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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2539237 No.2539237[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not sure if they'll even see this but:

IMO we should so what they do on /pol/ and ID people in threads. I think this would work wonders in draw threads; it'd help associate people with any work they actually post, create a bit of context behind the advice they give.

>> No.2539241

try to say it in /qa/, the feedback page and IRC

>> No.2539244

I've been in favour of ID tags for a long time, and it's been brought up a few times before, but it never seems to get implemented or get much support here.

>> No.2539250

ID tags can be easily changed so it won't stop shitposters, but others might get more cautious of posting and restrict their posts, just let the board stay as it is

>> No.2539294

wait we have mods

>> No.2539297

more like brain dead mods

>> No.2539303

So, if you get a critique from someone who isn't that good or has never posted then it could be easier to just ignore it even if the crit is legit?

>> No.2539322


How are people (especially beginners) supposed to know if the critique is legit otherwise?

I've been on here a long time and have gotten my share of helpful and harmful advice. I can tell you the harmful advice is a real bitch to deal with as it can sets a precedent for a snowballing effect of shitty habits. Not fun. It should be prevented whenever possible. Until an artist reaches a certain stage in their development it is really difficult to detect bullshit critiques.

>> No.2539325
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/ic/ is small enough of a board that Anons practically recognize each other by the way they fucking type and hell at least shitposters keep this board alive utilizing ID's would only nullify posting what needs to be said.

Do you really want to see threads that last for weeks?

>> No.2539326


What shitty habits did you pick up from /ic/?

>> No.2539338

When I first came here there were threads that lasted for weeks and I have to say I much prefer that.

>> No.2539339

You actually prefer shit posts that misguide people, or pointless, endless arguments and posturing just because they're something posted?

Either you spend too much time on /ic/, or you're retarded.

>> No.2539365
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>if we give people accountability then the shitposters will leave and that's a bad thing!

>> No.2539369


Mainly an over-reliance on formulaic structure without an ability to do quick gestures or accommodate for different body types. Being told to focus exclusively on studies which hampered my ability to make final pieces (took many months to get over this one). In reality even beginners should do at least some sustained pieces. Too much emphasis on rough structural studies, ability to do nice clean-up suffered because of this. Painting ability nowhere close to drawing ability b/c I was told to focus on drawing exclusively for a long time.

That and the bashing I got for my work starting out gave me a really negative mind-set early on. Fueled my depression. Shitting on people really doesn't help, I'll tell you that much. Only thing that ever helps is constructive criticism, not empty insults.

Also as a disclaimer I was a beginner during a different era of /ic/, before the alternative art/animation/beginner generals where a wider range of skills sets and tastes have become (a bit) more commonplace. Before the beginner generals everyone posted in the draw threads, which would really irritate more experienced people because they were constantly made to repeat really basic advice over and over again in said threads.

>> No.2539396

>Someone writes a well thought out rational critique
>Doesn't post their work so people can't identify him
>His critique is now disregarded


>> No.2539398

>You actually prefer shit posts that misguide people, or pointless, endless arguments and posturing just because they're something posted?

Or you could you know.. self moderate and ignore those kinds of posts?

>> No.2539401

Also this sort of ID thing only enables another form of pointless argumentation. Look for example at namefags. Everytime they post a critique, its followed with:
>Well what do you know, you're just so and so

I have no doubt having ID's wouldn't result in the same thing.

If you can't appreciate the words of a stranger, and can't filter through the diamond in the shit yourself, why even come here in the first place?

There are other forums where you have to identify yourself. Why pick 4chan out of all places?

>> No.2539402

That's never how it goes and you know it. Most of the time if someone writes out a critique the way you described it nobody asks to see their work. If they do, the critique giver usually has no problem posting some example of their work or a redline or paintover. Mainly people say post work when someone's making some overly aggressive or passive aggressive detracting comments without giving any actual advice on correcting the problem. Asking for their work isn't much of a solution if they haven't given any advice to apply anyway but I think overall it would declutter the threads by discouraging shitposts and samefagging.

>> No.2539410

>That's never how it goes and you know it.
Every single time I write something well thought out and no, I don't tend to use any passive aggressive remarks, they come back with "post your work".

>> No.2539411

what OP means to say, is that the mods should only ID malfag in all threads.

>> No.2539419

I give plenty of thoughtful critiques and so far the only time I've legitimately been asked to post work was because the person was interested in seeing a piece I mentioned I'd done after I had helped him. I've tried giving a couple of more snide critiques recently to see what response I'd get and I got asked to post work. I did and was thanked on both occasions for my critique which they later implemented into their edits. It only took a very slight alteration to my phrasing to get prompted to post my work. Maybe your critiques aren't coming off as aggression free as you're hoping.

>> No.2539530

i think this has a chance to be a good idea, but i don't know, it feels like the presidence being set means people would focus more on the artist rather than the artwork being discussed.

i already see threads getting shitted up when shitposters realize specific artists are present. i don't think this would really stop shitposters that much.

the idea of context behind posts with critique is a nice one, but i don't think IDs are a good way of achieving that.

>> No.2539579
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>the idea of context behind posts with critique is a nice one, but i don't think IDs are a good way of achieving that.

it's literally to stop the shitposting, its worth it

I cant make any topic, or suggest anything without someone being obtrusive, nasty, or just plain flaming

it makes me NOT want to post my work, knowing that there will be some shit head trying to troll actively in the topic

I'd like to see how many of you are samefag as well, so its worth it

>> No.2539600

Yeah, but newfriends can't tell shit posting from a serious post. If we weren't so averse to tripping, this wouldn't be an issue, but now we do need *some* way to identify each other here. For realsies.