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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2441742 No.2441742 [Reply] [Original]

>digital inking without a cintiq

>> No.2441751

stop being a cunt, if you can't do it with a regular intuos you can't do it with a cintiq

>> No.2441752


That's what the stabilizer is for bitch nigga.

>> No.2441758
File: 190 KB, 250x186, bucks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average cintiqfag

>> No.2441760

>wanting to get cucked by Wacom

Yiynova masterrace reporting in.

>> No.2441763


By what rationale?
The lack of hand-eye coordination is what makes it more challenging on most tablets compared to traditionally. Why do you think a cintiq (or any alternative display-tablet) wouldn't help?

>> No.2441779


With a cintiq there is just as much disconnect as there is with a regular tablet, the disconnect might be different but neither are like drawing on paper.

>> No.2441788

>having to use batteries because Wacom cucked the patent system

Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.

>> No.2441798

Patent expired long ago.
Yiynova has no batteries and no need to charge pen and has tilt sensitivity.

>> No.2441804

>having your fingers in the way
Might as well go back to traditional.

>> No.2441806

I bought a Cintiq after about 7 years of using an Intuos and linearting feels exactly the same. It's the 1 thing that doesn't feel in any way different.

>> No.2441896

This must be bullshit. How the fuck do you trace something with an intuos easily?

>> No.2441930
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>falling for the Cintique meme

>> No.2441933

I don't think I've ever seen something that makes my blood boil so hard

>> No.2441936
File: 86 KB, 216x382, 1455926815563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What would you recommend?

>> No.2441944


>> No.2441946

If you have the money, get a Cintiq.

Its build quality is unmatched by the competition. Huion and Yiynova may start to fault after a while.

Don't fall for the "Wacom sucks" bullshit that /ic/ shits out. In fact, don't take any advice from /ic/ on anything - including my post.

Do your research elsewhere.

>> No.2441954

i use a bamboo fun.

>> No.2441964

Sold my Yiynova for a 13HD glad I did

>> No.2441965


don't get a cintiq. do get a wacom. get an intuos pro.

>> No.2441967

After using an Intuos 4 for 6 years and recently switching to a Cintiq - the Cintiq is a thousand times better.

>> No.2441975


I use both and I disagree, the cintiq is very overpriced for what it is.

>> No.2441992

Have fun with broken drivers and trying to get anything except photoshop to work properly.

>> No.2441997
File: 20 KB, 1513x386, ss+(2016-03-14+at+09.01.09).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use one for like a year and had no issues ever.
my main tool is Photoshop, but i worked with Manga studio, SAI and tried painter.
It rocks.
I noticed a little bug that under certain circuimstances it may deect pressure incorrectly (when you press above 100% pressure and don't move the pen at all), not a killer issue, but I reported it to them and got probably the best support i've ever had.
Those chinks really are workingtheir asses off constantly updating drivers for all their products, even the old ones.

>> No.2442007

Anything and git gud

my inking on a standard tablet is way better than what i can do traditionally just because it's the tool i used the most and got used to the most.

So magical eye to hand is bullshit, it's just about getting used to your tool.

>> No.2442501

Digital inking i.e. tracing shit is 1000 times harder when the display is separate from the interface.

>> No.2442534
File: 45 KB, 671x366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not using stabilization
> not zooming to 400%
> not spamming ctrl+z
> not making your custom brushes

>> No.2442561

Painting feels about the same as on an intuos. Drawing feels funner and more intuitive when you're drawing on the screen. It's not as precise as traditional media, but it's a noticeable improvement over an intuos. YMMV

>> No.2442771


>1000% zoom
>stabilize 75%
>vector ex machina

>> No.2442773

Those will only get you so far. You'll still run into problems when doing long lines and large curves.

>> No.2442796


Not at all

The longer curves can be done in multiple strokes, and as long as you don't have Parkinsons, it still comes out fluid

Being able to freely play with the lines on a vector layer makes it even easier

>> No.2442797

>The longer curves can be done in multiple strokes
I don't want disgusting chicken scratches thanks

>> No.2442810

Only if you're a retard that can't install and update drivers.

>> No.2442817 [DELETED] 


The opposite actually. Very steady. very deliberate.

You're actually not going over any lines that you've already drawn, just connecting them while keeping the angle of overall arch in mind

It could be very difficult if patience isn't your strongsuit

>> No.2442818

>tfw you use a cintiq at school and when it ends for the year you'll have to go back to using the intuos pro you bought last summer but barely have touched

it's going to be such an uncomfortable learning curve since practically all of my experience with tablets have been with grorious cintiqs

>> No.2442819
File: 144 KB, 681x900, Night Fury 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The opposite actually. Very steady. very deliberate. You could think of it more as surgically outlining your paper sketch, not drawing it all over again as you normally would

You're actually not going over any lines that you've already drawn, just connecting them while keeping the angle of overall arch in mind

It could be kinda difficult if patience isn't your strongsuit

>> No.2442828

That could be debatable. From experience I didn't see much difference from the Cintiq after upgrading from Intuos. The only slight difference is that rendering is better on Cintiq, but others may say otherwise.

>> No.2442833

>tfw I have a tiny ass wacom bamboo
Do any of you guys use it or did you used to use it?

>> No.2442855

Sunibee uses bamboo, get gud.

>> No.2442869

I used a graphire2 4x5 for about 8 years you worthless cunt.

If you can't ink without a cintiq it just means you can't do it.

>> No.2442975

Surface Pro 4 (just wait till 5 is out, then buy 4) for Tablet+Laptop.

>> No.2442982

You fags, you can work on anything if you practice. What matters is the skill not the equipment. It is true that better eq like cintiq can help but the true stuff is in your skill.

I work on wacom fun pen and I am not ashamed to admit that, because it surves its purpose and I am happy.

>> No.2442984

I do. Its good. >>2442982

>> No.2443005

i had mine for 4 years now, will be upgrading to cintiq soon

>> No.2443018

That's actually completely wrong. I used an intuos for 4 years and by the end of it I was so fed up with trying to do line art quickly that I bought a cintiq. It's infinitely better.

You can do good line art with an intuos but it takes bloody ages because it's so scratchy.

>> No.2443019


What a load of crap.

>> No.2443020


Don't listen to this idiot.

>> No.2443021

y is cuck?

>> No.2443024

A cintiq is way way better, but it can also be used as a regular tablet if you set the screen to duplicate. So by definition it is infact superior in every way.

>> No.2443025



>> No.2443028


The problem many people have with the cintiq is that it doesn't in fact feel like drawing on paper, but feels like you are drawing on a glass plate above your paper. So your lines never actually end up exactly where you want them to.

>> No.2443030

Please everybody using a cintiq post your work. I cant take you seriously if your work is shit and you lack the skills to use a regular tablet. The way you describe some of this shit is like a cintiq is magical. Ive gone through 22-27qhd. The only difference is drawing on your monitor. You can create the exact same quality work on a regular tablet. What you lack are skills fuccbois

>> No.2443033

I ask for the inverse. Bamboo owners upload your inked lineart.

>> No.2443034


Never buy an Intuos if you can afford a Cintiq. Ever.

I say this with four years of illustration experience under my belt.

My production speed tripled after I got a Cintiq.

>> No.2443043

work post pls

>> No.2443045

merc_wip wars

who will fall, who will prevail?

stay tunned for the next round of shitposting

>> No.2443047

If you cant draw with an intuous, you cant draw with a cintiq, thats the way it is.

Its bigger and might be slightly better if your hand-eye coordination is on the level of an infant, but it wont do the work for you.

>> No.2443059

Sure, for sketching "a bad artist always blames their tools" and a cintiq would give you minimal aid. But this isn't sketching. Posts like these just makes me think a retard is trying to fit in and pretend to know what they're talking about by parroting a popular /ic/ rhetoric of which they never truly understood the context to apply it in.

>> No.2443060


This is what actual greenhorns believe.

>> No.2443064

>I don't agree with something!
>I'll just call it a meme/rhetoric and everyone saying it a parrot

Solid argument faggot. Plenty of artists can ink well with just a tablet.

>> No.2443075


>Solid argument faggot.
You too faggot. Why don't you show me an artist who can ink/trace on a bamboo without ctrl-z'ing like crazy?

>> No.2443085


>ink/trace on a bamboo without ctrl-z'ing like crazy

I manage pretty well. Once you develop yor hand-eye coordination from lots of practice and get a high-enough level of confidence to keep your hand steady, you really only need yo ctrl+z maybe 1 out of every 50 strokes or so. It's not really an exhaustive process at all.

Matter of fact, in an odd way, it actually sort of trains your hand and eye to work together, almost like an assisted contour exercise. My traditional drawing actually got cleaner after spending time looking at the screen while working on the tablet. You get very intimately familiar with what sort of motion creates what sort of line, on an intuitive level.

But it's not for everyone, You're really only limited by your own patience

>> No.2443087

>I manage pretty well.
Prove it?

>> No.2443090
File: 1.42 MB, 791x1200, spider_verse_team_up_001_variant_cover_by_davidrapozaart-d836c0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't you show me an artist who can ink/trace on a bamboo without ctrl-z'ing like crazy?

>> No.2443093

>450 fucking dollars

I know i've spent 400 on hookers but...

>> No.2443104

400 $1 hookers, 4 $100 hookers, 2 $200 hookers or 1 $400 hooker?

>> No.2443106


Posted something I did messing around on my Intuos here >>2442819

>> No.2443107


rapoza uses a cintiq you fuck

>> No.2443111




No stabilization necessary. The cintiq might surely be faster to freehand, but it's not like curves and angles are impossible without it

>> No.2443121
File: 113 KB, 638x596, sketching_by_catbib-d7e3ibz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. He said several times he uses an intuos and really dislikes how the cintiq feels. You can watch his level up interview where he says it as well. I'm afraid a cintiq won't make your art any better.

>> No.2443127
File: 667 KB, 1036x1600, tumblr_nd1dc7jNNR1qk84mgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And before you try to be a smartass about it, yes I know he posted on his instagram about using the cintiq companion. When he's not on his PC doing actual work. His regular work is all done with an intuos.

>> No.2443140

I use an intuos 4 for inking anon, It's not that bad and and I have been using it for 6 years now.

I tried using my wife's cintiq but it seems I got so used to using intuous that I have to readjust myself just to use it.

>> No.2443152

This must be the thread where people blame their tools on their own incompetence.

>> No.2443166

>muh tools
I tried to draw on Cintiq and its feel much comfortable and superior. This muh Rapoza argument is retarded too. Cintiq objectively give you more than intuos.

>> No.2443177

>this thread

tl;dr - The music is not in the violin

Now let's all get the fuck back to work

>> No.2443182

Too much black.

>> No.2443184

That's a bit insensitive, don't you think?

>> No.2443780

Nigger I'm talking about actual fucking lineart, everybody can do that shit with 100px wide lines that you did. Trying finding something more elaborate asshat because your "work" proves absolutely nothing.

>> No.2443792

That's not the kind of lineart I want. Those lines are wobbly as fuck and what's more they're not even following the original sketch. I want my lines to be EXACTLY as on the sketch.

>> No.2443814
File: 308 KB, 1284x1600, $_57 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that every cintiquefaggot has this kind of shitty style he could do with Genius and be alright.
Tell me WHY do you even need a Cintique if you draw crappy minimalistic stickfigures?

There are literally like 2 types of C-fags:

1) professionals working in Blizzard office or some shit - thir bossed bought it because "muh AAA+ company"
2) retarded autists with stickfigures sitting behin a fucking giant screens with turds on them

All the good/average/great artists i know draw on regular tablets. What is the fucking point tell me.

>> No.2443839

>What is the fucking point tell me.
We already told you in the OP you fuck.

Getting smooth, long, thin, PRECISE lines is difficult when you can't foresee where the pen is going.

>> No.2443842

Is it really your eyes that guide the pen though?

>> No.2443846

Yes. Do you understand the difference between drawing and sketching?

>> No.2443857

drawing and tracing*, crap

>> No.2443864

>Getting smooth, long, thin, PRECISE lines is difficult when you can't foresee where the pen is going.
Lol literally WHAT?
I guess im gladd i didn't born with a retard mind or some shit.
My work is 90% of smooth lineart. You can go fuck yourself now.

>> No.2443869

Oh wait. that actually explains everything
>1) most of cintiquefags are shitty artists
>2) according tho that upper excise they buy it because "b-but im too retarded to draw it on regular tablet :("
welp that escalated quickly

>> No.2443874


Jesus fuck off you illiterate.

>> No.2443881
File: 284 KB, 108x147, kekkeroni.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting smooth, long, thin, PRECISE lines is difficult on regular tablet

Errr whatever actually. It's not like its me who is a shitty artist with retard-eyes. :D

>> No.2443885

funny, how all the masters use charcoal.
on paper.
but thats just an observation of fact.

>> No.2443892

You can do the same quality of line art with an intuos, but you can do it far far faster with a cintiq. A big part of that is because your drawing is truly one to one whereas on most intuos to monitor ratios are not exactly the same. Though I'm not talking about like, a square intuos and a wide screen monitor, that is super fucked, but rather a size difference. Another part of it is how you might be drawing with the tablet lying flat and the monitor is upright, or one of the two might be slightly angled. Point is there are many aspects that take away from the one to one drawing experience when using an intuos and it adds up and it can really slow you down.

>> No.2443895

Post your goal inking and i will replicate it with my intuos

>> No.2443897

post you are work

>> No.2443899

looking at your example, honestly the fact that it was drawn on an intuos is noticable, your curves are uneven and wobbly. Even when I tried super hard for it to look clean when I used an intuos, I could only ever get it to look about as good as you have there.

A cintiq lets you do better and faster.

I know I sound like I'm bullshitting but I feel like I know more about this stuff than most people on /ic/ do and I'm dead serious when I say a cintiq is way better.

>> No.2443903

Did you draw that with a brush? Should have just pen tooled it desu, your curves are really bad and your corners not sharp. Not the best example.

>> No.2443952
File: 442 KB, 702x1000, 1429682885202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2444071

who the fuck told you that? it's nothing like drawing on glass.
U just jelly of people's cintiq's?

>> No.2444075

All the saltyness in this thread is horrifying.
How about instead of judging each other we just go ahead and enjoy our beloved tablets.
(cintiqfag here, used intuos for 5 years, fucking glad I can leave that horrid shit behind me)

>> No.2444095


I'm on a fucking 40 dollar 10x6 Monoprice branded Huion. I can make nice lines. Why can't you? I'll answer that.

Two things that you need to get:

1) Gud.
2) Over your faggotry.

>> No.2444098

>I can make nice lines
Everybody can make nice lines. Can you make nice lines that's not even one millimeter off from the original pencil sketch?

>> No.2444106
File: 15 KB, 292x257, 140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>everybody can make nice lines
>original pencil sketch
>using millimeter to measure digital line work variation

If I'm to apply your very strange logic in the way that I think you mean it, then, yes. Obviously. Why would make a post touting the idea that it can be done well without being able to do it well?

>> No.2444119
File: 100 KB, 600x600, 54f5b0b1a74c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can make nice lines.

Prove it.

>> No.2444152

>no I can't
Got it.

>> No.2444232

>zooming this hard to linework
>taking 8 fucking hours to trace something

>> No.2444254
File: 305 KB, 983x1300, night fury line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lines were only 3.0 wide brotha man

the black was a fill tool :3

>> No.2444255


two hours tops boyo

you can move pretty swiftly when there's such a low margin of error

>> No.2444256
File: 252 KB, 1123x970, butt23 wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current wip

>> No.2444257

Are you kidding me? That's wobbly as shit. Please stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.2444259


thanks for the encouragement!

>> No.2444261
File: 75 KB, 355x458, 1453765603067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mustve never used actual Cintiq. Of course it's just a tool like everything else but it allow you to use your traditional drawing skill to some extent. Once I got mine I started using Intuos only for 3D stuff, since going through menus and shit is a pin in the butt on a Cintiq, but for everything else it's flat out much better.

>> No.2444264

ITT: people who dont draw enough

you fuckin' shitters

You draw exactly the same at a high level on an intuos as you would a cintiq

the only god damn difference is you see your fuckin' hand all the god damn fuckin' time

draw more shit lords

>> No.2444265
File: 307 KB, 964x1326, the snake skeleton lineart 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks for the feedback!

I don't expect to be able to get perfect curves for a long time, to be honest. Still making a point to get my stuff shit on now so I can archive it

>> No.2444266

I got a cintiq 13hd after 3 years of either drawing traditionally or using a tablet, and when I finally used it, I found it minimally better than the intuos, and nowhere near as good as traditional. Inking was still hard, painting was ass, and the only benefit was animating, which was still a pain in the ass because everything was so tiny.

Is the only cintiq worth getting the giant ones? Because I've found the 13hd to be a waste of money. Ended up returning it after 1 week animating several hours a day, still didn't like it by the end.

>> No.2444268

Shitty monoprice brothers. Except my lines still look like poop without stabilizers so I just draw on paper.

>> No.2444270

use whatever you find comfortable, who gives a shit what people think

>> No.2444289

Do you guys use lazy nezumi? I feel like it's impossible to get good lines w/o it. The tablet is just too small.

>> No.2444305
File: 687 KB, 545x537, 1443575928210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing lineart in photoshop

>> No.2444309

See >>2443059

>> No.2444317

even in mangastudio it comes out all wobbly and shit

>> No.2446788


>> No.2446829


The music is NOT in the violin. But the professionals will buy the best violin they can afford.

>> No.2446836


Nah. Most professionals prefer Cintiqs.

It's not about quality. it's about speed, dum dum.

>> No.2446841


I use a 13HD for my client work. Honestly I'd prefer a 22 inch, but I couldn't afford it.

Basically yes. A 22 inch Cintiq is better. However, if you couldn't make good use of the 13HD, there may be a problem with your comfort level with digital art.

Lord knows even working with a 22 inch at the studio I used to work at, it still took me a long time to start feeling comfortable with digital work.

>> No.2446842


Graphires suck. They always sucked.

>> No.2447057

Post art

>> No.2447252

From now on I'll post this instead of merc_wip

>> No.2447267

Pretty sure that's traditional ink on paper (except the text)

>> No.2447268

Is that you, Gabe? Thanks for actually making me reconsider emptying my bank account on a Cintiq....

>> No.2447424

Your point?

>> No.2447439

Lazy Nezumi and proper brush settings.
That will give you all you want on any tablet.

>> No.2447441


>> No.2447796


Making all that detail and deciding to throw all in pitch black is why I will never, EVER, will be good with shadows.

>> No.2447803

Ink traditionally, what's the problem? If you ruin your piece accidentally you will only scream in agony like an animal being butchered.