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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.27 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160609-090308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2556057 No.2556057 [Reply] [Original]

What age are you now, and how good are you at drawing vs when you started drawing?

Do you think you have what it takes?

>> No.2556061

Seeing as I'm already jealous of this person I've never seen before, I probably have what it takes.

>> No.2556069

I'm 19 and have been drawing for 2 years i see no improvement. I know it's because I don't draw as much as i should. I can't find the motivation to keep drawing.

>> No.2556070

damn, they're not even old enough to post on 4chan

>> No.2556071

I am ashamed when I think back on what I was drawing at 17, nowhere near this level. At all.

I needed my daily dose of self loathing anyway.

>> No.2556073
File: 12 KB, 446x568, j428JPv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my style is kinda weird so its hard to judge if i got good or not
>pic related

>> No.2556074

I could have been near her level...but tutorials back in the day fucked me up

I spent my summers learning from bad tutorials like the structure of man anatomy series to just mindlessly copying loomis. If only I found /ic/ 10 years ago I'd be somewhere.

>> No.2556086

18 now and I started drawing when I turned 16 and got my first sketchbook. I had of course drawn prior to that but when i turned 16 I actually started enjoying it and wanted to improve

>> No.2556087

instead of doing that maybe draw?

>> No.2556097

>tfw at 17 I was hyped up a lot and showed a ton of potential with some people thinking I would be the next big thing
>6 years later and I have improved but not as much as I should have

>> No.2556098

SERIOUS QUESTION: Is it physically possible for someone who's in their early 20s who's still a beginner to get this good or have we missed our mark? Our brains are probably no longer "spongy" enough to soak up all the shit this 17 year old learnt when she was 10.

>> No.2556101
File: 162 KB, 2005x1581, hum2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 22, been drawing since I was a toddler. I never really tried to get better and have difficulty finishing my stuff, but I don't really mind. I think I've gotten better over the years.

>> No.2556105

People really wish they would have started at a younger age. I do too, but whenever I meet some pros who ask me how old I am they say: "You're still young! You have all time of the world!"
I don't what to make of it.

t. 22 yo

>> No.2556107

it is entirely possible. just have to practice a lot.

>> No.2556112

I am 33.
About the same level I was at, when I started with 33.
Sure, anyone does.

>> No.2556114


25 is the cut of age my friend. After that, the average male artist begins to rapidly lose neuroplasticity.

>> No.2556116

20 is the time when most people enter college to study far more difficult shit than art. do you think surgeons have dissected bodies since early childhood or something? Just what is it with art that attracts all these defeatist losers and their "spongy brain" pseudoscience?

>> No.2556117

so pretty much you're screwed if you're 25 and over? fuck. this seems true even if i don't want it to be

>> No.2556118

Starting to regret doing drugs in High School now

>> No.2556120


>> No.2556122

It's really hard to tell if people like you are genuinely retarded or just trolling.

>> No.2556124

There's a difference between following procedural tasks and creating art, making good art is far from just cold calculated steps.

I know that anyone can improve at any age, but it's hard to find people who started later in life making genuinely good art. I'm looking at people like Sycra, this guy started in his early 20's had all the time in the world to grind art yet his art is still missing something.

>> No.2556128

Literally can't believe what I'm reading. To be honest it's that attitude that stops people from growing and succeeding. If you don't think you'll succeed you probably won't. How's that for neuroplasticity.

>> No.2556133

Mullins started at 23, Min Yum started at 25

>> No.2556135

all im hearing is
>im trying to make up as many excuses as i can so i can justify me being shit
shut the fuck up and get on that art grind nigga.

>> No.2556140

> I'm looking at people like Sycra, this guy started in his early 20's had all the time in the world to grind art yet his art is still missing something.

Yeah, but guess what, that 17 year old girl OP posted will most likely go down that same path, just like 99% of every other artist. the only difference is that when they start younger, they'll hit their plateau earlier. Just look at Sakimichan as the perfect example. She drew all her life and she's just as good now as she was in her late teens. To make exceptional art, you need to be an exceptional person. The age you started matters fairly little when it comes to that.

>> No.2556146

all those "kids" drawing are fake lol. they are people on solid 20 but they abuse from normie people on media, if u say that u are a girl drawing porn you get more audience in less time. i dont say every kid drawing is fake but is easy to know the difference.

this person obviously can "copy" aritist styles but have 0 consistence.

>> No.2556149 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 1600x907, imagination_drawings_by_vetyr-d9zb0ub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2556150

The classic nobody knows you're a dog on the internet.

>> No.2556153

She streams art on twitch.

>> No.2556155


dude, artist on social media are the worst, i see people attention whoring at the point that they signature paints on WIP, and thake photos of themself drawing/painting but the shit is already with signature.

All artist that post shit in social media is a potential sociopath or attention whore.

>> No.2556157

yeah, it's all over once you reach the age of 25, if you haven't made it by then you've far better off just quitting and doing something else.

>> No.2556158

typical 4chan jelly loser

>> No.2556160


i dont see when i say all they are bad. im just talking about that "look at my, i can draw XD" actitude.

>> No.2556161

>4chan group

>> No.2556162

Being good to young can actually be bad, look at sinix got good really quickly and fucked up a dream job as concept artist at ea because he he couldn't handle it.

If these people get jobs there is a decent chance they'll fuck up and screw them selves over for future work.

>> No.2556163

>oh boy, a bullshit excuse to not try!
The ability to learn shit doesn't stop until you start going senile.

>> No.2556164


Much better than when I started but still shit

No just because of my lack of focus. Cant sit at the table for more than an hour at a time

>> No.2556172

I'm now 21, I guess I really started wanting to improve at age 13. My improvement has been slow and patchy and looking at my Improvement meme from '96 to '15 really shows I have been slacking on a lot of fundamentals.

No idea, but I'll always keep trying.

>> No.2556181

> fucked up a dream job as concept artist at ea
what happened?

>> No.2556183

dang I wish I was as good as her I'm pretty fucking mediocre and I do want to get better

but you really can't help but get depressed and jealous sometimes

>> No.2556184

fundamentals are always a good way to guage how much you're improved since regardless of how stylized it is fundamentals will always be apparent

unless you're full on contemporary then I guess it's impossible at that point

>> No.2556219


IIRC he was just overwhelmed and basically quit/didn't do anything for them He then worked at a bird store for pigeons or something I think and now does patron/YouTube/twitch

>> No.2556245
File: 1.41 MB, 2000x1840, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawing forever and I still suck

I feel like I was good for my age in high school

Pic related (don't judge the copypasted outfit I was experimenting)

>> No.2556257

>Children and teens studying their asses off to 'git Gud'
>Manchildren and neckbeards crying about how they are too old to get this good

You know, /Ic/ isn't the problem. It's that the only people really posting are those with self-defeating attitudes.

>> No.2556261
File: 149 KB, 1200x675, huehuehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I tried to improve and I failed. It's too late, now I just paint color that look pretty to me like a total retard

>> No.2556283


Started 16~
Read sticky at 18
19 now

It's mildly depressing seeing younger people better than me but in the grand scheme of things my favorite artists are in there 30s and 40s, so one or two years won't hurt.

I'm more worried about getting my dreams crushed by my STEM degree and entering a life of mediocrity.

>> No.2556319

why are you worried about that, why arent you sure it will

>> No.2556355

does anyone have any progress pics of someone who started during their 20s?

>> No.2556361

>I still suck
are you fishing for compliments or is everyone on /ic/ this harsh on themselves

>> No.2556363

The people who do the best are their own biggest critic.

>> No.2556364
File: 1.07 MB, 1865x2683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of high school for 2 years, there are people who started drawing and got to a professional level on that time and I'm still at about the same mediocre level.

I'm not a beginner but my progress is by no means admirable

Here's a recent thing I did for a friend

>> No.2556369

oh god

>tfw asked to make animation for PBS at 19
>wasn't even that hard but had a breakdown and never finished

At least they didn't pay up front.

>> No.2556370

I understand that and think these people progress the most since they look for ways to improve.
>there are people who started drawing and got to a professional level on that time and I'm still at about the same mediocre level.
Then practice more.Draw more,enjoy yourself.No use stressing that someone is better than you.And if they are?

>> No.2556380

20, started about 2 years ago
way better now but still shit

>do you think you have what it takes?
i wonder that everday


>> No.2556385

People these days are simply better at a younger age due to the wealth of information available.

Back when I was 16/17, good luck finding any tutorials on painting in photoshop, let alone tutorials on anatomy, values, etc.

>> No.2556389

How old are you? These things have been around a long time. Anatomy text books have been in print and cheap forever, and the Loomis books used to be ubiquitous online free before they republished them.

People on forums were helpful and came up with tutorials and things for photoshop.

>> No.2556391

> tfw when I was 16. Gnomon and all that other shit was non existent.

The only thing that got me into art was ben dunn's how to draw manga with fred perry and adam warren. such a good time lol.

>> No.2556394

I really hate this I draw sometimes~ ^_^ thing

If they're that good at that age, they draw a LOT, and it's really disingenuous to other artists who think they get these results without trying. It's already disheartening enough to see someone younger and better than you; don't belittle yourself, and by extension others, by pretending it took no effort.

Unless of course they do get these results without trying, in which case fuck them.

>> No.2556414
File: 34 KB, 397x600, mona-lisa.jpg!Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 14, just shat this out :3

>> No.2556417

16? are you sure?

>> No.2556419
File: 57 KB, 662x934, mushroomen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started when i was 16...im 18 now

Pic related,my art.

>> No.2556446

I'm drawing since I'm like 8 and I'm 19 today. I stopped drawing for several years, maybe 5.
I could be so much better than I am but I never learned, I only assimilate by inspiration

>> No.2556464

Started drawing July of 2014 when i was 16 if my memory serves me right, currently 18 and i think i've made some decent progress from where i started.
I might have what it takes, but we'll just see how things go i guess

>> No.2556472

I started in the 4th grade and now I'm a senior in college. I stopped for about 3-4 years after some shit happened in middle school(art related.) When I got my comfortable drawing again, my style had changed so much but it still sucked dick.

So all in all, I've greatly improved art-wise but my wild imagination and all those quirky ideas I once had are now gone.

>> No.2556499
File: 921 KB, 5100x3300, abcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 23 and I have been drawing for most of my life but only now am I taking it seriously. I still have a far way to go, but I am more or less happy with my progress.

>> No.2556511

>falling for the bait
these are all traced, my bet is they are traced from 3d models

>> No.2556541

The jelly in this post.

>> No.2556550


how is calarts for you so far

>> No.2556567

You're improving, but you don't use enough contrast at all. Just add some much darker colours to the picture on the right and it will look a ton better, trust me.

>> No.2556574

I actually dont go to anything i just stay at home and draw what i like. but thanks!

>> No.2556605
File: 298 KB, 1000x700, 3 months of no job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 here. I stagnated pretty much from middle school through college and am trying desperately to catch up. I want to do art for a living, it's pretty much all I have.

>> No.2556624
File: 210 KB, 584x968, wasted potential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 and been drawing for as long as i can remember. first time i got a fire lit under my ass about it was 3 or 4 years ago.
i don't think i have what it takes. i've wasted so much time fucking around and still do. i wish i could travel back in time to lock myself in a cellar with a bunch of sketchbooks and pencils. but instead i've played over 400 hours of tf2. pic related, sketchbook stuff from the beginning of the year. i think i've gotten better than that.

>> No.2556633

I'm nearly 27 and I'm just starting, so I'm absolute shit.

>Do you think you have what it takes?

Well, yeah, I'm not most stupid guy around and I have some sensitivity and will to awaken my creativity, so maybe I could make something that people will like - or at least I'd be glad with.

Hope that my interest in creative arts will flourish with years, I'll certainly would like to try various mediums, not only painting, but also 3D, sculpting, photography, graphic design...

But as default I have a goal to learn drawing in pen/ink and then move to gouache.

>> No.2556699
File: 308 KB, 1220x2485, mercwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm well in my 30's and I am still reading Fun with a Pencil so if I ever get gud, I promise to cheer everyone up. If it happens, which I admit is unlikely. I'll give it my best and this world sure has seen weirder things than another outlier.

Don't worry about neuroplasticity, especially as you're still young. Recent studies show that you still have way enough of it until you're old enough to retire.
See it the other way around, many great artists died untimely deaths, and you on the other hand have extra decades to get at their level.

D/ic/ks often use Mullins as an example of late bloomer, but 23 isn't that old. If there's a dude who made it in his 30's, I would like to know about him.

> Inb4 Dobson

>> No.2556729
File: 37 KB, 188x286, 1460420188671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to draw a lot of sonic (ya i know) when i was around 11-13 then I stopped because I got an xbox and just burned my time away doing that. I had barely decent drawings with references but most of it was kinda crappy anime/nickelodeon stuff because i was stuck in the comfort zone.

I want to start fresh but I don't even know where to begin. I know of the two main books that are recommended to beginners but even those seem a bit advanced to me. I don't even know what to draw.

pls help

>> No.2556761


your art just looked really similar to anatola howard's, and are the same age, so thought you were. my b

>> No.2556893
File: 2.25 MB, 200x200, 1426720846636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am in my jammies and ready to do both

>> No.2556919

Just because someone is better at drawing than you now doesn't mean they'll be better a couple years later from now. You might surpass them. You never know. Being good at a young age isn't guarantee that she'll be successful and keep going at the rate she's going when she's older. Most people who show potential at a young age vanish out of sight later. So age doesn't matter, because you don't know what happens tomorrow.

Kids also have more resources today to draw well (and online & for free too). I think it's a good thing that young artists today are able to draw as well if not better than middle aged professionals generations ago.

>> No.2557072
File: 781 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20160609_215740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oah many people younger than me.
I wanna show you my progress but alas i can't
I recently turned 21 years
Mostly i drew dinosaurs.

>> No.2557078
File: 956 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20160501_165643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here a dinosaur

All Picts are for testing in gimp

>> No.2557084
File: 54 KB, 258x300, whole-chicken-cocofeed-258x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where his arms connect look like a chicken.

>> No.2557326

brb shoving wacom pen in to my brain

>> No.2557332

If you like dinosaurs so much, maybe you could've read a thing or two about them instead of copying pulpy 50s monsters

>> No.2557879

I'm 26 I was 24 when I started in improving at an average rate, but sometimes I make big jumps. I'm fine with it. I think I can make a living eventually

>> No.2557886

It's more fun for me to make my art understanding like game stats
Age: 18
Level: Intermediate
Rendering: 14%
Shading: 47%
Anatomy: 58%
BG & Landscapes: 10%
Faces: 58%
Details & Features: 38%
Perspective: 49%
Colouring: 0% Yep, I've never coloured before

>> No.2557943

I started seriously animating at 11, which was when my dad bought me flash.

>> No.2557963

autism: the post

>> No.2557968

What kind of game gives stats as percentages anyway?

>> No.2557985

The good ones.

>> No.2558015

You're an idiot

>> No.2558257

ok bro, nothing else to do here, go home

>> No.2558516

do you try that for dating too? do you end up with "game over" all the time??

>> No.2558913

>What age
It doesn't matter kid. You can be a "prodigy" who could draw photo realistic at the age of 14 and and in the end still be outdone by someone who only started practicing beyond doodling at the age of 35.

Life isn't an RPG.

>> No.2558920
File: 545 KB, 900x987, techmask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot better than when I started last year.

>Do you think you have what it takes?

To be a professional? Not even close, and I lack the necessary discipline and work ethic to get there.
Give me a few years and I'll be a pretty competent hobbyist though.

>> No.2558933

>already that good
Fuck it. I can't do this anymore. I'm finding a new hobby

>> No.2558938

they just spend majority of their free time drawing instead of partying/playing videogames.

>> No.2558942
File: 43 KB, 500x610, 1362541976882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a female, of course it is.

All the good artists I'm seeing are either a young female, Asian, or a mix of both.

I don't have the genes to make it.

>> No.2558954
File: 63 KB, 650x550, 1406445094086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn’t study Hampton/Loomis/Bridgman/anyone else (I might do so in the future); I just drew from pictures a lot (and a wee bit from life, being in a school environment is really nice because of the large masses of people) and gradually got a better sense of how things work.
This is demotivate me so much. Talent is OP as fuck. I grind Hampton and Vilppu for around 3.5 years and still not even at his level. And I already sacrificed a lot. Fuck you

>> No.2558955

>over 99% of the best artists throughout history have been white men
>even today the entire field is dominated by men, and women are a rarity and usually only get famous because of feminist messages in their work
Guess you don't have the right genes.

>> No.2558959

>either a young female, Asian, or a mix of both.
No. You just happen to see the attention whores.

>> No.2558961

>grinding for that long
Literally set up for failure

>> No.2558963
File: 258 KB, 800x601, gkbgyytdfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive met people in the industry, both online and in person, that were in disbelief that i just turned 20. im not sure what to make of it? my work is definitely at or below amateur level and to be perfectly honest i dont draw nearly as much as i should be.

>> No.2558970

Hacks with talent or rich hacks from top tier art schools will never understand real suffering and struggle.

>> No.2558974

Maybe they're in disbelief that your art is still beginner-tier at age 20.

>> No.2558978

>Hacks with talent

pick one

>> No.2558981

could be

>> No.2558984
File: 186 KB, 1000x1144, 1463171008541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iktf bro. 2 years and still shit.

Maybe I'll just do a fuckton of photo studies or something.

>> No.2558985
File: 88 KB, 640x640, 51097-Love_Plus_Plus_(J)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you end up with "game over" all the time??
Never have

>> No.2558988

this makes me want to kill myself

>> No.2559110

"artist did you do x to improve"
>"no I did not do x to improve"
"this is a prime example of inherent skill and talent because I did x for years to improve and I'm not as good as you"
Anon, I think your logic is messed up

>> No.2559112

Didn't love plus have a bad end or was it no matter what shitty choice you pick you'll still end up with one of the girls just with different personality type?

>> No.2559114

Hey Kookri, you can still become a professional, don't give up so easily.
One thing id like to ask you to do is do a master study. Not any master study, but a master study that you have to spend AT LEAST 24 hours on. And after that do a study from real life or a piece from imagination with also atleast 24 hours spent. Cuz when i look at your stuff what sticks out to me is that it looks very sloppy and not very thought through.
And i don't care if you think it'll be hard or boring, just do it dude

>> No.2559175

>Didn't love plus have a bad end
Yeah, Manaka.

>> No.2559179

I'm 25, only just realised what I want to do with my free time and career choice, and kicking myself for getting peer pressured into STEM at 18. 7 years of time for self study down the train to vidya and shitposting.

>> No.2559241
File: 69 KB, 466x595, startdrawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads like these are not helpful. Really you should never compare yourselfs to others, they're are many factors as to why someone is at their position.
We don't know if this person had a good parent who taught them, or no responsibilities and thus-ly could afford to draw all day.
Also even if its just talent who cares, Art isn't this absolute linear line of progression. To an extent in the beginning it is, but after a certain point you have to define for yourself what art you want.
Also MC Esher didn't start til he was like 40. So all these young people were beating the ever living shit out of him and he'll be remembered for all time whilst they will be forgotten.

>> No.2559247

I started digital at the age of fucking nine, got acepptably good at it, did my first commission at the age of 13 and this slowly consumed me from shitty animu into somewhat bad furry, and at the age of 16 I was like "what have you become" and started buying anatomy books, got lazy, started doing hella studies at the age of 17, little lazyier, at 18 found /ic/, read all the books like mad and try to practise every day..19 now.........practise human face and general anatomy as much as I can
.........still make my art money drawing degernate furry...once you go black you never go back

>> No.2559286

post work?

>> No.2559565
File: 152 KB, 966x603, ss+(2016-06-12+at+04.31.23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 20, got serious about drawing two months ago. Before that I would draw randomly and it was mostly shitty weeb shit and garbage "porn".

Left is garbage I did a couple ago when I first got my tablet. Right is one I did a few weeks ago, it's the best I have to show atm.

>> No.2559568

A couple *years* ago

>> No.2561704


I'm pretty sure it isn't humblebragging or deception, at least intentionally. It's just a small tag line on a profile.

Feels more like a friendly compromise between a flat 'I'm an artist,' and an awkward 'drawing is my life, I fucking eat, sleep, and shit art.'

>> No.2561713

End your pain anon.

>> No.2561717


>> No.2561732

dude you're 19
Fuckin Rodin was pretty much meh till his late thirties

>> No.2561737


>> No.2561749

>be me, 16
>decide to go to art-oriented lycaeum after completing gymnasium
>also enroll into afternoon practical art school
>Morning schoolwork is not very efficient, but i met more people and exchanged ideas and such
>Afternoon school professor makes me study reality, masters and loomis/Hogarth, i always have drawing the human figure (for all it's worth) with me
>start getting better, do studies all the time, start getting oil painting, by three years later managed even to sell a painting for 100€, also get into calchography and sculpture
>by 19 I choose a Scientific uni
>stop drawing

Well, transferring to a sculpture academy next october. Going to spend summer doing studies and perhaps a few projects, when I'm confident enough.

>> No.2561750

Turning 22 In september btw

>> No.2561756


Post work/progress?

>> No.2561760

Looks like comic book style, fucking trash

>> No.2561774

I'll try digging a bit on various accounts, but I'm not at my place and i never did digital

>> No.2561786
File: 53 KB, 960x599, 550852_4168821829291_1363856905_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only found a couple photos of this beast-man sculpture, fired clay painted in acrylic, back in 2012. I like the pose, but i couldn't much into anatomy at the time.
But no drawings. I have some nice oil pastel studies from the Veronese that i like to look at when I'm sad, i'll post them if the thread is alive when i reach them

>> No.2561792

21 and been drawing for one and half year seriously. i think i have what it takes in the next few years

>> No.2561802

probably be better if i didnt spend most of my teens and currently my early 20's playing MMO's and doing jack shit with my life

im at my mid twenties now and im still playing MMO's, and i ruined my future with my long term lack of unemployment

but hey, at least i got my MMO's

>> No.2562217

i really like these.got more?

>> No.2562228
File: 23 KB, 572x566, Mushroomman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i just did this today if you are wanting my art blog its ilovebedsart.tumblr.com

>> No.2562374

>I'm 19 :'(
>400 hours into TF2 :'(
>wasted_potential.jpg :'(

Get over yourself. You're still younger and better than most of the people here. Keep working, stop whining, and don't compare yourself to prodigies.

>> No.2562477

>wahhhh i wasted my time im 19 and halfway to my grave wahhh

cut that shit out. NOW. seriously. I've been telling myself the same "wahh im 14 i should've, done this, done that" for ten years and what i regret the most is wasting time thinking like that. The time and energy you spend fretting over dumb shit like this, you could've used it to draw or do something more productive.

Set a short term goal, like practicing anatomy daily for a week, and stick to it. and then set another short term goal. then another. then another. and in a year, you'll look back and see that you made progress.

>> No.2562482

dicked around for several years and now returned here with commitment to daily practice after turning 25. i figure i can put out respectable work at the point where brad started. even if i can't reach the level of top professionals, i just want to enjoy a hobby where I've achieved a high level skill. my greatest fear is to grow old and boring. the ability to draw and paint is probably more than what most people can say about themselves

>> No.2562489

21. On and off again. Struggling with fundementals and just start drawing with references to help out.

>> No.2562494

Andy Okun, on picking up Go for the first time at FOURTY GODDAMN YEARS OLD:

>When I took up go, at the age of 40, I told myself two things. 1. "Andy, get ready to lose a lot. You have to lose. Everyone loses. It's how you learn and is part of the experience." And 2. "Andy, get ready to lose to little tiny children, whose eyeballs just barely come up over the edge of the table and who have to stand on a chair and lean, wriggling, on the table and the board to play at all. They're going to beat you constantly and you need to be nice about it."
It was good advice, cause that happened a whole bunch. But on a few occasions, I've beaten the little kid instead, and on two occasions, the kid cried. I was really nice and polite and all, but inside ... I'm so ashamed, but it was like I'd triumphed over a rival.

This guy is 1-3 dan (depending on ranking system) right now, i.e. a professional player. If a goddamn 40-year-old can get to the professional tier of a game he picked up at 40, your dumb 20-something ass can do it.

>> No.2562495

I make redundant english, redundantly.

>> No.2562497

While I agree with your general point, go is not the best comparison. Games like go or chess can be learned in a rather short time span, and child prodigies are relatively common. You don't ever get children that young who are prodigious in art. Art simply takes a long, long time to master.

>> No.2562507

>400 hours
Bitch fucking please.

>> No.2562809
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>You don't ever get children that young who are prodigious in art

>> No.2562858

>You don't ever get children that young who are prodigious in art.
Congratulations. You just made the most ignorant statement in 4chan's history.

>> No.2562868

Okay post examples then. Even the most famous artistic prodigies in history only really started getting good in their mid or late teens. Any artist that has to stand on a chair to reach on top of a table will not have good art. Abstract art doesn't count for this since it isn't based on technical skill, which is what we are talking about with go and chess.

>> No.2562874

Dobson just retired from drawing, even then he never was a late bloomer nor did he ever tried to improve

>> No.2562885
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>Any artist that has to stand on a chair to reach on top of a table will not have good art.

>> No.2563310

>Copying to...
I just based that dino in a photo of a fossil where the arms are together.
and wwd, tyranno has the arms together

>> No.2563445
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19. I never started drawing. I just never stopped.

>> No.2563448
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>> No.2563449
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>> No.2563637
File: 393 KB, 640x360, oh_shit_nigger_what_are_you_doing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you being serious?

>> No.2563658

yeah I'm still shit i know

>> No.2563671

have you faggots considered drawing more instead of stalking mediocre jailbait?

>> No.2565889

>D/ic/ks often use Mullins as an example of late bloomer, but 23 isn't that old. If there's a dude who made it in his 30's, I would like to know about him.

Ralph McQuarrie.

>> No.2565912

if someone's better than you it most likely means they've also worked a lot harder than you have.
not for sure but likely

just draw more
age is no indication of skill.

you're constantly going to run into people younger and older than you who are far better than you in different aspects of art

get used to it. either way we all regress once we get old af and replaced by young people

>> No.2565925


18, i was terrible just like everyone else when they started. I kept drawing because i truly believed i would improve aslong as i kept working hard.

I dont know what you mean with having what it takes, becomming a pro? I hope so.

>> No.2567126

Apparently it's true wtf

>> No.2567166

I started drawing seriously around 20, now 22 and a half. I've been doing pretty great on Pixiv and Tumblr starting just half a year ago.
Don't lose hope anon. It's depressing as shit to get here but all the studies pays off and it was worth it.

Just don't follow bad tutorial from DA and Tumblr, study from life as much as possible. You need to be efficient with the way you train, don't just "keep drawing more" but keep trying something new. If you draw the same shit over and over again then it's gonna be the same shit even after 5 years or whatever.

>> No.2567362

Followed. Stop being so salty familia, you can still get better than him if you work hard.

>> No.2567377
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dude your style reminds me ralph bakshi and vaughn bode. awesome!

>> No.2567446

22 years old now.

Drew all the time since I was like 10 or something? Got my first tablet when I was 14. At the same time I got really into anime (which was a mistake when I think about it...). I was always pretty okay at what I did, considering being so young, but desu if I got some proper guidance earlier/did not procrastinate as much I would be much better now...

There was always some progress, both in draftsmanship and appreciation of art in general. Experimented a lot in different mediums and styles, which kinda helped.

Now I'm drawing more than ever and trying git gud.

>> No.2567450

>20, now 22 and a half.
>I've been doing pretty great on Pixiv and Tumblr starting just half a year ago
Talent. You're lucky

>> No.2567454

I'm 19 and i always forget the fact that i still have a chance. I drew since i was 13 or 14 and just like you , i started with animu shit. I still like anime and i would like to create a comic or smth. But god , when u think u could've get good faster if u strated with the basics . I don't draw anime as much as i used to , focusing on portraits and backgrounds . This year i hope i can get in the art uni . The only reason why i go to art uni is for the time and the hours u spent on drawing, luckly i chose a uni which actually focuses on drawing and not some modern art bullshit .

Hope everyone will achive their dreams.

>> No.2567477

It's shit; you forgot the eyebrows, dumbarse.

>> No.2567484

No. I'm utter shit when I start. I just know what skills I lack and keep experimenting stuffs that's all

>> No.2567490 [DELETED] 
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x2560, 20160618_201600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 16, I've drawn ever since I could hold a pencil

>> No.2567747

19 now
I started to draw when I was around 12.
I have improved but I still have a long road to cross

>> No.2567799

>turned 21 a couple months ago
>think about the 1000+ hours I spent on TF2
>used to be a badge of pride
>now I just get depressed

On the bright side, it turns out furry fetish art pays enough to keep the lights on and food on my table