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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 116 KB, 962x371, Hypocrite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2490824 No.2490824[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bravo, well done, OP.

>> No.2490827

This show your work meme needs to die.

>> No.2490848

This should be a macro.

>> No.2490903

The moment their work gets posted, we stop asking.

>> No.2490920


Post your work then. Lets see how well you faggots who say this shit unironically draw.

>> No.2490927

What's the point in showing your work when that same argument could be used differently?

>This movie sucks
>show your movie
>This song sucks
>let's hear your song

>> No.2491092


>> No.2491097


9 times out of 10 it's posted in response to some shithead going "doing x is so fucking easy any retard with two fingers could draw it!" or "lmao kid you're fucking trash compared to me I've been in the industry 10 years you don't stand a chance."

Namely itd be like saying "I can make a better movie in my basement with a phone camera" and someone answering "do it then"

>> No.2491112
File: 219 KB, 340x368, 1439781669626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't delete my own thread I was away when that happened and I wish I saw that reply before it got deleted and besides isn't there this thing where you cannot delete your own thread anyway?

Call me a Hypocrite all you want but I am innocent.

>> No.2491163

Why won't people show their tits when prompted to? I understand the ramifications that may incur by posting on 4chan if you are a grill and all so if that's the case what are you even doing here to begin with?

I mean what's the worst that can happen? Becoming the next camwhore?

>> No.2491164

Nobody cares about your tits fuck off

>> No.2491174

>Nobody cares about your drawing fuck off

I can see the analogy there. The anons who ask for others to post their work are probably robots; or bait.

>> No.2491177

you post yours!

Besides, you know who says post your work, it's almost always reactionary.

>> No.2491189

post your work.

>> No.2491194

Your artistic ability is a direct reflection of your actual knowledge about art from technical point of view.

Post your work is completely valid way to gauge somebodies ability, and whether or not they know what they are talking about.

>> No.2491195

Anyone got the screencap where that one anon tears a hole in the post your work argument? The relate it to studying math in a group if that helps. There's no way I can say it as good as they did so I won't even try

>> No.2491201

You still didn't post your work.

>> No.2491207
File: 126 KB, 975x1875, Miley-Cyrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2491208

This mentality makes me wish that someone like Tehmeh or Catbib would start giving out blatantly bad and misleading advice to troll gullible idiots like you but always back it up by posting their work.

If you can't judge the content of someone's advice on its own merit, you are most likely not going to make it.

>> No.2491212
File: 723 KB, 1433x2459, IMG_20160127_124143-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but yall niggers need to grow balls

>> No.2491218

Post your work is just as valid as it is invalid. If someone gives you advice about anything whether you ask or it's unsolicited, it's fair to ask they prove they're not misleading you. People want to see happy customers or working products before they buy. With something as hard to master as drawing and as flooded as the internet is with garbage tutorials and bad information from people who draw worse than toddlers, someone trying to learn would be stupid not to at least try and check if a source is reputable. It's only invalid in 2 ways: When you've come to a board that cherishes anonymity and expect people to give that up for special snowflake you, and when someone on that anonymous board writes out a sound, aggression-free critique and you're just being defensive. If someone writes a critique like that it'd be less a problem to show their work for fear of backlash, but asking they give up their anonymity when they've been civil still looks bad.

>> No.2491219
File: 164 KB, 800x600, 1452020586931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing about it though. If you're going to educate me, I want to know I can trust your experiences. The best way for me to know is if you post your own art. I can't trust random people when they say "do this this and this" if they're drawing worse than I am.

>> No.2491221

Post your work bruh

>> No.2491230

Post your work.

>> No.2491236

nice try, qt pie

>> No.2491238 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 612x1198, Fighter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I draw pretty bad in comparison to your average artist on here, but that doesn't mean I can't teach absolute beginners with no direction. Pic related, my work.

It's bad. It's not in perspective (I didn't know about perspective in figures when I drew this), but it's better than a flat drawing. This is the same reason people can learn from the draw-a-box man despite him not being at Loomis's level.

I think the main reason a lot of artists don't respond to "post your work" is because they're scared of getting roasted.

>> No.2491245
File: 27 KB, 397x300, 1441658046452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already posted my work and I would have if it wasn't for the hotpockets.

>> No.2491246

Why arent you posting your work?

>> No.2491250

Bravo bro.

Keep working on anatomy and perspective and also scale up. Dont let the limitations of paper hinder your ability to go detailed. I like your use of non-anime style and use of tradition media. In general, subject compo is good. I hope you have other work with background/foreground included

>> No.2491253 [DELETED] 
File: 385 KB, 859x1882, Dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I draw pretty bad in comparison to your average artist on here, but that doesn't mean I can't teach absolute beginners with no direction. A lot of people that get ignored on here have told me that I've given them what they needed to get better at art just by really looking at what was wrong with their work and giving them book recommendations. Pic related, my work.

It's bad. It's not in perspective (I didn't know about perspective in figures when I drew this), but it's better than a flat drawing. This is the same reason people can learn from the draw-a-box man despite him not being at Loomis's level.

I think the main reason a lot of artists don't respond to "post your work" is because they're scared of getting roasted. At the same time, I feel that a beginner might discredit whatever I show them because I'm not as good as the next guy in line. Even if it's something like be sure to de-construct from life and think in 3-D on paper.

I think that when someone asks you to post your work you should throw your best thing you have at them and hope they listen. It's hard to follow someone that could be way worse than you are even if they have solid advice. At the same time, I doubt most people would try and lecture an artist they know is better than they are.

>> No.2491255
File: 385 KB, 859x1882, Dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I draw pretty bad in comparison to your average artist on here, but that doesn't mean I can't teach absolute beginners with no direction. A lot of people that get ignored on here have told me that I've given them what they needed to get better at art just by really looking at what was wrong with their work and giving them book recommendations. Pic related, my work.

It's bad. The left leg isn't aligned with the shoulder (I didn't think about that when I drew this), but it's better than a flat drawing. This is the same reason people can learn from the draw-a-box man despite him not being at Loomis's level.

I think the main reason a lot of artists don't respond to "post your work" is because they're scared of getting roasted. At the same time, I feel that a beginner might discredit whatever I show them because I'm not as good as the next guy in line. Even if it's something like be sure to de-construct from life and think in 3-D on paper.

I think that when someone asks you to post your work you should throw your best thing you have at them and hope they listen. It's hard to follow someone that could be way worse than you are even if they have solid advice. At the same time, I doubt most people would try and lecture an artist they know is better than they are.

>> No.2491259

I'm trying to recover from my shitty 13yo-ish weeb drawing years so sorry i dont have those kind of drawing that include background. But i'm studying placing figures to background now.

>> No.2491260

It's only a meme for pussy faggots who can't back up what they say. If you claim to be better than someone, you should have to post your own work. Otherwise fuck off. It should be a rule on /ic/.

>> No.2491281

Ad hominem inquiry isn't necessary which many dellusional people on ic think. Just look at the merits of the criticism. Is it constructive? Does it cite good references? Is it reaching conclusions in a logical manner? Do they use established rigourouse theories? Do you find that the "flaws" that are pointed out could be mended or are fine for your intended piece? etc. This should be enough to judge if the critique is shit or not. It should't be that hard to be objective, but many still seem to strugle with it.

>> No.2491282

I remember it. I should have saved it because I agreed with it, but I can summarize

critique isnt as much of a student-mentor thing, as it is a study group, with a variety of people good at a variety of subjects. Say you were studying for a math final and it has a variety of types of questions. Question A is a topic your good at, whither you have the innate ability to understand it easier, or you just finished studying it. But the person beside you gets it wrong. When you point it out to them, they become agitated, probably because they struggled with it and are afraid they misused their time. "show your work" they say. and if you dignify them, they will root through your work. If question A is right, but question C is wrong, the"post your work" argument runs of the logic of "you got question C wrong, therefore your statement of my question A being wrong is invalid"

that's a little flawed isn't it? I mean, even if you got A wrong, and saw where they went wrong in their process, isn't your input still valid? If your work is wrong, then does that immediately make the issues in their work fixed? that's a little silly

A fair amount of posters just want to check the source of their critique. But if that's the case, why not take the issue and apply it to reference to check yourself? or, just use your better judgment to see if what they said was really valid?

It's more often used as a self defense mechanism, where someone put a lot of effort into a piece and are not willing to accept its flaws. They think if the work someone posts in response is worse in some way, it discredits them and fixes the issue that still exists in the piece.

I believe that the entirety of this board is trying to learn and grow as artists, but are doing so at separate stages. Someone not as good as me can point out an error I made, maybe because they just studied it or are innately good at it, but its an issue I missed. Me being better than them doesn't change the issue in mine

>> No.2491283

if you show yours I'll show you mine

>> No.2491284

I didn't say anything about critique/criticism. I said if someone says "I'm better than this artist" they should have to post their work. That's how life works.

>> No.2491287

you first

>> No.2491293

And, to continue, if someone claims they are better than X popular artist, they are really only trying to get a ruse out of the fanbase. The shad thread and sycra thread are rampant with that shit. Because, if it boils down to it, why would someone better then said artist be posting in that thread for the sole purpose of bringing them down

What it comes down to, is if you feel a critique about your work is wrong, do some studying. If you find it is wrong, fix it. If its right, then they were trying to mislead you, and either ignore the troll, or just tell everyone else the information is false. It's more important that you grow as a person than fight over your image and never grow, and doing it this way validates the issue and steps you through the process of fixing it.

Critique can be given by anyone. even normies. Because a lot of what makes an image work or not work lies withing human perception, something we all have. If you need everyone giving you help to have a higher pedigree than you, you will find you wont get much help, solely for the fact that nobody wants to waste their time in a fight. its why Illustrat is a meme now

everyone just needs to calm down a little and think before they go spouting allegations. If the critique has no grounding in reality, than why is it bothering you?

>> No.2491299

Go tell that to the asshole who's been trolling the shit out of the porn threads.

>> No.2491306

id post my work as soon as prompted bc of the meme potential

>> No.2491307

ladies first

>> No.2491318

well, go ahead then

>> No.2491319


Post your nudes.

>> No.2491334

If you can't tell if a critique or advice is correct or helpful, you really shouldn't listen to anyone, regardless how good or bad they are. There are plenty of good artists who'd mess with gullible dumbasses like you for fun. The only reasons why anyone would ever ask someone to post their work is a: they made a dumb, outlandish claim, in which case, you already know it's bullshit. Or b: you are butthurt that someone told you something you didn't like to hear, but deep down you already know it's true, in which case you asking for them to post their work is nothing more than your way of trying to get back at them, hoping you can say something bad about their art in return.

>> No.2491337

Not him but what if I am genuinely curios about an Anon after they've made a bold statement and I am sincerely asking to post their work. Surely you've had this curiosity before haven't you?

>> No.2491346

I'm not him either, I posted >>2491218
I've had a few people ask me to show my work after I've given them advice and we talked congenially back and forth, as well as when I've claimed something opposite of what most of /ic/ says, and I've shown my work in those cases. In fact I usually do show my work when someone asks but I don't go around the board making a ton of inflammatory statements or aggressively charged critiques so people rarely ever ask me to. There are times it makes sense and there's no reason not to, but other times it's as anon says and the person just wants to defend their pride by pointing out your art isn't perfect even if it's better than what they can do.

>> No.2491349

In all honesty if someone gets defensive and retorts to insults and excuses such as merc_wip it'll just go to show that they have no clue what they where talking about, or they do not draw and are just here to shitpost.

>> No.2491368

If you can tell whether the advice given to you is correct then why did you need it in the first place?

>> No.2491423

Because sometimes you are missing the obvious, but once someone points it out, it's logical and you can comprehend what that person meant.

Just what type of advice are you thinking of that would leave you completely dumbfounded whether it's actually the best thing you ever heard or just a moron trying to troll you, all depending entirely on whether that person's art is good or bad?

>> No.2491796


I'd rape, enslave, and impregnate her. Nice work

>> No.2491973

>X artist sucks. I'm better
>post your work
That's more like it

>> No.2492044

You don't need to spend 10000 euros on a Cintiq, an Intuos is good enough and will easily last you the 5 years you need to learn to draw digitally.

Apparently this is controversial and nobody believes me unless I "show my work". And I can see it might be difficult to figure out unless you have years of experience using a tablet.

Meh, it isn't my money they're needlessly spending.

>> No.2492374

i care about his drawings, i want him to post it so i can see his work