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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 597 KB, 1243x1223, howtomakelivingartskills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2559638 No.2559638 [Reply] [Original]

Making this infographic right now. Help me out here /ic/. Is there something I'm forgetting? Do you agree with the pros/cons and prerequisites? I'm not equally experienced for all of these obviously. Important questions bugging me atm:

-Do you think 3d should have different categories (for instance: modelling, 3d illustration, archviz, sculpting ?).
-How would I add animation? Differentiate between trad animation and 3d animation?
-Do you guys think visdev for animation should have it's own section?
-Add teaching locally? Drawing instructor for watercolor-dog-portrait-grandmas?
-Perhaps differentiate between concept art and concept design?

Any general input appreciated

>> No.2559653

Could you elaborate more on the "Hard to scale" con in Hentai/Porn? What exactly do you mean by that?

>> No.2559658


Going from, say 20k a year, to 40k a year

>> No.2559659

delete this trash, pure misinformation.

>> No.2559660

>low barrier of entry

>> No.2559666

>artistically unsatisfying
You're one of those
>Photography is not real art, it's too easy while we painters do hours upon hours of work!
grognards, aren't you?

>> No.2559677

You should start off with what a person would need in all categories, a short section right at the top:

Prerequisites: Strong grasp of fundamentals (no beginner is going to find work).
Flexibility and willingness to work on others' designs and concepts.
Strong portfolio (resume often not required).
Punctuality (most art related jobs require a fast work flow and quick turnarounds).
Ideal Prerequisites: Networking/Interpersonal skills (a boon to almost every job).

Then you should add to each section whether you're looking at Freelancing (F), applying for full-time Employment (E), or Both (B).

I'm not well versed in all of these fields, but I think it would be something like this:
Illustration: B
Casual Game art: F
Graphic Design: B
3d: Mostly E
Concept Design: Mostly E
Hentai/Adult art: F
Editorial Illustration: Mostly F
Comics: Mostly E

Other than that,
>Concept Design:
Ideal Prereq: Zbrush and 3D software.

It's easier to get a job if you've got that on your resume (and demonstrated in your portfolio).

"Artistically unsatisfying"? That's rather opinionative. Some people love modeling shit, and it's plenty satisfying to them. Your infographic isn't here to tell people what appeals to them, they already know whether they're interested in doing 3d work or whatever else, I assumed the point of your graphic is to emphasize the pros and cons people might not be aware of.

Something you left off completely is working for yourself: self-publishing webcomics, comic books, graphic novels, or other art, etc. Which is basically the same pros and cons of your Hentai/Adult Art section. With the added 'pro' of being able to work on your own ideas; and the 'cons' of, "it doesn't have the automatic draw of porn" and "high chance of failure," instead of "parents 4ever disappoint" (also you spelled disappoint wrong).

Also, add your sources to the very bottom of the image.

>> No.2559679

>Making infographic...
>Has no real info, asks IC who also has no info of expearence to help add info.

>start off with what a person would need...
None of you have enough expearence in these industries to know what someone needs. You all just bounce the same misguided info back and forth to one another.

IC is a place to post your studies, get crits on your work and bitch about artists you hate. This is not a place to get life or career advise. So much bullshit misinformation gets spread around on this site, it's part of the reason none of you ever make it.

>> No.2559682

>what a person would need...
The most necessary things are the most obvious.
1. Being ABLE to do art.
2. The work ethic to ACTUALLY do it/compete with those who can.

You don't need to be employed in every single field mentioned to understand that.

I agree with you about the purpose of /ic/, but that doesn't change people from constantly showing up and asking about that kind of shit. The "don't go to art school" graphic is useful for the same reasons OP's graphic would be useful - if he actually had legit sources cited.

>> No.2559683

keep up the discussion

>> No.2559700

>that doesn't change people from constantly showing up and asking about that kind of shit.
Just because people show up and ask doesn't make you smart enough to answer.

You don't have to answer those anons questions by trying to sound smart and regurgitating secondhand stories from misinformed IC plebs. Find a handful of youtube videos from WORKING artists (plenty out there) answering the questions people ask most often and direct them to those.

Even if parts of the infographic are correct other parts are going to be wrong because IC doesn't know jack about anything. If an anon wanted to know how to work for WoTC, for example, direct them to a vid from a WoTC artists talking about it or how they got started. If you've never worked in the field before how are you going to know what information is important enough to condense down and slap on a infograph.

It's the blind leading the blind.

>> No.2559702

OP here, guys please try to keep it very very simple. it's not meant to give in depth info about how to work for wizards or how to this or how to that. it's meant to be stupidly simple and give a very rough overview over different ways to turn art skills into $$$.

also the info is meant to be relative, in relation to eachother.

i'd still really love some input regarding where animation fits in, because it's something i have no experience with.

>> No.2559728

>i'd still really love some input regarding where animation fits in, because it's something i have no experience with.

You have no experience in any of these things friendo, stop trying to meme/tier list career advice.

Any advice you read will be extremely biased towards someones own success(or failure). Yes, lessons to be learned but you're not that person, and the circumstances they thrived very likely have changed.

>> No.2559755

Should add to illustration tier that entry pay is extremely low

3d has a higher pay ceiling than Illustration by far, find me a Illustrator that makes 90k a year off his clients.

>> No.2559756



>> No.2559765
File: 45 KB, 671x366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having more than one art skill

>> No.2559777

>Anecdotal bullshit.
>Pointless thread created by 18 y/o neets giving career advise.

Read: >>2559659 >>2559679 >>2559700 >>2559728

>> No.2559806

I'd agree with that but arguably for all of these disciplines you can find 50$ jobs if you look hard enough. it's hard to pinpoint where one leaves the 'deviantart bullshit tier' and starts doing 'actual jobs'. Altohugh I think it's still worth including now that I think about it.


> me me me!
> me me me me me me me!
> give me attention!
> i matter! me me me!
> everyone listen to me me me me!
> me me meeee
> i'm more important than everyone else

fuck off already

>> No.2559820

You're so stupid you don't even understand the "me me me" portion of your post describes this thread, people like you and uninformed IC plebs trying to sound important by giving out faulty information they think is important.

>Look how smart and knowledgeable I am about being an illustrator.
>I'm pretending that I'm an industry vet with valuable job expearence.
> In reality I'm a NEET who's too lazy to study and get real job and gain real expearence.
>Pretending to know stuff to feel better about yourself and actually doing a disservice to beginners trying to learn.

>> No.2559856

yes to separating 3d modelling and sculpting. might even add vfx work as a category...

>> No.2559899
File: 576 KB, 1200x1536, crumb-1983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add Art Teacher/Professor for highschool or college. While it is the least glamorous, it pays consistently.
This is a quality post.

>> No.2559926

>it's hard to pinpoint where one leaves the 'deviantart bullshit tier' and starts doing 'actual jobs'. Altohugh I think it's still worth including now that I think about it.

fantasy flight games and other traditional game companies pay around 100$ an illustration. If you can find me a similar game company that pays so little for concept art or 3d modeling I'll concede you that point.

>> No.2559931


Can confirm. They are just a shitty exploitative client though, I don't think them being popular means working for them is in any way a significant achievement.

And payment for teaching is usually extremely location dependant. Big cities will have an 'art scene' and therefore supply of starving artists eager to teach. Exact same in music

>> No.2559996


What about traditional? Is that really not even worth mentioning?

>> No.2560038


Not only do I disagree with almost every point of the infographic OP is missing huge parts of the sector and carelessly lumping huge sprawling industries into simplistic "3d" and "graphic design", and not articulating the major differences to the lifestyle of a freelance and an in house artist.
Missing parts: Advertising, Animation, Storyboarding, architectural illustration, motion graphics, Previz, Editing, Matte painting, texture artists, rigging, etc.
I also can't help but feel The con's to these sectors are OP's own ill informed misgivings to that type of work.
Get this out of here before it poisons the rest of /ic/, there's enough misinfo already.

>> No.2560058

And this is because OP has no working expearence and is just parroting things he heard from other misinformed anons. I've read this board long enough to know if it isn't about games or entertainment art IC doesn't know it exists. Even in those broad industries anons only know about trading card art and vidya concept art.

Thread is trash filled with uninformed generalizations.

>> No.2560061

>game art

>> No.2560064

>make my infographic for me the thread

>> No.2560081

>>2560038 (you)
>>2560058 (you)

it's alright. stop posting then.

>> No.2560121
File: 3.55 MB, 3262x4982, ARB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good infographic needs citations (the actual information in other words). What you've posted comes across as someone on the outside making assumptions about certain artistic fields without providing any supplemental information or even anecdotes that might suggest the veracity of the claims made. Before you start deciding how to organize this information you need to be able to prove that the information in the image is anywhere close to correct and you simply haven't done that yet my man

>> No.2560180

>artistically unsatisfying
Do you even work in the industry? 3D ranges from environment art, to texture, modelling, interior design, architecture, vehicles, to rigging and 3D animation. What the hell is not artistically satisfying about all that?

>> No.2560258


means 'not drawing'.

>> No.2560286

Lack of drawing is "not artistically satisfying"? Is that what you mean?

If so it's just one more example of why this bullshit thread is useless. Plenty of people like 3d, they like sculpting and very much enjoy doing it. Personal taste is not fact, things you hate are not objectively bad. Are you 12?

Hrmmm. ....It's almost like you don't even make art at all.....

Oh wait, it's IC so chances are you don't. You just like the idea of being an artists not actually making art. Stop mentally masturbating and spreading BS misinformation to beginners.