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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2451444 No.2451444 [Reply] [Original]

I'm this close to being over art for good.

Everything sounds bleak as fuck for any sort of art career. Why shouldn't I ever just draw for fun when I feel like it?

No fortune. No fame. Just grueling hours of work in uninspired environments as another faceless grunt.

>> No.2451448

I heard its easier to sell traditional art and you dont have to be a master, unlike with digital.

>> No.2451466

lol no. Certainly not if you want a career that can pay the bills and where you can save up money for retirement. Digital art is where all the steady, real art related jobs are at. Plus, thanks to Patreon it's now even possible to make money if you aren't particularly good, as long as you offer something that an audience enjoys.

>> No.2451467


>> No.2451468

>Choosing art as a career

nigger what are you doing?
Art should never be your primary. Learn something marketable while doing art on the side.

>> No.2451473

also, I find it funny how /ic/ always says 99% of professional digital artists are shit tier hacks and then they turn around and say that you have to be a master to make money with digital art. Which one is it? Make up your fucking mind. Do you consider people like Sakimichan, Noah Bradley, Algenpfleger, Genzoman, Dan Luvisi, Ben Mauro, Wojtek etc masters?

>> No.2451476

>Which one is it? Make up your fucking mind
This might surprise you: /ic/ is made up of multiple people with different opinions and preferences.
Therefor there will never be one answer

>> No.2451478

Either you commit to art, or you don't. Any proper career requires hard work and dedication if you want to be successful at it. Wasting many hours of your day with art on the side will just hurt your primary career choice.

Obviously you can keep doing art as a hobby, but don't delude yourself thinking you could ever actually become good at it doodling 1-2 hours a day after work.

>> No.2451480

oh look another "digital concept art is the only kind of art" thread

>> No.2451481
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Because it's a job, and on a job you don't always get to do things you like, your way.

The reason i chose to pursue an art career is because, while i certainly prefer to draw some things over others, i can basically have fun drawing anything, because i love drawing. If you don't feel the same it will surely feel like a chore to you, like any other job.

>> No.2451501

those ppl are better than anyone on /ic/ so yeah, my point was that if their work was traditional they'd be much more impressive to 90% of the population and could actually be hung in a gallery. you don't have to be that good with traditional, yet it's nearly the same skillset.

>> No.2451551
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>asking a bunch of retarded manchilds about money making

>> No.2451553
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>don't delude yourself thinking you could ever actually become good at it doodling 1-2 hours a day after work.

Of course you can. It just takes time.

>> No.2451562


If your good and persistent you will get jobs most will fail because they simply don't have the discipline to put in the hours to get good.

Feng Zhu has said that if your putting 6 hours of drawing time a day you just destroyed 99 percent of your competition. most are at best hobbyists aspiring to be professionals. Most kids who say they just spent 16 hrs a day drawing really spent around 3 and 13 hrs procrastinating and on fb.
If you just want to play video games 4 hrs + a day and put in the bare minimum effort into life go work at taco bell or mcdonalds art career aint for you.

>> No.2451563

>"digital concept art is the only kind of art"
This, and the fact that "commissions" automatically refer to private Tumblr or porn commissions.

People here are immature, naive and delusional.

>> No.2451579

Getting a job =/= being good

I don't think I ever managed a very long stretch of time doodling daily, let alone going a full one hour every day, and I still managed to "git gud" enough to have a career in art. (Then again took me nearly 10 years before I "made it")

It's another thing to shoot for the absolute top in the field but you don't have to be a master just to be a professional. Some of the colleagues I know are complete shit at drawing and would be laughed out of /ic/ if they posted their work here and they still continue to be gainfully employed year after year. If these losers can make it then so can any of you.

>> No.2451599

>Do you consider people like Sakimichan, Noah Bradley, Algenpfleger, Genzoman, Dan Luvisi, Ben Mauro, Wojtek etc masters?
Masters of art? Debatable. Masters of building a brand, promoting it and making money? Definitely.

>> No.2451636


wojtek, noah, dan luvisi and genzo are genuinely bad. algen draws really bad looking stuff sometimes but he is actually quite good. same with sakimichan. she just might give off the impression of being mediocre because she is only in it for the money at this point and you can tell by how rushed and half assed her work is she is barely even trying anymore.

>> No.2451640

>If these losers can make it then so can any of you.

yeah, by sucking dick and getting popular on fb. that's the only thing that matters.

can't say this often enough. if you want to make a living doing this, understand that you are not competing as an artist, but as a visibility/exposure/presence e-celebrity kind of guy.

that gets you hired. not being good. being good is worthless.

>> No.2451666

Newfag here, why do you say Luvisi is bad? Genuinely curious, not trying to shitpost

>> No.2451698


doesn't know how to describe form, his compositions are very boring and simple, the value range he works with is way blown the fuck out (overcontrasted everything), his work is overworked and rendered in an ugly manner, there is no edge differenciation or any kind of subtlety within any aspect of his. his level of skill is what anyone can reach who tries hard for 2 years or barely tries for 4 years.

he got popular because his work is the kind of noskill notaste overcontrasty trash that appeals to the average modern day pleb and his muppets gone bad characters went viral (idea wise i think that shit is great, i'll give him that)

>> No.2451703


Get off the internet Noah no one thinks you're good.

>> No.2451718

Art skills by themselves are useless.
Art skills paired with logic skills is profit and livable.

>> No.2451768


>Implying that you aren't Noah

>Implying that all of /ic/ isn't comprised of facets of Noah's turbulent psyche, turning in on itself collectively as he desperately tries to sort out his deep seeded feelings of personal inadequacy and negative thoughts towards other artists.

>> No.2451909

>Then again took me nearly 10 years before I "made it"

well there you go it also depends on the field, if you just want a basic job modeling 3d props or something I'm sure you could get a job relatively quickly.

>Some of the colleagues I know are complete shit at drawing and would be laughed out of /ic/ if they posted their work here and they still continue to be gainfully employed year after year

I know some too but there doing stuff that Id barely call art, more like animation cleanup and stuff like that.

If you want to do stuff like concept art its gonna be hard to do unless your pretty good. there might be some shitty artists who got into it through networking but there a minority.

>if you want to make a living doing this, understand that you are not competing as an artist, but as a visibility/exposure/presence e-celebrity kind of guy.

This is pretty wrong, you can go that route but there are plenty of artist who just directly apply for jobs or network through people they know IRL and make a living.

>that gets you hired. not being good. being good is worthless.

If your good you can just apply places and get jobs I know because I've done it. the e-celeb hype train seems to me like a way to avoid real work or a lot of it anyways.

>> No.2451920

It is probably better that way, anon.

>> No.2451934

>there might be some shitty artists who got into it through networking but there a minority.

The shitty artists are a minority yeah, but the ones that got in through networking (regardless of shitty or not work) is EVERY FUCKING ONE.

>> No.2451938

>Got the logic.
>Workan on the art.

Feels good man.

>> No.2451963


>but the ones that got in through networking (regardless of shitty or not work) is EVERY FUCKING ONE.

there are plenty of artists who've gotten jobs through just applying for them. unless you count apply for jobs as networking,

Im not against networking though, Im just saying that getting good and applying directly for jobs is a legitimate way to get into an art career.

>> No.2452071

because some people have a burning desire to be one of the best and are willing to bite through the not so fun things.

If you don't want to be that good that badly, then yeah you have no reason to go for an art career. Go draw for fun whenever you feel like it and have fun never achieving greatness.

>> No.2452074
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Aaaaand another one bites the dust!

>> No.2452109

thats how it is everywhere you go and with everything you do. If you can't get into a network, start your own.

>> No.2452122

>/ic/ is not a hive mind.
>There is a vocal Minority hellbent on shitting on popular artists
>They do not represent the opinions of all browsers of this image board subsection

>> No.2452206

>reach that level in 2 years
are you being serious

>> No.2452229


>> No.2452235

You idiot, people don't do art to get into a 9-5 mcjob someday

They do it cause they want to be da bess, but mcjob can come along as a consequence.

And 99% of people never acquire fame or fortune, it's just life. Now you do this because you love art or go do something 'safe' so you can make mommy and daddy proud.

>> No.2452283

>I find it funny how
stopped reading right there

>> No.2452285

geralt is actually pretty fucking gross...

>> No.2452292

my primary life focus right now is to push my art to a professional level. of course i want to get a job with it, since if i can't even do that, what is my art worth?

for me getting a job seems like an incidental right of passage, and not my goal. if art jobs didn't exist, i'd be working just as hard at the expense of being poor for the rest of my life