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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2431485 No.2431485 [Reply] [Original]

Who else has reached the point where they have thrown away all integrity and humility and go as far as copying other artists, slightly changing something and passing it as your own? I'm there now, I cannot take it anymore since everyone else seems to get away with it meanwhile I strive not to do that and get absolutely nothing but grief out of it.

If you are still holding on to whatever shred of integrity you have left remember these words - good artists copy, the great ones steal.

Forgive me /ic/ for I am about to sin there's no turning back now.

>> No.2431538

please be week one

>> No.2431545

I'm just about 3 years in.

>> No.2431681

post work

>> No.2431690

I have similar problems except that I don't want to try to be good anymore as much and progress is getting slower

>> No.2431701

You're doing it wrong. Instead of mindless copying you should look at good artists work and try to understand why it is good. Once you understand the concept behind their art you can copy THAT. the concept. the why. Over the years this will bring you a huge library of skills which you can combine and viola - you're a good artist.

>> No.2431736

I want to get good to the point where i can just draw what i want without looking at references.

if you're only drawing to make money who cares, do what you need to

>> No.2431743

i copy everything i like starting from artists, games, whatever, i just dont give a damn about it anymore. then forget about all of them and it forms a nice thing in my head eventually with me not even be able to tell what came from where.

you have to ask yourself that what do you want to gain from art? recognition? money? happiness?

>> No.2431753

post examples

>> No.2431769
File: 3.89 MB, 2825x4259, 1455258503394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking fork
Think about why you got into art
Did you get into it to make money?
Did you get into it to become famous?
Did you get into it because you enjoy drawing?

If you got into it to make money first of all you're a fucking idiot because art is a shit pursuit for money you should have become an engineer. Second of all tracing will not make you much money. You'll make pocket change from idiots looking for cheap art. If you want to make big money with art you need to create your own brand and have something that'll put you in the hall of fame, tracing won't get you that.

If you got into it to become famous you won't gain much fame tracing and even if you get lucky and do gain considerable fame. By that happening people will immediately notice your shit deeds. It's a lose lose situation.

If you got into it because you enjoy drawing than why are you tracing and stealing? Stop doing that shit and start doing what you enjoy. True success is being able to do what you love. Don't waver from your journey because things got difficult

>> No.2431776

Thanks I needed to be reminded why I started to draw in the first place I legitimately enjoy drawing but lately I've been getting frustrated with how easy it is copying another Artist's ideas and how they design and break anatomy to idealize a figure instead of doing it on your own.

Then there's Artists like Kronpr1nz that has his own thing but he copies off work of others and passes it as studies when someone questions him.

>> No.2431805
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Three years? What the fuck happened in three years that you've come to this point?

>> No.2431809

This. Stealing someone's ideas isn't inherently bad - it's actually good and you should be doing that. Nothing's truly original anyway.

It's about how you do it that matters. There's a good way to steal and a bad way. If you're just using it as a crutch for lack of skill you're probably using the bad way.

>> No.2432844

post work

>> No.2432858

>good artists copy, the great ones steal.

You are too much of an idiot to even understand the meaning of this saying.

>> No.2432877

hi r4