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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2443201 No.2443201 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ic/,
I'm mentoring this guy who's a newbie in drawing and he asked me why he should draw on traditional media first when he can just do everything digitally (He even bought a fucking cintiq when I told him NOT to but hey, it's his money)

Any answers to his question? I can't quite find the right words to reply him :U

>> No.2443213

You can't build a house if you don't know how to make a foundation. It's always better to learn the basics on the simplest format possible, because then you can apply those same basics to any piece of work, and just learn the new specific techniques that come with using varied mediums.

>> No.2443215

He wants to only draw digitally, (which I find a really dumb thing to limit yourself to just 1 media) so any answers I might give him is just "Why don't I learn it digitally instead of figuring how to transfer it to digital media?"

>> No.2443216

Exactly what I was going to say

>> No.2443217

Just have him draw a box on paper, then a box with his cintiq. The cintiq is going to be shit because of the lack of a 1:1 ratio.

>> No.2443219

He'll probably say that it's because he is new and can't draw properly with the media. If he has enough time and practice it's going to be as good or better.

>> No.2443222

>>2443216 >>244321
Then dont bother saying anything. No one wanted your opinion or your pseudo upvote. Go back to rebbit

>> No.2443223

Lol chill mate
It's just a harmless quip

>> No.2443256

Kek. figures that the elitist tradfags don't even know the reasons behind the stuff they keep parroting.

You can learn the fundamentals just fine drawing digitally, the reason why you should also do traditional drawing is because when you only work digitally, you tend to get into a bad habit of making lines before thinking. The reason why traditional drawing, especially in a permanent medium that can't be erased is a great exercise is because it teaches you patience, planning and most importantly to THINK before putting down lines.

In theory, if someone were to keep this principle in mind when drawing digitally, they'd be doing just fine. But realistically, hardly anyone does that, because there are just no consequences of failing to place a line where you want it to go.

That is literally it. There is no other important lesson to be learnt from traditional drawing that you cannot learn digitally. the fundamentals of art are the exact same regardless the medium you use.

>> No.2443270

Mate, I draw mainly on digital, but started traditionally. I can say that it's better for me to have begun on trad first than just doing everything digitally.

Bad habits, yadda yadda, but I can't put a finger on why exactly it's the case.

>> No.2443285

He just told you why, you fag.

>> No.2443296

There should be more to it than just that

>> No.2443320


>> No.2443323

I don't think Loomis is solely applicable to traditional media.

You can replicate his stuff on digital media with no problem

>> No.2443327

I remember watching a stream about a guy ranting about how you should start Traditional and hates when people start Digital.

Not sure why, but once case he did bring up was that you can easily obtain a style or yours while doing Traditional. Where as Digital, this is more difficult to achieve. Why is that the case? Or was it just some dude talking out of his ass?

>> No.2443339

I don't see why's the case for a digital artist to not develop their own style or any mental blocks/obstacles preventing them to do so.

It's just a medium. A tool. They offer a different set of advantages and disadvantages, (perhaps digital media gives an overall superior package compared to traditional media), but there is an element lost when you compare artists that started and stuck only to digital media, than those who started traditionally and moved on to digital.

And that is what I'm trying to get at but can't find a way to explain it properly.

>> No.2444014

Mainly because people who started drawing traditionally tended to start drawing as children

>> No.2444019

Wow, much aggression
I was just agreeing with someone so that it could be two people saying the same thing, as opposed to one...

>> No.2444020

People who started traditionally tended to have started at a much younger age. It's something called having more experience.

>> No.2444032

>That is literally it
There is more:
1) Digital media is more complex. When starting out you want to learn using the simplest, most predictable tool possible. Pencil or pen on paper behaves very predictably. With digital, depending on your program you need learn how to set up your brushes so that they behave nicely. There's also the hurdle of learning how the program behaves overall.

Even restricting it to photoshop, you could accidentally hit a number on your keyboard and change your brush opacity, then try to figure out what the hell is going on. God help you if you accidentally changed a brush blending mode and wonder why your "normal" layer isn't behaving like a "normal" layer. There are no secrets that mysteriously change tool behavior with pencil and paper.

2) Motor disconnect. Even on a cintiq, there's parallax to deal with and slight inaccuracies in detecting cursor position and probably pressure as well. With pencil and paper you know exactly where your marks will end up, which is crucial for developing your motor control.

3) Experimentation. Experience with a variety of traditional media will lead to drastic improvements in your digital work simply by expanding your options of how to approach a piece. If you've only ever done digital work, you probably won't even realize the wide variety of techniques available to you. You might pigeon-hole yourself into what somewhat works and never expand from there.

4) Building a sketching habit. A pencil and sketchbook is convenient and portable. You can take it everywhere and fill your downtime with sketching both from imagination and from life. Unless you invest in an expensive digital equivalent, you'll only ever draw when your at your desk if you only do digital.

5) Using software as a crutch. You'll likely slow your progress if you can't produce without abuse of ctrl+z, line stabilizers, and other tools that grant speed at the cost of developing foundational skills.

>> No.2444035

Basically, if you start out digitally you're forced to learn both how to draw, and how to operate your software at the same time. Starting with pencil you can first learn how to draw. It's not unlike learning to draw traditionally before learning to paint traditionally.

I won't say that it's impossible to gitgud without ever touching traditional media, but you should expect better results faster if there's a logical approach to your learning. I'd argue that once you have the motor control down, you can practice your fundamentals digitally just fine.