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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 414 KB, 1310x611, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2562385 No.2562385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does ic feel about higher profile artists taking advantage of their position in the art industry?
Should this be allowed in the industry?

>> No.2562388

Some reason to work harder!

>> No.2562390

No it shouldn't, but neither should consorting with niggery-diggery-doos. They are both at fault.

>> No.2562396

A nigger not understanding its not acceptable to treat women like trash in western culture? Shocking.

>> No.2562398

isn't the whole point of becoming a "celebrity" to be able to do this kind of stuff?

is that retarded rebeca chick at least any hot?

also, how is this shit /ic/ related?

>> No.2562401

Can somebody clue me in? I haven't been here in a week.

>> No.2562402

get this shit thread off my board

>> No.2562404

Commies fuck off let the industry be free.

>> No.2562405

he just wanted some whale ref geez

>> No.2562406

Neither do honkeys:

>> No.2562407

There's nothing to clue in about. That's a picture of Marco Nelor, who's been a somewhat known professional for a while now. Someone in another thread with the same image as in OP posted a screenshot of the conversation where he asked her to flash him to see more of his unreleased images and she shut him down.

>> No.2562408


>to treat women like trash
is called being alpha, you nu-male scum

>> No.2562410

If he was alpha he would have gotten the nudes and that would have been the end of it. Instead he fucked up and now she went public with it and his entire image and career are in jeopardy.

>> No.2562412

that's entirely the bitch's fault: putting transient internet fame over the glorious BBC

>> No.2562422

Kek dat nigga got no game

>> No.2562425

He's not the first to do it, but it should be frowned upon and heavily discouraged. Problem not sure how to handle it since people arr generally apathetic until it happens to them. Look at that dickhead Eddie Berganza still working at DC despite sexually harassing both men and women.

>> No.2562430

Celebrities in general are given way more leeway on things. Artists in the past like Caravaggio literally painted their way out crimes as serious as murder.

>> No.2562432

poor girl. she's gonna need lifetime psychiatric help to help her endure such a traumatic experience.

how is that rapist still free?

>> No.2562437

the chat convo she showed is fake
but nice shop it fooled some people

>> No.2562439

This is true. People will look the other way, generally, if you are really good at what you do. Examples: Roman Polanski, John Lennon, Woody Harrelson, Matthew Broderick, R.Kelly, and etc. only when it comes to type of victim and sheer number of them do people seem to care such as Bill Cosby as a recent example.

>> No.2562442


>> No.2562452

let me get this shit straight:

is "gross" if a male celebrity makes sexual advances on a fan?
is "gross" if any male makes sexual advances on any female?

>> No.2562456

If they make an advance it can be gross depending how they do it. In this case using the power angle of him being a celebrity and her being a fan, and asking for nudes in exchange for viewing his artwork, it comes across as really sleazy and gross. It's basically like if a teacher asked a student for nudes in exchange for better grades.

I'm really not sure how you don't get this.

>> No.2562457


How can you even begin comparing asking for nudes with real crime? It's cringey but hardly a heinous act

>> No.2562459

I'm saying that actual crimes often go unpunished or are excused when it is done by someone famous. Doing something that is kind of gross and unprofessional is way less serious than a full on crime, so it is even more likely to not have serious repercussions.

>> No.2562463

i would show kim jun gi my gaping asshoole if i can see his sketchbook

>> No.2562466


That's true. However, we also now live in a victim culture were victimhood status is praised. If this is at all true it's the woman who has the real power and leverage.

>> No.2562474
File: 24 KB, 424x276, Untitleihateyoufaggotsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this doesn't make you want to kill her with a hammer, I don't know whats wrong with you.

>> No.2562476

>If this is at all true
>implying it has to be true
doesnt matter anymore, it just takes one lying bitch to destroy you

>> No.2562479

Wait so they flirted and then he asked for nudes and she publicly shamed him? She could just have said "no, that's moving too quick" or "I'm not comfortable with that" and that would be it. Jesus.

>> No.2562481

>still not asking for it

>> No.2562484

>posting in a hopefully soon to be pruned thread.

still no photoreference of the dumb whore? i'm assuming she was at least kind of hot

>> No.2562487

>i'm assuming she was at least kind of hot
Why would you assume that?

>> No.2562490
File: 222 KB, 770x960, 528378_10151466096919653_1821695767_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is correlated with being an entitled, princess-complex bitch

>> No.2562491

Well someone attractive is probably used to getting unwanted advances more often. To make such a big deal of it implies she is average looking and this is the first time it happened.

>> No.2562492
File: 404 KB, 1883x1920, marco-nelor-cassie-revisions3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good point

>> No.2562501
File: 83 KB, 768x768, 10277395_1552248095002228_7029218081852659289_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her

>> No.2562504

>However, we also now live in a victim culture were victimhood status is praised

I thought that was mostly white people trying to win the victim olympics.

>> No.2562508

Is it actually? She looks 17

>> No.2562512

Get out of here Marco.

>> No.2562513

We don't know what exactly was said or how far the conversation went to make judgment.

>> No.2562515
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>> No.2562519

No, but it changes the situation. Going from flirting to crossing a line due to misreading the situation is very different than just asking for nudes out of the blue.

>> No.2562520

The conversation is posted on her wall

>> No.2562521

Post it here. Not everyone is friends with this random chick. Also even if the conversation is posted, we don't know about earlier conversations they may have had. It's still only a piece of the whole.

>> No.2562527

Fucking search her on facebook you cuck. She's not my friend either

>> No.2562528
File: 1.26 MB, 891x1901, internetrape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2562534
File: 24 KB, 503x244, internetrapesurvivor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top fucking KEK

>> No.2562541

You could just say no? I honestly do not understand.

>> No.2562542

2 things
1) she was asking for it
2) marco´s game is sooooo bad, it came off too try hard-ish/desperate. he could have just asked for ref for his next piece kek. always works

>> No.2562544

>he could have just asked for ref for his next piece kek. always works
Does that actually ever work? Have you actually done it? Sounds like some fantasy more than reality.

>> No.2562550

in this context after they talked about secret porn pieces, yea, it was definetely the next move
>maybe you can help me out for my next piece :^)

>> No.2562558

Name of the game is: how to end your career in 2 words.

Marco, start us off.

>> No.2562561

I don't know how I feel about this. They were already pretty flirty and then he asked this. It comes off in really poor taste. That being said he still shouldn't have asked for them, he was wrong for that.

Yet, she didn't provide the full context of the conversation and made it seem as if he asked that out of the blue. Yet, asking to see someone's porny pics shouldn't be clearance to ask for nudie pics, I think.

>> No.2562562


He's already being defended by some big industry names, so I'm not so sure. She might have shot herself in the foot here.

>> No.2562563

I guess that would be smoother than what he pulled which just came across as a little creepy. I'm still doubtful it would work though. Then again my game is utter shit and I've never asked someone to pose for me other than girlfriends.

>> No.2562568


It's not that it's wrong per say to ask for nudes, it's just that he wasn't smooth about it. Are you not aware that we live in a internet hookup culture where people send each other nudes all the time?

>> No.2562570

Flash me??!!! LOLOLL that was the least smooth thing he could've said besides pull put your tit-tays sexeh mama. Jesus Marco at the very least try to play it off like you need refs.

>> No.2562571

>Jesus Marco at the very least try to play it off like you need refs.
Then she'd create a shit storm unless he actually used her nudes for ref, so he'd be forced to draw some ugly random girl he's never met

>> No.2562572


more like 37

>> No.2562573

nah it would be perfect excuse to teach her that using a ref doesnt necesarily means copying 1:1

>> No.2562578

So did she delete Luvisis post? lolllllllllllllll

>> No.2562579

Its not pervy if a girl gives you refs and in return you crank out some tasteful studies. The guys game is dogshit. I've had multiple girls offer to pose nude after seeing figure studies in my sketchbook, they almost get offended if you dont ask them.

>> No.2562580

top kek

>> No.2562582

lol someone post it back to her wall again
not cool

>> No.2562583
File: 30 KB, 500x186, shirime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2562584

> I've had multiple girls offer to pose nude after seeing figure studies in my sketchbook

Surreee you have bruv. We totally believe you. Don't worry the internet thinks you're way cool.

>> No.2562585

how is that unbelievable? trust me this happens all the time, its the only reason to post studies on IG.

>> No.2562586


she needs loomis

>> No.2562589


>> No.2562590

implying she didnt do all of this just for the fucking attentiont. Cunt

>> No.2562591

how hard would it have been to just deny it and say she is just photoshopping some chat?
or to photoshop one yourself but with her asking for the bbc so you can pull the race card?
for once photobashing would have been useful

>> No.2562593
File: 974 KB, 1256x1800, tumblr_nn4mwsxDmx1qdqlkxo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything, you could make a case that SHE was the one sexually HARASSING him

it would be pretty homosex if he wouldn't try doing a move after ALL that

>> No.2562594

Did I say it was wrong to ask for nudes? Go back and reread what I said.

>> No.2562596

Wew lad what a lazy painting. Is this all it takes to get famous these days?

>> No.2562599

It's just a concept costume for a video game, dude. Lol, why are you acting so serious about it? Could you do anything like that?

>> No.2562602


oh god this is so cringy on both sides. It's like two autistic children trying to flirt and then one tries to be suave and fails and then the other just pulls a total shitstorm.

they're both gonna take a hit baka

>> No.2562603

Yes, but I'm not gonna post my art so don't ask. Anyways, regardless of my level, that is some lazy art.

>> No.2562604

Wait so he is gonna publicly apologize now?
What a fucking pussy

>> No.2562607
File: 110 KB, 975x852, Muse1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could (You) do anything like this?

>> No.2562609

Maybe you should post it, I'll give you something in return. Maybe, a flash?

>> No.2562611

Holy fucking shit. That is awful.

>> No.2562612
File: 80 KB, 1600x1257, TankFlower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2562613
File: 2.03 MB, 200x150, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flash me
>Flash me
>Flash me

>> No.2562615


pretty sure she posts in begginer's threads.

>> No.2562616

Till this gets outside the art circle and into so serious women's rights hands. This guy can kiss his career goodbye.

>> No.2562619

>big industry names

>> No.2562621

i don't think society is THAT retarded (yet)

>> No.2562624

Don't matter, he dun goofed when he pulled that
>Flash me

>> No.2562625

Did Marco just deleted his fb too?
Can't see shit now

>> No.2562628
File: 85 KB, 960x960, 12316495_1827007154192986_2294859031283419072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminism intensifies

>> No.2562630

See >>2562534
Though I am curious who else is giving a public opinion on this

>> No.2562632


Danny LuVisi and Andre Doma

>> No.2562633

Her face is way too close for comfort.

>> No.2562634


>Your selfie was very nice! It made me have a wow face
>Work hard play hard
>What do you want in return?
>My body is ready Marco
>I wish people would love each other more openly

>> No.2562635
File: 74 KB, 640x640, 10609603_1598584937035210_403151937842186358_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All feminazis are too close for comfort. It really boggles the mind though, that someone would want to see her naked.

Also, a picture from her facebook. Apparently she's completely fine with objectifying men.

>> No.2562636


This is a powerplay through and through.

>> No.2562643

ist that tattoo not something someone posted on a tattoo thread? The fuck?

>> No.2562645

A smooth nigga would've complimented her artwork, as horrid as it is. not make it entirely about himself.

>> No.2562647

thats stooping pretty low. a man needs his pride. "flash me" is less embarrassing than complimenting her art imo.

>> No.2562648

yeah but you never know when your dealing with a crazy bitch. You gotta at least play it off like you consider her a person.

>> No.2562654

And that's why you will never make it

>> No.2562659

bingo. A man with game knows this. Women are narcissists, men are too, but women even more (not saying it's a bad thing). He doesn't have to bullshit her and compliment her art, but he got no game and you can tell because all he talks about is me me me me me

>> No.2562661

this. he comes as a very honest, direct guy.

I know women like to be complimented and lied to, but a man has to stand by his principles: nigger's not an hypocrite

>> No.2562664


I've known women like this. They always seek a platform for attention the moment they don't get what they want from you - and they make sure that in the public eye you are a straight up mustache-twirling vaudeville villain.

She could've just written it off "Oh man, what a sleezy fuckin' jabroni.", BUT NO SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS! APOLOGIZE TO ME! GIVE ME ATTENTION! I WANT YOU ON HAND AND KNEE! KISS MY FUCKING FEET!

>> No.2562665

look where that got him genius.

>> No.2562667


still not asking for it you silly cis-rapist-scum.
It's only ok if a woman does it.

>body is ready
>tits are part of body
>still won't show tits

>> No.2562670
File: 48 KB, 540x960, 13442414_1914854288741605_9072483752462650401_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one guy be this beta

>> No.2562672

And I use "guy" figuratively, hes a nigger obviously

>> No.2562680

flash me. Now. or no artworks for you.

>> No.2562682

my body is ready

>> No.2562683
File: 8 KB, 250x245, man-boobs-250x245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2562685
File: 261 KB, 600x433, 82264082-fc3a-4e10-b072-7c761186829a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off
This Marco guy should go to fucking jail
I'm sick of these assholes

>> No.2562686

Who gives a fuck if he has game or not? I'm not usually one for the whole mra angle but apparently this is an outrage over this while if the roles were reversed it would be totally fine. Don't you see how this puts every guy at risk? Except faggots that can't even look bitches in the eye of course.

>> No.2562687


>> No.2562693

Nobody wants him to go to jail, but he'll probably lose his job. He cant be on costume designs anymore for female characters, thats a no brainer.

>> No.2562699

And this makes sense to you?

>> No.2562701

this. he also should stay at least 50ft away from any female, and he should publicly apologize, and commit sepukku

>> No.2562703

flash me

>> No.2562704

Maybe he'll get a pass if he rats out 5 other who had the fucking gall to ask for tits.

>> No.2562706


How is it inappropriate? It was a facebook convo not a business meeting, and besides he offered her a great deal!
I would send Ruan Jia dick pics all day if he sent me exclusive WIPs of his work, this entitled bitch just expects something for nothing. Typical of this generation.

>> No.2562707
File: 122 KB, 980x770, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure np

>> No.2562708

>How can one guy be this beta
Oh fuck he's actually writing an apology? It is stupid he is backing down here and admitting fault, but I can't wait to read it.

"Dear internet girls and women, I am deeply sorry for asking you to flash me in return to view some secret pornographic material I drew. The fact that there was flirting beforehand in no way excuses my behaviour. I did not realize I was contributing to a rape culture and my actions were inadequate and disrespectful. I have learned my lesson and I hope other artists will treat women from now on with the respect they deserve."

>> No.2562711

shes allowed to say it offended her faggot.

flash me.

>> No.2562714

"Also i will now exclusively paint full figured women of color"

>> No.2562715

A new meme has been born
>Post your work
>Flash me

>> No.2562717

flash me

>> No.2562718

>she's allowed to try and ruin his career over a bungled flirt

makes sense

>> No.2562719
File: 28 KB, 500x333, manic_tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're killing me anon

>> No.2562724

Right, by painting white women he is doing cultural appropriation. He should paint the people of his colour if he has any self respect.

>> No.2562725 [DELETED] 


>> No.2562730

>flash me

>> No.2562734


I bet hes going to get shit on even more after a apology.

On the other hand, no man is going to want to touch that woman anymore after they look her up and read this shit storm.

>> No.2562737

Don't count on it, she'll have her pick of the white knights running to her defense against this black manbeast.

>> No.2562738

I don't use any social media, do people actually look up people they are about to date?

>> No.2562739

yeah shes gonna want to prove that shes not a prude.

>> No.2562740

Oh wait you said man, my bad.

>> No.2562742


>> No.2562743

my autism sense is tingling

>> No.2562745


Come on now, if you're not running a full background check on them, their friends and their immediate family you're doing it wrong.

>> No.2562748
File: 8 KB, 172x172, fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2562750

They might do a quick search to see if any red flags pop up or to see what their interests are

>> No.2562751

I scan diligently for any sign of sjw/feminazi on all prospective cum dumpsters

If i find anything racist/right wing its a bonus

>> No.2562756


I started doing that after dating a girl that seemed perfectly normal at first but started going crazy the further we got into the relationship.

After we broke up I checked her out online because a friend of mine told me she was making me look bad on several social media.

It was filled with posts like that, whenever some guy left her or even just checked her out at the busstation or some shit.


Any woman can get orbiters

>> No.2562771

>Any woman can get orbiters
Yes but that happens when any body is massive enough to have a strong gravitational pull

>> No.2562781

Smells like a set up. I was on her side, but after reading the entire convo, I start to wonder if she was trying to arrive at this outcome.

>> No.2562788

Possibly. The main reason i know this guy is because he often posted really anti-sjw stuff.

Looks like another opponent was silenced...

>> No.2562792

Btw you were on her side because that is your first instinct as a beta cuck faggot.

>> No.2562797

Innocent until proven guilty? Lol

>> No.2562799

Guilty as charged. Wanna fuck my girlfriend? Oh wait I don't have one. Wanna fuck my boypussy?

>> No.2562802

Lube up and meet me in the park

>> No.2562805

flash me

>> No.2562812

I was just being silly and flirting a little bit. But I'm not really into men. So I don't appreciate your advances. Reporting you to the FBI.

>> No.2562814

Fucking tease. I didn't really want it but now I'm taking it by force

>> No.2562818
File: 60 KB, 492x555, rapeapologist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw here is another one of the deleted responses an the girl defending her just so happens to have neon colored hair, purely by chance ofcourse

>> No.2562837

Super bitter that no one ever asked to see her withered tits

>> No.2562838


>Only person he ''wronged'' was her
>Demands a fucking public apologie

How delusional is this pig?

He doesn't own her shit.


>Don't ever ask people, SPECIFICALLY WOMAN for photos of themselves in exchange for your art work.

Fucking double standards, bitch is fucking sexist herself.

>> No.2562851

is it possible to report her posts to facebook for blackmailing, public shaming or whatever? I'm getting triggered so hard by this bitch.

>> No.2562853


I don't understand it. Why does this need to be a public spectacle? Why couldn't she have said "I was totally into this up until you asked me to flash you, that was kind of sleezy."?

Jesus fucking CHRIST!

>> No.2562854


That's a good start but what with plastic surgery these days, noses can be shrunk, posture can be corrected, hands can be un-clasped, to be 100% sure she's from good breeding stock you've got to try to get some DNA testing done. Get a cheek swab or some hair and send it off for analysis, you can never be too careful anon.

>> No.2562855

Ah christ i just checked her fb and we have a shitton of mutual friends some of whom are actually on board with this shit.

I feel sick.

>> No.2562856

otherwise she wouldn't feel important. That's how SJWs get their power.
>look at me, i'm part of the getting raped group
>one of you girls now, r-right? I'm the victim help me
>also visit my blog pls and follow me ;^)

>> No.2562869

Your teacher analogy is a false equivalency. There's social pressure to get good grades and the risk of being graded unfairly/worse for refusing which could ruin the person's future.

This is more like if a teacher from another school offered you twenty bucks to show your tits.

>> No.2562875


AHAHHAHA he got fucked so hard. Hes about as smooth as a fucking 12 year old. Spaghetti all over the place

it's a shame she didn't go for Anthony Jones, she would have had to pay to have a conversation with him, and he would reply to other people after she did

just like luvisi to get cucked again. No wonder he lost his gf to Rapoza.

>> No.2562879

That sounds like fun, would he pay the same for a quick ogle at some boypussy?

>> No.2562884

My god you're edgy

>> No.2562905


This chick has psychological problems, definitely all this gender studies marxist horseshit is to blame. They teach women to see oppression everywhere and foster an unhealthy victim complex and this is the result, she's acting like she was raped and is snapping at anyone who dares suggest she might be overreacting.
The idea that this guy has abused his position of power is entirely perceived. She built up this person in her mind to be something more than he is and seemed to forget along the way that he's a normal guy that likes tits.
The problem is her expectation that as her role model (something he has no control over) he should act a certain way.
But from the outside everyone else can see it for what it is, just two people flirting.

>> No.2562906


>> No.2562908

He literallly did nothing wrong. Flirt and ask for nudes is not wrong, woman asking man or man asking woman

>> No.2562914

>Flirt and ask for nudes is not wrong, woman asking man or man asking woman
Is this true? I've never had an exchange for nude photos before, is this common to ask for?

I feel it would have been better if he just asked for nudes though. It gets way sleazier when he tries to do an exchange of showing his art for nudes, like basically asking her to whore out her body.

>> No.2562920

She's not gonna make it.

>> No.2562941

>t gets way sleazier when he tries to do an exchange of showing his art for nudes, like basically asking her to whore out her body.

I see it as him failing to playfully flirt, he clearly lacks game but I don't see some really nefarious intentions.

He didn't even peruse it after getting rejected, she then comes back after she decides she can gain power out of this.

>> No.2562943

> Private chat
> Public apology

Guys, I have a public apology to make to /ic/, today I asked a friend about the masked man and he didn't fly so good.

> You don't get to bring friends.

>> No.2562946

>I see it as him failing to playfully flirt, he clearly lacks game but I don't see some really nefarious intentions.
That's probably the case, but it still comes across as sleazy as fuck and much worse than just flat out asking for nudes.

>> No.2562952

>still comes across as sleazy as fuck and much worse than just flat out asking for nudes.

I agree but she made it out to be some huge deal it wasn't. It would be like if he tried to kiss a woman at a bar, gets rejected and respectfully leaves.Goes home to find her publicly shaming him for no good reason and demanding an apology.

>> No.2562966

Silly negro, I wonder how many more ladies will come forward, I think its up to 3 right?

that niggers getting canned.

>> No.2562970

If you are into it and the girl sent flirt messages as well, why not? The worst you'll get is a no, but you need to set up the ground for this sort of talk first

>> No.2562973

And the girl will know that you want something more, how old is she anyway?

>> No.2562974

>The worst you'll get is a no
Marco just learned the hard was that this isn't true

>> No.2562980

I love it. Who else here is happy that he ruined his career?

>> No.2562981


disney princess syndrome.

the person they fall in love with must be a kind-hearted virgin who's masculinity makes them more than just a hairless ape who likes pussy.

>> No.2563007

The schadenfreude is real. Holy shit.

>> No.2563057

I know this aint /adv/, but since it came up: Am I naive for trusting my own judgement of people and thinking that stalking someone on facebook to make sure they're 'normal' is utterly paranoid and makes you a sad piece of shit?

>> No.2563061


>> No.2563070

But if you aren't willing to trust your own judgement, how can you have a serious relationship with anyone in the first place? The best you can hope for is having people under constant surveilance so they don't get the chance to betray you.

>> No.2563082


Proof or GTFO.

>> No.2563084

Its just extra security to not stick your dick in crazy, calm down.

>> No.2563085

she said it in one of her posts, he threatened legal action against two of them.

>> No.2563086

The same can be said for you and everyone else in this thread saying the same thing.

Society taught you that women who things like this are attention whores and trying to flex their power to get poor innocent men in trouble.

>> No.2563094

>Society taught you
kek. nah, some things are pretty self-explanatory

>> No.2563098


Okay, so how is she not a attention whore for posting a private conversation with some innocent, clumsy flirting?

>> No.2563102

Anon is saying that there's nothing to explain, since we're only accusing her because we were socialized into hating women. No matter why we think she's being an attention whore,, that's obviously just a projection.

>> No.2563106

Give us a break. I'm a female (the bonafide, vagina-having kind) and it's clear as day to me. She wasn't subtle. The shocked, kneejerk social media namedrop says it all. To her and others like her social capital is worth anything.

>> No.2563113

Fucking this.

>> No.2563117

>bonafide, vagina-having female
pics or it didn't happen
also, check your privilege

>> No.2563119

Sorry trannyfag, them's the breaks

>> No.2563121

Flash me bae.

>> No.2563133

>195 replies

Should we become /ic/ - Gossip/Slander?

>> No.2563134

we should make FlashMe a thing.

>> No.2563140

>not "What do you want in return?"
>not "My body is ready, Marco"

>> No.2563141

those were things way before she said them brody.

>> No.2563145

Women love to get naked for artist. Shit you don't even have to ask them most of the time.

>> No.2563147

Oh yeah, forgot about how crazy stuff is in America these days

>> No.2563149

These are all valid responses to
>post your work

>> No.2563184

she's some nobody who wants to ride on his coattails in the worst way. he could serve to feel bad too, that's embarrassing to flirt with a fan like that, and it makes him look unintelligent for walking that line so far with this girl. i sympathize more with marco.

i think she's immature.

>> No.2563189

You know, I have had a lot of girls want to send me nude photos of them to be painted by me. Unless I actually know the person ahead of time I'll say no.

Why are so many artists so fucking creepy.

>> No.2563192


It'd be less embarassing if she was a little stunner. He's buff and handsome and acting like a thirsty nigger for what, some ugly fat feminist dyke chick?

>> No.2563197

fucking flirting is sexual. Giving him hints that she is into him and then him taking it further isn't a fucking crime. It's not something you take public either.

What a fucking cunt.

>> No.2563208

>Why are so many artists so fucking creepy.
People in general are creepy. And some people are artists.

>> No.2563219

nigger should have been hanged
207 posts 41 posters
nice try marco great damage control you sub human filth

>> No.2563221

>implying thats not just ricky and his buttbuddies trying to stir shit

Work on your art faggot.


>> No.2563228

>unironically linking themarysue

>> No.2563240
File: 44 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this cheesy and full of shit in flirting AND in drawing

This woman is being 100% serious isn't she

>> No.2563246

What a surprise, the girl's one of his friends...

>> No.2563253
File: 1.29 MB, 1526x2512, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_At_The_Fountain_(1897).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure Broguereau diddled a few of the girls he's painted, but IDGAF and neither should you lmoa

>> No.2563256
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>> No.2563261
File: 18 KB, 480x255, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't going to be great for his career, but it's going to destroy hers. Nobody wants to work with one of these Adria Richards rabid feminists who see rape everywhere. Here's the truth: art, and especially video game art, is always going to be a male-heavy field, full of introverted guys who were never super comfortable with women to begin with. Advertising yourself as a woman who will publicly name and shame men for hitting on her and attempt to ruin their careers is a fast track to never getting hired as an artist.

Congrats, Rebecca Baker: now any time any potential employer Googles your name, this shit is going to come up, because you had to attention whore over a tactless sexual overture and pretend that you were victimized for Facebook drama points.

>> No.2563264

>implying she ever had a shot at a career
Did you not look at her art?

>> No.2563265
File: 18 KB, 500x375, 1310478257957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is such bullshit, man.

It happens the other way around as well, ladies. I have incredibly low self esteem & hate the fuck out of myself. I also tend to have a lot of female followers & fans. My work consists almost 100% of nude women. Girls have messaged me to tell me how they were huge fans of my works. They tell me "Oh you shouldnt be so down on yourself your work is amazing! I wish I could paint like you do! How do you not have a GF!?"

I get excited as I don't exactly have a lot of friends. My introvert nature & my moving around the country makes it hard to meet people. So Ill start chatting with them & begin to become good friends after awhile. Ill ask them for critique on my art & I'll do some paint overs for them as well. They will say "dont be weirded out but Ive been stalking your photos and you're much better looking than you think". They will say things like that while we flirt with each other back & forth.

I'll start to think "wow! someone actually thinks I'm cute! This is incredibly rare!" sometimes it goes further and further while I'm getting all happy and swoony like a naive moron. Since some of these girls are literal models, of course I'll want to paint them to impress them. Who wouldn't? At this point they will practically be begging me to.

This is when the bullshit happens. I'll paint the girl & she will lose her mind about how its "Such an honor". Then a few days later we will be talking normally& she will drop the bomb of "I have a BF and I feel guilty about all of this" Ill get depressed as shit.

Some girls will do anything to get a painting of themselves. This has happened to me about 4 times. Ill be so god damn happy for finding someone only they were just fucking with me. I dont fall for that shit anymore though.

I still paint some of my female friends. Though they aren't nude or sexual in any way. Well, some of them are ok with nudes but they are the ones to ask first and don't pretend to be interesting in me to get them.

>> No.2563270

I'm curious to see what level of art gets girls dropping their clothes

>> No.2563274

holy shit that bitch is insane.

She was practically begging for his dick throughout the entire fucking conversation.

>> No.2563285


No, I didn't bother. Bad art can be improved, though. Your Facebook history is eternal.

>> No.2563287
File: 148 KB, 604x802, 1465385261181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look man, Im not trying to brag here. This shit has really hurt me in the past. I think these girls truly like me for me but they just want attention.

I have had photo shoots with a few girls while I was in college that my GF at the time asked for me(I'm too shy). I honestly try my best to treat ladies with respect & not be all weird & sexual about things. I just love the female form.

I had my best friend in college model for me once. She was the one to offer & she decided what she was going to wear. She chose to not go fully nude and wear a green skirt that matched her hair & skin tone really well. I did 2 shoots with her. The first time her BF was there(He was also a good friend of mine. Great guy) & so was my GF. Went well.

The second time was just me & my lady friend at her place. I talked to her BF ahead of time & he was super cool with it because he knows I hated cheaters & its purely for the arts. The 2nd shoot went amazing & we got some great shots. She said she had a lot of fun, was completely relaxed and trusted me fully. The shots were so good she used a couple as her avatar on skype & twitter. She still uses the one on skype to this day & the shoot was 5 years ago.

Anyways, she turned into a massive feminist voice since then. Even though she was my best friend in college she completely stopped talking to me out of nowhere. Apparently, she did this to all her good friends. She must have found cooler people to talk to. Anyways, one day she tweeted "Girls, no matter what you think at the time DO NOT POSE NUDE IN COLLEGE YOU WILL REGRET IT LATER"

This made me feel like absolute shit. I just did not understand why she would say that & I still don't. It fucking hurt me a lot. Like... she loved the photos we took & she had an amazing time doing it. I didn't make any awkward or sexual comments. No one but me & her have seen those photos. They were locked in password protected archives.

I Have hard time telling who to trust now.

>> No.2563288


It's very stereotypical female behavior. He's a moderately well known pro and she's an aspiring artist, so he has high status, so she finds him attractive and his attention flattering. Then he starts complimenting her effusively and generally acting like the thirsty, no-game dweeb that most artists really are and she realizes he's beta who's trying to get in her pants, and she reacts with revulsion and starts screeching about cyberrape. Notice how often she uses the term "my body" in her posts. When she realizes she was flirting with an inferior male, her womb shrivels up in horror.

If he'd had some game and hadn't jumped straight to worshiping her and begging for pics, none of us would be reading this thread right now.

>> No.2563293

I wonder how many thirsty fans does runjia/JJ/ Mullins get

>> No.2563306
File: 204 KB, 900x707, 8 dipped_queen_print_by_theirison-d6jedoq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows. Though most girls like that also tend to like artists known for pinups like phil noto, erik jones, and other artists that focus purely on women.

>> No.2563315

>Don't you see how this puts every guy at risk?

it's the stupid guys like this one at risk. with some suave he would've been shown the tittays. Just like how chicks see quiet handsome guys as mysterious while quiet ugly guys are brushed off as creepy, the way how the guy handles a woman determines a lot of the outcome.

dumb chick's response to suave: teehee im so desirable *giggle*
dumb chick's response to autistic flirting: OMG WHAT A SCUMBAG CIS SHITLORD RAPE CULTURE

yea totally. apologies when it comes to situations like this just draws out the self righteous worst of the worst people.

I'll be honest, I am more amused by this than feeling sorry for him.

>> No.2563317

You are a fucked up person mate. At the end of the day its only going to hold you back. Think about that. With a mindset like this, no-one will want to be around you.

>> No.2563318

it's k, he was a big guy

>> No.2563320


>> No.2563342

>if you don't agree, you are part of the problem

I mean it was kind of clear that she was into feminism, but it seems like she is an absolute fanatic and thinks she is on some sort of crusade.
Seems to be really common in the art scene unfortunately.

>> No.2563352

Nobody cares about your sad pretend life.

>> No.2563354

I really wish that were true. But unfortunately i know several crybully bitches that work high up in the industry.

They are also good artists though wich really isn't the case here...

>> No.2563362


those are literally just memes/jokes/throwaway lines. you people are horrible at judging people and intent. it's no wonder trump is a frontrunner in america.

not defending her attentionwhoring and raging feminist ways after the talk, but the way that conversation went, he was the one trying to get into her pants. she's barely flirting. look at the beginning of the convo and you'll see that she's deflecting all his advances.

she comes across as a fan, i've known girls like that. they're basically being nice and supportive because they really like your art and what you do. but they're not interested in your dick, and that's where he fucked up.
unfortunately it's being blown way out of proportion thanks to feminist brainwashing

>> No.2563363
File: 24 KB, 421x407, 1465686818083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus cringe

>> No.2563370

yes, I came on ic to make a bunch of shit up that spans the last 7 years of my life.

Why is ic full of retards like you? What is it about this board that attracts so many insecure, jealous assholes?

>> No.2563372

>she's barely flirting.

nah that could be seen as flirting. sure he's the one who asked if she was flirting, but she's the one who began hinting that she was open to it.
>"do you want it to count"?
who the fuck says that if they don't want the conversation to go that route? If she was uncomfortable she could've stopped responding, say she's uncomfortable, or switch the conversation to something else. She did none of those. No, she added fuel to the fire by adding extra smilies and talking about porny and sexual stuff, how people should love eachother openly, none of these show that she was deflecting it. It takes two to tango and she certainly has her fault in this.

It's not "typical female behavior" to beat around the bush (well more like she encouraged the conversation), it's the sign of a doormat who doesn't understand it's okay to say no.

on her behalf though, it was still retarded for marco to be like
>flash me

>> No.2563381

>who the fuck says that if they don't want the conversation to go that route?
nah, i'd say what she wrote before that is more of an indicator of her real feelings.

i get what you mean, she kept it going. but again, i think that's because she's a fan. she probably put up with it until the moment he outright asked her to flash him.

> She did none of those.
>No, she added fuel to the fire by adding extra smilies and talking about porny and sexual stuff
i disagree, you should take a closer look at what marco wrote. he was the one setting the tone and making the advances. the impression i get is that she was going along, again, because she's a fan and liked/respected his work.

>It's not "typical female behavior" to beat around the bush (well more like she encouraged the conversation),
>it's the sign of a doormat who doesn't understand it's okay to say no.
basically, yeah. she probably wanted to say no earlier, but didn't because of she's talking to someone she looked up to.

>> No.2563385
File: 407 KB, 480x270, Monogatari-2nd-Season-Episode17-Omake6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not "typical female behavior" to beat around the bush (well more like she encouraged the conversation), it's the sign of a doormat who doesn't understand it's okay to say no.
man, i know you guys are autistic but girls don't want to say no outright. if they shoot down your advances then they're not interested. she was just a fan

>> No.2563388

luvisi jellyfag detected

>> No.2563391


I'm so glad you're here to help this poor damsel in distress ruin someones career and justify it.

>> No.2563393

i made myself perfectly clear and argued only against certain points and certain posts. you'd love to have a black and white view but the world outside /pol/ doesn't work that way.

she absolutely did throw a giant unecessary shitfit over this but she didn't egg him on is what i'm saying.

>> No.2563397


If you're hiding how you actually feel about this, then it's on you. You don't expect people to read your mind, especially if you're sending a different signal.

She has to grow some backbone and learn to stand up for herself if she doesn't like something. Obviously she doesn't have the confidence to do that if she pulled this out into the public.

>the impression i get is that she was going along
There you go. You said it yourself. Look, she could've stopped the conversation anytime. It's not like he was in front of her and any real threat to her. What is he gonna do? Unfriend her? Who gives a shit?

give up brah, she's not gonna sleep with you for white knighting her.

>girls don't want to say no outright

Yeah, a lot of girls do it by saying they have a boyfriend, by switching the conversation, or not responding. Some girls even just say no. I don't see any shooting down advances here. Here, she is rewarding his behavior by responding to it (instead of ignoring or switching the conversation).. and to put smilies on top of it and talking about "I like porny" and "my body is ready marco" and the cat and lipstick smilies? Come on.

>> No.2563404
File: 385 KB, 354x461, 1463228554496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see any shooting down advances here
That's because you have autism, anon.

>> No.2563405


>> No.2563411

>glorious BBC

Gained racial hatred points from post +2
Will to start a racewar increased by 0.5%

its slowly working, mr merchant

>> No.2563415

And the moment she shot down his advances clearly enough for him to get it, he immediately stopped and apologized. So where exactly is the problem here?

>> No.2563416

>especially if you're sending a different signal.
again i disagree. more sensible people may have picked up that she wasn't interested. you or i may have pulled the break before writing "flash me".
it really depends. and nobody can read minds so yeah.

>she could've stopped the conversation anytime.
but conversation usually doesn't work like that.
going with a joke made earlier itt, if someone you respect like KJG told you he wanted to see your asshole, you'd probably take it as a joke/banter and go along with it until it hits you that he's not joking. (just a random example. not that KJG would say that..)

women can't read your mind either. there's a difference between
>someone you respect is trying to flirt with you
>gimme nudes in exchange for drawings
the former is kind of nice while the latter is degrading.
and she probably thought it was the former until it hit her that it was the latter.
and honestly maybe marco thought he was doing the former and he just sucks that much with women.

>> No.2563420
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 7654987956432342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he didn't. He told her "flash me" and "wanted something in return." Do you guys have assburgers or something? I mean shit I hate women but at least I'm not retarded like you guys. She was clearly not interested in him ever. Niggers are bottom of the barrel in the first place, everybody knows that.

>> No.2563421


Actually she was clearly interested in him from the get go. Can confirm, 3 digit lay count here.

>> No.2563425

Lol honestly I hadn't really read your post thoroughly and i just had a kneejerk reaction to someone sharing their hurt feelings online. It just always disgusts me.

>> No.2563430

>handsome successful niggers n-never get pussy!

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.2563432
File: 5 KB, 184x184, 1454379012430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2563433

>not that KJG would say that..
Flash me

>> No.2563435
File: 39 KB, 607x347, marco nelor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking thirsty negro

>> No.2563437

He is in a machete weilding african bushman sorta way.

Point is guys like this get white girls on tap. And they usually don't have to make much of an effort. Wich is why he thought this shit would fly: because he's asked for tits a hundred times and usually gets them.

>> No.2563439

I believe you family, and I feel you are my soulmate, since I only draw Nudes for the sake of the form.

>> No.2563442
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 1457352821628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the only white girls niggers sleep with are fat.

>> No.2563443

Are you an idiot? I just said the moment she CLEARLY shot down his advances. That was when he asked her for pics and she refused. He then immediately stopped pursuing it and apologized.

>> No.2563446


Good thing you can dismiss everyone that disagrees with you with ''hur durr /pol/, amirightguyz?!''

When I read the OP I felt bad for the girl but further into the thread it was made obviously clear that the whole situation was pretty harmless and blow out of proportion.

Then you drag you mug into here and start saying she had every right to publicly execute him for some bad pick up game.

>> No.2563447

the problem is probably you and his autism. seriously i don't know why you people even get on the cyberwebs because you must be confused as fuck every fucking day

>> No.2563450
File: 251 KB, 394x399, 1457098968626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>publicly execute him
But anon, it's racist to murder niggers on the streets now

>> No.2563451

I hope muslims and islam takes over america like how it did london. enjoy your females getting raped in every orifice by arabs.

>> No.2563452


Not when you're a white woman with neo hair that screams RAPE!

>> No.2563455

Yes, yes, we all have autism, except you, you don't have autism, we get it. the poor guy suffers from autism and didn't get her previous non-explicit rejections. However the moment she made a clear and explicit rejection that he finally understood, he politely apologized. So what did he do wrong apart from suffering from autism?

>> No.2563457

where da art?

>> No.2563460


>> No.2563461
File: 59 KB, 634x433, 2209040-002B79CA00000258-686_634x433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However the moment she made a clear and explicit rejection that he finally understood, he politely apologized. So what did he do wrong apart from suffering from autism?
Being a nigger.

>> No.2563464

>Good thing you can dismiss everyone that disagrees with you with ''hur durr /pol/, amirightguyz?!''
but i didn't, and i made my stance clear in addition to the random /pol/ jab

>When I read the OP I felt bad for the girl but further into the thread it was made obviously clear that the whole situation was pretty harmless and blow out of proportion.

>Then you drag you mug into here and start saying she had every right to publicly execute him for some bad pick up game.
maybe you should read the thread instead of arguing with fantasy shitposters that you create in your mind.

>> No.2563465


>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.2563475
File: 35 KB, 590x393, projecting_confidence2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>maybe you should read the thread instead of arguing with fantasy shitposters that you create in your mind.

pic related

All your arguments are made up with ''I don't think she(probably) was flirting'' and take that as fact.
Even though she quite obvouisly was.

And even in the event where she wasn't, it still would not have mattered one bit.
He didn't force her to do anything nor seemingly had any bad intentions.

In the contrary to her, since as soon as he made a small mistake she hanged him out to dry, even though he immediately apologized.

>> No.2563479

>He didn't force her to do anything nor seemingly had any bad intentions.
yeah, and that is not up to debate.
i'll say it again because apparently you can't read: i only argued specific points and specific posts. i never defended her as a whole.
that's again just you looking at this as a black and white matter.

>Even though she quite obvouisly was.
according to who? oh right, but that's like your opinion, man. and i disagree. as for the details, read the thread if you want to.

>> No.2563482

implying opinions cant be right or wrong.

>> No.2563483

you mean like jeff koons fuck that guy

>> No.2563484

>according to who? oh right, but that's like your opinion, man. and i disagree. as for the details, read the thread if you want to.
nobody said she was not flirting in this thread other than you

what's the bump limit 300? god yes, I had enough of this thread on the front page already, bumping this

>> No.2563485


holy shit you autists will argue over literally anything.
go outside or something, fuck.

>> No.2563487

You're an idiot.

Even if she wasn't trying to flirt(she was), clearly enough people see it as that. It's a pretty fucking obvious sign she was giving mixed signals at the very least(she wasn't). The dude was doing what humans were meant to fucking do. He didn't do anything abusive, wasn't in a position of power, and wasn't harassing her. She said no and he immediately apologized for misreading the situation.

You say it isn't flirting, but you're fucking wrong. The girl literally said she was flirting. She admitted it was you dumb fuck.

Imagine being at a bar, talking to a girl that you have been flirting with all night and you think she is into you. You ask her "Hey, want to come home with me? See some of my work, watch some netflix winka wink" She says no, and you drop it and go home. Later you go online to see the bitch is slandering you with "THIS GUY JUST CAME UP TO ME OUT OF NOWHERE AND SAID IF I WANTED TO SEE HIT ART I HAD TO FUCK HIM OH MY GOD"

Her original post makes it seem like he asked her this shit out of nowhere. Like, he just messaged her "Wanna see my art? Show me yo tits bitch". It implies his ego is so massive, girls will do anything for him and he's a pervert.

What really happened is she went all fucking fan crush on him and flirted heavily. She then asks "what would you like me to do so I can see your art"

If the guy was a teacher, employer, or someone of authority this would be wrong. If he threatened her, it would be wrong. If he pressed the subject, he would be wrong. He was and did none of those things. They were just two people, flirting online. She is an insane bitch trying to slander his name for attention.

>> No.2563489


>according to who? oh right, but that's like your opinion, man.

Exactly and I'm here to tell your your white knight cuck opinion is shit.

>as for the details, read the thread if you want to.

I have, thats how i came to this conclusion.

You may not try to defend the bitch but you're trying to shift the blame.

>> No.2563490

see this guy get's it.

Sometimes you just want to paint a pretty lady. You don't have to want to fuck her. I have seen girls online that are incredibly beautiful and I just want to paint them so badly but I'm afraid they will think I'm being a pervert. I have met two girls that browse ic that were super cool while also being insanely pretty and talented. Like both of them are the prettiest girls I had ever seen in my entire life.

If you're reading this you two I still want to do more paintings of you. Why do ladies have to be so damn pretty all the time.

>> No.2563492

>him: were u trying to... flirt?
>her: Do you want to count?
>My body is ready Marco
>Everyone pretends to be disinterested in sex and it's how we all get HERE in the first place. Sometimes I wish people would love each other more openly [...] *kiss emoticon*

how more blind than this can you be?

>> No.2563493

TIL that 99% of guys have autism because most of us aren't gonna read minds and read between lines.

>but conversation usually doesn't work like that.
yeah it does work like that. respond with a different topic. girls do it all the time.

he didn't ask to see her nudes until the very end, not even close to it. he was just acting thirsty and she responded by posting kissy faces and lips and the cat things (she said she'd post cats if she's flirting) and tell him shit like "you must get a lot of girls" and "my body is ready". wtf girls don't just say that kind of shit unless they're trying to hint interest. Still pretty stupid of him to ask for nudes from a complete stranger, but some girls do that on tinder so it's not that far fetched. he's probably just ghetto from a different culture.

>he just sucks that much with women.

they're both retarded. why the fuck did he think that having a wow face means she's flirting?

>> No.2563496
File: 1.51 MB, 425x256, x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She offered spelling lessons, retard. I know you guys have aspergers but just drop it already. You don't have to go full autism over this.

>> No.2563498


This is bait right?

>> No.2563499

You have to be incredibly fucking retarded. She was flirting. The dumb cunt even said so herself >>2562474

>> No.2563500

see >>2563362 and the posts it quotes

>What really happened is she went all fucking fan crush on him and flirted heavily.
again, i really disagree with this. she was just keeping the conversation going fairly neutrally (while being open to actual flirting). "heavy flirting" is something very different to me. you should pay more attention to marcos posts, as he is clearly the one clearly wanting to flirt. any way i look at it, she wasn't very engaged in it at all.

>You may not try to defend the bitch but you're trying to shift the blame.
maybe in your black and white world. pol is just the right place for you.
you aren't interested in what actually happened are you? you just love your little premade narratives.

not only that she even said
>if i wanted to flirt with you i would throw you one of these
>that fucking fat cat
she clearly was trying to keep it neutral (fan-to-artist).

again, you people should read more into marcos posts and her reactions. because that's probably how it should be read.

>> No.2563503

I wish /pol/ and these under aged b& would go and stay go.

>> No.2563505
File: 69 KB, 836x549, 1451090071222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virgins, calm down. Girls and women will flirt with you sometimes. Unless you're ugly, I guess. In your case I'm guessing you wouldn't even notice if they did.

>> No.2563506


i didn't say she's not flirting at all. again see >>2563362 for context.
i'm saying that marco is the one trying to flirt. and she is barely throwing him any bones

>> No.2563507


wouldnt you do the same if your parents paid for everything you owned?

>> No.2563509


>maybe in your black and white world. pol is just the right place for you.
you aren't interested in what actually happened are you? you just love your little premade narratives.

Again with all the buzzwords and strawmans, you're really grasping at straws here mate.


They are both flirting and there's nothing wrong with it up until the part where she roasts him publicly.

Also see >>2563499

>> No.2563510

we are getting there

>> No.2563511

>i really disagree with this. she was just keeping the conversation going

look at this:

she was flirting, she said so herself.

Look, nobody here is blaming the chick for marco's autism or asking for nude pics, but under the flirting context, it's definitely clear that marco didn't pop out of nowhere asking for nudes just because she has a vajay. Right now she is painting him as some raging misogynist asshole who must be publically lynched.

fuck it, I am out.

>> No.2563512

Autistic people really have a hard time processing new information.

>> No.2563513

>again, i really disagree with this
Doesn't fucking matter what you disagree or agree with. The fact this many people see it as flirting makes it pretty fucking clear that whatever the fuck she was doing is interpreted as being interested in him sexually. Add in the fact she admitted to it... how can you not understand this?

You have to be fucking retarded. You can't say she was being neutral. You're saying you know her intentions better than she did. Even though she literally said she was flirting, you're trying to say "No, she didn't mean that really. What I think she meant was...."

He took it a step further and she denied him. He stopped, and apologized. This is perfectly normal interaction between a man and a women.

>> No.2563514
File: 27 KB, 720x720, hindu god of vaping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is running /ic/? Why is this thread still alive?

Why do people still care what some thot said about a negro?

>> No.2563517
File: 1.70 MB, 400x300, 1464812800546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out. You guys will never have sex unless it's with hookers because jesus christ. If this convo confused you then I don't want to know what else confuses you.

>> No.2563520

>Gonna make it
chose one

>> No.2563521

oh you mean the tattoo that like 200,000 people already have.

>> No.2563522


>> No.2563524

>Again with all the buzzwords and strawmans, you're really grasping at straws here mate.
>the guy who calls people "white knight cuck"


again, look at >>2563362
and SPECIFICALLY at the posts i quoted.
now you know the context of my posts. and what i argued against.
yes, she flirted. but really marco is the one posting with the intention to flirt. and she is just being a fan and keeping the conversation going. which is why she aborted immeniately once marco made clear what he wanted.

what is happening right now is that some of you fucks are aiding this retard >>2563391 in his imaginary argument against his favorite fantasy whiteknight. a pointless discussion.

>> No.2563527

Anon, just this month two models have lost their shit once they learned I found them pretty enough to paint. That's on top of having an extremely beautiful and talented animating GF that's tiny and cute AF.

I'm one smooth MFt when it comes to this shit. Trust me, she was flirting and sadly for the guy she's also an unstable femnazi.

hide the thread if it bothers you so much. This shit is actually pretty relevant to artists. Not getting publicly shamed for doing what every human on the earth does will ruin your career.

>Why do people still care what some thot said about a negro?
Ah ok you're an idiot. I get ya.

>> No.2563529


>> No.2563533

Flash me

>> No.2563534

>I'm one smooth MFt when it comes to this shit. Trust me.
Sure, whatever you say, virgin. You've clearly missed the point in this entire thread so far. I'm not even hating on autism but you guys really have a problem understanding anything that has to do with social things. Ever. Just fuck off already.

>> No.2563535

>normies have discussions on blue and black vs blue and gold

>artists have discussions on she was flirting vs she was not flirting

quite normal if you think a little

>> No.2563536

My body is ready Marco.

>> No.2563537

just shut up already.

>yes, she flirted. but really marco is the one posting with the intention to flirt.
>and she is just being a fan and keeping the conversation going
By flirting you dumb fuck.

You're constantly disagreeing with yourself and changing your own words. What happened to the whole neutral part of your original post? It's not neutral anymore? So she is flirting?

You're saying he is the one to initialize it? That he was the one pushing for the flirting? Are you an idiot? She messaged him. She liked his selfie with an obvious "I think you're attractive" comment.

Why the fuck would she send him a private message to say "I like your work". Her intentions were pretty fucking clear from the start but you're too big of a moron to see it.

>> No.2563538


Yeah we fucking read you tard and we're saying you're wrong.
How hard is this for you?

>> No.2563539

>projecting this hard
You're right man I'm a huge virgin. gee o golly you sure got me.

>> No.2563542
File: 12 KB, 192x245, 1457894592748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you guys should go outside for the first time in years. It'll probably be good for you.

>> No.2563545


Haha, yes! epic win!

>> No.2563546

Yes, that's what I expect from virgins. Memes, misunderstandings and more memes. Just fuck off to /v/ already

>> No.2563551


>people straight up tell him hes wrong

T-they are just m-m-misunderstanding!..

>> No.2563552

>everyone is wrong but meeeeeeee

>> No.2563553

It's kind of funny how the guy who keeps calling everyone an autistic virgin seems to be the one person ITT who might actually suffer from legitimate autism, based on his posts.

>> No.2563556

Same backatcha. Nothing you've written makes any sense whatsoever. I'm not even sure you've interacted with girls ever if you could possibly think any of this. Be it online or irl. >>2563553
>It's kind of funny
get out

>> No.2563557

you're delusional and should seek therapy for your obvious issues.

>> No.2563558

Yes. It's true, autismo. People can't stand autistic people like yourselves. You're unwanted and nobody likes you.

>> No.2563560

ok you have to be literally retarded or just acting retarded at this point.

>> No.2563563
File: 1.65 MB, 255x255, 1418856982938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just how mad are you?

>> No.2563564

It's just raining so I'm wasting time. >>2563560
back to /v/ virgin, srz.

>> No.2563566

>you can get mad pussy for being a somewhat known pro
yet another excuse to git gud

>> No.2563577
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>> No.2563601

the moral of the story here is to never ever talk to women

>> No.2563602

Kek this whole thread is all Marco defending himself.

>> No.2563606
File: 28 KB, 400x396, 1460324146140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did /ic/ become as pathetic as the rest of this steaming pile of horseshit website?

>> No.2563610
File: 248 KB, 569x369, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least we don't have to force ourselves on to girls using fame as bait MARCO. we know it's you.
mfw people's careers go down the drain because they're stupid.

>> No.2563611

>Caravaggio literally painted their way out crimes as serious as murder.
source, please? this is awesome.

>> No.2563613

Corrupting sjw's and feminists is the most rewarding shit ever, anon. Almost every single feminist i've been with wants to be dominated both sexually and emotionally.

>> No.2563614
File: 63 KB, 800x812, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flash me

>> No.2563616
File: 325 KB, 710x501, 1465118704541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the racist of all people is marco. Well done, retard.

>> No.2563621

Ok Marco.
make sure you take lots pictures.
Of your career, You'll miss it.

>> No.2563624

> posts picture of white guy to throw us off
> gets offended he's being called Marco

> Marco you're even more stupid than I thought. Desperately asking to see tits, using your status and art as a way to entice. You're pathetic.

> flash me

>> No.2563636
File: 1.44 MB, 312x224, 1465584963883.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry guys. I'm sure marco is in this thread somewhere considering he's as autistic as you but I'm not him. Aryan race forever.

>> No.2563641
File: 247 KB, 1658x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A day in the life of: Marco Nelor.

So you showing me them titties or what?

>> No.2563649


It's important to note and call out how black men are the ONLY race of men that do this sort of thing, because no other race of men in the world would ever abuse their power to sexually assault, rape, or rudely ask for nudes from a woman.

Black men are the only ones who do this and never anyone else, ever.

>> No.2563652

Don't forget sand niggers

>> No.2563662

And honkeys and crackas.

>> No.2563665
File: 272 KB, 1242x1406, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marco Nelor

>> No.2563666

Holy fucking shit. This day and age. if this faggot wasn't so beta and went for "flash me" card so fast I bet if this conversation went for a longer period of time I bet this chick would give hints on her being willing to show her nudes or giving him a blowjob or something so he help her further her career or giving her solo instructions.

>> No.2563674
File: 310 KB, 2208x1242, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marco Nelor elor.
>flash me

>> No.2563679

My sides

>> No.2563682

He turned off his Facebook account as if people aren't going to know what he did.

>Maybe if I close my eyes they won't see me.

>> No.2563718
File: 269 KB, 1000x1543, DC_Injustice_Gods_Among_Us_Concept_Art_MN08b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 'Flash' by Marco Niglor

>> No.2563738


>> No.2563801

dwarf flash?

>> No.2563834


This exactly. This is just more feminist demonization of normal male sexuality. Men are attracted to women's bodies - that's nature. Marco thought she was into him, made an awkward sexual advance, got rejected, and immediately apologized. He did literally nothing wrong. This Rebecca Baker person is an attention whore.

>> No.2563844

link IG

>> No.2563848

flash me

>> No.2563941

Dear Rebecca,

We the women of the Internet and feminists disown you. Please make your own gender because we do not want you.

You sought out Marco to trap him for your couple days of internet fame once you got him to say something that could make you look victim after you stalked him online and YOU messaged him on Facebook. I hope he takes you to court and sues you. You will go down sweetheart. You are playing victim and trying to also take advantage of the fact he is a POC because you're a greedy white devil. You were flirting with a man and as silly as "flash me" is he was saying it online and you had every option to answer his question with a "no" and that's all. Consent for a flash was denied and he didn't press you further. So please stop playing victim. Karma is real and you are a disgusting female. As a female I would love to knock you out for being such a terrible representation of our gender. Go read some books on how to draw because your art sucks ass and no amount of 4chan or internet fame for yourself can fix that you are untalented and repulsive.

A Feminist

>> No.2563962

Marco pls go.

>> No.2563970

bitch u liked mah selfeh now pull a titteh out

>> No.2563975

Im sorry?

>> No.2563999
File: 9 KB, 365x138, 2deep_2dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seriously i don't know why you people even get on the cyberwebs because you must be confused as fuck every fucking day

Not him nor Marco either but yes, I'm confused by humans on a daily basis.

You don't know how infuriating it is to be invited by a girl and be a dead fish in her home, trying to second-guess if she wants something or if I'm projecting hard.

My life would be simpler if I could just ask "do you want to fuck?" and "yes/no" was considered very polite.

> Inb4 virgin

Sure I am, not gonna make it if I have to go through those stupid mind games.

And yes, I don't see what he did wrong. If he did it at his workplace for example, that would be another story. Or if he asked a student and he was the teacher. But on a private chat? Everyday millions of people will chat and try to get laid

> If you can't flirt, you end up with a very polite society with no babies.
> Like Japan. Very polite. No babies.

>> No.2564003

>As a female I would love to knock you out for being such a terrible representation of our gender

How ironic, that's not very ladylike of you.

>> No.2564047

Ok Marco. This girl you posted here isn't the same thing as the one you harassed. You went from flirting, to send me some tit pics. On top of that, you used your art to try and bait her in. Not the same shit mate.

>> No.2564061

That's interesting, i would love to fishhook one of these bitches.

Still is it worth the risk? I wish you could still be a known artist and just have a name like "Nox" and be completely anon otherwise.

>> No.2564073

>My life would be simpler if I could just ask "do you want to fuck?" and "yes/no" was considered very polite

In the northern europe until recently it was in fact like that. That is until american sjw crap started spilling over, now i'm paranoid as fuck.