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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.12 MB, 1154x876, Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 16.30.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2445917 No.2445917 [Reply] [Original]

should I keep working on it or just scratch it? also, improvement suggestions please

>> No.2445925



>> No.2445927

I am new to this board.. obviously I'm from pol. but thx for the info.

anyways, opinion?

>> No.2445928
File: 56 KB, 665x668, 1453764199076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2445929

The forehead is just a bit too large.

>> No.2445932

Oh yeah, I see it.. I probably left space so I can draw stray hairs over it

>> No.2445945

It's good but the face is narrower than the picture.

>> No.2445946

pol here, lookin good anon

>> No.2445949

thx, you're right.. and the ear is definately too small and wrongly placed

thx anon

>> No.2445955

face too narrow
right eye too large
perspective is off (mouth and his right eye most noticeably)
the model is fucking disgusting looking and the rendering does not reflect that

>> No.2445957


>> No.2445962

Just take a good look at the two images side by side, don't look at the whole picture, look at the elements that make it. Pick a reference point on the photo like the outside corner of his left eye and notice how far to the left from it his hair line starts, it's much longer on your painting than in the photo. The angle of his brow is incorrect as well and as others mentioned, the forehead is too tall and too vertical.

Look at the picture as a series of components, puzzle pieces and try to match them with the photo. Also the values in the photo are more contrasted than what's in your painting, the whites are whiter the blacks are blacker.

Another tip, unfocus your eyes so everything is blurry, then look at the two pictures, this helps see the correct values without being distracted by the details.

>> No.2445974

thanks for the tips.. I think I made it too narrow because my canvas was much smaller, so I basically just fit it inside.

I can still use the liquify tool to fix it, but whats a good way to prevent this from happening in future??

start by drawing basic shapes in, like squares and circles.

also, I probably made it darker than it is so I can lighten it in final phase with screen and overlay layers.

>> No.2445976

are you one of the nigger lovers that came here to shit on malaysia?
youre not making /ic/ great again, dumbfuck, you're ruining it. I guess this is what happens to the US when trump wins the election
Fucks sake /pol/ is so full of aspies

>> No.2445979

who would have guessed that IC is anti-Trump??

>> No.2445982

/pol/ leads with hate and pride recently due to the trump bandwagon thus explaining the extra aspies we got in /ic/.

Since Trump is an aspie himself no surprise his followers are aspies that would chimp out and ruin nice things at the slightest provocation.

>> No.2445985

Only /pol/ is pro trump in 4chan.
/b/ fucking hates the sperg same goes for all the other boards.

>> No.2445988

Trump supporters are rational and peaceful. I came here to get some quality critique for my drawing and you guys come in here and hijack my thread converting it into a political battleground.

>> No.2445990
File: 484 KB, 746x990, 1428330610846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2445991

I dont believe /b hates Trump, but yet agian, I dont visit /b that often because of porn.

/g seems pretty open to Trump. many threads have his images or MAGA images in it.

>> No.2445997
File: 302 KB, 603x506, 1458228746597 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs moar PNF

>> No.2445999

>Only /pol/ is pro trump in 4chan.

>Implying /pol/ supports UNIRONICALLY Donald "Israel is our greatest ally" Trump.

>> No.2446004

Are you trying to say that Israel isn't our greatest ally and friend?

>> No.2446007

yo dumbfuck, stop replying to this thread and get your crits in the beginner thread. im pretty sure you know of this and makes this thread because you want to attention whore yourself.
Ive seen you pulled the same shit a couple of days ago, people told you off and you still do it.

>> No.2446010

>shit drawing for a shit candidate

>> No.2446021

Jews or Muslims. Which would you choose friend?

>> No.2446030

Yeah :^)

/pol/ says: Gas both of them... And build wall.

>> No.2446043


Just to add: /pol/, /x/, /v/, and /b/ have a problem against the Jews... And /pol/ and /v/ support Trump the most.

It's too obvious they're being ironic.

>> No.2446157
File: 241 KB, 1200x990, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some fixes.. still not happy though

>> No.2446164

much more true to the reference

>> No.2446166

the right eye doesnt look good. have a feeling it should be bigger.

>> No.2446168

to prevent this you just have to see that you're doing it before you get too far in. You probably went to rendering before the pic was ready. Start with the shapes of the lighting and color and further refine it from there adding more and more detail as you zoom in and in.

With line art, you just have to make sure that everything is in the proper place relative to one another, you can use a grid to do this or just eyeball it. Like I said earlier, start with a reference point ie: the corner of his eye. Now, how far to the left does his ear start? How below from that point does his chin start etc. If you can verify that you've drawn one thing correctly, like his eye, or his ear, then you can use that as a reference point for everything else ie: how big is this element in comparison to the eye I just drew?

Stuff like that you have to get right the first time, the more you paint over top of it the harder it is to fix.

>> No.2446179

its weird.. when I look at the image I notice I've actually drawn some features of my face into the image.

for example the forehead and the chin.

>> No.2446526


>new comer from /pol/
>posts on /ic/ first time
>Already 88% better than everyone on /ic/

Keep up the good work anon it's nice to see new artist around here who aren't garbage.

>> No.2448156
File: 283 KB, 800x642, trump2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final version