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File: 137 KB, 747x678, the weeaboos were right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2550178 No.2550178 [Reply] [Original]

Has the west fallen so low that Japan is taking over?

>> No.2550183


Ain't that fucking obvious? Have you seen ANY good and well known western animation in the last fucking decade?

>> No.2550189

Anyone can tell that 2d animation has largely died in the West. 3d has taken over for feature films, and the 2d animated shows are either for kids or are comedy shows, neither of which demand high quality and both of which have shoestring budgets. France has some good animators left, but the US has really gone downhill like crazy.

Japan is the largest center of 2d animation in the world so it's not a surprise they are influential and producing high quality work.

>> No.2550201

The first season of Legend of Korra was pretty stellar purely from a technical animation standpoint. But yeah, as far as tv shows go, the west is hopelessly behind japan both in terms of animation quality and story telling.

>> No.2550222

>tfw 2D animation is dying in the west
>tfw the Japanese are xenophobic and would never hire a filthy gaijin to work at their studio

>> No.2550224

They have and do, it's just rare and most white guys who get hired out there end up hating it because they went in with a romanticized idea of the country and industry, when in reality it is one of the most demanding jobs on the planet and severely underpays.

If you are lucky you can do it remotely like Bahi JD.

>> No.2550230

>The first season of Legend of Korra was pretty stellar
I wonder why...

>> No.2550239

The west (barring france) just doesn't see animation as anything more than a medium for kiddie stuff or crude immature comedy.

Unless we start producing actual stories, we're never going to even provide the slightest competition to higher-quality anime.

>> No.2550242
File: 395 KB, 2048x1536, CkDwLA7UUAAEQBh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are lots of foreigners working in anime right now.

I mean, if this guy can be an animator in Japan, they probably don't hate gaijin that much.

>> No.2550254

>kiddie stuff or crude immature comedy
what makes you suggest this is a bad thing or that these are somehow lesser than """"actual""" stories

>> No.2550255

Holy shit that guy's work is bad. All his anime work though he just did inbetweens for incredibly basic shots. Probably he's a nice dude who had a connection somewhere and they were like "fuck, just give him the easiest crap we have so there's no way he can ruin it".

>> No.2550257

Because crude immature comedy doesn't need good animation to be funny, and animation is expensive, so they just do the bare minimum. Look at shows like South Park or Bojack.

And kids shows for the most part are just shitty flash animations, again because of cost and because kids don't really know the difference.

There's nothing wrong with either of kid's shows or adult comedy shows, it's just that neither is conducive to groundbreaking or even interesting animation.

>> No.2550262

too bad the west literally doesnt care anymore

we are moving on to the next big thing: race wars

>> No.2550271


>> No.2550274

Anime, much like live-action shows, can be a medium for any story, kiddie or crude or serious or pandering bullshit. Cartoons are used in the west solely for kiddie and crude.

Baccano! is a good example of something that, despite being an all-around excellent story and based in the USA, simply couldn't be made in the states. It's sometimes silly and it's sometimes shockingly gorey and violent, which western audiences are comfortable with in our adult cartoons, but it's also telling a story with serious themes, continuity, character development, and realistic(-ish) lead up and consequences to the gore. That's unacceptable for a cartoon in the west.

Some kid's cartoons are allowed character development and continuity, but are forbidden from the serious themes that tip the scale over to mature. The adult cartoons are allowed the mature content, but any character development and continuity is only accepted if they stuff some crude humor over any serious themes.

So children's cartoons are limited one way, and adult's cartoons are limited the other. Meanwhile, anime has no such restrictions, allowing them the span of the entire world of storytelling.

Until we get over that hand-tying, anime will always have the edge in making the sorts of series that get respected and remembered.

>> No.2550278

Doesn't bother me.

It's an exchange and an evolution. Anime had its basis in western animation, and they made it their own. The west adopting anime style will inevitably cause additional changes over time until they branch off again, because of the various other influences.

Even weebs don't exist in a 100% anime only vacuum, they're exposed to other elements of their culture and like certain things which gets factored into their art.

>> No.2550300

It's a matter of money not skill, legend of Korra shows we have the skill here to do an anime easily enough. It's just wages are too high here and those in charge too greedy, they look at the price difference which is probably at least 2-3 times more for a cowboy be-bop esqe productions dn there is no way it's getting made.

>> No.2550304

>anime has no such restrictions
Anime is restricted in it's own way, it is being restricted by the incredible marketability of moeshit, gimmicks, and fan service, even serious and mature anime and manga have to be designed around formulaic but effective tropes. Until the vast majority of weebs get better taste, anime will continue to be restricted in this way.

>> No.2550323

>it's a matter of money not skill

It's both


>The Legend of Korra was produced mainly as traditional animation, with most frames drawn on paper in South Korea by the animators at Studio Mir

>> No.2550342

Sure, that's why you get maybe one good show a season drowning in a sea of tits and incest. But it's still got more opportunity to produce that good stuff than we do.

>> No.2550348
File: 96 KB, 720x1163, 1461642568278-ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western art is contaminated.

>> No.2550349


You can't tell me there's not a bunch of ex-disney 2d artist who couldn't have worked on the project for the right price.It might cost more than there budget to attract the skill needed but the skill certainly exists.

The major reason is still money, japenesse and koreans are willing to work for far less than american counterparts.

>> No.2550350


most of that was entirely animated by koreans in south korea though. i don't think any western country does any significant 2d animation anymore, the vast majority are in asia, outsourced or inhouse.

>> No.2550368

They actually hire filthy gaijin every so often. Problem is, most gaijin hate the work environment and tend to leave early.

>> No.2550399

This. Ghibli is pretty much dead at this point but Japan still makes animation and the west just makes movies for children so it goes without saying.

>> No.2550406
File: 63 KB, 704x528, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hire me

And that piece of shit wants shekels, too.

>> No.2550415
File: 76 KB, 737x390, 1235423423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is symbol drawing the future?

>> No.2550441

There was that french guy who did background art for Macross Frontier and AKB0048.

>> No.2550466

>dozens of foreigners working in mainland studios
>outsourcing their work to korea and south east asia
>even hiring actual english voice actors

where the fuck have you been

>> No.2553026

The best, most intensely and defiantly avant garde animation I have seen produced within the 21st century has been produced by American animators. The idea that just because Japanese animation is becoming more influential on a young audience means only that the quantity of shows is at an all time high. It's not that they're better, it's that it is more accessible for younger audiences. Most truly great American animation today is geared towards young adults and film geeks.

In addition to all this we must not forget that the "furtherance of animation as an art form within the economic confines of the modern world" can be directly traced to Americans as well. Before Hanna-Barbera animation was considered to be an incredibly costly endeavor for a studio to want to pursue with any serious interest. It was also Westerners who created and pioneered cost effective computer animation.

>> No.2553030

>enjoy the show enough to make fanart
>detest its artstyle

How does this even happen?

>> No.2553035

The west seems to have moved to 3D animation now. All the major western powerhouses of animation no longer deal with traditional animation it seems.

It's not surprising then, that a country that continues to pursue 2D animation becomes the leader in that field.

>> No.2553074

Who gives a shit about 2d animation anymore? If you're trying to be an animator and you're not learning 3d you're just retarded.

>> No.2553386

notice they are all now Also Black, Tumblr trolls gonna Force Blackskin And Fatten everyone

>> No.2553937

>The best, most intensely and defiantly avant garde animation I have seen produced within the 21st century has been produced by American animators.
I wouldn't really say so. The Sakuga series on Youtube discusses many proficient Japanese animators that don't follow the traditional way of animating. Here's the first in the series.

>> No.2553960

... This can't be real, is it? No one's that deluded!

>> No.2553985
File: 38 KB, 515x428, hedgehog-in-the-fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2554303

Are you still stuck in 2002?

>> No.2554308
File: 40 KB, 119x170, hand_tiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2554313

Are you trying to imply that Japanese animators don't know what they are drawing?

>> No.2557227


That's not even him.

That dude is a background artist working with shinkai.

>> No.2557314

But Japanese animation has never been worse. It's dying over there too.