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File: 210 KB, 1024x768, sketchbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2478330 No.2478330 [Reply] [Original]

Often when I see people recording their sketchbook for videos or posting pages on Instagram, it always seems like every page is a beautiful, crisp, clean illustration. Whereas my sketchbook is a mess of just practicing, abandoned pages, and downright awful drawings.

How the hell do people manage to draw so nice and neat consistently in their sketchbooks? Should I be drawing slower and trying to make every page presentable for practice, or keep going with rough studies? I feel like none of my sketchbooks are presentable in any way.

>> No.2478334

For things like this, the "sketchbook" is often the final work, and they have secret, actual sketchbooks that are just as messy as yours.

>> No.2478345

Because there are "sketchbooks" and then theres sketchbooks.

>> No.2478347

Well said

>> No.2478361

dont worry about those faggots. they have stopped sprouting. keep at it. be present. focus. and keep practisig with the intention of improving. also seek out watts or at least NMA

>> No.2478379
File: 127 KB, 1024x677, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the hell do people manage to draw so nice and neat consistently in their sketchbooks?
I know some people who keep multiple sketchbooks. One for random scraps and rough designs, and another for nicer drawings they can either tear out, or just post online.
>Should I be drawing slower and trying to make every page presentable for practice, or keep going with rough studies?
Why not both? Have a page or two for studies, and take some time for nicer drawings.
>I feel like none of my sketchbooks are presentable in any way.
Personally I like looking at rough sketches a lot. pic related. A few pages from my sketchbook. Some gestures for warmup and inking practice.

>> No.2479451

those sketch books aren't realy unitlized well.

It looks like as if the artist just drew one page and went to another sketchbook again considering how clean most of the pages are.

Maybe these are different artists who just recfently bought the sketchbooks at the same time.

>> No.2480560


>Should I be drawing slower and trying to make every page presentable for practice?

No, you dum-dum, no. Your sketchbook is for sketches! Are you presenting your sketchbook as final work? If not, then don't worry about it.

A lot of these artists are putting their final work in the sketchbook. Are you doing that? If not, then present your final artwork the way it's meant to be shown, and keep your sketchbook as a sketchbook.

I used to do finished drawings in my sketchbook, but once I started working more seriously in paintings and digital art, my sketchbook became a place to get ideas down on paper.

>> No.2481323
File: 27 KB, 400x399, Fraggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketchbooks looking good is a meme.

I'm at an art preparation year (training for big public schools entry contest) and I've seen many people photoshop their drawings onto a sketchbook background just to make it look like theyre hot stuff. It's fucking ridiculous.

Sketchbooks are for sketching, not muh masterpiece, people forcing on the sketchbooks are hollow shells desperatly wanting someone to believe "oh wow, if it's what his sketchbook look like, his actual works must be amazing !"

>> No.2481369

You haven't even started art school and you're already bitter, gee.

>> No.2481376

He's right tho

>> No.2481578

As an artist, you should know that you need every advantage you can get over your competition

Even if it means fooling people. But that's what artists do right, make the viewer see only what the artist wants them to see.

>> No.2481591

nothing wrong with having a sketchbook for shit doodles, one for WORKS AND LE PORTFOLIO/PUBLIC and having a notebook for art notes. fucking christ op there isn't a map for this stuff.

>> No.2481592

people in this thread have already said it. These artists most def have a "trash sketchbook" where anything goes.

I super firmly believe that artists should have at least one top secret sketchbook that's off-limits to everyone. That way you can experiment and practice with absolutely no chance that you should be impressing someone. When you know you're drawing for your eyes only, you're more likely to drop inhibitions and just go for it.

>> No.2481594

and yeah the book itself is the artwork in this case.

>> No.2481637

plato go home

>> No.2481698
File: 353 KB, 2048x1365, 6358650834398125201702799351_7a507196b7db9ea1_shutterstock_167044463.xxxlarge_2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also a even more super secret sketch book for drawing naked ladies that you keep above the ceiling tiles. My mom is really into art to so we always compare pieces and chat about it so I have to keep a separate sketch book with nudes.

>> No.2482213

>allow me to completly ignore the content of your post to highlight how bitter you are
Who's bitter now ?

>> No.2482300

Right anon, everything is a meme and everyone is just doing their hardest to trick you. There is no way it's possible that seasoned professionals might be better artists overall than a bunch of randoms at a school preparation year, thus what they do just looks better in general.

Or that they have sketchbooks that are meant for visual development for actual client projects where the sketches should have a certain degree of clarity in case they want to show those designs. Or maybe they have sketchbooks to exercise clean life drawings because that's what they want to get better at, less noodling, more purpose in their lines. Nope, impossible, they all just desperately want to trick people into thinking how great they are.


>> No.2482306

I like it
blog or something?

>> No.2482328


>> No.2482396

I'm pretty sure he was talking about average people's sketchbooks, not those of people who work at Dreamworks.

>> No.2482398

well i have two

one with drawings, one with lines, circles, boxes, abused heads withs 1s and 2s and 3s and 4s

>> No.2482472

this is terrible

>> No.2483178
File: 1.05 MB, 1700x1200, sketch book stuffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketching is for you to experiment and simply draw just to draw. Get better by drawing. Dont give a shit about other peoples art.

>> No.2483208

no it isn't.

>> No.2483442
File: 196 KB, 800x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right. It's bad. But I was using a few pages to show that sketchbooks shouldn't really be taken so seriously. They're a place for you to experiment, test, and importantly, have fun in without too much afterthought on what it is you just put on paper. Like this anon said: >>2483178
Just draw.

>> No.2483460

eh it's decent for what it's trying to accomplish I see a lot worse.

>> No.2484970

Why should average people be different?

>> No.2486925


Counterpoint: it's pretty good.

>> No.2488222

is that from vilx?
if it is, i'm fucking jealous right now because i could recognize his style instantly.

>> No.2488282
File: 535 KB, 759x1052, oaktree_inn_by_jeremeyprickles-d9x6fq5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always viewed sketchbooks as a tool to develope ideas and explore techniques. Sometimes I may get involved in a bit of imagery like this pic,which was for designing a hotel shaped from a living tree,and the "scene"aspect came later,so the figures are rougher than what I'd prefer. But it works for me to have a bit of the World developed,for later use in other works.

>> No.2488464
File: 1.06 MB, 1634x1020, kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This, I follow the guy OP posted and that's literally all his finished work is.

Use your sketchbook as it best suits you, mine has some sketches, mostly-finished pieces, life drawings, notes, comics, you name it.

>> No.2489793

>I've seen many people photoshop their drawings onto a sketchbook background just to make it look like theyre hot stuff. It's fucking ridiculous.

It's like everyone published in ImagineFX does this secretly.