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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.24 MB, 1708x3136, tct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2528022 No.2528022 [Reply] [Original]

Anatomy reference/request Thread- /fit/izen checking in.

I was on /ic/ for quite a while and I saw some threads with requests during my journey to git gud and the models were miserable skinny fat losers, I thought it would be easier to study on someone who at least has some muscle.

I'll try to do your requests, nude or not is your call.

>> No.2528025

spread your butt

>> No.2528029
File: 48 KB, 432x960, bac18d3892ce895244a89cd5d288fd83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not for you, not for any guy actually

>> No.2528046

Is that you in the pic? Maybe some other anons will need some ref, but you might need to be patient. Not sure how many people will be making requests right away. It would be neat to have someone muscular helping out, so good idea.

>> No.2528047

dothe zyzz pose

>> No.2528050
File: 94 KB, 484x735, 1429398199608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a sec I thought you were this guy but no you look way shittier

>> No.2528054

I do, but Im also not on roids, dnp and other substances you DYEL fuck

>> No.2528056
File: 388 KB, 683x1024, steroids-bodybuilding-683x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats retarded, there are millions of frank zane poses on the internet, zyzz being one of them, I wanted to help out people who want to study anatomy

>> No.2528057

nah he's also a natty fitizen. you just look like shit I mean look at your stomach you don't even have abs.

Those quads are shit too

>> No.2528060
File: 68 KB, 564x563, 3e754b527149c94d7371beee8089604c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem with waiting, its a service for you guys because I learned a lot from this board and now I can give something back

>> No.2528061

I know he is a fitizen and he was on steroids, fat burners and other shit, I dont expect a skinny fat loser like yourself to know this though, try lifting for yourself and see how far you get

>> No.2528063

It would be neat if you could choose an anatomy book like Bridgman or Hogarth and do the exact poses from it so people can compare reality and the actual forms to the constructed/simplified ones in the books. It would take a lot of time and images to do it complete, but even just a handful would be good for those side-by-side comparisons.

>> No.2528065

>needing roids and DNP to get abs

come back when you cut some more fatass

>> No.2528066

we had few days of /pol/tard threads, now it's time for /fit/ to shit up this board sigh

>> No.2528067

bodies are very different anon, I dont know if that would be beneficial, insertions can be extremely different and hogarth used a lot of simplification and not live models for his books(at least I got that from the drawings) its more anatomy construction than anatomy studying

but give me something specific and I'll do it

>> No.2528068

Do you have a camera that can take consecutive shots? I don't have any specific requests, but certain motions and actions photographed like Muybridge would be really interesting. Especially things that would show your back muscles well and how your scapulas move.

>> No.2528070

discussing with people who have absolutely no knowledge of bodybuilding or strenght training is pointless, so I would appreciate you not shitting up my thread you sad clown. Post your own body if youre so above mine, Im not here for attention you delusional fuck.

I am sure "your" board wont suffer from this one thread, I know the post culture here and its not the best, 90% of the people here cant even draw a clean circle and draw threads are the new"I am a beginner, validate me" threads.

I know why you came here mr. nu-male

>> No.2528072
File: 44 KB, 594x569, Hogarth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well even if the insertions are different that is useful because it shows where the constructions can be inaccurate for some body types and how things can vary.

It might be tricky to get this one in real life to match the pose exactly, but can you give it a shot?

Also out of curiosity how old are you and how long have you been lifting? Numbers?

>> No.2528073

6 months
6' 79 kg
from symmetricstrenght: 1 rep maxes
Back Squat: 85 kg[Untrained]
Front Squat: 80 kg[Novice]
Deadlift: 120 kg[Novice]
Bench Press: 95 kg[Intermediate]
Dip: 25 kg added[Novice]
Overhead Press: 70 kg[Intermediate]
Chin-up: 15 kg added[Novice]
Pull-up: 15 kg added[Novice]
Pendlay Row: 75 kg[Intermediate]

>> No.2528077
File: 278 KB, 1280x853, DSC_0026-WM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and for the pose, its really hard, gotta get that angle, lighting and pose, I dont even know how I'd go about placing the camera

please something that is possible

>> No.2528081

art question

when I study photographs is it detrimental to my skill level when I draw sight size? I always feel a lot more comfortable using the sizes that I see because then I only need to measure with my eyes and not with my brain

>> No.2528085

show dick...for my practice piece

>> No.2528089

post your art dummy

>> No.2528094

>smug asshole makes a thread trying to show off, is immediately a hostile condescending shitstain, posts nothing of any use to anybody because he's too busy shitting on people

/fit/izen, this board experiences many bruised egos very regularly, but you're possibly the most thin-skinned fucking baby I've seen in months. Get over yourself and fuck off back to /fit/ if you're just going to be a defensive cunt the second someone says something mean.

>> No.2528097

And another DYEL checks in.

kill yourself if you think that any of this
warranted a nice reaction of mine

I love jelly beta males like you thinking theyre hot shit, trying to bring others down because theyre insecure as fuck themselves, you will never make it.

>> No.2528099
File: 11 KB, 154x172, ss+(2016-05-19+at+08.52.42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yea you're fucking useless for anatomy study now fuck off you fat fuck. I'd rather go ask the skinny fucks on /fa/ for help

>> No.2528101
File: 2.23 MB, 1130x849, laughingcossacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit you are such a baby. You can always tell which /fit/izens are the little faggots compensating for a massive lack of self confidence. If your first response to the slightest provocation is this hyper-aggressive "alpha as fuck" charade you're pretty fucking pathetic. This isn't the place for you to try and dickwave to feel better about yourself, go back to /fit/.

>> No.2528103

go back to studying faggot

>> No.2528104
File: 7 KB, 194x127, ss+(2016-05-19+at+09.00.48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528105
File: 1017 KB, 229x188, 1458995920998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you gonna do what you made the thread to do or just keep shit-flinging to soothe your ego?

>> No.2528107
File: 613 KB, 408x589, f26d403cbe63a0f32371c32a6a930767[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528108

Just fuck off dude. You are insignificant, your numbers are insignificant, and the time you spend in the gym is insignificant- you are a fucking tool. The only thing that determines your worth is how well you can draw. Welcome to /ic/, POST YOUR ART OR FUCK OFF

>> No.2528109

Oh, playing that game now.

give me a pose and I'll do it, it was very clear that this was what this thread was supposed to be about but I see its better to make others feel bad about themselves and their efforts instead of improving yourself

>> No.2528110

I could draw like catbib and you would just hate on it because of your crab in the bucket mentality

>> No.2528111

no no you insecure virgin
the correct response is
>haha yea he looks pretty good! anyway, anybody got any poses that need done?
dude you're on 4chan. no place for thin skinned pussies. yea, you look good, way better than everybody here does most likely, but man chill the fuck out. it's just shitposting.

>> No.2528114

I know OCB, he is perfect but its not fair getting compared to him because of what I said.
I know how this place is but I wasnt fishing for compliments I just wanted to offer some help, I saw some fat fuck doing this with a box on his head last year and people loved it, I dont see anything wrong with this thread except for assblasted cunts who have no self esteem and feel threatend by a guy with no abs

>> No.2528115

could you really draw like catbib?
I'd be very impressed
now post it

>> No.2528119

You are 19, young, obviously looking for some self-esteem and to be drawn like an Adonis; narcissist. If you gave a shit about anatomy references you wouldn't bend to shitty comments and get your shit all worked up.

>> No.2528121

I dont see how it would hurt to give compliments, but I didnt ask for any, I dont care abut how you draw me, I know most of you guys cant even draw a fucking hand

>> No.2528122
File: 48 KB, 682x600, 1427250906257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>but I see its better to make others feel bad about themselves and their efforts

So someone did hurt your feelings. Maybe next time consider people enjoy laughing at you because you're so insecure and desperate to present yourself as an alpha male, not because they're jealous.

Next time you make a shitty thread like this, spend less time getting butthurt at people and more time actually modelling, and people will find you less of an intolerable fuckup worthy of ridicule. If you had any social skills you'd have probably figured that out. There are far less fit people than you who have modelled and much better received, because they weren't making it all about themselves and their fucking ego, you thin-skinned limp-dicked crybaby.

And we can start by you not replying to me, either, because all you're doing by biting every single time anyone ridicules you is showcasing that you made this thread for you and your self-image, not anyone else.

>> No.2528124

but can you draw a hand yourself lets see it, catbib.

>> No.2528129

I got 1! request which I declined, the rest is just blatant shitposting aimed at my self esteem issues or my body, how immature of me to not take this with more gratitude.

hypocrite. I wont answer from now on, this thread was obviously derailed from the start but I cant change that now.

>> No.2528131

please, i'll even redline it for you. Let's keep your thread art related ;)

>> No.2528135


>but I cant change that now.

That's because you've been childish enough to shit up your own thread by foolishly concluding that ridiculing anyone who ridicules you makes for a good thread. By getting defensive right off the bat you set the tone, li'l nigga. Hell, you opened your own thread deriding other models and trying to make yourself feel good.

If you'd just taken it in stride rather than trying to beat your chest you'd come across as less of an insecure manchild trying to boost his self-esteem at everyone else's expense. Maybe you think this alpha male charade impresses people, but you're speaking to a board that has to put up with egotistical dipshits every day. A little humility goes a long way, faggot.

>> No.2528145


>> No.2528147

Attention whoring is not appreciated on this board, so go back to /fit/ or /soc/

>> No.2528151
File: 969 KB, 1120x1524, 1463562893038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically this >>2528099

literally the first pic in /fa/ skinny fucks thread, can see much more anatomy even with crappy grainy image

>> No.2528178

Is it too late to request anything?

Can you do some poses where you're holding something heavy on your shoulders and ones where you are pullling on something, like a big chain? It should look really heavy and exhausting, already in the gesture. Like your legs giving in to the weight when carrying and your whole body shifting to the other side when pulling.

>> No.2528184

You need to cut, fatso.

>> No.2528190
File: 239 KB, 463x334, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2528218

>85kg squat
>70kg press
dude wut?

>> No.2528224

Op do you still draw?
Did you get gud?

What's it like to get fit and also draw?
Doesn't your arm get shaky if you do workouts and also draw?

I like the small steps in drawing and getting into fit maybe is the same thing, I mean I think it will get me to keep on top of my shit. Small steps every day.

>> No.2528234
File: 44 KB, 170x182, rfgfrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I would ask for reference but it's for porn and i doubt you could get the angle right without a tripod. The hard to find references are the ones that are just really hard to take pictures of.

>> No.2528273

>people who think you need to see the muscles for it to be good reference
LOL never gonna make it

>> No.2528276

another anon that does gym here,

after working chest and arms, it is shaky for a bit, but its manageable.

>> No.2528301

thanks for the reply anon.

>> No.2528330


Id like to see an accurate Michaelangelo's David. gotta nail the nuance of the pose though.

>> No.2528469

/fit/ anon,

please just take a fuckton of pictures and then upload them to imgur.

Do whatever you want but try and make the poses active rather than static.

Include some foreshortening.

Include some bending/kneeling/leaning shit.

Include a direct harsh light source like a lamp or flashlight.

Please and thanks

>> No.2528479

I'm actually incredibly interested in this, and I really hope you don't let the assholes here drive you off.

Can you post some pictures of you raising one and both arms in various stages of being raised? Focusing on the back especially. Shoulder blades are my bane.

You'd have to get someone else to take the pictures, though.

>> No.2528496
File: 120 KB, 683x1024, 9825277923_9af0d4bc98_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's trillions of nudes on the net. OP is a faggot and you're all lazy motherfuckers.

>> No.2528502
File: 210 KB, 965x977, 1448249240000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boxbro was the hero we needed but didn't deserve, now we have this shitstain as an OP.

>> No.2528711


Boxbro looked like shit, at least OP has decent aesthetics.

>> No.2528737

and a decent camera! he just doesnt have the CHARISMA

>> No.2528793


no spark?

>> No.2528837
File: 90 KB, 1372x1480, 1449514321198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP doesn't have a cockring though, you mongrel

>> No.2528866
File: 32 KB, 500x670, 4cc72c44575dd2dc73a227af405ea250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some OP

pinterest is a good place to find this shit

>> No.2528868
File: 58 KB, 670x450, big-triceps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528871
File: 67 KB, 700x467, joel_stubbs_back_routine_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528873
File: 33 KB, 564x846, 47ffa1c731ab751c2cea546387e419f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2528878
File: 218 KB, 891x1024, phil-891x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528880
File: 58 KB, 564x817, fbb0d0daf61d2186622f9c65a6a561c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528881
File: 67 KB, 485x236, anabolic-steroids-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528883
File: 32 KB, 447x960, 89cb42da100a0db8c650448ba825a8c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528885
File: 24 KB, 320x900, 125af321a55a69a58a11931acf467186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528886
File: 24 KB, 379x720, 577d569ca51400730aecfc8eedf15a92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528887
File: 38 KB, 564x935, 6855c87170d2210f438b43a44eef648e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528888
File: 54 KB, 564x842, 73eaae743ff8f345ae145b0dc20eec41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528889
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>> No.2528892
File: 40 KB, 564x1014, fbd449200a3649ad55abdaf71280fa89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528894
File: 47 KB, 564x846, c763992335063d675c55a26fe62dacdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528896
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>> No.2528897
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>> No.2528899
File: 37 KB, 564x613, 2fdbc47672e38359bb497e995b8cec03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if you want 2d anatomy stuff so ill just wait for a reply

>> No.2528905 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 960x878, 1447003308956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attention whore didn't get the sucking up he wanted
el oh el

>> No.2528992


any anatomy tuts? 2d or photo, similar to quoted maybe

ty in advance

>> No.2528997
File: 241 KB, 564x2123, 7b4597764956511b181a711dc0acfc62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have a couple

>> No.2528998
File: 131 KB, 564x1061, 527cd1a5253dad6cc6774e2ced07510b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528999
File: 217 KB, 564x1783, 1dc45eb8ae68d1c2a6bef563e92af639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2529000
File: 3.17 MB, 3964x712, ArmTorsoConstruction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2529001
File: 75 KB, 736x425, 5e683c82c3baeb8ce670729a39afe12f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2529004
File: 70 KB, 736x437, f4a9199acd223c161fc9d7b98c0de3d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2529006
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>> No.2529007
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>> No.2529008
File: 320 KB, 564x2507, 1f6b55c416f8a6322ac1d285e0dea601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2529011

honestly some of these are pretty bad but idk, use at your intent.


You should understand basic muscle insertions and the way they move across joints instead of following individual tutorials.
That book is very good at explaining anatomy.

>> No.2529042

Jesus fuck are there more from this model ? He has godly proportions and is well toned

>> No.2529050


>> No.2529383

OCB he's from /fit/

idk how much more pics of him are out there

>> No.2529538
File: 102 KB, 640x499, donurado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
Holy shit. After boxman I'd thought a lot about doing some requested hi-res shots of myself, since we all know that finding overweight people references usually leads to disappointment (bland poses, no contorting the body to highlight fat folds, etc).

Of course I would've expected some shit but not to this level. OP did literally not do anything wrong.
And posting on another board besides /ic/ would've just attracted non-/ic/ goers, ruining the point of this thread.

>> No.2529556

thats like saying brian or firez did nothing wrong
bitch their existence and very character is a war crime

>> No.2529557

He was a dick and didn't even post any pictures. The few requests he got he just came up with excuses for not doing them or ignored entirely.

>> No.2529558


>> No.2529568

Yeah the hostility ITT is ridiculous it's probably only a handful of people acting like cunts though. pretty sad desu OP was only offering to help but they couldn't contain their autism.

firez never had anything to offer he was only looking for validation, Brian is Brian. OP offers something that would be useful to people and he gets shat all over, you can't really compare them.

>> No.2529578

I was referring to their similar attitudes toward negative comments- that is, always defensive and thinking everyone's out on a manhunt. exploitable as >>2528135 mentioned.

>> No.2529638

>insecure anons shitting on insecure anons for their insecurity because they are insecure

Yeah, this is /ic/, this is why we all belong here.

>> No.2529647
File: 65 KB, 700x508, 1461225108524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could have been a good thread

>> No.2529674


>> No.2529687
File: 139 KB, 670x1191, fragonard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im here again, I will do a lot of photos for you guys on saturday, I'll get naked as well, will obviously filter my face out in photoshop, its good to see there is some interest, I know I dont have an incredible body but I honestly thought that a more athletic build would be beneficial for /ic/ since I find it easier to study anatomy when I can actually make out insertions.

Just bear with me until tomorrow, its too late in the evening now, I'll maybe do them sunday but I promise I will deliver, just to spite the haters.

I will return to drawing, I didnt do both at the same time but honestly working out once you do it isnt really that taxing, 45 minutes is more than enough and compound movements are the way to go, I would recommend it and yes youre right its a very similar progression(theres even photobashing and roids so cheating if you will in both) and its equally satisfying, Im a guy who needs something like this or else my life goes down the shitter.

I would try working out, just some advice for you
1. eat enough(assuming youre not fat/skinnyfat)
this means at least 3000kcal in the first months every day, hit at least 100g of protein, animal protein is better than plant based.
Get zinc
Do the big 3, squats, bench, deadlift, if you do OHP and dips as well youre pretty good, rows for lats.

thats it m8

I legit got 1 request, the other requests were shitposting, the 1 request was almost impossible(you can check it)
sorry if I came off like an asshole

pic related is a study of mine that I did, please be gentle /ic/ I know some of you are nice

I had to stop for school and then took a longer break, I will get back into it when I begin with my service(military fag)3 hours a day at least

We're all gonna make it

>> No.2529689

>tfw he's better than you
Not gonna make it

>> No.2529697
File: 1010 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20160119_215202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx bb <3

this still life shit was one of the last studies I did, I actually am a little sad because I was then developing more I think than before

>> No.2529700
File: 1.17 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20160119_215218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skull studies, about 30 minutes each.

also if you dont have a irl skull get this application, its a 3d skull, really good

>> No.2529704

goddamn do they fall apart when theyre so big

>> No.2529905

This is really nice. I've always struggled with mirror drawings for some reason.

>> No.2529917

I'm the raising arms request - to get specific, if you can, include a few shots of reaching upwards for something with one arm from the back and 3/4ths view. Thanks!

>> No.2530337

>dat pointy ellipse
Scott robertson is your friend my man!
Otherwise really nice, especially the shading, the skulls look great.

>> No.2530340

I think it's bridgman inspired..

>> No.2530352

It's bridgman

>> No.2530353

Are you willing to take the picture from eight angles?

>> No.2530354

The OP one?
I will do it along with the rest

>> No.2530364


you arent toned but anyone who knows muscles can tell you are strong. anon, can you teach me to lift? i went to /fit/ and they are all shitposting, just like here.

>> No.2530371
File: 78 KB, 564x739, 34a84df20c41aadadf74af089b77c305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will return to drawing,
>thats it m8
Thanks anon!
Hope you'll make it

>> No.2530380
File: 135 KB, 625x958, study_by_catbib-d6okgt7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you have a gym you might want to get a membership, if you don't like gyms, buy:
A 2 metre barbell, 60 kg worth of plates (your call on how those should be separated)you won't be able to lift 80kg in any exercise except for deadlift and squats maybe, if you still have money then get a bench preferably one with safeties so you don't kill yourself (which won't happen with less than 100 kg anyway) and a squat rack, you can buy a squat rack that serves as a bench as well, you just buy a bench to lay on between the rails.

If you're starting from skinnyfat you might wanna cut that fat first, then start from skelly mode, if you have some muscle and aren't too weak you can start eating a lot, eating is just as if not more important in becoming what you want than lifting.
Look up how much of need to eat for x pounds you wanna gain, I'd say 3000-3500 kcal a day is a good start for a beginner. Hit your protein needs, 100 g at least, if you're tall you need more, 140 is preferable.
Do compound movements, no isolation, or just a little-this means bench press, OHP, squats, front squats, Deadlifts, rows, dips. FORM IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE IN ANY LIFT! Film yourself to see where you need to work on, compare your form to "good form" by checking YouTube videos of people who should know, Alan thrall is pretty good.

That's about it, have a good time with that
thanks, you too

>> No.2530384

Oh, and count your caloric intake.

Great sources of protein and fat and therefore good lifting foods are:
Whole Milk
Tuna, Sardines
Nuts in general
Broccoli (good fiber and high protein)

Don't buy any fancy supplement shit, zinc and vit D and C are sufficient
And drink a lot of water, if you didn't make a conscious effort to eat a lot in the past your body will need the water.

You can go big with the milk, 2 litres a day won't kill you

>> No.2530396


ive a squat rack and Olympic bar, just no weights for it yet. how do i know if im skinny fat?

as for the rice, white or brown? i tried drinking a lot of milk before and it just bloated me up, same with breads. i look pregnant if i drink too much, it's great.

>> No.2530413

Well if you're lean you're not skinny fat, if you have a belly you are.

You should be able to tell.

Weights are rather cheap, that's a good start, it doesn't matter, health comes with a balanced diet not something specific.

Yeah of course you look a little bloated when you drink too much, hydration is important, don't drink 2 litres in an hour, drink 3-4 litres a day seperated throughout the whole day.

I can't tell you what you shouldn't eat or drink, you should know this yourself but be honest with yourself and assess your progress and diet well, it's the same in drawing, I can't tell you what to do and what not to do in x situation, I can only give you a guideline.

For the weight I wouldn't worry too much, I just think it gives you a better feeling to see gains when they're not hidden under a layer of flab, you could start lifting right away, just 45 minutes are sufficient, just pay attention to the eating, form and sleeping part.

A workout routine could be some Push pull legs routine, but again, learn the lifts.

>> No.2530431


i will make the gains for you, in body and mind. thanks for spending the time to pass on your trade

>> No.2530437


one more thing, how do you cut the skinnyfat? i cut out soda beverages a month ago and i am actually gaining weight instead of losing it. im drinking water, not a single fast food food meal, but i do occasionally eat sugary foods like a candy bar once a week or a couple of fruits per day.

i want to lose this belly but everything i google is mindless clickbait garbage. also, is there a reliable website i can use for fitness stuff?

>> No.2530462
File: 20 KB, 424x442, saki-monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open thread
>tct is back
>still hasn't done shit all

>> No.2530475


>can't google images
>needs an excuse to not do art
>why isn't this faggot posting nudes of himself?! god damn it I will never be an artist with all these useless fucks surrounding me


>> No.2530485


>> No.2530529
File: 171 KB, 672x1145, may16_fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you manage to do art and fit in your time OP?

Ive started getting fit for almost 2 years now and im somewhere near your body type, but the last year i put more focus in the fitness becouse i was going nowhere in the first year of lifiting (i mostly blame on my diet). But now i dont draw as much as i used to. Your art is pretty dang good so im asking how do you manage to fit everything in your schedule?

pic is me after 1 year of proper training

>> No.2530569

I don't do both at the same time right now.

Lifting isn't time consuming at all, it shouldn't be anyway.
I lift every other day or ever day and not more than 1 hour, mostly 45 minutes.

I will start again when I'm done with school shit(which I don't out effort in really but it's more of a mindset) and I will be in the army from octobre of this year and for a long time, I already decided to study then for at least 3 hours a day because I know I will have that time.

Lifting isn't time consuming getting good at drawing is way harder believe me. I have somewhere around 500 hours now I would say and altough I took a longer break now I am fairly Positive that I will have a good base to start from now.

Your body looks pretty good, don't worry about it, there is a lot of misconception as to how a natty lifter should look like because of all the fake natties out there.

Just keep studying, lifting shouldn't be time consuming at all

>> No.2530573


The fuck are you on about with this projecting? I just find it funny he made a thread then did nothing but shit it up and not deliver. I don't actually plan on using any of the shit he delivers, I just think the thread is a waste of space unless he does.

>> No.2530584

Thanks man, will do!
right now i lift like 4 times per week for about 1h or 1,5 h, becouse i usually fit 2 muscle groups in one workout, but im planing to reducing 3 times per week with less isolation exercises during summer to work more on art.

Do you ever use your body as reference for your art?
I want to get shreded as much as i can without losing muscle and then study muscles from myself. I have a camer right now but its a bit hard to take proper pics with the timer. Im saving up for a camera remote and maybe some lights hoping that would help me a bit.

>> No.2530646


I find it funny that you're on an art board and do no art. We're all gonna make it, guys!

>> No.2530684
File: 9 KB, 240x240, 23124515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and do no art.

What makes you think that? I'm working on a watercolor which entails waiting for it to dry, and even if I wasn't, how the hell do you assume that anybody who takes two seconds to make a post on /ic/ doesn't have time to draw? If you think someone posting on /ic/ never does art, what are you doing? What sort of cognitive dissonance are you suffering right now, anonymous?

>> No.2530723

I will make the photos but living with your family makes it kinda hard, my room is in the basement(lmao I know) and I need proper lighting to do the shots, tomorrow Im alone

>> No.2531585
File: 115 KB, 567x1008, IMG_20160522_115248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bridgman poses and random stuff incoming

>> No.2531586
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>> No.2531587
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>> No.2531588
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>> No.2531589
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>> No.2531590
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>> No.2531592
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>> No.2531593
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>> No.2531594
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>> No.2531595
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>> No.2531597
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>> No.2531599
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>> No.2531600
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>> No.2531603
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>> No.2531604
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>> No.2531606
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>> No.2531608
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>> No.2531610
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>> No.2531613
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>> No.2531614
File: 126 KB, 567x1008, IMG_20160522_111759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sick bridgman here

>> No.2531615
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>> No.2531618
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>> No.2531620
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>> No.2531621
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>> No.2531622
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>> No.2531623
File: 126 KB, 567x1008, IMG_20160522_111151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one for the day

Im sorry if the lighting is bad, I cant really change it, had to make a makeshift camera stand for my phone and couldnt get too fancy in angles

>> No.2531672
File: 1.76 MB, 1200x2852, comic-art-reference-human-arm-muscles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2531677

pancakes ass. :(

>> No.2531764


I squat too lightly

>> No.2531791

Thanks for these anon. I saved a few. The lighting isn't the usual frontal lighting, so they're actually pretty useful.
Especially these three:

>> No.2531801

That makes me quite happy

>> No.2531926

great pics, shouldve lowered your fucking contrast though.

>> No.2531943

You can filter them all you like

>> No.2531944

That's where the money is!
Thanks bro

>> No.2532260

what's up with those insanely flared ribs?

>> No.2532266

this guy came here to make thread shitty
he made it with, probably via excessive samefagging
don't let them drag you down OP
don't feed the trolls

>> No.2532325

lets see you shirtless, faggot.

>> No.2532360

Holy shit, this thread. Y'all must be some insecure, obese ass motherfuckers, behaving this way. You had someone come in and offer you what is essentially a free service, and all anyone can do is talk about is how truly OP is actually unfit, and that hurr durr body builder pics online are better.

OP is in good shape. He has a pretty damn aesthetic physique that he offered up for nothing. The majority of the shit I scroll through when looking for male refs are pudgy older dudes with ponytails and some kind of stick, trying their damndest to look like they're capable of an action pose.

OP, torsos have been giving me trouble. I'd love some pics of you twisting your torso, turning your body etc, preferably while sitting or kneeling.

>> No.2533425

Yo I had this but it was really low res

>> No.2533536

maybe i would if you didnt blurr your face making the photo valueless to me.

>> No.2533613

Sorry but I would rather not have my fac associated with 4chan

>> No.2533912

I don't know why all the hate in this thread.. thanks OP. Just one thing, your pictures would be much better for references if your entire body is in frame, try to keep your feet in especially.

>> No.2533950
File: 10 KB, 250x250, tumblr_n5frdaD8MF1qhqa1vo2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello and thanks for the poses /fit/ op
can I request you do a compilation photo of you flexing your arm upward from the front similar to this photo? I'm trying to beat foreshortening.

>> No.2533951
File: 34 KB, 800x480, Db-Shoulder-Front-Raise1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frontward and up as in this

>> No.2534074
File: 545 KB, 543x948, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there, op! I can't even explain how grateful I'd be if you'd help me out with a pose I've no idea how to begin figuring out.
I've been wanting to take this somewhere for years but have never felt confident enough to move any further since I lack any sort of reference to guide me on how to start this pose, and don't feel confident enough with anatomy to fake it.
The pose is:
(1) The man grieving for his dead daughter as in the attached. And
(2) <In case I end up bringing the subjects closer to the viewer,> the same exact pose, but with you closer to the camera and the camera tilted ever so slightly down. So it's almost exactly the same as the first, but just a very little more of your back would be visible since it'd be very slightly more of an overhead view than the first pic, but still from the same direction.

Thank you very, very much for considering my request!

>> No.2534077

This scene, has the exact pose you are looking for im sure of it.


>> No.2534089

I never play video games, but man, I never knew they could be like this. Thanks very much for posting this! That was very kind.
I'd love if op could do the poses as full views, since in the clip they're zoomed in very close, framing only the upper body, enhancing this scene. Seeing the movement helps me very much, regardless!
Thanks again!

>> No.2534307

today and yesterday it was raining

>> No.2534388


Based set desu, needed outdoor light scource for a current piece I'm working on. Thanks for giving back OP

>> No.2538350
File: 128 KB, 567x1008, IMG_20160527_143236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new pics
sorry, I will do some of those next

>> No.2538351
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>> No.2538352
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>> No.2538354
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>> No.2538355
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>> No.2538357
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>> No.2538359
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>> No.2538360
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>> No.2538361
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>> No.2538362
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>> No.2538363
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>> No.2538364
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>> No.2538365
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>> No.2538367
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>> No.2538368
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>> No.2538370
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>> No.2538371
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>> No.2538373
File: 109 KB, 567x863, IMG_20160525_195434_edit_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggy shot where you can see that I in fact do have abs! lol

>> No.2538417

>>2534074, here. Man, I can honestly never thank you enough! You're absolutely fantastic, mate. I can't even begin to explain how much I appreciate this, text's seriously inadequate.

>> No.2538422


>> No.2539302

Are there rips of New Masters Academy?

I need this girl.

>> No.2542576

OP is a samefagging faggoty faggot.

>> No.2543426


>> No.2543428


>> No.2543442

What the fuck? You call people dyel and your deadlift is fucking 120kg? Fuck sake.

>> No.2543455

>estimated ORM

It's not even 120kg.

>> No.2543680

you're p qt, don

>> No.2544480
File: 209 KB, 658x595, 1462859993154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the big boys are here again
Thanks bby :3

>> No.2544486

I was just going to buy a 1:18 "nude" figure from Boss Fight Studio's h.a.c.k.s. line, but this thread has piqued my interest

>> No.2544625

>Thanks bby :3

Would you cut this shit out or just admit you're fishing for compliments?

>> No.2544716
File: 62 KB, 660x551, 11 2 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a catbib painting
>why isnt everyone as edgy and bitter as me mom?
its ironic you sad boi

>> No.2545225

>guys please validate me because I'm an insecure mess that can't get compliments on /fit/ because my physique is completely shit
how fucking embarrassing

>> No.2545527
File: 536 KB, 746x1049, orcus__necrodemon_by_ruanjia-d6j76u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look mom I did it again
Come on bro, you can do better.

>> No.2546711
File: 95 KB, 447x444, 1460325349433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Don't you guys realize that you are all just as pathetic as OP? You're all coming off as incredibly insecure.

>> No.2546729

Thanks op, don't mind these retarded faggots tho