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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 30 KB, 319x400, chernobyl results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2453215 No.2453215[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2453224
File: 117 KB, 625x585, 1394684496187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2453255

>picassofag detected
How do you appreciate this fucking shit

>> No.2453267
File: 259 KB, 364x499, mother-and-child-1921-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you don't already realize that the 'what is art?' discussion is pointless, then fuck you

art isn't just one thing. you aren't going to like every work of art or every artist. deal with it.

>> No.2453281

You don't make 50,000 paintings and have them all be masterworks.

This one is dope though. Flat forms, pre cubist days.

>> No.2453287

post-cubist days. part of his neoclassical 'return to order'

>> No.2453292

>stop liking what I don't like!

I dont even like picasso, but you're gonna get bored of art really quickly if all you enjoy is atelier-drone realistic nude studies

>> No.2453430

Wish art was about what looked good to the eye and not about having the deepest meaning behind your colour smudges. Pic related, art that actually looks good and gets me to feel something else than sadness for the people affected by radioactivity.

>> No.2453432
File: 37 KB, 736x438, not shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug forgot pic

>> No.2453440

Makes me feel shitty white boi middle class after school vibes. Not everyone gives a fuck about Halo.

I don't even know how to process that outside of a Halo context, the narrative has been established. The painting is pretty meh though.

1v1 me Blood Gulch pistols fgt

>> No.2453445

Remove Warthog then, and perhaps the pillar thingies. It still looks way better than the OP pic, come on. That looks like something a kid drew, and then an artist tried to use the original lines to make something out of it, but it looks shit, so he killed himself. And I will 1v1 you on Blood Gulch any day, perhaps not with pistols though. Sniper pistols sounds better.
>another example on art that actually looks good and doesn't require you to think about what the colours mean, and what it symbolizes.

>> No.2453448
File: 826 KB, 1536x713, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the damn pic again. Maybe I should sleep

>> No.2453455
File: 184 KB, 989x844, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is closer in comparison. The concept looks closer, has atmosphere, decent harmony and it's a decent landscape.

Now look at this Cezanne (I think). I'll take the abstract any day. It's familiar but jarring, flattened but pulls you around. I could stare at this a ton longer then the nice landscape.

>Pistoling across the gulch from behind Red base
Fuck, why did I give up games.

>> No.2453457

I don't look at art for entertainment. I won't get bored of it. And I like any art that doesn't look like shit, so it's fine, there's plenty of stuff for me to oogle on that doesn't look like it was made by an autist

>> No.2453459

Hell, I will take that. Atleast it looks like it took some fucking effort to make. In contrast to the
>random bodypart
>draw it in a way that makes it look like something else, anything but the original
>attach to other bodypart in a irregular way
>rinse, repeat
>colour that shit
>use all the colours in the rainbow
>shit will look lit senpai
>oh hell ye im tripping
>finish coloring

>> No.2453463
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, Real or Fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more detailed art that doesn't look like it took 30 mins to make

>> No.2453467

this looks like videogame graphics and is boring
if i wanted to look at nature that isn't rendered poorly then i'd go outside

>> No.2453473

It is videogame graphics. Nonetheless. Please do show me how it looks outside your door. Must be pretty dope. But yeah, I agree, nature exists for real as well. But all these are bad examples, I have seen detailed art that just makes me want to drop my entire life and just live wherever the fuck that place is. And the same way that you can go outside if you want to look at a nice natural scenery, I can google: Hiroshima, and get real versions of Picassos "art"

>> No.2453474

Something to be careful about with Picasso, the quality is all over the map. The whores of some French town I can't spell because I'm not a Francophone Canadian had 20+ prepatory sketches. In his stride he could crank out 20-40 in a day.

>> No.2453478

Ok dude, that's cool. But it doesn't really matter how long it took if it LOOKS like it took 30 mins.

>> No.2453480
File: 175 KB, 824x1137, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to live wherever the fuck this shit can go down. Or at least blend together atomic imagery and a Japanese woman.

At least Postmoderism killed Art and MM is futilely trying to rebuild it. Everything is Art, nothing is Art but we have some Art that we value more then art.

>> No.2453482

I hope you're trolling

If not, you're proving a good point about tastes being subjective

>> No.2453486

let me guess, you think bob ross is the greatest artist of the 20th century

fucking pleb

Picasso. Very clearly Cubist.

>> No.2453487

I'm going half meme here. It's 4 am I might be saying some weird shit, but generally my points is: Art should be what looks good. Not whatever has the deepest meaning behind it"s colours and contrast and whatever the fuck.

>> No.2453490

I barely know Bob Ross. Is that he fag with the nice hair that draws nature and shit? Sure he is cool. I don't care who, I care about what, and how it looks. Not what it means

>> No.2453492

'what looks good' varies wildly from individual to individual. that's why your grandmother has a kitsch kinkade cottage print on her dining room wall.

if you're trying to find a "deep meaning" in some random picasso portrait, you're wasting your time. it's all about the flattening of space, shape, color, form, etc. Formal elements, not heady concepts.

>> No.2453495

>I don't care who, I care about what, and how it looks
that was my point. you seem to have a taste for terrible kitsch landscapes.

just keep namefagging so I can easily discard your opinions in the future.

>> No.2453498

Alright, I see you. But generally, my point still stands. No way that so many people think that the stuff Picasso drew looks better than most newer detailed art

Feel free. You won't be seeing me on here after this thread anyway. My excuse for namefagging is that it is set to this automatically

>> No.2453505
File: 87 KB, 1024x559, 1024px-Nighthawks_by_Edward_Hopper_1942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No way that so many people think that the stuff Picasso drew looks better than most newer detailed art
and no way so many people like boring, mediocre landscapes. see how this works? I understand my tastes, but cannot account for the tastes of others. everyone has their own criteria. Personally I hate the pre-raphaelites (for the most part), but I have many artist friends who adore them. different strokes for different folks.

live and let live, shitposting about other people's tastes or art you don't like accomplishes nothing.