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File: 352 KB, 2500x2500, wacom_cintiq13wx_cintiq_13hd_13_interactive_945191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2556179 No.2556179 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone own a Wacom Cintiq? I currently use a Wacom Intuos Pro and I'm not sure if I should upgrade. Does a Cintiq improve your workflows compared to graphic tablets without displays?

>> No.2556226

Your best bet is finding somewhere you can test it out. Minimum would be buy it somewhere with a return policy and try and it out before deciding whether to return it or not.

In general though a cintiq will give you more accurate line art, for painting the advantages of more accuracy is negligible for line art it can make a huge difference.

Keep in mind too using a cintiq will be worse on your back/arm than a tablet, so f your doing art 12 hours a day it may actually be impossible for you to do without killing your back.

>> No.2556271

I highly recommend the 22" Cintiq + Touch gestures. It's worth it if you are a working professional or if you have the income to support such a large purchase.

It's one of the best upgrades I've ever bought, considering I had been using a Intuos 4 Medium since 2009.

I'm sure the competing alternatives are just fine, if you want to spend less.

>> No.2556282

i ordered a 22hd today so i can give my first impressions once it arrives.
I have owned a 21ux earlier, the older one, and it was so fun to use. Even though it made my art suffer a bit (i wasnt used to drawing on the screen) but i guess it dissipates over time.
And its mostly for the fun factor that im getting a 22hd, and as far as workflow goes it will slow you down until you get used to it but once you get the hang of it it should atleast make lining stuff quicker.

>> No.2556525

>I'm sure the competing alternatives are just fine, if you want to spend less.

from what I've seen there's not really much point in getting them, besides drivers issues almost everyone I've seen says they get line jitters and stuff like that which defeats the point of being able to draw more accurately.

The only person I've seen give favorable reviews to uc-logic stuff is frenden who I respect but is kind of a god in terms of getting these things to work properly.

>> No.2557288


> Does a Cintiq improve your workflows compared to graphic tablets without displays?

For most people, yes. Anyone who tells you an Intuous is just as good is lying. You can't beat that direct connection of drawing on the screen. I work 3 or 4 times faster on a cintiq than I did on an intuous.

I use a 13 inch because it was cheaper. 22 would be better, but the 13 gets the job done and is convenient and small enough to take with me.

>> No.2557301

disagree, i used a 13hd for a few years, got sick of how bulky it was, too many wires, shit connections, not portable, looking straight down or having a sore arm from drawing on it tilted. traded it for a wireless intuos medium and never looked back

>> No.2557407

I really varies from person to person. Some people more easily adjust to drawing on a regular tablet then others, no matter how much they practice. I've tried monitor tablets, but I always end up going back to my Intuos. There's just something about the responsiveness and precision of that tablet I enjoy so much. Also, I have such a good work position while using it. My back and neck is straight, my screen is right in front of my eyes and my arm rests comfortably on my desk/tablet. I can draw for hours without any stress, tension or soreness what so ever. I struggle with finding that level of comfort while working on a monitor tablet.

>> No.2557418

Have You looked at the Yiynova line of tablets? They seem to have a good reputation, both products and seller. Yeah once users got over the driver hump really had a good experience with them.

I only say that because I looked at ther products for the past two years. The RH models with the remotes seem unecessary for me.

Might just get a Cintiq 13 HD anyways since both are in the same price point.

>> No.2557427

I own a Companion 2.

It was an overdue purchase imo. My productivity has increased threefold thanks to it. Nothing quite beats being able to do lineart on a cintiq. People always ask me how I get such clean lines on digital, and my honest answer is just that I own a cintiq.

People will wanna naysay or dissent, but at the end of the day, it's a question of hours. You waste your time trying to nail lineart without normal hand-eye coordination. In fact, I'll even go one step further. Doing linart on a non-screen tablet is slowly fucking you up. End of story.

If you're serious about digital art, get a cintiq. Otherwise, stick to traditional. Anything else is doing yourself a disfavour.

>> No.2557453

Might go for a Cintiq 13 myself. I thought they were small but looked at a 13" diagonal and seems pretty decent.

Really wanted the alternatives because of screen estate for the same price, but most likely that Wacom will last longer & it also has support in Linux.

How is the companion line? I heard they had fan/heat problems.

>> No.2557472

Yeah, it overheats rather quickly, and can cause the fan to blare loudly.

It's caused no performance issues for me thus far, though it does cause worry. I just make sure to draw in a cold room at all times when I'm using it.

And I can understand. I mean, the machine is quite powerful. I got the i5, and it can handle Maya, and 3DSMax, and Zbrush like its nothing. Only photoshop causes it to go on a fritz because Adobe products are poorly optimized. All that aside, I'm quite happy with it. Plus, its SSD is magical when it comes to boot speeds and such. It's also future proof since you can upgrade the RAM and HD on it. So, for a pricy piece of machinery ($1600), it's well worth the price since you do get a professional machine meant to last you 5+ years.

As a computer, it's rather mediocre, but as a drawing tablet, it's as good as it gets thus far.

>> No.2557481

I was thinking of getting a surface pro 4 and docking it with two monitors. Then heard that the Surface was not that great for design compared to a Cintiq after some user experience here.

I had a Note 10.1 and really don't need a portable device for drawing after the experience so I want to get the Cintiq 13 HD.

>> No.2557506

I don't normally like brand loyalty, but I do agree that "you get what you pay for" in regard to products. Sometimes products are overpriced, and I'd even say Wacom's are, but when it comes down to it, no other product on the market has a digitizer like theirs. There's a reason they're the leading brand.

At the end of the day, I'd rather spend 1600 on a trusted brand, than gambling 1000 on a cheaper one, not feeling satisfied with it, and then feeling like I wasted 1000.

Better to spend 1600 on something you'll be satisfied with, than 1000, and then regretting your purchase. That was my thought process with the Companion 2.

>does it do all the things I want a portable drawing tablet to do?
>Is drawing on it similar to paper?

Thus, I opted for it over products which are better in other areas, but suffer where it counts, the drawing.

At the end of the day, no product will be perfect, but as an artist, I sought a good drawing tablet, not a good computer. So I'm happy.

Wacom thus far has failed to disappoint where it counts. So I think you'll be happy to get the 13 HD.

Until a brand comes out that can give Wacom a good run for their money and stand as top competitors in the drawing industry, I'll be sticking with Wacom.

>> No.2557512

What I mean is that I don't wholly agree with the 4chan ideology of

>We're poorfags, so we'll search for cheaper alternatives to good products

I know naysayers like to disagree, but I feel that investing good money on a quality product goes a long way. Cutting corners at the end of the day can be a bigger waste of money. And when it comes to Wacom products, such is the case. It's not a matter of brand elitism, it's a matter of, they're just the best products on the market atm.

They ARE overpriced. But no other brand can truly match them yet. Till that day comes, stick with Wacom. It's a good investment toward a career anyway.

>> No.2557633

Stay far away from the Surface! I got lured in to buying one and I regret it, it's definitively not made for drawing, that's just a side-feature and not a very good one! I put more trust in Wacom now, since they're actually made for artists.

>> No.2557669

>Have You looked at the Yiynova line of tablets?

I've looked into it and they seem to have some good reviews.

As far as I know they have no tilt functionality though which is shitty , and the drivers still can be a problem. At the end of the day like you the 13 hd is in a similar price point and you get a good product.

>Also, I have such a good work position while using it

This is so important to consider as well, drawing on a tablet is so much better ergonomically than directly on a screen. People should try drawing on paper for 6 hours a day first to see how shitty it feels and decide if the pain is worth it.

>They ARE overpriced. But no other brand can truly match them yet. Till that day comes, stick with Wacom. It's a good investment toward a career anyway.

Agree 100 percent, wacoms stuff is just better, and yeah they are overpriced but there is no alternative yet.

If people are super strapped for cash though I'd suggest looking on ebay for cheap used wacom tablets instead of buying cheaper brands that you will likely replace anyways.

>> No.2557755

I would say start off by buying the cheaper alternative. I plan on getting the Huion when I save up enough. If you experience said issues like the wobbly lines and can't seem to fix it in 15 or so days, just return it as defective. Simple as that.

>> No.2557766
File: 417 KB, 1280x1707, 3579dec0-6b50-4867-b0f6-a119581e77ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the ipad pro any good? i want a tablet for sketching on the go.

>> No.2557777
File: 177 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2016-06-10-16-33-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't afford a Cintiq. But I'm most likely going to get this next month. Is it worth it?

>> No.2557794

what app is that?

>> No.2557802

It's funny how Apple's first drawing tablet has a better stylus with better tilt functionality than Wacom. It's like they never bothered to put any thought into improving the pen. Wacom is lucky Apple's shit is tied down to iOS.

>> No.2557841

>Wacom is lucky Apple's shit is tied down to iOS.
Just give it some time. OS X has Astropad, and Duet Display works with Windows as well. I don't know if it has pressure sensitivity yet but last I heard they were working on it. The Cintiq 13HD really needs an upgrade to stay competitive at the same price.

>> No.2558096

I have a 13 hd and a macbook pro 15 from last year. I've been using both of them for about 3 years now and have gotten used to the speed at which I can do simple things like switching from the eyedrop to the brush over and over again really quickly. Whenever I use my friends companions I find them slow, under-powered and just over all buggy in many many small ways. Some of those might not actually be bugs but rather be things you can toggle on and off somewhere in window's control panel but I'm not sure. Also of my 3 friends who have owned a companion, 2 of them have had to send it back for repairs, 1 had to send it back twice for separate issues.

But over all like I said, they are just slow in all of the most annoying ways. But I guess that's what you get for the portability aspect.

This probably doesn't matter to you but I find cintiqs work really well with macs in general, and with my laptop everything just works perfectly. So I recommend getting a macbook or a mac desktop. They best.

>> No.2558330
File: 81 KB, 1362x880, Cube-i9-Skylake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been considering getting one to replace my dying laptop, the Cube i7 has a Wacom digitizer and there's newer i9 model that just came out.
Chuwi Hi12 has also been a big consideration sincei t has the better display for cheaper (but no Wacom)
Any experiences here? These seem like great value since they also run Windows and Android and not just a mobile OS

>> No.2558377

You can get perfect 1:1 hand-eye coordination on a screenless tablet by mapping it to a tablet sized portion of your screen.

>> No.2558381


I have a cube i7 with pen, after a bit of getting used to dimensions and slight parallax between digitizer and screen it's really not bad as a portable digitizer (wacom delivers no lag and smooth pressure experience here). screen's proportions are a bit outdated, if the i9 will have a pen enabled version it should be much comfier. it runs photoshop cc pretty well for sketches, the battery, with the core-m processor, is not lasting much more than an usual laptop but the performance is pretty good with all the drawing softwares I tried.
Value is great since build and screen are quite good quality, windows 10 is not perfect in tablet mode but it's still worth it.

>> No.2558429


It is impressively good. Before it came out I was prepared to get a Cintiq 13 to replace my Bamboo, but the iPad is much better for what I wanted to do.

The app is Procreate, and I'm pleasantly surprised that it's one of the nicest dedicated drawing programs I've used. It's got a bunch of fun and/or useful bells and whistles, plus let's you export to PSD if there's something you just must do in Photoshop.

I've had no issues with the pencil (it's expensive, but it works beautifully), and I've never thought "I wish I was doing this on a powerful PC instead".

>> No.2558473

please love yourself and wait . buy a cintique . All the reviews were kinda bad and the monitor has driver problems

>> No.2558477

If by the end of this year Wacom doesn't release a 13HD that powers by usb3 I'll just get an ipad pro or Artisul D13 because at least the Artisul is portable and powers by usb

>> No.2558488

that bad perspective on the reflection

>> No.2558744

I donk know how many people are happy drawing on tablets or a wacom 13hd.
I was using a tabletPC a toshjiba T5010 which have a 13" wacom penabled monitor

It's a good machine from 2009 and still works good for daily use and drawing on lightwave
software like sai, opencavas, medibang paint. artrage. whatever.

being not able to use abetter software it never was a problem for me, even the 256 presure level
pen, you get used to it.

but man those screens are very small.

well still carry that thing when I travel. but from that thing to a wacom cintiq21ux (2nd) was a big change.
Also. I love working in a 4:3 monitor

>> No.2558748

>I donk know how many people are happy drawing on tablets or a wacom 13hd.
Because 13" isn't actually that small? It comes down to just under A4 size, which is perfectly comfortable if your screen isn't cluttered by UI elements.

>> No.2558751

33 cm is too small to realistically draw on for a living without getting bad habits. It's what you use when you travel, but not when you're wanting to work.

>> No.2558765

What bad habits would those be? I know people who zoom in a lot, but that's a matter of not being dexterous enough and lacking the discipline to do without it. It's something beginners work on over time. I'd argue needing to draw huge is a bigger crutch.

>> No.2558770

lol reiq does one foot in one foot ree?

>> No.2558807

How is it too small? That's ;ike a decent sketchbook size, and you can always zoom in.

>> No.2558876

I was actually not thinking in terms of screen tablets, in that case it's workable since it's 1:1 rather than working with a normal small sized tablet.

Either way, I own a SP2, and it's generally too small to draw on. Everything on screen takes a lot of space away. Even if it didn't, the wacom tech in it fails(Practically impossible to get pen accuracy good. Not to mention the half cm screen which makes it like you're hovering the pen over the image when you're drawing) because the magnetic fields along the edges is warped. It's not a driver issue, it's a hardware design issue. I also own an intuos small, I've used it a lot but with both you start working with your wrist too much. I can't articulate the difference, but drawing on a bigger canvas is a liberation and improved my drawing skills once I got used to it.

>> No.2558884

If you are gonna get one I would get the 27. It is a HUGE improvement. It does not have the plastic film that will eventually get scratched and wear away. The remote is a nice addition as you dont have physical buttons on the side of the screen which are more annoying then helpful and as always this is America and bigger is better.

As far as improving your work flow or making your work better I don't really see it helping that much. Yes being able to see your hand on the screen is help full for placing lines but your hand obstructing the picture and the un-avoid able parallax between the glass. I dont find it uncomfortable to use for a long period of time. Slap it on a stand and drop it in your lap like you would a sketch pad.

>> No.2559351

Will it make you a better artist? No. Is it more intuitive and more fun than an Intuos? You bet your ass. I'd only get it if you have done digital art for a while (read: years) and are pretty set on doing it professionally. And don't get the 12 inch one either, or however small it is.

>> No.2559352

Oh, and I'd highly, highly recommend getting an Ergotron stand too, if you're going to make the investment. A load of difference compared to the stand they give you.

>> No.2559367

I hope you're not being b8.

I should try that...

Anyways, I have a question: Can you get any good using an Intuos for lineart? Or am I doomed to painting?

Bad english. I be of apologies.

>> No.2559612

Of course an intuos works. There are only two reasons it wouldn't be. Either you're shit, which is likely... Or you're stupid and haven't mapped the same aspect ratio as your screen on to your tablet.

Making lineart on an intuos vs a cintiq is exactly the same process. Draw a line, undo, and repeat until you get your perfect line. Erase mistakes, manually make the line bolder or thinner. Or use vectors.

>> No.2559635

>Making lineart on an intuos vs a cintiq is exactly the same process. Draw a line, undo, and repeat until you get your perfect line. Erase mistakes, manually make the line bolder or thinner. Or use vectors.

This is a bad habit and should be squashed. Using undo as a crutch is inefficient for your time, and you never properly learn to judge lines and form them well on the first pass.

It's why so many people recommend working with pen and paper when learning.

>> No.2559693

Yes, but that also happens automatically when you actually git gud. Is it also a bad habit to erase when you do something wrong? Is it a bad habit to work with mistakes because it's "close enough"?

>> No.2559706

Don't twist what I said.

>Draw a line, undo, and repeat until you get your perfect line

You could do that ad infinitum and only waste your time.

>> No.2559823
File: 493 KB, 800x1067, 1_kitei_ingunnsara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you can! It's just practice, like everything else (pic related a random page from a comic where the artist is using a regular tablet)