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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 138 KB, 684x960, lolokay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2532017 No.2532017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else prefer looking at real art instead of the kiddy cartoon drawings and digitial traced graphic design stuff posted here?

Pic related.

>> No.2532021

So what you're saying is you like real representations of little girls and are a borderline paedophile not to be put into the same group as the lolicons?

>> No.2532024


Yes, I prefer looking at traditional, feels more organic.

>> No.2532034

Back to your anamai crap you fucking pleb.

You don't even understand basic ideas in art such as you can paint a picture of a child without being a paedophile.

>> No.2532043

Hey buddy, there is nothing wrong with being a pedo. Just don't act on your urges and it's all well and fine to paint 9 year olds in the nude.

>> No.2532049

If her age is on the cock, shes ready for the clock amirite

>> No.2532058

This would really go well with my dragon statue and mall swords how much?

>> No.2532059

I am honestly not sure if this is bait or not, but if it's not, please remove yourself from this board and go back to lereddit, they'll appreciate your lack of taste.

>> No.2532063

You probably don't even know who salvidore dali is.

People who have the idea that manga is the highest form of art can't tell anyone they lack taste.

>> No.2532082

>salvidore dali
He's one of the most famous artists of his time so I don't know why you think people don't know who he is. If someone posted a boring portrait would you accuse the critics of not knowing who Sargent is?

>> No.2532126

Who ever told you that? I fucking hate that trash just as much as I hate your normiecore mediocre eye paintings.

>> No.2532130

>real art

>> No.2532137

I can guarantee you own an incense burner, a replica sword, some form of fedora and a poster of a dragon

>> No.2532258

wizard statue too

>> No.2532739

None of that, I am not an anime weeb.

I guarantee you don't know who Francis Bacon is and have very little education in art , formal or informal.

>> No.2532742

Because people here draw anime and are on that level of retardation.

>Normie core

Okay lol.

>> No.2532747

>Francis Bacon
>Salvidore Dali

Do you really think anyone is impressed you know of these artists?

What are you doing on this board anyway, I guarantee you cannot draw or paint for shit.

>> No.2532749

Hold the fucking phone Art is interpretation. Who the Fuck are you to use words like "real art"?

>> No.2532753
File: 60 KB, 555x884, naruhina_and_minions_by_vrockz-d6tchlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you and your pretentious pseudo-intellectual bullshit, op

i know what i'm about

>> No.2532755
File: 177 KB, 664x520, 1460312991866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I drew this for you, Op

>> No.2532758

>/ic/ - self promotion and samefag advertising

>> No.2532761

Yes but my interpretation is that if you are into badly drawn anime type shit or even sakmimi chan type shit you are shit and your opinions about art don't matter.

What I am saying is motherfuckers on here are so ignorant that they don't even know who those people are.

>> No.2532763

Who are Salvadore Dali and Francis Bacon?
Do they have deviant art accounts and are they on the same level as Sakimi Chan?

What's their favourite anime.

>> No.2532765
File: 1.90 MB, 3385x4001, niggaplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well if you consider the kitsch shit of >>2532017 to be good taste you are even worse.

>> No.2532767

Anyone else think the artist who made this could have "turned it down" a little bit on the purple on the little girl's arms? Maybe if the purple was a little duller it could have been perfect.

>> No.2532770
File: 213 KB, 1002x1256, 1456551217868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me, OP.

How much does this imsge make your blood boil?

Does this ass set you off a little bit or a lot?

Do you want to throw your computer to the wall in a fit of rage at the mere sight of it or does you butt cheeks quiver a little bit every time you look at it?

How do you feel, OP?

In the words of Freud, please, tell me about your mother.

>> No.2532784


It just makes me wish this board was better.

>> No.2532787

you can start by going back to re ddit :^)

>> No.2532788
File: 244 KB, 1000x563, giant mech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wont find what you're looking for here. Trust me

>> No.2532789

this whole bait thread

>> No.2532796
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1415, 1463194489968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more like these floating around?

>> No.2532805

Wheres francis bacon's patreon?
Wheres salvador dali's pateron?
Checked mate, bitch.

>> No.2532812

Honestly they need to separate this board..

Art and manga illustration / digital painting.

Anytime someone tries to have a real discussion about art.. the weebs flood the board...

They say stupid shit like

>Lol that jackson pollock painting is a bunch of scribbles

>Lol graffiti isn't even legible

>Lol my 5 yr old sister could paint like a cubist.

I'm not sure if real manga illustrators have this attitude or it is just the high school level drawing wannabes that flood this shitty board.

Give manga illustration and digital painting it's own board...

I don't care if it's slow.. Graphic design board is slow as hell but there is nobody fucking it up with badly done manga paintings, and talking shit about fine art or the Bauhaus movement there.

>> No.2532813

Sorry there was no point typing that out, no one will read it. Its a bait thread after all ;)

>> No.2532815

sorry, but we don't make boards just for one guy

>> No.2532816

what is /gd/ then?

I know a lot of people here hate the weebs and all their bullshit...

I see it every time I am here...

>> No.2532818

I honestly feel bad for posting a living persons are in this thread.

I feel like I am dragging him into the retarded weeb bullshit zone even though he had nothing to do with it.

He just made a painting...

>> No.2532823

it's a sin to make shit paintings.

>> No.2532824

You probably draw high school level manga.

>> No.2532828

believe whatever helps you sleep better at night.

>> No.2532885

surrealism is THE most popular normie genre. Every "artist" I've ever met had a Dali fetish.

There are many anime boards, especially /i/, yet all the weebs keep coming here and are starting to become the norm of /ic/.

>> No.2533041

artist = non nomrie

>> No.2533050

Oh boy you couldn't be more wrong. What about teenage girls who draw eyes and celebrity portraits or mommies who paint cats and flowers?

>> No.2533051

>real art

>> No.2533208
File: 189 KB, 673x900, 1449353883993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2533307


They are not artists.. they are kids who draw...

an artist is some who is dedicated to their craft and display their work in galleries r other places.

>> No.2533346

>an artist is some who [...] display their work in galleries

spoke like a real normie

>> No.2533362

rekt /thread

>> No.2533453

lol no. An artist is anyone who does art

>> No.2533463

I will take anything if it means I don't have to look at art like this anymore.