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2547043 No.2547043 [Reply] [Original]

New to the board, don't know where else to ask. When is it okay to ask for a refund if the artist hasn't done your work in months?

>> No.2547048

1 month

>> No.2547050

Honestly never. You have to wait for them to do it, fucking wait you baby.

>> No.2547053

after 1 month and 3 reminding notes

>> No.2547056

Is he responding? Maybe he has troubles. I d say it depends on how urgent your commission or whatever is. If you NEED it need it, get a refund, if you dont NEED it, wait a little more.

>> No.2547057

Define need. If you paid an artist you don't NEED it.

>> No.2547058

Hmm, I d say: if it is work related or you need it to a certain date as a present. If it for private amusement you don't really NEED it. In the end its up to you though.

>> No.2547064

You should be delivering your fucking books instead of shitposting, Jonestein.

>> No.2547066

>paying before he sends you an update of the wip when it's almost done

>> No.2547097

Did you sign a contract? If not, good luck getting your money back.

>> No.2547148

>implying a contract is bulletproof
a contract is good in instance, but before that the contract must to of higher monetary value of the process otherwise it's just a waste of time and money

>> No.2547159

you're a fucking idiot OP. you have to set up a deadline, set up a reliable way to contact, set up a halfway point where you are shown the work regularly and pay HALF now and half when finished i hope he never pays you back you fucking failure.

>> No.2547416
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I don't care how much shit I catch for this post but here's my simple advice, STOP COMMISSIONING. As someone who used to commission a lot of artists, after being burned over and over and over even by artists I trusted the last month I've given up, I'm done paying people who aren't going to do the work or aren't willing to pretend to care about even working. So far, I can tell you most artists are lazy as fuck. As soon as they get some kind of money they cease buttering you up and put you to the side and move on to the next client. $600 or so a month on art isn't a lot and at this point I've never expecting to see the money, the selfish pricks can keep it since they need it more than myself clearly. The part that pisses me off is giving someone what they want (the money) then getting nothing in return but silence via e-mails or "I'll get around to it".

tl;dr Don't commission artists you don't trust

>> No.2547434

Never, ever pay an artist full price upfront unless you can personally verify their competence and trustworthiness as well as maintain a direct line of contact.

>> No.2547436

Even then you'll still get taken advantage of.

>> No.2547442
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Who's the artist? If he doesn't reciprocate then you go around and publicly shame him. Call him out on every post he makes on his tumblr, deviantart, twitch stream or whatever until he concedes and either refunds your money or finishes the job.

>> No.2547444
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>Who's the artist

Don't name the artist(s). This isn't the place for it.

>> No.2547446

>not naming and shaming artists
That's how you save the world.

>> No.2547456

Ask what stage they're at, ask if they have an estimate of when it'll be done, see if you two can hammer out a deadline (a reasonable one, at least two weeks) with the condition of a refund if the deadline is not met.

None of these things are unreasonable to ask. A commision artist's rep is their life, so you have a fair amount of power here.

>> No.2547457

Or they don't refund you and nothing happens. There is nothing you can do to report an artist for abuse, serious.

>> No.2547463

Pieces of garbage like this hurt any artist looking to get commission work and deserve to be publicly shamed as consequence. As a last resort, anyway. OP obviously isn't obligated to out this person just yet, only if they refuse to refund the money or finish the project. He's probably hoping OP is just going to leave him alone, forget about it and give up. Don't go down without a fight, motherfucker.

>> No.2547502


Ask for a refund, and if they don't give it, name and shame ITT and elsewhere.

I'm not familiar with typical commission procedure, but shouldn't any reliable artist have something along the lines of a 'done within x time or full refund' policy?

>> No.2547510

a post on social media tagging that artist done up in a concern-trolling tone ('i'm just really disappointed :(( i don't like to single people out like this but i just want to make sure people don't make the same mistake :((') as opposed to self-righteous can have a lot of power.

>> No.2547546


What deadline did he promise you? Does he advertise anything about it?

I've known a guy who told me upfront that it would take him one year. One-fucking-year. Told me he only makes exception if it's for a mariage. The good thing is he apparently delivers. I prefer not to think of the way he schedules his work. Or maybe he has really has 1 year of various commissions lined up on his agenda.

Point is, as soon as someone isn't keeping his word, it isn't rude at all to politely ask him to clarify.

>> No.2547569

Have you ever asked an artist what's taking so long? They get pissed.

>> No.2547734

This. Not only that but if you "attack" an artist they more or less sick their fanbase on you painted you as the villain.

>> No.2547741

What was the deadline? Rather than asking for a refund right away, ask for an update. They might still be working on it. If they have nothing to show, then you can ask for a refund.

>> No.2548499

What the hell took an entire year?

>> No.2549178

How do you report artists to PayPal who haven't done your work in a year?

>> No.2549187

To add to this, the artist has been posting other people's work except my own. So I can just assume he/she is doing other people's and not my own. Yes, I'm upset.

>> No.2549385

Maybe make a post here
For some reason it has lots of furries but they are pretty laid back and helpful.

>> No.2549919

That's site is nothing but furries. And how does that really help the client? They won't get their art or money back.

>> No.2549956

>hey thanks for paying me money...bye

I just don't get how artists can fuck over clients like this.

>> No.2549999


It cuts both ways and it's generally because people are lazy cunts.

There are a lot of unprofessional artists out there who, once their incentive to finish a drawing is gone (namely, they already have the money) don't bother. Likewise there's an abundance of assholes who, once they have the art, have no incentive to pay and don't bother.

The best solution is 50% in advance and 50% after. Even if you get ripped off it's only half as bad as it would be otherwise.

>> No.2550001
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those are the repeating numerals that i wished to possess, congrats, the better anon won.

>> No.2552481

Great post Anon.

>> No.2552618


Literally one digit away from the numerals he so desired

>> No.2554279
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>> No.2554709


>> No.2555267

In most cases I've seen and heard the artist is the lazy one, the word "depression" comes up a lot.

>> No.2557417

I'm in a similar boat. Does the artist have a right to refuse or get mad about refunds? If the artist hasn't even sent me a sketch in 3 months, am I entitled to ask for my money back? Does he have a "right" to get mad at me for asking for a refund after 3 months?

>> No.2557459

Send them an email, tell them you're giving them 2 weeks to complete it. If they don't report them to PayPal. If they don't answer you, after a week report them.

>> No.2558705

Bump for advice.

>> No.2558869

Why are clients so afraid to reporting artists? It's your money, if an artist takes it and you get nothing in return it's your right to report them.

>> No.2558875

>he paid the full wage before the product
>with no contract
Your money has been invested in cocain somewhere in el salvador

>> No.2559007

Most artists ask for the full amount up front. MY friends so at least.

>> No.2559589

That sucks I'm sorry that this happened to you. I'm more sorry that when an artist doesn't fulfill a service that they're paid for it hurts the rest of us artists.

>> No.2559600

I usually only ask for 50% if it's someone I dont trust. Most of my clients have been old right winger dudes though lately, and they're cool as fuck and always pay up.

>> No.2559611

I'm lazy when it comes to work I do for free in drawthreads and shit, but if there was ACTUAL money on the line, especially as much as you're mentioning, you're damn right I'd put everything aside to get everything done. That covers my rent for the month, as well as bills and food. I'd put everything aside and do it two weeks time just so I can move onto other stuff.

If it means paying bills bro, that shit it top priority. To bad I haven't started commissioning yet, since I'm still portfolio building/learning, but if I ACTUALLY got paid to draw for people, ofc I'd put more effort into it.

Sorry you got burnt dude.

>> No.2559862

>old right winger dudes

Do I even want to know how you know that?

>> No.2559876

>tfw commission shit for freeeee and actually work hard on it and get it done asap because I feel guilty making people wait
>I enjoy drawing and thus it doesn't feel like work I need to charge for
>if I don't feel like drawing I just don't accept the commission
Fuck those faggots, are they even good enough to justify having you pay?

>> No.2560005

has there been an instance where a popular artist gets reported on paypal?

>> No.2560074

Don't feel sorry unless you're the one who did this, which I doubt. It's a shame that some of the more popular artists can get away with shit like this though.
If they did they will blame the person who reported them. Or make a post on their blog "Sorry everyone, my account was locked because one client made up lies about me to PayPal and they aren't true. My life is ruined and I can't take anymore commissions for awhile, don't blame me blame the client." etc etc.

The worst part is the artist will spend the name of the client around to sully them and shift blame. The artist fanbase will always trust the artist over the client. From what I've seen the client is often attacked for filing a report.

>> No.2560099


So what do you do if you get reported unjutsly and your income source is ruined because paypal locks your account?

>> No.2560117
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If you have proof you're fine. When you send a report to PayPal you send proof to back your claims, most of the time PayPal will side with the client. But if you the artist, have proof that you answered their e-mails when the client says you didn't PayPal will see.

On the other hand, if the client shows messages or e-mails sent to the artist without reply over a extended period of time PayPal will refund the money and often lock/freeze the artist account as a suspension.

The point of the fucking story is, fucking do the work you've been paid for. There is no reason it should take 4 months for a normal image. The artist is a lazy cunt.

>> No.2560130

>There is no reason it should take 4 months for a normal image. The artist is a lazy cunt.
Things do come up, such as hospitalization or family emergencies. But personally whenever something does happen I just try to stay as much in touch with my customers as I can so they don't think I've taken off or am not working on their pictures. I'm a little wary about OP not answering any of the suggestions to try and contact the artist before reporting though. I had someone recently think that I'd abandoned their drawing just the day before I finished it. Luckily I caught up with them and sent them the picture before anything serious happened but it would've sucked had they gone and reported me right as I was finishing their picture and I hadn't gotten a chance to show them.

>> No.2560144

>hospitalization or family emergencies

Well I assumed you know I meant under normal circumstances. A image shouldn't take that long but certain things do come up. But if you got your money and you just decide whatever I'll take my time and draw it, that's fucked up.

>> No.2560146

> it would've sucked had they gone and reported me right as I was finishing their picture and I hadn't gotten a chance to show them

Nothing would have happened to you. You could show PayPal proof you were working on it and it was nearly complete. Again, if the client sent messages/e-mails/messages and you ignored them and didn't answer then you'd be in hot water.

>> No.2560163

Well I hadn't talked to them in a good while, although I hadn't missed any emails from them, they just hadn't contacted me and I hadn't realized how long it had been since we last spoken but I was working on the picture. In this particular instance it might not have been the end of the world, but I still would've been kind of upset at not even getting a chance to let the client know I was nearly done and quell their doubts and instead just getting some notification from Paypal or wherever that they'd reported me. I've also had moments where I've finished something and thought I sent it only to realize days later the email didn't go through for one reason or another or that I never actually hit send. I'm just saying at least one message to the artist to let them know you're concerned might avert problems for everyone because there could be an honest mistake or misunderstanding at play.

>> No.2560784

I never commissioned anyone but I've heard a lot of horror stories about artists more or less taking advantage of clients. It's sad really.

>> No.2560805
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kind of related but is it bad that i never did this one guy's commission (2 years ago)? I just forgot it but they only paid me 1 euro and they've contacted me a few times now. and this is the only time it's happened btw.

>> No.2560808

Why did he pay you a single euro?

>> No.2560811

because i only asked for 1 euro.

>> No.2560812

I feel like this is a troll post. You know how many a euro it right?

>> No.2560813

what? how much a euro is worth?

>> No.2561091

Jesus man you got had. Have you tried to report them? Have you tried emailing them?

>> No.2564206

Emailed them and they said they would get around to it, that was 2 months ago.

>> No.2566090 [DELETED] 


>> No.2567323

I know I want to know

>> No.2567337


>> No.2567342

So you're basically saying it's perfectly fine for artists just to take money?

>> No.2567381

>So you're basically saying
I merely posted a link anon. Don't jump to conclusions like a faggot.

>> No.2567501
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Just so everyone here is aware, there are many steps you can take to getting money back from an artist if you've been screwed over.

1. E-mail the artist, ask them where they stand on on the commissions and what they've done so far.
1a. If they respond PLEASE PLEASE be nice to them and calmly let them know that X amount of time has passed and you'd like to have the art done soon. Again, can't stress enough BE NICE.
1b. If they don't answer your message in a month or so then follow the following steps.

2. Send another e-mail again BEING NICE AND REASONABLE that if they don't reply and give you some kind of update you'll explore options about getting a refund and opening a dispute and claim from PayPal.

3. If you still get no reply back it's time to open a dispute with PayPal as well as calling your bank/credit card company and opening a refund ticket. When opening a dispute with PayPal let them know nicely what's going on for example; "I paid for a goods undelivered and I'd like to get my money back". Make sure to explain EVERYTHING and providing them with e-mails and evidence always helps. PLEASE NOTE: If the artist sent you a Invoice bill and you paid there that's the best evidence you have and PayPal will use it.
4a: After PayPal contact your bank/credit card company and let you know about PayPal and ask to reverse the payment.

>> No.2567502

Finale: 90% of the time your bank/credit card company will reverse the payment and you'll get your money back if the amount isn't something like 1000s of dollar. In turn the artist will lose the amount as well so everything is back to before the payment. PayPal will also do a investigation with an invoice or evidence you supplied, and they will often refund you the money if you're within the 180 limit and more often than not suspend and freeze the artists PayPal entirely.

AGAIN, I can't stress enough be nice when e-mailing the artist and give the e-mails enough time to be replied to. If you report the artist too quickly and without notice to said artist. PayPal will lock the account most likely pissing off the artist and taking away all their commissions from them and stopping their income. Be smart and nice and you'll get your money back.

Most clients think they are powerless when it comes to refunds when the reality is PayPal and banks are 90% on the side of the client.

>> No.2567568

Thanks a ton. There is a lot of good info here, I feel the need to bump.

>> No.2567730

>this thread

L E L bunch of fucking cry baby losers who got scammed.

>> No.2567980

I think the only people that get scammed have no business-related experiences whatsoever. Which is fine, you live, you learn. But seriously, you guys gotta be smarter with your money. Even if you're a normie and think that porno smut looks amazing, pay attention and ask plenty of questions, look for other clients that dealt with the artist. Common sense shit. And of course get samples.

If you're paying a lot, look for better more reputable artists. A reputable artist will usually be very trust worthy and business minded.

Looks like you got tons of great advice in the thread already.

>> No.2568012

If something comes up, then you should have the professionalism to let the clients know. I guarantee you, a majority of them will respond with some variation of "I understand, take your time."

>> No.2568048

If your commissioning someone or doing a commission, get a contract first, if they are not professional enough to use a contract then don't work with them.

Also if your paying non-professional prices for a commission don't expect the artist to be a professional. Cheap artists are cheap for a reason, you get what you pay for.

>> No.2568177

Define "contract" what are the keypoints you'd look for?

>> No.2568197

Who the fuck are you commissioning you retard. Commission me and ill fucking show you how a real artist works.

>> No.2568227

>tfw working on an hobby project you intend to sell so actually need the artwork
This thread is my worst nightmare.

>> No.2568356

Post an example of a contract, if you don't mind.

Post your portfolio

>> No.2568360

Did you ask for a contract? If they breach it you can always report it to PayPal.

>> No.2568364

You can just google an artist contract. Don't be lazy.

>> No.2568747

Don't let this thread scare you, a great number are artists are regular hard working people. There are a number of artist's however that are lazy, don't take art and payments seriously and don't care about clients. This people most of the time have depression, no joke. Just do your research before giving an artist money and you'll be fine.

>> No.2568780

Literally the second sentence in the post.

>> No.2570487
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>paying before the artist has given you actual proof that he's almost done or EVEN STARTED
You are a total fucking dumbfuck and can only blam yourself. I don't understand what kind of a desperate furfag diaper fetishist you have to be to immediately pay when someone accepts your commission, that just goes against all common sense.

I'm actually going to start doing commissions this summer and asking for money before I have the pic done and before sending a censored version or a WIP as proof never even crossed my mind. I thought everyone does it like that.

>> No.2570891

>furfag diaper fetishist

No such thing.

>> No.2571849

Nigga have you SEEN some of the things people fap to?

>> No.2574356

It's hideous.

>> No.2574654

Simple. Report to PayPal; read >>2567501