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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2451740 No.2451740 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for questions that don't need their own

>> No.2451867

Is there any real advantage to Clip Studio Paint over Photoshop or SAI? I was interested in getting PRO for the animator feature but the full version is only for EX.

>> No.2451896

Which tablet should I buy? Should be affordable, but not frustrating to work with

>> No.2451937

My hand's starting to hurt from drawing. It's not in my wrist it's I think in the mass below my thumb. Has this happened to somebody/does it matter or is it just muscles getting worn out that'll get strong again?

>> No.2451971

do i really have do drawn to be good at it? cant i just look at pics?

>> No.2451981

>Is there any real advantage to Clip Studio Paint over Photoshop or SAI?

I like the stabilizer more than sai and lazy nezumi , it also has better perspective tools in my opinion.

That said its all personal preference. Use them all and see which one you like better.

>Which tablet should I buy? Should be affordable, but not frustrating to work with

Huion tablets are probably the best ones at a cheap price. they have driver issues but you get what you pay for.

>> No.2451982

Stretch out your arm, palm in front, like a stop gesture, relax while still stretched, point fist downwards, relax, repeat

Should be away in foreseeable time. If happening more often, you might have a problem though. Don't force yourself to work with this condition.

How long do you draw each day? What did you draw? How are you holding your pen/pencil?

>> No.2452013

Thanks. I currently draw about 2 1/2 hours every day, though somedays more, rn mostly gesture drawings and circles and boxes and such. I want to work myself up to drawing ~10 hours a day. I guess I'll just take a lot of breaks.

>> No.2452030

Can someone explain the Reilly method and gestures to me? Am I supposed to be drawing the abstraction lines over Vilppu style gestures or not?

>> No.2452114

I'm practicing lines: should I practice drawing lines both forward and back, or ought one be only capable of drawing in one direction, like being non-ambidextrous?

>> No.2452144

Similar question, drawing a figure over a gesture is way to much to handle everything looks diarrhea, the same thing happens with working from a silhouette.

What do?

Another question how do I get better at figure drawing from imagination?
currently I draw from reference and then i try and alter a limb on the reference so for example i redraw the body but i'll move a leg or arm.
Is there anything else I could be doing?

The only other things i do is i practice rotating and angling the bodyparts on their own or objects that resemble it for example a leg or a torso.

Is this all I can do?

>> No.2452151

Draw from imagination. Then compare to things not from imagination. Take notes on what you did wrong. Remember for next time.

>> No.2452213

When you need to remember a text. What is more effective. Just reading it till you remember. Or reading it, then putting it away and try recall the text. then reread it?

That's not different when doing livedrawing. Put the reference away and redraw the figure from imagination each and every time....

>> No.2452225
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>i don't know were to start on how to color ....
i can only do sketch and inking but when it come's to coloring i suck

>> No.2452246
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I'm a beginner (~1 month) and work with pencil/paper. I can draw faces decently when the primary head circle is around 5 cm in diameter, but when I try to draw it any bigger (8 9 10 cm+) everything looks off and it looks like shit. I can't put a finger as to why this is, anybody had this problem before?

>> No.2452289
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You can't improve if you don't practice

>> No.2452300
File: 320 KB, 900x1174, Heartbreak - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why that picture moved me. But here is a quick drawing of it

>> No.2452545

Work on your values before you even think about color.

>> No.2452551



good advice thanks, I think drawing from reference and hiding the reference i've never done before.

>> No.2452555

How do I get good at critiquing color? I know what color schemes are, and how saturated and unsaturated colors work to travel to direct your eye. But besides that, I dont know. Can anyone show me some examples of bad color rendering, and good color rendering?

>> No.2452571

How can I tell if I'm symbol drawing or not? Please answer my question.

>> No.2452585

To me, any time I let my hands do their thing instead of carefully considering what I'm drawing, I'm drawing symbols.

>> No.2452590

coloring is something you should experiment with until it feels right, don't be scared to recolor a drawing multiple times, especially when you're working with digital.

>> No.2452597
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So I'm picking up drawing seriously for the first time. Reading the wiki, I've begun practicing all day. I've started with Drawing on the Right Side (currently on this), then I'm moving on to Fun with Pencil and after that Perspective Made Easy. After that I plan to begin studying anatomy, gestures, etc. Is this a sensible plan or should I do things differently? Even though I'm pretty committed, it briefly feels like I don't have a clear path.

>> No.2452614

There is just no clear path to learning art.

>> No.2452618

Try drawing from imagination a lot. This is the most important part. All drawing is visual memory. You can draw anything you want right now, as long as you references on standby to look at. Perspective and Loomis just tells why stuff work. Not trying to discourage you from books or copying reference, but /ic/ beginners fall into the trap of turning drawing into some kind of video game, and right side of the brain being level 1.

>> No.2452630

I see. I still think those books are helping me, but I'll mix into that some leisure drawing and reference drawings. I have the time, just gotta get myself focused. Thanks.

>> No.2452659

The next thing I would say is for drawing from imagination is time. What I think what makes an artist an expert is how quickly they can pull off a picture. For your first image you post online, take as much time as possible to get it right. It will take a lot of re re re and redrawing and lots of reference images looking to study your subject. But it will be worth it, and it's better to get your online portfolio started asap.

>> No.2452664
File: 208 KB, 715x1217, PicsArt_03-16-07.20.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody please help...

>> No.2452670

Who is this semen demon? From one of those chinese manhua's?

>> No.2452678
File: 423 KB, 1101x1704, PicsArt_03-17-09.16.40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it was generic though. Copy of psychopass. So stopped reading after 4 chapters. I'm one of weeks that study japanese AND chinese.

Hey, can you answer my question?

>> No.2452683
File: 236 KB, 1440x1081, PicsArt_03-16-12.40.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad. It's called 极度分裂

>> No.2452684

>blowing up a qt into roses

>> No.2452686

Anything to help about drawing from imagination ? Every time i try without reference i feel like i can't really express my self, i know i should study the human figure, but is there anything that helps on this argument ?

>> No.2452687
File: 435 KB, 2192x1363, PicsArt_03-16-02.51.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ic, onegai. Answer kureru

>> No.2452692
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Thanks man, this is a big help.

>> No.2452696

you're welcome.

>> No.2452712

Are there any picture tutorial/ video tutorials on perspective ? Perspective made easy and Loomis successful drawing don't really help me there .

>> No.2452715

Maybe post an example ? Otherwise , it's possible your having difficulty keeping proportions down at a larger scale ? Your only a month so really don't beat yourself up.

>> No.2452718

Marshall Vandruff has some video lectures on perspective, there are about 12 of them, each 40 minutes long. I don't think he explains anything that those books already explain, but the way he does it may make it "click" for you.

>> No.2452725

you could try squinting and distancing your head from the paper often when you draw big, otherwise idk, just keep practicing

>> No.2452729

I'm trying to learn how to "rotate" objects in 3D
i.e drawing 3d shapes from any angles for things like figure drawing. I had the idea of drawing a plan for the front, top, and sides of the figure to pose it but I'm not sure if this is to complicated or not. Any suggestions?

>> No.2452764

does anyone have a torrent/zip/rar whatever of Photoshop cs5?

>> No.2452783

>experiment with until it feels right
thanks anon

>> No.2453446
File: 78 KB, 736x514, otomo-Akira-vol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I paint in a similar way to katsuhiro otomo?

>> No.2453584

I'm just starting on drawing and was wondering if using a mouse + SAI is a good idea

It most likely isn't, and is most likely an absolute fucking retarded idea, but if I really tried, could I git gud using a mouse?

Would skill transfer well from mouse to paper?

>> No.2453588

Gauche. Look at 60's/70's retro sci-fi art. Personally, I'm a huge fan of the style!

>> No.2453596
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The short answer is-- No, not really.
It's supposed to be done the other way around; the paper should come before the computer, if we're talking cross compatability in skillset.
You would do better to just use paper for right now. Especially as a beginner, where you'll be picking up certain new habits in drawing; computers fuck up the good habits you get from traditional media, and traditional media fucks up the time saving habits you discover in a computer program. Plan accordingly.

>> No.2453602

18x24 newsprint+vine&compressed charcoal is the best place to start. No debate.

Pencils are bullshit.

Mouse+SAI is like being right-handed, not knowing guitar, and deciding to learn it left-handed on a right-hand guitar strung upside down because that's how jimi did it. I mean you could in theory, but you won't.

>> No.2453622

How do I approach a Master study? Was thinking of doing Death of Ophelia but I'm rather intimidated by all the details.

>> No.2453661 [DELETED] 

Should I just give up? I'm not getting any better and can't draw for shit no matter how much I practice/read/study. The sticky was useless and I've been thought it multiple times hoping I missed something.

>> No.2453709

I have Photoshop but I have my used it yet. I have about nine months left of it.

Are there any good instructional videos for learning to draw with Photoshop?

>> No.2453712
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>> No.2453746

Is there a tool in krita that is similar to the overhand grip?

>> No.2453765

Anyone doing New Masters Academy? i've got 8 months to get gud, is it a worthwhile purchaase?

>> No.2453798

That's only for portraits and still lifes.

Also for these: vine&compressed charcoal can be replaced with Wolff's Carbon and Conte a Paris 1710 B - B3(?).

newsprint -> smooth light grey wrapping tissue because newsprint is not available in some countries but paper for wrapping is.

But yeah, graphite pencils are pretty useless for that kind of stuff except a normal one for construction.

>> No.2453803

But from what I'm reading, I SHOULD be doing this upside-down!

>> No.2453816

front+side+backside or 1/2 is usually done for character sheets. It's useful because you rotate only around one axis and have all the measurements. Obviously, it's also useful as a plan when you draw a character a lot.

It's not wasted at all, it's a great exercise.

Dunno about top, nobody seems to ever bother with that one.

>> No.2453829

>i've got 8 months to get gud

Anon, don't do this to yourself.

>> No.2453855

My advice is to be patient with your work. Take your time to make a finished piece( like a weeks worth of work: 20-30 hours perhaps) each week or month, use references where appropriate and consume as much as you can about for example: color and light theory, perspective and construction and apply it in personal projects. The important thing is that, when you face a problem don't just wing it, make each stroke informed. Make smaller complimentary studies and sketch ideas regurlaly on the side and really think hard about what you want to communicate with your picture and how to do so, and which aesthetic pleases you ( look at other artist for inspiration).

Doing allot of studies in isolation isn't worth as much as you developing sensibilities for art and a robust knowledge on how to apply concepts in your personal work. Not to say, that you should't do studies soley from observation, for its own sake. Because you should learn how to observe proportions, valuse, hues and saturation so you can incorporate reference into your work and tinker with informed intention. However this is manuall labour, a skill that is thought. The more intresting thing is your personal expression in your art and here it can be very technicall or very naivly done.

The last thing is that you should't just paint or draw mindlessly from imagination or reference. To make every second be productive you have be focused on learning and improving in aspects of art, building on previouse knowledge. Or else you'll be stagnant.

And don't forget to make goals and plan in dedicated time in your day when you only work learning and raffining your work.

- Spend alot of time finishing personal work
-Learn how to apply fundametnal concepts in your personal work
- Have a clear purpose for you making art
- Learn to draw and paint from observation
- Challange your self both technically and expression wise.
- Plan, make goals.
- Search for your inspiration.

>> No.2453959

Thanks Anon for the well written response!
I meant get as gud as possible i guess. 8 months until i go to uni so i've got time to d/ic/k around.

>> No.2453969

M8 why did you post this without a link to the older thread? And didn't link the sticky either...

>> No.2454049

you'll have enough time to draw in uni unless you're chad

>> No.2454132

How can I tell if I'm going to make it?

>> No.2454154

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.2454204

How do I make practical use of Scott Robertson's book? It all reads like perspective techniques for people who know how to draw already.

>> No.2454226

I've went ahead and finished Hampton's lectures from the CGMA videos floating about. I thought they were great, but... I'm not sure how to apply the info he taught.

What do I do now with the knowledge he provided? There is a second 8 week lecture course that continues. Do I need to finish up both lectures to understand what he's trying to provide?

>> No.2454229

yeah i have the same feeling reading it

>> No.2454273

How the fuck do I draw from the shoulder when my hand sticks to the tablet.

>> No.2454303

does our eyes see 2D or 3D?

>> No.2454309
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My brother is going to Las Vegas next week and wants to buy some art supplies to me. While I usually work on digital, I don't think that our 80$ budget is enough to buy a decent tablet or anything like this there.

So I ask you: Do you have sugestions for pencils/pens or anything else?

Sorry if this isn't the best place to ask it, but looking at the catalog, it seemed to be the closest place to talk about art supplies.

>> No.2454360

By sweating less or using something like a smudgeguard

I hope you're not actually serious.

>> No.2454423

huion 610pro is like 80 dollars
get w/e brand pencils like derwen kohinoor etc doesnt matter much
dont forget kneaded eraser

>> No.2454482

2D 720p 30fps

>> No.2454489

Are you sure its not acrylic?

>> No.2454490
File: 373 KB, 1075x556, BigGun3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if people here can help

I want to have screentones in SAI, I've seen people on DA offering different versions but wich one do people here recommendates? And beside screen tones are there any craftint textures available?

>> No.2454537

To pick up on this.
Does anyone have experience with New Masters Academy - and is it worth the money?
It does seem like they have a shitton of stuff but you never know..

>> No.2454562

Best way to look at those things is that they teach you what you already know.

Say you want to learn how to draw animals.
Pick up a book on drawing animals (some good ones can be recommend via Book thread). Try it, practice it, fail it. Finish the book.

Once you're done, THEN try to give New Master Academy a try and see how they can improve on what you already know. This goes for any subject within that academy (except for the more advance stuff).

>> No.2454962
File: 415 KB, 958x1400, 010203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can tracing or copying help you improve if you just want to learn anybody's style ?

Let's say you want to draw pic related very well, should you trace or copy it (maybe both) ?

>> No.2455107

Tracing no, but copying like if you were studying from reality is very good to learn stylization.
Make studies of the gesture, construction, details etc but DO NOT TRACE

>> No.2455113


but what about building handeye-coord for inking and things of that nature ?

>> No.2455115

Tracing is still not good for such thing.

>> No.2455127

I'm an aspie with a short attention span and the penmanship of a third grader

Is there any hope for me?

>> No.2455132

don't listen to the anti-tracing faggot.

Tracing CAN help, but you have to be very cognizant of why you're doing it. If you just trace mindlessly it does nothing. If you pay very close attention to WHAT the original artist was doing, think about why, think about how you do it differently, etc. Then tracing is a good practice tool. It helps you see tiny glimpses of another person's process.

Just keep it in small doses.

>> No.2455133

how do I learn anatomy once and for all? I'm at a apoint where I have a little bit of confidence in my lines but don't know where to put them. I always have an idea of how the body should look like but there's so many things and curves to think about that I end up with shitty looking humans. Do I just look at references until it's burned into my brain? Do I practice each limb on its own and then try to piece it together?

How do you own anatomy?

>> No.2455146

yeahj {I Unevbewr fuvckign sasw thwe thresad. what ? sindce when was it ever here in the past you cunts./

>> No.2455149

Anon are you okay?

>> No.2455157

fucking hate this place

>> No.2455158

Good to hear, Anon.

>> No.2455170

i like to trace my reference on my screen with pencil and then try to draw the same line on paper

>> No.2455232
File: 22 KB, 574x296, 12279223_1504674899832955_4703470563835258675_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wake up at 9:15 every day to meditate and draw until dinner, I've been doing this since August now, but today and until Monday I want a break, is it too bad to not touch a pencil for 5 days? I feel weird already

>> No.2455246

you're human sadly not a machine. It's ok. Just take a break. It's coming back to it that matters the most in the end.

>> No.2455264

Years of application. You will have to keep your anatomy books close to you while drawing normally.

>> No.2455266

In the time you asked this here you could have tried it. It takes like 10 seconds.

>> No.2455283


>> No.2455313

It's a very difficult subject. Don't expect to learn it in just a year. Read up on all the recommended anatomy stuff here and branch off.

Proko > Hampton > random anatomy lecture / book > vilppu > loomis > and so on

I usually keep anatomy for the Sculpture near by as a reference book. If i can't find a good reference in the book, i would google it for a proper image.

>> No.2455316

Do a study of a leg before you go to bed. Then, as you're falling asleep, think of a 3-d model of that form in your head. Visualize it. Rotate it around. Think of how the planes of the form will look. Think of the bone it attaches to underneath.

Keep going!

>> No.2455339
File: 593 KB, 1039x1600, img001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this has been asked a million times but here goes: if I can't draw at all but I decide to follow the w/ic/i's advice (Edwards/Loomis/Norling/etc.) and practice an hour every day, how long should it take me to get to a point where I can draw at a level that isn't completely embarrassing?

I'm guesstimating 2 years.

>> No.2455355

what's an effective way to keep references in view on photoshop while drawing

>> No.2455394

You can start with 1h, but you will often want to go overtime, because you want to learn more.

>> No.2455608

Does anyone have an article or one of those infograph images explaining the differences between a female and male head? Or just the head/neck/upper body really besides obviously girls have tits and a slimmer waist and men have broader shoulders.

>> No.2455609

Drawing isn't grinding for levels in a RPG

>> No.2455610


>> No.2455652

nice you can repost a link someone posted two days ago

>> No.2455719
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is there any guides or anything to drawing/studying landscapes? ive been trying to do daily studies of them but i really just cant grasp them.

>> No.2455886
File: 70 KB, 640x247, sparks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the spark?

>> No.2455959 [DELETED] 

Would websites like New Masters Academy be able to track whether or not I download images from their image library? I'm in the process of trying to capture the entire library on my computer before my year subscription expires.

>> No.2455960

Would a website like New Masters Academy be able to track whether or not I save images from their image library?

>> No.2455963
File: 2.73 MB, 600x396, 1451870852948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is better
>Keeping current alias associated with being funny and likable but have a few autistic enemies. Also have people who know a decent amount of drama-potential information about me
>Blank boring slate that only pumps out art

I do furry art.

>> No.2455966

Why not both? You can be boring AND have autistic enemies, anon! <3

>> No.2455973

It's bullshit people tell you so you feel bad and stop making art. There are two things that matter. How much you draw everyday and what is your capacity for understanding (IQ). The first matters more.
Don't be a pussy and learn photoshop.
I read Scott Robertson's book year and a half ago and I apply the knowledge from it all the time. It was one of the first drawing books I picked up and it was very confusing for me as well, but the books is really useful.

>> No.2456034
File: 2.03 MB, 225x96, my pain is constant and sharp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I know if I'm clinically retarded manually?

I'm in my 20s, drew for most of my life and still have problems making the pencil go where I want it to. I even picked up training off and on for the last couple of months and I'm not sure if I'm still supposed to be this shit.

Like, have you ever been drawing an eye and you want to make the brow arch but it goes in some semi-random direction and you have to settle with what you just put to paper instead? I have that all the time.

>> No.2456037

Don't just suddenly switch over if you want to not be found. Do both for a while and switch over if it feels right. All it takes someone autistic enough to find your new alias after you switch over.

>> No.2456055


Are you able to do basic exercises? Like drawing straight lines and elipses?
Can you connect dots and stuff? Like if you draw four dots can you connect them with a straight line or a curve?

Sometimes the problem is people fuck up facial feature placement because of lack of knowledge of facial features not line control, but if you consistently struggle and don't show improvement even with those exercises, it could be a problem with your approach (or in an off-chance your brain, but I doubt it). Check how you hold your pencil. Do you use your wrist, elbow or arm?

>> No.2456092


I started to train to draw straight lines and simple forms from the shoulder. I connect two dots 10 cm from each other about half the time. I make an acceptable circle about 1/3rd of the time.

I used to use the tripod grip but since that put a lot of strain on my fingers and I don't need small manipulation for shoulder movement I switched to a sort of fixed grip that is fairly close to tripod in terms of the pencil's relation to the hand, but instead of gripping at the same height fingers apply pressure along the length of the pencil and balance each other out.

My problem is making my hand go where I want it to go, not anatomy. Anatomy has fuck all to do with it. I struggle with a regular smiley face (circles for eyes, simle matching the round outline of the head).

>> No.2456097
File: 68 KB, 648x864, 1450966721021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of any sites that has landmarks of gesture-like poses for muscles?

Doing Hampton's exercises, and the Leg part is killing me when it comes to poses like pic related. Hoping there's a site that has poses related to this and already has them colored in like John Reed, but only with more examples.

>> No.2456183

this as fukcing fucking fuck holy shit
no one on /ic/ gets this

>> No.2456453

What is it then? Do something over and over again is grinding. Just understanding art isn't enough, you have to built muscle memory.

>> No.2456526

Some things are just shit and you have to work around them. (use 2 lines, rotate your paper, draw slower.)

Or try a totally different grip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of8wLYXdau4

>> No.2456674


because the old question thread died hard, and no one who makes these threads paid attention.

that said, last threads op post

Ask any questions here, avoid making new threads for them!

Old thread - >>2417577 (Dead)

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/kVkkdzaX

New WIP Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VfDTpLLVl5bWUGWguswKpPFml533luI8-NBd1EGYHnA/edit?pref=2&pli=1

-- i have been lazy/busy/hey a game i like got patched must play though it again
ill go through the last thread tonight if you didn't get your crap answered if i got anything ill try to help.

and last thread


Im going to go through it and answer shit that didnt get answers/good ones later on... fucking tired from computer maintenance (software side) a firmware fuck up and generally no sleep for the last few weeks.

>> No.2456675

paint tool sai / clip studio or manga studio

sai is the best for line art, bar none, dont bother with anything else.

that said thats the only point where sai excels if i remember right, after that its personal preference, i lean ward clip/manga as i dont require sais wight weight.

ON THAT NOTE a question

does manga studio have the animation tools or is that just a clip studio thing right now.

>> No.2456681


Our vision is 2D, but stereoscopic. This gives us a sense of depth perception. It's not strictly 3D vision, but it's enough to make the difference if you're concerned about the distinction between photographs and life drawing.

>> No.2456685

wanking teenager essence

>> No.2456726

any torrents or links for clip and manga studio?

>> No.2456770

I actually don't see how it's possible to draw for so long in one day without suffering wrist / shoulder pain.

>> No.2456816

I’ve been drawing everyday for a while and noticed improvements in the past weeks. Then I’ve noticed all my mistakes. I thought drawing more would’ve helped me to overcome them but they still show up and no further improvements to be seen. This makes me mad. I bet it’s because I should change subject or approach to challenge me more… how do you usually behave in these cases? Have you got any practical advice or excercise to follow? Maybe a character designer should practice more real life and viceversa or… I don’t know, furry artists should do landscapes and things like this? Or you suggest to stick to your favourite subjects and endure? To put it short, what do I have to draw to improve a lot once again?

>> No.2456837

Can you recommend some good books on drawing comics?

>> No.2456838

Me again, does this makes any sense?:

Can I follow this?

>> No.2456843

Try this if you don't already know him:
scott mccloud comics

>> No.2456846

This is good advice. I still have trouble with scaling because I have a bad habit of hovering inches away from the page. Get in the habit of sitting more upright when you draw. Important for keeping proportions, too.

>> No.2456849

not sure exactly what you mean, but if youre saying that as you improve you just spot even more mistakes in your art, that's good! it means that while you're still having trouble implementing knowledge, yourknowledge is definitely growing. it means now you just have to keep practicing and the improvement will start to show again.
or if you mean some persistent mistakes keep appearing even though you try to fix them, some habits are just hard to break. if it's some specific area, like you always draw the bicep wrong, do a lot of studies of a bicep in many positions, looks at master works including biceps, watch as many different methods of drawing it as you can to try and get that one area on the same level as your other work. if it's something like you keep chicken scratching, just draw regularly but make sure, esp in the sketching stage, to keep an eye out for that specific issue and try to exaggerate and counterbalance it, eg to fix chicken scratching, try to draw something with only 5 broad, straight or C curve lines.

tl;dr, look at exactly what issues you're having. focus on them while 1. continuing to draw what you like and 2. experimenting more.
if you like drawing fuckin looney toons, do it, but in a variety of styles & mediums & poses & perspectives. subject matter is less important than HOW you place it and HOW you draw it

>> No.2456863

Cool! These seems reasonable advices! Thanks a lot!

>> No.2456936

this. I literally take off my glasses when drawing so that I can't see detail and it forces me to focus on the big shapes then when I want to do detail I put them back on but the proportions are already in at that point.

>> No.2456981

What is a good book for anatomy with clearly defined proportions ? I am reading Scott Robertsons Book and Loomis but the proportions for ribcages pelvis etc just arent there. There are really good and precise head construction methods but I cant find anything good for other body parts.

>> No.2457013

are there any specific books that you would recommend for anatomy; I know too check out based Loomis, but are there any specific books of his/any other artist? Thanks in advance.

>> No.2457067
File: 593 KB, 1600x780, IMG_3209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody knows if there is a torrent or something for Dynamic Sketching 2?

>> No.2457084

Figure drawing design andinvention(my favourite)
Figure drawing for all it's worth

bridgman's constructive anatomy
anatomy for sculptors
classic human anatomy

these are just few good books, the hampton and loomis books go over general figure drawing including anatomy but the others are focused solely on anatomy. There is a fuckton of other good books so choose whatever looks good to you. You can even use medical anatomy books like Grey's anatomy, those should be easier to find in libraries.

>> No.2457107

after an almost 4 month forced break im deciding to get back on the art train. i just busted out the tablet i got for christmas and it's extremely hard to adjust, i plan on rotating and practicing on paper, is there any exercises that can help me adjust , so far i can't use anything i have studied because i can't adjust.

>> No.2457124

What are some must read comics for an aspiring comic book artist?

>> No.2457226 [DELETED] 

What's the best mentality for art? Or rather, what's yours?

Heh, anyway. There's obviously the fact that everyone and anyone can get better at drawing, but it's the state of one's mind that pushes them to create and succeed in creating their art. Personally, I'm trying to find an equilibrium between taking art seriously ( Study from life, reading books, anatomy... ) And drawing irresponsibly by drawing what I want to draw ( Cartoons, often time symbol-drawings, screwing around...)

Obviously, we could all do better, but we often times "burn out" causing more harm than good, and other times if you decide to be silly with art it can lead to serious stagnation in progress... Serious. Stagnation. 5 fucking years. Anyway. What's you're idea of how to tackle art?

>> No.2457227

What's the best mentality for art? Or rather, what's yours?

Heh, anyways.. Personally, I'm trying to find an equilibrium between taking art seriously ( Study from life, reading books, anatomy... ) And drawing irresponsibly by drawing what I want to draw ( Cartoons, often time symbol-drawings, screwing around...)

Obviously, we could all do better, but we often times "burn out" causing more harm than good, and other times if you decide to be silly with art it can lead to serious stagnation in progress... Serious. Stagnation. 5 fucking years. Anyway. What's you're idea of how to tackle art?

>> No.2457238

I tackle art with a positive lighthearted mentality, it's always good to have a balanced set in order to prevent burning out mentally and physically. This is gonna sound a bit asinine but take your art serious but don't take your art serious

>> No.2457321
File: 159 KB, 1355x668, ss+(2016-03-25+at+11.50.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Bert Dodson use this picture in his Keys To Drawing a couple of times? I just don't get what's so special about it. Anyone enlighten me?

>> No.2457376
File: 234 KB, 1095x1195, 1455088063164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do i force myself to get to back to drawing I've wasted so much time doing nothing

>> No.2457390

quick draw me something lewd

>> No.2457398 [DELETED] 

I also have no imagination help me with that too

>> No.2457399


I think you need to do some things your not gonna like if you planning to go pro. If not you can do whatever you want, but otherwise its important to do things you don't find exciting and try to find the joy in them.

Like lets say you hate perspective, try to find something in perspective you like, maybe designing is your thing so you focus on using ion that while practicing a drawing a cityscape.

Your going to be spending most of your professional art career painting things you probably wish you were already done with or are not your favorite subject so its important to get used to it.

Your also need to balance it with what you like however or you quickly forget why your even in art in the first place. do something you dislike for a couple hours take a break and do something you enjoy for a couple repeat.

>> No.2457403

If you're a guy that's literally impossible.

>> No.2457491
File: 14 KB, 368x466, tip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a new computer and I can't remember how to fix this or what to Google...

Could some please help me out?

>> No.2457520 [DELETED] 

So I've read some of the beginner books from the sticky and I have a better sense of how to approach drawing. Now I'd like to learn how to draw heads and I started with the Loomis book but I have no idea how eyes, mouths, etc work. Where do I look this shit up?

>> No.2457532

I'm starting to draw heads and for the most part I've got the construction of the head ok. What I don't know is how eyes, eyelids, mouths, etc work. If I google "eyelid anatomy", I get a bunch of shit dealing with cells and ducts and whatnot. I need stuff from an art perspective, how muscles work, how the eyelids wrap around the eyes, etc. Any help?

>> No.2457563

You might hate me but Loomis' plate on how the eyes work (similarly) to the lios helped me out a ton. Just remember to think in 3D.

>> No.2457631
File: 900 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-03-25-21-02-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the eff did this happen, brian?

>> No.2457640

nice anime

>> No.2457644

His other shit is godly compared to this. I can only imagine that its him transitioning into digital art

>> No.2457811
File: 25 KB, 400x283, 1410923715095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic brian

>> No.2457901

Maybe a routine problem.

Maybe "Mastery" by George Leonard can help you. The meat for you probably starts at "Why Resolutions Fail—and What to Do About It." Torrents exist.

>> No.2458236

i was thinking of trying watercolor/gouache but i only have old brushes from like middle school so i wanted to buy new ones but does it matter what they are made out of? some are from squirrels some are from ferrets or even pigs

>> No.2458263

You want soft brushes for watercolor. People normally use sable, synthetic brushes or a blend. Hog's hair bristles are too stiff. Squirrel should be good.

>> No.2458297

oh right its sabel not ferret

>> No.2458314

Get one of them water brushes that you can fill up with water. So fucking practical. When I want to sketch in color somewhere outside I take this brush and a bunch of watercolor pencils and maybe some improvised tiny palette to mix color in. Perfect for simple sketching.

>> No.2458381
File: 12 KB, 650x650, ks__041_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this? thats pretty cool

>> No.2458452
File: 176 KB, 1000x468, aquarellepencils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally got that exact same one. Check out watercolor pencils by koh-i-noor (pic related). They are cheap and the colors are amazing. You can just use them like pencils, or draw and then use the waterbrush to spread the color on paper or you can just rub the brush on the tip of the pencil to grab color on brush and use it pretty much like regular watercolor.

>> No.2458514

oh cool i wanted to get the ones with the old man on the cover but those with berries seem to be even cheaper, im not sure because their website doesnt list the amount of pencils for this set just prices, i guess its because its not in metal box

>> No.2458597
File: 448 KB, 785x919, pencil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at the catalog i noticed they also arent as pretty looking which i dont mind at all

>> No.2458724
File: 78 KB, 583x600, GFL_all_colours_Kopie_02_6979784ce1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local art store has pentel color brushes on sale. And I have budget for 5 of them. Which colors would be best to get if I can only get 5? Except black, I already have that one.

>> No.2458803

I'm trying to understand gesture, following Vilppu, wondering if someone can answer these questions:
1. Is it better to use pencil than pen for gesture studies? (Currently using fine tip pen)
2. Is better to take my time with gesture studies or do them quickly?
3. What are my lines supposed to be capturing? The contour? The center lines? The border? Do I need to do cross contours? Should I try to delineate value?
4. What's an example of a "good" gesture drawing? An example of a "bad"? What makes it good or bad?
5. How do I show foreshortening in the gesture drawing? (I have a lot of trouble with this)
6. What *is* gesture?

>> No.2458831
File: 29 KB, 600x600, IMG_20160224_31831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to use my breaks at work to get gud but im still at keys to drawing level. What should or could i do with my 15minute breaks and my hour lunch to get gud

>> No.2458847


Depends on what colour schemes you like. Personally i'd go with neutrals; gray, sepia, brown and the one between "steel blue" and "olive green" in this pic. The others don't appeal to me, too neon.

>> No.2458933

I just finished perspective made easy, but I didn't learn about how to put people in perspective.

Do you just learn the basic forms and then sculpt them in perspective?

>> No.2459158
File: 62 KB, 409x541, noir-art-rene-gruau-via-mydelicatedream-tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how to draw
I can draw from life
I can draw the figure
I can construct the figure
I understand perspective
I can construct in perspective
I understand and can construct anatomy

What's the next step that I should take?
I'm currently learning how to paint irl with different mediums and methods (Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, Gouache, Casein, Pastel, etc etc)

I guess I have trouble with color and kind of unifying it. Maybe I should do some Nathan Fowkes studies.

But I can't quite figure out what exactly my next step in being an artist should be, so I thought I'd ask you guys.

Some Rene Gruau to spice up the thread.

>> No.2459169

How does /ic/ deal with drawing a straight line free hand the length of an entire page? I've been attempting to do it for a while now, but many of my lines end up being curved in the middle. Sometimes I get good results but its nowhere near consistent.

>> No.2459184

I really like that painting

>> No.2459221

I bought a whiteboard on ebay today.
I plan to have it sitting flat on my desk so I can doodle and scribble whilst watching videos and the like.
Realistically speaking, is this good practice? Or should I be doing something more focused?

>> No.2459323
File: 5 KB, 250x184, 1429375944427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanna start getting better at drawing full bodies/anatomy instead of just drawing things form the waist up, how do you start?
Short warm ups, like 30 seconds for each study or something longer, like 10 minutes?

>> No.2459528

>whiteboard on desk
that sounds fucking retarded m8. Just hang it on the wall. Whiteboards are fucking awesome for exploring ideas and problem solving. Personally I always have a stack of papers in front of me on my desk at all times so I can draw whenever I have downtime or just feel like it.

Don't mindlessly doodle. Try excercises from Dynamic Sketching, they are simple so you can do them fast and easy and they help a ton.

>> No.2459645

cereal guys I wanna know

>> No.2459655

it's not special

>> No.2460232

I want to learn coloring and shading what books or info do I need to get better at this?

>> No.2460313

This probably sounds a bit silly, but when do you use other artists as references and when do you use real people?

I know for many things the real thing beats out other references before you know for a fact its real. However, sometimes artists are able to capture motion and gesture in a way that conveys it better than the real thing. Colors and values are also rarely chosen to imitate reality unless that's their purpose.
So at what areas is it better to look at other artists rather than reality? (naturally assuming you have a knowledge on how things are applied in nature)

>> No.2460454

If I make a DA print and somebody buys it, am I getting bucks or DA points?

Watch willpu and don't think about time, think of result.
Do what he does at your comfortable pace

>> No.2460542

Other artists when you want to replicate their look, their technique, their media, etc etc

Real people when you want reference for posing, anatomy, foreshortening, especially for clothing and fashion

It's the reason why we do Master Copies, so we can learn their process and shorthand of how they solved problems.

>> No.2460877
File: 2.04 MB, 4248x2016, 1458869320834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I ink and color lineart in photoshop?

my friend drew something that I want to color
far left is the version he sent me
middle is my first attempt
right is my current attempt

both attempts look like shit to me but this is my first ever attempt at something like this.

and before you ask yes I asked him to scan it or give me the original so I could scan it but he never did

>> No.2460880

Have a question to video related.
The pens he uses. Im not quite sure which those are.
They are from steadtler with a felt tip.
I've bough those but with a plastic tip? They are quite hard and have this silver casing. (Fineliner?)
They are pigment liner but i just dont know if those are okay because the ones he uses dont seem to be the ones i bought.


he talks about them in the beginning in the second part at the beginning he shows them but not really clear.

>> No.2460913
File: 194 KB, 700x990, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. It's pic related. More specifically her ass. Is that would it would look like from that angle? I've been seeing this more and more recently in a lot of front facing nudes, where the checks show just barely between the legs. Is that accurate or is it a fetish/stylistic thing?

>> No.2460920


Are you having trouble finding pictures of actual naked women on the internet or something?

>> No.2460932

No. I've actually been focusing more on facial expressions recently, just wanted to try to drum up some conversation on it. Guess I'll fuck off to google then.

>> No.2461224
File: 48 KB, 429x377, 1387423831431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a guide or anything that goes over the differences in drawing heads for a guy vs a girl?

I mean humans are humans the only things I can see is that typically guys have squarer jaws and typically wider chins. More blocky faces

>> No.2461245

kind of looks weird in the pic

it's a weird angle i dont see whats wrong with the question

>> No.2461246

the whole image is fucked

guessing it's meant to be that silver haired kid from hunter x hunter

>> No.2461253

What's working for me is do everything in blocks.

30 minutes uni work
30 minutes drawing
30 minutes uni work


doesn't have to be drawing, works with gaming, maybe watch one episode of anime in your 30 minute break

>> No.2461254

Good question, I always asked that myself. They are barely visible in a frontal view, so my guess is yes.

>> No.2461268

is this interesting?

>> No.2461275
File: 87 KB, 1024x677, figure_drawing_1_by_moonlightrose17-d6kzpyk-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'll start going this weekend attending a weekly figure drawing class for the next 3 months, and I'm not sure whenever I should or not practice this week in preparation for the class.

Last time I drew in a daily basis was about 4 months, and I don't feel that I have any good chops for drawing at all, so I don't want to carry any bad habits once I start going to the drawing class to compliment my drawing routines once I start attending the class.

Still, they asked me to bring any drawing references. I got a few pieces that I feel "proud" of, but I wonder if I should draw new stuff or not for the class.

What do you say, /ic/? Should I practice onwards the class or should I just get into the class with a "blank state", so to day?

Picture related from google search, not my work.

>> No.2461280

You should practice because you WANT to practice, not because you want to look good when you start a class.

>> No.2461291

who cares why he practices so long as he does it? I had a friend in highschool who had a decent hand for portraits. He would draw people in class and purposefully "accidentally" leave them out for girls he was interested in to see. It actually helped break the ice with some of them. He actually improved quite a bit over the years from this practice.

>> No.2461294

Well, I definitely don't want to draw in the class to make an impression. I meant that I don't want to restart drawing carrying bad habits or drawing misconceptions from my previous efforts, hence the "blank state" comment. Sorry if I didn't explain myself clearer.

>> No.2461313

Ah, I get it now. And yeah, you should practice. Your efforts aren't going to be ruined by bad habits if you're trying to learn. If you're unsure of what to do in preparation look up videos on gesture, figure drawing and quick sketching. Proko's stuff is a good start. And then just draw a lot while you get comfortable with the concepts.
These are all good for practicing figure drawing:

>> No.2461358

1. I know simply tracing stuff is really bad, but I've tried a couple times to attempt to break down others' art into basic shapes, remove the "traced" layer, and then try to work my way back up to the finished product. Is this helpful? Harmful? A waste of time?
2. As a beginner, I keep trying to draw in different poses, usually by going stick-skeleton -> shapes around the lines -> filling in. Is this counterproductive; should I try to stick to simple poses like what furries draw on ref sheets?
3. If I draw a furry, do I have to go to /trash/ to try to get it critiqued, or is this board fine (probably in Beginner's Thread)? And if not, what about if I'm drawing a character from media, like Disney's Robin Hood, Digimon, Looney Toons, or D&D (Kobolds, Dragonborn, Gnolls, Lamias...)?

>> No.2461377

The steps are drawing body poses, then detail then deriviving to learn right?

Should I practice on paper or is using a drawing tablet fine for learning?

>> No.2461383
File: 74 KB, 1024x549, drawing_base_tutorial_by_pyjama_cake-d72rdrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pencil and paper is generally easier but if your main goal is digital, it's a good way to learn/get experience on a tablet.

>> No.2461395

yeah main goal is to make money from drawing porn through commisions or something like that. But i want to do it well and be renowned for quality so i dont want to take shortcuts. I dont really see art as a passion anymore but an easy way to make money

>> No.2461406

1. I know simply tracing stuff is really bad, but I've tried a couple times to attempt to break down others' art into basic shapes, remove the "traced" layer, and then try to work my way back up to the finished product. Is this helpful? Harmful? A waste of time?
Sure, why not.

>2. As a beginner, I keep trying to draw in different poses, usually by going stick-skeleton -> shapes around the lines -> filling in. Is this counterproductive; should I try to stick to simple poses like what furries draw on ref sheets?
Starting from stick figures is a good way, but don't take the lines too seriously, they are mostly for general spacing and positioning on the paper and they aren't 3D objects themselves, so they are easy to misunderstand later.

No clue what you mean with furries on ref sheets, but you should probably just try it out if people recommend it.

3. If I draw a furry, do I have to go to /trash/ to try to get it critiqued, or is this board fine (probably in Beginner's Thread)? And if not, what about if I'm drawing a character from media, like Disney's Robin Hood, Digimon, Looney Toons, or D&D (Kobolds, Dragonborn, Gnolls, Lamias...)?
If someone on /ic/ gets their rageboner out, just post it somewhere else. There is no fixed rule about what is allowed, because someone is always offended or wants to be a smartass (for example by citing the rules.)

>> No.2461413
File: 112 KB, 1200x627, Steve-Carell-sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont really see art as a passion anymore but an easy way to make money
>an easy way to make money

should we tell him?

>> No.2461415

Yeah, I just wanted to know if I'd be guaranteed a ban for posting OC if it's furry. So, not necessarily, but be wary about it?

Furries pay massive autismbux if you can stand the weird fetishes.

>> No.2461420

after seeing how much people pay for mlp and furry porn i dont think its that hard to get into that side of the industry.

>> No.2461458

What exercises can I do while not studying from books? I need to break the monotony of grinding Loomis for an hour.

>> No.2461467
File: 127 KB, 569x630, what color are nipples again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright this is gonna sound silly but what is a good pink hentai nipple color? I left it grayscale for now. And I the color need it in HEX. Reason I'm asking is because I'm semi colorblind. Will post updated work after suggestion.

>> No.2461481
File: 351 KB, 1292x617, nipple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, i think its alright.

You could also sample from this image for different shades

>> No.2461484

Hmm that looks almost too real of a color. Also my girl's skin is pale intentionally.

>> No.2461496
File: 799 KB, 1059x472, nipple-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about more along these lines, i included two colours for this

>> No.2461500

Doesn't look good just recolored it, the problem is you are eye dropping from JPEGs, the pixels aren't perfect colorwise. Because of JPEG's artifacts. Saving the screenshot as a PNG doesn't fix this problem.

>> No.2461646

How far should I go with my drawing skills if my aim is to start reading Alla Prima and learn oil painting?

>> No.2461652

Does someone know a good video or artist that give good character design tips ?

>> No.2461669
File: 374 KB, 1999x1303, blades-of-glory-stills-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you guys tell the difference between a sketch and a drawing(something you would sell). or would you sell a sketch too? when you are going to make a drawing you intend to sell and its not a commission what kind of paper do you use? how do i make artwork thats officially fit for purchase? i dont get this

>> No.2462130
File: 9 KB, 961x65, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have a flow adjuster next to the opacity one in photoshop, it seems to have vanished. Anyone have any idea where the hell it went and how to get it back?

>> No.2462138

Do a system restore if it's gone but was once there.

>> No.2462143


I don't know how long its been gone for - I stopped using photoshop for a while the last two months or so, and I'm reluctant to do that until I've exhausted other options.

>> No.2462203
File: 96 KB, 247x231, 1334681768875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone I know is getting into art. They are very much a beginner. I want to buy them art supplies mostly for drawing/sketching and then coloring said sketches.

What do I have to know? What are good things to buy for someone like this? What to avoid (ie garbage looking "beginner art sets" filled with crayons on amazon).

>> No.2462210

How much money do you want to spend?

>> No.2462220

Under $100. If possible under $50 but if it's too much quality sacrificed, then over $50 will have to do.

>> No.2462229

Heavy paper sketchbook, some high quality soft (B range) pencils, and charcoal pencils of different colors.

>> No.2462235

Supplies is something an artist always needs, so your friend will probably buy themselves some shit out of necessity.
Books not so much. I'd loved some good books starting out, it also makes avoiding things like 'How to draw manga' a bit easier.

I'd get him something like Perspective made easy by Norton (10$), Keys to drawing by Dodson (15$) or Fun with a pencil by Loomis (33$).
Maybe get an art book by one of his favourite artists. Art books can be pretty expensive though.

A nice good quality sketchbook is always very nice for supplies. A nice lead holder, something like a Steadtler Mars. Some wooden pencils in a good case.
For those things you can best visit a local art store.

>> No.2462240

just pirate the books they're literally everywhere on the internet

>> No.2462244

It's so much nicer to have books in person though.
It will also be a nice reminder to when that one person really helped him start getting into art.

>> No.2462259

That depends way too much on what they want to draw and a bit on their character. Also, what mean "getting into art?" Art school?

Also, millions of art supplies of any kind are shit, even the "good" ones. Most art stores here only have second rate stuff because they have fixed contracts.

>> No.2462261

Pencils, charcoal, paper, keaded erasers should be enough. Since they are beginner, their drawings will be practice, not finished masterpieces so you are looking for stuff that won't hinder them but not necessarily the highest possible quality. Rather than getting one high quality, expensive thing, get many ok quality things.

Pencils: Faber Castell and koh-i-noor make good quality for low enough price. I recommend 2B or lower, get more of them.

Charcoal: get some medium vine charcoal and some charcoal pencils mainly soft.

Paper: Newsprint rolls are great but don't make the most presentable gifts... Some sketchbooks with thick paper, even better if it's textured and toned will be great.

Also consider getting some 0.3 felt tip pens if your budget allows. Steadtler makes great ones. Microns are great as well.

>> No.2462268

I agree to some extent, but at least skip the "Fun with a pencil by Loomis" for $33.

>> No.2462279


>> No.2462292

If my goal is to just do scenery pictures Bob Ross style using oil paints, what areas of fundamentals should I focus on that will allow me to jump into painting as soon as possible?
I'm currently working through Perspective Made Easy. I've heard that being good at drawing isnt a strict requirement to being good at painting

>> No.2462302

Is modern art demented and bad for mental health?

>> No.2462311

Is the best way to learn anatomy from life without model to draw yourself naked in a mirror and break down the shapes of your body??

>> No.2462341

You can pretty much start directly, as painting and drawing from life are basic ways to train beginning artists and to get better as an artist in general. You will find a lot of material about it as long as you stay out of the drawing hobby section.

You can throw indeed most fundamentals out of the window, but you will probably end up drawing a lot for some time anyway, as a way to train your eyesight and more. Perspective and Color&Light are useful fundamentals so you have it easier when interpreting the scene, but they will be probably explained to you in a few books about drawing from life.

Otherwise it's mostly construction by sight, seeing colors correctly and how you use your materials.

Basically, it's basic traditional artist training for drawing landscapes as opposed to portraits. No clue what exactly would be useful, but Dover Publications reprints a lot of older art instruction books for cheap.

>> No.2462368

Draw or memorize?

Bridgman's "Drawing from Life."+touching yourself a lot+posing naked in front of the mirror.

Learn to draw from life?
Probably yeah.

>> No.2462404
File: 18 KB, 273x244, 1457299343761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touching yourself a lot

>> No.2462468

*That* kind of touching won't teach you much. Pervert.

>> No.2462474

Awesome! thanks for the response! I might try doing drawing and painting side by side so as not to get burnt out.

>> No.2462483

I'm in need of some advice. I've been doing art shows around North Florida for about four years now and I can't see it headed anywhere. I'm attending a small arts college (because of the full ride they gave me) and am regretting it. I feel like I don't have enough time to work on my personal pieces and that is what keeps me sane. I guess what I'm asking, should I continue on and finish up at the free but mediocre art school, or start applying at the more prestigious schools? and should I continue my involvement in the smaller art galleries and festivals or try to look for something better. I charge six dollars an hour for my work. Am I selling myself short?
Thanks so much.


>> No.2462484
File: 1.53 MB, 1200x1200, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^ here is some of my work.

>> No.2462532

Your compositions are boring and there isn't much of an aesthetic throughline. If you are aiming to get some people to buy wall decorations I'm sure it's fine but if you want to start marketing yourself as an artist you need to focus on developing a more cohesive artistic voice. Any work or exposure in the meantime is good as long as it doesn't distract you from improving.

Art school is useful if you have a lot of money to burn and can't get motivated to practice on your own. Really though they are only useful if they offer actual instruction on the fundamentals or are prestigious enough to get rich peoples kids to attend for their connections, which you could develop through gallery showings. I have no idea what the art scene is like in North Florida but I'm sure you have some idea about whether its time well spent.

The thing with art is that the only way to gauge your worth is by seeing how much people are willing to pay you. If you really want to improve quickly move to a city with a more competitive art scene. You'll have to deal with a lot of bullshit idiots but if you feel like the galleries you are dealing with are too small it's the fastest way to measure the caliber of your art. At your level I wouldn't recommend it though unless you are really willing to commit. It might sound like selling out your "artistic vision" but if you want to make money as a fine artist see which of your paintings get the most attention or sell and keep replicating that style.

As far as finishing your degree, do whatever you like but if it's free why not complete it? If you've been there for four years already how much longer could you possibly have left anyway.

If I were you and was serious about making it as an artist I'd start saving up money, finish the degree, and move to a bigger city.

>> No.2462559

Thanks so much. That's what I was planning to do so it's nice to hear someone else agree. I feel like I can't find my worth here. Iv'e already participated in near 40 galleries or festivals and every time just goes the same.
Also, I appreciate the critique on composition. I have started noticing that recently.
About the degree, I'm only in my second semester. I have a few years left to go. I was featured artist at a gallery my Junior year in high school and have just been doing more since then. I would have no problem completing if I was that far in. but Iv'e essentially just begun.

>> No.2462564

Anyone mind answering these?

>> No.2462584

1. literally doesn't matter
2. take your time until you know what the fuck a gesture drawing is then speed it up
3. the "feel"
4. something that captures the movement of the figure is good, an hour long chicken scratch festival is bad
5. the same way you draw everything else
6. warm up and eye training

Gesture drawing is just an exercise, it's not some art style. It will help you to understand how to see a figure through line work and how to construct it. There are not any concrete rules about how to do it and all the instruction you really need is in the name itself.

>> No.2462594


>north florida

lol move literally anywhere else

>> No.2462607

1. subtly different. use both.
2. It depends. Are you moving your hand quickly, or moving your brain quickly? But yeah, your hand should be moving fairly quick. Think purposeful, decisive, and singular. No chicken scratch. You fuck something up, well, no matter.
3. Contour is an obvious one, but you can use gesture lines to 'summarize' value, too. Try looking at where shadows end and begin, and delineating that.
4. Good: You did it quickly, and you did it because you successfully communicated how you reduced your subject into a simple enough study so that a quick gesture could have been produced in the first place. Going off of this, there are countless ways to make a good gesture drawing of the same subject, in the same pose. Bad gesture? I can't think of anything other than you focusing on trying to produce a 'good' drawing and thus turning it from a gesture into more of an illustration draft. That's what I used to do, at least.
5. Line weights, proper perspective (fucking duh) and idk what else.
6. A method of iterative studying of a subject. Not meant to produce great drawings, but many of them. and quickly, so that you understand the subject a great deal by the end of the process.

>> No.2462621

should I use a mechanical pencil

>> No.2462622

Are you talking about your pencil strokes? Eventually you may have a project where you can't rotate the canvas, at which point being able to draw capably in multiple directions is required. Don't limit yourself if you don't have to. :)

>> No.2462632

>1. Is it better to use pencil than pen for gesture studies? (Currently using fine tip pen)
Doesn't matter, whatever you like to use
>2. Is better to take my time with gesture studies or do them quickly?
Depends on how fast you think
>3. What are my lines supposed to be capturing? The contour? The center lines? The border? Do I need to do cross contours? Should I try to delineate value?
Check out "Gesture Drawing for Animation" by Walt Stanchfield for a different take
>4. What's an example of a "good" gesture drawing? An example of a "bad"? What makes it good or bad?
You can use it
>5. How do I show foreshortening in the gesture drawing? (I have a lot of trouble with this)
Then don't. Perspective is something else to learn.
>6. What *is* gesture?
See 3. But it is a very overloaded term. When in doubt replace it with a different term that fits better.

>> No.2462642

Ouch, I meant "Simplified Drawing for Planning Animation" by Wayne Gilbert, but the one above also works.

>> No.2462654

should I start with drawabox?

>> No.2462682

yes its that character

is it really that bad that I can't do anything with it?

>> No.2462713

Do what with it? You have a bad drawing of a part of a cartoon character's head. Do you have some kind of long term plans?

>> No.2462755

how do i learn to draw cute furry stuff like disney animals (robin hood, lion king, zootopia, etc) or pokemon or like those japanese furry artists on pixiv/twitter?

>> No.2462826

This is helpful advice. Tracing actually helped me improve tremendously. (Just don't post those works as your own. Practice only.)

>> No.2462833

you're trying to polish a turd, the shading isnt totally awful but the original picture is

>> No.2462925

Whats the best book for learning body proportions and poses?

Then what about details?

>> No.2462967

You draw a lot of them while looking at a lot of them

>>/sticky/ and most importantly your eyes.

>> No.2463130

Thanks guys! That animation book is also really good

>> No.2463145

I just downloaded Sketchbook pro and it's pretty good, but is it possible to tone the canvas without laboriously painting over it? The stark white blinds me.

>> No.2463150

Thank You! I thought so too. I know a bit would show, but wasn't sure if it was exaggerated like everything else in the anime/manga "medium" but as >>2461245 pointed out it's a strange angle.

>> No.2463185

henry hensche

>> No.2463505

What's the first animation exercise one should practice? bouncing ball?

>> No.2463655
File: 16 KB, 450x386, copic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to try the copic markers but the price is really steep. What would be a good minimal set of greyscale copic markers?

>> No.2463659

just put 10$ down on a c-2 and a c-5 or so. it gives you a steady range you can gradate, cause you don't really need 1-5

>> No.2463662
File: 144 KB, 764x1000, 5059944507_717b9d99a2_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a good place to get hairstyles references? Google only gives me new school, hipster garbage. Looking for someplace I can see more stuff like pic related, for example.

>> No.2463666

Page in pic is good, but if you got any other please share?

>> No.2463738

"Fabio Salsa"

>> No.2463859

Guys, you got any 'psychology' art books that explain the learning process with scientific studies and evidence?

Books on psychology of art, basically.

>> No.2463881

How do I draw in a given style?

Right now whenever I try to draw in a new style from somewhere else, my own taste and workflow forcefully tries to override everything I draw and it becomes a mess. It's like symbol drawing, but in HD.

>> No.2463894


>> No.2463897

-Find a couple of prime examples of the style you want to emulate
-Take notes on what makes the style distinct colors, lines, forms, proportions, shapes, etc.
-Do master studies of the prime examples
-Apply what you learn to original work

>> No.2463901

I haven't really done a deep search of this site but it seems like fruitful ground.

>> No.2463906

Make a dedicated layer for a background color.

Fill it with whatever color you want using the fill tool

Sketch on a layer above it

>> No.2463911

I clicked on random articles for 5 minutes and all of them seem to be about literature, sadly.

>> No.2463926

That's where the problem already happens.

>> No.2463950

nvm, found the problem

>> No.2463968


You can't learn anatomy in one go, you have to bite it off in bits and learn over time.And your never really done, theres so much to learn in anatomy that by the time you've learned the last thign you will forgotten something about the first.

However its good to set priorities, in general

Proportions>general shape/rhythms> skeleton>surface muscles >subsurface muscles>tendons,veins ect

proportions and general rhythms and shapes are by far the most important,It dosent matter if you know every muscle and bone if there completely out of proportion and look like shit.

>> No.2464020

how do i draw on a big canvas on photoshop? It feels different than zooming in to draw at a regular size

>> No.2464026

Anyone do any web design work? I have a degree in IT but i want to pursue web design as a career while I try to get gud at art. How good does a designer have to be for web design?

>> No.2464100

What matters most is the general masses and the details that make humans human. The human "machine" is living and breathing so it's not really about constructing in 3D first, but knowing all the weirdo details and getting a feeling for it and showing what the body does.

Proportions are useful to know, but they figure more from understanding the above. If you go with proportions first, your bodies will be stiff and lifeless.

Exact anatomical details come with time as you go through books. Expect lots of learning and thinking.

The biggest mistake you can make is trying to construct humans instead of using Gesture (Intent) as a basis. Artists who sell art like that exist, but it is fucking disgusting. Actually, you should take a step and look at your old art if you don't keep the intent well enough in mind.

Drawing from Life from Bridgman is good for learning, but you need more books and material to fill gaps and as anatomy atlas.

>> No.2464119

just to practice digital inking and coloring

>> No.2464151

They are starting to regularly do art for the sake of doing art and improving rather than as something people just do.

>> No.2464152
File: 175 KB, 1000x676, 1449168822593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant follow my 4-8hr drawing schedule

>1hr anatomy study: from books, imagination, or reference

>1hr30min photo study: landscapes preferred.

>30 min fundamentals: perspective, basic shapes, and values

>1hr animate

>5hr work cram

My schedule is based on pic posted. Im thinking of rearranging it and saving my favorite subject, anatomy, second to last. Would this be a good idea for a beginner?

What is your schedule, and how do you follow it?

>> No.2464153

Why don't you give yourself a little break time or do some pomodoro stuff?

>> No.2464154

Thanks. This is helpful.

>> No.2464161

there was a guy who made a thread a few months ago showcasing his art, it was a bunch of beginner tier drawings with half a dozen reaction faces photoshopped in the negative spaces of each.

does anyone have them saved?

>> No.2464194
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, shrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I sharpen graphite pencils like this?

I mostly see it with charcoal pencils so I'm not sure if standard sharpening is ok for graphite pencils.

I also see a lot of drawing on inclined/near-vertical surfaces, is that generally better? I'm currently just going at it on a flat desk. If the switch is worth it, what are cheap, space-efficient ways to get a nice inclined surface?

>> No.2464247


I haven't found schedules to be extremely helpful but I have a part time job so one would be pretty useless.

Personally I just use a site called time panther to tracker my actual time spent drawing, once you start using it you'll surprised how little time you actually put into your art in a day and how much is spent wasting time.

Anyhow I use that and make sure I gt at least 40 hours a week practice, aiming for 6 hours a day. I study what I feel like.

Also make sure to take a break for about 5 minutes every hour or half hour or so.do some stretches than get back to work, I find to have any longevity stretching and frequent breaks are a must.

I think for a beginner do something like I laid out above but aim for 20 hours a week.Slowly build up to 40. Make sure you get your hours allotted before you waste time gaming or whatever , track when you slip up as well. for example i noticed after I work is when I wasted the most time so i made sure I went straight to studying after work with no break between.

>> No.2464249
File: 328 KB, 480x480, 1monthprogressbackthen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it 'lazy' to have my style serve the main purpose of being 'fast' to draw?

I'm talking about doing so much you can with as few lines as possible.

I don't like spending a lot of time with the tiny nitty-gritty pencil lines, so I usually go straight for inking, use very little construction (mostly just mark to not fuck up proportions) then straight to inking. Only exception is if I'm new to drawing something or I am doing an in-depth study.

I find it really satisfying to not have a lot of construction, and make a single line be simple but really add to the drawing, and then knowing in the end that any line you can add will only make it worse.

>> No.2464253


make sure your schedule is even really possible, do you have time in there for eating sleeping, socializing showering ect? these activities probably take more time than you think they do.

This is why a lot of schedules fail they don't take into account normal life activities like shitting and eating.

>> No.2464272
File: 171 KB, 1140x968, supplies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. This is me again. I'm buying art supplies for someone who is just getting more serious as a beginner artist (sketching mostly, no watercolors, no digital)

As per recommendations I've selected these items in the picture. Any suggestions? Mistakes? Maybe something better is available or it is overpriced? Also, anything particularly good for carrying all this stuff? Good bags optimized for art supplies? Or do such products have no real value?

Links to all items:
>Faber-Castell 24-piece Polychromous Set
>Staedtler Color Pen Set (0.3mm)
>Stillman & Birn Gamma Series Sketchbook
>Graphite Pencil Design Set (12, 5B-5H)
>Large Grey Kneaded Eraser
>Vine Charcoal Sticks
>Charcoal Pencils

Thanks for all the help.

>> No.2464293

1. It's not bad to be fast but usually beginners like to be fast because they want to skip the process. Only people who know the construction in their muscle memory are really able to skip the process successfully.

As such, your drawing that you posted is nothing special, either. I can see how you tried to communicate things, but it is a pain in the ass to read.

Then again, I really don't see the problem with you continuing in this manner, because whenever you are drawing, you are improving. But... the way in which you ask your question... whether or not your 'style' is forgivable... leads me to believe that you just want to draw in this way always, without practicing fully fleshed out drawings and studies. That is concerning.

Inking is fun, but let me tell you: instagram is filled with inked 'illustration' type drawings that speak only for the artists willingness to produce a 'fashionable' drawing and very little for their rigor. One imagines them doing a drawing for 5 minutes and then 55 minutes of enjoying a cup of espresso.

>Only exception is if I'm new to drawing something or I am doing an in-depth study.
Ah then by all means, go for it. Again, weird of you to ask. A style is something you practice over and over.

>I find it really satisfying to not have a lot of construction, and make a single line be simple but really add to the drawing, and then knowing in the end that any line you can add will only make it worse.
I feel compelled to tell you that you should push yourself to worsen drawings, whenever you have the chance (if you have any intention of growing).

>> No.2464327
File: 82 KB, 667x600, 8891000001PL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koh i noor has art sets but they are pretty overpriced on amazon
http://www.amazon.com/Koh-i-noor-Gioconda-Large-Professional-8891/dp/B002FOPVBW/ this one is good but it lacks the mechanical pencil http://www.amazon.com/Koh-i-noor-Silver-Metal-Holder-Sharpener/dp/B0054G08SE/

so just get him this
all a beginner will ever need

>> No.2464442

how big should my image be while im drawing on it?

>> No.2464443

Is there a neat way of setting up reference images on Photoshop?
> without just putting them on another layer
> i would like to set it over the grey un-drawable area outside of the picture
> tired of alt tabbing
> CS6

>> No.2464467

That color pen set will be pretty useless. The colors are too vibrant to really make something with unless you know how to work with color. You could replace it with something like a Winsor & Newton Cotman watercolour set. I would not recommend charcoal sticks. I think the charcoal pencils are plenty. He probably won't be working on newspaper or big sketchbooks anyway. Sharpener, eh. A knife should really be all he needs. I've never heard of the Stillman & Birn sketchbooks (I'm not American though), I would rather go for something from Strathmore. The weight of the paper and the type of sketchbook for mixed media seems like a good choice to me.

>> No.2464468

>>2464443 (me)
just figured out you can just open the file on photoshop and arrange it as a window, that works perfectly like this

>> No.2464469

I liked using Pureref to keep my references on screen.

>> No.2464474

You can sharpen your pencils so a nice piece sticks out, I do that too. I wouldn't try sharpening a graphite pencil like in the picture though. That kind of sharpening makes it so that you have a broad stroke and a fine line available, so more like a brush than a pencil.

>> No.2464548

Any super efficient warm ups?

Used to have the luxury of time and just went by feel, enjoying some gestures, lines, perspective exercises, whatever.
But I'm being run ragged at work, so time is becoming an issue - both in that I have a long ass stretch of hours where I can't draw at all (so by the time I get home my hand is in a keyboard-claw and hasn't even woken up to how to hold a pencil yet), and in that I have to cram all of a day's drawing into an hour or so before bed.

Everything I start out with is shitty, which is to be expected from the 'first sketch of the day'. But that becomes super fucking demoralising when your 'first sketch of the day' is suddenly your ONLY sketch of the day.
I really need a set 'this is what I'm doing for the next 20 minutes before I start drawing for reals' routine. Hell, even if it has to be longer than that, even if it's the only thing I have time for during the week with no 'real' drawing done. I just need something technical that I can go through the motions of just to prevent myself stagnating, you know? I want to make the most of every minute I have, not piss it away just doing 'whatever'.

'Maybe I don't have time to go on a hike right now, but I can at least keep fit for it by jogging up and down the stairs' kind of thing.

>> No.2464621

I don't think the vine charcoal or Staedtler pens are very useful. I don't live in the US, but $15 for a tin of Faber-Castell graphite pencils seems like a lot. Those are the cheapest stuff you can get over here, I'd go for a smaller set of Lumographs instead. I'm not familiar with General, so can't comment on those, but charcoal pencils usually don't play well with sharpeners. I would recommend a knife and a sandpaper block, but that can intimidate beginners. The Polychromos pencils and Stillman & Birn sketchbook are a good choice, but you'll probably want a large block of newsprint for the charcoal as well.

>> No.2464682

What are the best brushes to gives off a good traditional look on Photoshop? Been using one for a while but I'm still not so satisfied of the render, still gives off too much a digital vibe.

>> No.2464752

Polychromos pencils and the steadtler color pen set is pointless. Rather get some steadtler pigment liners. For the pencils, anything above 2B is pointless for drawing unless you live in a humid place where B or HB could be useful.

The rest looks ok. Also I support what this anon said: >>2464327
Especially the gioconda set. I used pretty much everything in that set at some point and it is all really good. The progresso pencils...eh...no need to get those for a beginner but they are fun to use so whatever.

>> No.2464766

Those learning books put a lot of importance on gesture drawing but how come I don't see alot of the artists draw them first, e.g. watching them draw on youtube and such?

>> No.2464797

Gesture drawing is abstraction. You can skip it, though it's good to learn. You build on top of it, but you can sometimes just skip it because you know how it goes anyway.

>> No.2464821
File: 1.53 MB, 4000x2506, fashion over time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks everyone for all the help. Last question, any good bags/etc for carrying/transporting art supplies? Or is all that just marketing stuff and any decent bag will do fine? I am asking because I know from being a musician and a card player that those things have specific needs when choosing a case/box/bag for transportation.

>> No.2464836

family pls
is he going to be an artist or supplier for an art store?
you take a portable watercolor set like that kohinoor one for kids or the other more expensive one from different brand
you dont need a fucking "artists bag"

>> No.2464902

When will I be able to not rely on flipping my images to fix my mistakes? It's infuriating to build up confidence over the course of an image, and then flip it and it looks like such a pile of shit I don't feel like drawing anymore.

>> No.2464910

If it's digital, bind flipping to a key and do it often.

It helps if you only have to fix 2-3 lines instead of an entire drawing.

>> No.2464919

They literally go to a different house every day or few days and they like to take their art stuff with them. I was just wondering if there was some sort of special storage for supplies. For all I know some of them are very sensitive to humidity and should be kept in a container with better sealing. I'm just asking because I don't know.

>> No.2464922

>He doesn't have an artist's bag
Straight up plebeian

>> No.2464943

I do that, buf I want to know what thigs I'll need to practice in order to flip less. I want to reduce the amount of things I'll have to fix to just a few lines rather than the whole drawing.

>> No.2465019

None of the materials are sensitive. There isn't really a market for art bags. There are some I know, but those made my other artists and way over your budget. Your friend can better keep a storage at once place and have a kit of his favourite stuff and keep it in a normal bag. Most things are big enough to not get lost too much. Some bags have pockets inside where you can keep pencils and shit.

>> No.2465070

Kinda silly question, but how do you set up yourself with your sketchbook if you dont have anything like a desk to lean it on? Leaning it on a leg/arm seems to be kinda troublesome, or maybe im just doing it wrong

>> No.2465092
File: 4 KB, 170x174, 170xNx4-figure.jpg.pagespeed.ic.zo2fSOdwbF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2465149

Are you sitting or standing?

>> No.2465554

What's a good desk to draw on? Thinking of getting a draft table. Just want to have ultimate comfort when drawing.

>> No.2466097

How can I unlink my old adobe ID from my computer, it keeps offering to sign in with it when I install softwares that i don't want anything to do with it? Anyone know some file I need to edit or delete?

>> No.2466098

>You draw a lot of them while looking at a lot of them
Not that guy but about anthro characters, is there no construction/specific technique involved, is it just drawing them until you get them right?

>> No.2466207

Hi /ic/. I'm a beginner, and my goal is learn to animate. I can spend around 6 hours per day.
On what should I focus? I'm a bit confused.

I'm not a *complete* beginner, but I started to draw a few months ago.

>> No.2466604

How the fuck is this on like page 6.

anyways, How do you guys deal with drawing on tablet when the resolution is very high? Do you just zoom in and out constantly? Is the only way to just initially rough out a sketch in the whole-view, and then zoom in and correct the lines that are ultimately off because you're so zoomed out from the pencil marks?

>> No.2466649
File: 26 KB, 600x600, 20702-2009-2-3ww-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i using these wrong?

ive been drawing lines for like 10 minutes and it already feels like its running out of ink

>> No.2466655

I think I'm getting lag with Photoshop and my tablet. What do I do?

>> No.2466762

At one point should one transition from traditional to digital?

>> No.2466825
File: 682 KB, 1406x2000, 723173-139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what makes these types of lines different from chicken scratching? I've always had a hard time differentiating just sketch and chicken scratching.

>> No.2466882

How do I get inspired by looking at other artists instead of getting discouraged?
I'm supposed to wait until I don't see any mistakes before I render, yet I'll never stop seeing mistakes in my work. How will I know when I'm ready to render?

>> No.2466925

What's the point of drawing the man in the chair upside down what is it supposed to be teaching?

>> No.2466982

A chicken scratcher couldn't draw what you posted.

>> No.2466993

Probably around when you learn to paint and/or start to use charcoal. Here traditional tools start to waste your time except you actually sit in a life drawing class.

As long as you use pencil or pens you are fine.

>> No.2467676

So is it a line intention thing?

>> No.2467885

Not much clue, but lines of chicken scratchers consist of very short line segments drawn after each other, which is mostly done by kids. Here you have long wavy lines which were drawn fast.

>> No.2468330

How should one go about setting up commissions? At what point do taxes (US) come into play when making money with commissions ?

>> No.2468465

Is there ever an appropriate time to make a thread for your own art?
I'm used to seeing artists post a single work of their art in their own thread expecting praise when it should go in the drawthread (and naturally a few well known shitposters who do this regularly). But what if I want critique on the course of my art in general?
I'm reluctant to post my blog and ask for critique because I don't want to look like I'm shilling my blog. But I'm also reluctant to spam the drawthread with a dozen of my recent works to ask for general critique on my weaknesses across various pieces, because that also comes across pretty badly. I feel like getting critique on a single piece isn't as useful as getting a critique on your work in general over the course of a few months, which linking a blog can provide.

>> No.2468778

Does anyone have suggestions on where to go once I've completed the draw a box lessons?
The lesson-assignment format helped me massively so I was thinking schoolism but its hard to know where to start with the classes.