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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 563 KB, 1250x1036, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2488581 No.2488581 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about how fucking good Shad has become?

>> No.2488584


His women are starting to looknice but he can't do backgrounds to save his life. I do have to give him credit for pumping out new content every couple days. That's impressive.

>> No.2488585

ye look at those feet

>> No.2488586

that perspective is whack, dude.

also i haven't seen the show but i was under the impression morty was underage

>> No.2488595
File: 933 KB, 343x284, shocked tyrone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, a fictional underage character fucking his fictional mother

>> No.2488600
File: 19 KB, 417x399, bxbg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't i be as popular as shad, i'm 10x better.

>> No.2488602

>post your work

>> No.2488603

Post your work.

>> No.2488605

i believe you anon. Shad is truly shit

>> No.2488614

post your work

>> No.2488627
File: 29 KB, 600x400, abbd67fc1cdc-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme really needs to fucking stop.

>> No.2488631

The meme meme needs to stop way more.

>> No.2488632
File: 55 KB, 600x370, Stylus-Styles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your art so we can judge

>> No.2488642


Is this some new fresh meme definition I've missed out on?

>> No.2488644

I don't like the direction of some of his content (or his friends).

>> No.2488646

gotta thank shad for keeping the western porn standards this low

if you listen to sleepycabin you'll realize how fucking stupid he is, on top of that

>> No.2488680

I don't understand why the last thread got pruned, people weren't even hating on him. It could've been an IGN review compared to the Sakimi thread that's still up.

>> No.2488686

You must just suck. I'm confident I can be as popular as Shad and I can't even color. By watching the trends I know all I have to do is do fanart and post consistently. But unlike you who mistakenly think you can do better than him, which is clearly not the case since he's out-performing you, I follow Shad and learn what he's doing that makes people like his art. Maybe if you open your eyes you'll see why everyone's looking his way instead of at you.

>> No.2488688

Yeah, pretty nice floor

>> No.2488710

>you'll realize how fucking stupid he is

He's just your average pretentious Eurocuck.

>> No.2488733

How are you supposed to use that dolphin-like pen?

>> No.2488749

>I'm confident
>i am delusional

fix'd that 4 ya m8

>> No.2488754


It's because you don't put out content. You don't market yourself. You're not active on social media.

You really don't have to be that good to be popular. The one thing that all popular artists share is that they put out content consistently and it's stuff that people enjoy (generally porn).

Just start attention whoring. It works.

>> No.2488772
File: 643 KB, 955x1080, 1454030324719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are the worst people of 4chan. Just re-read this thread, out of the original context. I see liars, ironic fucks, topkek lordmemers and delusional "imsogood I can judge shits" idiots.

Why must this board brew the most pathetic stench of 4chan ? Even /s4s/ is more pleasant to browse.

>> No.2488789

Nope, I'm already gaining a good following and making almost half my total income just from my porn alone. The delusional people are the ones who think they can talk shit about Shad's art and other people's art when they've never even tried to do what they do. I go and learn from those people which is why it's working for me and not these idiots.

>> No.2488799
File: 400 KB, 640x480, 1296152332456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that perspective

>> No.2488801

lots of errors, aside from the anatomical (look at the feet) theres also a majour contanuity error with their sizes (beths legs are bent and going back, giving the impression of distance while mortys are off to the side. Meaning that, when standing, the top of mortys head is probably around her naval at most. this contradicts the show where he roughly is up to her neck standing. you could say hes younger here than in the show, but a year or so younger and he wouldnt have hit puberty, making this impossable. not to mention mortys growing agression and bravery happen after his experiances with rick make him grow. The morty before rick came in, before the beginning of the series wouldnt be brave enough to do this). But, all the guy does is draw porn without trying to improve. Some progress happens eventually whether its a mental effort or not. That being said, it looks like he genuinely enjoys what he's doing, and people love it. Has he gotten much better through is process? ehhhhh. But unlike a lot of us, he's had fun and made money while doing it

sick internet joke guys. Maybe we can come up with a short term for it. a lele? I dont know, some consonant before an E repated twice looks pretty good. sick fefe? Funny meme? idk we will keep at it.

the real way to respond to shitposts is
Yea.. uhuh.. sure dude
Thanks for being meta. Your imput sure cleared this thread up

>> No.2489049

Barely any difference between asking them to verify their bold claim and treating them as delusional idiots; responding to shitposts is always stupid.

>> No.2489116

what are you even talking about it's based off a cartoon.

>> No.2489150
File: 60 KB, 495x507, 1460644482960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the Shad threads lately?

I don't think he's really becoming better, just getting used to doing the same thing if you know what I mean. My brain says No, but my dick says yes.

>> No.2489200
File: 36 KB, 1050x788, porn_standards_slippery_sloppery_by_time_spent_on_4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by the picture you are posting I'll say that your standards for porn quality are broad and everything that resembles a ball gets you hard at this point.

>> No.2489206
File: 40 KB, 520x293, Rick-and-morty-family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know retard....see? he's up to her neck

>> No.2489210


yup. felt the same way when i listened to it for like 15 minutes out of sheer curiosity. not a very smart guy at all.

>> No.2489349

>You really don't have to be that good to be popular.

uh, yes

yes you do

you can't be like me and draw whatever because no one will give two fucks even if you draw flavor of the month, pandering shit.

>> No.2489354



>> No.2489363

i don't get it. he is getting 2100 a month for art and i ain't.

>> No.2489365

>those feet
>that perspective
>that goblet

>> No.2489366

which dimension is this

>> No.2489368


His work isn't the best but it's cute and fun and he's pumping it out every day. That's really all you need to be popular. Most people can't even tell that your drawings aren't that good.

>> No.2489369

Because I know who Shadman is and I don't have a clue who you are.

>> No.2489373

You faggots won't ever listen to me, and I have said it a MILLION TIMES

IT'S ALL ABOUT THEIR THEMES AND RENDERING, they don't give a fuck about fundamentals.

>> No.2489385
File: 140 KB, 700x970, 291bba395fc4cefe5ee3bd2c2d3ee582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2489386

But it's about the integrity anon. No man should take up the reigns as an artist and be able to make a living off work this bad. He is both mocking artists and art itself. disgraceful.

>> No.2489393


That's one way to look at it... the other is to see that if he can live off his art, you could too!

>> No.2489401

if your good enough

you can't just draw ANYTHING and be bad. no one will give a fuck

trust me

i know

>> No.2489416


yeah, you have to have something to sell that people want. so draw porn, or video game fanart, or pull a Sakimi and combine them and collect those fanbucks.

Really, this formula isn't too hard. Learn to draw girls in an appealing way, put out a lot of content, and be really active in the communities where fans of that sort of thing are.

>> No.2489420

>put out a lot of content
How much content do these guys put out on average?

>> No.2489435

He's not very technically proficient but his females definitely have appeal and on top of that he's quite consistent and productive.

>> No.2489452


>> No.2489468

Give or take a fuckton.

>> No.2489469 [DELETED] 

Basically, Shaman releases something of professional level every 1.5 days.

>> No.2489472

Basically, Shadman releases something of professional level every 1.5 days.

>> No.2489553
File: 106 KB, 773x860, smug 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professional level
i don't think you should throw that phrase around so lightly. I doubt shadman can be a competitive artist for anything beyond cartoon fetish porn.

do you have a pateron account or art blog that has that amount or content of equal or higher quality? Im not saying that guy is amazing or anything but hes clearly putting in some sort of effort into maintaining his online profiles and producing art that a demographic of people are interested in. what kind of art have you done thus far to deserve 2k a month? honest question.

>> No.2489566

>I doubt shadman can be a competitive artist for anything beyond cartoon fetish porn
Not that guy but what's the point of this statement? What well known successful artist is known for doing more than one or two things? Being a jack of all trades isn't the key to succeeding in this industry. You need to get good at something valuable. Depending on what specific field you're going into there are other skills you can pick up to enhance that value but for the most part the people who start making decent enough money to live off of are doing mainly one thing. His not being able to draw photo rendered space marines or sculpt dragons in zbrush doesn't make him less of a professional, it's a total non-factor. A professional is someone who follows a good work ethic, has honed their craft enough to generate demand, and gets paid for their craft. People here think if you're not perfect you're not pro but perfection doesn't exist. If you're doing your thing and making it, you made it.

>> No.2489571

I'm not saying shadman is not a pro at what he does, I would agree with the fact that being able to make shit and have it sell consistently would make one a pro. However, the initially post talked about "pro level" work, which becomes highly relative to the "professional" standards of the industry or job market or what not, and I don't think shadman's work can be competitive in that setting since as far as i know hes a one trick pony that does nothing but cartoon fetish porn.

>> No.2489582

But again I just said almost all professional artists are "one trick ponies". There's a reason why when credits roll you don't see the same name repeated a ton of times. You might see one or two names repeat here and there but people are delegated to specific tasks and lots of work is done on an assembly line. Any artist you could name who's worked on a movie, game, or any other product more than likely filled one role. Hell, any artists you could name period are known for doing one thing. Ruan Jia can paint lots of different subject matter but he's known for painting, not ink drawings. Kim Jung Gi is known for doing ink drawings, but he doesn't animate. Hayao Miyazaki is known for animating - you see how the cycle goes? I hate when people try to use the fact that someone specializes in one craft as a way to invalidate someone's legitimacy as an artist. If you ever get deeply involved in the industry you'll quickly see that specializing is absolutely necessary.

>> No.2489591

I am not familar with those artists except miyazaki but hes an animator writer director and manga artist so thats a pretty bad example


>someone becomes specialized at drawing feet and nothing but feet
>looks for job with feet drawings
>already filled by one guy who is better at drawing feet
>position open for hand drawings
>can't draw hands only feet

unless an artist can be such a god like one trick pony that just destroys the competition at their specialty then I don't see it being a viable option. Several artists I respect and follow works from concept design to rendering splash arts to writing comics.

would you also consider shadman's professional level to be comparable to the artists you listed? Is his level of expertise, specialization, and professionalism on the same level as those artists?

>> No.2489668

why is their entire kitchen sloped? wouldn't they slide down it? same with the wine. As for her feet, wtf was he thinking?

Aside from that though, the rest is decent.

>> No.2489670

>i am not familiar with those other examples
not that guy but if you don't know kim jung gi you don't really belong on /ic/. also he is completely right, Miyazaki is mainly known for animation - he doesn't do everything on a Ghibli film, believe it or not. You're right about the directing, at least.

>> No.2489676

Shad doesn't draw ANYTHING BESIDES cartoon fetish porn. InCase draws a lot more than porn (just look at her comic, Alfie) but she knows that porn makes money, so she markets herself toward that audience. All shad draws is fetish stuff and Nazis about to be in fetish stuff. Hayao doesn't "only" animate, he animates. Meaning he animates a lot of different things. KJG draws in a lot of mediums, but he knows brush paintings will get him more money because they "look" like they're of higher quality. More marketing. Shad is the equivalent of the assistant mangaka that draws panty shots and only panty shots.

>> No.2489677

His paintings are gross

>> No.2489682


InCase is a she?

>> No.2489684

I think InCase is a she.
All the comments say that she is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.2489686

Your argument makes no sense at all. You are comparing someone who is only known for drawing one subject matter to artists who are known for broad shit like painting, draftmanship or animation. Ruanjia, KJG and Miyazaki aren't the same as Shadman just because they tend to stick to their preferred medium and profession.

I mean, do you seriously not see how idiotic this comparison is? "Shad is a one trick pony because all he is known for is badly drawn fetish porn. But KJG is the same because he is known for... drawing."

>> No.2489717

I don't see how the fuck someone can compare Shad to Miyazaki at all.

Fame aside, Miyazaki is a damned good artist. He's far more technically proficient than Shad is and likely ever will be.

>> No.2489730

are you for fucking real right now, this is garbage. just because it makes your dick hard doesnt mean its drawn well shithead

>> No.2489788

Kek, everyone here is so jealous.

>> No.2489802


Well, I find some of it hot, and art wise Acceptable. If the art is too bad I can't, if the art is too good then I go into art mode instead.

>> No.2489809

I haven't posted in this thread yet but I'm not really jealous unless he's making very good money, which I'm pretty sure he isn't. He's churning out these pictures constantly and is probably drawing this samey stuff 40+ hours a week (which is why he's plateaued for so long)

>> No.2489813

Can you even define the term "professional level".
He releases work that the majority will not be able to find flaws in therefore his work is at a professional level.
If professional level is where you put the people you like, I'd like to see who you think is at a master level.

>> No.2489856


>> No.2489864

some jackass Swissfag that is a regular guest on a funny podcast as well as an amazing turd polisher that got swindled out of $1500 by a gypsie cab-driver in "driving lessons".

>> No.2489900
File: 65 KB, 340x350, 1460471416460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$2160 a month

Shad isn't great but he's relatively famous, he's been at this for years now and he makes the equivalent of $13.50 an hour-he'd make more money delivering pizzas. I know this sounds like a lot of money to you NEET scum whose existence continues to be subsidized by your "wagecuck" parents, but I hope this is something of a wake up call to all you Porn Thread degenerates.

Do you really want to be a mediocre porn artist that's forced to churn out 5 pieces a week to earn well under whatever the livable wage is in whatever European shit hole he crawled out from?

>> No.2489918

That's not Shad making that much money, that's some fucking random guy practically no one has heard of.

>> No.2489919

glad to see that reaction image is already up and running, anon.

>> No.2489921

Oh my bad, I got my responses mixed up.

That said, that guy is actually pretty close to Shad's level, lol; I wonder what Shaddy actually makes.

>> No.2489926

Shadman makes $2261 bucks off of patreon.
I guess his publicity got him an extra 100 bucks,

>> No.2489933

I'd double that at the very least if you consider advertising, and his twitch subscribers.

>> No.2489934

forgot to mention donations.

>> No.2489974

i've seen kim jung gi's work before, but I don't care enough about ink drawings enough to research him and say im familiar with his work.

There are other artists I look up to and aspire to be skill wise, and kim jung gi is simply not one of them

>> No.2489978


>He releases work that the majority will not be able to find flaws in therefore his work is at a professional level.

Are you serious? Everyone on 4chan I've ever seen talk about Shadman hated his work and said it looks terrible. Not just on /ic/.

>> No.2489979

I'm starting to think this thread was made by Shad himself whoring for attention.

>> No.2489983

I'm a better artist than him. I wonder if I could pull in what he does if I could produce as much content as him, or if he's only raking in the dough because of his "fame".

>> No.2489990

Sure you are.

>> No.2489993

You don't get it. It doesn't matter the skill level. If you do a thing and do it well people will come to you for that thing. I already said you can supplement your main skill with other things that make you more valuable, like a comic artist being able to write or a pixel artist being able to animate. It's perfectly fine to compare Shad to any artist who has a specialty. Chris Sanders specializes in cute cartoon character designs. I'm sure he can do other things but if someone goes to hire him for anything it will be for him to design characters in his style and nothing else. If someone hired Jim Lee it would be to draw Batman and Superman. You say being a one trick pony is a bad thing but the vast majority of artists are that. You will not master a large pool of skills, you'll either be mediocre at a lot of things or a pro at one/two things and the latter is what will get you sustainable work.

>> No.2490010

>If you do a thing and do it well people will come to you for that thing.
in the age of social media and oversaturated mediocre digital art market you have to go to the mountain anon, instead of waiting for it to come to you

for every 10 guys who are waiting for their audience there's that 1 guy who goes out of his way and makes bank

>> No.2490019

By a rather large margin, and that doesn't even make me particularly good.

>> No.2490023

If Anon No.2490019 says so he must be right.

>> No.2490035

Why does ic like to pretend they can't tell when art is good enough to be popular? Why is it that they think being able to recognize a mistake in a piece makes the piece irredeemable garbage? You don't have to draw literal perfection to get people to like your work, past a point improvement is an entirely personal goal because enough people won't care about problems. The worst part is that the most vocal people usually like to claim they could do better out of delusion.

>> No.2490037

That's exactly what I'm saying. You don't wait around until you can draw everything photo perfect with no reference 360 no scope. You start doing your thing and putting it out there and that creates interest which turns into demand. That's why I said comparing Shad to Miyazaki even though their craftsmanship isn't on the same technical level is valid in this case. It's not about their individual skill as artists, it's the fact that they have become known for a particular thing they do and people now come to them asking for that thing because they've been consistent enough and quality enough to earn that audience. You don't have to be a master artist and sure as hell don't have to master half a dozen art forms to reach that point, in fact you WON'T reach it until you focus on one craft. People saying an artist isn't a "real" artist because they only do one thing are naive and ignorant.

>> No.2490039
File: 808 KB, 1126x989, ▄█▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say, if you can, then fucking do it. Don't say fucking do.

>> No.2490040

It's immaturity, plain and simple. I used to think the same way until I started trying to get work and actually getting work. For a lot of these people it's going to take real life experience with this to understand how insignificant imperfections can really be in the grand scheme. Some of these guys will never get that experience though. Unless they can squash their ego and sureness that they know how everything works long enough to learn how things actually work, they'll never get good enough to get work.

>> No.2490045

This guy actually thinks he's smart. LMAO.

>> No.2490047

>This guy actually thinks he's smart. LMAO.

>> No.2490051

I've been on 4chan since 2008 and this has never applied to me. The most out there I get off to is rape, tentacle rape, incest, monster rape, NTR, or the occasional bestiality, and most of those are hentai exclusive faps. I mean, maybe hentai hebe, or flat chested girls both 3D and hentai, but even loli is still a major turn off for me, even after all these years.

A hot girl touching herself will still do it for me, especially if amateur.

Maybe try not being an easily-influenced meming faggot.

>> No.2490059

Shad's art is objectively bad. We're not talking about some slight errors that a non-artist wouldn't notice, it's genuinely bad.

Shad is likely popular because of the sheer amount of art he produces, along with the fetishes he panders to and the fact that he draws fanart from a ton of shows. It simply boils down to exposure, variety and volume, and if you crank out enough shit, you'll eventually get an audience. That doesn't make him good or something that most people should aspire to be. Imagine how much larger his fanbase would be if he could actually draw, and still produce the same amount of content.

>> No.2490063

>Shad's art is objectively bad.
You're bating right ?

>> No.2490064

>Why does ic like to pretend they can't tell when art is good enough to be popular?
They can, they just choose not to care. This board is mainly about illustration/CA while holding itself to a higher standard than fine art. This is the entire /ic/ gimmick and what makes it good compared to any other art community. You'll always find that one faggot who will tell you that you misplaced a tendon by a couple of millimeters and hopefully that will remind you that you can still get better, even if the rest of the world (facebook etc.) thinks you're the second coming of Jesus Christ. Even if that faggot is wrong or can't do it better himself, you probably could, and if you'll try you will get better. People mistakenly believe that anons here are trying to boost their own egos: they aren't, they are doing it for the greater good of art, which might or might not be good for you depending on your objectives.

>> No.2490067

You're either Shad or you're blind.

>> No.2490071

With what "objective" standards are you using to judge it ?

>> No.2490076
File: 64 KB, 500x390, donarudo kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're not talking about some slight errors that a non-artist wouldn't notice
Maybe you're not, but everyone else is.

>> No.2490079

You guys just don't get it.

Yes, the fundamentals are essential for creating convincing realistic art. This is not up for debate. But the most important thing, even more important than correct perspective and anatomy, is for art to have appeal. It's kind of a vague concept, but you can call it the "soul" of art if you like. Charm. Some artists produce technically proficient work yet... Their work lacks appeal. It doesn't have a soul. It doesn't evoke a emotional response in people. Before everything else is appeal. Shadmans figures look wonky as hell, but he's damn good at conveying emotion in his pieces.

>> No.2490088

I sometimes go on Sadpanda and find imagesets with wonky perspective, anatomy and so on, but I still find them extremely hot.

I think /ic/ places too much focus on the technical aspects. Pic in OP is fucked up in several ways but I still find it more arousing than 95% of what's posted in the porn thread. Many western artists do zoomed out shots with a bunch of uninteresting furniture and shit that just detracts from the purpose of the pic: making you ejaculate. This guy may need a lot of technical practice but it's still a fairly good porn image.

>> No.2490095

Oh and I forgot: Many westerners/people here are fucking obsessed with doing a bunch of dramatic light source wizardry in their porn, or they do weird meticulously calculated perspectives in their images as if to show "hey I know perspective"

This guy fucking gets it. Flawed is it is, there is soul in it

>> No.2490102

How many ways can I say that's my point? My whole point is you do not have to be that skilled, you do not have to be perfect, you do not have to be able to do any and every form of art under the sun to be a professional artist. You don't. Just like you said it comes down to consistency and exposure, that is IT. Companies will hire someone who's got very flawed work as long as they put out work consistently and it's polished enough to show they put in effort. Popularity comes after consistent output, when you figure out how to make it appealing. The most perfect looking realistic paintings aren't popular because nobody cares about perfection. There are people who like to see exaggerations that push the limits of correct anatomy & colors you could hear for miles. You can hate his subject matter all day but none of that takes away from the fact that he IS a professional artist and he has earned that title through years of putting out work.

>> No.2490105

Then you have incredibly low standards and will never make it as an artist.

>> No.2490113

I refuse to believe this isn't samefagging. There's no way /ic/ would change overnight to a board where they would fellate an artist who's this bad.

>> No.2490118

You're never going to make it if you reject people's success stories.
50% of the board are shitposters, but the other 50% actually care about making a living.
There's something to learn from Shad.
You have to face the music of what other people are doing.

>> No.2490122

Reply to me some more. Then to yourself.

>> No.2490125

Really, people should take it as a compliment or challenge. If Shadman of all people could become what is considered a "professional", then anyone on this board can. It's about constantly doing things and never stopping. It's about enjoying the thing you do, even if it's frowned upon by others. It's about producing even when it's not wise to produce.

As much shit as Shad can get, he is still objectively better than he was years ago. That's because he's constantly doing things.

>> No.2490126
File: 1008 KB, 1191x1684, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An artist doesn't need to be good at perspective or anatomy to draw hot drawings. Many here seem not to understand this.

I'm not commending his draftsmanship in a technical sense, it's about scenario, simple lighting and camera placement.

Take some of /ic/'s resident pros. They're often very skilled technically and make beautiful drawings, but when you look at their porn it more looks like architectural drawings with a woman and a Chad plopped into the middle. Unsexy. Soulless as some would call it.

Look at Haruharu Dou for example (pic), probably one of the NTR gods. Technically most of his pics are fucked up, but the stories have "soul".

>> No.2490130
File: 395 KB, 1414x2000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or Freehand Tamashii, crude as fuck but still arguably one of the MILF/incest gods, through the stories that he creates.

>> No.2490131
File: 137 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m2n72dxsLu1qbolbn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this.
I get so annoyed reading these short-sighted nit-picks and watching the truth go in one ear out the other around here. These fuckers would rather learn to swim from idiots sitting in the sand than the guys who are swimming. You say look, that guy is swimming right _now_ and they say oh that's not REALLY swimming. I trust these dried up fools who've never dipped their toe in the water because they've read all about how you swim and they've watched professional swimmers. They can teach me much better than that guy who's swimming but isn't swimming as good as Michael Phelps. Fools, every one.

>> No.2490139

No, you don't seem to get it. You are comparing artists who have specialized in a very broad field like animation, design, comics etc to a guy who only draws one SUBJECT MATTER. Jim Lee would not get work as a comic book artist if all he could draw was Batman and Superman and nothing else. Chris Sanders would not get work as a designer, director or storyboard artist if all he could draw was say female figures.

All these artists you are naming have an immensely large pool of skills WITHIN THEIR FIELD yet because Miyazaki is an animator and director and all his skills lie with animation and directing and not woodcarving, he's the same as Shadman? Your argument is beyond retarded.

>> No.2490140

Called it.

>> No.2490147

Did it ever occur to you that some people have standards? Not everyone wants to be known for producing large amounts of poorly drawn, fetishistic cartoon porn. He makes the average hentai artist look like da Vinci.

>> No.2490149


You're really doing yourself a disservice bringing hentai artists into this discussion. Japanese doujin artists on average have a ridiculously high skill level compared to their western counterparts and those artists you posted are laughable in comparison to most of their competition.

>> No.2490155

Shad doesn't ONLY draw one subject matter either, he's incredibly versatile within what he does as well. He's really good at capturing and caricaturing likeness and he draws real people as well as different cartoon characters. He hand draws all the backgrounds in all his pictures and he can draw guns, vehicles, armor and weapons. His skill set is as good as any illustrator or splash artists should be, but he likes drawing erotic art. If he wanted to he could easily become a splash artist for some game but he chooses to work for himself.
That's not the point at ALL. It doesn't matter how much you want to hone your craft or what subject matter you want to draw, as long as you do it and do it well. Hone your craft as much as you want. Meet your own standards. Draw whatever you want. Do it consistently and polish it to the best of your ability and you will be a professional. But others who don't do it the way you aim to do it are still going to be pros too.

>> No.2490159

Fucking this.
I get so annoyed reading these short-sighted nit-picks and watching the truth go in one ear out the other around here. These fuckers would rather try to get a job by studying and getting a degree, rather than become male prostitutes who are out there making money. You say look, that guy is working right _now_ and they say oh that's not REALLY working. I trust these student fools who've never had a cock in their ass, because they've studied how to become an engineer and they've passed exams. They can teach me much better than that guy who's selling his ass on the street, but isn't Wernher von Braun. Fools, every one.

>> No.2490164
File: 625 KB, 1200x1668, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually wanted to bring hentai into the discussion. What I want to lift forward is how /ic/ (and many westerners as I understand it) lose sight of what is actually important in PORNOGRAPHY.

This guy is better than the previous 2, but when you look at this you can still see weird anatomy and no fancy lighting. It's very simple. Still a beloved artist because the drawings manage to paint hot stories

>> No.2490167

> But others who don't do it the way you aim to do it are still going to be pros too.
Considering the definition of a professional is someone who makes money off of their work, then yes, anyone can be a pro.
But Shadman's art is awful. Really really awful.

>> No.2490170
File: 405 KB, 1392x2018, img0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And lastly Suna. Admittedly extremely technically skilled but go take a look at his works and how the paneling/camera/dialogue works. Notice the lack of fancy ~perspective~ and dramatic ~lightning~

I'm going to fuck off now but I'm convinced that those of you who don't get me will have a hard time drawing something that is actually really hot. No matter how technically skilled you get.

>> No.2490171

If you want to point out artists who have a distinctive, yet highly flawed style, then at least use an example like Raita, who genuinely is beloved and has a huge fanbase.

But he's still a million times better than Shad.

>> No.2490172

>If he wanted to he could easily become a splash artist for some game but he chooses to work for himself.

Shad is nowhere near the level where he could reliably get illustration gigs in the video game industry. Unless you're talking about iphone or browser games or something.

>> No.2490173

Oh right, I forgot where he said that the only way to become a professional artist is to be Shadman and to draw Shadman-tier art.

Dude, you can be whatever you want and still become a professional if you work hard enough at it. Shadman is a professional in his area simply through consistency and longevity. And he has gotten better through this process, probably a lot faster than if he were to swear by art books.

/ic/ in general gets so damn focused on draftsmanship, but being able to draw the perfect body isn't going to do anything if you aren't drawing bodies as often as you can. It just becomes a wasted talent. I could make a single perfect comic page to my own standards, but that's not going to do shit for me if I produce one page every month.

It's weird to say it now, but people could learn a lot about art from Shadman.

It's really fucking weird to say it.

>> No.2490174

Raita is a good example. I just picked some random examples, not necessarily the best ones.

>> No.2490182

>Notice the lack of fancy ~perspective~ and dramatic ~lightning~
First of all, no one brought this topic up but you.
Second, I decided to look up one of his doujins, and they're chock full of fancy perspectives. He's actually more creative than most generic hentai artists when it comes to paneling/camera/dialogue, even if that's not saying much.

>> No.2490183

Jollyjack got his art in a Banjo-Kazooie game.

Not discrediting either artist, but it's probably easier to get into the game industry than you think, regardless of the background. Or any industry, really.

I mean, fuck, the creator of Steven Universe drew Ed Edd n Eddy porn long ago, and now she's heading a show on the same network.

Follow your dreams. Fuck reliability, it's all about consistency and resilience, and a healthy dose of obsessiveness.

>> No.2490187

You're right that he uses perspective but when I said fancy ~perspective~ I meant the overbearing kind that detracts from the image. Again, like some artists here that do this zoomed out perspective that makes you wonder: am I looking at porn or an architectural drawing?

>First of all, no one brought this topic up but you.
>ehhh shadmans perspective is all wrong and x and y and n...
Every d/ic/k ever, doesn't understand

And I might have brought up lighting (can't be arsed to read the entire thread) and I'll gladly do it again to drive home my point: Some fags on here don't understand what "soul" or "theme" is, and only comment on technicalities such as anatomy and lighting, as if that's what carries a pornographic image and never ever renders it sterile. Oh well

>> No.2490190

You seem to be under the impression that an artist's only dream is to make money off of their art, no matter how low they have to sink or how much integrity they have to sacrifice.

>> No.2490193

First it was about Shad not being qualified to get industry gigs, and now it's "not everyone's goal is money!"

I feel like you're arguing with someone else and thought I was the same person. Either that or you don't know what you're trying to argue beyond "Shadman is just the worst artist and person".

>> No.2490199

> Again, like some artists here that do this zoomed out perspective that makes you wonder: am I looking at porn or an architectural drawing?
I have no fucking clue what you're talking about, but you seem to love your strawmen, so whatever.

>Some fags on here don't understand what "soul" or "theme" is, and only comment on technicalities such as anatomy and lighting, as if that's what carries a pornographic image and never ever renders it sterile. Oh well

The fact that you think Shad has soul is just insane. He's a living husk. He does cheap, poorly drawn porn that can be considered low brow even by cartoon pornography standards. There is no personality or creativity in anything he does. It's completely and utterly soulless. You seem to be mistaking whatever bizarre neuron connection that Shad's shit triggers in your brain for some universal quality in his work, but it doesn't exist. He is to drawn porn what Snooki is to television.

>> No.2490202

You're talking to more than one person, you dumb fuck.

>> No.2490205

>I have no fucking clue what you're talking about
Met my expectations, clap clap

I have no idea who Shad is, but his work, flawed as it is, speaks for itself and I'm not going to gossip about his person like a faggot. holy shit

>> No.2490210


Holy shit you're delusional. Meming anons who can't draw and tell people their work sucks don't do it for "the greater good of art" they do it cause they suck, are jealous, and prefer to shitpost rather than improve. Whether they've given up, or are just constantly distracted.

I've been to a number of threads on here where people have admitted have given up, but still like to post for the drama.

People who are ACTUALLY trying to git gud aren't gonna spend their time anally analyzing every detail of your drawings. They'll give it a quick look, give you a quick rundown of what looks wrong and how to fix it, and get back to drawing as they leave you to your things.

The retards who cry LOOMIS over a tendon or other menial bullshit are doing it cause they're scanning for easy targets in order to justify their own lack of effort to make themselves feel better. A sort of "pshhh, I could be so good if I tried cause I know so much shit."

You see this in every community that has any form of self-development. We call them Keyboard Jockeys. Read up on tons of useless theory, but lack practice and experience. That's why on here people cry LOOMIS, because that's literally the beginner step. You rarely see people on here crit composition, design, or lighting, because that's well beyond the level of the most active posters on here.

You're surrounded by idiots. Most people come here for the drama and to criticize others.

>> No.2490237
File: 33 KB, 234x318, mansleepingREX_468x636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>armchair philosophy

if you're just gonna assume shit don't post.

>> No.2490245 [DELETED] 

Guys I think I'm gay...and so is my art?

>> No.2490253

>being retarded
It's psychology you fucking moron, and if you weren't underage, you'd be quite used to seeing this sort of behaviour in people.

Now shut the fuck up, and get back to drawing.

>> No.2490259

>and to criticize others.
On an art critique board! Such felony.

>> No.2490267

>critique = criticism
>>>/grade school/

>> No.2490271

Over analyzing and generalizing a bunch of people on the internet.

>calling others retarded.


>> No.2490278

>thinking that amateurs who are anally critical of others art do it for "the greater good if art"


Anyway, I'm done bickering with you kid. Eventually you'll learn.

>> No.2490283

Maybe study some Greek before firing all those meme arrows.

>> No.2490305

It fucking worked.

>> No.2490448

Actually, if he really does live in a European shithole then he most likely makes a lot of money, relatively. Most European shitholes are not part of the Eurozone and have ridiculously weak currencies and low cost of living. 2000 dollar buys you a lot of shit in a shithole.

>> No.2490451

He lives in Switzerland apparently, everything's twice as expensive there and he gets his balls taxed off for his trouble. If he makes $4000 a month (doubtful), he makes $2000 equivalent (the difference between a dollar and a swiss franc is apparently negligible.


>> No.2490457

It suppose to replicate an airbrush.

>> No.2490461

You're both wrong, he lives in America in Philadelphia with a handful of other NewGrounds people.

>> No.2490468

Why so much hate on Shadman? I dont get it, this forum gets all the rage on people who knows how to succeed.
He knew how to do things right at the right moment and he deserves all the effort. Most people of /ic/ reminds me of those who talk shit and hate about youtubers.
Are you mad because you cant make half the money they earn? Then you must be doing something wrong with your life.

>> No.2490488



>> No.2490491

Because this is shit both technically, stylistically and content-wise. Anyone who've moved beyond the level of an average tartlet can tell.

People here aren't very impressed by or interested in a person's ability to whore their art. To most people here it is the quality of the content itself that matters.

At least I hope that's the case. I feel that lately people here have started to care less and less about the art and more and more about popularity, fan pandering, pretentiousness and similar bullshit.

>> No.2490509

>pretentiousness and similar bullshit
When you don't have mommy and daddy to put a roof over your head and food in your stomach you'll realize how stupid you sound. I work every single day to bring up the quality of my art but I've seen that making yourself and your work look valuable are just as if not more important than worrying about the drafting and technical skill. You can land jobs solely because you pulled in tons of followers or viewers with your art. Studios want artists who'll sell their products. They canvas DA and tumblr all the time looking for people who can. And if you don't want to work for someone and run your own business instead you'll only have to pay extra attention to that side of it without an established brand and resources to do outreach for you. You don't have to "pander" as you call it but if you honestly think you'll go anywhere with your art without paying attention to how you present it and how it's received you're crazy.

>> No.2490518

Another thing, you're the pretentious one here, going on about how anything other than the pursuit of being a Sargent clone is whoring art. How if your work isn't perfect yet you shouldn't dare think of trying to make a living on it. And that if you do dare to make money off of it you don't deserve it because you're not master Ruan. Not everyone has the luxury of sitting around and waiting until they reach some ridiculous idea of perfection with their art. The people who make it start putting their art out there and build a name for themselves, nobody just shows up and becomes famous overnight.

>> No.2490520

Well then, enjoy selling your shitty porn of shitty cartoons or whatever to internet autists.

It won't change the fact that it looks like shit and that I'm going to refer to it as such until the day I die.

>> No.2490525


So in the afterlife you'll change your mind?

>> No.2490536

I'm not saying it doesn't look like shit. I don't care what Shad's work looks like, this pervasive problem is bigger than him. It applies to Sycra, Sakimi, Kron, Bradley, and whoever the hell else /ic/ feels like shitting on at any given time. You complete a journey by taking the first step and you will not ever ever ever be amazing when you take it. True professionals are molded by struggling to be professionals, not by sitting in a corner slaving over studies and half finished concepts that they never show. They also seek to learn from other people's successes instead of staying in their own little bubble thinking they'll blow the world's mind with their tiny thought pool. You gain nothing by being as close-minded as you are and given your inflexibility I can only imagine how lack luster your art is.

>> No.2490561

Why would I want to learn anything about art from any of those people when there are thousands of better artists out there?

If I wanna become a sellout one day, sure, then I might just have a look at them, seeing how plebs like you eat their shit up like cotton candy.

But I'm currently not very interested in doing that. Honestly, if making money off of my art involves compromising the quality of it I'd rather get my income from somewhere else.

There's this thing called "artistic integrity" I really enjoy having. Not that I expect you to know what it means.

>> No.2490569
File: 180 KB, 461x346, my face when 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People are going to go look at his art while people are shitting all over it

>> No.2490579

The funny thing is I've been making money off my art for years without sacrificing quality. In fact bringing money into the equation has made me step up and it's gotten me more opportunities because I've proven I can come through when there's money on the line. You don't have to copy everything someone does to learn something from them, but I can tell you're the type who still thinks doing studies and using reference means copying. You haven't learned to think beyond that, how to incorporate a small part of something into what you do and make it better, that's why you're so quick to dismiss things you don't see the value in. It's fine anon. I hope you and all the other people who come here daily to shit on more successful artists keep the blinders on forever. You'll be one less competitor for me to worry about.

>> No.2490597

Good for you. I'm happy studying Sakimichan's art has helped you making your inflation porn commisions look extra sparkly.

Thing is, though:
I'm still going to consider her shit, because she is.
I'm still going to ignore her in favor of more capable artists.
I'm still going to consider anyone who refers to her art as "good" a retard.

>> No.2490613
File: 1.64 MB, 400x400, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please kill this thread.

>> No.2490676

How are you, Preston?

>> No.2490685

Name a better artist that still panders to those other things.

>> No.2490686

Not him, but you come off like an insufferable child. God damned kid. Why do you even post here? Fine, fine, that anon and all those artists are shit. Why do you take the time to shitpost about it?

>> No.2490696

Art, please? I don't have a very good register of what constitutes a good artist, but if you're better than Shadman then I'd actually really like to see your art!

No sarcasm intended...

>> No.2490697

So if I post full color pieces once every 1.5 days I will be as popular as Shad?

I think I am more skilled. But you know, don't wanna brag...

>> No.2490699

Do it for 3 years and only take a grand total of 1 month off and I will jump in front of a train if you are not in the same position as him.

>> No.2490706
File: 16 KB, 640x359, 1460948860496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what your average normie considers flawless art.

Get to drawin' boys, we gon' make us some shekels.

>> No.2490708

Because I am sick of seeing plebs worshipping shit artists.

>> No.2490712

that had better be a troll (and I say this as someone who is only on /ic/ to visit

>> No.2490717

/aco/ here.

This thread makes me laugh, you all bust on Shad for bad art? He's one of the best 4chan artists bar none and you all bust in him? You are all jealous that he's a better artist than you and makes more money than you do.

Stay butthurt faggots.

>> No.2490719

You are a minority even on /aco/

>> No.2490720

>making stuff up

Look at his Patreon and come back and tell me how much he makes.

>> No.2490722
File: 197 KB, 2500x1645, 17334734837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2490724
File: 42 KB, 640x480, are you even trying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at anything re: shad

>> No.2490726

He makes the equivalent of like $13.75 an hour despite being a world famous turbo degenerate who panders to every fandom and is constantly working. I have nothing against him personally but that's just how it is. I don't envy him in the slightest.

>> No.2490727

>$2,317 per month
Ok he makes less than me am I supposed to be impressed or something?

Not bad for self-employed I guess

>> No.2490729

You've done a poor job trying to change anyone's mind, and you're free to ignore the plebs. But we both know you're just trolling. I usually just glance over this shit, but at least you put effort into it. You're wasting your time, and looking back and realizing that is a bitch later in life. That is all.

/ic/ busts on everyone for every reason. Most of us don't really care, and personally I have no strong feelings towards artists I've never met.

>> No.2490731

>You've done a poor job trying to change anyone's mind
>But we both know you're just trolling

Can't be doing both at the same time, friendo.

>> No.2490733

Its good bait and I'm happy to flame it

>implying this is internal
search shad on desustorage /aco/ and youll see more bitching than art.

>> No.2490736


>> No.2490741

The first two statements are obviously not correct and lead to the conclusion in the next statement. Starting the next with "But we both know..." should have clued you into that.

>> No.2490744

So why are you using incorrect statements?
Wouldn't that make you the troll, if anything?

>> No.2490746
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>> No.2490749

I assume by majority, he meant the majority of ppl, which is normies, and not the majority of artists

>> No.2490751

Then 90% of the shitters who post furry art and balloon-tits anime figures on DA are "professionals".

>> No.2490752

I'll break it down for you, when I asked why you were posting at all:

>Because I am sick of seeing plebs worshipping shit artists.

You aren't trying to argue cogent points and you aren't ignoring shit that bothers you. This leads to the conclusion that you're just trolling. The semantics really aren't that difficult and you're clearly fucking with me. I'm sure you're just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.2490753
File: 383 KB, 762x959, Hogarth-satire-on-false-pespective-1753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still call bullshit.

>> No.2490755
File: 97 KB, 548x272, hiagb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>this leads to the conclusion that you're just trolling.
>hey, ill try and prove to a troll that he is trolling!

>> No.2490761

>hey, ill try and prove to a troll that he is trolling!

>So why are you using incorrect statements?

Just explaining simple semantics to you, kid.

>> No.2490762

cram it you stupid furry

>> No.2490767

It's hard to ignore the entire internet and the entire world being filled with shit art thanks to plebs like you. Every time I open the /ic/ catalog I feel like I'm being goatse'd. Every time I do a google image search my eyes are being raped.

I don't feel the need to make more points than that in order to justify hating the shit tastes of you people. Art is something you should enjoy and not endure.

People like you are making the world uglier. And no, I'm not even talking about your face.

>> No.2490778


are me. Nowhere did I say what art I like (I happen to hate Shad's), just that you're being a whiny bitch on the internet and wasting everyone's time, including your own. I used to do shit like that too, now I just go on with my life and once in a blue moon when I'm not sober I'll call someone else on it in the hopes that they might consider what I'm saying.

>> No.2490782

>nothing personnel

>> No.2490785
File: 549 KB, 649x649, u what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"just that you're being a whiny bitch on the internet and wasting everyone's time, including your own"
>made at least five long comments

>> No.2490786

You aren't living your life correctly.

>> No.2490788

So basically you admit to simply be flinging shit around.

Who would be the one wasting everybody's time here, I wonder?

>> No.2490789


>> No.2490790

no u

>> No.2490791
File: 17 KB, 256x192, PaperBanging.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all the wasted man power being spent over weather or not Shadman should be famous or not.

I can tell you it's well over 9000.

>> No.2490792

You do realize that you are not exactly the type of audience shes targeting right?

>> No.2490795

Yes, but that doesn't make her less shit.

>> No.2490800
File: 98 KB, 700x393, 1TtpHKi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty obvious I know I'm wasting my time. Drugs are great for that. And since when the fuck is anything in this thread a long comment?

>So basically you admit to simply be flinging shit around.

Not really. Again, you're wasting your time, but I see you're trying and I respect that enough to respond.


It's an /a/ thing.

>> No.2490802


Color me surprised.

>> No.2490805

and I thought /trash/ was bad

>> No.2490885


Autists got butthurt cause I called it like it is, but it's the fucking truth. If /ic/ spent half as much time trying to git gud as they do shitting on people better than them, then this place would be a lot more tolerable.

Also, is it just me, or has this place seen a jump in traffic in the last couple years? I recall /ic/ being much slower.

>> No.2490887

>Met my expectations, clap clap
Are you actually this fucking retarded? You make a bizarre, nonsensical strawman with no relation to /ic/, and when someone understandably doesn't know what the fuck you're talking about, that somehow makes it right?
Holy fuck.

>> No.2490899

It has picked up speed noticeably and that might be part of why the overall intellectual integrity has seemingly plummeted recently.

>> No.2490924

I use v, pol and some other boards and Ic still is the entertaining one.

>> No.2490935

Yeah, well the same is true for all of 4chan desu. It stinks of reddit and tumblr these days.

Any other worthwhile art forums? Does infinitychan have an /ic/?

>> No.2490950

I have no idea. I've been looking for somewhere else to go for a few months too. I'm lucky enough to have artist friends irl that I can go to for advice and I've been doing that more lately. For anyone else who doesn't I don't know where they might go. Honestly I'd say it's better not to go anywhere. Online forums perpetuate people's desire for instant gratification. Too often I see anons asking for full critiques on things that are barely even beginner level drawings. Since they can come and get instant answers they start marrying each and every shit doodle instead of trying, failing, and feeling things out themselves while churning things out and getting mileage. You should only ask for critique at milestones or when you really don't understand a concept, not every day. It lets them think there are magic answers and keeps them waiting for replies instead of just drawing like they should.

>> No.2491019

It's not nonsensical and it has a lot to do with /ic/. People here focus too much on things that don't matter that much in pornography. Sometimes to the point that it ruins the images from a pornographic point of view. It wouldn't hurt OP pic to have proper perspective etc but anons who in a pornographic context autistically start critizing these points and bawl about how they deserve so many more fans are hilarious.

I'm not saying this Shad guy is good, he obviously needs a lot of training, but his porn deserves a fanbase more than most people I've seen on /ic/. Not because he's good but because /ic/ often lacks a clue of what makes smut images hot (doesn't apply to everyone here, I've seen som great images)

>> No.2491032

The big difference comes to drawing porn because you want to or drawing it just for money. Obviously, the one with motivation is going to have the spark no matter how technically poor it is.
But not everyone wants to draw smut, get that childish idea out of your head.

>> No.2491040

>The big difference comes to drawing porn because you want to or drawing it just for money.
I don't agree. I think that genuine love for teh pornmaking will let you blow life into it, money or no money. Sounds like an appeal to muh struggling misunderstood artists

>the one with motivation
Who has motivation? The guy who seeks money or the one who puts his free time into it? Answers will differ

>But not everyone wants to draw smut, get that childish idea out of your head.
??? I've never told anyone in here to draw smut. The reason I'm talking about smut is because this thread is about a smut artist. It's interesting that you should try and shame me for such a thing, perhaps it reflects a greater attitude on /ic/: even in smut, sexiness comes second. lmao

>> No.2491060

You are fucking retarded. All the best hentai mangaka make good use of perspective because being able to place figures in space and giving them depth is important for complex poses.

Udon Ya, ShindoL, Shinasu Okiwa, etc... ALL make expert use of perspective, even if backgrounds aren't always drawn in.

Art is very simple dude. Being able to draw a cube in perspective, properly, pretty much lets you do anything. Any artist lacking in perspective is lacking in the most basic and important of the fundamentals. Before you even start with figures and anatomy, you should already have a solid grip on perspective drawing and making masterful use of 3 pt perspective and curvilinearity. Unless your dream is to be a concept artist, or a character designer, perspective is among THE most important fundamentals, and even then, those two also require a decent grasp of it.

>> No.2491083

I'll just copypaste what I wrote earlier
>when I said fancy ~perspective~ I meant the overbearing kind that detracts from the image.

>> No.2491093

I'll add: Excellent fundamentals give you a greater toolbox. Like, knowing the landmarks and proportions of a woman's body unlocks a terrible power since you can effortlessly vary body types, and there is less risk that you drift from an original design (this is awful).

What I've been getting at isn't that fundamentals are worthless, it's that you fags seem to think that fundamentals are EXTREMELY important in smut and if you haven't mastered them you don't deserve to be loved by anyone. Having such a robotic approach to it screams "no spark"

>> No.2491107

>Can we talk about how fucking good Shad has become?
It's called tracing. Seriously, 90% of his Last of Us comic for example is traced from screenshots and random anime drawings.

>> No.2491114
File: 609 KB, 1049x1600, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perspective is distracting in smut
Yep, because you can totally draw this without proper understanding of perspective.

>> No.2491116
File: 588 KB, 1047x1600, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how not-in-perspective this is

>> No.2491118
File: 572 KB, 1200x1723, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this fancy perspective is so distracting, it totally kills my boner.

>> No.2491119
File: 638 KB, 1200x1716, 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is even a similar pose as the OP, but CLEARLY, the use of persepctive takes away from it, right?

Fucking idiot...

>> No.2491122

No, what I meant isn't that. Of course any porn would be sterile without foreshortening. My remarks on perspective, for the third or fourth time, refers to how many westerners (going by /ic/), when drawing smut, treat the actual subject matter as an afterthought. What you get is often a drawing that looks more like a perspective/lighting study and fails at being sexy.

>> No.2491129

Give me an example, because all of those I posted do a lot more than foreshorten. The majority are drawn in curvilinearized 3pt perspective, which is what gives them that erotic sense of realism.

A picture lacking proper knowledge of perspective either looks flat or uncanny. It looks amateurish, and in fact DISTRACTS the viewer from enjoying a good fap. Like the one in the OP. The perspective looks off and is distracting. Anyone can draw a slutty face and a a pair of tits. Anyone can look at a still from a porno and copy it. But drawing erotic poses that mimic the movements of a camera shooting a dirty flick takes a lot more skill.

We see the world in 3pt perspective, and all lenses add a degree of curvature to most shots. Both of these are essential to drawing good porn. It's not "fancy" it's not "robotic", it's the fundemental basics. "Robotic" is the impression I get from the OP due to how unnatural the pose is. Adding good perspective to drawings, even smut, does the OPPOSITE of making them look robotic. That's the ENTIRE point of learning art. That's what I'm getting at, and what you fail to comprehend.

>> No.2491136

We're talking past each other. I agree that good perspective makes any drawing better. My point is that a lot of technically unskilled artists tell much hotter stories than many more skilled artists on /ic/ because /ic/ sometimes fails to understand "less is more" and that's how we get a bunch of people resentful that their shit (presumably with carefully plotted perspective and fancy lighting) won't get popular. My remarks about robotic-ness refers to this attitude:
>beep boop I checked all these boxes why does he have more fans than me I've checked more boxes than him REEEEEEE syntax error
This aspie shit

I agree that the greatest smut artists are incredibly skilled at fundamentals. I just want to lift forward that popularity doesn't fucking scale linearly with fundamentals knowledge and that people too sophisticated and "good" for low brow smut and fanarts need to learn how to tell a hot story if they're ever gonna get noticed.

Again, I'm not saying that Shad's stuff is particularly hot. It's just enough to the point that it manages to be hotter than 90% of porn that /ic/ draws, even if it lacks a ton of fundamentals

>> No.2491148
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>> No.2492709
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Some of the more interesting and insightful posts i've seen on /ic/

>> No.2493143

Not surprised.

>> No.2493145

As a complete outsider with no cares in the game. It's relatively decent, likeness is there and it's better than 80% of the other cartoon porn that pops up on /b/ . Chris at least it's not 'fwuffy torture'

>> No.2493148

But fuck you too chris

>> No.2493151


That is all fine and well, except that you're missing the point. Having properly constructed perspective in your scenes and masterfully drawn anatomy is *not* what's going to be the deciding factor if you are going to be a popula NSFW artist or not. It's having the right appeal and marketing the FUCK out of it. A lot of normies find appeal in technically flawed art, like it or not. I think that's a difficult thing to grasp for a lot of intermediate artists who are obsessed with high technical skill.

>> No.2493179

He's releasing his work every day to boot.
Do you think he's revising anything major when he's halfway through his linework ?

>> No.2493190
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Shadman's output, pandering, and presence are how he's successful. And as others pointed out, it's not even like he's the worst offender. He makes a couple of grand off his art and he works constantly. If you really want to look at an injustice, look at the Breeding Season people. $50k a month for a game that barely gets updates and has Flash 2004 levels of animation quality.

He's not very talented and even he admits that. He's just a humble, simple dude who works hard.

If /ic/ churned out more than greyscale sketch studies once a month, you could be doing just as well. But "could" and "should" don't need to be in your vocabulary if you aren't hustling. Fuck off with that.

>> No.2493381

>Breeding Season
Holy shit, is still going?

>> No.2493386
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>this has never applied to me
>incest, monster rape, NTR, or the occasional bestiality
I can't tell if you are baiting or delusional.

>> No.2493398

The braindead are shilling out obscene bucks to them.

>> No.2493432

This makes me sick.
People always say it's all about the fundamentals.
You can't build a house without a foundation, EVERYONE can git gud, just learn perspective.

But you know what, at the end it just comes down to PORN, RENDERING AND COLOR.

People don't give a shit about you're perfectly drawn grayscale study of a sorolla portrait, all they want is PORN, COLORS AND RENDERING. And you have none of it

>> No.2493447
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I've emptied my balls to this countless of times. Can you guys do the same to me with your art?

>> No.2493463

you should know what your getting into when you threw ur dignity away.

>> No.2493464
File: 205 KB, 720x720, 1342367190817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn > your 9000 hours Loomis grinding

>> No.2493471


fuck off shad, enough samefagging for today.

>> No.2493476


This basically. Slaving hours daily making crappy porn and basically not leaving your desk just to earn European salary. Whoop di doo, it's better to go to work at a mall, at least you move a bit and interact with people on minimal level.

>> No.2493486
File: 77 KB, 229x253, whew lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I feel like this whole thread is just trying to get at something we all already know. At the end of the day, you're drawing for an audience. Maybe that audience is a horde of people willing to donate to your patreon. Maybe it's the higher art community. Maybe it's just yourself. But at the end of the day your 'success' is defined by how well you accomplish your own goals, how well you fulfill the needs and desires of your audience.

Porn wise, it's like comparing cheeseburgers to filet mignon. Shad is the fast food of porn. Nothing wrong with that, it's his niche. And regardless of their palette, most people can enjoy a good cheeseburger once in awhile. At the end of the day whether you eat burger or steak or ambrosia of the fucking gods- as long as you leave sated the meal is a success.

I don't like his art but good for him. I would really like to hear an honest message from artists like him and onta/doxy. How stressful is keeping up their fanbase, and constantly chugging out content? Do they wish they had more time to explore new areas of study? Do they feel like they can't make anything but cheeseburgers and continue to be successful? Do they even enjoy making cheeseburgers any more?

stupid metaphor, but it is what it is. shad is successful because he found an audience and he's focused on maximizing skills that most efficiently cater to that audience. if your audience can't tell the difference between cheeseburger and filet mignon, and you can make double the money in burgers, and you rely on that money to survive, why the hell would you try to survive selling filet mignon? Why would you waste time learning to cook steak when you could be learning to sell more burgers?

>> No.2493520
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Spoken like a true Master

>> No.2493588

I like your sentiment and the metaphor's not bad but it uses the same flawed premise that I think causes most of the hate Shad gets around here; the idea that Shad is only drawing porn to game the system. If you listen to him talk about himself on the podcast or in his streams you find out he's drawing it because that's what he wants to draw. He was drawing it way back when he was a dumb teen still living with his parents not only with no audience but having to hide it. Once he did try to share it with people he nearly went to jail. He literally gave up everything he knew in life to be able to draw what he wanted to freely and he kept doing it despite the rough times when he had no audience or money. There are places that sell cheap shitty burgers and there are places that make the best burgers they can with what they have because they just really want to make burgers. cont

>> No.2493591
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>log cutter

>> No.2493598

I first drew porn when I was about 14. I only had paper back then and I had to hide it well so my family wouldn't find it. I wasn't ashamed but I was scared of people's reactions. I didn't want to post it online or sell it, and it's not the only thing I have aspirations of drawing but I really loved drawing it, and when I allowed myself to explore that area of my art I improved by bounds. Even now once I started drawing it on the side again I had people following me who didn't recognize my art from pieces posted only about a month apart. I sell my porn now but I want more than just to make a quick buck, I have projects I'm really passionate about doing for it. I think that's why it's easier for me to like Shad since I get that some people just like drawing porn. I wish it wasn't so looked down on because sex is just part of life. Corporations have cheapened it and that's not inherently a porn artist's fault or intent but I think people often assume it is.

>> No.2493604
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what's wrong with her face mate

>> No.2493611

>Porn wise, it's like comparing cheeseburgers to filet mignon.
Your analogy is flawed, because even fast food generally holds itself to a certain standard and has widespread appeal, despite being considered low brow and unhealthy.
Shad is more like... well, I can't find a food analogy, because they don't sell food that is inherently flawed.

> he's focused on maximizing skills that most efficiently cater to that audience.
This is the problem I have with this entire thread. He's a bad artist, and he doesn't seem to be improving much. While I think his subject matter is awful, I wouldn't criticize him if he at least drew it well.
I mean, you have artists like Splooge. He also draws western cartoons, and I find it horrible to look at, but you can't deny his skill and the professional quality of his art.

>Why would you waste time learning to cook steak when you could be learning to sell more burgers?
He could at least make good burgers, rather than selling undercooked, half-rotten meat.

>> No.2493620


You work needs more pandering

>> No.2493643 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 691x597, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else like to draw porn with a dildo in their ass?

>> No.2493664

She's looking forward to her trip to disney land.

>> No.2493707

Okay this is pretty fucking sexy. I gotta give him credit for this one.

>> No.2493713

Who are you? Are you Shad? Someone out to get Shad? A troll just doing this for kicks? Are you Malaysia?

>> No.2493718

If you don't think it is pretty good you must be butthurt you don't have Shad's talent.

>> No.2493738

I really love it when I see /ic/ hating about other people and realizing they'll never be as half as famous as them.
Spending half of their lifes trying to learn and practice for making a live out of it and then, suddenly a noob guy arrives making porn and achieving great success.
Thats why everytime you see these porn threads, these anons reply things like
>Stop doing porn, you need to learn first.
>You need more skill, porn is out of your level.
>Loomis first.
>Better start working at mcdonalds.
>Im raging because Ive spent 10 years studying and now a fucking rookie comes with his shitty cartoon porn and is making $$ while Im still living at my parents basement.

>> No.2493748
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>this thread

all of u stupid cunts talking shit about shad. i already know how shitty he is, but he still drawing, in the beginin of shadbase he draw like shit but he made a solid fanbase, why? because he was one of the first persons who draw toon porn. now he become a cash cow.

the point is, he is the sakimi chan of western toons porn.

>> No.2493778
File: 29 KB, 480x360, 1460997398159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being on /ic/
>not being a /fit/izen
>not knowing /fit/ memes
>not wanting to become your own anatomical resource.

>> No.2493785

>cash cow
>makes well under $3000 a month

I want NEETs to leave

>> No.2493795

question :

when having a patreon do you get 100% of the received money? do they keep a % for them?

>> No.2493801

Why the fuck is this thread still up? Fuck everyone in here.

>> No.2493805

shadman needs more loomis

>> No.2493807

I agree, actually I like that one

>> No.2493813

>makes well under $3000 a month
>on Patreon alone
>Was already living on ad revenue from Shadbase before Patreon and still makes money on it now
>Plus Twitch subs and ad revenue
>Plus commissions
I want idiots to leave.

>> No.2493855

Maybe loomis' boring ass needs more shadman

>> No.2493877

I want you to try and draw a skeleton connecting her legs to her feet, and then tell me he's remotely good.

>> No.2493879

Yeah I mean what the fuck is up with all of these people critiquing art on /ic/ - Artwork/Critique?
Are they retarded or something?

>> No.2494327

keked at the comments

>> No.2494788

This makes no sense.

>> No.2494873

Holy fuck, in my country if you get 700$ per month you are lucky as fuck.

My guestion to you anons, how much $ (per month) would satisfy your current needs?

>> No.2494929

mortgage, utilities, internet, healthcare, groceries, cell phone, car insurance = around $1,700 a month.

>> No.2494954

Not that I'm implying he's super successful or someone you should look up to, but that nigga sells a shitload of prints and got partnered on twitch, Patreon probably isn't even half of his income.

Also, that's not how hourly income works

>> No.2494959

it's not that shad has gotten better. it's just your sight that is getting worse.

shad is still the same scrub at art as he's always been.

>> No.2494962

It's funny, cause I was watching his stream the other day, and he was basically making fun of /ic/ (well, "artist who always try to get better" so not really /ic/) and calling them retards with the 2000 people of chat agreeing and praising him as god.

>> No.2494968

nobody is saying that he should change or stop doing what he's doing. we are simply criticizing his art, which is pretty much a cheeseburger that has gone bad and was served on a plane.

>> No.2494969

>because he was one of the first persons who draw toon porn

>> No.2494979

Shadman might not be very good but he's "okay" enough to get normie's rocks off I guess. Better than 80% of /ic/, easy.

>> No.2495024

everyone who isn't a total scrub that can't hold a pencil is better than 80% of /ic/ kek

>> No.2495029

He releases a new piece every other day. That's pretty fucking good.

Most artist take fucking weeks or a month to do 1 thing. You have to give Shad credit there.

>> No.2495037

/ic/ seriously needs to stop worrying about bad artists who make money. Whining about stuff like this isn't helping them get better and it certainly isn't helping you.

>> No.2495081

Barely. This board is 1/4 unhelpful garbage, 1/4 generals, and 50% people gossiping about artists they're jealous of.

I blame patreon. now all of you salty jealous fucks can see how much an artist makes.

>> No.2495094

of course he's fast. he is producing very low level content. this kind of stuff really doesn't need a lot of time to be drawn.

>> No.2495098
File: 496 KB, 842x1191, 2015-11-03-fallout4-vault-meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is constant, he likes his work and its my favourite artist, /ic/ is full of envy

>> No.2495100

If it were easy to put out content quickly everyone would do it.

>> No.2495103

I find the icon in the top left more appealing than the rest of the image.

>> No.2495104

You said like a salty fuck.


>> No.2495107

Do you want to know something? ZONE is worst than shadman. SO fucking worse.

>> No.2495113

But Zone pionered English hentai flash games.

>> No.2495118

By copying and tracing hentai artists and cgsets. Every single of his works is different, he doesnt have a style, he just copies.

>> No.2495136

>world famous
I've literally heard of him nowhere outside /ic/.

>> No.2495143

a lot of people at this level aren't pros and don't give a fuck about pondering to nobody.

I'm really not jealous of him. my art is better than his and I make a good living out of it. probably he makes more money at the moment, but I am positive I'll surpass that in about 2 or 3 years, judging by my current financial and followers growth.

>> No.2495149

and before you scrubs start asking for it, no, I'm not going to post my work.

>> No.2495197

>my work is better
>i'm not going to post it

sounds like a 5-year-old who claims to know something but he don't want to tell it.

>> No.2495205

/ic/ is always like this, everyone claims their work is far better but prefer to stay hidden. They also make more money.

>> No.2495208

you can cry as much as you want. I'm not going to risk getting 4chan's hate machine starting to work against me.

I simply responded to that idiot that thinks commenting on sadh's art automatically means you must be jelly. and I haven't even said anything degrading kek.

being better than shadman really isn't that difficult kek.

>> No.2495212

Show your work.

>> No.2495221
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>> No.2495236

You sound just like that anon from the porn thread that spouts his opinions as "fact" and act so high and mighty.
So I ask, >>2495212 what this anon said.

>> No.2495267

first you have to kill yourself

>> No.2495273

We just want to see if what you claim is true. You can't say that you are better without proving it. Maybe you are, but you'll sound like a liar until you prove it.

>> No.2495275

Are you mentally ill?

>> No.2495282

yeah. I'm the same guy. are you the little autistic scrub that got triggered last time, because I think- no wait, scratch that. because your art looks like shit?

>> No.2495296

it doesn't matter if I am better or not. I don't have to prove anyone anything. I merely made a statement. I don't give a fuck what you guys think.
I said shadman's artworks aren't time consuming, because of the low level of details and rendering he puts into them. that's not a fucking opinion of mine, but a fact. that's not something that needs proof. just fucking take a look at them. if you have a pair of eyes and you have at least some experience with drawing, you have to see that.
sometimes he puts out more complex pieces, that's true. but most of the time they are cell shaded flat drawings, that have almost no depth when it comes to lineart and shading. of course he can make a new artwork every few days. the one in the op probably took him like 3-4 hours to make.
that's all that I'm saying. I'm not fucking jealous of him, and I'm not saying he shouldn't do that. for fuck's sake, he's making lots of money by drawing shit that shouldn't be making him so much money. of course he should keep doing that. who wouldn't?

>> No.2495308

I wonder what /ic/ thinks about SFM porn making $$$$$ in patreon.

>> No.2495314

>I merely made a statement
which is
>I'm really not jealous of him. my art is better than his

>> No.2495315

I lurked that thread and just saw a similar speech pattern. I never said much there, but I thought what was said there was noob tier shit not worth my time.

>> No.2495334

well, I'm no noob, but yeah, I probably said something like "this is shit", because I don't want to spend too much time criticizing art that is objectively shit.

I guess your reading comprehension is really bad, or you just missed this post of mine >>2495094

then afterwards I simply said I'm not jealous of his art, because I know I'm better.

no worries anon, I forgive you.

>> No.2495363

If I could get it reliably each and every month, $500 would be enough for me to pull myself out of the gutter and start actually building a real life for myself. I know the potential is there but I don't know which direction to go with things.

>> No.2495378

I'd get more than $700 per month from the government for doing nothing if I quit my current job.

Where do you live. Mexico?

Also, jesus lord almighty at all these people recoiling in disbelief at the preposterous claims that someone could possibly draw better than the fucking OP's pic.

>> No.2495384

Not Mexico but close to it. Poland.

>> No.2495457

Why does this thread have so many fucking replies?

Is Shad really that interesting?

I don't understand.

>> No.2496005
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>I made a claim.
>I don't want to get a different opinion on my claim.

Why do you post then?

>> No.2496008

Weird... I swear my image wasn't a Jpg.

>> No.2496045

why the fuck are you fixating on that?
I said I don't care if people don't believe me, and I don't care to prove anything.
the claim I made was a response to an idiot that thinks I'm jelly of shad's success, because I said his artworks don't require a lot of time to be made. that's the whole fucking point here.
if you disagre with me about that matter, I'm totally cool with that, but don't start with preschool bullshit like captain autismo here >>2495104

>> No.2497673
File: 338 KB, 1112x1253, Yosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you mean when you say that the pornography is just as important as the art, I mean Hamada is a god at drawing women yet you just can't jack it to his stuff, but how can you honestly get a boner looking at that shit-tier art

>> No.2499186

Watching Shad's stream.
For Spazkid
He says he doesn't care if his proportions are wrong.