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2543906 No.2543906 [Reply] [Original]

Can looking at too many nude men make you gay? I'm 25 and never felt anything but straight or been in a relationship or had sexual relations with a man, but I'm worried if I start drawing male nudes from reference I might turn gay. I know that's not supposed to be how it works, but I think about other things I didn't like at first, like coffee or beer when I was young, or even more recently graphic novels and black and white movies.

I don't have anything against being gay, but I guess I do; I don't want to be gay. Will looking at naked men a lot make me gay? I don't know if something will "move" if I'm at a private life drawing session with a man.

>> No.2543912

if you turn gay from watching nudes you were never fully straight. Its 2016, go collect your fag privilege you cis scum

>> No.2543940

Yes, you will catch the gay. Great men like Michelangelo, Da Vinci, and Leyendecker all were converted by the power of the male nude.

>> No.2543941

You can suck a juicy cock without being gay, you know.

>> No.2543942

Not only will looking at a naked man make you gay, but it will also make you go to hell when you die. Judging from the actresses you chose to post, I can tell you are already gay though. So you are already going to hell. Don't worry about it.

>> No.2544035


Yeah it will make you gay, better steer clear of the figurative stuff and just stick with something abstract, but don't end up like Jackson Pollock he tried to avoid the gay the same way but it is clear by looking at his body of work (canvases covered in arcs of multicoloured semen) that he could not quite repress his homosexual urges.

>> No.2544061


That's what I'm afraid of. But surely I would know already if I was gay at 25? I've been around enough guys and seen half-naked men on tv to have explored that if that's who I really am.

>> No.2544079

Maybe you just haven't yet seen the right guy/dick.

>> No.2544083

i mean its 2016 there will be very little backlash to coming to terms with being gay or bi so don't get so paranoid about it dude. if you are gay maybe drawing dicks will help you unlock something you didn't know about yourself. dont not draw guys cause you think it'll make you realize that you're a homo
>taking no homo this far

>> No.2544087
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No anon, drawing nude men will not make you gay.

>> No.2544099

The other option is to just not come to terms with it. I consider myself straight but I fap to shemales and sometimes twinks.

>> No.2544103

I think you just need shorter poses anon, you're obviously not looking at the right things (gesture, anatomy, tone, actual life drawing) if you actually have time to think about catching teh gay.

>> No.2544112

I would murder 10 people just to sniff Emma's shoes, I'm not joking.

>> No.2544115

Of course you're not joking, because you have no concept of what you have just typed out. Your idiocy has progressed so far that your delusions make sense to you. Go play with the /b/lue eaters.

>> No.2544174

>he doesn't want to slurp thick, juicy cocks




>> No.2544180

So what you are saying is that you haven't come to terms with your sexuality at all?

>> No.2544181

In the closet.

>> No.2544204

If you are asking that, you are already a big gay nigga

>> No.2544272

If you're insecure enough to worry that drawing naked dudes might make you gay you may as well embrace it.

>> No.2544274

I want to grab eaten by a giant cock and I am no where near your level of faggotry.

>> No.2544456

yes, just look at /fit/

>> No.2544529


this is the dumbest fucking thing i've read on 4chan in 2016 so far.

>> No.2544540


That's why contemporary art was invented - to keep the fag away. Unfortunately some fudgepackers still try to cram their shit there and hang fuckhuge photographs of extreme zoom of male anuses in art galleries.

Btw, "making it" in art practically requires you to suck on older men stinky cocks unless you choose the path of weirdo outcast that will only "make it" after his death.

>> No.2544636

It has been said that art schools are bisexuality factories.

Not saying it happened with me, but......

>> No.2544644

I'm not a lesbian yet, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be even after I drew more nude women.

Just draw more girls to offset it if you're so worried about coming to terms with yourself. Although you really shouldn't be.

>> No.2544647

As long as you no homo, it's aaaall good

>> No.2544650

dont worry, you are a faggot already.

>> No.2544704

For most sane people? No. For dumbasses like you? Yes.

>> No.2544705

This anon is lying. Don't believe them. Just seeing any pics of of men is gonna make you super duper gay.

>> No.2544707

If they have a feminine penis then is all good

>> No.2544708

depends how much time you spend detailing the D

>> No.2544744

Why are you so worried about it. If you're worried, it probably means you are already gay

>> No.2544763

In art school one of the regular models had a huuuuuge ding dong danglin down. I kinda wanted to tug on it to see if it played a gong sound or opened a secret passage somewhere or something.

>> No.2544771
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everyones making fun of op but I was a little bottom baby bitch boy until I started drawing girls for commissions and doing girl studies and everything and now all I do is top dudes and I think about fucking girls a lot

>> No.2544774

>I'm 25
you are a bit too old to be making this kind of dumb questions
I fucking hate the internet generations
I'm 23 btw

>> No.2544805

That's just growing up, you can't be a twink forever.

>> No.2544823

Nothing in the world can "make you gay".

If anything, drawing nude men makes you realize just how straight you are. If you don't like dick, you're not going to be lusting for the dick of the male figure you're drawing.

>> No.2545025

And drawing still lifes will turn you into a bowl of fruit!

>> No.2545026

They had us draw fruit in high school. I ended up going to the hospital twice to get pineapples removed from my rectum.

>> No.2545036


It actually happened in Rwanda I think in 70s, whole art school rotten in mere days. Nobody could do anything about it, hundreds of families lost someone close to them.

To this day they didn't reactivate art school in Rwanda because of that accident.

>> No.2545155

Emma >>>>>>> anna >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JLaw.

prove me wrong

>> No.2545160


Jlaw is not even in the same league obv. I'm from Louisville and as much as she tries to hide it she is just the same as all the little girls from here that I've banged ad nauseum and don't have much to offer if you don't just want to get married and live a comfortable slightly boring life in the Highlands and go to Catholic church every sunday and get beingets from the Fish Shack afterwards.

I disagree though Anna is better than Emma.

>> No.2545194


You're 25 and still think like a 15 year old. I'd worry about that, instead.

>> No.2545198

If this is something you're considering and stressing about instead of immediately writing it off as ridiculous because lol you're not gay, likely you're already at least a little gay.

Legit straight dudes don't have these anxieties. Sorry, homosexual.

>> No.2545250

that picture of emma watson reminds me of sargent's portraits for some reason

>> No.2545346


>> No.2545356

This is my life now, shit.

>> No.2545782

Emma would be shilling that feminist crap 24/7

Anna >>> Emma >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>JLaw

>> No.2546878

The only way to not turn gay is to only use women references. What will your parents say when they walk in on you drawing naked men anon?


>> No.2546884

Say it's for arts sake

>> No.2546894

>What will your parents say when they walk in on you drawing naked men anon?
I'm more worried about what my wife would think

>> No.2546918
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Definitely. First I drew lewd girls but then I realized I was always drawing girls and my male drawing sucked. I decided I needed to change. I started drawing big robust dicks, tall white men and suddenly I felt aroused. I didn't know what happened. I'm not gay, I thought. Surely I'm not. I've only had sex with human females so far! I nervously kept drawing and I kept getting more horny and my sense overwhelmed me. Now I can't draw anything but dicks, dicks, dicks. I'm gay, OP. Don't let it happen to you.

>> No.2546922

Pathetic insecure faggot. You're the definition of a faggot already, no matter your sexual orientation.. I hope you're baiting, otherwise kill yourself.

>> No.2546923

Models without dicks where

>> No.2546941
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Doing pet portraits made me a furry. Now all I do is draw studded neon dragon dongs. Tread lightly op

>> No.2546945

Yeah, why the hell would you worry about being Gay? I mean you can be into chicks and also be like that guy got a nice dick so I'm going to learn how to draw those dangly bits. Hell, in the 19th cent all academically trained artists were only allowed to study dudes

>> No.2547059

Dude, I'm 19 and I think most of these closeted homos are retarded.

>> No.2547061

She's not a fat bitch w/dyed armpit hair. And she's waaay far from being Anita Sarkeesian.

You should leave /v/ for a couple days.

>> No.2547071

Right. I do animal art exclusively and it has nothing to do with my sexual preference. Maybe you should try to enjoy things that aren't purely sexual, or are you a 13 year old boy?

>> No.2547076

>feminine penis
What the fuck

>> No.2547083

Holy shit someone being unironically "no homo" in the fucking year 2016. Someone not knowing what bisexuality is. Maybe you should just kill yourself to run away from your gay thoughts, fag.

>> No.2547122


Hey man, I never said I stopped doing pet portraits because I started drawing dragon dongs. It's not all sexual, and I still like dragons when their dicks aren't out

>> No.2547169

>drawing animals
I bet you draw them nude

>> No.2547601

Just try having sex with a guy, see how it feels. If you feel nothing, it's probably safe to continue drawing penises. If you feel gay maybe draw less of them

>> No.2547613

Confirmed furry

>> No.2547656

Have you seen yourself naked in front of a mirror? Full frontal naked?

Try doing it.

>> No.2547664


This is probably what I'll do. I was drunk talking to a gay friend one evening about how you know if you are gay or bisexual and how I was afraid I was lying to myself about being straight, not because I've ever desired being penetrated by a man, but just because I've never experienced it. He offered to let me kiss him and go further but I couldn't do it and I got nothing sexual out of it, certainly not like I would if I were in a situation with a woman. Maybe I just need to do it and see what happens. I've never had anal sex with a woman. I feel like you can't say you've lived until you've had sex with a magnificent woman, and I wonder if the same is true of having a magnificent man.

I wonder if it's just one of those things that you didn't even particularly enjoy doing or have any desire to do in the future, but realize you would have been missing out on so much if you never had. I felt the same way about doing LSD and a 3rd plateau DXM trip. I feel the same way about a 3 month backpacking trip through Poland (avoiding Krakow and Warsaw), Romania, Slovenia, and Albania. I was so disoriented and at times scared and wasn't always completely enjoying it at all but I would never want to take that experience back because I grew so much . Maybe fucking a guy would be the same.

>> No.2547689

This thread is dumb, and you're a idiot OP.

>> No.2547757


maybe, but I think art is as much about technical ability as it is about understanding yourself and the world around you.

>> No.2547829


You haven't lived until you've taken a hit of DMT in Aokigahara Forest while your best friend rims you. I am a better artist and person in general for it

>> No.2547837

Hey op, I've a p good history of heterosexuality.
I did get a bj from a dude once, if you just remember that fags are walking bags of disease and aids you wont want to fuck them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.2547840

>stare at big fat cocks all day
>start wanting them in your mouth and ass

Never happened to me, OP. Then again, I study Loomis daily, and you, obviously, do not.

>> No.2547853

OP, your problem is that you're a chronic overthinker + bicurious and uncomfortable with it.

Seriously, the labyrinthine loops of nonsensical logic you're using to rationalize that fact that maybe you're kinda into dudes is incredibly unecessary. You can create all the justifications in the world, but they don't actually mean shit. Only your actual actions do.

>> No.2548489


I don't think I could handle DMT.


Maybe, but is there anything wrong with not wanting to explore being bicurious? You can be curious without being gay.

>> No.2548525

I have. And I definitely fuck myself really hard.

I have a fetish for gay midgets, too.

>> No.2548556

You are just a tangle of denial, aren't you?

You're bisexual. Deal with it. Stop trying to find justifications and ways around it or whatever. There is a whole world out there beyond your dick and where you choose to stick it.

Now you want to counter with a but but but [some pointless attempt to stick enough complication into a ludicrously simple reality so you can delude yourself into thinking it's more than your obvious dependence on society's standards of what makes a dude have worth], right?

Don't. You are being incredibly self-absorbed. I mean, jesus, look at your post above. A giant chunk of meandering pseudo-philosophical text all about you, you, you, on an anonymous board to people who really do not and will not give a shit. Fremdscham central.

Rather than your sexuality, start addressing the fact that you're willing to spend hours narcissistically navel-gazing about yourself and yet put no time or effort into thinking about things beyond that. That's a bigger issue in your life than your dick.

>> No.2548586
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Just offer to draw some of her lewd requests, and you're golden.

>> No.2548588
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>only had sex with human females
fucking casuls i swear

>> No.2548595

You're either way confused or just gay as fuck, man. If you're straight you don't feel anything towards the same gender.