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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 22 KB, 285x200, 6958f1394e69498d28d71f823101-is-it-reasonable-for-someone-to-lose-faith-in-humanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2469320 No.2469320 [Reply] [Original]


Her drawings look almost like photos while loomis looks like cartoony shit from the 1950s plus she draws cooler more contemporary internet celebrities like the amazing atheist and Bernie sanders and mrrepzion and pewdiepie

Fuck, why is Loomis more popular then her?

Ughh faith in humanity lost

>> No.2469321

this is an example of that shitty cartoony artist loomis http://www.oklahoma.net/~silvrdal/boy.gif

and this is her art https://twitter.com/Familyguyeatsa

Funny how a little hispanic teenager just DESTROYED a famous 1950s illustrator

>> No.2469322

april fools is over dumbass

>> No.2469324

it dont matter cause she is still a better artist

>> No.2469325
File: 21 KB, 500x486, hello-kitty-happy-connect-the-dots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look almost like photos
try and guess why

>> No.2469329

The difference between her and Loomis is that Loomis could can draw amazing faces from imagination whereas she couldn't even draw an orange from imagination

>> No.2469331

cuz she is more talented then that hack loomis, hell she is better then all of these so called "Famous talented artists in the industry" like Craig Mullins, I mean his art still looks cartoony as shit I mean look at this crap


It looks unrealistic and styilized and cartoony,

while her art like https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CNwi0o8WcAAJ02E.jpg:large


fuck these injustices in the world, why isn't she working for like peter jackson or something

>> No.2469332


Also, I forgt to mention that Mullins shit doesn't have have a face, wtf? Whats wrong with this world where a some cartoony ass artist is considered "better" then MUCH MORE TALENTED artist just because she is a teen on twitter

fuck, this is why humanity sucks

>> No.2469334

>why isn't she working for like peter jackson
Because he could hire the original photographer

>> No.2469338
File: 48 KB, 353x234, 1447245822184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op trying this hard

by this point i think most people can tell

when you try to do these threads you can't make it too obvious

honestly i give this thread a 3/10. absolutely lacking bait fundamentals

>> No.2469343

What do you mean I am baiting

are you just jelous that this young 16 year old artist can draw better then you? Are just a jelous neckbeard or something?

>> No.2469347

Holy shit stop being such a fagget op. Can't you see you're adding more and more cancer to the board

>> No.2469349
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1459626883790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, please you could be spending your time drawing right now.

>> No.2469352

Trying waaay too hard but I gotta hand it to you for effort. Remember that subtlety is key, anon.

>> No.2469367

I'm just guessing you dont believe me heres her drawing video

now for comparison here is a shitty drawing by glenn vilpoo

See the difference, her drrawinsg look like REAL life, not even da vinci's drawings look like photos let alone glenn "im a wannabe hack who has been destroyed by a teenager' Villpu

>> No.2469369
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1459333011780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You didn't even bait the hook, anon

>> No.2469376

worst bait thread ever.

it's such a bad troll it maybe ascending to a meta troll level.

>> No.2469378
File: 42 KB, 400x400, gF4SJw82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean?

the fact remains, her drawings look like photos and more realistic

andrew loomis's drawing still look like cartoons

a young teenage prodigy is much better then industry professionals
stop living in denial
deal with it

>> No.2469379
File: 95 KB, 680x989, 1459293632276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop with this posting in this bad bait thread

>> No.2469380

Okay, I'm bored so I'll bite
>comparing a time lapse video of copying a photo 1:1 with an instructional one that teaches concepts about figure drawing
If your sole aspiration is to become a human photocopier then I guess you're right

>> No.2469387

Why would you want him to be productive?

>> No.2469391
File: 418 KB, 448x468, 1448087143429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op still being cringey after the joke is over

we're actually trying to teach you how to bait better and yet you want to keep it up

i actually don't understand anything anymore

>> No.2469393

>inb4 I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.2469440

I wish we had mods.

>> No.2469952

I guess her drawings have good composition. Not even sure about that. They all just look lurid/over detailed and make me want to vomit.

>> No.2471698


>> No.2472088

>Fuck, why is Loomis more popular then her?

Because Loomis was a striaght white male

>> No.2472095

I would fuck her.

>> No.2472101

post her shitty photos

I'm not clicking any external shit

>> No.2472105

>not trusting a twitter link
Its not worth the time anon. The art is that of an average highschooler, who only references photos. The girl drew a butt, from imagination, and it was bad.