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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 274 KB, 500x227, plfftt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2497544 No.2497544 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this shit so depressing
>learning to draw
>try loomis
>looks like shit
>2 months of fucking circle faces
>still looks like shit
> look back at first attempts
>no improvement

Honestly this is pissing my the fuck off! I should have had some improvement by now but there is none. I can't even enjoy trying to draw anymore ether because it all looks like fucking shit an epileptic 3 year old with adhd having a seizure from drinking a case of redbull drew

>> No.2497545

you're not gonna make it

>> No.2497548


2 months? My loomis shit looked like shit for ten years before it started to click yet I didn't give up. Fuck off casual.

>> No.2497550

>2 months of fucking circle faces
There's your problem

>> No.2497556

There's got to be a better way, nothing should take this long to learn, let alone see any improvement

>> No.2497557


Get off /ic/ and go ask reddit. Leave this place and don't look back. Don't come back and read any comments. Leave.

>> No.2497558

post your work

>> No.2497563

I usually draw from life first then look at books to see how other artists break it down.

>> No.2497564

Pick up another hobby like programming or playing violin then.

See how fast you make improvement there.

>> No.2497572
File: 55 KB, 782x442, 2mon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't be bothered to crop all of it so here's the first 2 and the last 2 I did
to stupid for programming and I can't afford a violin

>> No.2497583

draw something you like instead of loomis caricatures?

>> No.2497587

I if could I wouldn't be drawing loomis

>> No.2497592

jesus christ just draw the face it's not that hard

>> No.2497596

well... keep drawing a few hours every day. draw things you like and mix practicing basics too (squares, circles, straight lines). do another then-now in a year. if you're really serious, draw instead of spending spare time on 4chan and/or video games.

>> No.2497601

First off, how much have you been drawing in those 2 months? That's really the most important thing to consider. if you draw an hour a week then fucking lol you're never gonna make it.

Draw as much as you can, 5 hours a day is an ok amount and even then it would take you a year to notice any improvement, that's just how it is. If you're not patient, pick up an easier hobby.

>> No.2497602

If you can't learn how to draw then your not.gonna be able to play the violin. Violin is one of the hardest instruments to learn, you'd be better off learning something easier.

>> No.2497607

lol if you're too stupid for programming, you're too stupid for art. Once again we see someone who thought they wanted to learn art because it's just so easy and fun! Anyone can learn to draw in a month, right?

>> No.2497617

1. You start ANYTHING new there is always growing pains.

2. Ignore shitposters.

>> No.2497619

first of all
self learning is harder than learning with teacher or something

second 2 month is not even that long
do a 1 year in 5days in week 4 hour
your Pig Paws change into hand and keep observing

>> No.2497641

absolutely no traces of spark detected, not even the sparktrometer at highest sensitivity can detect even the faintest readings of a spark

>> No.2497644

>he fell for the loomis meme this hard

>> No.2497648

I'm a beginner too, so sorry if I'm wrong, but isn't Loomis step 2? I'm still on Edwards. Trying to learn to draw from life and references and to see properly before I move onto the imagination stuff Loomis teaches.

>> No.2497658

>People actually treat Loomis as the most valuable book.

>> No.2497670

>It takes 1825 hours for a beginner to even begin noticing improvement

>> No.2497683


His estimate is retarded and you should be noticing improvement within two months even on something like an hour a day, but it's very true the frequency matters. An hour a day for 7 days is, in my opinion, far better than 7 on a saturday once a week and nothing else.

>> No.2497689

Loomis is something you get the basic ideas from. Drawing the heads the way he does there it is a fun exercise, but it isn't going to help you become a better artist unless you're enjoying it. They're best as a way to see how shapes can be the foundation for a face, and feed well into the real face proportions later in the book.

Try and understand where he's going with the faces here. They may be heavily stylised, but the ideas presented are still important. And draw things you'd like to draw with it. Don't just stick with one type of practice because that's not going to help you unless you really want to get a career in Loomis style fun faces.

>> No.2497708

true, guides like Loomis are also only going to be helpful once you're able to draw basic shapes with confidence, OP isn't at that level yet.

>> No.2497721

Fucking clueless. Shut up.

Look up basic facial measurements, draw a shitload of faces. Don't just fucking do the same thing for 2 months. If you suck at eyes, practice eyes for a few days and then draw faces again. Work at what you suck at in small bite-sized chunks.

>> No.2497745

what did we learn today /ic/

being misguided as a beginner leads to frustation

water still wet, sources say

>> No.2497756

grass is green

>> No.2497761

Now this may sound crazy, but some say...
The sky is blue

>> No.2497764

The sky is not blue.

>> No.2497773


>> No.2497775 [DELETED] 

Here is the most important thing to understand anon. You give the most talented artist and ineffective method of improvement and he will improve as if he is a talentless hopeless cause.
Your progress is only an indication of how poor your method of improvement is. If you seek out a better method of improvement you will stumble across something that will start improving you quickly and give you the results in skill that you want. You are not stupid anon. If you have doubts about your ability you should start working on that. The mental game is very important. You want to start believing you can draw well.

You are only as good as your method of improvement allows you to be.

Take the other anons advice and seek out other art communities outside of /ic/. This place can be very pointlessly discouraging.

>> No.2497776

Here is the most important thing to understand anon. You give the most talented artist an ineffective method of improvement and he will improve as if he is a talentless hopeless cause.
Your progress is only an indication of how poor your method of improvement is. If you seek out a better method of improvement you will stumble across something that will start improving you quickly and give you the results in skill that you want. You are not stupid anon. If you have doubts about your ability you should start working on that. The mental game is very important. You want to start believing you can draw well.

You are only as good as your method of improvement allows you to be.

Take the other anons advice and seek out other art communities outside of /ic/. This place can be very pointlessly discouraging.

>> No.2497781
File: 102 KB, 504x504, Thumps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I needed that

>> No.2497782



Reddit's that way

>> No.2497783

where the fuck did you get the idea that drawing that shit for months straight would take you anywhere? it's like, what, two pages into the book?
try drawabox, maybe

>> No.2497784


>> No.2497787

>Write a story outline twice a year
>Call yourself a writer
FUCKING DRAW, EVERY DAY. Drawing is literally like visual problem solving and you've obviously never even attempted to solve the problems in front of your eyes, WITH the answer sheet in hand.

>> No.2497789

>Coddling this guy
That's why America's weak you cuck, go back to reddit safe spaces.

>> No.2497813

I'll make sure to be more edgy in my next replies.

>> No.2497814

You're supposed to work through Keys to Drawing. That way at least you can understand how to draw whatever you put in front of you, and you can build your accuracy doing that. Also, 2 months isn't a long time to do anything. 2 months of weightlifting will get you nowhere, 2 months of playing an instrument will get you through the first baby method book, etc. Suck it up, you're going to be shit for a year or so before you understand what you're doing.

You're too up your own ass about it, just put the work in and chill the fuck out. There's no instant gratification in this, you practice every day for a year and one day you'll just realize you got better because of your effort. As long as you work hard and consistently you'll improve, but you can't take a microscope to everything you do looking for some major success because you won't ever find it. You just build up your knowledge and experience, and familiarity with drawing until success sneaks up on you one day. If something isn't working out try something else, try to understand what's going wrong, look at it like a school problem, what kind of research do you need to fill in the gaps in your knowledge. What kind of process do other people go through when drawing. Go watch a fuck ton artists working on youtube.

Put the work in, try your best to improve, and just be happy that you put the effort in. Don't concern yourself with the results because there will always be problems, drawing is a very long term trial and error process. You don't need to see success, you need to see your effort to succeed. You can't put the cart before the horse.

Get Keys to Drawing and fucking do the exercises, post them in the beginner thread, and quit your fucking bitching. Everyone is complete shit when they start, and we all had to work past it.

>> No.2497861

Four stages of competence, suitable for most learned skills:

>1) Unconscious incompetence
You are ignorant of your own incompetence. You don't even realise how shit you are.

>2) Conscious incompetence
You start to notice how shit you are. You realise how complex the subject is and how little you know, but at least you can start to work on it.

>3) Conscious competence
You can manage to do it, but you have to think hard about it.

>4) Unconscious competence
You can do it without thinking about it, like riding a bike.

You're probably starting to move from 1) to 2), and it's depressing to realise that this shit's difficult. Improvement isn't always automatic and doesn't just scale linearly with time. Fortunately you have the entire internet to trawl for resources.

>> No.2497927

I felt the same way, until I tried the iterative art method by Sycra Yasin on youtube. The idea is essentially to just draw the same exact thing over and over again, about fifty times a day, and sooner or later you'll figure out your mistakes and gradually make it better. Doing that made me go from feeling shitty to feeling excited about my progress.

>> No.2497932
File: 15 KB, 240x250, 1445586076889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what if you have to draw that one thing at a different angle? Are you going to go through that technique a whole 'nother time?

Try understanding construction of your subjects better. If you do, you don't have to do any of sycra's bullshit and you can draw anything in any angle. It's definitely a lot more mind-stressing than just droning on the same drawing fifty times, but it scales a lot better in a long run.

>> No.2497936
File: 11 KB, 180x180, main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's posts like these why I love being a passive member of an anonymous art community

>> No.2497937

Drawing it fifty times is not about getting it right on the fiftieth time, it's moreso about practice if you have never done art before. It helps you evolve from squiggles into something better. It's about getting down the basics that everyone mentions here through practice, fixing proportion, all that jazz.

>> No.2497967

I mean I suppose it helps as a beginner. But there's a threshold where more critical thinking needs to take over.

>> No.2497991

So where did you get the impression that the advise in this thread wasnt targeted towards a beginner (OP)? You're not going to discuss the themes of Tolstoy to kindergarteners learning the alphabet.

>> No.2498013

He's trying to be nice about telling you Sycra is shit.

>> No.2498049

>2 months
Fine, but did you draw (even if it was a little bit) *every day*? Most faggots here will tell you to draw 6 hrs a day when that is something they themselves do not do, and which pretty much no one who isn't already a pro, does.

Consistency is more important than hours. I'll say it again, because its important: even 30 minutes done every single day without fail, is better than 6 hours done on and off.

This is also disconcerting. And is probably the best example of what happens when you do the on-off approach instead of the slow-but-steady one.

Two months *is* enough time to have improvement, sometimes even drastic improvement, it comes down to three things:
1. Consistency
2. Right attitude
3. Right study materials
Everyone has #3 or can get access to it. Some people have #2. And only those who succeed will have #1.

The slow overcomes the fast and the soft overcomes the hard. Be patient and be consistent, progress will surely follow.

>> No.2498095



>> No.2498097


We all are.

>> No.2498105
File: 731 KB, 1308x963, IFuckingSuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a failure thread?

After spending 20 years as "the guy who draws" without investing significant time in my art, I buckled down and drew 20-30 hours a week for eight months, studying from Loomis, Vilppu, Hampton and Proko, and this is what it got me.

It's been a year since I quit. Not a great feeling but at least I'm not wasting my time anymore.

>> No.2498109

First looks better desu

>> No.2498111


I know. Backsliding after eight months of hard work was a kick in the balls.

>> No.2498121

I can't judge your quality from these two images.
They're both decent, but have critical flaws you didn't notice.

It looks like you spent 8 months doing things you enjoyed rather than what you sucked at.

>> No.2498125

like your sense of a good drawing isn't off, but you just flopped in execution somewhere critical and you didn't catch it... Hard to explain... like you've got a large deficit in your technique somewhere you don't realize

>> No.2498143
File: 58 KB, 476x766, KinskiPitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I spent the 8 months doing a fairly broad spread. I did gesture drawing, more detailed figure studies, anatomy studies, perspective studies, composition studies and I'd cap my day with inking studies.

Amounted to a big fat PBBFT.

>> No.2498266


You're being way too hard on yourself

>> No.2498275

You could try to construct faces using blocks instead. That's the way George Bridgman did it. I'm learning from his books right now and he's a great artist to learn from.

>> No.2498276
File: 399 KB, 600x790, ShitHound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's hard to argue with results.

>> No.2498294


These aren't bad results for someone who has only spent 8 months doing real studies

Forget about how much time you spent drawing without studies, because it doesn't matter. I spent over a decade noodling on guitar and it didn't amount to a whole lot. You just realize what kind of mistakes you made learning and move on. You don't over-obsess about stupid expectations you have for yourself.

Get back to studying, quit being a suck ass.

>> No.2498346

you need to make sure to apply every bit of knowledge you learn to your own workstudying without application yields nothing no matter how much you study

shhhh shh shh hush

>> No.2498349

I honestly I didn't enjoy drawing until I stopped caring if it was good. Like, after years and years of intensive life drawing, designing characters, painting, just making stuff. It was so stressful and I never enjoyed myself except for a few choice moments while inking or shading because it was hard and unrewarding. Adjust your current expectation of the reward you'll get from something unrealistic (a good drawing that you'll like and looks skilful to you personally) to something realistic and just as meaningful to your growth (a drawing that is neutral or even bad but was a necessary step to your old goal that you have now completed). And when you are rewarded with something that IS good and pleasing to you, you'll be over the fucking moon and sated for the next 100 inevitably-bad drawings.

Seriously, stress and self-loathing suck all the fun out of anything and it is very present in artists, especially new ones. Skill comes with time and practice, and being someone who decided they wanted to draw well, you have very sharp taste in what you want your drawings to look like. Try your best to be kind to yourself and tick a mental box before you toss out each bad drawing, because you need to make them before you get to make good ones.

>> No.2498539

Out of interest, what kind of "composition studies" did you do?

Because it looks like you aren't using any actual compositional theory. While there are clearly anatomical/constructional errors, the composition seems the biggest glaring problem there.

>> No.2498540


Studies from film.

>> No.2498543

So no reading of theory? Maybe you should try that. Most of composition, just like colour theory is ridiculously, almost retardedly simple but if you're not aware of it your results will look approximately ten times shittier than if you were applying it consciously.

>> No.2498549


No theory, no.

Got any recommendations?

>> No.2498551

You could start by re-reading the parts of Loomis where he talks about composition, and google up the concepts of rule of thirds, lines of action and negative space.

Someone else could probably recommend more indepth reading but really this stuff is pretty simple and you probably won't need that.

>> No.2498553

You didn't. You're lying just to make yourself feel better about it. How did you do those "anatomy studies". Did you copy 5 drawings of people? That is not studying. Either you're not very smart and think you're gonna learn from having an open book, or you're just exaggerating and actually studied very little.

>> No.2498556

Lol right mang I'm sure you're deep in the industry with top notch art by drawing 30 minutes a day.

Whom are you kidding? I draw 3 hours a day minimum and that's when I have a busy day. 6 is my average, but I'd ideally like to increase that number. By gradually having been doing that, 6 hours is not a problem anymore, but you can't start from nothing to 12 hours a day, you're just gonna burn out or give up before. If you don't enjoy doing art in your free time, maybe you shouldn't do it.

>> No.2498557




For anatomy I spent one hour a day doing detailed studies from Bridgman and photo reference.

>> No.2498588


And this , gentlemen, is a reason why recommending Loomis to absolute beginners and especially fuckawful "Fun with pencil" should be a crime.

OP, scratch that, you aren't learning. Do this:

1. Pick up "Keys to Drawing" by Dodson. Do life drawings, at least one every time you study. As Dodson mentioned, it can be anything you have on your desk, your shoe, hand, anything really.

2. drawabox.com , do exercises from here to supplement your life drawing.

3. Proko YouTube channel for generally drawing humans. If you'd watch his 5-10 minute videos on how to draw head you would learn what is basically in Loomis but you wouldn't be drawing those fuckawful things you do.

I'm sorry, but you just fell for Loomis ebun mene.

>> No.2498622

>This thread still up
>OP can't draw a circle or geometric shapes, let alone a good looking, appealing line
>Wonders why trying to juxtapose these things together will net a good result
>He keeps doing it
Literal definition of insanity.

>> No.2498682



The problem with Loomis is that while the information is sound, it's presented in a way that only a more experienced student will really comprehend it and by the time they understand the concepts they'll probably have no need for Fun With A Pencil.

>> No.2498952

Of course, I'm not. But I don't think that invalidates my argument. Again, unless you are a pro or aiming to be one, it makes no sense at all to spend 6 hours a day on drawing. And even if you were a pro, I'm certain you would spend 6 hours on one type of study because there is always a diminishing return.

Nor did I say I draw 30 minutes/day or that you'd get "top-notch art" by doing so. What did I say was that drawing consistently for 30 min/day is better than drawing on-off for 6 hours or any other length of time.

>by gradually having been doing that
So what you're saying is you didn't just start doing 6 hrs/day one day and keep at it, which is exactly what I'm saying. Yet many people here would recommend exactly that and will burn out as you stated.

As for industry, I'd say you'd be better off learning how to use tools like sketchup, photoshop, 3d modeling software and the like since what matters in any industry (and art is no exception) is speed and efficiency.

There is a point of diminishing returns so that your 2nd hour of work is not going to be as fruitful as your first, and 6th hour of work even less. You are better off interweaving your study (again, e.g, learning the technical and digital tools) then just drawing for 6 hours. That's not to say you don't do this, I'm just speaking in general.

>> No.2498954

would not*

>> No.2499016
File: 273 KB, 298x531, retry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if anything loomis help me draw an ass
thanks for the advise /v/

>> No.2499064

How many hours per day?

>> No.2499075 [DELETED] 
File: 558 KB, 996x500, 2013-2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 months ago

you don't fucking improve in 2 months
you improve after years
2013->2016 for me

>> No.2499691
File: 6 KB, 250x164, 1461006789010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance for a new meme? Was the meme the true art in this thread