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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2533466 No.2533466 [Reply] [Original]

Just got my special edition of Overwatch in the mail. Looking forward to the art book more than the game itself.

Anyone care to see the art?

>> No.2533470

Oh shit, I hope mine comes today but I doubt it

>tfw they made a statue out of fucking "Soldier 76" instead of literally any of the other far more iconic characters like the Buddhist robot or the girls with cute butts

What the shit, man.

>> No.2533480
File: 2.01 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, he was the leader of the Overwatch team and Tracer already has a statue I think.

>> No.2533486
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>> No.2533492
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>> No.2533498

That makes sense then I guess. Hoping my copy comes in today too; I thought buying the physical edition would have precluded me from playing with some of my friends today.

I'm liking the artwork so far, that cover art in particular looks really fun and stylish.

>> No.2533500
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>> No.2533510
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Statue looks really detailed and I love the state like color.

>> No.2533515
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>> No.2533517
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>> No.2533532
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>> No.2533547
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>> No.2533548

god, this is the cancer that's killing the industry

>> No.2533549

Post your work fampai

>> No.2533551


>> No.2533552

I a fucking pleb noob who's only about a month into taking art seriously, but its crazy how i view art so different now.

>> No.2533553

>people like artbooks

What's the problem here?

>> No.2533554

two things:

1. I can't believe this game is American
2. I'm so happy and satisfied as a consumer

>> No.2533562 [DELETED] 

Blizzard is British mate.

>> No.2533569

Strike that, I'm an idiot. Why the holy fuck did I think they were a British company the last 10 years?

>> No.2533572

Rockstar maybe, another big company but everyone thinks their american.

>> No.2533577

Nah, I knew they were Britbongs. Maybe because they did Lost Vikings I thought "Europe".

>> No.2533579

>I knew they were Britbongs


Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. is an American video game developer and publisher founded February 8, 1991, under the name Silicon & Synapse by three graduates of the University of California, Los Angeles,[4] Michael Morhaime, Frank Pearce, and Allen Adham and is currently a subsidiary of American company Activision Blizzard. Based in Irvine, California, the company originally concentrated primarily on the creation of game ports for other studios before beginning development of their own software in 1993 with the development of games like Rock n' Roll Racing and The Lost Vikings. In 1994 the company became Chaos Studios then Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. after being acquired by distributor Davidson & Associates.

>> No.2533581

I was referring to Rock Star, I knew they were British.

>> No.2533587

yeah that sort makes sence

>> No.2533661

Got any more OP? Maybe post the Genji and Mercy pages?

>> No.2533664

Anythign else zenyatta?

>> No.2533694

That's a pretty bitching cover.

>> No.2533706
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>> No.2533735

I love your work.

>> No.2533740
File: 38 KB, 453x500, le epic funny face man face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le epic troll is EPIC


>> No.2533784
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>> No.2533793
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>> No.2533797
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>> No.2533798


>> No.2533799


too bad he's the most boring to play asidfe from ult

>> No.2533806
File: 1.09 MB, 3240x2160, diq7MHg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the high res. Hello new desktop.

>> No.2533807
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>> No.2533815

I like playing support, I'll give him a try. Symmetra on the other hand looks boring as fuck.

>> No.2533816
File: 1.89 MB, 3024x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2533838
File: 2.19 MB, 2000x2196, Dva_ConceptArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original of this.

quite a lot of this art is also on the net in high quality.

>> No.2533839

Is there a version without all the jpeg artifacts?

>> No.2533842
File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, qikpUNE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2533845
File: 2.84 MB, 1920x1280, nH2Ra84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2533849
File: 93 KB, 736x1349, 91144da398b8c165a33c2523d38c51b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy and slick design, most uninteresting character in the game.

Damn shame.

>> No.2533854

Better. Thanks.

I found out it was stitched together from sneak peaks on an instagram account of all places, which is why the full size is poor quality.

>> No.2534097
File: 3.84 MB, 2354x1500, 3k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran the book cover through Waifu2X.
Also removed the background.
4000 x 2667 (full size file is too big to upload here):

Pic related for 3k resolution, just fits within upload limit.

>> No.2534122
File: 244 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mfo8xl83G21rn5ureo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting heavy capcom vibes from this.
Cant blizzard be original at least ONCE?

>> No.2534125


>> No.2534129

I like some of the designs, but fuck me if the background stories for the characters aren't pure feminist propaganda.
Most of the male characters have varying backgrounds, from engineers and soldiers, to criminals and mercenaries.
All of the female characters are the greatest in the world at something. They've literally cured cancer, saved millions of lives by manipulating the weather, become the world's greatest gamer or are otherwise the absolute elite in fields that in real life are completely dominated by men.
It's as if you can't have a female character in a modern game, unless she's a literal world champion.

>> No.2534131
File: 239 KB, 1000x845, latest[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because one picture shows all the characters, it's a capcom ripoff? Lots of companies do this. They already drew all of them standing together facing the viewer.

>> No.2534132

Doing a giant spread page of the entire cast of characters running / moving into one direction isn't exactly a concept Capcom invented either.

>> No.2534134

They look nothing alike.
>feminist propaga
Stopped there, if you think this or the thought has crossed your mind you have issues.

>> No.2534135

>Stopped there, if you think this or the thought has crossed your mind you have issues.
If you deny it, you're absolutely retarded.

>> No.2534137

>fuck me if the background stories for the characters aren't pure feminist propaganda.

"Women deserve equal pay" - Reaper

>> No.2534145

>fuck me if the background stories for the characters aren't pure feminist propaganda.

"If I were American Id vote for Hillary." - Tracer

>> No.2534148
File: 60 KB, 564x284, artofcapcom_dustjacket_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>They look nothing alike.
They actually do.
It's also more than likely that it's a homage because arnold literally got his first jobs from doing capcom fanart on deviantart to the point where he worked for UDON making crappy 3rd party licensed fanart.

Pic related the cover he drew for the UDON capcom artbook.
Again, aping kinu nishimura's original.

Again not a coincidence.

>> No.2534149

Keep posting senpai. Almost bought the CE for the artbook but no previews of it anywhere and I don't like S76 statue.

>> No.2534151

>world's greatest gamer

I found the problem, you're clearly one of those GamerGate idiots who thinks the world is against you.

>>>/pol/ go back to where you belong, kid.

>> No.2534158

Nice ad hominem there, dumbfuck.
D.Va is supposed to be the world's greatest Starcraft player, undefeated for three years straight, which is a literal impossibility.
In real life, all the greatest Starcraft players are men. Women were so bad at the game that they needed to have their own league, and the best woman is a MTF transsexual who goes by Scarlett.
Only one real woman has actually managed to beat a male player in a professional televised match in Korea.

>> No.2534170

Please seek help man baby.

>> No.2534173

Nice argument there, cunt.

>> No.2534175

>arguing about realism in overwatch

desu fampai the fact that Widowmaker was mentally broken and turned into a slutty living weapon makes up for the whole 'greatest ever' thing which you are very much exaggerating.

>> No.2534177

So you come to an art thread and instead of art you decide to go /pol/?

>> No.2534180

Please, it's just not shitwatch. It's everywhere now.

>> No.2534182

What's it's like to be a paranoid neckbeard loser?

>> No.2534184

World's greatest sniper, after killing her husband, who was the previous world's greatest sniper.
There's also:
World's greatest doctor. Revolutionized medicine and wound treatment, and cured cancer.
World's greatest pilot. Youngest person to be accepted into the experimental flight program.
World's greatest climatologist. Saved millions in Asia by manipulating the weather.
Egypt's greatest soldier and commander. Rose through the ranks in a strict muslim country. Yeah right.
World's greatest light architect, who's better than the others because she's poor, female and brown, and uses her traditional dance to weave light...
World's strongest woman. Implied that she's the world's strongest person, and beat every record in the book. So yeah, she beat men in an area where men are literally unbeatable.

I didn't mention this to start this shitty argument, but the point is that the feminist propaganda in the game is hilarious over-the-top and heavy handed, and you have to be insane to deny it. I just think it's bizarre that feminists are so incredibly insecure that every female character has to be a perfect Mary Sue and a world champion in a field dominated by men.
At least the male characters are diverse.

>> No.2534186

You really need to leave the Internet and get outside.

>> No.2534189

You faggots sure love your /pol/ meme.

What's it like to be a delusional cunt who can't see things that are clear as day and stated outright by the dev team?

>> No.2534192

It's only takes one idiot to ruin a thread. Thanks /pol/.

>> No.2534193

>World's greatest sniper, after killing her husband, who was the previous world's greatest sniper.

You clearly know nothing about the game if you really think this is true.

>> No.2534194

gaymes are for children and the autistic

>> No.2534199

Yeah, because if you don't love mary sues that makes you a virgin hermit. Makes sense.

>> No.2534203

True. It only takes one feminist cunt to ruin a thread by spewing pathetic insults, instead of being able to admit a simple fact or discuss this like a mature person.

>> No.2534207

He's probably the most fun Healer to play, the only one with proper offensive capabilities. You can do some good damage with him. Especially against tanks who are easy to hit with orbs.

>> No.2534210

Honestly you make a lot of sense.
People who are against you in this thread are probably feminazi cunts who this game was made for.

>> No.2534215

>samefagging this hard

Literally everything he said was hyperbole, but trust chucklefucks like you to push whatever agenda you want.

>> No.2534218

I don't really mind the game, and like most of the female designs. I was only pointing out how incredibly heavy handed the feminist pandering is.

It's funny how Blizzard tries so hard to appeal to the lowest common denominator, by mixing diametrically opposing ideologies. You've got the diversity bullshit with characters from around the world, the feminist pandering with the female characters' backstories, and lastly you have all the skimpily clad waifus to appeal to the average male gamer.

>> No.2534219

Im not him, but if you don't think that what hes saying has a point you're either a feminist cunt or a whiteknight that should get his dick cut off. Peace out tho pussyboi

>> No.2534220

>samefagging this hard
Try again, faggot.

>but trust chucklefucks like you to push whatever agenda you want.
You're the one who's defending the agenda they're pushing, you complete imbecile.

>> No.2534221

>just over a minute apart

ahahaha oh my god

>> No.2534227

And the other posts are 41 seconds apart. But keep grasping at those straws, shitposter.

>> No.2534228

Wow cry more. It's an fps. I played all yesterday and never knew the story of any of the characters. Get a life faggot.

>> No.2534229

This thread proves why /ic/ is awful now. Someone posts art from the artbook and some /pol/ retard turns the thread into a shit.

>> No.2534230

>maximum damage control

>> No.2534231

>/pol/ retard
Yeah no, the problem are hyper sensetive crybabies like you , nigger.

>> No.2534232

Ah, so that's where the samefagging accusation comes from. Projecting. Is that you, Malaysia?

>> No.2534233

>first shitfest post is some sperg getting assblasted about strongwimin

>> No.2534234
File: 376 KB, 1972x892, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally impossible to have a thread about anything without that gook cunt ruining it now, isn't it?

>> No.2534236


Yeah, you're real mature. Everyone should take you seriously. Oh and now this is a Malaysia thread. Seriously you /pol/ people need to be banned.

>> No.2534238

>hyper sensetive crybabies
says the fucking retard who believes /pol/ garbage and spergs out over "muh feminism" every opportunity he gets.
normal people don't give a flying fuck. go back to your containment board.

>> No.2534240

Oh look the Anon obsessed with Malaysia. You seriously need to get a life, you think every thread has this guy in it when someone says something you don't like. Pls kys

>> No.2534241

Well, that seals it.

>> No.2534250

>Yeah, you're real mature.
Shut up nigger, back to the plantation.

>> No.2534252
File: 701 KB, 1920x1080, 18j1afnc9j1o7jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now where have I seen this before?

>> No.2534253


>> No.2534255

Watch your edge kid.

>> No.2534256

At least try, Edgefag.

>> No.2534257

buttdevasted niggers

>> No.2534258

Can we go back to the artbook? OP post more please.

>> No.2534259

Just go to deviantart.
All the art for the game was made by arnold tsang, chinese american deviantart king.

>> No.2534262

Malaysia detected. Stop being jealous.

>> No.2534272
File: 53 KB, 640x640, g97b6Td.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these cliche and stereotypical designs
This kills it for me. Technical skill is great in 2D and 3D at Blizzard, but their designs are made by some weird mesh of manchildern and old people trying to be hip.

I refuse to believe all these designs were not a clever ploy to invite casuals/tumblrites and not something art directors think is actually cool.

>> No.2534281

>but their designs
Their designs in this case are not a faceless entitiy but Arnold Tsang.
A deviantart fanartist who got hired by blizzard

>> No.2534288

are you saying one man designed all the cast?

>> No.2534294

Jealously sure is all over this board.

>> No.2534313

>tfw they made a statue out of fucking "Soldier 76" instead of literally any of the other far more iconic characters
I fucking was so mad.
Soldier 76is such a generic boring character. It's actually the reason why i didn't bought that stuff - i dont want it in my place even if i have other figures and dont mind them.

>> No.2534317
File: 41 KB, 675x380, 1462229783899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you but i don't give a shit. I play as Junkrat and just throw bombs into waifufags faces.
>be tracer
>watch her movement put beartrap to the place where she was second ago
>later tracer teleports back right into the trap
>punch her into face while he trapped
This game has characters for everybody. Female characters made for girls and waifufags. Everybody else for every other type of socium.

>> No.2534318

she i mean. damn i sperg hard when i don't have some sleep.

>> No.2534319

So, as someone who isn't a manchild nor an old person and clearly knows what's hip, what exactly would you change if you were the art director for this game?

>> No.2534320

Blizzard, Riot, Motiga, Carbine. Over the top random hodgepodge of wacky cartoony nonsense is really popular right now.

>> No.2534321
File: 11 KB, 228x216, 14633362478300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using this word is like putting red flag right in to your asshole to show everybody that you are not a person to take seriously
I bet you think the only people who dislike female ghostbusters are "manbabies", autismo.

>> No.2534322

He was referring to the other faggot's use of the word.

>> No.2534323

>Over the top random hodgepodge of wacky cartoony nonsense is really popular right now.
i guess that explains it pretty much. It's just a popular phase right now and in a few years will have something else equally obnoxious.

>> No.2534324

give me a character who is memorable/iconic, but also not cliche or stereotypical in some way.

In art, everything's a remix.

>> No.2534328

and obviously interestingly designed.

>> No.2534346

Please ban everyone ITT mods.

>> No.2534379

Post more OP please. Got anything on Genji?

>> No.2534476

I want /pol/ to leave this board.

>> No.2534539

I want reddit to leave this board.

>> No.2534545

shouldn't this be in the book thread anyway?

>> No.2534547

Threads like these prove why /ic/ has become a shithole.

>> No.2534558


>> No.2534863

Bumping so everyone can see the stupidity of this poster.

>> No.2534881

Anon, you should go outside for a while

>> No.2534895
File: 189 KB, 500x566, 1455344609540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2534922

What the fuck happened to this thread.

>> No.2535171

Some people ddared to say that OW isn't good.

>> No.2535194

nah i think she's pretty good. shes fun to play, and in regards to the story, she may or may not be a villain, which is a little interesting. definitely my favorite character.

>> No.2535540

shes so good tho, people get rekt by those turrets if you place em right and not all in one doorway, plus it makes death pretty much meaningless for the defending team because they can teleport right back to the objective.

>> No.2535543

as tracer player this happens to me alot, although usually when im aimlessly teleporting past everybody it gets me killed.

>> No.2535562
File: 57 KB, 500x628, 1432956816657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ad hominen
>being this triggered by your sjw boogeyman
Hahahahaha I mean Nigga just walk away from the screen like nigga just close your eyes haha!

>> No.2535569
File: 16 KB, 275x183, Bleach is 50% off at Price chopper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never tell someone to kill themselves, but I just want you to know that it's an option.

>> No.2535680

The male characters are all best in the world in their fields too.
>World's best gunslinger
>Worlds best Archer
>Worlds best dwarf
>Worlds best robot ninja
>Worlds best monkey astronaut
The List goes on

>> No.2535691

dude its a video game, chill. Blizzard isn't even close to Bioware level faggotry yet

>> No.2535889
File: 222 KB, 480x720, 1460657682558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking reddit summer

this is the only fucking board that regularly links to tumblr unironically

and overwatch is *objectively* pandering

>> No.2535892


>> No.2535913

If you don't see the pandering (ignoring the fact that Blizzard has publicly stated that they removed a certain pose of Tracer because some fat lesbian feminist thought it was "offensive" and "objectifying"), and don't understand how damaging it is, you need to do some reading.

>> No.2535918
File: 69 KB, 640x640, graspingatstraws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2535925


What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.2535931

if you think the issue is the pose and not the fact that they caved, you don't understand what the problem is.

>> No.2535935


desu after reading I agree with you.

Even if I enjoy the new pose more.

>> No.2535954
File: 166 KB, 1024x1024, _freethebooty_by_monorirogue-d9x5ids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2535957
File: 88 KB, 800x493, CAVALREAHSHEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also friendly reminder that tracer is worst girl

>> No.2535959

All this pandering softcore porn after that lame incident

>> No.2535961

Thank you for this lol

>> No.2535972

lol at the responses. I've never even played overwatch so I have no comment on this situation, but I guess I should have guessed that an art board would have 99% libfags getting triggered by different views

>> No.2535990
File: 375 KB, 400x300, 1416360769076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worlds best dwarf

>> No.2536048

You don't get triggered by stupid and uneducated opinions, anon? You definitely must be a very virtuous man.

>> No.2536050

What does an observation about a fucking videogame have to do with education

>> No.2536053


It's hardly an accurate observation, not that you would know considering you haven't played the game :^)

>> No.2536055

wew lad

>> No.2536057
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1463718321475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tru dat

>> No.2536061

mods please ban everyone mentioning /pol/ or sjws from this board


>> No.2536067

>b-but i wanna insert my political agenda into literally every aspect of my life because I have no personal identity and need to latch onto current trends

>> No.2536088

Its funny because this describes both SJWs and Alt-Right faggots to the letter.

>> No.2536090

Thank you, it was basically my exact goal.

>> No.2536297
File: 1.01 MB, 609x1123, 1461395738163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting hung up on the word nigger on 4Chan

Underage b8

>> No.2536372

It's a crude word and it had no place in an art thread.

>> No.2536391

and you word-policing doesn't have any place in an art thread either.

>> No.2536411

Get fucked, freak.

>> No.2536448

such a mediocre game

all the weeaboo faggots going crazy over their waifus
all the femicunts going crazy over the "stronk wymen"

as a game it doesnt have anything tf2 havent done miles better already tho
including both gameplay, art and characters personality

>> No.2536453

Get the fuck out already, faggot.

>> No.2536477

left pose is objectively better. Glad they made the change.

>> No.2536685

> getting triggered by different views
Same could be said about the guy that thinks the ingame characters promote "feminist propaganda"
It's not even about it being an opinion, it's just stupidity.

>> No.2538144

why be here

>> No.2538150

>i never played the game so i dont have an opinion but heres my shitty opinion

>> No.2538158

I think I read an interview that a character designer from a couple street fighter games is the Lead character designer for overwatch.Not sure if it's Arnold Tsang. He's a designer but he answers to a lead that came from Capcom. So it's fitting that Overwatch would make major homages to the Streetfighter series that the art team grew up on and even developed.

>> No.2538163


sheesh the disparity in the quality of the designs is so big. "Just smack different hair on them, that's enough"

>> No.2538164

It wasn't a fat lesbian feminist who complained about the pose, it was a possessive fat neckbeard dude who didn't want people to see his waifu's flat ass.

>> No.2538174

Her ass looks much more fuckable in the new one.
It's like complaining something is too bright and being given a mirror pointed at the sun.
GG Blizzard.

>> No.2538176

The vegans of 4chan made their presence.
/po/tards are the cancer of this board, since they have to shove their shit down everywhere

>> No.2538208

it started with them making art threads on /pol/, not getting deleted and thus creating a mass of art ''critics'', this made them come here and demand separation of /ic/ in ''real'' art and ''weeb'' art

>> No.2538386

Those damn bastards think they are hot shit with their origami and papercraft

>> No.2538386,1 [INTERNAL] 

You are my fucking hero. That looks amazing.