", the irony now

>> No.2587534

is that a boulder or a helium balloon?

>> No.2587545

Boulder. He wanted it to look like an easy task for the stickdude

>> No.2587577
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, Look.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s going on here?

>> No.2587636

Never read much into animation. What do the numbers and graph mean?

>> No.2587648
File: 157 KB, 694x930, ss+(2016-07-03+at+09.50.10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inbetween breakdown of spacing and timing.

>> No.2587649

The graph is called a spacing/timing chart. we use it to calculate the spacing between our key drawings and how many drawings we should draw in between. Key drawings are the most essential drawings in the animation. They are represented by numbers with a circle. Breakdowns are midway drawings that link the key drawings. They are represented by numbers with brackets. Lastly we get inbetweens they fill the gaps INBETWEEN the drawings. They are what make the animation look smooth. They are represented by normal numbers.

>> No.2587823


got a tumblr? S'good bro

>> No.2587846

Best version of flash for a noob?

>> No.2587857

Nope thinking of making one though.

>> No.2587895
File: 464 KB, 700x651, v.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried a head turn...too sloppy and there's a white flash for some reason

>> No.2587908

You're over animating it. Make the poses more subtle. Also ease more into the anticipation.
Then try to overshoot the final pose and settle back into it.

>> No.2587912

Connect the head to a rough body (neck+upper torso) and move it in space instead of having the camera "stabilized" on the face.

>> No.2587931

your volumes in the head could be a little tighter, and the neck doesn't feel solid or like it's connected to the head.(Unless that's what you were going for)

I might be nitpicking just a bit, but the timing between the slight pause and that second turn feels like it drags to a bit too long. It might be a problem of having too many inbetweens between those two keys (which can lead to your drawings not being consistent if you're not careful), or the anticipation between those two keys could be a bit longer.

>> No.2587962


>> No.2588017

Will do thanks for the advice.
Could you rephrase that? I'm a retard and I don't know what you mean by "move it in space" and "stabilized"

>> No.2588019

Could be wrong but looks like toon boom

>> No.2588035
File: 908 KB, 500x300, s0QxJ32.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'd like to try and incorporate 3D models into an animation I am developing (think standard cell shaded ones) but can't find a decent workflow tutorial on it.

Seems I'm aiming for compositing Though a google search yields nothing. Any tips or suggestions? pic related.

>> No.2588076

Yes you are going to want to composite your 3d into your normal 2d animation. This is kind of like rotoscoping. Doing it well can be a huge pain in the ass because you need to make sure your lighting direction, color, intensity etc all line up. Examples of bad use of this abound in anime, becoming especially prevalent over the last few years. The simpler you keep both your 3d design and your 2d the easier compositing the two of them together. Unless of course you deliberately want the two to be jarringly differentiated. You're gonna want to look up compositing in after effects tutorials, they should give you some decent results on the concepts behind it. Also looking up VFX breakdowns might help because they generally show various stages of the process in sequence.

>> No.2588174
File: 2.23 MB, 500x250, 1 opening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking some time off for the sake of my fingers/sanity, I'll do a few more hours later and call it a day

>> No.2588288
File: 316 KB, 1920x1080, flametestHelpPls.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look right?

>> No.2588301

Flash CS6

>> No.2588303

No. The skin peels and falls off instead of melts off, and the fire is going downward.

>> No.2588374

Good stuff as always!

K after the skin peels off, how should I get rid of the muscles underneath? Can I peel off the muscles like the skin?

Im trying to make this scene revel a robot underneath the flesh

>> No.2588379

Muscle would cook like a steak (cuz that's what it is) until it turns black and disintegrates.

>> No.2588449
File: 135 KB, 1283x940, ss+(2016-07-04+at+03.12.22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your head is staying in the middle of the frame because you have decided not to use any spacing , which makes no sense. It's basically "stabilized" like this http://i.imgur.com/Gzt6XmL.gif (file size too big)

>> No.2588481
File: 376 KB, 1920x1080, flametest2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an improvement?

>> No.2588640
File: 1.63 MB, 330x448, animating in flash.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is flash/adobe animate a good program or should i wait until i can get TVpaint on my own? (no os x link in the mega)

>> No.2588670
File: 308 KB, 400x416, newtablet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2588672

doesn't matter, just draw

too fast, the reaction to his hands and the takeoff need to be clearly defined and separate, plus theres almost no anticipation for the jump

>> No.2588697
File: 864 KB, 500x281, tumblr_o2dp4gBUPg1s5v9ppo2_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an animator who sort of made it on YouTube and have my own company. I can answer some questions about starting up or what ever if you'd like

>> No.2588710

I find it difficult to believe you're part of Pegbarians. Unless you provided a GIF that is unrelated to your work

>> No.2588713
File: 674 KB, 500x500, tumblr_o16cx2mB5d1s7ccmoo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm Florian from the Pegbarians, saw an animation thread so I decided to check it out. Not really sure how to prove it though, haha

>> No.2588723

Either way it's always nice to have some experienced folk around here. How did you get into animation? Did you study at higher education or similar? Do you still enjoy creating animations as you are now?

>> No.2588736

I got into animation when I was a kid, When I was around 10 or 12 I knew I wanted to do something with games or animation. I tried my hand at CorelDraw at the time (it had an animation function, I made some very terrible animations). Later on I got into Flash and started posting stuff on Newgrounds.

I didn't know there were schools for something like animation, but I happened to stumble on to one after High school and joined it, afterwards I went to a more specialized animation school (so 8 years in total). The schools weren't all that, but I did get to experiment a lot and figure out what I liked to create.

My graduation was 2014 and I still enjoy creating animations a lot. We have a pretty good set up where we create stuff for other channels 50% of the time and the other half we dedicate to Pegbarians. We have the luxury to choose what we want to do, In the end the most important thing is to enjoy your work (which is essentially your hobby), if I were to create stuff I didn't enjoy creating (like commercials for toothpaste or something) then what would be the point of animating (and destroying your hobby) at all?

>> No.2588755
File: 106 KB, 500x667, coca koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am currently attending life drawing classes and like all of us, I want to get better at drawing. my problem was, that I always wanted to become an animator, but was holding back, because I thought you have to be on a certain level before tackling animation.
I wanna found my own studio, more as a symbolic act, and create cool films, but I barely know how to animate, let alone how to produce a complete film.
my point is, it seems I am doing the same mistake all over again. in the past I avoided to learn how to animate, because I wanted to become a good drawer, now I learn how to animate, but I only do loops and stuff. should I proceed with learning the principles or should I just produce films and learn through trial and error? because you'll never finish to learn

that's me for example

>> No.2588762

A wonderful response. I'm currently at the point of deciding what to study at university. I'm currently debating whether I should persue my interests in animation or not which is always a difficult choice. Thanks for the reply, it helped

>> No.2588763
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, Robo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My animation first started getting good after I decided to learn the principles of animation. I got a copy of The illusion of life to learn the principles. That gave me stuff to remember to implement into my shorts. So really it's both trail and error and study.

>> No.2588772
File: 581 KB, 500x280, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a rough animation my brother did with a tablet app. thoughts?

>> No.2588779

First off, it depends on what you really want to do. Do you want to be an animator, i.e. to focus on the intricacies of how something moves? Or do you want to tell stories through animation, i.e. be a director/create films? (or both ofcourse, I love both)

These are both different skillsets, I don't think you need to be a good drawer or animator to create good films. What's most important in films is that you can get the point across, the timing of the shots, how something is staged, etc. I'm not trying to overwhelm you, some of these things might go automatic if you're creating a film.

So what I'm saying is, you're work is already good enough to create a film. At the end of the line if you want to create a film, you should start creating films and get experience creating films. You could read some stuff about storyboarding or how to create an animatic to help you a long, or you could just start creating! Like almost everyone says: you should just start doing it. I know the fears of first wanting to get better at something before you think you can tackle an idea or problem, but it's better to just create. If you create and finish one idea, You'll make room in your head for new and even better ideas that you can create with your better skillset.

A quick tip on creating your first films:
Stay small, your first film should be veeeeeeeery small, maybe 5-10 seconds, a small joke or a twist maybe. Just focus on one thing you want your film to be about and create it. This way it won't be too overwhelming and you'll get loads of experience of just starting and finishing a film.

Quite a bit of a ramble, hope it helps a bit! If you've got more questions I'm happy to answer them

>> No.2588790

I will say that I'm very happy with my working life, being at work and doing something that I love is something that I think is very special (most people are at work 8 hours a day after all!). Pursuing your dream can be very satisfying, I would say go for it! (If it is your dream, haha)

>> No.2588825

idk how long you've been on /ic/ but have you seen the sticky? Do you think it's a good way to approach learning how to draw specifically for animation? How did you learn? Just basic life drawings, studies and what not?

And also, how did you go about establishing your youtube audience? Did you just make videos and wait for it to gradually build up or did you do something to facilitate growth?

Anyways, I've been a fan for a while (loved the animation breakdown you guys did), it's nice to see you around here. Keep up the good work

>> No.2588840

I think the sticky is a pretty good approach on learning how to draw. Drawing from life and photos is a very good way to learn how to draw. If you want to draw humans, draw a lot of humans from life (you can make due with photos, but from life is ultimately better). Copying other artists' work that you like is good too, make sure to copy from a lot of different artists that you like, or else you'll start copying their style a bit too much. (and don't show em around as if they were your own, ofcourse, haha).
The shitty part is that it can be a bit boring, you're only doing this for yourself, it get's a bit lonely. A good idea would be to start going to life drawing classes, so you can be around other people while drawing (to keep your spirit up). If you're really serious you should draw from life every day, try to shoot for maybe an hour or half an hour. This may not seem as much but if you think of it as your minimum time then you can always go over if you're feeling like it. It shouldn't become a chore, it should be fun! (or you could just do it and keep doing it even if you're not that keen on it, it depends on your personality I suppose). Don't be discouraged if all you create is shit at first, it may take a long time, but if you keep at it there will come a time that you're pretty satisfied with most things you create.

On to YouTube,
When we created Pokeball Z it was actually sort of a school assignment we created for ourselves. We wanted to see if we could create a " hit" on YouTube. We tried so by combining two franchises we really liked. We got quite a bit of subscribers from that, we didn't market it at all, we just threw it on to YT and saw what happened.
The biggest gain, however, was when we created a video for Seananners, (which Martijn was a big fan of at the time). We realized most Let's Players had animations on their channel, but Seananners did not. We were still in school at the time so we created another assignment.

>> No.2588846

So we created a video for Seananners, he didn't have any idea we were gonna make one for him, we just thought: Let's create an animated Seanners, throw it on our channel and tweet at him once. He saw the tweet, loved the vid and hired us to create more stuff for him. Through his channel we got loads more subscribers.

The best thing you can do to gain audience is to either work with other big channels/people or to create spoofs/parodies. Then at a certain point you can try pull the fans to your own work. Of course you can create solely your own work and keep at it, but it might take a bit more time. We always created stuff we wanted to create though, if you just create stuff for views/subscribers I think the audience can tell. (and you'll have a lot less fun doing it!).

Thanks, man! I loved doing AAA, when I get a bit more free time I'll make a new one for sure!

>> No.2588883
File: 371 KB, 400x416, newtabletrework.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not done fixing but i have to work. Does this look at least a little better? The ground effects are very wip after the changes.

>> No.2588894


>> No.2588947

fuck I'm just realising how boring this is, I think I might need to end it with a flashy showdown if I want any real chance of winning, right now there's no oomph

>> No.2589052

Flash/Animate is the best program for learning, worst program for drawing. TVPaint is the worst for learning, best for drawing. Toon Boom is in the middle. There's a pretty big difference between all of these and what you learn in one won't carry over much; a lot of people seem to learn Flash and then move to TVPaint when they get good, though.

>I always wanted to become an animator, but was holding back, because I thought you have to be on a certain level before tackling animation.
You do, but you're certainly on that level.

Not rambling, you explain things quite well.

>> No.2589106

Thats a solid workflow, might save you time if you time out the piece while you block your key poses. I agree with you on /3/, its a shit board for anyone other than jaded subpar character modelers.

>> No.2589107

Id do an additional pass on your keys and push the poses. Theyre looking sort of robotic, exaggerate your extensions/contractions and push the line of action in each one. For your breakdowns, look up a ghosting plugin. If youre using maya, theres a really nice mel script called BH Ghost that is really easy to use.

>> No.2589112

Clearly you haven't tried animating arm ovelap in FK, its so much easier to control.

>> No.2589115

Agreed, breaking up and prioritizing body parts makes the process much easier

>> No.2589116

How did you make this/what software? Is it like a rigged puppet that you tweened? I want to try this type of animation but don't even know what it's called, all i know is frame by frame.

>> No.2589276

Bump for this

>> No.2589287
File: 2.58 MB, 500x250, robo-shounen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 days in, 5 days left
virtually no progress since yesterday, just some tweaks and extra frames

>> No.2589314 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 957x700, Dodge1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the critique, I agree with everything you said.

>> No.2589515

amazing. I get what you tried to do here, but the transition from the entrance to the kitchen door is a little bit confusing.

>> No.2589582

thanks for tips!

>> No.2589894
File: 346 KB, 380x395, Donefuckit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time. Thanks for the previous critique. Done messing with it, should probably just move on to something else.

Any more critique is appreciated.

>> No.2589959

yeah you're right, I think I'll add a cut inbetween the two that shows them unloading the box in the back of the kitchen and add some kitcheny stuff to the shot where she fumbles in, hopefully it will connect better.

>> No.2590072

Sharing some love


>> No.2590951
File: 1.49 MB, 320x160, robo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i'll bow out after this round, it's a lot of work for nothing really.

>> No.2592041

I remember seeing this website with a large collection of anime roughs/keyframe scenes, but i cant seem to find it anymore, does anyone know which website/blog it is I am looking for?

>> No.2592074

dunno anon but the sakuga site listed earlier in this thread is pretty good

>> No.2592257
File: 1.89 MB, 450x253, soccer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2592281

holy shit i love this. blog?

>> No.2592290

wheres the source of this?
Only brings to Imgur

>> No.2592301

anon must have made it

>> No.2592326

really good stuff anon. If you could clean this up and fix a couple of perspective issues (not the intentional ones like how the sidewalk curves-I mean ones that don't make sense like the way the parking lot looks when she walks out) as well as maybe clarifying what it is she sees when she's out there, I think this will be gold

>> No.2592329

Sakugabooru says its from Achille Bibard

>> No.2592378

How good an artist do u need to be to animate

>> No.2592385
File: 491 KB, 748x2776, Richard Williams - Time to Draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good fampai

>> No.2592561
File: 47 KB, 800x600, CaptureGIF1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jiggly ball bounce.

>> No.2592621


great that was exactly what i was looking for

>> No.2592777

Its good, but you need to stop smearing every frame. If you smear every movement it reduces the impact. And i'm not sure if theres a narrative but if so your pacing and cuts make it so i have no idea what it is.

>> No.2593873
File: 151 KB, 800x450, tvpaint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tvpaint noob here. How do I stop drawings from the previous frame from being added to the new frame? Every time I add a new frame I have to press the clear button before i can draw.
pic related

>> No.2593877
File: 1005 KB, 2592x1936, IMG_2575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, do you know what i should do to get a pegbar. My uncle gave this to me.

>> No.2593886

TVowing has this weird thing where it usually holds the frame indefinitely unless you change the setting. Right where your frame is there should be a setting that you can change, change that from hold to the other thing. (Can't remember what it's called) or it could be that you have your onion skin on which shows you the previous drawings without them actually being on your layer. Are all those drawings on the frame even after you press play?

>> No.2593896

I tried what you said but no dice. I tried turning off onion skin but nah it's still doing it. The drawings are there when I press play, everything works it's just i have to keep hitting clear before I can draw. I probably have to go into pref and see whats up. Thanks though

>> No.2593901

im pretty sure you can get those at dickblick or amazon or those dated online animation supply stores that sell peg bars and aniamtion paper

>> No.2593902

You just set a hotkey for a blank frame. When you move to a new frame, hit the hotkey. Think of it as setting a blank layer in photoshop.

>> No.2593936
File: 60 KB, 960x540, CoordinatedEmbarrassedEchidna.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough test, need to fix parts of the model and color it and stuff.

>> No.2593938
File: 988 KB, 250x169, Dispair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2593945
File: 339 KB, 640x360, CaptureGIF5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2593971

What's wrong with flash?

>> No.2593973

Nothing's wrong with Flash (well, some things), but tweening everything usually looks horrible.

>> No.2593975


Oh yeh, this was just a test, I'm going to mix some fbf action in as well but I really just want to make cartoons not be an amazing animator like some of the guys here :D

>> No.2593983

Make sure you press backspace on new frames so it makes a new clear frame. Or turn off the light table (lightbulb in layer area).

>> No.2594090

Animation student here, yes TVpaint is the bomb, it really has a "traditional" feel to it, transitioning from traditional animation to digital was easier for me, the tools are good and you can also use the software to create backgrounds (they have watercolor, acrylic and oil paint brushes) it is true that the UI is difficult to get used to at first but there are plenty of tutorials on youtube made by the developers themselves. I prefer it using it than toonboom IMO.

>> No.2594094

go and screenshot random moments of any hollywood film and/or any favorite film of yours, it's good practice for composition and silent story telling.

>> No.2594175

Didn't get into uni, lads. 10 got in and I was the 11th.

>> No.2594225

There are two different buttons to add new frames. You're using "Duplicate frame", look for the one near it in the shortcut configuration that adds a blank frame instead.

>> No.2594838
File: 1.12 MB, 640x360, FruityDolts_Storyboard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in an animation slump for over 2 months. A short idea finally hit me. It's only a storyboard and isn't the full version but plz critique.

>> No.2594844

Just buy one online. Get a metal one too, I bought a plastic one and one of the pegs fucking broke off.

>> No.2595202
File: 1.07 MB, 2560x1536, 20160709_212636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perspective from the intro, exaggerate the distance a bit, also the zoom in scene add a bit more distance and length 1/2 - 1 sec to emphasize distance. Overall it's a good start.

P.S. excuse my laziness to sketch.

>> No.2595296

it's lifeless due to autotween between two keyframes, but then again 99% of general public won't care and the generation of today grew up with TWEEEEEEEEEEN animation.

>> No.2595317

catfat I know its you.

>> No.2595922
File: 225 KB, 520x535, fdhhd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would like to hear some cc on this, total newb to animation and would like to know how I could make things look smoother

>> No.2595945

If you're a total newb, do the bouncing ball. The motion is decent, but the timing is totally flat. Also, don't just cut things out and move them around; draw.

>> No.2595955

thanks, I did a couple exercises before moving on with complex structures "total newb" was a bit of an exaggeration on my part, sorry. I can see what you mean about the timing, could you recommend a method to study/get better at this?

>> No.2596071

Different anon. Get a timer, maybe use your phone, and time yourself getting up from your chair. Keep repeating this action until you get an idea of how long it takes to stand up.

Do this in front of a mirror, if you have one. If you dont have a mirror, try to slowly stand up from your chair and take mental notes on what your body is doing. (maybe find what poses will be your keys)

Example: It took me 2 seconds to stand from my chair. Within those 2 seconds, it took me a little over 1 second for my knees to bend and my butt to raise from the chair. The remaining time, I was leaning forward and my knees began to straighten out so I could be in a standing position.

After you perform the act, put in the keys and set the their exposure you match your performance. Once you add the keys and breakdowns you can adjust the time to whatever you like.

take what I said with a grain of salt, anon, I could be horribly wrong

>> No.2596320

thanks to everyone who gave feedback, i was hoping to go back over once done and fix some of the things addressed but there's only a few hours remaining and I'm still not done so I probably won't get a chance to, but thanks anyway,

It's been a rough two weeks but I've scrambled together just over 1000 (very rough) frames, wish me luck.

the webm is over max length for this board sorry http://sendvid.com/mnfxaisx

>> No.2596325

Looks quite good. Definitely some things I would change after the fact, but for two weeks you did a great job.

>> No.2596331

What do people think of using Krita's animation tools for animation?

>> No.2596434

looks alright.

>> No.2596840
File: 1.65 MB, 720x405, FruityDolts_Storyboard-pt2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some more work this evening. Crits are welcome.

>> No.2596842

damn son, thats coming along pretty good!

>> No.2597001
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, charja boi v2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lads

>> No.2597034

Isn't it a little too fast?

>> No.2597247

Thank you!

Yea it is a bit fast now that I'm looking at it from a distance. I've always had trouble with timing in animation. I'll go back an add extra frames.

>> No.2597366
File: 556 KB, 728x3000, dolts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be long, bear with me.

Overall, it's a good start. I like design of the characters, the animation, the idea is pretty clear and simple. There are a few things I would change though.

1. Pacing and editing. I think its a bit all over the place. At times its slow (for the sake of doing something cool, I think), and at times its a little fast. Some of the cuts are very even as well. Right off the bat, you have three shots: the title intro, the kid eating, and the bird landing. They all feel redundant. I get that you're introducing the world, but we could merge all those shots into one. I would show the title, bird flies into screen and we follow it and pan down to the tops of the trees where it lands next to the kid eating the fruit. We can either follow the bird as it takes off again by continuing the pan down, or have the bird fly off and the kid do something to continue the downward movement (he could drop the pit of the fruit and we follow that, or he just looks down, etc...
I wouldn't stop the pan at the end since we have that zoom in the next shot. You could speed up the pan and end up at where the main characters are. Whatever you want to do, just keep that movement so the stops aren't jarring. I would even skip the following downward shot and go right into the medium shot. The next shot where he starts to climb: you're breaking the 180 degrees. The shot where he climbs the branch I would turn the branch screen left again (continuity). The shot after that happens so fast that its hard for us to read it. Last shot is cool, I like that pan.

2. Composition. A lot of your shots have characters dead center. I would play around with them some more.

Really love the little fire that pops up when he gets the idea and the crawl on the branch. Definitely keep those.

Hope this shit makes sense...

>> No.2597469

If I want to make interactive animations am I basically stuck to only using flash?

>> No.2597630

I like your work ethic
Don't stop for round 3, I want to compete with you

>> No.2597731

How would one animate better if this is the kinda thing they can make

>> No.2597738

alright guys so i know how to draw and want to start messing around with animation at least some simple ones
what software should i download ?

>> No.2597966
File: 429 KB, 977x1443, crit-response1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever you are....THANK YOU. Seriously, you did not have to re-edit scenes in a very presentable way.

I do agree, the intro is sloppy. I wanted to do world building but just slapped something together. I'll fix the intro and the the first shot of them standing there.

The reason why the shot of the short one looking around is wide because it's to establish that she's gonna throw rocks towards the taller girl later. (panel 8 in your picture)

You did great sketches of the tree, I'll take note of the angles. While I do like my taller MC's struggle when finally reaching the branch, I could add a side shot of her starting to getting tired from climbing to fix the 180 rule.

>> No.2598310

you can animate in photoshop...

>> No.2598369


>> No.2598409


>> No.2598835

Photoshop is pretty good. It's a very versatile tool.

But honestly nothing beats pencil and paper.

>> No.2599604

I wanna animate a cut in which character A grabs character B by the collar and shouts at them. This started as an idea of a single frame but I kept imagining the responses of both characters and now I'm stuck on how to deliver it through animation

option 1: character A and B are in the frame, character A grabs B and shouts
option 2: character B is in the frame, character A enters right in character B's face, grabs their collar and shouts
option 3: blank frame, both characters enter together, character A drags character B "inside" as it grabs them by the collar, then shouts

I think 3 has the most impact but then I'd be losing the "grab". What do?

>tfw went overboard overthinking the smallest details on something that should've been simple as fuck, and only made for fun
Why am I so stupid and lazy

>> No.2599611

Why not do all three?

>> No.2599992

show the grab first then go to the blank frame and dragging part

>> No.2600350
File: 248 KB, 700x393, Untitled 29.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2600352
File: 543 KB, 700x393, Untitled 30.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2600387

Timing is too even, but ok.
Excellent motion. Try to keep your volumes more consistent.

>> No.2600508
File: 412 KB, 885x637, okay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2600510
File: 579 KB, 1280x720, Untitled 31.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2600519
File: 1.24 MB, 700x394, Untitled-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2601005

Awesome, glad it made some sense to you. I like your new thumbnails better. Watch out for that pesky 180 though, it can sneak up on you.
Panel 2 (taller girl is on the right), Panel 3 (taller girl is on the left), Panel 4 (taller girl is on right again). Panel 5 (I know its rough, but right now it looks like shes centered). Easy way to remember continuity is to pick a side for the characters and keep it throughout the scene. Unless you have a specific shot where the character crosses to the other side of the screen.

Think about movement too. If a character/camera is moving screen right, it would be easier for the audience to follow if the next shot continues that same screen right movement. Of course these rules can be broken depending on what you're trying to do. If you're trying to purposely confuse the audience or something like that.

>> No.2601045
File: 154 KB, 700x393, Untitled 32.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2601047
File: 478 KB, 700x393, Untitled 33.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2601137


my eyes are fucking bleeding. try animating at more than 6 fps

>> No.2601230
File: 77 KB, 500x344, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to make better models in flash? I like animating in the program but the tools you have to use for drawing aren't very good. I either can't get the lines thin or clean enough with the tools provided. It leaves me scratching my head on how shows like Wakfu made the models they did.

>> No.2601243

Zoom in and use a thin brush. Select messy areas and smooth them.

>> No.2601259

Sadly that doesn't seem to get the right line quality either and the smooth tends to hurt things more than help. I'd like to use something as thin as the pencil tool, but of course that only creates shapes... perhaps there's a way to use illustrator and flash together for the purpose of creating decent models?

>> No.2601265
File: 604 KB, 275x128, output_BVubEW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll post this here too.

>> No.2601274
File: 162 KB, 800x600, kpi3Zvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks to me like they do just use the pencil tool. If you want those perfectly clean lines but with a brush, use the pencil/line tool, select all the lines, then go Modify > Shape > Convert lines to fills.

Brush only, this is the best you're gonna get: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q19QNBkh0Y

>> No.2601281

Awesome, I appreciate the help and the video. Just watching a little bit of it I think it may be exactly what I needed.

I'm going to try his approach but I figure I'd ask just in case, is there a way to get the pencil tool to draw like the brush tool or is it forced to snap to lines and shapes?

>> No.2601297
File: 26 KB, 302x452, Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 5.06.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean it straightens the lines? It's probably set to Straighten instead of Smooth or Ink.

>> No.2601312

Nice, I'll have to check it once the power comes back. Again, I appreciate the help.

>> No.2601610
File: 292 KB, 700x393, Untitled 34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2601620
File: 271 KB, 800x600, western draw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2601693


You're really productive sin pie.

>> No.2601698


I think the 180 rule is my greatest nemesis....

But again, thank you so much for helping me!

>> No.2601701

Yep, that's what I wanted. It's funny because I even looked up videos detailing the pencil tool to see if any of them covered a way to change it to free drawing... can't believe I never looked under the tools settings.

>> No.2601835

i like these. gud job

>> No.2601972
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, badluckbootsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys know where to find Toon Boom Harmony? it's just way too expensive for me to buy.

>> No.2602058

You don't need it. Just buy Cacani.

>> No.2602083

huh never heard of it. does it support bitmap?

>> No.2602326

Sadly, a pirated copy of Harmony won't work. You can get it open and to the main screen but you won't be able to draw anything.

>> No.2602338

how good of an artist does animation require like what type of art should i study

>> No.2602344


Also, really study anatomy and perspective... then later you'll want to study a bit of disign. Animation is very intense but I'd say it is the most rewarding. Of course, if you are going the one man animation route be willing to cut corners and make some sacrifices. Personally, I'm going the cut out/puppet animation route, but even with that you still need some decent art skills and animation knowledge to avoid ending up with something Johnny Test tier.

>> No.2603085

Haha, floobynooby. I had a 2 hours job shadow with the writer of that blog when I was 15. At the time, which was 9 years ago, he was the lead effects animator of a studio. Ron Doucet or something? Quite a cool guy.

>> No.2603375
File: 50 KB, 988x988, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seem to be some pretty knowledgeable flash anons here. Are there any good books for animating in flash and how to create good effects with it?

>> No.2603393
File: 496 KB, 700x393, Untitled 35.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads aren't really worth having are they?

thanks, but fuck that, it's really not worth the time, good luck though

>> No.2603432

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgEbV_4F_Y8 <- Flash Tutorial 4: Symbols & The Library , if you're doing effects in Flash they'll be movie clips or graphics

Harry's HuHa 2 How-Tos

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7fTDMaZwVs&list=PLSDCZOPBnYK1vyPLCFXtZolkEkKm5N1ux Cory Spazkid's tutorials, a good place to learn useful keystrokes

>> No.2603445

yo here is the artist's twitter handle: @_Achille_

also here is the sauce on the gif:

>> No.2603598
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, anim000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i downloaded tv paint and did pic related but i will try those out too

>> No.2603601

They defnitely chose the best for last

>> No.2603646
File: 221 KB, 500x281, cliff jump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trash

>> No.2603880

If you already have TvPaint, every single one of those other suggestions is worthless. They were at most stepping stones leading toward TvPaint or Toonboom

>> No.2604253

That first one helped me out a lot, though the second doesn't really cover the animation type I'm doing.


Anyone know if there is a more in depth video on this sort of thing.

>> No.2604270

Looks alright to me.

>> No.2604478

That's funny, I pirated it fine. I got it a long time ago when pirate bay actually worked

>> No.2604481



>> No.2604498
File: 482 KB, 640x480, achille Kiki Krita.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These threads aren't really worth having are they?
sure they are

Dude's amazing. He did a gif promoting Krita's animation feature.

>> No.2604551
File: 13 KB, 900x540, bnc3_ball.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2604619

The first arc is too sharp on top and the timing is even. Everything after that is good.

>> No.2604815


>> No.2604941

I want to make a little side note, that never listen to this kind of advice:


These people fail to understand the difference between timing and inbetweening.

>> No.2604951

I think you're relying on crutches like blurring (in all works) and grand fast paced action ( as opposed to "normal" movement" >>2601047 >>2601045 >>2600352 ) far too much. You have the skill to do things properly, so why not do that?

>> No.2605130

Dude, anon, if youre doing a motion that you can do in real life just do it in real life first. When you get up from a chair (even if youre slouching) you dont move your hips up first, you lean your torso forward then straighten your legs and stand fully erect. The motion in your animation looks like she's cracking her back, but she wouldnt be able to get up from that position.

>> No.2605178

Don’t mean to sound flippant but why should I?

>> No.2605185

Any good lightbox/lightable you guys would recommend?

>> No.2605206

Which Flash programs work well with Win10?
I know Macromedia is out since I couldn't get that to work with Win7 without fucking up everything.

Also do you guys pirating it just buying it?

>> No.2605260

because it would make your work more impressive

>> No.2605435

Because otherwise your characters will look like they're made of liquid.

>> No.2605698

Does anyone know a video or tutorial for creating a model in flash including the different angles for the model. It's weird how hard it is to find information on this stuff.

>> No.2605711
File: 111 KB, 550x500, Frog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a thing from a story, but I had to draw each frame in Sai for the line stabilizer then assemble them in Photoshop.

>> No.2605990
File: 207 KB, 700x393, Untitled 36.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no better way to kill the fun of a hobby by making it about impressing other people

>> No.2606004
File: 527 KB, 700x393, Untitled 37.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I like how it looks what else matters?
Besides I've already posted like 18 gifs so I think that's enough for me, these threads are dead anyway so I'll leave you all to post your milt-kahl-realism now.

>> No.2606107

I like your fluid camera animation style but you gotta get some places to let viewers catch their breath.

>> No.2606252

hey bro me too, from bris, you?

>> No.2606446
File: 66 KB, 600x338, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda happy with this because I did better than usual. Of course I could use some pointers with construction and timing in general.

>> No.2606451

No need to be catty, anon

>> No.2606470

Any 3D animators here know good tutorials for realism/game animation? My stupid college taught strictly toony film style animation techniques and now Im struggling with my job at a game studio.

>> No.2606489

Friend, I hate to tell you this, but your lines still look bad.
Might as well just do the whole thing in photoshop and save time.

>> No.2606492

Im not a 3d animator, but I do aspire to become one once I get tired of 2d.

But, Im curious to ask, cant you study motions that occur in real life?

>> No.2606494

You still follow the principles of animation but to a much lesser degree.

>> No.2606548


>If I like how it looks why does it matter if it's dogshit

Not a valid argument

>> No.2606585

If it's not about impressing other people why are you posting at all? Your stuff can be cool but have problems retaining shape in your characters and being a lil bitch won't change that.

You don't want critique and according to you you don't care about praise so what is it you want? Work it out or suck a nut.

>> No.2606648

I suppose on second thought I am being a little bitch, can you guys recommend me something to animate and I'll do it without any smears or hyperfastanime timing, specify camera angle if you want.

>> No.2606758
File: 1015 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m1zcjlwIND1qcsnnso1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, you don't have to totally tone down on the smears. Your stuff is really cool and has a lot of potential.

I'd suggest checking out some of Yutaka Nakamura's more recent work, Bahi JD and Norifumi Kugai. Smears are one of those things that are helpful in moderation, but if used too often or in the wrong context, can make your shots unreadable or just generally not "feel right".

(Pic related, but not mine. Just an example to give you an idea)

>> No.2606778
File: 1.20 MB, 640x360, FruityDolts_Storyboard-pt3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redrew up a couple of things and added stuff. Had to stop because of hand pains.

I also got a question about Adobe Flash. (I have CC 2014 version on my Mac btw) When my storyboard reached over 30 seconds, it began to stall up. As in showing the spinning rainbow ball for 2 minutes like it was lagging and it would resume like normal. Is this because I don't have a lot of RAM on my computer?

>> No.2606820

Stop being so anal about this
This is a critique board and people gave you their opinions and called you out on things you can improve at

If you really want to challenge yourself, take a monologue/dialouge from a movie and animate the character/s in that scene

>> No.2606836
File: 217 KB, 700x394, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more shit

>> No.2606887

I'll look out for scenes in whatever I watch next.
What do you mean by being anal though? I just agreed with you.

>> No.2607313
File: 89 KB, 500x360, throw-test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time animating in 6 years.
Back then I used to use pre-made sprites so I'm still getting used to it

>> No.2607642

Thanks for animating. Keep gitting gud. Maybe trying to get a few cuts up to cleanup/color would be a good exercise for you.

>> No.2607775

thanks, I cleaned up these in flash >>2600519 >>2600508 but yeah I definitely need more practice with it though because cleanup isn't as mindless as I thought it was, especially with figures. I'm going to try doing a talking scene completely in flash and try to take it to a polished state.

>> No.2608895
File: 115 KB, 1564x713, Here You Go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use more than one timing chart. One for the ease-out and one for the ease in also try animating on two's for this type of motion. It's very rare that you would ever need to animate on one's. That should be reserved for fast, intense actions like runs, fight scenes, etc. Also when animating on two's you should only have three drawings for a blink: open, half closed, shut.

>> No.2608925
File: 272 KB, 640x360, test_anim.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried some camera honkery too but the run turned out awkwardly becuase I didn't really plan how I wanted it to be

>> No.2609131

Aaah that's awesome anon. Sorry I noticed it so late. I'll do some more of this kind of exercise and try to be more precise with my breakdowns. Thanks!

>> No.2609178

why are his genitals circled in the last frame?

>> No.2609383

Not that anon but it seems like that's the head from a different frame

>> No.2609652
File: 2.35 MB, 624x318, prog5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animatic for a friends tv pilot animated opening credits. he wanted it over the top, what do you guys think?
it plays over heavy metal

>> No.2609995

Not bad anon. I think the action is a little bit too slow, it's not easy to picture how each shot will look like once animated but most of them look very slow, especially if you want it to be over the top. Also the camera seems to be on the side too often which doesn't make your shots too dynamic either. Overall the action is easy to understand, it's on the right path.