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2552524 No.2552524 [Reply] [Original]

>artists that live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.2552737

That's me!

>> No.2552741

me too!

>> No.2552746
File: 52 KB, 425x457, tmp_14832-_20160605_2146321589247275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He does art as a living

>> No.2552767

jokes on you

in my country 99% live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.2552806

in my country it's almost 60% of the people, which is really sad thinking about it.

>> No.2552813

have fun with boring and depressing life.

>> No.2552821
File: 179 KB, 404x521, 1411532578258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a longtime NEET and I have more money saved up than a big chunk of all wageslaves out there

What the hell do normalfags burn all their money on?

I mean, if you live in a third world country I might understand it might be difficult making ends meet but it seems to me that this is an actual problem for many first-worlders as well.

>> No.2552939

Isn't that the goal for basically everyone on this board?

>> No.2552946

that's the meta, he's a meta breaker

>> No.2552947


You're a NEET who doesn't have to worry about paying bills, rent/mortgage and groceries. There's your answer.

>> No.2552962

I've been saving about $150/month, giving the rest of my NEETbux to my parents, and it has added up quite nicely over time. I could probably go for an entire year living on my own without any income at all. Won't normalfags even have $150 for themselves after slaving away 9 to 5, 5/7?

They must be spending whatever they have left on some stupid shit.

That or... is it that NEET life truly is superior? I thought that was just a meme.

>> No.2552966

Should team up with other NEETs and get yourselves a nice place together. That way you can live multiple years without any income. This way, you can truly work on your art for a living.

>> No.2552967

you're delusional if you think you can live off savings from neetbux

that is to be expected from some loser with no education

>> No.2552971

This needs to happen. Someone please make it so! I'm too lazy myself.

For a year I can.
Seems to me like many normies with jobs and all would be unable to, for one reason or another.

>> No.2552997

Holy shit I had no idea this board was so sad. Half you live with your parents and are happy about it? Jesus Christ get a life.

Why are you fuckers proud to be NEET?

>> No.2553000

Don't have to waste my time being a poorfag.

>> No.2553006
File: 191 KB, 419x398, 1465164881760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live paycheck to paycheck
That's basically 99%

>> No.2553007

Because somehow I'm richer from getting $150/month than someone who'd be able to put away 2-3 times than that amount every month. If not more.

I must be doing something right at least.

>> No.2553169

Trips of true sadness

>> No.2553173

god this thread is obvs samefag groupie cancer replying to each other with one pathetic neet defending his lunch money

cut the crap

>> No.2553203
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>doing art for the living
>not having proper job

>> No.2553254


Dude, you're oblivious to how expensive existing actually is. It's not about being a normie, it's about how much it costs to actually eat, keep basic shelter, have clothes on your back, and maintain reliable transportation. I wouldn't expect a useless NEET to grasp that.

Also, I work and still have $5K saved in my bank account at this time. You try doing that while going to college and working jobs for four years, and then we'll talk about normies not knowing how to save money...you're basically a normie in my eyes, seeing that you rely on your parents like a boomerang kid would.

>> No.2553293

Sounds to me like the rat race isn't treating you very well.

>> No.2553301

Nobody is going to lend you rent with no credit, no employment. You're not taking into the account the other miscellaneous payments you need to make that will add up. And if your health goes off track lets just say you're fucked. You're a sheltered grown ass man who has overstayed his welcome after high school. Your parents want you out so they can fuck in the kitchen again.

>> No.2553302

jokes on you

in my country 99% jump off a cliff

>> No.2553327

No, I'll be fine. I'm not living in the land of the free.

>> No.2553332


That doesn't change the fact your parents want you out, you tubbie custard eating fatass.

>> No.2553337

It's their own fault. Being stuck with me is their punishment.

>> No.2553375

I climbed out of it the past few weeks by going to a summer class. Whenever I referred to myself as NEET on here it was very self-deprecating, most NEETs are miserable believe me. Feels weird to be doing something after doing jack shit for 3 and a half years. I got used to the depression and existential dread 24/7, it was so consistent that I stopped seriously drawing and painting for 2 years. All that time wasted and my social skills dwindled down to almost nothing too- feel like a timid 14 year old inside a 24 year old body.

I'm still a sad little excuse for an adult but I ain't proud of it. Being NEET was fucked.

>> No.2553378

>most NEETs are miserable
Just because you had a bad experience, doesn't mean we did too, faggot.

>> No.2553392

Just saying that not every NEET is a smug manchild, faggot.

Keep living the lie though. I hope your parents are rich or you're decent at art, cause otherwise you're fucked. Government won't be able to afford you in the coming years.

>> No.2553395

I'm a hobbyist and know that my art it's crap and unmarketable.
I draw for giggles and because it helps me express myself.
I still live paycheck to paycheck with my fulltime retail job though.
Never really thought about suicide though.
Life is pretty cool all in all.

>> No.2553397

I highly doubt your mom and dad actually want you there.

>> No.2553401 [DELETED] 

How much money do you give your parents a month?

>> No.2553483


I've had a bunch of bad cards handed to me at first, yes, but I played them better than the average person would, I'm stronger because of it, and I’m pretty secure at this point because of it.

NEETs who think that they're financially smart enough to live without mommy and daddy coddling them the entire way are delusional retards who don't understand the real world, and would probably chimp out upon the first little snag here or there, and would probably try to bitch to mommy and daddy to fix every single little problem because they couldn't figure it out themselves.

>> No.2553485

>muh real world meme
It's the same shitfaced world we've always been in, you dumbfuck.

>> No.2553486


They could hire movers to throw all of your shit out on the street and make you homeless in the blink of an eye, and there'd be nothing you could do.

>> No.2553495


You say that now, but when a NEET'S parents die, they're in for a really rough ride.

Getting sheltered by mom and dad isn't real, kid.

>> No.2553515

They love me too much <3

>> No.2553526

Are you 100% sure about that?

>> No.2553542

What I got from your post was more like
>hurr look at me I'm working SO hard I go to college and shit
>my life is better than yours because I WORK REALLY HARD
Slave mentality at its finest.

>> No.2553545

I'm sorry your parents didn't love you anon.

>> No.2553655


I'm sorry that you're delusional, anon.

>> No.2553662


You call me a "slave", but you're along the lines of a 1984 prole who's too retarded for their own good.

Because a NEET prole is totally not a bottom of the barrel degenerate who's incapable of anything worth a damn, right?

>> No.2553665

I don't think you know what paycheck to paycheck means.

>> No.2553675

eurofag here,
it is really cheap to live here, just renting a room(up to 200€ and no one cares about credit or employment) for me right now, health is covered by the state
and if you organize the food for the month it will be 300€ at most)
but hey in muricaland you got real freedom amirite?

>> No.2553685


If you're a Eurofag, then why do you still need to suck off of your mom's saggy old tits?

>> No.2553710

Pure pleasure anon pure pleasure
But you guys need 50k up a year while here I'm fine with 15k

>> No.2553716

I'm only doing it as a hobby

>> No.2553723


The poverty line for one person in the US is 11K in USD. 50K is the median income per capita.

Also, you can have pure pleasure when living alone. Willfully mooching off of your parents implies that you have some mental problems. My point still stands.

>> No.2553731

Is it time to move to EU? Where's a good place to live?

>> No.2553745

I heard it from another thread that you need health insurance/car etc which is why it gets to the 50
>mental problems
>Implying you have to be sane to be an artist
No but really i don't think I have any mental problems

But to make you feel better, it's been 3 years of neeting and I'm still a beginner level
But hey life is not fair amirite?

I guess it depends what language you are willing to learn

Im living in Spain at the moment

>> No.2553842

>Im living in Spain at the moment

how's rent in spain?

>> No.2553850

I don't know. I feel like I wouldn't love art as much if it was my job. Ideally, I would draw what I wanted and sell it to some fancy art collector, but that's not the way things work. Even the old masters had to do commissioned work.

>> No.2553930


40-50K sounds like what you'd need for just surviving in an area like New York City, California, or Miami. Otherwise, no, $50K is comfortably middle class for the rest of the US. The anons who told you that either live in those areas, have no idea what actually constitutes "necessities", or are fucking stupid beyond belief.

Also, unless you're a really stupid driver who's been in a fuck-ton of wrecks (or live in an area mentioned above), I don't see how car insurance can exceed $3K a year. Assuming you work full time, your employer legally has to provide you health insurance. Some states offer Medicaid to the poor, so they have public health insurance themselves. Just because 2/3rds of Americans are economically illiterate and suck at figuring out how to get these things doesn't mean that these things don't exist here.

Also, I never implied that you had to be sane to be an artist, but NEETdom usually comes with its own special brand of insane. Trust me. I have a NEET older cousin. He can't go out of the house without having a fucking panic attack. It's irritating for the entire family, and we expect him to become An Hero when his mom dies and his trust money runs out, because he doesn't know how to do shit. Also...

>3 years of art practice
>still a beginner

>> No.2553936

You seem knowledgeable, anon. How do I become economically literate and live a good life?

>> No.2553966

Maybe you should buy a dictionary. If you can afford one after paying for all your normalfag expenses that is. A prole is someone who's busting their ass for their overlords.

...and I can't really say I'm busting anything.

You, on the other hand, take pride in how fucking hard you bust it for the man.

Good goy.

>> No.2553994

not him but you should really take the r9k posting elsewhere, anon. this board is already depressing as it is.

>> No.2554445


The proles are also lazy fucks who have no real aspirations beyond sit on their ass and drink beer, which fits you much better. In addition, members of the outer party in 1984 also worked, but you don't seem to read much other than the dictionary.

You're not going to be rich as a NEET unless you put effort into investment, but that's too much effort for the majority of NEETS, and you don't seem to be the exception when you can't even improve your "art" after three years. You're the prole in terms of your pathetic outlook on life, you dumb fuck.

Also, considering that my current job has half-consisted of making economic models, and I studied economics in college...I find it amusing that you think Jews don't work. What do you think business and finance IS, a vacation? It makes you look even more delusional, like most of /pol/ is.

>> No.2554452

>in my country 99% jump off a cliff
no wonder I haven't heard of your country

>> No.2554488

saying you have more money saved up than a big chunk of wage slave's kek no you don't. I worked every day at fuckin AnW from grade 10-12 by the end of it I had about 20 grand saved plus bought myself this 2k computer. And more than one of my best friends have over 30k in their savings account and they're only 19. With no further education if your responsible and don't party a ton/ spend more than 70 percent of what you make it's not hard to setup a decent savings account. I think most of the people that can't are in living arrangements they can't afford irresponsible/bad with money, or they just don't want to put in the work desu.

>> No.2554750

A major thing about proles is that they WORK. Did you even read the fucking book?

I haven't even even talked about my art dipshit that was some other guy. I'm pretty sure I'm better than you though, since I don't have to waste my time at college.

I don't need need to be rich, I don't have any shitty normie friends I have to flaunt status shit for.

>What do you think business and finance IS, a vacation?
Again with the I WORK SO HARD shit?
Working hard doesn't make your life better, rather the opposite.

>> No.2554792

>He doesn't want to draw cute futa girls for money


>> No.2555020
File: 218 KB, 600x579, 1465406250332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalfags spend all day working and are then too tired to pursue any major hobby or do anything in the evenings. I have a few friends who went straight into work instead of university and it's the same routine for all of them.

>get up
>work all day at boring soul crushing job
>finally go home
>too tired to do anything but blob till gf comes round
>play vidya till she gets there then watch netflix then sleep

If all you do is work and then recover from said work then you end up spending money on needless things to try distract yourself from the boredom. Buying games, clothes, booze, whatever it is for that person, but it means flushing a chunk of potential savings down the drain each month to try and still feel alive.

>> No.2555022


>> No.2555043

If they would have went to university it would have been the same thing +$50,000 debt. Many people aren't interested in pursuing hobbies beyond banal entertainment but might claim to be only to make themselves seem more interesting