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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2508629 No.2508629 [Reply] [Original]

what's your honest opinion on Wacom tablets?

>> No.2508638

Owned an intuos 3, intuos 4, cintiq 22hd. Pretty much the industry standard.

>> No.2508639

I really enjoy my Intuos Pro med, but it took me a long time to get used to it, but it paid off.

>> No.2509183

Unless you are going into Pen Displays The Huion 1060 pro is the same size as the medium Intuos pro and has the same performance for a 5th of the price.

>> No.2509184

love em

>> No.2509193

>4. Discussion of drawing tablets belongs in /g/.

>> No.2509340


>> No.2509344


>> No.2509347

they're good.
but expensive

>> No.2509465

Would recommend, bit overpriced imo, but for a good reason. Even my 10+ year old tablet still works perfectly fine today.

are you me?
I had the exact same tablets in that order
Intuos3 Medium, Intuos4 Large and now a 22HD.

>> No.2509888

been using them for 5 years, wouldn't consider any other

>> No.2509900

Not worth their price.

>> No.2509901

>same size as the medium Intuos pro
It has much larger active area

>> No.2509922

Get the Huion Giano; better than any desktop-style wacom for the price by a large margin, currently.

t. current or previous owner of bamboo, intuos 3 med, intuos 5 med, intuos 5 large, cintiq 12wx and huion giano

>> No.2510108

prove it.

>> No.2510147
File: 511 KB, 723x2160, intuos medium vs intuous large vs huion giano; red is active area.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go fambula; this is a picture I'd taken comparing the ones I'd had not too long ago.

I have the Cintiq 12wx at my storage unit so I guess I can't prove that decisively; I did bring the stylus home today to see if it'd work with my medium that was stolen out of my car last year (the stylus was stolen, not the tablet itself) that I can show I guess.

>> No.2510244

Will getting a Cintiq to practice with be a horrible idea? Are 13" Cintiqs too small?

>> No.2510277


What do you mean practice with? As in you're new to art?
Then don't get one.

>> No.2510302

Not as good as a tablet PC. Better than nothing.

>> No.2510309

Looks like it's only made for right handed people. Bigger active area doesn't automatically make it better, just bigger.

>> No.2510317

>Looks like it's only made for right handed people

If I recall correctly you can reorient it in the software driver. It changes the buttons to be oriented "higher" but that's actually desirable in my opinion,

>Bigger active area doesn't automatically make it better, just bigger.

It does make it automatically better, at least in the thing that matters most. You may not use much more than a small fraction of the tablet's entire active area at any given time no matter what size it is, however, having a smaller active area is akin to cranking the sensitivity up on your mouse because of the great disparity in size between the drawing surface and the monitor's resolution. A couple centimeters on your tablet may be a couple inches on the monitor.

The reason a monitor/tablet hybrid like the cintiq is the best possible option isn't just because of the fact you're drawing what you're looking at, but because of the 1:1 active area-to-monitor ratio that you don't get with any traditional desktop tablet. In lieu of a Cintiq, a large sized tablet such as the Intuos Large or Huion Giano are absolutely the best option, I even think they edge the Cintiq tablets out in some ways.

>> No.2510326

I think about buying Huion Giano, it's really that good? Also it support tilt recognition?
I have Intuous pen small now.

>> No.2510411

no, that's completely fine for a beginner. most people start with a bamboo or similar, check dem drawing areas

>> No.2510987

Just got my Giano. It's quite nice but won't play ball in Paintshop Pro X8 for some reason. Not that I will be using it in that much mind. I've been dabbling in Painter which works just great. I have a steep learning curve though as I am new to this.

>> No.2511031

To anyone that can speak from experience, what the best value display screen tablet if not one of the Cintiqs?

>> No.2511032

I recently got a Cintiq 22HD Touch, and I highly recommend it if you're a professional and have the money. Even the touch features - which I figured would be a useless gimmick - are totally worth it.

>> No.2511059

For practicing life drawing and anatomy is a bad idea; stick with paper and pencil for that.
For praticing digital painting, you'll be fine with an intuos.

>> No.2511072


Giano shill here; still waiting on that Wacom Companion 3 nigga, gnomesaiyan?

>> No.2511272

Seconding this.

I'm willing to shell out for a cintiq but I also don't want to throw money out the window if I can get something cheaper for equivalent quality.

>> No.2511313

Wacom shill here, Companions are good but $3000 is a fucking ripoff honestly

>> No.2511314
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>> No.2511718

I'm new to drawing and I want to practice anatomy. But pen and pencil is just too messy when I do a lot of erasures. Does practicing with an Intuos small still count as a bad idea?

>> No.2511734

I can't speak from experience, but I've done some research since I kinda want a Cintiq alternative my self and so far the Yiynova MVP22U V3 looks the most promising. It also works with most drawing programs, which is something to take in to consideration when looking for a Cintiq-knock off.

>> No.2511743

Just because it's not getting the replies on /g/ doesnt make it okay to break the rules, fucking retard.

>> No.2511763

fuck up idiot

>> No.2511775

this rule is stupid and should be removed

>> No.2511782

Yes. A small tablet is a poor investment

>> No.2511819

Currently have a Huion 1060 pro, thinking about upgrading to either a Wacom Intuos pro medium or a Huion 1060+/pro. I don't mind shilling for intuos pro medium, but I quite like the express keys and soft keys the huion tablets have. Is it better to just switch over to Wacom now?

>> No.2511822

currently have a Huion h610 pro I mean, shit

>> No.2511838
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Mine has a warped/ dip in the surface on one corner and is honestly way too damn big to fit in my work area.

performance wise it was basically the same as my h610, only bigger

Kind of have buyer's remorse tee bee aytch eff ayy emm

Good news though, if you lose the stylus it comes with the older huion stylii work on it

Bottom line, be prepared to either move it around a lot when you KB+M or plan your work area head of time because it is a big bitch

>> No.2511982

I want to get the yiynova. The only thing keeping me back is the apparent glassy/slippery drawing surface.

So are there any screen "protectors" that would give it a nice "grit"? I see some advertised on amazon and ebay.

What is the dimensions of the active drawing area?

>> No.2511993


Of all the off topic nonsense on this board you take the time to come bitch about drawing tools.

>> No.2511999

How do you lose the stylus? Did you even install the drivers and why would you even get it if you knew your workspace wasn't big enough to house it? You have to account for those kinds of variables before you buy stuff to be honest family. If you don't notice the difference in tablet to monitor sensitivity you may not have the experience to perceive the significance, it really stands out to me and I'm not sure how you could say it feels the same (I mean, the stylus itself does but that's agiven)

>> No.2512346

every tablet thread is subtle shilling for chinese knockoffs.

Spend the money on a Wacom it pays for itself in peace of mind and lack of headaches.

>> No.2512407

pretty gud desu

bought a small one (intous3)several years ago still kicking ass

>> No.2512473

I consider the Surface Pro's the poor-man's Cintiq; it can use any program a Cintiq or laptop can, while still being pretty cheap--they have used ones on ebay for the lower to mid $200's, which is far cheaper than most, or any, Cintiqs.
If you're worrying about processing power, I can say from experience, as I own and regularly use a Pro 1, that I regularly have three or four Photoshop files open at the same time, each with at least 40 layers and still don't have any real slowdown--let alone the fact I also normally have Chrome and a music player open at the same time.

>> No.2512475
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Fucking this. I am in a heated decision between a Cintiq 13hd and the Yiynova 22u v3(here in white).

I did the research for two years and it still seems to be a great device from a trusted seller

>> No.2512476

can't give you an unbiased review, cause i did the humongous effort of buying one while being legit poor and living in the 3rd world, so i NEED it to be worthwhile.

>> No.2515478

/ic/ talk me out of buying the Huion Giano right now

I'm a beginner. 4 months of drawing now, before that, only as a kid. I picked it up because I remembered having fun, and I do have fun with it. It almost feels meditative.
I thought I shouldn't buy a tablet before getting down some basics, so for at least a year.
I don't know anatomy, proportions, anything, at least not well enough.
But I suddenly got the urge to buy the Huion Giano, to start experimenting with it, learning to use drawing programs, messing around with color.
And I heard it's pretty good, it's not expensive, fuuuuuuuuck I wanna buy it right now
Should I? Money is not an issue.
Should I just get it to start practicing digital, alongside traditional?
(I'm only using pencils, nothing else
Although I did buy a fineliner, and 2 brush pens are on the way to start experimenting with lineweight

>> No.2515496

There's no real alternative if you want quality. It's because of that that they get away with incredibly overpriced hardware, which is pretty bad. If there was some real competition we would benefit a lot from it, but so far everyone else just came up with inferior products.

>> No.2515549

>Money is not an issue.
Then do it you dumb bitch.

>> No.2515644
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no more graphic tablets

this pen is the future

>> No.2515646


Don't be retarded.

>> No.2515649

Can't stop him. We're all buying tablets for note taking and doodling.

>> No.2515688


>Fucking this. I am in a heated decision between a Cintiq 13hd and the Yiynova 22u v3(here in white).

If there that close in price just get the wacom, honestly if the price/size is close wacom is worth it just to avoid driver head aches.

I'm considering getting the wacom 21UX which is a older cintiq but is currently only around 1000$ on ebay/other sites. I'm wondeirng if anyone has/used one and can tell me how good it is?

>> No.2515717

o-okay senpai
I guess it's never too early to start learning digital also?

>> No.2516156

>I guess it's never too early to start learning digital also?

Get used to digital as soon as possible honestly. Its definitely something you can't just pick up in my opinion. Tablets have their own way they want to work and you have to learn to use them the way they want to.

>> No.2516520

explain me why the pen is reatrd
the pen only mimic what you drawn

and is comfort, because you choose the size of the paper, for inkings is perfect

>> No.2516598

why is wacom the only company that manufactures unpowered pens? every other pen from other manufacturers either needs batteries or needs to recharge

>> No.2516618

They got the patent for them or something like that. Pretty bullshit imo.

>> No.2516635

Patent expired and powerles pens are surfacing now.

XP Pen have powerless pens at sub-Huion price point.
I can't say anything about them personally, never used one, but people say it's OK.

Also there was some cintiq like with a powerless pen but unlike Yiynova it doesn't have tilt detection and i have long forgoten teir stupid long name.

>> No.2517112

thanks for the info family

>> No.2517148

The drivers are shit and fuck up all the time.

But I've only ever owned one tablet in my life, so I can't speak for other brands.

>> No.2517365

returned mine huion is shit

>> No.2517441


Still the industry standard for a reason. All of the third party tablets use the same internals and have a notable failure rate.

For me though, It was worth the risk. If you're a beginner, just buy a Huion or Ugee tablet.

>> No.2517747

So I came across these videos

And noticed that he seems to be easily varying the lines in his drawing but when I try to on my Giano wh1409 it seems like it is either too thick or too thin. If I have the pressure too high I have to press pretty damn hard for a thick line but if I change to it lighter then its kinda just blobs.

>> No.2517798
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so i already own a cintiq 13 hd and hate how bulky it is with wires everywhere, and i barely use the screen because i cover it with paper to avoid the feeling of drawing on glass.

i'm going to sell it for either an intuos pro medium or large, which do you guys recommend?

>> No.2518044
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I have an Intuos Large and it's fantastic, but if I could do it all over again I'd probably get the Huion Giano to be honest mi famille. It's far cheaper and very nearly as good-in some ways better. If money truly is no issue then it's a toss up between the two. If you get the Large you're going to want to get a "POSRUS Intuos Large Surface Cover" to apply to the surface of your tablet because if you don't the "natural surface" of the Large will grind down the retardedly expensive stylus nibs to nothing on a weekly basis.

>> No.2518045
File: 87 KB, 500x334, wacom-intuos-2015-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulling the trigger on my first tablet tomorrow!

At least it's not some $500 HD touchscreen with a built-in fleshlight.

>> No.2518055

That Intuos Art Medium thing is $200 and half the size of the less expensive Giano (
https://www.huiontablet.com/huion-wh1409.html).). I think you're making a pretty big mistake my man but whatever.

>> No.2518059

I appreciate it! I'll look into the Giano.

>> No.2518101


Just get wacom if you have the money honestly, I have the h610 pro (same thing as Giano just slightly smaller)

. And while its good for the price I'd rather just have a intuos, I would buy one if I didn't work majority traditionally now.

The drivers are honestly shit and I've had numerous problems and issues with photoshop and other software and yes after installing correctly. There are work around's but its honestly easier to just put up the extra cash to avoid the hassle.

all the off-brand tablets are based on the same tech so all they have similar problems. If your serious about it just save yourself hassle and get the reliable option of whatever wacom you can afford.

If your poor than huion isn't bad but it's certainly not the same as an intuos like others keep saying.

>> No.2518106

weekly huion shill thread by yours truly, mrs. wang shao from shitzen china.

>> No.2518383

>slightly smaller

The Giano is 40% longer and 30% taller

Bigger active area = tablet surface reflects monitor's display better = more accuracy.

>And while its good for the price I'd rather just have a intuos, I would buy one if I didn't work majority traditionally now.

So you're recommending a product you haven't even used because of the brand name? I've owned enough Wacom products to know that they're not infallible.

>> No.2518406

"it payed for itself"

>> No.2520635
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Nigga please, that's why you get a laptop with a pre-installed fleshlight and not your wacom

>> No.2520646

is that a bowl of ketchup ?

>> No.2520647

It's hot cheetos with lemon juice and salt

>> No.2520649


>> No.2520658

it really is a good idea, but very pricey considering the technology isn't quite sophisticated yet.

>> No.2522087

Just bought a very lightly used Surface Pro 3 for about 300 dollars, it's the least powerful version (2 GB RAM, 64 GB storage) Would I still be able to run Clip Studio Paint on it relatively smoothly? I have SAI too tho, I think that would work. Any other light-weight good drawing programs to recommend? Also, I know the pen isn't as good as the one for version 2 (because this one isn't Wacom), but any clever ways to get the most out of this one? Or any good replacements/extra pens?

>> No.2522104

Draw lightly with your initial marks, draw over when confident. Grab a kneaded eraser as you can dab to lighten up specific areas you messed up on, leaves paper free of debris.

>> No.2522141

Shouldn't you have asked this before you purchased it?

>> No.2522145

Well, it was kind of an impulse buy. And I didn't purchase it just to draw on, I wanted an alright tablet for random shit too.

>> No.2522149

But being able to draw on it would be a bonus, off course. I currently have an Intuos 5 that I greatly enjoy, but I thought it would be fun having a device where I can draw directly on the screen and being able to carry it around with me.

>> No.2522156
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I have the intuos art medium as well. Coming from a graphire 4(left) it feels like a huge step up, but still want a Cintiq 13HD or a intuos pro medium.

>> No.2522595
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I bought a V2 back in 2013. Replaced the pen with an Ugee P50S rechargeable stylus (originally black, but when I lost my recharging cable, Ugee sent me a new one in white. Which was nice, matched the monitor. Then I found my cable and now I have two.)

It's nice, it is. But the Cintiq is gonna have better color/monitor quality, even if drawing is about the same? Plus, Cintiqs have easier to access hotkeys.

I've found that if you're looking at black and white stuff, or stuff with thick linework, the Yiynova tends to have a little bit of jagginess going on? Like not as anti-aliased? I'm trying to illustrate it as best I could, but it's kinda tough to. It's minor, but if that's important, keep it in mind.

Also: it uses DVI, which means with my graphics card, a GTX 760 I bought in 2014, is too new to use it, so I gotta run an adapter. Currently using the DVI-I port. Might swap it out to the DisplayPort? In all honesty, I'm not sure if this is inherent to the monitor versus what it's connected to, but this review seems to say it's the monitor:


I still love it, though. Can't say which one I'd prefer, since I don't have a Cintiq, and I don't know what the V3 has changed.

>> No.2522647

What is the cheapest tablet that isn´t shit?

>> No.2522654


used Intuos 3

>> No.2522702

what do you guys think of the Apple pencil? i made the mistake of falling for the surface pro pen, the sensor on that thing is so shitty is like I have parkinsons, and it doesnt even register low pressure levels