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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 327 KB, 1183x1400, c54325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2514823 No.2514823 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to funposters.
Stay on topic.
Please stay on topic.
Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered

>> No.2514843

This is nice. Nice and hot.

>> No.2514867

Of course it is.
It's Incase's work, nigga.

>> No.2514879

Incase's stuff doesn't really grab me most of the time. I mean it's good it just doesn't catch my eye as much as some other people's work. This one is really appealing to me though.

>> No.2514895

W-will I ever be as good as incase?

>> No.2515052
File: 98 KB, 314x319, RAge_pika.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work hard every day. Then one day yes. Quit then no.

>> No.2515076
File: 86 KB, 304x545, helpcomputer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know what to do with the arms an i"M RUNNING OUT OF TIMMEEE

usually the leg holding the weight in contrapposto is straight, tho i did conscious try to curve it in with the angle of the shin bone but the outer calve muscle breaks the flow and bending the knee would jus break the flow even more :c

no site at the moment really
i tend to like more simplistic styles (in terms of line economy) so i could see the head feeling chibi-ish, but at the moment i personally like the way it looks (but i also really need to study faces a whole heckin lot more (when i have time) so that feeling may or may not change with more head knowledge in my knowledge head)

>> No.2515088


Nope, the weight bearing leg in a typical contraposto is definitely not straight. While your drawing isn't completely off it can be improved and the leg isn't right yet. Women in particular tend to have have a extreme bend in their arms and knees that goes beyond 180 degrees.

>> No.2515102
File: 3.86 MB, 2968x2605, 1423149046062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but if you spend more time practicing than shitposting you MIGHT get NEARLY as good as Kyle

>> No.2515112

kill yourself

>> No.2515162
File: 410 KB, 608x443, 1322956629316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing great on tumblr and hentai-foundry, I even get reasonable commissions and yet I have zero god damn patreons. How the hell do I acquire patreon money? Have sakimichanga and InCakes swallowed up all the audience?

>> No.2515250

>How the hell do I acquire patreon money?

I think that's just about persistence and patience. keep doing what you are doing for a year or two, ride the trends (zootopia was a fantastic opportunity to explode in fame, the next one will come soon enough), and you'll gradually build your patreon biz.

>> No.2515323


Do you advertise your patreon enough?
How good are your rewards?

>> No.2515362

>How good are your rewards?
This. Patreon is a monthly subscription and that's different from viewing your tumblr page for free or a one time payment for a commission. You have to incentivize it differently. Offer things like exclusive streams or drawings for Patrons.
imo it's best to go with things that can't be easily handed out by pirates like streams or personalized requests.

>> No.2515365

not gonna make it

>> No.2515371


How many fans do you have on HF? Someone told me around 5000 followers on HF is a minimum berore even thinking about Patreon.

>> No.2515409

>the weight bearing leg in a typical contraposto is definitely not straight
This is a perfect example of the majority of /ic/ People who don't have their facts straight trying to "educate" people who draw way better than them.

>> No.2515427
File: 14 KB, 214x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes the weight bearing leg is straight in the sense that it is not bent, but the actual gesture and rythm of the forms is more of a subtle S-shape.

>> No.2515432

Kyle please do more art.

>> No.2515433

What the hell do you think they meant? You knew damn well when they said straight that's what they were talking about. Thanks for playing The Game of Pointless Semantics. You've won: wasting everyone's time nitpicking a non issue.

>> No.2515454


I'm critiquing the drawing >>2515076
The gesture of the weight bearing leg looks off to me, i.e. too straight as the other anon pointed out. It looks stiff. It's by no means a bad drawing but it can be improved.

>> No.2515477
File: 86 KB, 304x545, momsdayredline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2515479
File: 193 KB, 644x733, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is moving too far into lewd territory so I suppose this is a better place to show progress

>> No.2515480

>this is moving too far into lewd territory

Fucking casual.

>> No.2515481

This redline is ridiculous. With her foot there she'll look like she's about to fall over. Like I said nothing but clueless people trying to improve upon what they themselves don't understand.

>> No.2515490

The pose milk anon did is already unbalanced. The redline I did is supposed to show a better flow of the pose. I simply didn't rotate the canvas. My bad.
Also, try to be less mad for no reason.

>> No.2515508

The pose was fine as it was. The whole drawing was fine until you fools started messing with it. There are ways it could've been improved but you don't have a good enough eye to provide any meaningful critique to it and you all keep making it worse and worse. I'll try to be less mad if you try to be less pitiful.

>> No.2515528
File: 51 KB, 309x545, Contra_Pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just move the shin back a bit you nooblers.

>> No.2515542

yeah. that's what I meant with my comment in the previous thread.
you should have balanced the pose though. now it's falling back.
bbc is that you?

>> No.2515547

you are pathetic for not seeing what bbc did there. stop talking and learn your place, idiot.

>> No.2515555

It doesn't matter who did it, that redline was wrong and even more off balance than the pose it was supposedly fixing. If anyone needs to learn their place it's those who try to fix drawings above their skill level.

>> No.2515567

he wasn't trying to fix the balance of the pose, you fucking moron.

>> No.2515576

The first person to speak up wanted more exaggeration in the bend of the leg but they fucked up with how they said it and implied a weight bearing leg shouldn't be straight. The redliner added more movement to the leg like the first person wanted to but didn't know how to do but they still did it wrong by making the pose off balance. If you create more errors trying to "fix" something you haven't fixed anything. There's no point adding the right rhythm to the leg if the leg is in the wrong place. The only person to do the right thing was >>2515528 to whom I said nothing. If you can't follow the simple plot of a conversation and see why those who were in the wrong were wrong you should think twice about calling other people morons.

>> No.2515590

Regarding the flow of the pose, that redline is better than the original imo.

>> No.2515600

The redline leg has better rhythm and can be seen as more appealing. The original was constructed better and the last edit gives it the flow of the redline without damaging the integrity of the pose. A pose that has lots of movement but is wildly off balance and breaks anatomy isn't one I would call better but that's what I've been saying about people's critical eye here all along. Go ahead and say whatever else you want to say, you can have the last word if you want it.

>> No.2515612
File: 150 KB, 600x593, 123456789 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to learn how to make games in Unity. This is sprite i have overworked for my own amusement. I know I'm not very good, and i didn't feel like using references in this case.

>> No.2515637

that is painfully apparent

>> No.2515640

>The redline leg has better rhythm and can be seen as more appealing.
That's all I wanted to point out with that redline.

>> No.2515672

well, luckily it will be tiny

>> No.2515706

What porn artists draw in a more realistic western style, similar to say Adam Hughes and Frank Cho, if any?

>> No.2515769

The only one I can think of is Calm Draws.

>> No.2515779


Should have specified a line based style. Calm's stuff is hyper rendered.

>> No.2515782

I don't know of any but I'm sure there are some out there. You might be able to find some from looking at old Playboy comics or Heavy Metal magazine. If all else fails randomly browsing on tumblr can turn up some good results.

>> No.2515791

BBC Chan could maybe be interesting to you.

>> No.2515985

Do you follow any rules for making characters appealing or posing in general? Kinda stumped about what i should study to make things look interesting

>> No.2515999

Alan Moore did some pron I think. Lost Girls was decent.

>> No.2516002

What's a good app for an android phone to do photoshop

>> No.2516007
File: 398 KB, 904x917, fd3a14e331c9bc5a1d251c6e3107e032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy people are actually talking about porn in the porn thread

>> No.2516017

well, that's interesting

>> No.2516043

Turns out all you need to cure yourself of the T-Virus is a big helping of Vitamin D.


>> No.2516066

Mothers day is almost over. Did you send this picture to mom yet?

>> No.2516196

OP i need your help finding a video of a guy skimming through a flipbook of mario and sonic having gay sensual sex. It's more funny than actual porn, but this was the closest thread to getting it up somewhere.

>> No.2516207

the only thing I don't like about his art is how he draws the same face literally every time, and it's an ugly face.

>> No.2516212

Yeah I'd have to agree.
It's always this face that reminds me of Pink or Fergie who I both can't stand. The op girl has it too a little bit but I find the rest of the body and color scheme so nice I hardly looked at her head.

>> No.2516245
File: 29 KB, 450x450, laughing domesticated house cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>sakimichanga and incakes
fucking hell i spilt my drink man

>> No.2516251

testicles don't look very good.
rest of the picture is fucking awesome.

>> No.2516307
File: 299 KB, 976x1400, Screen Shot 2016-05-08 at 10.33.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any critique or advice would be appreciated.

>> No.2516316
File: 86 KB, 640x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to receive advice on my stuff. I started like a week ago just for fun because a friend inspired me to, so I'd like to become better for my friend. I dunno if I should share my tumblr just to not do multiposting, but whatev.

>> No.2516341

I don't think its ugly, but yeah. He tried a couple years ago to push past it, but really just ended up making his faces a bit wider or slimmer here and there.

>> No.2516360


>> No.2516551


>> No.2516554


It's a low resolution sketch, I like it, I've always liked roughs, but I'm not sure what to say since it's just a rough sketch. Perhaps the cock feels like it's attached slightly too low. Also, the blurry sketch lines and the mustard yellow background clashes with the lineweight and colors. It would look better with just a regular white bg imo.

>> No.2516562
File: 153 KB, 680x818, honokaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me why it's shit, don't hold back.

>> No.2516690

at least you realize it's shit. that's a big plus.
it's shit because your fundamentals are shit. you are guessing both perspective and anatomy, and your lineart needs more gesture training to look less stiff and insecure.
i suggest you focus more on these things than on coloring and shading. you don't want to spend the rest of your art career polishing turds, right?
and now some positive stuff. you have a good grasp of appeal. the colors are nice and the shapes are inviting. most normies won't even notice the things I mentioned above. it's up to you to decide what it's more important to you, being really good at what you are doing and proud of your artworks, or pander to dickbrains just for the sake of making some money.

>> No.2516733
File: 180 KB, 578x710, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much, anon. That's better than what I was expecting, actually.

>you are guessing both perspective and anatomy
I'm half-way through both Perspective made easy and Vilppu's lectures and his figure drawing book. But I admit that I absolutely guessed the perspective here, and I think I especially have trouble understanding the pelvis area. I will keep grinding of course.

>your lineart needs more gesture training to look less stiff and insecure
I do figure drawing 30 minutes five times a week, mostly concentrating on construction, but that's not quite the same thing as gesture, right? Will look into it.

H-hey man, I need to make some money too before I git gud.

>> No.2516741

you poor, poor misguided creature.

never, never,never render that much unless you are absolutely comfortable with your anatomy. It will always look off to you. like a house built on sand, something in the very structure will always be off. But like >>2516690 said, normies will miss this. The real question is can you live with the feeling of only making sub-par, over-render work?

>> No.2516749

blog plz

>> No.2516767
File: 626 KB, 900x1200, kirby64 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drew something without furries or vore in it

>> No.2516768


>> No.2516771

Legs are so fucking massive it's not even funny. And don't you dare even say foreshortening.

>> No.2516772
File: 917 KB, 1500x1782, ibiggirl.pndom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, it's an ayylien

>> No.2516783
File: 1.38 MB, 6000x4440, Edit compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not able to draw much from scratch as well just yet, mainly due to having to sketch it out on paper then wrestle with a mouse for any sort of digital drawing I wind up doing. This is an edit I did, removing a bra and rolling up her eye as an excuse to practice the shadow that falls over eyes.

>> No.2516786

not the artist but I don't think that particular piece was even supposed to be remotely "correct." Even then it falls well within human possibility as well. I'd have said something about how her back shoulder doesn't seem to be attached to her and the shadows not being consistent.

>> No.2516848

the thin lineart makes it look as if it was made in adobe flash, you should try and improve on your line art or draw with thicker lines or something. it makes the whole thing look amateurish

>> No.2516852

I thought that thinner the better? My line art is pretty solid ( not on this one tho, that pose was hard as balls), but i'll draw thicker lines from now on, thanks anon

>> No.2516950


Nothing wrong with thin lineart, lots of hentai artists use it.
You have to keep in mind though that the thinner the lines you use the higher "resolution" your drawing has - a simple cartoonish style usually works better with thick sweeping lines.The detail level of your piece is too low to warrant such thin lineart I feel.

>> No.2516959

so if I want to some detailed stuff I use thin lines, if I want a big good ol' fast drawing with flat colors and simple shading I go for thick, got it. thanks anon!

>> No.2516961

you seen cammies legs niggah, those things are massive

>> No.2516970

>The real question is can you live with the feeling of only making sub-par, over-render work?

Well, I mean, I gotta do something until the day I can do at least average render stuff. Ironically I usually render a lot more, this one was only cellshaded. I don't think you want to see my really rendered work.

>> No.2517022

Bruh.... Whats up with that her right titty?

>> No.2517129

looking good Fisher, the wrists could be a little thicker but that might be a stylistic choice

>> No.2517222


I don't agree with his advice, I think it's fucking awesome that you're doing finished work despite having shaky drawing skills.
Shadman would be told to Loomis for another 5 years if he came on here, yet he has a career drawing porn now. Yes, aim to perfect your skills but DO finish your work even if the foundation is shaky.

>> No.2517360

Came here to say this. The default "horny face" he does with the excessive lip biting is just plain unattractive. It doesn't look natural, it gives the feeling the whole thing is a setup, like a professional porn photo where the model tries very hard to be sultry. Also there's something that bugs me in how he places the facial features, iirc it was the mouths that were bothering me. He tends to draw them too low.

On a slightly unrelated note this is usually why I don't like western 2D as much as japanese, everything feels unnatural and STATIC as if the characters were posing for a photoshoot in every single frame. There's also little to no variation in the body shapes whereas the japs give them stretch and jiggle and they feel dynamic. That one viking porn comic is a good example of this.

>> No.2517555

>Shadman would be told to Loomis for another 5 years if he came on here
>yet he has a career drawing porn now
yeah, and shadman still sucks ass and polishes turds as we speak.
we already told him he can chose between getting good or making money by pandering to dickbrains, which is what shadman does.
you aren't adding anything to the conversation.

>> No.2517557

the difference between eastern and western is only that anime is much more stylized and simplified and thus gives more room for personal interpretation. especially with expressions.

>> No.2517839

i did, hella nervous, can't post the final sketch tho cause they're actually furries

left the leg as it was cause i didn't have time/everybody seemed to be fighting over it/i'd consciously avoided the more natural looking knotted knee/going back to rebalance (read: more or less redraw) the entire pose isn't worth the small improvement in flow this close to the end
i will keep it in mind for future draws tho

i am the worst person to ask when it comes to posing but i will say this: legibility. the most important thing is that someone can glance at your drawing and be able to instantly tell what's going on. it's never about what IS right, it's about what LOOKS right (which is heavily informed by what IS right)

for making characters appealing you'd probably have to elaborate because otherwise i can only really give a vague answer about how i just draw what i like and that i like very specific things and that i'm very picky about form/shape and proportion as well as cleaning up/redrawing lines so they properly show things just right with a lotta detail paid to how exactly certain lines curve

good night, apologies for how rambly this prolly reads :c

>> No.2517841

You actually gave that picture to your actual mother?

>> No.2517965

I'm gonna imagine he did, he could be lieing but its better to imagine he actually did since were all degenerates

>> No.2517975
File: 93 KB, 380x448, 1462592652135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you send this picture to your mom yet?
>I did

>> No.2518028

Thanks for replying.
I guess it might be better to ask about how you design your shapes? I understand the part about making things look* right, but the execution is what throws me off. Can't help but think there's a set of rules that help define "what looks right" in character design. Like straight vs. curves, what makes people in general look attractive, etc.
For me, things always look hella stiff even if I start with a gesture.
Currently reading Force by Mattesi to figure this out.

>> No.2518048

nice idea
tiddies and puss could look better doe

>> No.2518064
File: 143 KB, 800x800, critique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 months old drawfag

I know its pure shit

>> No.2518079

Why is loli not allowed? This doesn't make sense.

>> No.2518135
File: 68 KB, 800x1000, nyo_germany_by_darkerthanblue-d5j6q7m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I can do both, can't I? You can pander to dickbrains while on the journey to getting good. Here's something by me from the end of 2012. I finished (over-rendered, I guess) my stuff even without basically any knowledge of anything. Even Shad is slowly becoming better afaik.

>> No.2518147


Yeah, we can post it in /b/ but not here? Why?

>> No.2518152

Because Hiro can't into 4chan.

>> No.2518178

Furry and loli/shota have always been /b/-only, newfag.

>> No.2518182

I know. I mean that Hiro completely ignores everyone telling him to allow them on other boards. I feel like moot would have cracked by now.

>> No.2518193

if you know its shit why did you post tho

>> No.2518198

Because anon wants to improve.
What do you think your mistakes are? Self critique is the best tool.

>> No.2518199

I'm glad he hasn't. There's no reason that shit should be allowed to run rampant all over this site which it practically is anyway. Stay on your containment board freak.

>> No.2518207

Not gonna take that bait desu.

>> No.2518211

why would moot crack with the fbi breaking down his neck after the celebrity nudes fiasco?

>> No.2518228

He more or less listened to the community, that's why.

>> No.2518326
File: 226 KB, 361x443, o no muh free speach, whatever will i do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, it was actually just a weird "funny joke ha ha" giftart for an artist that had a big influence on me, i think they liked it (totally spazzed out when they asked me to show them more of my work tho so i don't think they were that impressed overall but oh well, jus means i gotta work harder ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). sorry to burst your michael bublé

>what makes people in general look attractive
it's almost entirely in proportion/spacing of features and having some kind of smooth flow to how they connect, even when angular (tangents are your friends). it is extremely evident in the facial area. i tend to throw a bunch of finding lines to decide where the shape should be/build it up a bit, after which i can more easily visualize where i want the "final" line. this method makes faces hella tricky tho, and i usually use a couple layers so that i can more easily keep parts that feel like their working and change others as need be

ALSO LEARN FAT, it's integral to making a character feel fleshy/soft/something someone wants to grab/be grabbed by, even muscly dudes

>Like straight vs. curves
this is great for thinking in cartooning/gestural pose/flow lines, but when drawing something less angular than a genndy tartakovsky character (love that guy's work) it's best to think of it as simple vs. complex, it tends to help make a pose feel more natural/read clearly/pleasantly lead the eye (the simple smoother side pulls you in, the complex side throws you out, super useful compositionally)
pic related
you can even break it down on a limb by limb basis but remember to think holistically (aka keep the entire silhouette in mind)

>For me, things always look hella stiff even if I start with a gesture.
it might be that you lack confidence in how you throw lines? the confidence of a mistake is often more visually appealing than the indecisiveness of a correction, which ties back into making things look right as opposed to them actually being right

>> No.2518355

loli and shota has always been kosher on /a/ too.

>> No.2518407

Great advice. Thanks for your help, anon.

>> No.2518437
File: 2.74 MB, 3303x2736, red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to expand my horizons. any feedback from this?

>> No.2518480

sure you can. the only thing is that your journey will be much longer. your choice.

>> No.2518744

I think they are supposed to be stylized for sexual appeal, like when people draw huge boobs that are still somehow perky

>> No.2519264


work on your anatomy. you clearly need detox.

>> No.2519354
File: 661 KB, 791x975, 512313292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some advice on this?

>> No.2519356

thank you

>> No.2519526
File: 30 KB, 244x291, htumpbthnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy says "i-i don't think it'll fit"
what you feel is sexiest thing girl could say in response

>> No.2519629

its usually girl who says that in hentais.

>> No.2519632

the monster looks ok but the girl is stiff.

it reminds me of those silly medieval pictures.

>> No.2519643

flipped the script on your ass like wesley an spike

>> No.2519670

you need more loomis if you think a guy should say this instead of girl.

>> No.2519677
File: 17 KB, 500x332, potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like big submissive guys, i jus think they're neat
(hard to see in this stage but also note she is pulling on a leash)

>> No.2519680

Is it Peach and Bowser? If so that might lend itself to some witty one liner.

>> No.2519682

yeah, but the best (read: only) thing i could think of was "i'm sorry but the princess is in another asshole" but that doesn't actually make any sense unless it's like her with a dick fuckin someone in the asshole lol

>> No.2519685

girl spotted.

>> No.2519692

It's Mario, there has to be a million ways you can make a pun or something out of this. Invade my castle, or I've had bigger mushrooms, or put 1up there or something.

>> No.2519742

"we'll never know unless you try~"

>> No.2519751

>bite the pillow we're all out of lube
Twist: the girl has a strap-on.

>> No.2519834

fuck no

>> No.2519981

You're boring.

>> No.2519999

Incase draws really bony and curve-less characters and for a long time he suffered from a really unfortunate sameface. Drawing erotic stuff without the eroticism, but at least he appears to be improving.

>> No.2520051

How do I get started in drawing porn? Like where do I post online, what should I post to get the attention, etc? I need artbux and I know this isn't at all a guarenteed road to money but still.

>> No.2520120
File: 68 KB, 1920x992, Filipinose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP for paid commission
critique my form

>> No.2520568
File: 188 KB, 604x987, sljaslfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I going to make it

>> No.2520682

u so funny

go kill yourself, tardo

>> No.2520692

in 5-10 years maybe

>> No.2520823
File: 653 KB, 1200x1600, saiayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2520849
File: 360 KB, 821x855, 1393095267570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


never in your life

>> No.2520875

>dead skin

>> No.2520876


so i've been fucking this 24 year old for about six months now. she's got a boyfriend in the next state over. he's making the drive over today because she's got a formal that they're going to.

she came over this afternoon to fuck around because we couldn't do anything this weekend. we took a shower and we were talking about birth control, because she's getting on it in a week or so. managed to get her to agree to wear condoms with her boyfriend, he doesn't mind apparently, which is nice because i've been barebacking her for months.

anyway, we fucked for a while and her phone was ringing every 10 minutes like clockwork. she hopped off for a minute and called her boyfriend in the bathroom to calm him down, then came back to swallow my load.

her boyfriend was almost in town at that point so she had to bail. i thought it make me feel like a badass, having this girl kiss her boyfriend after swallowing my cum, but i don't..

i feel like an asshole.

>> No.2520919

yucky unyummy ick-stick yuck gross

>> No.2520924

You are an asshole not for enabling a whore but for shitting up the thread with your blogpost bullshit.

>> No.2520936

Anon. Why did you allow your insecurities to lead you into an unstable relationships? I say insecurities because no mentally healthy person gets off on stuff like that. Honestly, nothing was hot about any of that. If you were cool, you'd have made friends with the boyfriend and found a way to fuck over the whore... But I guess you just prefer the idea of your cum in some guys mouth, right?

>> No.2520937


>> No.2520951
File: 127 KB, 429x554, jesusfuck i hate inking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friend said dick was too fat and at first i was like "fuck you" but now i worry he might be right
also havin a had time finding a good ref of a dick lookin forward so it might still be off :c

chill, that's pasta

full disclosure, i suck complete ass at colors/rendering but it almost feels like with the level at which you can your limited choice in skin tone palette is starting to cause your work to enter the uncanny valley a bit, like the lighting feels very cold/sterile but hey, all that can be fixed in like 3 seconds with an adjustment layer and maybe this is jus part of your process, feel free to ignore me

>> No.2520958


lol. relationship. gtfo beta cuck.

>> No.2520962

Your art sucks, stop fucking shilling here. If you weren't a girl no one would care about you.

>> No.2520979

Go blog somewhere else, retard.

>> No.2520981

i'm not keppok, chill

>> No.2520982

>pls donate to my patreon im only making $50 a month unlike real artists who also go on /pol/ :((((
chink btfo

>> No.2520994

gtfo cancer
that's not kyle. it's a jellyfag that is desperately triying to make him look bad.

>> No.2521008

kys bitch

>> No.2521010

Stop fucking posting here.

>> No.2521012
File: 243 KB, 680x962, trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any help with lineart/inking?
its so tedious man, i dont want to blame my tools but maybe is because im using a bamboo, i dont know

>> No.2521031
File: 146 KB, 605x345, 1456680640730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek, I'm just here trying to learn the very basics and apply it. Even I know fucking skin color without making people look like corpses. You come at me swinging with the good ol "not gonna make it" meme after you sat your ass down and made that monstrosity. If your gonna shitpost, dont post your shitty work with it because then you become a target. I would have just ignored you if you didn't post with it.

"not gonna make is" is for people who are complacent and spend hours rendering silicone colored skin, willingly keeping anatomical mistakes and lashing out at those below him, not for the artist applying bits of knowledge to his work at a time. You fucked up senpai

>> No.2521037

Autistic jelly.

>> No.2521077

I'm not jelly of anyone here, kek.
I already made it and I'm making bank with my art, so I really don't care about how successful shadman is. I'll reach that and make more money really fast if my current situation continues developing as it is right now.
I'm simply telling the harsh truth.

>inb4 post your art
sure. right after you kill yourself.

>> No.2521087



Should be reverse trap.jpg.
This made me giggle anon. Thanks for that.

>> No.2521098

that's not the same person that created that artwork.
that's just an autistic idiot that comes by these threads very often trying to make kyle (the artist's name) look bad. chill.

>> No.2521268
File: 1.22 MB, 1210x996, finished.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if animated stuff is allowed here

>> No.2521272

fuck why is it not looping

>> No.2521318

dunno but its cute tho

>> No.2521330


I wanted to fap to it but it's not looping, fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.2521340

eugh, does traci lords no justice

>> No.2521428

Face looks goofy while animated. Like it was copy pasted to each frame. Otherwise, pas mal.

>> No.2521902

>my favorite RE character fucking my favorite BOW
I love you.

>> No.2521919
File: 151 KB, 680x962, request.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could always add a dick or two

>> No.2522028

Why are you so mad about that guy

>> No.2522045

there's an obnoxious self-perceived aura of superiority when you talk that much about something not related to anything about art at all; this place isn't his blog and he isn't cool enough to make it his blog

tumblr is a great place for other 16-year olds like him

>> No.2522057
File: 48 KB, 645x452, E11PEuo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't post >>2520876 i was just pointing out it was obvious copypasta and not worth responding to

>> No.2522484

That's a bit rude, I'm going to make it in a few years.

>> No.2523415

Why are you here?
You are better than 90% of /ic/

>> No.2523442

you sound like a huge faggot.

>> No.2523537

all my fucking keks.
anon, pls.
just take a fucking look at the size and shape of this character's right hand. where the left hand, probably like other parts of the body, is super referenced, the right hand isn't. and there you see how much knowledge this person has of construction, anatomy and perspective. lemme help you. it's very little.

that's the reason artists should use references only for studies and for help with poses they already constructed themselves. to be independent of references and be able to come up with own poses whenever they want. this clearly isn't this person's case.

>> No.2523571

>being this retarded

>> No.2523630

>falling for that easy trick

>> No.2523771

I'll try to have less life and lurk moar.
no, just kidding anons. i'll keep being a normie that does great art and you stay as neet as you want.

>> No.2523800

Post your work

>> No.2523805
File: 528 KB, 1536x1152, 1462343777369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know an artist I can commission who can colour/shade (referring to the blonde chick) like this?

>> No.2523807

Main dude?

>> No.2523814


self advertising samefag coming in 3...2...1...

>> No.2523818


>> No.2523822

you really don't want to see it. I dont' want to be the cause of suicides kek.

>> No.2523825

this shit tier coloring can be done by basically anyone who isn't a total scrub.

>> No.2523831

Being this jelly

>> No.2523832
File: 500 KB, 370x210, 1431581282575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Squid ya later!
>Squid friends!


>> No.2523833

it's a shitposter who's been trying to destroy our general for days, report and ignore.

>> No.2523839
File: 74 KB, 970x1213, John-F-Kennedy-smiling-in-this-photo-in-a-navy-jacket-paired-with-a-stripe-tie-and-white-linen-pocket-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a nice person Gabe.

>> No.2523840

> This fucking assblasted.
> When anon said "better than 90% of /ic/"
He's right, you know. Or are you seriously defending the art posted here on /ic/ being "professional"? Fucking read instead of being a cuck shillposter.

>> No.2523855

of who? this? >>2521919

my sides are literally melting right now. oh boy.

>> No.2523859

I just think that is a pile of referenced shit, and the artist that made it is shit tier, just like most of /ic/
the best way to find out if an artist is actually good, is to look at how they draw hands. that's all I need.

>> No.2523867

>implying using reference is bad

>> No.2523931
File: 126 KB, 489x400, 4459353701_826a3c120d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to find out if an /ic/ poster is a fucking idiot is whether he talks derogatorily about using reference or not.

>> No.2523935

I don't entirely disagree with you there, but being considered " a good artist" just because you can get hands right? Really now. I know people have trouble with hands as a beginner, but that's far from the one thing to determine someone being "good".

>> No.2523966
File: 695 KB, 1245x1001, e78650f93cd111b80b1b692382d7393b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you goys have any opinions on this

>> No.2523977


>> No.2523982

Not anon, but why?

>> No.2523986
File: 16 KB, 400x300, 74dd8d6ad7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also not anon, but I think its mostly because she has a bit of a retarded expression.

>> No.2524017

Ask that friend of yours for a dick ref

>> No.2524059

look up 3d dick at prismblush.

>> No.2524079
File: 44 KB, 741x739, mei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is nice, blog?

Mei from Overwatch, not happy with the face though

>> No.2524134

>Le me so great don't wanna see my modern history making art

Okay. tell me when you get past throwing paint on the wall and calling it art you piece of shit. Goddamn I fell for the bait.

>> No.2524343

using references to help yourself to make your art look better? sure.
using reference to be able to draw anything and as soon as we stop using it our art looks like shit (which is the case here)? not so okay f-am.

>> No.2524345
File: 113 KB, 800x1000, W 0001-CCS RS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, ok. I like the hentai and these are my best artworks.
I use a intous and Paint Tool SAI.

>> No.2524346

you are right. there could be artists that are very good at drawing hands, but shit at other things.
I meant to say that if something looks nice, I just check the hands, because in like 9 out of 10 cases the hands will look like shit.

>> No.2524348
File: 99 KB, 800x1000, W 0002-Velma RS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continue with my stuff...

>> No.2524448
File: 743 KB, 1024x1244, Minofucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2524474

It looks like she's got barnacles growing on her legs, and that dick is larger than her pelvis

>> No.2524488

do some anatomy trining. also enjoy your bans.

>> No.2524490

.. yes.

>self advertising
Nope, I'm just looking for 'anyone' to advertise themself, like >>2523818 guy, 'cept better.

Then please suggest one of these artists who is less than 99% scrub. I'unno about you, but there's just something about the way Ben Dunn did thet skintone in this pic.

>> No.2524635

i like it

>> No.2524636
File: 96 KB, 680x962, request.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the critique, it was a request and anon gave reference >>1931928 , just changed a few things
i didnt use reference for pic related though

>> No.2524672

your lineart is pretty stiff and uninteresting. and same goes for the pose. the main flow curves of the body are uninteresting and there's no contrapposto.
you should probably do some major gesture training to fix all this.
anatomy isn't that bad, but imo you should really learn to do better perspective construction, especially the hands.

>> No.2524674
File: 465 KB, 472x820, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need critique, where i send these pictures currently I don't get any useful feedback

>> No.2524810

Nothing to be banned there, I'm afraid.

>> No.2524816

Maybe because they're fapping on your image.

>> No.2524818

The figure isn't too bad, but the background is terrible! If you are going to use pre-made backgrounds and textures, at least make sure they are the proper resolution (and potentially run it through some filters to make it match your drawing style)

>> No.2524873

yeah the bg looks like ps2 game.

>> No.2524882

The background is a """intentional""" choice being ripped from a game but i guess you guys had a point ill work on better backgrounds

Any critique for colour/value/lighting or iust anatomy? Or even just posing, anything is appreciated

>> No.2524899

Is this a really ugly Corben parody?

>> No.2524907

Where can I see some more anon?

>> No.2524941
File: 464 KB, 472x820, 1463387457824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Even when her eyes are looking to the upper right, her face and nose are still facing towards the viewer. That means you don't have to offset the eyes from the middle line (that much). On second look she looks like a degenerate.

2. The right nipple is facing in the wrong direction. Unless she pressing into her boobs that makes the nipple shift into that position, you need to show the softness when the boob is pressing into her arm.

3. There is a bulge slightly under the right knee. Afaik, there is no muscle that causes that bulge.

4. If you slightly angle the right foot so the viewer can the sole, it'll look more relaxed. Right now, the change in direction from the lower leg to the foot is sharp.

>> No.2524943

the first was a mistake but everything else I had no idea about

thank you for taking the time to tell me these things anon

>> No.2524944

actually I dont' quite understand

what did you mean by

>so the viewer can the sole? should the foot have been angled like the example there?

>> No.2525003

that foot thing is imo just an optional thing anon addressed. like an opinion of theirs instead of being really an error.
I somewhat agree, since it makes the pose look more natural.
I also agree with everything else. great post.

>> No.2525138
File: 386 KB, 900x1165, pregdragon2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i have so far...

>> No.2525271
File: 176 KB, 640x827, biggiesmalls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to keep things big and smooth, like he's very muscly but with a decent amount of chub, hope the arms still look right tho
also i made bowser's face way too pretty ;-;

his dick don't look like what i'm goin for

danke, i jus need to correct the bottom of the head a bit it seems

any tips for drawin big dick goin into relatively small holes?

>> No.2525279

Kys. Seriously

>> No.2525286

pregnancy is hot but the picture looks like a mess

>> No.2525297
File: 212 KB, 800x1131, chinatsu lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I even doing this right

>> No.2525302

chill yourself

>> No.2525314

It took you that long to make that much progress? Jesus Christ that's awful.

>> No.2525325

busy schedule, constructive critiques pls

>> No.2525460

not at all desu

>> No.2525490


do not ever draw again.

>> No.2525493


Give up on doing art for a living

>> No.2525536

Shut up, ima be the best there ever was

>> No.2525573
File: 44 KB, 802x854, meithistimewitheyebrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2525574

But anon, s/he said it here >>2525536. S/he is going to be the best there ever was

>> No.2525608
File: 86 KB, 701x712, Princess marco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need some advice on this one guys. im not shadman guys, for real, haha

>> No.2525619
File: 1.35 MB, 1184x1280, rasp5cummo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2525623

damnit that's realy gay, no scratch that, it transcends gay

>> No.2525624

know what this need? the tongue of the BoW around the dick.

>> No.2525637
File: 32 KB, 425x270, slimjim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His dick looks like pic related, but I still like how you render.

>> No.2525652

the referenced parts look good, but the problem is that you don't have a clue how to put them together. and the result is a bad foreshortening of the body, so you ended up with a shortstack.
do lots of perspective construction studies. you really need it.

>> No.2525668


is that photoshop? looks fucking tight

>> No.2525672

all sai
you're right

>> No.2526481
File: 374 KB, 723x1023, holly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get better at giving my art a painted look to it. Wanna find a happy medium between making it look more rough looking with good brush strokes while keeping it looking good.

>> No.2526486

the hell is going on here

>> No.2526488


use ref for the cloth nigga, drawing and tits look amazing but the values on the clothing suck balls

>> No.2526502

Oil poured on invisible woman wearing costume

>> No.2526507

Yea I don't draw clothing a whole lot.

>> No.2526677

Dude! Do you do commissions? Where can I see more of your work?

>> No.2526713

thanks, my blog is here: >>2511273

>> No.2527007

I'd make the cum more transparent, the way you drew it makes it look like off-white paint to me.
Love the ass btw

>> No.2527010

The idea is great and I think you did a great job, only thing I'd change would be to add a little more red hues to the oil, as I think it would reflect some of the clothes colour.

>> No.2527094

the hand with the gun has problems gabe...most of your hands have problems boss.

>> No.2527159

Tumblr/site? This looks great

>> No.2527206


hey gabe, may i ask how long does it take you to do the lineart?

>> No.2527234

an hour usually

>> No.2527265

>Mfw it takes me at least 3

>> No.2527295 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 800x604, blowie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first animation i did in 8 or so years last week

>> No.2527297
File: 112 KB, 560x342, blowie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first animation i did in 8 or so years last week

>> No.2527310

not bad, but totally unappealing because his dick is weirdly small

>> No.2527311

The clothing is shit, but everyone else has already said that. I really like the idea and the execution though! Totally going to keep this idea in my mind bank.

>> No.2527313

I really like your shit, dog, but this is probably one of the weakest ones so far. His dick is a little too much, it should look a little more human if that's what the dude is supposed to be. Also, the hands are kind of fucky. The gun looks like an afterthought.

>> No.2527314

What the fuck is going on in the genital area? Also, have you ever tried to put your arms in that position? It's not really possible. How is the inside of his asshole facing down when his body is facing up? Go back to basics

>> No.2527315

Good enough to get commissioned imo

>> No.2527317

Maybe mess around with more exaggerated squash and stretch fampai

>> No.2527338

This is the thinnest dick I have ever seen.

>> No.2527395

looks like my badboy.

>> No.2527408

I was about to ask what you'r FA is, but the whole damn site is down (again). But still... what's you name over there?

>> No.2527414


>> No.2527424

what>>2527315 said. make a patreon or some shit

>> No.2527432
File: 3.78 MB, 2560x2163, genarall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2527453


Is that doomguy fucking a imp? He looks like a christmas imp himself.

>> No.2527454

what is wrong with his legs

>> No.2527465

>when you spend all of your time drawing chicks and dicks

>> No.2527509
File: 259 KB, 1600x2100, bikini escape challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2527512

shota doomguy

>> No.2527548

You should've stuck with the rounder nipples, Gabe.

>> No.2527601

just look up soapmonster, I have a few places I post on. I post a lot on FA because that's where I would get the most furry bux from.

>> No.2527621

give up

>> No.2527642

he does commissions and already has a patreon. and now please GTFO, shilling dickbrains.

>> No.2527647

since when?

I mean, folks dont normally post loli since this board is full of tumblr fags, but I notice tons of furry shit and /ss/ artwork in these threads.

>> No.2527654

how is it back there in 2015?

>> No.2527676

ITS 2016!

>> No.2527704
File: 266 KB, 1280x836, kenno134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your guys' opinion on Kennoarkkan's stuff? I personally like the messy nature of it, his characters have a weight and energy that I can't really find in other people's works.

I was thinking about trying to emulate it, but I still have to practice fundamentals.

>> No.2528036

it's cool, but desu he's not good enough to pull off clean enough sketches. this is way too messy for it to be called a finished product.

>> No.2528347


>> No.2528358

that\s the idea, loli, shota and fury are not allowed anymore since 2016

does anybody have the screenshot?

oh right, lately you can get banned for confessing you want to kill yourself too

>> No.2528403

Hey, are there any guides on how to draw cum, and genitals? I can do OK with bodies, they are 10 a penny but guides on these kinda things are harder to find

Guides on how to draw:

Would be most appreciated

>> No.2528405
File: 58 KB, 682x863, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's 18

>> No.2528407


Can I post a loli WIP in a drawthread on /b/ and link it here to get feedback?

>> No.2528409

First of all




I beg to differ. MODS GET IN HERE.

>> No.2528411


>> No.2528412

Enjoy your ban.

>> No.2528419

thread blessed with new kyle pic
+10 luck in drawing for all in thread.

>> No.2528422

Do you have a blog? This is awesome.

>> No.2528431

10/10 would rape.

>> No.2528446


>> No.2528449

Fuck off

>> No.2528451

Check out prismblush.

>> No.2528453
File: 6 KB, 937x134, FurBanHammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2528456

That's so fucking stupid.

>> No.2528477

that godawful font rendering doe

>> No.2528840
File: 293 KB, 830x902, b1be9d2f97d010cb271d3e2fbca81550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I get commissioned nonfurry shit I always am excited to scamper into the porn thread and post it

gonna jaqq to this

>> No.2529116


>> No.2529353

fix the foreshortening and construction of the guy's right leg.
the torso is out of perspective too. his right pectorals and shoulder should be lower than the left ones.
same goes for the dick on the left. looks like you wanted to aim it at the guy's face, but the balls and penis perspective suggest that the owner is standing to the right of the guy. other than that (which are recurring problems btw), this looks really nice as always, gabe.

>> No.2529374

The main problem you have is the misuse of shading and highlights.
The worst offender being the bedsheets, which looks like cuboid made of flabby jello. It's too shiny and the creases lack sharp shapes.

The rest is mostly lack of finer experience which should solve itself by keeping at it.

>> No.2529378

>The main problem you have
nope, learning how to render turds properly isn't the main problem he has.

>> No.2529379


>> No.2529380

It might not be the first thing that would come into play when trying to completely redeem the picture, but I think it's still the biggest offender overall.

>> No.2529387

There's so much empty unimportant space there. Unless you actually plan to use it for planting a ton of dialog and other text that you consider more important than what you can see in the drawing, I would recommend you try a more aggressive approach with the cropping/perspective/angle/composition. (completely remaking the drawing)

And when you do try it, try to emphasize the important parts of the drawing as much as you can. Like the dick and her face, taking a low or high view point, depending on which takes the top priority.

>> No.2529397
File: 275 KB, 900x532, composition ideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point.

>> No.2529418

please go back to the civil war

>> No.2529424

degenerate dead soul.

>> No.2529450

I'm pretty sure any gay person in the world must have more soul than you god believer scum.

>> No.2529504

a poopdick is not a soul.

>> No.2530061
File: 238 KB, 847x1676, 7yukiuyjhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind giving some advice or redlines?
I always seem to have difficulties with the connection between the ribcage and the waist for some reason i cant convey the connection point via trhe waist and to me it always just seems as if ive pasted together two different peoples body segments. Also what the hell do i do with hands/arms every time i try to find a natural position it just seems off or leads the eye off the piece general advice is also appreciated.

>> No.2530155
File: 319 KB, 1300x1500, igiveup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mainly just draw cartoons
>Try drawing realistically so porn looks nicer
Probably just gonna stick with more cartoony stuff.

>> No.2530272
File: 279 KB, 1000x1000, tomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i luv tomoko

>> No.2530288

go spread your cancer away form civilized people

>> No.2530321

Looks like a holocaust survivor with those skinny limbs.

>> No.2530322
File: 259 KB, 1000x1000, tomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


trying to go for a radiohead feel

sry 4 spam

>> No.2530323

Try to bend the dick and balls in that desired direction rather than just rotate the whole thing.

>> No.2530325


like literally bend the dick?

at an angle?

not sure i follow ya

>> No.2530327
File: 256 KB, 1100x1000, dick bending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2530328



ill try it

spent like 15 minutes adding details already though :\

>> No.2530329

Good, that's just 15 minutes. Fixing that shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes.

>> No.2530361
File: 321 KB, 1000x1000, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u may kiss the bride ^^

>> No.2530653

Sorry but you've got way more issues with anatomy than someone can just give you suggestions on. I hate to mention the "meme" but LOOMIS.

>> No.2530655

why is her torso like fucking 6 inches tall? Is she supposed to be leaning or hunching over? you don't really have enough form to show that if that's what you're going for.

>> No.2530731
File: 292 KB, 1000x1000, tomo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



sry 4 spam

>> No.2530746

stop fucking spending so much time on this and spamming it in our faces.
you are nowhere near being good enough to draw porn.
first spend some time learning how to actually draw. all your fundamentals (construction, perspective, anatomy knowledge, lineweight skill, gesture) are pretty much shit.
stop trying to polish this turd and go practice all that I mentioned above.
get books or online tutorials, lock yourself in a basement, and come back in 2-3 years. yeah, that's how much time I think you'll need to get at least decent, based on what I see here.

>> No.2530755

mom acting nosy, texting me asking me what I'm doing
tell her I'm doing a commission
Immediately she asks:
>is it porn?

How did she know?

>> No.2530757

your problem is that you don't have a clue about anatomy. if you want to draw more realistically, then you have to learn how the muscles attach to the skeleton, and to do that you have to know what a skeletal structure looks like and how it works.
your current understanding of all of this is that of a 10 y old.

>> No.2530761

you missed your tumblr link and accidentally clicked on the 4chan one. the only way we could care about your mom is if we were gangbanging her.
take your blogging bullshit somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.2530763


I changed one thing because of a comment

get those dicks outta your ass cupcake and calm down

>> No.2530802
File: 37 KB, 540x433, 1459508869857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do porn artists not pop boners when working and get distracted?

>> No.2530806

I'm going on a cruise this week. It's going to be so fun!
I'll post some pics when I get back. I always take pics of those cute little towel critters they make.
I was actually planning on leaving yesterday, but I had an art show. So instead I have to take the bus at 4 30 AM tomorrow! Wow! That's sooo early!

This morning i cleaned my apartment so- sorry! Guests are here! I'll get back to you later.

>> No.2530824

By fapping when it gets to that point and then continuing as usual.

>> No.2530928
File: 329 KB, 631x901, prepping to masturbate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasted all day on this yesterday even though I just wanted to spend a couple hours on it. I'm slow as fuck

>> No.2530949


Worth every hour! Like holy crap!

>> No.2530952

Thanks man

>> No.2531008

I ...I need ejaculation variation for research purposes.

>> No.2531025

I think I'll draw her cumming in a new pose, I want to have Peach involved somehow...

>> No.2531069

I worship you now. orz

>> No.2531112

I was completely convinced this was the /d/rawthread tab for a moment, then I was surprised where that awesome delivery suddenly disappeared.
Don't really have anything worthwhile to say critique wise. Maybe when it gets more complex with the Peach and Rosalina together I might spot something worth mentioning.

>> No.2531134

Honestly I thought about posting it on /d/ considering the subject material, but I figured this thread was more appropriate since it wasn't actually a request.

>> No.2531140

It's okay to post on the /d/ drawthread, even if it's not a requests and is board related and not gallery dumping.

But here works too. The feedback might be more cynical here though.

>> No.2531145

well in that case I'll post the next one there too, thanks pal

>> No.2531647
File: 5 KB, 225x225, robber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2531657

Just made it yesterday, so there's not much but here you go senpai

>> No.2531663

Oh, you drew that Tamamo x Nero pic too, which was my favorite /d/elivery in ages.

>> No.2531667

Well thanks, I'm glad you liked it

>> No.2531725


>> No.2531738

No promises, but shoot me an email

>> No.2531775

gtfo -> >>2505385