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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 245 KB, 700x955, Owler-282734-Eyebrow_Queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2576710 No.2576710 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw drawings/sketches here

>> No.2576714

post more

>> No.2576717


>> No.2576727

I will give you money if you teach me and criticize my drawings

>> No.2576733


I don't draw nsfw because my mom is also into art and she is always asking to look at my sketchbook :(

>> No.2576734

>say no
>have a separate sketchbook for it
>move the fuck out of your parents house

>> No.2576737

Lol why not but that'as not me hahaha

>> No.2576743

wtf lad
so make this thread on /h/ or /aco/

>> No.2576759
File: 494 KB, 200x200, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pubes like eyebrows

>> No.2576815 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 480x480, Call the mods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2576822


>> No.2576824
File: 126 KB, 432x768, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on this but will probably drop it

>> No.2576852
File: 1.13 MB, 3840x2160, Alice Nakiri Lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2577224
File: 116 KB, 525x700, elfsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2577233
File: 3 KB, 174x90, elves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2577245
File: 488 KB, 1200x720, legs june 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this considered lewd

>> No.2577502
File: 2.69 MB, 2724x2069, 20160603_185229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2577507

>no feminine penis

>> No.2577508


>> No.2577512


>> No.2577521

theres already 2 shill yourself threads
theres also a different board for this

>> No.2577549

Not everyone is a closet faggot, Anon.

>> No.2577560

>feminine penises
shiggy diggy

>> No.2577575

>current year
>using faggot as an insult

>> No.2577586


>> No.2577598

that abductor is too big tho

>> No.2577632

>No porn
That was disappointing, judging by this >>2577502 you could almost be white datura level if you give it your best.

>> No.2577642
File: 354 KB, 700x738, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New at this NSFW shit. Would appreciate some pointers. I might also hang out in a draw thread later if anyone is interested?

>> No.2577645
File: 125 KB, 945x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something else to consider. Actual crit please!

>> No.2577648

I know I fucked the perspective in this one a lot. She's missing like, the middle of her torso

>> No.2577650
File: 82 KB, 1125x1000, cfb356ee-4874-42f7-8bc3-99323f545c7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2577654

Fug, yeah I was reluctant to put any NSFW stuff online with my name attached. Maybe I should make a blog for that alone.

>> No.2577687

If you know that why dont you fix it?

>> No.2577694

I didn't notice until it was finished. It was one of those "it's uploaded and it's 3am" type realisations.
It's too much of a pain to go back now, I'd rather take the crit and bare it in mind for next time.

>> No.2577705
File: 63 KB, 588x551, korra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on korra with a peen

>> No.2577726

>Korra squating up and down riding a dick

>> No.2577799


>> No.2577802

what? did the porn thread finally die or something? what happened?

>> No.2577808

Whats the difference?

>> No.2577819

Quite well done. Blog?

>> No.2577936

gtfo with your requests, dickbrain.

>> No.2577946

if you draw semirealistic anatomy, then keep it consistent with the hands as well. that is if you are able to do so.

>> No.2578015

What was the picture?

>> No.2578372
File: 881 KB, 1440x1152, 20160626_145443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2578400 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, rub12.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2578405
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, rub12.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2578409

Nice. Got a blog?

>> No.2578425

its lusty-bumble.tumblr.com or love-bumble on HF

>> No.2578479
File: 276 KB, 593x1000, mei bae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2578493


>> No.2578677

filthy sodomite

>> No.2578680

Get rid of the dick, it doesn't fit.

>> No.2578841
File: 523 KB, 1400x2000, sketch1466726992287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw so much but I'm not getting better. I just want to draw hot porn, so critique this thing I drew so I can get better hopefully

>> No.2578864
File: 203 KB, 1266x884, ss+(2016-06-27+at+09.07.47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see the style you're going for, not my personal kink but the dick heads should look less like bowler hats and have more of a lip, i mean you cab draw em however you like but this is what i do, also the body you can start with this template an work around it, it works pretty damn well for bodys, im still learning myself but im getting there, practice daily on genitals, tits are the easier ones and so much fun

>> No.2578879

if you want to get better stop drawing just hot porn (which in your case is everything else but hot), go a step back and learn perspective construction and anatomy.
this is the only way you'll one day be able to draw hot porn. sorry anon, skills and good art aren't easy to obtain.

>> No.2578883

Draw one thing at a time, and dont just piece it all together, if you want to draw hot porn, you need to start by drawing 20lbs of pussy and ass until you can make it look hot.

>> No.2578886
File: 92 KB, 1110x1600, boipucci deadmau5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2578887

Are you using a mouse to draw? stick to traditional or get a pen and tablet.

>> No.2578889

worst possible advice kek.

>> No.2578890

>piss tube
>jizz tube
men have just one for both, women are the ones with 2 ''tubes''. one for pissing, the other one for fucking

>> No.2578892

it was just my guide on thickness desu

>> No.2578896

If he cant even draw good looking dick and poon then why wouldn't he start with practicing how to do that, you can literally learn how to draw a good looking cock in a couple hours.

>> No.2578915

>you can literally learn how to draw a good looking cock in a couple hours.
haha, yeah sure. you can learn perspective in a couple hours, right.
his problem aren't unappealing cocks, his problem is that he doesn't know what drawing is.
please, stop being a dickbrain and start thinking with your upper head.

>> No.2578918

yeah sure. you simply failed like an idiot. just stop posting instead of trying to repair the irreparable, dumbass.

>> No.2578925

nice input

>> No.2578942

Ok so, I think your legs and your shota dick actually look fine. I would say you need to practice where bones are in the body. The hip on the right is far too high, and the way the foot is attached is making it look flat.
Download an anatomy book and draw from there without any complicated posing. You need to study up on form and volume.

Also a tip for drawing dicks. Don't join the head to the shaft with a line that is solid. Doxy does a good dick tutorial on trapfuta that'll give you some nice ideas.

>> No.2578965

ic is a fucking joke. You people are a fucking joke.
I guess that happens when beginners try to teach other beginners how to draw.

Guys, you really should learn your place. Stop trying to be teachers when it's obvious you have no idea how to give proper advice.

>> No.2578968

>You have to be a master in order to give feedback
I want this meme to end

>> No.2578971

you have to be at least good enough to understand what kind of advice somebody needs. none of the advice I quoted do that.

and yeah, you have to have a critical artistic eye to be able to spot mistakes and lack of knowledge.

if you see this >>2578841 and the only thing you think should be addressed are the dicks, then I have bad news for you, my dear scrubbster.

>> No.2578976

>be an artist
>move out of your parents house

>> No.2578982
File: 121 KB, 1086x1080, Anon_dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done a year ago from a /b/ thread

>> No.2578984

Gud trace anon

>> No.2578986

Would you prefer cuck?

>> No.2578992

No actually you are right, that advice was dogshit

>> No.2578994

Not traced
i'd like an actual review of the things i fucked up please
I'm here to improve, not to impress fags with fake crap
Else I'd be on /b/ or /trash/

>> No.2578997
File: 1.21 MB, 1437x2002, 14535071749182850803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this Doxy girl looks like a very skilled artist...

>> No.2579003

The guy uses 3D models as a base, how the fuck do you fuck it up this bad is beyond my understanding.

>> No.2579051
File: 233 KB, 900x654, hvg bn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2579058

Kekfag, kill yourself please. Drawing cock =/ perspective fucking faggot. Perspective is a concept, a dick is a dick. Most shots in porn (irl porn btw) only focus on the most interesting angles to make $$$, and that's all you need for said body parts to look good in porn. Perspective is a whole 'nother level of skill and focus for art sake, WHICH would take more time than 1 day just to "master".

>> No.2579062

Also, ITT: Report posts that contain buzzwords as "kek, -ster, and "I know how to art but won't show my work because I'll get doxxed"".

Thanks and have a good day.

>> No.2579088

drawing anything correctly requires understanding of perspective unless you are stylizing beyond that. but since he's trying to draw semi realistically, perspective knowledge is a must in his case. please stop making a fool of yourself and just gtfo.

>> No.2579093

stop being so butthurt. is your ass still aching because you can't take criticism? grow a pair instead of being such a sissy.

>> No.2579096

this is very appealing, especially the right sketch. but it's hard to really judge your skill based on this alone.

>> No.2579099

over referenced is the first thing that comes to mind. that's why that other anon said it was traced. work on your gesture and try to stylize more. this way you'll avoid the over-referenced look and in the process you'll develop your own style.

>> No.2579107

Reply in one post, kekfag. At least be a little less autistic.

>> No.2579167

this is how much

>> No.2579171

I care

>> No.2579174

Either he's gotten lazy as fuck or he doesn't care anymore.

>> No.2579237

I didn't say "hey draw like doxy!" I said he has a good dick tutorial, which he does. You can take helpful things from doxy without becoming a carbon copy. (Coughr4cough)

>> No.2579320
File: 524 KB, 2800x1978, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commissioner wants God Eater futa shibari

>> No.2579366
File: 2.08 MB, 2563x4500, title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems unfinished to me, how do I improve?

>> No.2579383
File: 38 KB, 491x564, splut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any advice on a simple background I could use to bring this thing together?

>> No.2579400
File: 231 KB, 903x1000, imprider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually found a solution I'm happy with.

>> No.2579401

Noted, i'll try my best
Thanks !

>> No.2579405

I see what you're trying to do, but the way that dick moves makes no sense... is the guy jumping violently up and down? Look at some porn where that particular motion is done and you'll see where you went wrong. Also, the genitals are poorly/incorrectly drawn, which is a bit of a boner kill. I like the angle and the girls face, tho. It has potential.

>> No.2579407

Careful with her torso. She's so narrow she has no room for her organs.

>> No.2579434

Thanks! Yeah, I have really been neglecting my studies on private parts. I won't be fixing this piece up because I consider myself done with it, but I'll do some studies before I move onto my next piece.

>> No.2579475

try to rely less on tracing other people's art as well.

>> No.2579510

your linework is very poor but your construction is decent, assuming you're working from memory. got a blog or something?

>> No.2579579
File: 734 KB, 944x1388, RutoLink2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this get me banned on tumblr? and if so what's a better alternative?

>> No.2579582

>Banned from tumblr for posting porn
Kek, even disturbing fetish porn is probably one of the least disturbing things people post on tumblr

>> No.2579591

Well that's what I think too, but posting shota still worries me for some reason

>> No.2579612

Exaggerations is the route of insanity, once you draw "good" for too long, you have to go out to make your stuff "more appealing". This doesn't always work, nor should be something you'd fall into. But as for many porn artists, this tends to happen a lot I noticed.

>> No.2579652

they only hate lolis

>> No.2579663


>> No.2579684

Hentai foundry is good for this kinda stuff, but you'll be fine on tumblr. I draw bestiality and they still haven't banned me.

>> No.2579704

torso looks fine dood

>> No.2579707
File: 617 KB, 2240x1344, 20160422_111041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek, anon

>First time in /ic/ what do y'all think?

>> No.2579737

Hmm, alright, thanks man. Mind if you post your blog so I can see the stuff you get away with?

>> No.2579756
File: 392 KB, 1686x2361, f2967c9dd4e3d7b39f89a1b6116056f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the fuck do you fuck it up this bad
That shit is clearly intentional. Stop being a dunce. You're in a porn art thread, accurate anatomy has never been what sells porn.

>> No.2579783
File: 168 KB, 849x698, Faio-429244-Cow_Girls_full_body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon who drew this:

I'm the one who wanted to commission you for some animation. Sry I didn't get back to you in decent time, but I'm ready nao.

>> No.2579891
File: 455 KB, 964x1800, i can't draw feet ffs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time drawing a trap and a dick. Kinda impressed, kinda mad that I could draw a decent looking feminine penis without using a reference, suggestions on what to improve? I'm working on the feet right now so if anyone has any critique, tips or suggestions, I'd appreciate them!

>> No.2579904

Practice colour theory a bit more maybe? Assuming you're using a reference, it doesn't really look like you've got a good grasp of using colour or blending neatly atm. Your anatomy is a bit off as well, I can tell from how you've drawn the hands and fingers that you don't have a solid understanding of 3D form yet. The face almost looks traced but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here.
In short, practice shading on simple 3D objects before attempting a full figure. And maybe draw different hands a couple hundred times.

>> No.2580184
File: 361 KB, 1368x936, corn low res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been looking for a thread like this

>> No.2580194
File: 153 KB, 800x1000, halppls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2580235
File: 75 KB, 640x480, a8b1a38129a67fafa18fadc9a7d8ecb51320563007_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2580324
File: 2.16 MB, 2400x2000, 12321412431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crit pls

>> No.2580327

I doubt you are that big of a name to attract enough haters. Don't worry.
adult link and doesn't qualify as shota.

nah, it doesn't. his anatomy is your typical anime/manga symbol driven crap. huge heads, hands and feet way too small, waists and torsos too thin to hold organs and so on. inb4 style. yes yes, sure. but you see anon, there's good stylization and then you also have this kind of stylization, like copycat anon here does. he just mimics other mangakas he likes but he doesn't have a clue why things look like they do. and so he ends up with crap that lacks the fundamentals true manga masters really understand and apply to their drawings.

you can't draw the rest either, for that matter.

>> No.2580328

learn some fundamentals of drawing, a.k.a. read the sticky and gtfo to the beginners thread.

>> No.2580363

Any critique or suggestions to improve then senpai?

>> No.2580368
File: 659 KB, 800x1030, 1463554028910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatomy doesn't need to be realistic, but it needs to be there. Also, experiment more with shading.

>> No.2580372
File: 392 KB, 669x1000, dva222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew one more

>> No.2580410

STOP! stop what you are doing and learn how to draw. You know damn well that looks like shit.
read the sticky, follow the sticky

So do you...
That's a commission? I would want my money back. What did you do, copy the head? because other than that its fucked up from the neck down. Figure studies dude, figure studies. Good anime artists have SOME understanding of how human being should look. Do some fucking studies m8

At least you know its bad.
JUST drawing isn't going to get you anywhere. You need to study buddy. I Barely see any understanding of the basics going on in this picture dude. If you spend even a fraction of the all time you claim to use drawing turds, to do some studies, you'd be a better than most of the people in this thread.

The perspective isn't the only thing that's fucked anon. I know you know it's bad. Do some studies, learn a bit about human anatomy, fucking STOP the way you are doing that line art as it is quite shit.

It's not just the feet familia
The more I look at this the more obvious your lack of understanding of the basics shows. You need to stop copying legoman heads and do some figure studies.

That's a Study right? actually it doesn't matter...Yes it is unfinished. In fact you need to start over.
Honestly I would say you need to learn how to finish a drawing before rendering.

Pay attention to your proportions, how light hits the figure, how the form changes from light to shadow. Measure your ref.

Please Don't use lines for each individual hair, those eyebrows and eye lashes are fucking my shit up.

Since you are a beginner don't fucking use the airbrush until you are just about finished with the pic.

Another fuck up from the neck down.
don't waste your time polishing turds. You are hiding every part you don't understand and the parts you think you do; YOU DO NOT. Figure fucking studies sonny, get on that shit.

>> No.2580434

I already told you in previous threads but you don't seem to listen to critique. You need to improve your gesture, understanding of perspective (internalization of it) and how elements in a 3d environment interact with eachother.
But I'm sure you won't address all this in a studying manner and you'll instead keep doing what you are doing trying to eventually get better at it.

>> No.2580440

this guy gets it.

>> No.2580456

This is great. Are you taking commissions?

>> No.2580485
File: 115 KB, 500x650, wefew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2580489

Biceps, abs, thighs. Fat doesn't grow like that either.

>> No.2580518

acquire taste plox

>> No.2580532
File: 108 KB, 881x653, 2736e944679d67556f73bec964f49e83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me up

>> No.2580653
File: 708 KB, 1276x2400, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first pr0n drawing i ever spent a lot of time on so it's probably a polished turd. lewd isn't usually my thing so i'd like to know what i could do to make it better.

>> No.2580658

wow i really dont understand how interest in futanari has suddenly sky rocketed.

almost every fkn porn artist draws futa now. Even if the image isn't futa, it comes with a mandatory futa version of it. Hell, I've seen artist draw futa first, leaving the vagina version to be the 'edit'.

>> No.2580660


>> No.2580663


Yeah, suddenly. Obviously it wasn't unknown even years ago, but now its like every fucking artist is into it, or even just draws it to satisfy those who are interested in it.

if you ask me, it's come about from years of use of fictional pornography on the internet, resulting in many porn users who are seeking something new, or strangely erotic....

>> No.2580668

are you that guy who drew the big demon boyfriend? i want your blog

>> No.2580699

I've only posted this in the beginner thread as well, were you the same anon that replied there? If so I'm working on your suggestions and really appreciate the feedback, but you otherwise seem annoyed by something I have (or haven't?) Done

>> No.2580740

Fucked up feet trap artist here, thanks for the feedback! It's been a while since I've done figure studies and just started working on heads, so I'll do those for a couple days as well as what >>2580434
This anon suggested and try it again next week, wish me luck

>> No.2580763
File: 103 KB, 670x722, 3884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that's me

>> No.2580765

is that fucking narancia

>> No.2580969

C'mon man it's clearly young link, step it up

Sorry but no, not right now. I already have one guy and that's enough to keep me busy.

>> No.2581031

haha wow. keep drawing and keep being you, ok?

>> No.2581096
File: 96 KB, 622x796, samus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2581110

Then go to /b/ or /trash/

>> No.2581119

Don't get uppity with me about ny dickuus oniichan or I'll call your parents on you desu

>> No.2581125

then either learn how to draw young looking characters, or even better go die in a fire, fucking degenerate.

>> No.2581263
File: 160 KB, 1188x1826, Rav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think so far? I'm sorry if it's not very good.

>> No.2581271

This is basically the answer. Among other reasons.

>> No.2581289
File: 76 KB, 500x500, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crit pls

>> No.2581324
File: 220 KB, 500x3000, muchneedededit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't really have much going for it. It's literally just a naked girl standing there doing nothing erotic in particular. One can hardly call it porn, just NSFW.

The proportions are off, but I can tell that you've clearly tried with individual body parts. Breasts have a lot of detail, your hands look okay, and your feet, while manly, have some structure to them.

>> No.2581345

Ah right, thanks. I'll fix it once i get home

>> No.2581349


I referenced my feet in a mirror so that's probably why, I couldn't really tell they looked manly though. I'll have to look up some girl feet and try to figure out where the difference is. I'm not really a foot guy, I just didn't want them to look bad.

You think the legs are too short? They're longer than the torso, so they're already a bit longer than normal. I think.

I know it's a little plain, but it just said NSFW thread, so I assumed this was the place to post it. I know it's not very dynamic, I've been thinking about it since I started the drawing. I tried to add a bit of flow to it through the right arm and left leg, but it's still kind of stiff. I'll definitely try to do something with more of an action next time.

>> No.2581377


>> No.2581385
File: 32 KB, 418x847, ss+(2016-06-26+at+03.27.12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not saying you did, but it looks like you took the pose from my sketch in another thread and also the part where mine is gonna be a trap.

>> No.2581392

it's not that you can't draw the same thing and same pose as someone else, but it's rude. There is too much borrowed from mine for this to be a coincidence

>> No.2581401

>I-it can't be a coincidence
Sure anon, sure. Your pose and concept were so exceptional that on the internet where a person could copy or trace any pose they wanted, they chose yours because it was just that good.

Stop starting shit, get over yourself, and shut the fuck up.

>> No.2581406

shut the fuck up. nobody cares enough about your shitty traps and the fucked up left leg to steal from you.

>> No.2581410

I didnt say my pose was good (I changed it to something different after that). I have reason to believe your that same person for how bizarrely hostile you are.

Also, It doesn't matter if the idea or concept are good, it matters a bit to me that they copied it without saying anything. I literally made that pose up, I haven't used any references yet

>> No.2581416

what do you reckon the chances are this is a samefag?

>> No.2581418



oops, I meant these two

>> No.2581433
File: 9 KB, 447x177, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're not sucking your dick so we must be the same person or even the same artist as the guy above, is that it? how autistic can you be?

you're so goddamn sensitive you won't make it in you think everyone and their dog is stealing from you. your pose isn't original at all.

I have a better idea. Why dont you just not post anything online at all, because you're so scared that someone's going to steal from you? nobody want to see your shitty art anyway.

>> No.2581442

eh, I just thought it was weird that two people said "shut the fuck up" in two post very soon after each other.

I'm not as upset as you seem to think I am. you must think I'm here screaming or crying like a 12 year old.

>> No.2581448

thank you :) i appreciate that

>> No.2581600

>one foot in one foot out
This is my favourite modern meme.

>> No.2581618

Both of you just fuck off. We don't give a flying shit if you fuckboi rip each other off, both of your works are flawed and aren't anything special as a piece of artwork. Many faggots have done better, stop bitching over your shit pictures being similar and fucking get better at drawing to compete with better artists out there.

>> No.2581629


To be fair, this is the first time I've done it. I didn't really think about it beyond not wanting to draw her standing straight like a board.

>> No.2581646
File: 931 KB, 1720x2404, yaranaikAMETEI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u sound like u need a good shag

>> No.2581647
File: 513 KB, 808x1200, shower2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2581651

y i k e s, I'm the first trap artist, you're right the poses do look similar but I didn't see your thread anon. Just got it from trying to draw off the top of my head based on other traps and then found a pinup reference later. >>2581401
This guy was right in that the pose itself isn't terribly unique either, sorry you feel that way tho

Apologies guys, I didn't expect this thread to get derailed because of my shitty drawing, just wanted honest feedback, which I got. I won't post again in case I accidentally set off another shitstorm, but happy drawing guys

>> No.2581652

face looks silly tho
hard to pinpoint why

>> No.2581654

Exaggeration is to porn as sketching is to drawing. They do it because it's fun to do and it helps to try to skew the anatomy as much as you can while it still resembles what it's meant to somewhat

>> No.2581666

something about the eyes maybe.

>> No.2581672
File: 26 KB, 239x200, this is what you were going for I think.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You draw the nostrils-up makes it look like their head is tilted backwards, but you draw the lower jaw and the neck as if it is facing directly forward, it looks like she is wearing a mask or there is something wrong with her jaw, because mouths do not work like that unless you are a snake

Also, I have nothing against women with defined cheekbones, but that is just ridiculous, no one cheekbones look like that, no matter how much of their blood is 1/16th Cherokee

>> No.2581677

The eye on the right is drooping slightly. Really well drawn otherwise though.

>> No.2581689

no worries, I jumped the gun a bit. It's not unreasonable that we both saw the same trap picture and did a pose based off it. I've done that with another trap picture and didn't realize it until after.
your drawing isn't shitty, sorry for the drama.

>> No.2581704
File: 3.92 MB, 3368x4200, ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm, yeah, i messed up with the lower jaw. i used reference(see pic related) but didn't properly think through how a wide open mouth would affect the jaw and neck.

now that i look at it again the eye does look a bit droopy.

appreciate the critique fellas.

>> No.2581711

yeah it is easy to shift the placement of the lower jaw from head-on
the mouth will fuck you up, trick you into thinking it moves much, but the jaw and chin don't move too much, is best to imagine a flat plank on your subject face to help

good luck with the fix, i really like the art on your tumblr, good bodies

>> No.2581813
File: 160 KB, 500x659, ww s prstenom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2581873
File: 326 KB, 762x1626, hoodiev2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2581874
File: 539 KB, 1392x1944, poke3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and an unfinished piece, any feedback is welcome.

>> No.2581883
File: 458 KB, 957x1785, elsa dev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2581892

her eyes don't make any sense and they are also fucking awful looking

>> No.2581955

dat right leg...

>> No.2581962

Dear lord... I mixed up this thread with the cringe thread...

I'm never disappointed with how much /ic/ disappoints

>> No.2582013

stop talking about dynamics and details, when it's obvious you lack fundamental knowledge such as perspective, anatomy and gesture.
stick to the beginners thread until you get better and stop trying to make porn.

>> No.2582015

either overly referenced or traced. in both cases, stop doing that. you end up with a copy of a photo instead of something interesting that has your personal note to it.

>> No.2582039

If she's an artist she will understand .. It's art! Then u ask her to pose nude 4u

>> No.2582044

Did you use the feels guy's face as a reference?

>> No.2582158
File: 225 KB, 733x906, KR01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having trouble with her right hand.

>> No.2582211

>Having trouble.
there, ftfy.

>> No.2582253

Haha what the fuck

>> No.2582283
File: 315 KB, 780x1103, request.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it look so bad guys?

>> No.2582310

because you have no idea what fundamentals are and all you are doing is copying stuff you saw instead of understanding what you saw and how to draw it properly.
tl;dr you are a beginner and you should gtfo to the corresponding thread.

>> No.2582329

I sort of feel like /ic/s obsession with classical anatomy makes it not the best place on advice for porn. When you look at the art styles that tend to be the most popular they tend to be heavily stylised.

>> No.2582333
File: 191 KB, 650x929, samusgrey2sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2582341

another idiot that doesn't know why fundamentals are called fundamentals.
all good artist stylize THAT GOOD because their knowledge of stylization is supported by their understanding of fundamentals.
yeah, you can copy and mimic styles, but if your fundamentals aren't in place the picture in most cases will look like crap (basically almost every single pic in this thread is like that).
Seriously anon, if you are a beginner stop trying to sound smart. You just end up sounding like an idiot.

>> No.2582346

fix the proportions of the face. the eyes are too far apart. the mouth and nose are placed too far to her right.
the perspective of the hands could be revised as well and her right forearm is way too thin.
Otherwise it's a really neat pic anon. Keep it up.

>> No.2582349

you are being the idiot here anon

>> No.2582351

why do shitty artists always insist on drawing porn?

>> No.2582355

Because they know no one will care about their art unless it satisfied some carnal need.

Keeps them from working as a barista their entire career.

>> No.2582356

You see plenty of complaints that are actually about stylisation though.

>> No.2582361

Because when people are horny they have less blood flowing to their brains, making them less discerning. I.e., it's easy.

>> No.2582364

why so salty anons?
we will all make it remember? ^~^

>> No.2582366

fingers too long, palm too short

>> No.2582368

that made me realize, green lantern can fuck as many asses as he wants and whatever sizes he wants

>> No.2582373

Thank you! Edited the face and forearm, might take a look at the hands as well after a short break!

>> No.2582376

Where the furshit at?

>> No.2582387

(You) first

>> No.2582392

I'm not salty, I draw porn myself, I believe it is a smart choice, good luck making it in SFW.

Plus, less clothes, less details to work on~

>> No.2582400

It was from imagination anon
But that critique isn't really helpful tbhf

>> No.2582459

prove me wrong, scrubby.

>> No.2582465

it doesn't matter if it was from imagination. it still applies to your art. you see something in your mind and instead of constructing the pose (which you'd do if you had some knowledge about perspective and figure drawing) you just draw something that you think is okay. but since you aren't skilled enough, you can't tell what's exactly wrong. you only know it looks crappier than work from people that actually know how to draw.
as I said earlier. you lack fundamental knowledge about drawing.

>> No.2582476

Black lines,stiff pose,dumb expression,Shading makes no sense ,stupid crop,if would be better if she had legs.

>> No.2582479


I know a fair amount about all of those things, I just don't do very much figure invention, so it's a bit rocky right now. I hadn't intended to make porn, like I said in the other reply, the thread just said NSFW and had a picture of a naked chick in the OP so I posted it here.

I hope you got a good rush out of your comment, but you didn't really get anywhere with it.

>> No.2582535

Question, have you gotten any faggot here to actually follow your advice? I still see the same shit after all the shit you've given them with no results.
Maybe you need to be a better teacher.

>> No.2582561

>no results.
A. People don't learn how to draw in one day, especially people who have never tried to draw well in their life.
B. Most beginners post expecting everyone congratulate them for their shitty drawing and never come back once they see they won't be getting any of that. Case in point >>2582479

>> No.2582568


Who says I was expecting congratulations? I apologized for it not being great when I posted it, I never expected anything but criticism. Constructive criticism mind you, not "you're awful and don't know anything go to the beginner thread". That's not even criticism, that's just you jerking your ego off.

You have mental problems man, I just posted a picture to see what advice people would give, this isn't some weird dick measuring competition.

>> No.2582634
File: 191 KB, 1757x1058, xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some quick concepts for a sm convention flyers.

>> No.2582636

Reminds me of Death Grip's Money Store

>> No.2582643
File: 198 KB, 736x1240, xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Death Grip's Money Store
true, it's a nice cover.
didn't know about them, my draws are older than the album, but this kind of masks are not rare on the sm community. here's another sketch

>> No.2582659

Really like how you did your trees man

>> No.2582804 [DELETED] 

That's my point m8. I was trying to call out >>2582341 BS projecting his "git gud" advice giving expecting people to be professional tier posting in this thread.

>> No.2582832

Why does it have to be a dick
it'd be hotter if it was a vaginal tentacle or someshit like that so its like a fleshlight

>> No.2582986


He's trying to help you dude. Fundamentals are not a meme, yes you are trying to stylized but you cannot stylize shit if you don't know what the real thing looks like.

>not "you're awful and don't know anything go to the beginner thread"

this what he say right?

>because you have no idea what fundamentals are and all you are doing is copying stuff you saw instead of understanding what you saw and how to draw it properly. tl;dr you are a beginner and you should gtfo to the corresponding thread.

and is true. Your photo you post show you don't know how anatomy works. No, you don't need to be Rembrandt to draw porn but you do need to know how anatomy works so you know which pieces go where in relation to everything else. That is what is wrong with your drawing, the proportions are messed up, that is not even getting in to the fact that the shading doesn't make sense. I think he could have easily said "proportions are fucked" then you go and tweak proportions, but that only help for this 1 picture. Try putting your hand where she has her hand and you would probably agree with him.

>I just posted a picture to see what advice people would give, this isn't some weird dick measuring competition

I not see anybody here stroking their ego. I see a person try to help you by telling you to go to the beginner thread and fix your anatomy and you take it as an insult because "it's stylized". If anybody is stroking their ego here it's you because you think your drawings are clearly above critique like "fix your anatomy".

>> No.2583146

If you actually knew your fundamentals then figure invention would not be a problem.

Stop being a fucking baby and study

>> No.2583150

That's because those anons are too lazy to put in the work to get better.

They aren't going to make it and neither are you

>> No.2583218

knowing and executing are two different things fuckboi. You can know something but still be working on properly executing it for yourself. That part takes time and practice. Now shut up and draw you cunt.

>> No.2583227


How am I being a baby? You're the only person freaking out here man. I filled two pages of my sketchbook with Bridgman studies this morning and I spent the evening laying in a cast drawing. What did you do? Shit post all day? Get a life, champ.

>> No.2583303
File: 144 KB, 800x880, mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouse porn I did awhile back. The hips are horribly misaligned.

>> No.2583322

looks like mewtwo

>> No.2583354

stop being fucking babies and study you lazy twats.

>> No.2583363

>has nothing to add
>posts anyway
The only one who needs to be studying is you, anon.

>> No.2583370

You too

>> No.2583413

You first

>> No.2583428

well, then if you are so knowledgeable about the stuff I said, then you lack execution. in both cases, what I said still applies to your case. until you manage to reach a satisfying level or knowledge (or execution in your case - but I call the fact that you know your stuff total bullshit) stop trying to draw porn and hurting yourself. go a step back and do gesture and studies with simpler stuff until you are good enough for porn.
tl;dr gtfo to the beginners thread.

>I hope you got a good rush out of your comment, but you didn't really get anywhere with it.
I'm sure my comments aren't hitting the spot, yeah. you are way too delusional and proud to admit I am right, so you'll keep lying to yourself about you knowing your stuff and you'll just keep drawing crap until you'll either get better in a longer period of time than you would if you'd actually listened to me, or stop drawing because you'll see that this is too hard for you.

>> No.2583429

I'm sure I scared away some people. I hope they went to study to actually get good, but if I scared them away from drawing altogether it's probably for the best. you need a really strong backbone to actually get good with art.

>> No.2583504

>you need a really strong backbone to actually get good with art.

With the amount of desperate thirsty virgins and autistic fandoms on the internet, mediocre artists are held with high regard. All you need to do is draw fan-art and/or porn. Preferably both at the same time.

>> No.2583511

No tear-a-new-butthole which means it is decent.
Her left tit is a problem. Tits that big are soft and would push against the arm. Not appear in front of it like that.

>> No.2583514

The size of her hand doesn't match the butt.
You should see the sole of her right boot. Shins look like they are a different length.

>> No.2583517

You seem to have studied parts of the body well but they don't function as a whole. Your arms are too tiny and too short for example, hands end in the middle of the thigh. If I were you I would try to go for 2-3 minute sketches to unlearn anatomical detail and really get the proportion of the human body in your head.

>> No.2583548


>> No.2583595


I never got around to doing quick sketch, but I guess I'll take another crack at it. The slow anatomy studies I've been doing have been great for training my eye, but yeah, they're not really helping as much with figure invention right now as you'd think they would.Thanks.

>> No.2583655

>getting good at art
>drawing shit
pick one anon

>> No.2583731
File: 325 KB, 309x466, 1463834892621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to /jojo/ buddy

>> No.2583735
File: 118 KB, 780x1103, request.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i do construct anon, it just so happens that the drawing doesnt have any crazy perspective going on

>> No.2583770

You second

>> No.2583832

Is it a trap?

>> No.2583853
File: 774 KB, 1468x2000, Bitanea3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a character I just made today

>> No.2583880

If she has literally any knowledge of art she will expect nudity eventually. Or she will think you are a faggot who is scared of women. Whichever.

>> No.2583885
File: 42 KB, 600x390, CbGciU-WcAEwvYD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2583980
File: 70 KB, 600x800, IMG_20160630_164626-600x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call it box-cock.

>> No.2584163

It looks like Ruirui from Gatchaman Crowds, my guess is yes

>> No.2584215

gimme your art blog boy

>> No.2584264
File: 235 KB, 1200x1200, sketch critique .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started this like 10 minutes ago, and want to get a god critique before I continue

>> No.2584268
File: 11 KB, 400x267, 23d6517498e42e62808f95dce27d2c29_400x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2584271

Your construction and lines are poor. And the right title looks deformed.

>> No.2584276

read a figure drawing book m8|

>> No.2584302

For once I agree with a stranger on /ic/

>> No.2584308

wow you made that
you're so super talented and original anon

>> No.2584309

Get your horribad mheymhey joke pics off the internet.

>> No.2584310

better than the shit above but still shit
god awful shit

>> No.2584312

post your work.

>> No.2584316

I like the face. The rest is shit.
it has its charm
fucking shit
god tier my nigga
cute but I hate overshit
I like it but it's kinda shit
best in the thread I've seen top quality A+ good job man /saved

>> No.2584319

fine idea shit execution

And that concludes my review.

>> No.2584320

I did not mean to make a trip...ignore that

>> No.2584397


unfortunately, thats the first piece of smut ive drawn in a couple years. i dont have a blog for that stuff. I drew it mainly for myself

>> No.2584410
File: 1022 KB, 835x1600, Summer01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2584450
File: 3.34 MB, 5274x2952, PushmybuttNU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I'm this guy. This is a redraw of a scene from The Seven Deadly Sins that I'm working on atm.

>> No.2584453


>> No.2584455

Is it too late to get into the porn game? Will I ever be as famous as incase or doxy?

>> No.2584458

It's never too late. If you want Incase or Doxy fame you're going to have to crank out a lot of art in the beginning though, enough to build an entire business off of it. Or you could just do what all the good Japanese artists do and pump out some non-vanilla hentai every now and again a few months.

>> No.2584461

Does this mean publishing comics about strange fetishy content to pull in the weirdos?
I'm thinking Asanagi tier amputee shit.

>> No.2584466

The answer to your question lies with the answer to the question "Are you willing to draw a female with a penis shitting into the ass of a jelly girl?"

>> No.2584477

The answer to that question is always yes

>> No.2584511

>"Are you willing to draw a female with a penis shitting into the ass of a jelly girl?"
Yes but I don't think that will make me popular.

>> No.2584513

You would be surprised. If the fetish is niche enough that art is super rare, people will pay for anything.

>> No.2584521

Is there a way to balance the ultra niche fetish stuff with more vanilla porno?
I can't imagine a guro/scat fetishist to be turned off by my vanilla stuff, but would typical hentai consumers be wary of following an artist who draws fucked up shit?

To me, it doesn't matter. But do other people care?

>> No.2584570
File: 297 KB, 853x1500, tracercolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, how does one get commissioners...

>> No.2584592

> Yes but I don't think that will make me popular.
> Fetish porn
If you can't see what makes porn work for some then you'll never make it.

>> No.2584625


>small yet flabby ass

this artist cant into nsfw

>> No.2584637
File: 306 KB, 853x1500, tracercolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this better?

>> No.2584641

you are adding to much wrinkles to parts that don't need them or could be addressed with shading. That line between her mouth and cheek makes her face look totally unappealing. same goes for her ass.

>> No.2584643


Don't see much of a difference.
It kind of looks like a newborn baby's wrinkly butt due to the shaky line treatment. I'm sensing a lack of confidence in the anatomy and construction and it doesn't quite have that fit perky fapable ass thing going on just yet. I just look at it and I feel that it would be flappy to the touch, as opposed to firm and bouncy. In my opinion nsfw art generally works better with more swooping and streamlined inking if that makes sense.

>> No.2584646


Btw, looked at your blog and was pleasantly surpised. A lot of your work actually have great construction and well designed shapes. The post under your tracer piece works much better for me.

>> No.2584649
File: 306 KB, 853x1500, tracercolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you guys so much for the feed back, I'll do my best to work on the things you mentioned!

I'm happy to hear that, thanks!

>> No.2584662


You're welcome. I think it's less of a problem with fundamentals (as I initially thought) as much as you didn't quite nail it yet with that piece. I'd say your drawing is quite solid overall. Just out of curiosity about how long does it take you to make a line drawing for one of your $25 commissions?

>> No.2584669

the other anon was talking shit, you clearly know your fundamentals

>> No.2584672

The ones I've used in my commission post are all roughly 1 hour a piece, for the Tracer and Samus one I'd say 3, partly because if inefficient work and partly because I tried to face a few thing's I'm not that solid at, such as perspective and anatomy.

(Though I know they are far from mastered)

>> No.2584676


Don't worry that sounds pretty fast to me, I tend to spend too much time trying to find the "perfect" pose and such. I like your shape design.

>> No.2584693
File: 1.44 MB, 1731x941, what lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone paid for this

>> No.2584703

people pay for far more inferior crap

>> No.2584758

there you go. this is much much better imo.

>> No.2584767

oh, gtfo. he lacks construction and anatomy knowledge. have you seen those spider hands? have you seen how flat everything looks like, because the lineart is not varied and dynamic enough? have you seen how badly the elements of the body interact with each other and make the whole thing look flat as shit? just because you are cool with lesser art, it doesn't mean it has to be the same for me or other people that have a better developed and more critical point of view about art.

>> No.2584770

sure, I just think it's hillarious

>> No.2584778
File: 233 KB, 780x1103, request.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now thats a more helpful critique anon
but, again, while im no master i think i got a pretty decent grasp on the fundies.
granted i need to practice hands and inking

>> No.2584792

are there any good tutorials for drawing porn?
I had an idea for a porn comic I just cannot quit on, but I never dun' drawn porn before.

>> No.2584825

You draw the human form in sexually-related poses.

>> No.2584840
File: 1023 KB, 1536x2048, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying Adobe Sketch. Any advice is welcome. I'm particularly curious how to make appealing hair.

>> No.2584850

whos rcolo and why are you tracing him?

>> No.2584871

How do I draw the porn faster? It seems to take me a lot of time to work, meanwhile I see people like agawa just pop out those drawings very fast.

>> No.2584873

the fact that you are asking such dumb questions tells me you are too stupid to ever be able to make it, so just quit.

>> No.2584874


>> No.2584888

>how to draw faster
Depends on quality imo. The generic tip is to constantly study and draw. Generic tip #2 says, "dont compare yourself to the pros"

>> No.2584892

speed comes with experience and discipline. there's no way around it bro

>> No.2584901

not the anon you are talking to and I don't know how developed my view on art is but to me this >>2584778
looks pretty good

>> No.2584927

trust me, you don't have a pretty decent grasp on fundamentals. you are better than most beginners, but you still lack proper understanding of what fundamentals actually are. tl;dr you are drawing what you see or what you remember while you don't understand what you are seeing or remembering. that's your main issue. because of that your pics look flat and with no real depth or wright to them. your biggest issue probably is lineweight control and not being able to portray depth with lines.
your view on art isn't on pair with mine, that's all.

>> No.2585009

Thanks,I'm going to crop it,that will get the boot and shins problem,and make overall better picture.I don't know about a hand issue dough,I'm going for that big booty look

>> No.2585268

No you don't seem to grasp the fundies. Your artwork doesn't look like it'll ever improve because you seem to only care if it looks good enough at a glance. You might succeed as an animator, but your still art won't get you far

>> No.2585317
File: 3.27 MB, 240x180, grZAZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2585468
File: 673 KB, 1200x1722, doubleS_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need to ask one thing here. Not that anon, but can you give me one example of "cartoon/anime porn that has the "fundamentals" correctly" and in fact something that is made into a big deal for say: Hentai animators, Doujin illustrators, etc, etc? Cuz unless you cannot, this makes me think that this "fundamentals is the ONLY WAY" talk is horseshit, when it seems 99% of hentai is exaggerated nonsense, e.i: Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo, Taimanin Asagi, Bible Black, and many upon many of Doujins out there?
Pic related. I feel there IS a need to understand basic anatomic features of the human body, obviously, to make sure what you're trying to draw LOOK right how it's supposed to look. But if hentai is anything to judge (and this is what the mass majority of cartoon/animated porn likes), it's always NEVER like real life/irl porn. It's clearly exaggerated on purposed BECAUSE it's not real, it's fiction. So instead of just making drawn porn look just like real porn, Japanese artists make exceptions that still fits the field of "fundamentals" as it should.

tl;dr: Case in point, is this "know your fundamentals" for just to understand it in basics, or is this shilling "fundamentals faggot, git gud" just to bash artists if you're not top pro in muh fundamentals?

>> No.2585498

of course it's exaggerated on purpose. but the thing is that if you actually have the fundamentals in place, you can make things look good even when exaggerated.
between the hentai stuff you mentioned there's crap and there are good pieces, but you have to keep in mind that animation usually has lower quality than mangas, because of a tighter budget.
when it comes to mangas it's easier to tell if an artist has the fundamentals in place or not. take a look at people like Yamatogawa and Inoue Kiyoshirou. those guys are two examples of porn artists that know their fundamentals and can play with them any way they want (exaggeration). of the posts in this thread I see only a few where I'd say the artists know their fundamentals
>>2577502 >>2584450 (same guy)
>>2582333 >>2584649 (same guy)

all the rest in here is pretty much either crap or worse if we speaking of fundamentals.

>> No.2585505

There's a difference between the unreadable mess of lines you posted and guys like as109.
I used to think like you senpai, but to me the most delicious parts of the human body are the little things, the tiny angle the collarbone makes, the way the ribs cut in, the gentle way skin glows in the light
Sure people will fap to anything but there's a level of delicacy in the rendering you get when you're just trying to fit in all your favorite details, and you can simplify or stylize things to your own taste until you can honestly say OH MY GOD MY DICK
It's really up to you what you want to achieve honestly

>> No.2585649

sorry for the butthurt anon. I'm sure someday you'll recover.

>> No.2586679

I'm only confused by this, I can't tell what's happening

>> No.2587080

The ice cream turns her into this crazy vagina monster, I think

>> No.2587914

Rate m8s
Copies from a pic of pinterest

>> No.2587918
File: 1.16 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20160703_180139791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2588201

how old are you? 8? learn how perspective works. if you can see her back, you can't at the same time see her front.

>> No.2588487 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 1000x750, diplomacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something I'm currently working on.

>> No.2588498
File: 334 KB, 711x787, foist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone get horny with a finished version of this? If so i guess my work is done here

Also any tips/critiques highly appreciated

>> No.2588505
File: 90 KB, 2466x1850, aaltreimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I hope intentional low-fi (read: mspaint) counts here

>> No.2588529

>any tips/critiques highly appreciated
burn this shit, learn to draw, get some taste about what is appealing art, draw from scratch.

even tho this thread has so much garbage art displayed, I think this is the worst anatomy I've seen in a long time. grats anon.

>> No.2588661

do you have autism

>> No.2588666

nope, it's called artistic skill and knowledge. sorry for being so harsh on you scrubbies that don't understand all the stuff I'm talking about. you'll get it eventually.