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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 78 KB, 1280x720, Repdan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2499626 No.2499626 [Reply] [Original]

Its rare to find such a multi talented individual; a skilled youtuber who can only only draw as well as the masters but make insightful videos on important current events such as the follies of feminism

We, along with many of our so called living "masters" who only know how to draw and nothing else should learn from him

the average youtuber knows who mrrepzion is, but very few know so called "masters" like Todd Lockwood, James Gurney or anything


Not since Mike Matei have I seen a more talented artist

>> No.2499642
File: 2.71 MB, 5096x3452, 1460915781075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much

>> No.2499645


>> No.2499660


Nice collage, 5/5 bretty gut.

>> No.2499674
File: 22 KB, 460x276, Peter-Hitchens-October-20-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking Peter Hitchens is a pseud

>> No.2499675

He's a complete fucking faggot. He just spews endless shit devoid of any research or sesne

>> No.2499697

ben shapiro is the man

>> No.2499717

Is mundanematt already on this? I can't find him

>> No.2499737


Yuri, Hitchens and Buckley shouldn't be on the list. They create content, the others regurgitate it.

>> No.2499739

>ben shapiro
My nigga

>> No.2499765

this is not about art, painting, drawing or sculpting. get this irrelevant shit out of my face.

pretty obvious he traced first with pencil before he started the video. he did not draw anything. all he did were adding chicken scratches.

>> No.2499784

His voice gives me headache.

>> No.2499786

it was clearly from the very first post, OP is a normie and doesn't know shit about drawimg, move along and sage

>> No.2499787
File: 3.37 MB, 3521x4736, tmp_16437-1461339166609-1313791844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno who this fag got is, won't look, will guess instead:
>some type of britbong
>tries to cash in
Now, tell me if I nailed it.

>> No.2499806

faggot FTFY

>> No.2499811

Trump is a world class businessman and Putin is a very successful leader of a superstate. They're not really pseudo-anything.

>> No.2499815

He used to be good and factual and able to talk about things objectively but now he just a lil whiny fag

>> No.2499821

I don't get it, why is Michio on here?

>> No.2499835

I think that people who use their reputation in one field of knowledge to make judgements in another are the ultimate faggots

>> No.2499838

he's a slimy juden

>> No.2499922

Or, maybe, just maybe, he was being facetious, and this whole thread was meant to be a joke.

>> No.2499931

Nice digits, OP.

You're still a fag though.

>> No.2500228

Do you know what rhetorician is?

>> No.2500230

Those traits aren't mutually exclusive with them being pseudo-intellectual rhetoricians. Just look at some of their idiotic views.

On the other hand, Michio Kaku fits exactly the definition of an intellectual, and his rhetoric is bastardised because he has to explain complex things to simple people.

>> No.2500243

B-but I like Hitchens' essays outside of his atheist work

>> No.2500256
File: 1.04 MB, 1640x1636, 'they work the same job for less pay xD'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is an asshole and he's probably the worst orator I've ever seen, but his views are objectively better than any other candidate on stage right now including Bernie "Bring on mass unemployment and inflation!" Sanders.

>> No.2500273
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nigga always look like he's dying.

>> No.2500274

Fucking yes

>> No.2500283

That's because elections are about buzzwords, catchphrases and polarized opinions. You basically have to convince as many people who have no fucking clue what's going on that you're going to bring what's best to them. But really, Trump just focuses on issues that make people talk, and what scares them. Whether they're actually that relevant doesn't seem to bother him.

>> No.2500300
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, 1461618940762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2500303

that's democracy in a nutshell

>> No.2500307

thanks for refreshing me with cringe-induced chills sent down my spine

>> No.2500308
File: 684 KB, 536x1843, Tariffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say the fact that there's a terrorist group targeting civilians that has a membership the size of many country's standing armies is definitely relevant (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/war-with-isis-islamic-militants-have-army-of-200000-claims-kurdish-leader-9863418.html).). The fact that illegal immigrants can drastically undercut domestic workers because they're more economically invested in a foreign country that has a weaker currency is relevant, and the fact that all of our manufacturers and even many of our companies that provide services are conspiring to egress the country to exploit the fact that we have no barrier of entry like we had in the past to dump products made by slave labor overseas is relevant.



The people that dismiss acting against that kind of stuff out of hand are effete liberals who care more about maintaining their lofty position on a moral high horse than pragmatism, libertarians who are against any countries existing at all and republican sell-outs who consider protecting domestic markets from foreign dumping to be an affront to "free trade".

>> No.2500312

just stop. Go to /pol/ if you want to argue this garbage.

>> No.2500318
File: 31 KB, 300x400, penn_jillette.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If I posted that there it would have been gone in 10 minutes or less. It will be here for weeks. Just remember, I didn't start this. ;^)

>> No.2500319


>> No.2500329

In the US, in 2003, 611'000 people died of heart disease each year. Add 75'000 from diabetes, and you have almost 700'000 food related deaths each year. I'm very well aware that not all of these deaths are food related, but even then deaths from the IS, wars and "terrorists" are insignificant. Also, the estimated annual cost of obesity in the US (150 billion $) is larger than the annual cost of the war in Iraq. Want to bet obesity has a worse effect on the US work force and economy than immigration ?

But whatever, this isn't /pol/.

>> No.2500363

Eating unhealthy is a choice people make. Getting murdered by terrorists is not. Government is supposed to defend the country and its citizens against violence from outside or from inside the country. It's not supposed to be a second mommy and tell adult people what to eat and how to dress and when to go to sleep and who to marry.

>> No.2500367

You forgot the Brendan Fraser hair.

>> No.2500384

whos the girl below anita/ 2 down of lacy/above moot?

>> No.2500390
File: 131 KB, 776x307, blarg i'm ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average age of people that die from heart disease is between 65 and 80 years old, dummy. Guess what the average life expectancy and retirement age in any given civilized nation is, too?


In Europe, heart disease kills 6.5 times as many people even though they only have a population (all countries therein combined) of 2.2 times ours.


Stop letting people lead you around the nose by taking information like that out of context. You can't compare a deadly natural phenomenon that's only exacerbated by poor lifestyle choices (but mostly fucking age) to problems that actually have solutions.

Dying a handful of years sooner than you otherwise would because you smoke or eat poorly is much different than getting your head shot off in the prime of your life or your job being taken away from you because $5 an hour isn't twice the average wage where you come from (and worth proportionally more to boot).

>> No.2500435

The nigga looks like he has some kind of sickness.

>> No.2500501

I mean honestly what's the fucking difference. Sure the kids who sit in front of their screens on YouTube or Twitter aren't providing anything but hollow opinions. But what is so different between John Oliver and Hitchens. They both look at a situation, make an observation within that context and find evidence to move it toward their perspective.

Regurgitation and creation are very similar when they are informed.

>> No.2500509

literally the biggest dipshit on earth.
we're talking about a guy who'll unironically use the word "cuck" in his videos.

>> No.2500528


>> No.2500535

>filthy frank
>donald trump

How are any of those pseudo intellectual?

>memethony memetano
I've only seen a few of his videos where he reviews shitty hipster music, but how is he psuedo intellectual?

>> No.2500548

Again do you people know what a rhetorician is? Retard.

>> No.2500625

Never heard of him but being able to draw and also make "insigtful" YouTube videos on "important current events" hardly seems like multi talent.
Da Vinci was multi talented, this guy makes videos.

>> No.2500673

is anyone gonna fuckin post any of his art? fucking idiots

>> No.2500800

*sniff* I don't think actual philosophers like Žižek et cetera et cetera should be on that list.

>> No.2500819

Why do you assume it's an issue that shouldn't be solved because it's always been there or it's due to the consequences of choices people make ?

This is exactly what I'm talking about, some issues scare people while they just accept some others. Bring in the buzzword artillery and people go insane.

Oh and 30% of those cardiovascular diseases in people below 65 can't be neglected.

>> No.2500846

You're not being logical, despite your best efforts.

>Why do you assume it's an issue that shouldn't be solved

Nobody said it's an issue that "shouldn't be solved" (as if it were that easy, my non-sequitur and strawman spewing friend). It is nonetheless a fact of life that there are a handful of habit and age related conditions that you will more than likely die from eventually that science has long known of and has long failed to address.

>because it's always been there or it's due to the consequences of choices people make?

These things are indeed exacerbated if you have a pre-existing condition like diabetes, or if you're a retard that doesn't have the self respect to live an even minimally healthy lifestyle so that is part of it, and rightly so. People "accept" something like heart disease because you can't yet make people stop getting old, you can't stop them from eating more than they should of what they shouldn't, you can't make them move their ass and you can't yet expect a panacea to appear and cure it no matter how much money is thrown at it. They accept it because they have to.

On the other hand terrorism, the flight of capital and the consequences of such have more clear-cut solutions and it's a non-sequitur of the worst sort to compare them to something like fucking heart disease or cancer etc., which people will be living under the threat of matter what other problems they may face.


>> No.2500847

*no matter what other problems

>> No.2500862

It's literally bait you retards

>> No.2500980

underage fag detected

>> No.2501030
File: 171 KB, 680x697, 29e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On the other hand terrorism, the flight of capital and the consequences of such have more clear-cut solutions

>calling this >>2500256 "capital flight"
>terrorism has easy solutions
you don't understand shit about the middle east and what made it the way it is today. you belong on pol where all the other scared and brainwashed retards reside.
i love how you recognize that trump is a "horrible orator", but somehow you still believe that there is something substantial below that giant pile of shit that is his public image.

>> No.2501389
File: 62 KB, 331x402, butthurt-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>companies shutting down domestic operations and opening up elsewhere so they can pay mexicans/chinese/indians/ worthless pesos/yuan/rupees to sell products for american dollars doesn't represent a loss of capital

>american companies undercutting american workers by paying undocumented foreigners (to whom $20 is the equivalent to $170 in their primary residence) under the table doesn't represent a loss of capital even as it drives the working class further into poverty

>these same undocumented workers literally sending billions of their already tax-free cash elsewhere doesn't represent a loss of capital


>you don't understand shit about the middle east and what made it the way it is today.

We didn't even get into that at all so you're just talking out of your ass but please enlighten us, oh wise highschool student. I'm sure you have some really key insider information about the already factional nature of the region being exacerbated by U.S. meddling that the rest of us haven't been privy to for a decade or more.


How about this, I'll tell you what the solution to terrorism "isn't". It's certainly not the status quo solution of importing millions of primarily single men (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/08/world/europe/migration-of-young-men-poses-risks-for-both-syria-and-europe.html)) from a war-torn region when a violent extremist group specializing in asymmetrical warfare with membership that exceeds that of the active British armed forces can use them as a Trojan horse.

>scared and brainwashed

>Gets triggered by Trump and his completely milquetoast proposals

Grow up. At the stroke of a pen european representatives could have prevented the Paris and Brussels attacks (and those sure to follow) but they chose not to because they are afraid of being called racist.

>> No.2501439
File: 93 KB, 200x204, 31089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there aren't as many illegal immigrants in your country as you think. so don't even start to blame them for your economy.
and as for the legal immigrants, what do you think they are there for? to steal your money? to send it back to mexico? is that what do you think an average transaction of ~200$ stands for?
>At the stroke of a pen european representatives could have prevented the Paris and Brussels attacks
how? stopping immigration? it wouldn't have stopped it. also again, there is a NEED for immigration. and in a few generations they will be integrated, just like all the other ethnic groups that immigrated to your country before them.

you just want a simple solution so you can stop being scared, no matter what the consequences are. it's your scared ass that lead your country into invading iraq in the first place. apparently that is the kind of kneejerk reaction you want from your politcians.

just plain embarrassing, that's what he is. you have to be a horrible judge of people to think a guy like that is fit to be a leader. not only is he a populist, he's a populist who's a horrible speaker. and you STILL fall for his populist crap. it's unbelievable how he became a meme here on this site. it's a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.2501504

>there aren't as many illegal immigrants in your country as you think

There are more illegal immigrants in this country than there are people that live in Sweden

>is that what do you think an average transaction of ~200$ stands for

100 million transactions of ~$200; much of it money earned under the table, tax-free to benefit people living under the arbitrage of a foreign economy

>so don't even start to blame them for your economy.

They are not themselves to blame for our economy nor did I ever say that they were, they are however one symptom of a larger and rapidly expanding problem. They are not themselves to blame for wanting a better life for themselves, rather our corporations and politicians are to blame for allowing them one at our domestic workers' expense, as they even do with people who haven't even immigrated through outsourcing and so on.



>there is a NEED for immigration

No, there is definitely not.

Unless you think it'd be nice if every habitable portion of this planet looked like one big Brazilian favela or Philippine slum. The last thing any geopolitical entity needs is more people under any circumstances.

>and in a few generations they will be integrated, just like all the other ethnic groups that immigrated to your country before them.

Is this a joke? The United States is one of the most culturally and politically factional places that exists. You've obviously never been here before if you think it's integrated in any but the most upper-class and professional spheres, Eurotrash.


>> No.2501508

>stop being scared


There's that projection again. You're terrified of looking out for your own interests and those of your community. Absolutely pathetic.

>it's your scared ass that lead your country into invading iraq in the first place. apparently that is the kind of kneejerk reaction you want from your politcians.

I guess you somehow missed the part in the very post you're replying to where I'd clearly implied my distaste with U.S. foreign policy with regards to the middle east.

You just keep grasping at straws buddy. What will you erroneously assert I believe next for lack of any kind of substantive argument on your part, I wonder?

>> No.2502197

Just end it, you PC trash.

>> No.2502301

>What does IC think of mrrepzion?
I like his channel.
Didn't know about his art neither i care. His videos are great. his art skill level dont bother me if its low because im not in school.

>> No.2502304

>Trump is an asshole
he will win. Unwrist your panties Timmy

>> No.2502315

He used to get abused by pedo priests or some shit didn't he?

>> No.2502488

Sam Hyde is a savant in his pseudo-japery.

I agree with the rest though.

>> No.2502489

How is Ben Shapiro a pseudo intellectual?

>> No.2502493


John Oliver is unarguably the greatest mind of the 21st Century and does not deserve to be on this list.
It's 2016, sort yourself out.

>> No.2502511
File: 68 KB, 540x920, IMG_20160427_184450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all need some sowell in your life

>> No.2502612

He's a cuck.
ie. Michelle Fields' affair.

>> No.2502647

I agree he was on the wrong with that
But that's it

>> No.2502662

The title is "Pseudo-intellectual rhetoricians". Not "Pseudo-intellectual and/or rhetoricians"
Get your shit together

>> No.2502865


>> No.2502887

Neil D. is on this, why?

>> No.2503295
File: 72 KB, 563x600, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Brendan Frasier.

>> No.2503316

Thomas Sowell

>> No.2503810

literally the worst economist
i can not imagine how can someone take anything this nigger says seriosuly