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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 5 KB, 247x168, patre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2460350 No.2460350 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you make on Patreon, /ic/? And what do you do?

I'm up to $200+ per month. I mostly do softcore erotic art.

>> No.2460391

How do you get noticed on patreon?

Let's say you draw the best porn ever but no one has seen your stuff, would people see your patreon page somehow if you set it up? Or would you need to have a prior fanbase on tumblr or something?

I don't know the site.

>> No.2460399

pretty sure some people just link watermarked images on related boards / forums etc. not sure though no one wants to patereon week one™ tier talent

>> No.2460410
File: 3 KB, 151x94, Untitled-1aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level scrub

>> No.2460411

Is there anyone here who makes money without making fetish related art or porn?

>> No.2460431

market it dude... no one is going to come to you you must put it on a platter in front of them.

how long did it take you? i am hoping to get to 600 someday.

>> No.2460432

I want to know this too.

>> No.2460440

i don't show vag or dick but i do draw sexy girls. i actually enjoy drawing them though.

>> No.2460443

Can you post some example of what level you are? $237 is not bad for my shithole.

>> No.2460447

google $237 per month patreon
Op is bullshitting, there's no porn artist on patreon making that amount

>> No.2460448

lv 34 but i need max friendship to evolve.

>> No.2460483

i knew there are lowlives in /ic/ but i never saw one as pathetic as op

>> No.2460520

thats not that much money though.

>> No.2460533

incase usually lurks /ic/, he might be able to help. If you're here, could you talk a little about how you built your fanbase?

>> No.2460538

every single amount you've posted is a unique identifier for your patreon.
For example, google $5,006 per month patreon and see what that gets you.

Quit being so pathetic. You're not fooling anyone, scrub.

>> No.2460539
File: 1.63 MB, 220x320, 1445303407034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incase a best!!

>> No.2460546

It's average salary in Russia after crisis for most cities except Moscow. I was literally was slave working 12 hours per day seven day week for 330$.

>> No.2460565

sorry my meager monthly amount upsets you. if this thread lives until the pay period rolls around i will screencap that instead.

you russian artists really need to branch out. i find no end to artists from vietnam and the philipines getting rich off international commissions yet i rarely see ruskis whoring themselves out.

>> No.2460600

Thousand of Russian artists work in industry over world. I think it's just not good idea for Russian commission artists to reveal nationality. There a lot of reasons for us.

>> No.2460601

You're going to keep bullshitting and inspect element on mozilla until next month?
Whatever makes you happy, dude. Don't die too soon.

>> No.2460624
File: 4 KB, 208x66, 2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2460627

cool. that is a really high number of patrons though damn.

>> No.2460639
File: 988 KB, 400x250, timmyTcup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know when it's appropriate to start a patreon? A certain number of followers? Exclusive rewards? What skill level and market?

>> No.2460649

just do it and market it. having a theme helps though.

>> No.2460681

all the earning claims in this thread is bullshit. if you plan to make money from patreon, you need to stay off this place and focus on marketing yourself in places with real people with real accounts.
Protip: Drawing fanart on dA help shitloads because it's the easiest place to get recognition.

>> No.2460698

i get most of my new patrons from twitter. DA is full of people who simply click to another artist doing what you do for free, and they know it.

>all the earning claims in this thread is bullshit

we heard you the last five times.

>> No.2460733

we've heard you peddling your inspect element edit bullshit about the same amount too, friend.
who're you trying to impress anyway, scrub? even the most obscure artist can be found through their current earnings on patreon.

>> No.2460738
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>> No.2460745

That's rude, Sakimichan

>> No.2460834

Wh-who are you, master?

>> No.2461036

Are there any rules for what can be put on a Patreon? I just find it odd that there's so much copyrighted material, aka fanart, being produced and it seems to create no problems for the artists.
Also, is Patreon strictly an American thing, or can Europeans sign up?

>> No.2461043


P.... people pay you guys hundreds of dollars for.... fer' drawin' girls?!

I need ta' do somethin' wit' mah' life productively.

>> No.2461080
File: 4 KB, 400x60, with enough furfags in the world anything is possible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sub $100k
>thinking you're in any position to talk down to people

Good one. I bet you couldn't even draw a cube.

>> No.2461144


>> No.2461177


what in the name of god

>> No.2461211

>mom I edited html

>> No.2461237


What does that leave post-taxes, though?

>> No.2462996

This fictional person is making fat jewish stacks off of his six million patrons. Got dam.

>> No.2463007

>paying taxes for internet money.
Not him but i live in a shitty small country that not even my tax guy knows how to tax internet money so we don't.

>> No.2463008

Anyone here knows the process of making a patrion? i was thinking if it's worth the hassle, like do i have to do
any special paperwork with my bank and shit or do i just give them my paypal?

>> No.2463088

this, and do you need to create a company to tax the income?

>> No.2463141

Income is income, friend. It simply goes on your tax statement.

>> No.2463151

About tree fiddy.

>> No.2463201

Only if you add it to your tax statement, there is no reason to not spend your paypal money online tax free, they never reach your bank account. Unless you are full time.

>> No.2463203
File: 19 KB, 151x94, adsagsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pff are you even fucking trying?

>> No.2464225


>> No.2464246

You just sign up on Patreon.com. PayPal is not required, there's really no paperwork, just setting up your page. If you in USA you can take out your shekels using either PayPal or bank deposit using Stripe. There is some other option for international creators,

For taxes you need not create a new company. If earning over $400 yearly in USA you should report the income as self employment income. Google it, these are all easy questions, the hard part is getting patrons.

>> No.2464250

> there's really no paperwork,
you have to sign the md something tax form with your full info. if the individual is not found patreon will hold your earnings until you tell them who you are.

>> No.2464251

Not OP, but do I need a real name or address? Or can I sign up with any email?

Can I remain anonymous, or do they publish my paypal ID to my patrons?

>> No.2464267

Just try signing up. I don't remember being asked for anything but an email.

You don't need PayPal and you can enter whatever name for your page that you like. So, you can be pretty anonymous,

I haven't had to send Patreon any tax forms yet because they don't require that until you make $600 in a year, details here: https://www.patreon.com/taxes

>> No.2464277

Anyone know how many followers convert to patrons? What % of your followers are willing to drop real money to support you?

>> No.2464281

Somewhat related question, is it in bad taste to start a patron, ask for donations from your followers, then not donate back to their patrons? Kind of like not following back on tumblr

I don't want to look like an asshole, but I might just be an asshole...

>> No.2464406

You can't use your paypal money for rent or your groceries or for gas... So now you're not just evadingtaxes but you'll have to launder the money as well...

Good luck, because when (not if!) the taxman finds out, they'll bend you over a table.

>> No.2464456

What part of Unless you are full time did you not understand?
Doing some porn commissions for steam games and mmo subscriptions is why most hobbyists do commisions,
the money never reach the bank, and as long as you don't pass paypal's threshold for forced taxing by them the money
don't exists as far as your government is concerned.

>Good luck, because when (not if!) the taxman finds out, they'll bend you over a table.
Yes, i am sure those 300 a year paypal money are going to put me away for life. How the fuck
do governments manage to make you so scared of them? you are probably american.

>> No.2464484

Following back people just because they followed you is bad taste.

>> No.2464500

Jesus this thread is sad.

Everyone here give up on patreon right now. Why are you even wasting your time? Go get a real job holy fuck.

I make your monthly patreon salary in a day. I'm not trying to brag about anything [and I don't have consistent work] but seriously guys stop wasting your time.

I'm not going to waste my talent for less than $50/hr, so I guess if you're only on patreon for 4 hrs a month then go for it...

I'm still in art school but I have pretty consistent work outside of it [pays my rent, car parts and gas and all my expenses.. groceries and expensive hobbies]. 1 big company branding project, or a small ad campaign pays for an entire months expenses. Anything above that gets spend on beer, expensive dinners and cocaine.

Quit playing 'draw naked girls'—give up illustration, learn front end development, graphic design and typography and start making actual money.

>> No.2464507

>Doing some porn commissions for steam games and mmo subscriptions is why most hobbyists do commisions,
Just letting you know this is an 18+ site.

>> No.2464509

Funny joke, anon.

>> No.2464511

Think maybe people do it because they don't want to design fonts for a living ?

>> No.2464552
File: 36 KB, 638x744, 1448446327191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us actually have tastes and try to reach beyond pulling polygons and magic wand all day anon, any talentless fuck that browses tumblr can make graphic design because it's all technical.

>> No.2464570


I don't completely agree with guy you responded too but he has a point. A lot of people on patreon have basically created a shitty second job that doesn't pay well.

>> No.2464572

The jobs he described are not what I would describe as exiting ways to make money.

And it`s shitty...for you.
People wouldn't do it otherwise

>> No.2464576


I don't have a patreon, but I know a lot of people want to become the next sakamichan and fail.

You can do "exciting" work for decent pay, concept art, 3d modeling , story boarding ect all pay good and arent just doign graphic design and topography.

>> No.2464634

How hard is it to make patreon somewhat succesful? I don't have patreon but I have been thinking it would be good way to get some extra money. I mainly do fantasy illustrations, so skill cap is pretty high.

I have ~2000 followers in deviantart, but I feel like I should have 5000-10000 before I start using patreon.

I do lot of sketches I don't share anywhere and I love recording painting videos. Sharing stuff like that could probably work for patreon.

Any tips from patreon users?

>> No.2464639


>> No.2464690

> How hard is it to make patreon somewhat succesful?


>> No.2464692

It's never too soon to do anything as long as it doesn't trash your reputation.
All that matters is if you're ready to do it.

Any loss is temporary and a hard problem is one that hasn't been thought though.

>> No.2464708

Time for aggression lmao.

>implying that is even a worthwhile job
No real designer uses fonts made after 1980 anyway.
Most type has been perfected already.

Oh yes the pornographer has such refined tastes. Any talentless fuck can draw anime portraits and oversizes tits with like a months practice.

Learning the techniques of design takes years of education and practice. And that doesn't account for taste. Designing anything is just as artistic as making a painting of your tortured soul or whatever other conceptual crap fine artists like to blab about.


Lets not forget that your 'job' consists of sad virgins giving you their lunch money for a doodle. If you ever manage to move out of your parents house you're going to need to take up some crap minimum wage job just to survive. Meanwhile the median pay for creative/art directors is $80 000 /yr.

Like I'd buy the 'artistic integrity' argument if you were actually making real art, but you're not. It's cartoon porn, there's 10000x more artistic merit in good design than cartoon porn.

Again, if you value yourself as an artist, get the fuck of patreon and get a job.

>> No.2464718
File: 68 KB, 960x540, 1458840314657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm still in art school
>Time for aggression lmao.
>Any talentless fuck can draw anime portraits and oversizes tits with like a months practice
>artistic merit
18 years old kid trying to teach others. This is golden.

>> No.2464731

> Any talentless fuck can draw anime portraits and oversizes tits with like a months practice.

I agree with the rest but is simply untrue, it takes skill to draw anything well anime included.

I agree though that going the "porn" route is completely overrated the the forums here, and its not something that you should really do unless you truly enjoy it and couldn't live without it.

>> No.2464732

I was incorporated by my 2nd year [at age 20], had a solid client base and could start paying myself just over a year later. I work maybe 20 hrs a week when I'm in school due to classes, and as I said, it pays my rent, tuition, insurances, bills, travel expenses etc.

I will stop trying to 'teach'. Continue doing your $0.05/hr pornography. I'm still fucking baffled that anyone would choose this over you know, a paying job. Even if you don't want to be a designer or developer, people like me still hire illustrators, even contracting yourself out for $100+ an hour on projects gets you decent income, even if it's really sporadic. But I suspect most anons are too socially awkward to leave their basements let alone go out to events and make connections.

The lack of knowledge about how the world of art functions on board, and specifically in this thread is astounding.

>> No.2464744

Also please don't think that I'm trying to prove anything really, for all you or anyone knows I could be totally bullshitting about everything. I'm not trying to brag—I'm stating my 'achievements' as a first hand account of what it's like if you actually try. If you put yourself out there and make art that matters.

Yeah, art that matters. In 2016, your little fanart drawings mean nothing. But if I make some startup some business cards with a crap logo they ordered and some stationary and car decals, I can charge $5000. That, today, is art that matters. Art that will be seen, or at least seen by people in the real world, not the insular communities of deviantart and pixiv or whatever.

>> No.2464747

Cringe posts. I think it's bait

>> No.2464765

Not about the money. If you want to have kids and a family, fine by you.

Your goal as it seems is to be a slave to businessmen who would easily replace you at the first chance they get. You have no pride. You are not an artist. You are an employee who whores out his skill to the highest bidder.

Those of us who are actually devoted to our craft (unlike a 20hr per week slacker) do it because it's an art and then it's a means to make money.

You are a poser.

>> No.2464777


you like to do your thing and make more money, that's fine. some of us would rather keep doing porn or whatever and make little money but we hope to snowball our humble career further anyway. we might just get sick of it some day and go down a more biz minded route like you, who knows.

don't impose your ideals and needs upon others anon.

>> No.2464779

If it is...
10/10 bait, but I know it's not (hence 10/10).
This guy is a genuine piece of shit.

>> No.2464784

You're laying it on way too thick, nobody will fall for that.

>> No.2464786


I am in 6 classes. 9am to 5pm monday to saturday. I only get sundays off. I am a double major in advertising and graphic design.

I work an extra 20 hours at the company which I started, and run, and honestly those are just billed hours, I frequently work through the night, multiple times a week.

I sleep from 5:30pm-> 8pm after getting home from school, then work for a few hours until usually 2am or so, and will take another small nap for 1-2 hours and work from 4am until I need to leave for school again.

I go out maybe once every 2nd week. I am almost disheartened that someone thinks that I'm a slacker or a poser, but I absolutely know that I work harder than you.


And yes, of course it's about the money. It's always about the money. Not only is currency vital to survival in the modern world, it can, and does, but happiness. Do you really think that your poor ass is happier than some trust fund kid who had all the money he ever needed? Probably not. But beyond just being able to afford things like security on self, security of health, reliable transport and shelter and sustenance and medication if needed etc etc...

Money is the measure of worth in the art world. If your art sucks, people will not buy it,nor hire you. If your art is good, they will buy it, and it will be worth something. If it's amazing, it will be worth LOTS.


Read this after typing everything up. It's humbling I guess.

It's just such a huge personality divide. I can never understand this mentality.

But if people are seriously thinking this is bait I probably am at least a bit out of line, or at least in with the wrong crowd lol.


to everyone else, it's not bait, I guess I'm just 'a genuine piece of shit'. To each their own, I'll continue working hard and doing what I love [design], and I wish you all the best in your cartoon porn donation business, even though I really do know it will not work out for you.

>> No.2464798

i have a fulltime job and i still use patreon for posting art. theres also a slight chance my patreon could get worthwhile someday and i can devote more time to art.

>> No.2464799

I sleep 4 to 3 hours a day.

Work harder than me... hahahah... funny

I'm studying for a bsc in computer science, draw and work on music so that I can produce my own game projects.

I study for everything last minute and spend all my time working on projects that I value.

>> No.2464805


>> No.2464806

you do know theres >>>/gd/

>> No.2464807 [DELETED] 

I sleep 3 to 4 hours a day, am studying for a bsc in computer science, spend 3 hours a day drawing, 3 hours a day working on audio spend 3 hours a day on a website and start at 6:45AM.

I have want to make my own video games and be akin to ZUN.
You think you work harder than me ?

I don't give a single shit about my life other than getting to where I want to be and I'm willing to be dirt poor until I can get to where I want to be.

>> No.2464809

The 4 people who use /gd/ just relentlessly troll eachother.


>> No.2464811
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Yuru_Yuri_05_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[62FD25E0].mkv_snapshot_17.57_[2015.09.22_11.45.09].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just letting you know you should try harder not to try so hard~

>> No.2464838

>Everyone here give up on patreon right now. Why are you even wasting your time? Go get a real job holy fuck.
Why would you want to make extra money from basically doing what you do everyday as a hobby right?

I hope that you don't try to seem mature when you think that patrion can get you anything more than steam games and anime figures.
Unless you are the 10%, you will never sustain a first world lifestyle with patron.

>> No.2464883

>tells life story
>waah i work harur den errbody

Nobody gives a fuck about what you do for a living, or with your spare time.

>> No.2464908

>No real designer uses fonts made after 1980 anyway.
ayy lmao

>> No.2464912

do you not understand the distinction between art and design? i would like to refer you to www.dictionary.com

>> No.2465415
File: 94 KB, 367x247, 1361168999842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im still a shit so I dont have any actual fans
But people say Im creative in ideas
Dude, Patreon should be used as a Tip Jar to complement your favorite artists

>> No.2465816

>But people say Im creative in ideas
'Ideas' are worth less than salt. People value well-done execution, anyone can be an idea guy.

>> No.2466827

Holy kek not that guy but you should seriously stop thinking like a neet. You think valuable workers are replaceable? Have you talked to any directors or any studio for that matter? Do you know that in the creative industry when studios hire they actually teach you the ropes and the work flow so they don't have you kick your ass after your contract is done? It's not about being a cog in a machine you simpleton, It's about earning your place in a succesful company that also rewards your sweat.

>> No.2468678

>Any talentless fuck can draw anime portraits and oversizes tits with like a months practice.

Hah, cant take this guy seriously now that hes said bullshit like that.

>> No.2468679
File: 4 KB, 496x90, Untitled-1aaaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2468752

>boasting about sleeping 4-5 hours a day
Guys, you're literally killing your neurons. And you're artists from all people in the world, for whom creativity is like a hand. You're malnourishing your brain to get dopamine highs from social and work-related achievements.

>> No.2468754

50 - 200 per commision, i only work for commissions

>> No.2468812

Can someone explain what patreon is? And is it legit or bullshit?

>> No.2468818


>> No.2468837

>graphic design
pick one kek

>> No.2469065

People lie because they try to make others believe that they live up to a bullshit ideal and people lie because they think that they will be only accepted as whatever they try to be by doing everything like someone they look up to.

And the self-confidence book from For Dummies.

I am in the process of moving away from toxic social interactions and like the arrogant snot that I am, I feel obliged to take a few of you guys and gals with me, away from this horrible place where we talk and never do.

>> No.2469405


Hey, Onta. Is that you?

Can you stop reposting your old tutorials and ripping off MLP so you can work on more Marty stuff?


>> No.2469435

Quit your hippie attitude and pseudoscience.

Him and the guy I argued with both sleep with polyphasic patterns.

If you think either of us were lying...

>> No.2469510


InCase is my #1 senpai. He practices a ton and has lots to show for it, his porn is truly artistic.

I've been taking classical art lessons for a few years now hoping to grow up to do something like that. There should be more smut that's made as a painting first and fap fodder second.

>> No.2469522

So if you wanna make cash?
Draw porn?


I saw him like few weeks ago he wasnt making alot, now suddenly hes stacking.
How did he do that?

>> No.2469524 [DELETED] 

my first two months on patreon. inb4 "hurf html durf firefox hooladoop"

>> No.2469555
File: 29 KB, 2078x123, pat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 "script editor firefox html hooladoop"

>> No.2469561

so... you want money right?

well i have a guide, worth even if u dont know how to draw.

01- create a tumblr account with a stupid nick name like: lewdthighsart.
02- go to furry crap pages (e621, furrafinity)
03- steal all the images with good human proportions, track artists to steal from they galery too.
04- create a new a4 file in your draw program
05- trace the furry shit body, then ad your "personal style" head on it. (preferible popular anime/game/tv series girls)
06- u can add a dick
07- post that shit in your blog, then add stupid tags
08- do the ste 1-7 three or four times per week.
09- wait for +200 followers on tumblr.
10- put your commissions in the page
11- talk shit how difficult is drawing. be a drama queen, if people give u support continue
12- talk about how u want to be a freelancer artist and how shitty is your acutal job (if u read this on /ic/ probably u work is be jeally to other artist and complain about how your unskilled shit art is better)
13- when you hit +500 followers open your patreon.

if someona talk about how you trace art, just tell shit like "is reference" then call him a envyfag and block it.

>> No.2470192

why aren't you fags also posting your patreons

>> No.2470204

Why are you bothering to finish out your degree if you already have a steady business? The work from that will be worth 100x more on a CV/in a portfolio than some shitty bachelor's ever will, and that's only assuming you even want to get a job afterwards and not push on with the business. Why waste time and money on it?

>> No.2470229

because failing artists have tall poppy syndrome.

>> No.2470231

Do I need to be some genderfluid aromantic guitarsexual to do this?

>> No.2470892

draw anything that is popular

a new game, a new anime, a new movie. That's it really.

>> No.2470900

Does any anime fanartist even make money on patreon? Besides Sakimichan and Kron. Like someone making actually anime-looking anime fanart.

>> No.2471009

i do my OC. problem with fanart is there are so many other artists giving it out for free, so why would anyone pay for it?

>> No.2475508

so the only thing stopping people from starting a Patreon is fear of failure?

>> No.2475824
File: 45 KB, 512x397, 1457174600108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bullshit, who are these people? You never see someone insanely good in draw threads or anything, but then why would a person who can make 1k a month with patreon brose /ic/? And even more, feel like they need to post the money they make?

>> No.2475832
File: 9 KB, 302x167, sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post em anons, we're already judging you reguardless

>> No.2475868
File: 165 KB, 1188x688, ss (2016-04-06 at 11.13.18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please /ic/

>> No.2475906

myself i dont post in draw threads because i post that on my patreon instead. i dont come here often but occasionally i find a thread about a topic i enjoy.

>feel like they need to post the money they make?

gee its only like the OP asks how much they make on patreon?

>> No.2475908


>> No.2475909

I know of quite a few anons here who are absolutely amazing artists and some of them are just the most beautiful women in the world.

It's absolutely insane. At least 2 lady artists from here have messaged me on either tumblr or facebook saying they found my art from /ic/

You girls know who you are.

>> No.2475914

wanted to add...

Is it weird no guys have trying contacting me from /ic/ ? It's always just been ladies.

Which makes me think the majority of the people here are female. Probably the added anonymous that let's them post their art without "OMG YER A GRRL!?"

P.S. Innuendo captcha was to find all the bananas. I loled

>> No.2475918


I don't have a patreon, but for some people it's basically a tip jar. Maybe they offer some rewards like tutorials or progress stuff but even that is usually just explaining something they're already doing.

People already draw for fucking free. It's just monetizing your hobby. Personally I think people trying to make their living solely on Patreon are in for a bad time, but supplementing your income with your hobby isn't a bad idea and it doesn't have to be unpleasant either.

>> No.2475922

>art is about making as much money and getting as many followers as possible

Oh anon. I could easily be making considerably more than I do but I don't I could sell out, spam the fanarts and be kr0n level but I like to paint what I like because I like creating art. I enjoy painting and channeling whatever thoughts my broken ass brain manages to shit out.

>> No.2475931

do you think the reason you dont do it is because you cant handle the blow to your ego if you fail?
also, if youre at a level where you can make money off something your enjoy, is it selling out? why is that a negative thing tp profit off something you love?

>> No.2475940

I don't do it because I'm not ok in the head area. I've had more opportunities pass by that I can count because I was about to put a bullet in my head. Applibot, magic, cg expose', imaginefx covers, Epic games, VV, Blizzard, ect... Contacted by each one of their ADs at least some point in my life and I start doing the art tests given to me and then that depression hits again and I just never finish anything because fuck it I'm going to be dead soon anyways.

>> No.2475945

Theres a difference between making money from what you do and "I won't work for less than $50/h humph" If I were offered two different jobs and one paid $15h and the other paid $50h I would take the job allowed me to create artwork inline with what I like more. The money doesn't even factor into it.

I know I can do the work. I've done it before. I don't care about a blow to my ego because I'm use to failing. I don't really care about or have a massive ego.

The not caring part is what causes most of my problems though. Because I just don't fucking care about anything.

>> No.2475950


This can't be true, you've ruined this website for me

>> No.2475960

it's 100% true.

I'm not going to name any names but there are a lootttttt of girls here. They are also really great artists. Some of them are so fucking good you wouldn't even believe it.

When I get those messages (its happened more than twice, I just don't remember the other people's names) I think "why the fuck are you on /ic/? What is wrong with you. They usually ask me the same question so I guess that's fair,

>> No.2475964

I swore the 'no girls allowed' sign was still on there when I entered 4chan.

>> No.2475966


Nope, at least 97% of people here are males.

>> No.2475967

If I cared about making money, I wouldn't be making art would I?
If this is how you spend your time, then you should reconsider life.

>> No.2475968

Well. There's no logical reason to think the 4ch art boards aren't half female.

It's kinda dumb to think there are no girls on the web.

>> No.2475970

>also, if youre at a level where you can make money off something your enjoy, is it selling out? why is that a negative thing tp profit off something you love?
Are you mentally deficient or something? Do you not know what selling out is? I'm pretty sure most people who have studied for at least 2 months can draw furry shit and get a good amount of followers. That's selling out. Please stop bragging on an anonymous imageboard, you are literally impressing 0 people right now. Go practice instead of actively making this board shittier.

>> No.2475972

Not him/her but one of my best friends is a female and actively browses this board.

>> No.2475978

Believe what ya want man.

Theses girl that browse here aren't even like... the type of girl you would imagine. They are straight up the two most beautiful women I have ever seen in my entire life. Literal models that can also paint incredibly well.

All the guys here are still all fat neckbeards though.

>> No.2475983

damn it I keep forgetting to add shit.

The other girls that messaged me about finding my art on /ic/ I can't remember anything about them. It's kinda sad I know but I get a lot of messages and I don't always reply to them because I get incredibly nervous and shy.

Had to be about 6 so far? quite a few.

>> No.2476015

Those with any skill don't post in the threads. At most we just give advice when we're not doing anything.

>> No.2476028

I post art a few times but every time I do I just get flamed for it or incredibly stupid crits. I have gotten a couple valid ones when I posted some very early in process work but that's happened once.

Every other time I just get trolled by the same couple people. Now I just comment on other people's shit.

>> No.2476186

how long have you all had patreon?
what can a noob expect from the first few months?
what are teirs you can give to people?

>> No.2476196

it's incredibly hard to grow you patreon. I have tens of thousands of followers on DA and ten thousand plus followers on tumblr and I still only get a few hundred a month and that took a year to get.

>> No.2476203

>half female

Does anybody believe this? It's true that there are women that browse /ic/, but anyone that honestly believes they aren't a minority has to face reality.

Also, why is it always half? Can people understand that not every group of people will be split perfectly down the line.

>> No.2476213

are you so dumb you take the half part literally? as in perfectly in half? It's give or take a bit. No one eve literally means a perfect % ratio when they say that. It's an approximation.

>> No.2476220

if yall care so much just have a poll or something

>> No.2476231

>are you so dumb you take the half part literally?

Did you expect me to write out all the possibilies for you?

Taking into account how the citizens of /ic/ communicate with each other, and all the other things that make this place what it is, I can't see the female population at anything close to 50%.

Not even if you "... give or take a bit."

>> No.2476240

like i said before it depends on the theme you have and where you advertise it. note that i said advertise and not audience. if you do porn, surprise, advertise it in porn communities.

>> No.2476244

But you have no way to tell.

>> No.2476255

Nor do you know if they post nearly as much as other posters. Just because a lot of people here are borderline retarded doesn't mean everyone is like that and odds are the more reasonable people don't post all that often.

>> No.2479682

-all of /ic/

>> No.2480498

I'm attractive but I suck at art. Am I still in?

>> No.2480500

I thought it was an obvious fact that /ic/ is skewed towards girls compared to other boards like /g/ which are skewed towards males. Just look at the difference in board culture.

>> No.2480501

99% to be more accurate

>> No.2480503

>the difference in board culture
>autists telling each other how much they suck
seems about normal

>> No.2480511

>a small increase in emoticons and ways of typing which aren't a source of thread derailment
>Tumblr/deviantart considered as a source of income/advertisement rather than imminent thread derailment

>> No.2480517

>Tumblr/deviantart considered as a source of income/advertisement rather than imminent thread derailment
This is more out of necessity than anything else, though. /ic/ can't afford to shit on those sites at first mention because they're actually effective for what we're trying to do. Fair points, regardless.

>> No.2480522

jesus fistfucking christ
That's like twice my salary as a chemist in Turkey

>> No.2480524

Yeah I know drawfags need to eat too. But it's really interesting how different boards have small and subtle differences in behaving. /ic/'s quirks aren't big, but some places, such as the /gd/ fontshare thread, it's like walking into a whole new dimension.

>> No.2480852

Why the fuck isn't everybody in here posting with their artist name instead of posting anonymously so that people would know what you draw and how good/bad your art is when your are replying?

>> No.2481436

even if you were a god people would find reasons to hate on you out of spite. /ic/ is full of failurs who think if they cut off the legs of a giant they can stand on them.

>> No.2481441

Because this place hates namefags and drives them out.

Only cumbum is strongheaded enough to resist the bullying, you're free to use his advice if you like.

>> No.2481458
File: 43 KB, 409x388, 1318733807195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck
do governments manage to make you so scared of them? you are probably american.

>> No.2481467
File: 98 KB, 447x444, 1315762552190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if we skip the tracing part and you're producing content, maybe you can get some money.

But how in the future?

What if you're into that interview in the dream studio and they're like "So, you spent those last 3 years drawing furry shota traps being raped and gagged by those 50yo fat guys? Why you said you would like to join Ubisoft in the first place?"

>> No.2482151
File: 97 KB, 1326x709, 1370881411120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread tho

>> No.2482207
File: 78 KB, 500x500, 1420344908939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it's amazing, it will be worth LOTS
>Money is the measure of worth in the art world
>major in advertising
>security in self from someone that's so insecure they blog on /ic/
>I absolutely know that I work harder than you
>if your art sucks, people will not buy it, nor hire you

These jokes make themselves.

The Chinese took away your architecture, and next they'll be coming for your faggoty graphic design