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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.53 MB, 2131x3000, Anders_Zorn_-_D'Estournelles_de_Constant_(etching)_1906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2577579 No.2577579 [Reply] [Original]

Bitch thread vol. 3

Got to vent about being an artist or about artistic communities? Get it off your chest here.

Keep it art related, or related to the hobby/lifestyle/career/education of art.

>> No.2577690

I lay down on my couch with portraits I have drawn and masturbate pretending shes my gf and that shes jerking me off

>> No.2577703

>now we can post portraits in the porn thread

>> No.2577709

U callin my imaginary gf a whore? Fight me irl bitch nigga I'll wreck u

>> No.2577720
File: 260 KB, 1715x961, cappture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be on normiebook
>see fb 'friend' post art album
>saying 'commisions open', 'selling pieces', etc.
>oh shit this is pretty good.jpg
>too good.psd

Reverse image search that shit, turned out it was direct photobash with brushes to make it look like a painting. Overlayed them with 'reference', turns out its 100% pixel perfection.

Call it out (pic related). What ensued was damage control to the nth degree. Kept msging me to check out ""process"" pics (same fucking shit but with photoshop running in the background) and that they were just 'references', not paintovers. I tell em to show construction. (after I had to clarify what construction meant), replies with "O i'll post anatomy tutorials on my blog later". Later then tells me I'm being mean and making them feel bad. Roll my fucking eyes.

Later in the week:
>Comment is delete.
>I'm unfriended and blocked
>/Fraud/ probably getting away with scamming money & validation from normies.
>I'm grinding out studies like some saddo.

Now I'm pissed /ic/.
At least when I talked to my friends & acquaintances a good amount of them saw the comment before it went down.

>> No.2577721
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Zoom of comment pic, If anyone's interested.

>> No.2577722

lmao wtf, dont stress theyre all fucked

>> No.2577727

i see this all the time on facebook
people give likes to smudged/traced photos
i know only one girl that can draw and shes kinda like discount sakimichan

>> No.2577732

don't stress, just next time it happens, offer a pay on receiving contract at a high price that they cannot refuse, but make sure its public and make sure you request something that can not be refed. (something too specific that would totally require construction and actual skill)
they will always decline, no matter how juicy the money bait is.
make sure its public and their face is involved.
then all others will see them refuse to bite, and get suspicious.

>> No.2577735

>Paint over a photo
>It becomes muddy and ugly

Every time

What does he ask for price?

>> No.2577736

no idea for commission price (I'm blocked, so can't check). Their selling t-shirts and mugs with that shit on it using some third party website though.

>> No.2577747
File: 137 KB, 526x845, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since my /bitch/ post is getting some (you)s, I'll follow up with the message log. Guess what they did right after my reply.

>> No.2577753

Never knew that normfags would be this autistic.

>> No.2577755

Vent time
Why the fuck did relapse into lazy normie mode playing video games back in February when I could've had an insane increase in growth right now, I love drawing, how did this happen you lazy shit?

I also want a time machine to go back 5 years in time (4 years of wallowing in lazyness) and kill my 18 year old self for not gitting gud (or perhaps even further in time to truly forge a great young artist)

fucking relapses into old bad habits

Also so fucking jealous of underaged fucking kids drawing to their hearts content while I shunned the one thing I love because of >video games back when I was 12

Also fucking parents for not sending me to music lessons like piano or drawing/painting lessons or some shit like that, instead they thought it'd be fun for me to learn fucking chess. What the fuck am I going to do with fucking chess skills

>> No.2577784

I know how that feels. I rejected drawing for a long time because of how constantly people said it's not worth it as a career. This was back before social media started becoming more prominent however.

Also took digital design classes instead of traditional drawing classes in high school and ended up wasting a lot of time.

>> No.2577796


Also, this is 4chan mate, you don't have to censor that fucker's name.

>> No.2577815
File: 1.78 MB, 220x228, Fit_Armpit_732019370.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be pro working the industry
>A fan starts texting me
>Conversation gets flirty
>I show a pron drawing
>She is interested so I ask for something in return to show another
>Suddenly she is not interested anymore
>Kay bitch. Say sorry and end the convo
>Went back to work on some freelance stuff
>Took a break to check fb
>Oh shiet.gif
>Bitch is accusing me of being a creep asking for nudes I'm exchange for showing my work.
Why do I always have to deal with lying bitches

>> No.2577821


Damn, son. I hope she gets some kind of cancer that can only be cured by drawing one thousand handmade portraits.

>> No.2577830

Exactly because this is 4chan he has to censor that bitch's name unfortunately

>> No.2577836

>getting sexual with people who are fans of your work
That's where you went wrong.

>> No.2577845

hes making fun out of this nigger who keeps molesting ugly women on facebook

>> No.2577861

I would just walk away if in that situation (I mean the gif), like I got no problem with flat chests or almost, but lying...? no

>> No.2577866

>i am a homosexuel
as expected of /ic/

>> No.2577876

>I'm flat as fuck
Some of us do love dfc, just saying

>> No.2577900

i am man with bigger tits than the girl because im fat
u mad?

>> No.2577907

Go away anthony.

>> No.2577908

I'm wet

>> No.2577917
File: 156 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bitch, but don't force your shitty standards/fetish on me.

>> No.2577926

wan sum fukk babby?

>> No.2577927

Daddy issues where?

>> No.2577929

sure if you bend over for me to fuck you
in your house

>> No.2577938

flash me

>> No.2577943

I get this feeling that my art is fucky and everyone can see that it sticks out like a sore thumb but nobody telling me

>> No.2577984

debunk me dont delete me

>> No.2577985

im a power top
plz have a dick

>> No.2578009
File: 10 KB, 320x284, 1465029576852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too lazy to spend more than 10 mins on a sketch
>too autistic to spend less than 10 hours on a painting

delete me don't debunk me

>> No.2578220
File: 214 KB, 378x372, 5l3zty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIT, my ex is back on permanoobs and crimson daggers. Time to bail on forums once and for all.

>> No.2578228

Look lads, autism in its natural habitat

>> No.2578279
File: 432 KB, 800x832, why bother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This got 10,000+ notes.
I saw a crappy Dva sketch a few weeks ago that was just her head and her hands in the heart pose, scribbly drawing. 16k+ notes.

Then I see people who can really paint, like modern day Leyendeckers and shit, and they get barely any views. Is there any better site for posting your work for actual art lovers to see it, or do we just have to draw whatever meme game or Disney film is trending to try and whore out some commissions?

>> No.2578287

>fan art gets more likes then other art

Oh wow gee mate, who would've thought, if the leyendeckers did a overwatch character in their style and paraded them with tags they'd have as many likes maybe more

>> No.2578352

Wew, I was looking at Picarto a few days ago and caught the artist drawing this thing. Small world.

Also what exactly is wrong with it, it looks good to me...

>> No.2578356
File: 1.12 MB, 1367x1532, A brutal way to die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have I always given up on art, but always come back to it anyway? I did it in highschool, I did it early in college, and I did it late in college. Now I'm coming back and just looking at all that wasted time and feeling pretty bad about it.

>> No.2578366

everythings expensive im so stressed out i cant draw anymore

>> No.2578368
File: 131 KB, 640x640, tumblr_mwuhdnztlR1qbp945o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing is the one thing I have potential in succeeding and even then, making a decent living is questionable

>> No.2578667
File: 184 KB, 1237x976, fuuuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tracing= talent

>> No.2578675

I always wanted to learn, but art was "girly" or for poor losers and something I should never learn when I was growing up. Now I'm growing old and have regrets that I never tried, that I can't draw even basic things.

>> No.2578686

holy shit that's real
it pisses me off that i do that. i actually started forcing myself to spend at least 3 drawing sessions on each sketch b4 start the real thing. my sketches look like a retarded fuck bc trusting in the final painting too much

>> No.2578689

shit, my jimmies
same with vector "art"

>> No.2578712

But it is girly for poor losers family
also most artist men are fags or pedos

>> No.2578746
File: 114 KB, 331x589, 1464380491116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me,hermit mode
>have a friend who urges me to go to the beach with some of her friends who are all a couple years older than me and all "indie artistic" types
>quiet as group talks, notice one of the girls drawing in a notebook
>she goes off for a swim that lasts an hour, we are all ready to leave/have to go to work/get on with our days at this point
>"anon can you call her in from the shore?"
>go to tell her we're leaving but not before noticing her notebook on her towel
>notebook is a paperback moleskin with the words "please open" written on the front along with two bernie sanders stickers
>mfw we are not in america and that her notebook says please open
>head back to friends without calling her over, lie and say she isn't interested in leaving yet

we left her at the beach.

>> No.2578771

You have autism.

>> No.2578784
File: 70 KB, 1304x219, FireShot Capture 13 - _ic_ - Artwork_Critique - https___warosu.org_ic_thread_S2538666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2578912
File: 1.39 MB, 312x250, sloth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me waiting for my new tablet to arrive so i can get back on track

>> No.2578914

That gif made me sad

>> No.2578917

Tell that to mister furry gay porn shit on patreon earning about 2,2 milj every month

>> No.2578943

I know a prostitute that makes thousands a day.
Is a lot of money, but sucking everyone cock is just not worth it.

>> No.2578943,1 [INTERNAL] 

I was very nervous and had been researching Penis Enlargement surgery for a few months. I decided to get a consultation with Dr. Mill and I'm so glad I did. His work makes you feel very comfortable and Dr. Mill is there to answer all your questions and give you the confidence and reassurance you need to have faith about having a positive outcome for your procedure. It has been someday since my procedure and so far I am very happy with my results. I definitely recommend Dr. Mill.
you can consult him direct to his personal Email and mobile: Email: drmillsolutiontemple@gmail.com / WhatsApp: +2348100368288

>> No.2580076
File: 22 KB, 402x312, 43647568584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want art buddies. Seriously all conversations I have with people these days are about boring crap I couldn't care less about. I'm just being polite so I smile, nod and pretend to actually put some thoughts into the words I say but in my head I'm just staring at the ceiling and thinking how much I want to go home and watch some anime and draw. Why does everyone and everything around me seem so un-interesting and blank? I want meaningful conversations, I want to go with someone on a night stroll through city streets, stare at the stars, hit the gallery and discuss old masters, just someone who actually has some interesting insight of their own.
I always considered myself a loner and felt ok with that but ever since I graduated high school and everyone went their own way I've realised what true loneliness means and fuck do I hate it
This world is cold and harsh place and even though art is my everything it's still not enough to fill up the void. I guess this is why artists tend to end up depressed/addicted/poor/dead at young age/all of em together

>> No.2580080

marco stop, what are you doing.

>> No.2580088

i know how you feel. my jobs a cool place, we work manual labor and can have full conversations while working, but we only talk about tv and capeshit basically. There's also rap music, i work with black people, and video games. After the 3rd captain america and drake doing stupid shit, what else can you talk about? There is one dude I talk to who is into anime art and programming. That's the closest I get to interesting discussion. He actually wants to do some work with me, but I make excuses.

>> No.2580089

They're out there. I've been in your situation before and it's really good to finally meet other artists and chat them up. They're still just like anyone else though so some of them you'll grow to like, some of them you'll hate and you won't always get what you're looking for but it's worth your time to try people out.

Anything on your mind recently?

>> No.2580127
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 54352216134512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Having art friends is all fine and dandy anon but please keep in mind to NEVER become infatuated with any of them.

Just think of them JUST as friends, or better yet, possible connections to bigger things. That's as far as you should keep it as.

Unless one of your artist friends starts coming on to you first, you should never try to pursue a relationship with an artist. It'll only be a distraction and you'll end up disappointed or depressed in the end. It's even worse if they draw better than you.

>> No.2580141


I had a couple friends after ten years of absolute social isolation.

I went to a small art course on my town and I met them. It felt nice to talk to other human being about meaningful topics, but they were more skilles than me and I felt utterly inferior to them.

Anyways, now I hate them. I considered them my friends, but they dumped me for girls they could easily fuck and never talked to me again.

I feel sick. I worked at a shitty place and I can tell for sure there is no hope for people. But I can't take it anymore. Loneliness is so fucking quiet is like being dead already.

I just want a person to talk to irl. It doesn't have to be an artist, but I want to talk to a smart person.

Whatever. If I have something to add is: Never befriend another artist just for the sake of art. They're shitty friends.

>> No.2580148

I had art buddies.

All liberal college kids. Really hard to get along with because you always have to be "safe".

Even people you would know for years, you have to carry yourself around them like a complete stranger.

Honestly I wish I never had any of these friends.

I just want to meet a semi-abnormal 4chan lurker friend, who isn't insane enough to do weird shit like stalk me.

>> No.2580155

but you're so stalkable desu

>> No.2580190

Artists can be shitty people or great people, anon.

>> No.2580195

>Never befriend another artist just for the sake of art.
Well sure, you should be capable of being friends if you intend to befriend them but
>They're shitty friends.
Is certainly not a rule. Some of the people I get along with and identify best with are artists that I met through art. Some are better than me, some are worse. We all help each other learn.

>> No.2580339

When people pretend to "understand" abstract art and say shit like "I can paint that" when it takes a person years to develop a philosophy or an idea, but when one twat makes his/her own EMPTY accident on canvas fruitfully assumes they are an artist themselves giving artist like myself a bad name.

>> No.2580642
File: 8 KB, 316x202, 13d9a34dcd09c343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i slept for 14 hours straight last night and i had a dream that i was a hooker again and i can't find a condom so i went everywhere around a building looking for a condom and nobody was selling condoms even though i had of roll of benjamins in my hands so i went back to my room and had to fuck my john bareback

then i wake up in the late morning and realize that i missed my class because i was sleeping for over 14 hours and i was like fuck it and came straight to /ic/ with a cup of joe because what is my life

still spooked from my dream, i decide to relax by drawing, pick up my sketchbook and when i put my pencil to the paper, the lead breaks

>> No.2580691

kill yourself

>> No.2580704

You know what to do know anon

Follow your dreams

>> No.2580994
File: 62 KB, 597x503, ReallyFuckingProfound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then crack open my skull and pour it out on the gallery floor.

What a fucking faggot

>> No.2581006

>be a hobbyist digital art fag
>only uploads monthly on blog due to work, including sketches
>let that sink in for a moment.webm
>was doing a simple piece
>turned out shit due to composition not right
>ragequits and declares polished turd a failure
Terrible when I'm already a slow fag, still puzzles me how even the 'slower' artists only takes 48 hours to finish a complete work.

>> No.2581023

His twitter avatar is probably stolen artwork as well without crediting him/her

>> No.2581106

I am a neet and I literally dont want to do anything. Even right now i gotta buy groceries. if my mom doesnt have bread tonight she's gonna kill me

>> No.2581115


I for one welcome a new art movement where podmodern "artists" use their brain-matter as a paint substitute.

>> No.2581778

Where's this thread been all my life

>> No.2584881

i want art frens

>> No.2584938

I have a suspicion that people in my industry only keep hiring me to fit a diversity quota and not because my art is worth a shit

Feels bad, man. But not as bad as not getting hired, I guess

>> No.2584943

I hate anime and anime posters.

>> No.2585080

Some people feel the same about traditional classics.

>> No.2589030

I have an animation job but im slow at it, my boss/coworkers are fine with it because im a new employee fresh out of college but I hate the feeling of incompetence. I live in constant fear of my boss deciding that Im bad at this one day and firing me.

>> No.2589034

heyyyy they hired you for a reason. also it's a PITA to fire someone. Just do your best and they're not gonna fire you. By putting effort in and coming in to work on time, you're already doing better than most employees out there.

>> No.2589044

Yeah i try to keep that in mind, plus ive been staying an extra half hour-hour every day since I switched from intern to full time. Thanks for the encouragement, anon

>> No.2589053

Stop watching Filthy Frank, dude.