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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 200 KB, 500x435, tumblr_inline_nt4jirIRMV1r8ytmm_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2447761 No.2447761 [Reply] [Original]

If that was my progress I'd kill myself

>> No.2447765

post your work.

>> No.2447783

2013 to 2014 is straigh improvement, what are you talking about?

>> No.2447785

Why would you make the robot fat? The robot is a robot. She can be as thin as she actually is in the show and it's still realistic. She doesn't have organs. Fuck this shit.

>> No.2447786

she tried to.

>> No.2447801


Notice how designed changed between 2014 and 2015 while between 2013 and 2014 it stayed similar.

There might be few reasons for that, one being that OP was taken from fucking tumblr and "fat acceptance" started to be popular back then.

>> No.2447809

I think she still has the skill from '13/'14, it was just her state of mind was degradeing and her art reflected it.

>> No.2447812

It only looks better because she copy pasted the majority of the drawing

>check out those arms, hair, and eyes

>> No.2447879

You first.

>> No.2447896
File: 46 KB, 626x571, 1344820625633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw also increasingly getting more stiff

>> No.2447900

and legs. They hardly drew half of it...

>> No.2447902

Tell us more (with citations)

>> No.2447904
File: 107 KB, 465x843, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was already posted by someone else, haven't gotten to the hands yet your turn.

>> No.2447917

they're all decent stylized cartoons, I don't get it.

>> No.2447923

>can't draw hands post yours
fixed that for you

>> No.2447924

Both figures on the left have appeal, fluidity, and character but the one on the right is stiff, unappealing, and tumblrized.

>> No.2447925


Explains why you're salty considering you've made no progress either.

>> No.2447931

you know you're talking shit when you use words like appeal and tumblrized

let me school you real quick son

first of all, appeal is subjective

second of all, tumblrized isn't a valid argument

the drawings do get a little stiffer as you go from left to right but the biggest difference is that the rendering gets flashier and flashier as you go from left to right.

is it a lot of improvement in two years? maybe not. does it require a thread for sad insecure fucks to complain to give themselves self worth? definitely not

>> No.2447932


Am not I wanted to see OP's work to see what kind of artist he is himself also its form imagination can I boast about it and get extra credit like appleflinger yet?

>> No.2447938

Let me rephrase that, the two figures on the left have more appeal, tumblrized meaning a plus size figure to fit some form of status quo and yes it is definitely stiff.

>> No.2447943

>the two figures on the left have more appeal,
it's still subjective. the third jenny isn't plus sized by far. this is pointlessly splitting hairs

>> No.2447950

Still better than 54.5% of /ic/ to be honest

>> No.2447954
File: 1.54 MB, 1768x2880, CS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2447955

Not OP for the record. I am the person who said "You first", but not OP. I think OP just wanted to shit on that artist and not actually talk about improvement.

>> No.2447962
File: 96 KB, 207x435, lighting how do you work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not splitting hairs. every year the poses become stiffer and more elements are copy/pasted. look at the sad attempt at lighting in 2015 as well.

you can argue whether or not the rendering is an improvement (almost everyone would say it's a step backwards) but the stiffness and copy pasted bullshit is a step backwards. I've seen this posted a lot and it's almost always seen as regression and i agree. i think at best you could call it lateral growth

>> No.2448018


What do you guys think of my work?

>> No.2448021

i saw that thread you started too. do you like know the artist in real life or something? why do you hate some random deviantart with a $0 patreon so much

>> No.2448074

Honestly I think the first is really good. She loses points because it's basically a stolen style she copied from a show, but regardless if she could draw with that same clarity in different poses/characters she could easily land a job. Somehow I doubt she can however. 14 and 15 are dogshit.

>> No.2448077

Is this you? Or are you shitting on someone else? If you, I can definitely see improvement. Good experimentation with color styles and stuff. But fuck man. legs don't bend like that.

>> No.2449015

Search Zamii drama and there you go.
Basically shes an artist who got famous thanks to sticking with what was popular at a time, first was homestuck, then Steven universe, okay so some people didnt really liked how popular she was because of her art being... mediocre at best, so some of them created a nitpick blog to critique her very word and "expose" as the "horrible person" she was and how she didn't deserve all the popularity.
It reached a point where the girl couldn't say anything without being called homophobic, racist, transphobic and such by these people and the tumblrinad who bought into that, but the peak of it all was when she made fanart of Steven universe and made this one fat character sightly skinny, tumblr doxed her, called her racist, fatphobe and other bullshit for almost two years after that, and basically was just, pretty cruel with the girl over that shit. Ok, so one day Zamii posted a ominous post talking about ending everything for good, and two days later she submitted a video apologizing profusely because she had tried to kill herself and was currently at the hospital. Shit exploded and all her haters tried desperately to backpedal, while saying in the same breath "damn bitch should have died" and making fun of her and her family and supporters.

>> No.2450775

It's not necessarily bad. What I'm guessing is that the beginning was him copying some other artists style, and slowly developing his own through it over the years, hence it strangely going from sharp to rounded.

>> No.2450810

A simple fix is just to do more gesture drawings, it's a little boring for some but gettin good isn't easy.