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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 4 KB, 225x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2500939 No.2500939 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2501014

What motivates you anon? My problem is that I have too many ideas and all the time in the world, but I'm depressed as fuck.

>> No.2501043

Just look at good artists to tell yourself "fuck it's no time to procastinate, I want to do something as good as this".

Works for me.

>> No.2501055

this, my phone background is art by one of my favourites just to remind myself everytime I check that phone that I'm not there yet

>> No.2501058

inb4 shitton of posts with "2005 - 2010" showing decline in skill

>> No.2501066
File: 2.41 MB, 1000x5000, C++.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2501068
File: 617 KB, 1500x2000, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2501076

our little treasure.

>> No.2501147

>>2501066 heeeeeeeeyyyyyy is that duterte?

>> No.2501178
File: 2.43 MB, 1235x3528, Progress_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this many months ago but I paint roughly every 2 months to keep or increase my skill.

>> No.2501314
File: 1.85 MB, 1107x8000, 1458404350542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he posts here anymore. But something happened in the summer that set a fire under his ass

>> No.2501319
File: 564 KB, 1450x2570, 04-26-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just want to be a traditional artist, but I don't see the point anymore.

>> No.2501320
File: 1.28 MB, 360x200, 1123334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those Summer 2015 gains


>> No.2501335 [DELETED] 

It's okay for 6 months of drawing?

>> No.2501336
File: 119 KB, 793x1080, nZlqykbF6GI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay for 6 months of drawing?
28 Oct

>> No.2501341
File: 123 KB, 717x1789, Майор.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is second
25 Apr

>> No.2501344
File: 60 KB, 398x354, oW-UFYltEcg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2501345

did fucking god descend from the heavens and grant him the ability to draw in 2015?

>> No.2501358

У Maльты шoль yчилcя?

>> No.2501360

russian cyber attack

>> No.2501374

>from shitty anime to cape shit
i guess super heroes are more execution intensive when it comes to drawing since they usually have more muscle definition and shit

>> No.2501380


>> No.2501409

dammit did he spent 20/24 hours a day in summer drawing

>> No.2501431

cant wait to see ur stuff another 3 years

>> No.2501433


>tfw you are only 5 years away from getting good at any time

>> No.2501447
File: 1.96 MB, 1500x2000, progress20162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a painting one *butt sounds*

>> No.2501457

Do more still lifes!

>> No.2501461

I think the way you used colour and subject matter got very interesting from 2013-15 and then got boring again this year.

>> No.2501503
File: 1.31 MB, 5000x2130, how far we've come.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm still ass, but those 6 months were probably the biggest period of improvement in my life

>> No.2501507

yes aon

>> No.2501521

0 improvement

>> No.2501525
File: 4 KB, 205x192, I try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2501539

Completely none

>> No.2501542
File: 40 KB, 720x720, 1460385336859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this something you need skill to do?

>> No.2501547
File: 18 KB, 960x540, popo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after 5 months on a cinteek, i improved so much :')

>> No.2501553

I'm honestly not sure. I just kept drawing and looking at tutorials. I've improved a bit since then, but still have a lot to learn. The human form is fucking with me like you wouldn't believe, especially when it comes to bending. DrawABox seems cool, but I haven't used it yet. Practice makes perfect, and lack of it leads to stagnation and rusting. Draw from references as well as imagination. I'm still a beginner, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

>> No.2501558

Post some humans

>> No.2501570
File: 29 KB, 450x600, wds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2501573
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting from phone because I can't be assed to scan it

Not that it's good, but it's there.

(Yes, I know the face is a mess, that part's a doodle)

>> No.2501582
File: 915 KB, 577x1008, now it's REASONABLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mobileposing is hell. Editing it so it's reasonably tilted and sized.

>> No.2501583

Have you read the sticky?

>> No.2501591

A little bit, but I get sidetracked by life and also draw shitty doodles instead of working on stuff. I tried a loomis drawing but it looked a bit weird, but I guess that's just what you get when it's your first try with that sort of thing.

Have yet to do any actual gesture / life drawings yet, except for like 2 or 3 shitty ones.

>> No.2501602

You ain't gonna get better at drawing good if you keep getting better at drawing like shit.

>> No.2501608

Is drawabox any good or is it a meme? It would be nice to have a book or website or something which I could just stick to, instead of the blind fumbling of today.

>> No.2501622

Drawabox is good. The best thing is to reserve one half an hour a day at the exact time each day and have a goal so you know what to do. Do it at least for one week and if it works, add another week. Don't draw a huge amount one day and do nothing the rest of the week.

>> No.2501629

Alright, thank you for the advice. Tomorrow I begin my work. Thank you for helping me get good.

(Just realized that I have a mandatory art class just after the only free period in my day, so the whole "don't draw anything else" shtick might be ruined. Should I wait 'till my schedule loosens up, or begin now?)

>> No.2501639

The answer is always now. I don't say draw anything else on a day, but make sure to spread it around to keep a habit.

>> No.2501650

Aight. Thank you. Nice to get some good advice, especially considering most of /ic/. I'll do my best to improve, and may get good enough to post here in a couple months. Thank you for all the help.

>> No.2501827

I just want you to know that you won't get better at drawing by doing things that are fun for you, you have to actually grind out the shit that you find difficult and boring. I hate telling you this, but you've actually made almost 0 progress in that picture.

>> No.2501839
File: 49 KB, 300x231, 300px-RainbowChrisBeforeAfter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2502098
File: 1.88 MB, 1500x4191, drawings_apr_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like i've been regressing recently with these attempts at speed painting.

>> No.2502101

Damn got a page? I hope to aspire like this someday

>> No.2502105

Maybe do a few full pieces to really stretch your muscles. Either way I still really enjoy your work.

>> No.2502121

>got a nice pencil
>bought copics
>tried digital
>bought an apple pencil

anon using different materials won't make you a better artist. you should stop buying expensive materials like copics when it's apparent you aren't up to snuff on color theory and light&shadow

>> No.2502127

youre not going to get any better if you only do it every 2 months

>> No.2502140

Not that anon but it's a good change of pace year by year. I'm still rocking with pencils and paper, maybe get a chink tablet when I git gud at anatomy

>> No.2502164
File: 215 KB, 1446x633, tootlookinassdude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2502165
File: 91 KB, 322x324, 1449261574680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chris only made himself less fat

>> No.2502176
File: 3.27 MB, 1864x8650, smallnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2502178

Blog is here >>2481132

Thanks, I've been experimenting with different processes to figure out how to bring something to completion.

>you should stop buying expensive materials
what I do with my money is my business.

>different materials won't make you a better artist
Learning new tools it's part of why I enjoy drawing. I followed my own logical progression in tool changes.

For traditional:
>Wanted to work on line confidence
Bought some pens
>Wanted to study values
got gray scale markers
>Wanted to practice / learn colors
bought colored markers
>>Hit a dead end because I couldn't iterate fast enough traditionally with colors

For digital:
>Wanted to experiment with colors
Got a scanner
>Wanted to color without a mouse
Inherited an intuous
>>Hated hand eye decoupling and hated sitting at the computer
got apple pencil

>> No.2502219

ganbare nile!
Keep it up I'm proud of you

>> No.2502228
File: 3.39 MB, 2000x3367, memegres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just wanna paint nice pictures

>regressing with speedpainting

speedpainting is the most appliable jobskill, but you know its more for painterly people or people capable of using a lot of tools quickly (look at longyis works), as you base most of your pics on drawings, paint by itself is understandably gonna be harder for you.

>> No.2502234

cool improvement, dont stop now senpai!

link to your tumblr/deviantart?

>> No.2502283


>> No.2502289

i really like your traditional work, you obviously have spaces to improve, technically, but other than that your ideas are nice.

>> No.2502671

>as you base most of your pics on drawings, paint by itself is understandably gonna be harder for you.
This makes me want to learn it even more - bye bye traditional

>> No.2502891

I think you're too occupied with making something that looks cool, try other subject matter and styles. Sci-fi and fantasy gets boring after the 6000th anime space marine.

>> No.2502895

That's retarded, experimentation is the best way to get better.

>> No.2502909

So wait you got a apple pencil? How is it? I've been seeing alot of threads on people arguing over it but no clear examples of the difference. Would you recommend it over an expensive ass $800 cintiq 13HDD?

>> No.2502960
File: 143 KB, 1000x1000, prog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2503051

If those are referenced; garbage.
Put more time into it. Learn to experiment.

>> No.2503059

>No matter how hard you try your drawings will never be good until you draw for years

>> No.2503079

thank you, i'll work harder.

>> No.2503118

>other subject matter
I was thinking of drawing food and / or dinosaurs / animals. I've been in a bit of a slump recently, and can't figure out why.

I've never touch a cintiq. The pencil matched my work flow well since I am a heavy iPad user. It's certainly not for everyone. I was avoiding digital because the intuous was too uncomfortable. The iPad is helping me get more mileage.

>> No.2503156
File: 553 KB, 1000x1512, 20160428_054808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Originally i just wanted to draw a mouth out of boredom but i kinda kept going and I ran out of space. Completely from imagination, which I usually don't do. What do you think?

>> No.2503158

fuck wrong thread. Im going to sleep

>> No.2503196
File: 486 KB, 5470x4688, 1448959611156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have an earlier version of one of those drawings saved.

>> No.2503304
File: 132 KB, 347x406, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that drawing was my first thread ever and first day here on /ic/

>posting my art here was full of good and bad moments. well everyone here is always ready to put your art into the ground..
>FRESH MEME everyday
>this is why im here everyday .. being part of this community or my second family was the bomb!!

>> No.2503307

>community or my second family
community or my second family

>> No.2503310

this is how i feel going here

>> No.2503311

Second family? Are you that desperate?

>> No.2503313

yes i am m8.
and this is why i draw

>> No.2503320

and stopped going drugs too

>> No.2503358

>second family
Were you abused as a kid?

>> No.2503365

you cant draw and all you do is namefag and shitpost.

can you fucking go away? No "witty" response required, just leave.

>> No.2503382


>> No.2503602

Would you mind being funny?

>> No.2504221

how the fuck were you at that level when you just started drawing? I can barley do Loomis's god damn cartoon faces

>> No.2504316

>first i just tern off the internet .
>second practice anatomy for 4 hours
>every day

>> No.2504390

Bottom pic of bird please.

>> No.2504393


>> No.2504404

I like it

>> No.2504448

I never give up tho. Everyday I draw, paint, sketch. It's like, I know nothing is owed or guaranteed to me, but it's the only thing that keeps me going. I have nothing left, but if I create, I feel like I'm alive and I mean something, because I create. I don't like the world I live in, but I create my own world and though I wrestle with myself constantly, whatever little pleasure I get from creating something, feels like a huge victory to me.

>> No.2504498

Memes are our way to differentiate ourselves as a community. LAS is really interesting from a sociology standpoint.
A thick veil of ironic shitposting and forced memes keeps the threads alive and polemic, increasing LAS popularity and interest.

>> No.2504595

Some people draw all their life then when they decide to take art seriously they say that day is their day 0.

>I've been drawing for 10 years but only seriously for the last 2

They say it because they think it sounds better or maybe they really believe that any time spent before Loomis doesn't count

>> No.2504842

post your work
im hilarious buddy

>> No.2504909


>> No.2504912


>> No.2504916

fucking kek

>> No.2504933
File: 940 KB, 1136x852, New canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i force myself to draw but always come up a little inspiration "ANIME"...

>> No.2504938
File: 1.35 MB, 1136x852, New canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2504943

needs more loomis

>> No.2504944
File: 181 KB, 1000x601, 20160428_074032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2504947


>> No.2504967

wait. you seriously think youre better than me dont you. holy shit lol.

>> No.2504970

His work is at least somewhat dynamic. Yours has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

>> No.2504991
File: 201 KB, 815x976, sai_2016-04-29_17-48-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill just agree to humor you, im still better though. and even if he was even near my level he should really reconsider shit talking.

Worst part is this is referenced work and it still looks worse than my imagination work.

>> No.2504997
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 1390827859594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine if you spent a tenth of the time you spend shitposting actually drawing, Nosebro, you might actually be competent by now.

>> No.2504998
File: 168 KB, 601x1000, 20160427_020157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best part is, i'm not even the one who shitposted you, i just wanted some feedback on my sketchbook

>> No.2505001

i'll take a photo of some imagination work i'm currently doing in one of my sketchbook if you want, i don't have access to anything other than my sketchbooks atm.

>> No.2505034
File: 1.96 MB, 4960x4267, progress cont2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you're not practising often enough to progress anymore.
I need to start getting my shit together and putting more hours in. I also need to just make a new progress sheet instead of haphazardly editing my old one.

>> No.2505054

Keep that delusion going. Clearly, it's worked great so far.

>> No.2505059

>tfw Alzheimers runs in your family

>> No.2505060
File: 708 KB, 851x706, CkORxPB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2505062

post work
go ahead
shouldn't have posted your work as a reply to me then! that piece is better but please take your picture at a good angle though.

>> No.2505073
File: 2.91 MB, 2814x1012, 3hotbuns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got better at lines which I thought would be impossible for a while because I'm a bit stubborn.

Just need to learn how to draw and copy shit legitimately now

>> No.2505289
File: 26 KB, 480x600, dank-ass-ghetto-meme-tbh-fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2505294

>gained artistic ability but stopped drawing dicks
Not a good trade off desu

>> No.2505314

A-Are you sure?

Joking aside, it's nice that you feel so at home here.

>> No.2505358

you are both shit.

>> No.2505418

post work

>> No.2505454

pre work

>> No.2505463

>that bulge

>> No.2505467

I had a good chuckle at the duck explosion. You made some great progress, anon.

>> No.2505608

Holy shit

>> No.2505614

I'll go and dig out one of my old notebooks to compare it to a new one, bumping thread til i get back

>> No.2505616
File: 2.54 MB, 3816x1348, 1461783464062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From never drawing before on the left to now I guess

>> No.2505619

no, you are still shit.

>> No.2505621
File: 2.89 MB, 2781x1798, 20160430_224927-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from my first "drawing book" from a few years ago.

>> No.2505622
File: 2.94 MB, 1906x2624, 20160430_224545-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something I painted yesterday.
I guess theres not that much progress kek

>> No.2505625

this is very helpful to me.

>> No.2505636

Fucking Du30 on the corner kek
Nice progress buddy

>> No.2505638

You need to work on your textures

>> No.2505643

Hi tableguy

>> No.2505649

>Over a year for that
Absolutely disgusting

W-what... This is 100% autistic deviantart tier shit. Absolutely nothing improved.

>> No.2505735


I agree. If you have any tips I'm happy to hear them. I think a big problem with a lot of my stuff right now is it's kind of muddy and not much of it really pops, I know some of that is just bad edgework but maybe shitty textures is also a factor.

>> No.2505738

Learning textures is easier in traditional so try that. Also learn so perspective mate.

>> No.2505777

>those sbahj mouths

>> No.2506011
File: 120 KB, 640x480, imaginationsketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>referenced work
holy shit
why don't you actually try to follow your own advice?

>> No.2506100

hi anons

>> No.2506150

Haha fuck off you silly cunt

>> No.2506166

when the furfag thinks hes good. Im glad you draw a buffalo cat.

i was posting imagination work, i was referring to the fact that he posted reffed work, might as well be traced work.

>> No.2506229

...says the person who can't even draw a comprehensible figure from imagination.

>> No.2506248

>ref works can't be creative or use the imagination

>> No.2506304

Kill yourself.

>> No.2506307

if you use ref to defend your skill, the next step down is just using tracing paper.
mind posting your work?

>> No.2506314

Decent progress a LOt cleaner On the lines definitely, what's the tiMe frame on thIs? Also the right side are sill pencilS right? do you ever ink?

>> No.2506337


Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.2506359

whatever helps you mentality dodge the response.

>> No.2506368

You are wrong if you think that pure imaginative works exist ! Even when you do something on the top of your head you use mental imagery of previous reference you saw in your life, using direct reference can help you understand the world you're trying to draw so that you can apply that knowledge to draw from imagination. And before you say traced work isn't art, just google "pop art" ,cheers.

>> No.2506374

pop art isn't art.

>> No.2506381
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 1456425512317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2506392
File: 1.24 MB, 1315x901, stillshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a huge jump considering these are nearly two years apart, but I stopped drawing about a month after I drew the first image and only started drawing again early march 2016.

So this is like 2 months of progress, and I'm sticking to that excuse.

>> No.2506409

it doesnt matter whether or not you think its art, we're stroking cocks over skill. If you want to call me trash you have to be more skilled than me. Which you aren't.

>> No.2506628
File: 457 KB, 400x503, MC Ride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had a lesson. Drawn from reference with a a standard black BIC pen about a year ago when I was still in school. Opinions?

>> No.2506634


>> No.2506635
File: 44 KB, 245x276, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

veri cute anon

>> No.2506637

>If you want to call me trash you have to be more skilled than me

Thats not how it works when you're actually shit.

>> No.2506638


>> No.2506649

thanks m8

>> No.2506650

you two are so cute together

>> No.2506729
File: 196 KB, 748x545, art progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left: 3 months ago.
Right: Now

>> No.2506734

Holy shit, you gave me hope

>> No.2506735

another good thread shitted up by nosebro.
we should just ban him already.

>> No.2506776

you know, that Loomis meme?

it's not a meme

>> No.2506781

Lol, i actually never looked into Loomis. Reading is too much for me, mang.

>> No.2506862

Its still good progress the values are a little shallow but honestly its a female face so they are meant to be

>> No.2506865


What, spamming complimentary colors?

>> No.2506871
File: 1.15 MB, 685x9000, uus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still experimenting with different styles.

>> No.2507125

A lot of progress but, there's one thing I can see your doing which is a little strange, if you're working from greyscale then adding color try to vary your color layer more, cool in the shadow warm on the highlights and pink on blood flow, your 2014 and 2015 stuff struggles with this. But overall good just an observation

>> No.2507454

I see you getting into other subject matter which is good because the portraits were starting to get boring. Consider experimenting more with texture.

>> No.2507795

Post work.

>> No.2507820

ok now you have to be kidding.

>> No.2507925

Post good work

>> No.2507963
File: 3.03 MB, 1656x7821, Progress_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left side Sept-Dec 2015, right side Jan 2016- present. I've been drawing and 'learning' art for quite a few years before September of last year but kept regressing to a 'comfortable' zone and never improved. I went through Loomis, Vippu, and a million youtube 'tutorials' for years and the problem was that I was too arrogant to realize that I DIDNT understand anything I read. I would simply read something, tell myself, "yeah I get it" and then move on without actually practicing or fully comprehending what I had just read.

Everything changed when "Drawing on the Right side of the Brain" came upon me. I sat down and did the exercises out of boredom and thats when lightning struck me hard. For once in my life, I tried to fully comprehend what it was trying to teach me. I went at it like a man coming across an oasis in a desert. I had to take a long hard look at myself and reconcile with the fact that I simply did not know how to draw and more importantly, I didn't know how to see. People prefer 'Keys to Drawing' but I'm biased toward DRSoB because thats what jumped started me. I spent a whole month dedicated to that book doing every exercise until I could copy exactly what I could see.

My advice is the same as everyone else. Practice is suppose to be really really fucking hard, really tedious and at times, crazy boring to do, but you HAVE to do them. Great artists STILL do their studies. You need to concentrate and force yourself to make your current drawings better than the ones before. Instead of motivation, lifehack a feedback loop.

(I want to draw something awesome, but I don't know how to draw this pose/render this) -> (Realize that I need to know how to do this pose/render if I want to be a better artist)->(Study, look at reference and practice drawing that reference, this is hard and boring) -> (Get better at my studies and get excited because now I know I've gotten better) -> (Reward myself by drawing that awesome idea I had)

>> No.2508038
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x2560, 16-05-02-14-37-29-042_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my understanding of girls throughout

I guess I should spend more time actually practicing and start using references

>> No.2508105

Your cartoon character's ideas are too complicated for western animation stick with simple shapes for bodies and tube arms

>> No.2508169

At least something was going on with it.

>> No.2508191

looks like a decent comic strip

>> No.2508208

You always post this but you really dont seem to have improved much beyond your first loomis studies and your cartoons are seriously regressive

>> No.2508248

You really like that orange and blue, huh?

>> No.2508262

I like it. Get yourself a scanner please.

>> No.2509082
File: 210 KB, 1366x768, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this looks just like an oc that my sister drew like 3 years back

excuse the shitty screencap I didn't know how to use sai (it was a trial version so i couldn't save it or some shit)

>> No.2509109

you need to focus on closing your eyes and seizing it

>> No.2509113
File: 2.18 MB, 2000x5200, 502_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2509114

if your screen is that small put your task bar in small icons. Also, press shift to remove the new canvas tab on Sai

>> No.2509151

what's loomis?

>> No.2509187
File: 75 KB, 242x366, zemanallknowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fetishist fanart

kys senpai

>> No.2509214

Not having mad respect for sticking to it for nearly a decade now. You ain't gonna make it famalalam.

>> No.2509309


>> No.2509345

its the best color combo imo.

>> No.2509358


Fellow czech drawfriend maybe?

>> No.2509425
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x1836, 20160503_113417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only been drawing for about two months now, I honestly don't expect to get aby better than just cartoon like doodles.

>> No.2509454

Well you have to be willing to move beyojd cqrtoon doodles and apply yourself (you have not been applying yourself)

>> No.2509954

Well goof thing no ones going to kill you if you don't make progress in a certain time limit. If you wanna take it easy, just keep trying new things every now and then and have fun, but don't settle for yourself. Always at least try, actually try to outdo yourself.

>> No.2510069

oh hey, thx for posting this, I don't post that often, actually, I just have no time to draw anymore but i'll be back soon, I do keep lurking though.

and yeah, in the summer period something just clicked in my brain, methods and my imagination just started to go off, I had so much fun drawing day after day.

>> No.2510083

your picture inspired me the most out of this whole thread. I am about to draw tonight after no for for months because of it. Keep going dude!

>> No.2510152
File: 151 KB, 1242x2208, 9OQoDlm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have pics of people who literally started from the bottom (have not drawn since grade school)?

>> No.2510174

That erased dong tho

>> No.2510222

thank you man, that is a very rewarding feeling to hear people say they are somewhat inspired by my progress and decided to pick drawing again because I was there myself too, I had my months without drawing and I also got inspired by other artists to pick it back up.

Keep working at it man, an advice I would give you to not get back to months of not drawing again is to constantly look at other artist's works, ones that you truly find inspirational and what you would like to become. It will keep your motivation constant.

>> No.2510278
File: 1.76 MB, 2584x1938, 1385957977900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch other people draw portraits and see the way they blend and create strokes on the paper. You are making progress but through lots of practice and studies will you only get really good at it. I would also recommend doing art from still lives or even self portraits to further improve.

> pic related, look at his shading technique

>> No.2510289


>> No.2510348

>not drawn since grade school

In grade school, I thought I would grow up to be an artist. I even told my older sister she would never be a better artist than me. Then I stopped drawing for almost 20 years to do engineering stuff. Sister went to RISD proved me wrong.

Got bored with work 3yrs ago, and picked up drawing as a hobby >>2502098. Life goal is to draw better than sister.

>> No.2510354

hi there brother-in-law

>> No.2510361

I feel so sorry for you - she's a bitch

>> No.2510378

Miles Johnston

>> No.2510380

Miles Johnston, fucked up like the idiot I am. Here's a whole progress dump by him http://miles-johnston.deviantart.com/art/Progress-Archive-384868649

>> No.2510387

but if I close my eyes then I won't be able to see what I'm drawing

>> No.2510428 [DELETED] 


not sure if you wanted never drawn before to pro tier, but here's never drawn to 4 months progress tier from me

>> No.2510523

>Studying Hirame


>> No.2511042

buff are nice I like abs buff thank

>> No.2511075
File: 2.17 MB, 5000x7365, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have done so much better. I will just try harder this year.

>> No.2511077

You should do one with only the giant lolis.

>> No.2511867

Absolutely not.

>> No.2511872

I actually kinda like how jerky and weird your early art was.

>> No.2511901

>Beginning of 2016
>Beginning of 2016

>> No.2511903

Goddamit, it was meant to say 2015

>> No.2511919
File: 148 KB, 499x734, wollololololololololol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, I'm not sure, but my sketches still tend to be jerky: http://imgur.com/a/xrnZI

>> No.2511930

can I be your art gf? its mostly because I want a cat

>> No.2512608
File: 841 KB, 1087x618, Screen Shot 2016-05-06 at 12.04.55 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really dont feel ive improved much

>> No.2512619

That's pretty good for a year of progress actually. Keep it up anon!

>> No.2512629


>> No.2512803

That is because you haven't improved.

>> No.2512998


>> No.2513033

Sincere question; are you even trying? How often do you draw? Is there anyone you study?

>> No.2513407
File: 81 KB, 644x859, log.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went on and off from about last August to December, and thats about when it started getting serious. In between school and work I started drawing everyday from about February or March of this year. This picture was from like a year and a half ago

>> No.2513711
File: 2.49 MB, 2448x5500, F6mWxgC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont have that many pics saved on my computer, but here it is

>> No.2513718
File: 2.31 MB, 1250x3000, Improvement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've definitely improved color-wise; other than that I think I've just gotten faster.

>> No.2515139
File: 3.43 MB, 1478x7016, progress1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do wonder if you can really call this improvement.

>> No.2515148

Where's the colour senpai?

>> No.2515152

The good news: there's improvement.
The bad news: it's about a year's worth over 5 years.

>> No.2515158


I grew up with manga, that is why I got used to black/white/grey and don't think colors are that essential to draw a good picture.

>The bad news: it's about a year's worth over 5 years.

well, given that I'm not trying to be a pro or anything, (maybe a webcomic at best) I'm ok with that. I'm glad I found /ic/ though, this is one of the most useful/ressourceful boards on 4chan.

>> No.2515160

6 years for that, disgusting.

>> No.2516597

only because he is dead tho

>> No.2516599
File: 1.73 MB, 850x1526, da558e5e-7f1b-4b46-b691-492177cd8f61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I improved very slowly 1/2

>> No.2516603

thanks friend

>> No.2516607
File: 1.45 MB, 848x1561, 20160509_190357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2016 isn't on there
Yeah very slow I guess.

>> No.2516610


2010 on the right, was that a trace? fwiw its my fav of the bunch

>> No.2516613

Oh you drew thay cute yggdrasil, nice job

>> No.2516616

No, that wasn't a trace. And thanks, that's probably my favorite too. Six years ago :[

>> No.2516623


you seem to be all over the place stylistically. maybe it'd be a good idea to focus on one thing and really own it?

>> No.2516637
File: 103 KB, 692x827, Neko-chan 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's my one excuse. I'm an animator and I do everything myself, from writing to voice acting to animating to music, and I've never liked the idea of having a single style. I think I'm still happier being a jack-of-all-trades, even if I'm very slow to improve at all of them.

>> No.2516654

I don't have a blog, but I have pixiv

>> No.2516722

>Yeah very slow I guess.
Yup, only things that got better was your rendering and colors, and even those are still bad.

>> No.2516728

Nah don't think they're bad

>> No.2517028

>Nah don't think they're bad
There is your problem. You really need to acknowledge how shit you are if you ever want to improve.

>> No.2517035

Not the same anon but saying it's bad or shit ain't exactly constructive criticism

>> No.2517060

>tfw the 'start' posts are better than what you've made

>> No.2517212

Are you seriously saying you can't see the problems? Oh lord.

>> No.2517219

>i have 2 cats

>> No.2517257

Seems you're too stupid to give actual helpful criticism

>> No.2517263

I dont care how cheesy or stupid dome of you people might think >>2504448 sounds...but it got to me deep, man

>> No.2517339

Don't give up, anon! You don't know how much earlier they ACTUALLY started, and you still have your whole life to catch up.

>> No.2517395
File: 2.69 MB, 1080x2683, Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started making one last week or so. Was planning to post late 2016 because I want to re-render stuff later on but why the hell not?

>> No.2517551

Not him, but I remember you posting this progress stuff and explained how you did it. Your progress and advice has helped me push myself to work harder. I even got a Frederick Delavier book to study along with the typical loomis and bridgman.

>> No.2517583


luv the work!

>> No.2517700

If you had said no nicely, I could have told why the colors are bad, I could have told why the anatomy is completely fucked, I could have told why the little shading he has is bad but you started insulting me. So please kindly fuck off.

Also whoever did that, get out of your comfort zone. It will help you greatly.

>> No.2520151

this is six months of progess


>> No.2520181

Something's weird here. Your stuff from reference is good, but your sketches and attempts at stylization are still very beginner.

>> No.2520558


>> No.2520595

nice! so what's your opinion on the book ? I think it's one of the best in terms of anatomy illustrations if not simply the best.

you know the weird thing is that I found out about his books in a fucking gym I used to go to. after seeing it once I almost went to the gym to read instead of working out.

anyway keep it up anon.

>> No.2520609

that is some disgusting tumblr core shit anon. You might as well stop drawing.

>> No.2520644

I'm honestly starting up into the whole serious anatomy study so it was pretty jarring, just as bridgman and loomis have been for me. I'm just trying not to waste time attempting to figure out the perfect practice method rather than just sitting down and drawing what I see.

The book is very helpful and since I just recently finished my first year of college, I'll definitely have some time to practice.

>> No.2520709

True, but it gives you a healthy dose of motivation simply because you want to try something new

>> No.2521419

i sense originality and unique taste. please keep going.

>> No.2521668

Looks like a hairy eraser

>> No.2524964

I love you giant-loli-chan.

>> No.2525032

What the fresh hell is going on? The paintings from reference are very good but the cartoons & everything from imagination are just straight up godawful. How??

>> No.2525049


They are different skill sets.

>> No.2525075
File: 869 KB, 2888x2017, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna progress get a waifu.
Do it for her.

>> No.2525093
File: 2.81 MB, 700x3229, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put this together just now. I apologize for the weird grammar, my bootleg version of cs6 doesn't like the text tool.

>> No.2525243

What I've learned from this thread is that people who have drawn anime will never make it. Feels good to not be a tremendous faggot.

>> No.2525250

> Feels good to not be a tremendous faggot.
Nope. You are.
Both of those are pretty gud improvements. I actually follow >>2525093 on tumblr and I had no idea of his journey.

>> No.2525292

>i gain a sense of superiority by not liking something others like

>> No.2525345
File: 3 KB, 284x177, yaranaika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it feels so good.

>> No.2525369

I was such a tremendous faggot, as a 12 year old girl drawing anime, right?! also
>making it
What counts as making it?

>> No.2525376

I just found you yesterday and I would sell my soul to go back in time to the age you started getting serious at. keep going anon

>> No.2525377

Nice. Glad you dropped the weebshit.

>> No.2525537

cute homura dude

>> No.2525719


>> No.2525723

Thanks, even though the pose makes no sense and I knew it at the time.

Insane improvement. blog pls

>> No.2525749

Woah, you were already better at 16 than I am now. Starting early to approach art more professionally really pays off I guess. Great improvement!

>> No.2525760
File: 1.34 MB, 1733x7000, progress dp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some day I will be good, started to study the fundamentals of drawing recently, reading books and watching tutorials and finally I see the reality by the artist's eye. It remains only to work hard to achieve my goal.

>> No.2525770

Don't beat yourself up about it, I still wish I could go back, not fuck around so much and study harder. Thank u.


Thanks anon. badomenz.tumblr.com

>> No.2525796
File: 3.14 MB, 1920x10000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compiling this was an emotional roller-coaster

>> No.2525802

underrated comment

>> No.2525804

Wow what a fucking scrub, kill yourself

[spoilers]jk rat you're cool[/spoilers]

>> No.2525831

realism fuck yeah

>> No.2525901 [DELETED] 

>I am a girl btw ;)
Slice off your tits, mail them to me, and then kill yourself since you won't have anything of worth left anyhow

>> No.2525956

Damn you got real dark real fast

>> No.2525957

Don't be a fucking bully

>> No.2526026

Please consider suicide.

>> No.2526048

Holy shit. Anon what books did you follow when you first started to change?

>> No.2526069
File: 27 KB, 499x665, S__13320199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really follow any. I think i took a look at one loomis book and got bored. I learn best by watching people speedpaint on youtube and stuff. sorry I don't have any good book reccs.

>> No.2526120
File: 1.56 MB, 917x5865, Temps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started drawing around 2013 btw

>> No.2526135


>> No.2526245

Nice to see you took my critique on the wizard. the hand holding the book looks a bit off but it looks a lot better than it did first. Keep going man!

>> No.2526278

i think they are great, mental illness is a difficult beast. good luck!

>> No.2526347
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, PROGRESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2526413

Lmao kys you're not gonna make it

>> No.2526442

Please shut up anon you're not edgy, funny or in any way constructive, just fuck off

>> No.2526982

Jokes on you, I have not improved in 6 years.

>> No.2527028
File: 170 KB, 1280x1024, Penguin (done).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

420 blaze it fgt

>> No.2527620

''and the heavens are opened, and the Lord's finger comes down to write into my fate: rekt thy scrubs & fk their shit up'' -TearOfGrace