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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2424154 No.2424154 [Reply] [Original]

How do I achieve Ruan Jia's rendering skills? No matter how much time I spend on my art, it doesnt get even close to his, whats the issue here?

>> No.2424157

the issue is he still has spent 20 times your amount of time.

>> No.2424161

Yeah but how do I improve in rendering? I feel like i make none at all

>> No.2424162

show me your sense of form.

>> No.2424179

fucking draw and paint more you bitch.

>> No.2424187

Have you trtied studying him critically though? how does he study form? his manerisms,etc.

>> No.2424260

IArt is not asian grinding mmorpg where you can git gud just by investing unreasonable amout of time

>> No.2424267

Well technically it is but you have to allocate those experience points in order to be proficient at it.

I mean you can grind to level up your shit for a long time, but do it pointlessly and not really allocating time to increase your status parameter? god damn.

>> No.2424275


post your work if you want help. how the fuck are we supposed to know if you don't show your stuff.

>> No.2424280

I am bad, I just want to know how to get good specifically in rendering

>> No.2424282

>Where is the magic shortcut?
Draw more, study his artwork.

>I am bad
The idea is that you show it and then we can judge if it's a turd that will just get polished and that you need to focus on other parts.
Maybe it's not the fault of your rendering skills.

>> No.2424295

>I just want to know how to get good specifically in rendering

do a fuckton of it. there ya go.

>> No.2424311
File: 54 KB, 535x800, 11046265_1713085538924973_7375850234340674644_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Because we humans acquire all good things by pain, the person who is himself unwilling to endure pain all but condemns himself to being worthy of nothing good." (Musonius Rufus, Lectures 7.5)

>> No.2424315

Try copying his work if you haven't done that already.

>> No.2424317

that's the most pretentious post i've read today.
good job

>> No.2424319

he's right though.

No pain, No gain.

>> No.2424320

>Paint until your border is defined by the pain
Anonymous, February 2016

>> No.2424322

That's bullshit. If you don't enjoy drawing better quit that shit sooner than later.

>> No.2424324

But studying the basic foundation is fucking boring at first,

Most people fail at barrier so most of them quit while some pursued it to get better.

Even pursued interests has some degree of plateaus you have to break , anon. whether you like it or not.

>> No.2424326

Have you seen his process?
It's not like he himself seems to know what he's doing. He starts out with the most revolting and ugly colors and keeps fixing it for hours until it looks good.

>> No.2424331

they fail at this barrier because they approach it in a wrong manner.

>> No.2424334

and the hard habit is hard to kill, no?

Look at those kids at DA who gets all rabid when they get criticized and defend their egos with MUH style.

It's hard and painful for some people to realize they suck and making a habit of tolerating the long and arduous time you need to git gud is turning people off, anon.

>> No.2424341

That's the wrong approach.
People who are defensive when critiqued are just not disconnected with their art yet.
Also, gitting gud shouldn't be your top #1 priority as an artist. As an artist the most important thing is to communicate shit visually, and technique helps that a lot. You can be a glorious dratfsman and draw amazing shit, but if you can't sell an idea it won't cut it.
Technique is only a tool to achieve that, if technique becomes your top#1 priority it will only be pain and no happiness will come from such work.

It works the same as in every other creative field, just go to youtube and check all those devoid of life guitar shredders who lack musicality.

Anyway, many people say this shit over and over again, artgerm, dave rapoza, and recently i've seen this video that can be easily translated into drawing

I've a feeling i've drifted away from the topic too much so i'll just stop.

>> No.2424342

Fair point, anon, fair point.

So as a parting gift for OP is git gud and have fun?

>> No.2424344
File: 1.50 MB, 256x256, waltfuckyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just give me rendering tutorials you cocksuckers

>> No.2424345

y-yeah i guess

>> No.2424359

you will never amount to anything

>> No.2424360

What? From the youtube videos I've seen of his, the value statement and colors in the thumbnail look very strong quite early on. It's the drawing that is very weak when he starts and is fixed very slowly and gradually.

>> No.2424382


>You can't spell paint without pain.

-A faggot

>> No.2424383

He was taught to paint traditionally. There no way for you to imitate him if you can't paint traditionally.

>> No.2424384


>> No.2424386
File: 1.94 MB, 2272x1704, Spark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you just don't have it.

>> No.2424387
File: 941 KB, 1266x950, pathtogood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not watching all those available piratable videos about painting traditionally and rendering high tier on the internet and applying them to digital.


>> No.2424389

Is there even anyone on this board that has the spark lmao?

>> No.2424390

Recommend some full courses. Names only. I only know about Watts.

>> No.2424395
File: 426 KB, 1004x871, AHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he only knows wattshisname


>> No.2424399

First of all, art is based on knowledge, you can learn everything regardless what medium you use. Traditional artists tend to have a very structured approach where they start with an underpainting, drawing, then shadow grouping, then mid tones, then darkest darks, lightest lights and rendering. Always being very deliberate and careful with their choice of colors and brushstrokes. You can apply this traditional approach fairly easy digitally as long as you have the knowledge and understanding of it.

Secondly, Ruanjia's digital technique is the complete opposite of how traditional artists tend to paint. He relies a lot on the digital medium to fix things as he goes. He has a very chaotic approach where he doesn't have a solid drawing and just throws down values and colors and slowly molds them into form, adjusting everything as he goes, which is a unique proccess that only works digitally.

You don't seenm to have any clue about either traditional, nor digital art.

>> No.2424407

oh, I remember that one, he just forgo to put a t on the second paint

>> No.2424411

Please give some resources on how to achieve such rendering.

Thank you.

>> No.2424412
File: 1.01 MB, 1276x1648, 1422480318364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>David Leffel
Thank you. Even your clownery helps
It's not about traditional vs digital I think. Picrelated.

>> No.2424416

congrats anon, here I was waiting and wondering why the reply to my mockery post seems slow, it seems I don't have to spoonfeed everything and if you can find who's that by, I'm pretty sure you can find all those other tons of resources.

>> No.2424419

>It's not about traditional vs digital

Never said it was. I just corrected a really dumb statement this guy made.

>> No.2424425

> how does I get gud?
If you can figure out how to get good in 2016 with all the resources and tuts out there you're never going to. Plenty of people figured it out before we had ever amateur and their mother trying to tell you what to study and how to do it.

Study your ass off painting and drawing from life as much as you can, simple. Want to paint better faces for example? Work on construction and drawing better faces. Draw lots of faces to practice proportion. Work on painting, paint lots of heads, lighting, form, skin tones. Rinse repeat for a decade with all manner of subject matter and there you have it.

You wont go from nothing to high skill level in one to two years. Muh delusion.

>I've been drawing for a whole year 5 hours a week and my work doesn't look like Ruan Jia!: The thread

>> No.2424444

>Ruan Jia
This is from what book...?

>> No.2424445

He uses more than a single brush and spends lots of time rendering. Dont fall into the only use hardbrush meme.

>> No.2425553

I think I read an interview where he stated that he sometimes spends a month just rendering an image. That's not particularly impressive except for the sheer determination he shows, he just sinks absurd amounts of time into them.

He knows his shit, but I think people give him a lot of credit for the wrong reasons. His only noteworthy feature is stubbornness. This is just my opinion, but I think you're only as good as what you can spontaneously shit out on paper.

>> No.2425685


>> No.2428161

Scott Robertson has a really good book on rendering

>> No.2429045

I too wish to be the little Ruan. I'm so horrible with color though.

>> No.2429136

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it. In 4 years it takes you to make average looking art at almost pro levels. To get to his level or any other artist you admire it takes 8 hard years of work.
if you look at any of their progress you can see it took them that time frame as well.

>> No.2429293
File: 21 KB, 420x378, ruan jia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these masterful values and colors

>> No.2429308

Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.2429403


Jesus a 3d artist could sculpt an entire game/cgi ready character of the same he took to paint this.