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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2477488 No.2477488 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I have never been good at art. I have heard good things about some of the things I draw but I do know that most of the stuff I draw is Elementary is skill level. I need tips. I have been "Drawing" for about ten years now. (I'm not ten I started drawing in high school if you're wondering) All my art teachers haven't thought me shit except for maybe the basics. I want tips. I know skill is important but practice makes perfect but I want to know how I should be practicing, If I should use any tools to help in general, and what you guys did at the beginning to get good. Looking for advice. I actually really want to say I'm good at something, just to say I am and this is the one thing I want to do. Please help a guy out.

>> No.2477495

Read the better sticky:

Its not finished yet though.

>> No.2477501

Post your work (no joke).

>> No.2477504

I would but sadly I don't have any on me, also my best work I doubt I even have.

>> No.2477507

He's an artist with no work !
What a guy !

>> No.2477511

Honesty though, post any work because it's probably all got roughly the same problems.

>> No.2477514

K hold on then. I'll sketch something quick.

>> No.2477517


The amazing thing about art is you can create it yourself you retard.
You won't get any advice that's useful to you besides 'read the sticky' (which you should) because nobody can tailor jack shit to your needs if you don't post your work.

>> No.2477519


Take your time. Nobody wants your halfassed 5 minute doodle as evidence you're shit. Actually try, then the feedback you get will be more useful. This thread won't 404 for quite a while unless a mod deletes it.

>> No.2477521

K, any suggestions on what to sketch. Something that you can assess my skill level based on. Btw, I don't have any colors on me so it will mostly just be black and white.

>> No.2477536
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>I haven't read the sticky and want to be spoonfed everything: The Post


>> No.2477561

>I need tips
Read the fucking sticky, you are not special

>> No.2477651

1. You need to get clear goals like "I want to make better composition" and then set yourself solution on how to achieve it (like "do exercises from book X").

2. Don't set yourself "I will work for X hours each day" because it will all become grueling chore and you will get depressed when you fail. Say to yourself simply that you will practice every day, no matter if 10 minutes, 2h or more. You just need to get towards your goal each day even if you will draw very little.

This will develop a process in you. It will be a part of your daily life - wake up/fall asleep - do composition/lineweight/value/construction exercises.

Remember - people fail because they don't have this working process/flow. They work in their bedrooms instead in separate rooms that are their "ateliers". They set themselves tasks that are impossible or will drain them and leave with no joy of painting.

So remember this - persistence, developing working process , working towards your goals and studying fundamentals.

>> No.2477693


> Don't set yourself "I will work for X hours each day

I think you can do it if your goal is reasonable,. like don't say you going to do 10 hours a day if you work 40 hours a week at your day job.

>They work in their bedrooms instead in separate rooms that are their "ateliers"

I work in my bedroom its perfectly doable, of course a separate studio is preferable but not necessary

>persistence, developing working process , working towards your goals and studying fundamentals.
