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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 56 KB, 624x624, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2512877 No.2512877 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't most artist ls draw sexy thicker women? Why are they always skinny and unrealistic.

>> No.2512879

Because they also draw men super buff and unrealistic.

>> No.2512880


>> No.2512882

Modern day media brainwash. I'm not even ironic.

>> No.2512883
File: 191 KB, 730x390, jenny_saville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because sexy thicker women is an oxymoron. Also people do paint fat people.

>> No.2512884
File: 644 KB, 1120x1600, 1452531773807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2512886

Pick one.

>> No.2512887

it's based on a video game though

>> No.2512888

>Thinking obese women were ever considered beautiful.

b8/8 m8.

>> No.2512889


>> No.2512891

I'm not going to lie, I thought the thumbnail was 2 whole chickens.

>> No.2512895
File: 177 KB, 664x520, 1460312991866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, I thought that was a chicken carcass at first sight.

>> No.2512896

where do you live that skinny is considered unrealistic

>> No.2512898
File: 64 KB, 500x410, 1424553731215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2512903
File: 318 KB, 800x893, 1458079688235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, just because someone likes something that has big tits and a big ass, does not mean that they also likes landwhales

>> No.2512906


Obese, no. But if you can't draw the distinction and people are either the stupidly skinny ideal or obese you might be retarded.
'Thick' is not synonymous with obese.

>> No.2512910
File: 123 KB, 640x1024, The Death of Dido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

standards of beauty change over time and across cultures. right now, in our culture, thin is in

>> No.2512913

While standards of beauty do change and differ from culture to culture, Rubens simply had a fat fetish and wasn't indicative of the trends of the time.

>> No.2512914
File: 109 KB, 640x960, venus-europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b8/8 m8.

>> No.2512916

>if you can't draw the distinction and people are either the stupidly skinny ideal or obese you might be retarded.

>Why are they always skinny and unrealistic.

What art are you looking at? Classical art has a ton of thick women, likewise for pop. art, and anime/manga. Seriously, tell us where you regularly view your art.

>> No.2512917

>I'm fat and skinny people make me feel bad. Why doesn't this artist draw what I want them to? Why doesn't the world revolve around me?

Who.....gives.....a......fuck what other people draw and why. If you like fat women then draw them and do it well enough to influence others to do the same.

Otherwise shut up.

>> No.2512919
File: 251 KB, 1024x838, Gemini, from the Signs of the Zodiac (17th century).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh huh

>> No.2512920


>> No.2512922

there was a documentary about this, something across the lines that those masters didn't draw fat chicks because it was beauty standard back then but because their models who weren't noble ladies looked like that

>> No.2512924

>can't articulate an opinion of any kind

>> No.2512926

We don't know that these were ever considered beautiful or not. There's multiple theories on why they are shaped as they are.

If you want to see what an actual attractive body was for the time, check out Velazquez's Rokeby venus.

>> No.2512928
File: 1.03 MB, 268x274, 1461619401964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People responding seriously to this bait.

>> No.2512929
File: 131 KB, 1256x1013, boucherodalisque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would peasants look so plump and well-fed?

>> No.2512930

Because obesity is unattractive to most people

>> No.2512932


>> No.2512933
File: 307 KB, 1024x957, Diana and Callisto (1556-9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me more

>> No.2512935

Implying bumpkins had time or money for paint or pay for a portrait. They would rather eat the paint.

>> No.2512936

most of them weren't dirty women from the streets, but maids or something of that sort.
poor people's diet in medieval europe consisted mostly of carbs

>> No.2512937

that's why there is no names on those portraits, they were simply models, you don't see any noble clients who actually payed for their portraits painted naked

>> No.2512940

He's right, gods and goddeses were the ideal, plus you have to take into consideration the artist's skill and knowledge of anatomy. Not everyone could even afford books or models.

>> No.2512944

That was my point.
I dont know why you think carbs have anything to do with anything, though.

>> No.2512945

>can't even comprehend what I mean

>> No.2512948

they were fantasy, if you want to see real women beauty standards just look at women's fashion back then, corsets dominated for centuries, there was an ideal defined silhouette, no one considered fat belly elegant.

>I dont know why you think carbs have anything to do with anything, though.
read some nutrition books, carbs is what making you fat. that's why most of the poor classes even nowdays are fat

>> No.2512949
File: 359 KB, 1200x1178, Rembrandt_Harmensz._van_Rijn_016-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gods and goddeses were the ideal
you mean classical art from the greco-roman era, I assume. gods and goddesses have been portrayed differently across cultures. some artists certainly looked to classical standards of beauty, many others did not.

>> No.2512953

>b8/8 m8


>> No.2512954

I really don't. Why don't you just answer the fucking question:
>What art are you looking at?

>> No.2512955

>carbs is what making you fat. that's why most of the poor classes even nowdays are fat
Not entirely true. Calories make you fat. Doesn't matter what type of food it is. Although sugar and carbs will be digested quicker so you will feel hungry more often.

>> No.2512962

Was going to make a new useless thread, but I love drawing thick chicks, I just lack l the patience and discipline for drawing seriously. I always end up making stupid shitty doodles. Especially in my notes, but people like them.
My favorite part is the belly, pubis mons subcutaneous fat area and the thighs

>> No.2512963

I'm not even that fucking guy you idiot.

Also, how is your clinical retardation treating you?

>> No.2512964
File: 1.66 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG2333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is.
Notice how I try to correct mistakes with dumb shit. I wanna give a craps, but as I draw I start giving less of a ctap. Lazy millienial? Probably

>> No.2512967

Wow I thought fat made you fat but I guess that was a silly thing to believe.

>> No.2512969

can't get fat without calories.

>> No.2512970

Everyone likes to draw their desires. Uncommon desires. Because everyone nowadays is a fat fuck.

>> No.2512971

You can't get fat without water either.

>> No.2512972


That's a cute bobblehead anonymous.

>> No.2512973

i love this doujin

>> No.2512974

Well things with a lot of fat in them typically have high calories. But it's not the fat itself that makes you fat. Some cultures like the Inuit have a diet consisting of enormous amounts of fat compared to the rest of the world, and they are not obese. And sumo wrestlers eat very healthy (they are athletes after all) but they just eat a shit ton of food.

>> No.2512975


>> No.2512976

sounds interesting. do you have a link to watch the documentary?

>> No.2512980

ye ye...
one of the studies made about this kind of stuff

and this guy got the idea >>2512974

no sorry, i don't even remember the name

>> No.2512981

You literally don't have to worry about carbs and calories at all as long as you work out at a moderate intensity at least 30 minutes every day like we're fucking meant to. At that point you'll find soda and pizza doesn't mix with exercise and there you go.
All these fats defaming a new macro nutrient every decade are basically like presidential elections for food companies to get you to buy their shit and not buy the other guys "carb loaded as fuck" shit.

>> No.2512982

> Because everyone nowadays is a fat fuck.
It's sad that's becoming truer every day.

You still fail to articulate a single opinion.

>> No.2512983

Actually cut that, we should be exercising for at least an hour

>> No.2512985

Obviously thanks

>> No.2512988

Does walking to the kitchen count? That's most of my exercise.

>> No.2512990

>You literally don't have to worry about carbs and calories at all as long as you work out at a moderate intensity at least 30 minutes every day like we're fucking meant to. At that point you'll find soda and pizza doesn't mix with exercise and there you go.
>Actually cut that, we should be exercising for at least an hour
There are plenty of obese people with physically demanding jobs. Have you seen an American construction site? Shitty nutrition affecting people who bust their ass for a living is a real thing.

>> No.2512992

diet to exercise ratio of staying thin is like 70% to 30%

i barely move and don't eat much so i stay skeleton mode

>> No.2512993

fucking fat enabler, universal health care cant handle how dumb you fucking are. Make sure you fucking kill yourself and every fat fuck in your family while you're at it you diabetic piece of shit.

>> No.2512994

I'm not that other anon, but is a construction site that physical? Would it really be comparable to an hour long workout at the gym?

I've heard of some physically demanding jobs like the ones in Amazon's warehouses, where the people ned up walking insane amounts and pretty much everyone loses weight there.

Also I suspect a lot of unhealthy diets for people comes from alcohol. If you drink a few beers each night after work you are consuming a lot of unnecessary calories (and your body doesn't get the same "full" feeling from drinking calories).

>> No.2512997

And you still fail to comprehend kek

>> No.2513000

You eat 70% of the time and excercise 30% of the time?

>> No.2513001

>inplying skeleton mode is healthy

Pretty sure fatties only cost more to the health care system short term. They die younger than healthy people. And when there are serious issues healthy people can hang in there a lot longer before passing away. So contrary to what would be a good assumption, obese people end up costing less.

>> No.2513002

Are you seeing the same workers I'm seeing? They stand around most of the time or sit in their machines. That's not close to the point. If they go home and lay on their ass and drink beer and eat breakfast burritos for the entire weekend, you got a problem.

There's no way you can argue that exercise isn't far more important than nutrition.

>> No.2513004

>There's no way you can argue that exercise isn't far more important than nutrition.
It's way way way easier to not eat a chocolate bar or a second plate of food than it is to exercise enough to burn it all off.

Both nutrition and exercise are very important for your health, but when it comes to losing weight controlling your nutrition is much more important.

>> No.2513005

>reading comprehension genius

didn't say it is, just trying to say that exercising is not the main issue of why people are fat

>> No.2513007

No, I can think of several reasons why you'd have quoted me and all of them are wrong. Again, still waiting for you to do anything but flame.

>obese people end up costing less.
Citation needed. Obesity causes serious health complications from an early age. You can't possibly think dieing early makes up for this.

>I'm not that other anon, but is a construction site that physical?
>Are you seeing the same workers I'm seeing?
Obviously there's a lot of idle time, but there is a lot of manual lifting anywhere there is serious work being done, even if that only happens at the start and end of the day.
>There's no way you can argue that exercise isn't far more important than nutrition.
I'm only arguing not all obese people are physically lazy. Lacking in self-respect and willpower, sure, but not always lazy. Some of the fattest fucks I know bust their asses and think it excuses them from proper eating.

>> No.2513009

It's not more important. That's literally fatty propaganda. It's important to eat within your means and to satisfy your body's needs, but it all means shit if you don't use it. The whole point is to use up carbs as your muscle glycogen stores at a faster metabolic rate before they go off and collect in your liver where they face a slower metabolic rate and turn into subcutaneous fat if still not metabolized.

>> No.2513013

Getting your muscles to do most of the work given to you by the energy you consume is paramount to a healthy lifestyle. If you're not exercising, you're either fat or anorexic. It really is that simple. Use your energy regularly and you don't have a problem.

>> No.2513015

Yeah it is more important. Just restrict your calorie intake and you can lose weight without moving a muscle.

>> No.2513020

smokers cost less, obese people cost more. Also they require more food ( which means more infrastructure), more cloth, take up more space, etc.

This doesnt even take into account visual pollution.

>> No.2513022

>If you're not exercising, you're either fat or anorexic

>> No.2513023

to the clueless fat fucks here, just read this book for starters
>Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss

>> No.2513025

>Getting your muscles to do most of the work given to you by the energy you consume is paramount to a healthy lifestyle.
Most of your food goes to keeping you alive: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basal_metabolic_rate

>If you're not exercising, you're either fat or anorexic.
No. There are stagnant and bedridden people who are neither of those things.

>Use your energy regularly and you don't have a problem.
No, see above. Plenty of obese people are physically active and have terrible nutrition.

Why are you going on about this shit on /ic/?

>> No.2513034

I think the main point you're missing is healthy DNE skinny. You need to build muscle in order to be healthy. You need to exercise your heart, a muscle. The more you build muscle, the stronger your bones get, the less chance you'll break your hip sitting down to draw anime as a skinny lazy 40 year old. Just as bad as being a fat diabetic 40 year old because you're both stuck in a rut where it'll be even harder to recover

>> No.2513037

A lot of this post is heresay and I have no idea what you're trying to prove with BMR/RMR. Is this the magic secret to getting skinny?!
Take a nutrition class, it'll do you some good kid.

>> No.2513040

Fats not thick

>> No.2513042

>I have no idea what you're trying to prove with BMR/RMR.
From Wikipedia:
"Your basal metabolic rate accounts for about 60 to 75% of the calories you burn every day."
Which contradicts:
>Getting your muscles to do most of the work given to you by the energy you consume is paramount to a healthy lifestyle.

The other two points are common sense refutations of an entire post full of bullshit. I have no idea what you're arguing or why you're doing it on /ic/. I took issue with the sentiment of "these lazy fucks need to exercise", because many of them do and still eat themselves into a coffin. This shit has happened to people I've known. Why are you telling me to take a nutrition class?

>> No.2513058
File: 11 KB, 133x196, 1430951512753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carbs don't inherently make you fat, but a high level of carb consumption can desensitize your leptin receptors making your body less able to regulate its on satiety signals, causing you to eat more.
This is blatantly wrong dood, the calorie burning effect of exercise is much smaller than people think it is. 30 minutes of moderate to intense cardio will give you at most a difference of a few hundred calories in your TDEE. If you're only eating at or a bit above your maintenace level then it'll definitely help you, but it most definitely doesn't mean you can just eat eternally and be fine

>> No.2513059

we /fit/ now

>> No.2513061

>Carbs don't inherently make you fat
Carbs are not all equal. Here's a culture that eats mostly root vegetables and has excellent health:

>> No.2513068

I can eat all I want and whatever I want and don't have to worry about gaining any weight. I don't even have to exercise. Does this mean I am a member of the master race? When can we start rounding up all the fat fucks and gassing them?

>> No.2513170

we like to draw beautiful things

>> No.2513175


>> No.2513182

/vg/ terag

>> No.2513183
File: 300 KB, 500x500, 1458251370931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> sexy thicker women

but that's oxymoron

>> No.2513210

Drawing fat people properly requires more skill than model looks.

Btw, that's also true if it comes to why more people draw women than men.

>> No.2513246

i think both of these are wrong. As someone who draws mostly men.

>> No.2513248


Because ideals exist, and are far from unrealistic if you'd put down the fucking fork.

All you need to be is 120lbs and you're FUCKING HOT to most unless you're comically hideous. In order for me to even come close to the male ideal I have to be on steroids or workout for 6 consecutive years.

>> No.2513274
File: 132 KB, 850x792, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does op consider thick

>> No.2513282
File: 652 KB, 900x506, f9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fit girls
>reverse traps / androgynous
>curvy / healthy / thick girls
>tall girls
>petite girls

All magnificent. Each and every one of them

>> No.2513289

Why do people always ask these stupid questions?

If you had the ability to draw something you found appealing, you would rather draw that instead of something which doesn't interest you. Generally most people are attracted to people with healthy weight.
There you fucking go.

>> No.2513295


You don't have any skill at all though and are hack who shitposts more than draws, so my point still stands.

>> No.2513314
File: 24 KB, 380x482, marilynmonroe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, women looking anorexic as fuck is more recent development

I mean look at Mariyln Monroe, she's quite curvy and she was the woman every girl wanted to be

>> No.2513323
File: 34 KB, 541x799, marilyn_monroe_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people keep using pictures of Monroe when she's pregnant when they're trying to prove this point?

>> No.2513337
File: 48 KB, 380x482, 1462574880634_size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to measure from that angle, but her waist:hip ratio is very close to the traditional 0.7 ideal. This is the true "curvy" figure before the term got misused by hambeasts. It's completely acceptable.

>> No.2513358
File: 81 KB, 540x675, o3f3dzOTxz1tnaufeo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fatfags need to stop calling fat bitches thick.

>> No.2513363
File: 86 KB, 729x1200, the-dressmaker-1898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i dunno, but i must start drawing more fatties and older women.

just so that my sketchbooks arent always full of little girls.

>> No.2513368

Whose is that?

>> No.2513374
File: 1.44 MB, 1263x2290, the-little-marauder-1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's Bouguereau's m8.

>> No.2513375

>Hohle Fels

them niggas had to godtier taste, those fuckers must've been drowning in THICC since that was the ideal back then

>> No.2513378




>> No.2513393
File: 89 KB, 500x601, MarilynMonroe_-_YankArmyWeekly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was nothing exceptional about Marilyn Monroe really. Just some homely girl that decided to be a fake bleach-blonde whore. Her popularity was probably a result of the same jewish conspiracy that made Picasso and Van Gough recognized names.

>> No.2513397
File: 147 KB, 577x768, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me your follows you fajets


>> No.2513400

Here we go. Tell us more about your pet peeves anon, it's so interesting.

>> No.2513403

Thanks, it's beautiful.

>> No.2513404
File: 203 KB, 1212x900, datthighgap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Just trollin/shitposting in the troll/shitpost thread.

>> No.2513437

Being a lazy shitsack and poor metabolism is what makes you fat. Carbs is just energy we all need to survive.
Peasants work a fuckton every day, even their entertainment had them standing around.
And there was no soda back then. Juices, wines, pork, etc was all for nobility, who were lazy pieces of shit like welfare moms of today.

>> No.2513449

Had you seen these "thick" women in real life, you wouldn't think they were hot. Their skin gets patchy from age and the stink from under the molding folds of fat is permeating. I have seen moss growing on one patient, the fat is perfect medium for fungal and bacterial growth, as well as
constant moisture from the sweat.
They do get nice calves when they lose weight, though.

>> No.2513462

im easily above 90% of the general art community (including DA), Your point was that people draw women because its easier ( something that would only happen at lower levels), but im here to confirm, its because theyre fucking weebs. Not because of difficulty.

Also post your work :)

>> No.2513464
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1445544221907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>114 replies

teach me how to bait like you, op

>> No.2513468

Easy, introduce uncommon bait in a forum that receives very little bait. At least compared to placed like /pol/.

Make it seem plausible.

This thread would be ded on most boards.

>> No.2513525

search milf
search lmsketch

>> No.2513577


>> No.2513601

Are you one of the retards on /v/ who spams pictures of mei and then says THICC?

>im easily above 90% of the general art community (including DA)
Why don't the mods just ban nose again? I'm pretty sure he's literally the worst """""contributor""""" to this board.

>> No.2513617

im a contributor? Neat
You know who's work we haven't seen though, yours.

>> No.2513654

>easily above 90%
What in god's name is your rationale behind this statement?

>> No.2513714

thank you missis skeletal

>> No.2513746


Only noble people were fat because they were the only ones with enough food.

Are people just afraid to admit they're brainwashed into being sexually attracted to a current trend? You are allowed to like whatever the fuck you want, why do you feel so defensive about you liking skinny women? I don't see why it would be such a big deal. You like skinny women, great, get a skinny woman. But for whatever reason people are actually offended by people who prefer curvy/thick women. I mean even if they like obese ones, so fucking what? How does that affect you?

It's a fact that beauty standards change through time and the current standard is being thin because in developed countries it's often harder to be thin that fat. Fat people are considered lazy, unhealthy and undedicated, therefore they appear less attractive. They used to be considered rich, educated and healthy in the olden times, therefore they appeared more attractive. Is that so hard to understand? You don't have to "stick" to this, you can decide for yourself what you like, but don't feel guilty about liking the "norm" either.

>> No.2513757


To be better than someone you have to draw and you basically don't, so your out of the ass statement is completely null.

>> No.2513762

>Only noble people were fat because they were the only ones with enough food.

Only that's fucking wrong. Do you actually think that for any of history that everyone but the absolute top strata were constantly in this awful poverty where they couldn't feed themselves? Sure there were no doubt circumstances where peasants didn't have much food, that doesn't make it a constant. Famines lead to shit like revolts, they aren't good for anyone.
Do you think the nobles in every society just showed up and wheeled off 90% of the food or something? The lower classes were the ones producing the fucking stuff.

>> No.2513857



>> No.2513871

it's more about what is healthy and encouraging healthy things like regular exercise and good diet, people that understand nutrition have a problem with a culture that says its okay to eat shitty processed food.

>> No.2513904

>people actually taking this bait seriously, so they can validate their hate for tumblr sjw meme

>> No.2513915


>> No.2514331

fat girls don't look good in clothes, only nudes.

>> No.2514345

Mods, please

>> No.2514391

They don't look good nude either.

>> No.2514394

>very little bait

>> No.2515115

Found the fatty.

Fit people are better to look at. Sorry, lazy.

>> No.2515121

preteen autists on deviantart =/= general art community

>> No.2515128

Everyone always uses that ONE pic, to argue that Monroe was "plus sized". She was the biggest she ever was in that pic (probably about 130 pounds) and pregnant, and standing in a pose that amplified her "plumpness". But in most of her career, she was 5'5 tall and under 120 pounds.

>> No.2515304
File: 119 KB, 1024x455, deviantart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>im easily above 90% of the general art community

That's laughable but even if you were, nobody should be proud of being above this level. You're really desperate to put yourself in a top 10% if you're including anyone who's ever picked up a pencil as part of your 'skill art art' sample.

You're definitely in the top 10% for meme output though, well done.

>> No.2515434
File: 39 KB, 534x401, 1462659656639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't the board but honestly fat people disgust me, I'll never draw them for a commission. Fat people are disgusting, claiming they can't control their weight FUCKING EAT LESS AND EXERCISE.

>> No.2515482

Shut the fuck up and go back to /s/

>> No.2515505

because you don't look on tumblr

>> No.2515509


>> No.2515554

Wern't these have been debunked as mock sculptures or something?

>> No.2515591
File: 16 KB, 190x190, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer drawing delicate curves rather than blobs of them, good bait though

>> No.2515696


1. There is no biological imperative for choosing an unhealthy looking mate.

2. There WAS a statistical evoltutionary force to choose fat mates, because this had correlation with abundance of food access, but starvation barely exists in first-world countries were obesity is an epidemic.

3. We do not live in a darwinian society, so you may disregard 2 and 1, thus overriding your instincts and engorge in your fetishes but...

3. You do not have a moral obligation to think women are sexy, and any who supports thought policing and are simultaneously browsing 4chan better kill themselves now for being hypocrits.

4. OP that pic is not sexy, and you are deluded for claiming so.

>> No.2515697

Hypocrites* sorry
Other than your needing to be gassed, I find no fault in your argument.

>> No.2515699

As in you are a grammar nazi? Or are you actually harboring thoughts of murder

>> No.2515701

*spelling nazi in this case I guess

>> No.2515729


You forgot a point about person taste. Like me, I can't stand a six-pack, though I love muscular men in general. Yet, the man I married is a skinny-ass fucker with a six-pack. go figure.

>> No.2515737

I have no issue against personal taste, though I do in fact believe there exists something called cultural ideals, and therefore certain tastes can be considered deviancy, which is to say, that is a reasonable description, not some objective law. Just don't bring any fucking morals into it. The fucking body positive movement for instance, jesus fucking christ stop fucking the world's health system and promoting the destruction of human civilization. Hey, you like muscly men, fine. You hate sixpacks, I don't give a shit. Marry and fuck whoever the fuck you want, have a good life, g'night m'lady.

>> No.2515753

Cultural ideals, sure, but the "deviants" have always been there, and always pushed the trend in the direction they've wanted.

Also; Weight is not really a good indication on health. A blood test is. Skinny people can be fat on the inside (Which is far more unhealthy) I haven't said a thing about morals, all I'm saying: People like what they like. Stop trying to dictate it.

>> No.2515759

Which was exactly what OP was doing. I am literally saying you can like whatever the fuck you want, I'm not dictating any particular taste.

>> No.2515761

Except you are calling him deluded for liking what he likes.

>> No.2515765

And? Even if I disagree with him, and call him deluded because I am an shitposting contrarian asshole, and believe that his taste is shit, or in fact, he does not actually like fat women and is merely baiting for replies, this all has nothing do to with him being allowed/disallowed to like anything.

>> No.2515780


Uh... Okay, dude. Sounds like a contradiction, but whatever.

>> No.2515806

>paint fat monster girls in my spare time
>small podunk town loves this and revels me as a body positive god

i just like thicc ladies

>> No.2515807

that belly gets me hard as fuck, i bet it's stinky

>> No.2515931
File: 95 KB, 386x560, HTAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2515958

It's well known Rembrandt was a fetishist, and he also did a lot of portraits of rich fat ladies.
Take any other artist from his time, and you will see they all prefer slim and curvaceous women.
Being fat was never considered generally attractive, it's unnatural as fuck.

>> No.2515965


Not him, but are you stupid?
Do you think disagreement with somebody is synonymous with disallowing them to have their opinion? Calling someone retarded for thinking something is not the same as not permitting them to think it.

>> No.2515967

Also brings up the question what people consider fat. Women generally have a higher body fat percentage and a harder time losing it, and I've seen people call perfectly normal weight women fat.

>> No.2515978

And calling someone deluded is not the same as calling them retarded or disagreeing with their opinion. That is literally stating that they can't possibly have the attraction they feel, because the other person doesn't agree with it.

And no, I don't think I'm particularly stupid.


I'm an art major, and no, they didn't all prefer "slim and curvaceous women". There are many well-known paintings of curvier women from that period. Being overweight is considered attractive in quite a few countries, there's nothing unnatural about it. The unnatural part is where you starve/feed your partner to fit an ideal, or put your own ideal as a mold for everyone else.

This. At 160 cm tall and 62 kilo I am considered chubby in my Scandinavian homeland, but skinny in the US. If I went to China I'd be a hambeast, but probably considered attractive in, oh, I don't know, Zimbabwe? And it all depends on the period I live in.

>> No.2515995

i bet it does you fake.

>> No.2515997

Waist:hip ratio is a much better measure of visual fatness than BMI or body fat percent, at least outside of the morbidly obese range.

>> No.2516008

>I'm an art major

>> No.2516011

Except women store fat differently, some on the hips, some on the belly and breast. Some are fat and have tiny waists and some are thin and still have huge thighs. Either will be considered fat by a good amount of people because they are not perfectly proportioned or overly skinny.

>> No.2516019

>some on the hips
>some on the belly

This is universal preference across all cultures. Even blind people think this. Somebody officially overweight can still be hot if they have sufficiently hourglass figure. And somebody with apple-shape figure is a fatty even if they're <25BMI.

>> No.2516023

People can like what they want, it just stops being acceptable when people shame women for the way their bodies are.

>> No.2516024


No, it's not. In France the ideal breast was one that could "fit in a champagne glass". In Brazil, a big butt is considered sexy. In many places in Africa breasts are not considered sexually desirable at all, but rather how wide her hips are. In way back when, yeah, the fertility idols were obese.

>> No.2516033

None of that contradicts waist:hip ratio being most important measurement.

>> No.2516036

Important for what, measuring attractiveness or whether they're too fat?

>> No.2516045


A woman's attractiveness being judged by how skinny she is, is. Historically, it's totally new.
Furthermore, the HTW ratio DOES differ between cultures. In Western countries, the ideal is said to be 0.7, while in non-western countries, the idea is 0.9.
But it's not that simple either. During the middle ages, the waist was supposed to be straight and shapeless, which was also a trend during the 1920s.

Historically: All shapes of a woman have been considered beautiful. Fat, thin, chubby, fit. Small breasts, big breasts, average breasts. Big hips, small hips. Big waist, small waist. This discussion is ridiculous, because I don't think many here has ever read about human beauty ideals and how it changes all the time, not just between cultures, but in their own subcultures.

There is ONE constant in beauty ideals, and that's symmetry, since that indicates healthy genes.

>> No.2516053

I think you'll never convince these fucks that their tastes are, in fact, not universal and often unachievable for many women and that it doesn't dedicate a woman's worth. If she ain't fuckable she's disgusting.

>> No.2516059

I suppose not. Oh well, it's not really a loss, is it?

>> No.2516062

If you're good at ignoring it, not really, I agree.

>> No.2516090

>women looking anorexic as fuck is more recent development
A decent number of women were thin during the first half of the 20th century due to food shortages/rationing during the drought and wartime periods.

>> No.2516092

I think his point is that its a recent development to have a sex ideal where people look starved. That's not the same as when people were actually starving...

>> No.2516132

Quit arguing and post more thick references.

>> No.2516133

Here you go, this entire account has enough

>> No.2516147

I don't think anyone really wants to fuck a runway model. If that's what people mean by anorexic/starved looking. Artists don't really draw people that thin either though.

>> No.2516406

But people do. People like everything.

>> No.2516424

>Historically: All shapes of a woman have been considered beautiful

Yes, all shapes _within a reasonable spectrum_. What counts as chubby today was already considered fat in the 50s. What counts as fat today was a freakshow attraction and what counts as morbidly obese didn't even exist back then. so yes, when historians say that throughout history various bodytypes were the beauty ideal, they are right, but these various bodytypes were ALL reasonably healthy looking. Obesity just like anorexia are illnesses and normal people are hard wired to find that not appealing.

>There is ONE constant in beauty ideals, and that's symmetry, since that indicates healthy genes.

Close, but wrong. There is ONE constant beauty ideal and that is having healthy genes. Healthy genes are indicated in skeletal structure and facial structure, thus when a person becomes so fat that these things are no longer visible, normal people who respond to these indicators can't find that person attractive anymore. That's why people make the waste to hip ratio distinction.

>> No.2516426

>a recent development to have a sex ideal where people look starved

That's entirely a made up strawman by obese landwhales though. An ideal where people look starved has never existed, at least not in our culture. Runway models are thin as fuck because they are NOT supposed to have a hot body. Their body isn't supposed to steal the show, they are supposed to look as neutral and plain as possible to show off the fashion designs. The reason why people still find them attractive is because they usually have 10/10 faces, not because they are very thin.

>> No.2516435

Obese is a beauty ideal in many African countries. Probably western countries as well, considering the fertility statues. Where morbidly obese come from, I don't know. I didn't think this thread was about morbidly obese, but any body shape other than fit or thin.

Healthy genes= Symmetry.
But you are right, not all beauty ideals are based on healthy genes either, like a cleft chin. This is actually a defect, meaning the face didn't form properly in utero. I think there's a big difference between saying that a hip-to-waist ratio of 0.7 is considered most attractive in the modern western world, and people being so obese you can no longer tell if they are symmetrical.

I think you forget about the heroin chic trend in the 90s, where skinny started gaining momentum. Women who was considered thin in the 80s-90s are almost chubby compared with the trend in the early 2000s. Luckily, in the past few years, there's been focus on a more broad spectrum of beauty.

I agree about models. I am against curvy models because that is in many ways a more unapproachable goal for a lot of people. Models should show off clothes, not body. But you cannot deny the effect the modeling industry has had on beauty ideals in the western world.

>> No.2516443
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>> No.2516985

yet angelina jolie with all her beauty has shitty breast cancer gene. Please link some scientific data backing this bs good looks equals good genes rhetoric.

>> No.2517007

Thin girls were always in. Thick is still alright even in this time. Fat is completely different. These types didn't even exist back then.

>> No.2517011

>Thin girls were always in
citation needed

also, not engaging in some retarded semantic discussion about the difference between "fat" and thick"

>> No.2517052

Have you ever seen anatomy studies?

>> No.2517402

>Are people just afraid to admit they're brainwashed into being sexually attracted to a current trend?
Are fatties just afraid to admit they feel insecure and want to drag everyone down to their level?

Fuck right off mate I don't need to lower my standards or promote unhealthiness because some landwhale doesn't have enough self control not to eat like a goddamn elephant..

>> No.2517409


>> No.2517417
File: 346 KB, 980x1273, 1444044866335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggot, don't judge people on their 2d fetishes, and this is coming from a thicc lover.

>> No.2517421
File: 30 KB, 453x631, 1461404895898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hasn't this thread been deleted yet?

The fucking master artist roast thread got deleted in like 4 hours, but this one is still up? wtf?

>> No.2517434

mods being stupid fuckwits like always. I bet OP is a mod.

>> No.2517453

After spending a semester forced to draw morbidly obese people in my life drawing course, I can honestly say that I fucking hate fat people. Why would someone willingly draw something so repugnant.

>> No.2517518

Insecure retard detected. If you're that defensive about it, don't you think it appears a little suspicious? You haven't even read the post at all. Whoever said you need to lower your standards? I said like whatever the fuck you want and let others do the same. No one forces you to fuck fatties, holy shit how ignorant can you be

Because they like it, for whatever reasons. Again, no one said you need to enjoy drawing them or even be attracted to them. Obese people are generally considered ugly and I agree, but it's still subjective and I don't understand why people are getting offended by someone having different preferences.

>> No.2517537



mods are butthurt cunts and troll by themselves oftenly, becuase they have nothing better to do and taking good care of the boards doesnt fit in with their spiteful personalities

this is probably a mods thread

>> No.2517547

Insecure fatfuck detected.

>> No.2517569

I feel you man. You get me.

>> No.2517592
File: 495 KB, 400x752, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2517855

Daaayum. Twerkin dat azz while gettin inta dick suckin position.

But other bitch be like UHN UH, you ain't suckin my man. BAM! Fryin pan to tha side of the head BISH!

And Zorn be all like bishes and hos, son, bishes and hos.

>> No.2517862

She's literally a normal weight bro

>> No.2517864
File: 133 KB, 850x1242, Anders Zorn (1860-1920)by Catherine La Rose (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

far from skinny

>> No.2517873

Because excessive fat is unattractive. Despite what tumblr might try to convince you off.

>> No.2517874

Skinny doesn't equeal normal weight, you seem to know next to nothing about the human female body

>> No.2517878

Ever heard of personal taste that doesn't align with mass media

>> No.2517891

then stop pondering to them.

>> No.2517899

This is like... the body of a Norwegian woman... named Helga/Gertrude/Asslog... that has knocked out a kid or two...

>> No.2517923

Didn't u kno women are supposed to have small ass and thighs like your average man otherwise it's just an excuse for being fat

>> No.2517931

Yep. If she can give birth without a C-section, then shes a cow.

>> No.2517933
File: 1.99 MB, 2550x1650, Darlene Mugshots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a character of mine for example. Lots of my peers also like to draw the body type. the art exists, You just gotta look for it.

>> No.2517951
File: 86 KB, 283x328, new model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know it

>> No.2518042

getting trypophobia from this

>> No.2518075

Wait, did they really make her fatter in the show?

>> No.2518076
File: 32 KB, 500x667, 1449094516056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfuckers don't even know what thick means.

>> No.2518077


there were like 60 threads on /co/ about it for months

>> No.2518084

Eh, it doesn't matter.

The show went to shit a few years ago anyways.

>> No.2518209

I'd prefer the wailords to leave /fa/ instead. The thread wouldn't be at this length if it weren't for them getting so upset anyways.

>> No.2518217

disgusting doesn't even fit her shape. fuck off gaywad.

>> No.2518224


>> No.2518260


>> No.2518334
File: 84 KB, 750x863, im so thirsty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying all females dont draw effeminate fag boys

>> No.2518336

Sakimi's men all have bodies like Frank Zane. If being a chiseled adonis with perfectly sculpted male musculature isn't effeminate desu.

>> No.2519006

What's wrong with that belly

>> No.2521654

Fat is unrealistic.
That's why it's unhealthy.
Enjoy diabeetus, you beautiful strong womyn who needs no man but will need a weelchair soon.

>> No.2521667

Why are their thighs so big

>> No.2521669

Liz Taylor said she would have to shave half her hips to put on the iconic white dress, and she was fine as fuck when young.
Marylin was not plus sized, she was fucking tiny.

>> No.2521674

Because being overweight is objectively unhealthy and unattractive.

>> No.2521676

Not it doesn't.
If you aren't gonna go down on a 400 pounds manlet for the sake of his feelings you can go right the fuck off with that hypocritical bullshit.

You have a right to believe you are beautiful, others have a right to disagree and express their disagreement.

>> No.2521684

Just wait a few years, Anonymous....

>> No.2521711
File: 2.53 MB, 1500x1875, 1461118703582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only girls on birth controll
This is what a woman likes who is not chemicaly castrated

>> No.2522202


>> No.2524655

His nipples holy fuck