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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 253 KB, 1003x1200, draw every day 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2343309 No.2343309 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best.

>Update every day at:

>Miss an update and you're out

Shitty Internet Token
>Everyone starts with a shitty internet token.

>If for some reason you are unable to post you are required to double post the next day at the expense of your token.

>After one month of no missed posts you get a new token.

>You cannot have more than one token.

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

>> No.2343312

Sorry in advance op >>2338138 but your thread is nearing 100 posts over the bump limit and I was wondering if anybody was going to notice

>> No.2343313

Do we tripfag this shit, add a signature or...?

>> No.2343314

You can post at the site where a username and password combination is required, I'll still probably mostly post as anon in these threads though.

>> No.2343329

you can sign up without a password or email if you want to go pro lazy mode

>> No.2343347

It's ok to take the stuff I drew today a bit further for tomorrows submission right? I was just going to spend an hour or two each time over a few days on the same study until I feel like I learnt what I wanted, and use that as my Draw Every Day.

>> No.2343349

yeah there was a poll and it's ok to post progress pics as long as you're putting in the time

>> No.2343358

im in.

>> No.2343363
File: 77 KB, 146x180, kermut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome, newfriend

>> No.2343368

>spend an hour on what should've taken 15min because I'm out of practice

Thank god there's no report function yet.

>> No.2343371

we aren't police anyway.

>> No.2343373

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm not planning on reporting anything that's not obviously a very rushed last-minute doodle or a troll.

>> No.2343378

man,I wish the submissions were laid out in a instagram style thumbnail.

>> No.2343379

not OP
a surprising amount of tumblrs
on a side note, jerrybreem you should link to the picture and not just your tumblr page, I can't access that without having an account and god knows I don't want one

>> No.2343383

Your censor made me smile, alm0nde.

>> No.2343386

wait , if i update a link it wont double post?

>> No.2343388
File: 294 KB, 960x1920, tumblr_o0o7no2xwA1v4p786o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he wants other people to appreciate anyway.

>> No.2343390

No, if you want to add another drawing it'll have to be in the same file.

>> No.2343392

I'm glad to see how many people are participating. Hopefully we can keep it up. I'll probably stick a note on my door or something so it doesn't slip from my mind.

>> No.2343395
File: 69 KB, 500x500, pff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, okay i actually don't know how to use the tumblr crap thing but i figured that since my market is there i might start learning.

>> No.2343398

OP here

I've been trying to come up with a solution that would work with so many different blogs/image hosts and the best I can come up with is to make it possible to add a thumbnail to your submissions.

It'd be on the submitter to do it but I can make the process as painless as possible by adding a crop tool to the site.

That way the site doesn't look bad, I'm not stuck with a huge hosting bill and you get click-through to your blogs.

That's the best I can think of at 2am

>> No.2343405
File: 40 KB, 385x526, bd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw what you did jake..i see everything.

>> No.2343406

i just made it more phonetically practical.

>> No.2343425

nibbleswease if you're here.

your link ain't working.

>> No.2343426

Weasel, you have to change your imgur settings, we can't see shit

>> No.2343435

use this link weasel

>> No.2343436

i wont even bother telling you how long iv been in this shit hole, but here is your reply regardless.

>> No.2343442

I updated his submission, thanks for the correct link. I need to get that report system added soon

>> No.2343446

Crazy amount of unplanned work, huh?

>> No.2343447

there's already a weird link appearing
I think we should set a standard like imgur and filter everything else simply to prevent any kind of bullshit links

>> No.2343449

That's just me checking for attack vectors (not OP).

>> No.2343455

Can I lurk all your submissions without creating an account?

>> No.2343457

Here I made a quick page, sorry it looks like garbage I only spent a minute on it

It's against imgur's ToS to use them as a content delivery network

>> No.2343458

Didn't know that, that's a real bummer

>> No.2343461

Thanks for the quick link!

Inktober almost killed me and I could barely draw for the rest of the year, I might pop in a bit later when i have a more regular schedule.

Best of luck to you all!

>> No.2343462

You can go ahead and delete ab's submission, I'm done, couldn't really find anything at all (sadly?), in either submitting, registering and general spamming. Only thing would be you check the headers of submitted links (in php get_headers($url)) and check they're 200 OK and Content-Type: image/* (would reject imgur album links, but having only direct image links seems best if you're gonna change it to more of a gallery view).

>> No.2343463

how about a hover-over thumbnail preview?

also thanks for creating the whole site/challenge and all, get some rest when you can

>> No.2343472

I don't think it'd be too bad if it were limited to a few common sites if necessary. The most common links I'm seeing so far are imgur, tumblr, deviantArt, and 4chan. All of those sites also create their own thumbnails, so it might be possible to steal those for the image preview without having to host them yourself. I don't know how easy that would be to actually implement though.

>> No.2343515

>tfw my submission is the shittiest

Also I feel it might be cool in regards to topics that after you submit your work for the day you're prompted to vote on the next day's topic

>> No.2343521

what's ur nickname?

>> No.2343528 [DELETED] 

you know...i sat and thought about it for a while, i think i will make this my legitimate tripcode, it was merly a joke but, iv been swiming through this shit long enough to start eating it.

>> No.2343530

congrats, you're gay now

>> No.2343531

fine, i will make it official, im now an ACTUAL tripfag

>> No.2343532


>> No.2343547

why are you using a trip

>> No.2343548

this is better than the logged in one, I can actually see which links I've already clicked on

>> No.2343561
File: 145 KB, 1111x597, golden_lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLEASE make the first week challenge a sonic themed character design challenge.

>> No.2343600

Why can't we just have an ongoing weekly challenge thread on /ic/? Why do you faggots always have to overcomplicate this shit?

>> No.2343603
File: 1.82 MB, 275x154, 1452296093706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2343612

Because that shit never works and you know it.

>> No.2343613

Last time this happened (it was a concept art challenege if I'm not mistaken), people were bitching about how it was a scheme from some company to get free work/ designs.

For some reason dumbasses on this place think that challenge/theme =ZOMG someone wants to steal my awesome arts and OC.

>> No.2343621

We'd just have to stick with it for a couple of threads instead of immediately giving up after the first one. Also if we just copied old CA.org challenge topics or sketch daily topics far less people would be paranoid about it than if the OP makes up his own brief. Which is what was done last time with that survival horror topic.

>> No.2343648

Would anyone be interested in me starting a foundation group thread? I will also make a skype group for it (just no shitposting or you'll be removed).

>> No.2343649

what do you mean foundation? as in learning the fundamentals,if so I'll be down with it

>> No.2343652

Yeah, basically we'll all start from square one with a set of videos I have in mind like a school and do its assignments for the week: https://www.patreon.com/Foundation?ty=h

is what I had in mind

>> No.2343679

Okay I made it here >>2343677

>> No.2343754


>> No.2343759

This sounds like a good idea for the first weekly challenge, As long as it's not from Patreon, I don't want to pay them.

>> No.2343761

You can "borrow" the files on peers.

>> No.2343764

OP here

Here's my schedule for the day:
>draw something for the challenge
>build a proper dev environment
>create and test the elimination system
>update the submissions page

The submissions page is garbage and needs to be improved asap. It'd be my highest priority if the others weren't critical to the success of the challenge.

I don't want to limit which hosts you can link to so I'm going to create a system where you can link to your post and then add a thumbnail. I'll make the process painless as possible.

Ideally everything will be ready before 00:00 but if anything's left behind it'll be the gallery and I'll have it ready later tonight.

ps: topics and themes will come but based on the comments and emails I think having thumbnails is a higher priority

>> No.2343772

Can I use my shitty faggot token today?

>> No.2343774

how can you access the site from a second device?/phone? been trying for a while to no success

>> No.2343777

There's like seven hours left, if you have time to post on /ic/ you have time to do a 30 minute sketch. Or even do a page of gestures in a few minutes. If you can't do it already, you're not going to make it for the weeks to come.

>> No.2343786

yeah. if you submitted today then once it hits 00:00 you'll have 24 hours to submit before your token will be taken. if you miss the next day you're out

if you haven't submitted yet then no worries. you have until 23:59:59 GMT on Friday to submit. The token will only be used if you've joined and then miss a day.
you should be able to, only issue is that when you login to a new location it will log you out of the old one

I made a quick update to the logged in one so you can see ones you've already visited. i've also resorted them so new submissions appear at the top

>> No.2343789
File: 138 KB, 349x415, 74764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and so..it begins

>> No.2343795

Are you just keeping track of the tokens manually for now, or will it be implemented into the site?

>> No.2343803

hahah jesus christ
this soon?

>> No.2343805
File: 6 KB, 227x225, 41234`2342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should be able to, only issue is that when you login to a new location it will log you out of the old one

>> No.2343808

it's part of the site. there's a CRON job that runs everyday at 00:00 that checks

>who's participating
>did they submit in the last 24 hours
>if not do they have the token
>if so eat the token
>else eliminate them

there's another function that checks people who don't have token to see if 30 days have pass so they can get a new one.

it's pretty straight forward

if that's a pain i can update it someday. I went overboard on security ou of fear of the dreaded hacker 4chan

>> No.2343831

Drizzt is that you

>> No.2343834
File: 86 KB, 640x360, sandpeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join on day 1
>get in car accident
>have token related fever dreams
>wake up in nightmare world where ive been eliminated
>am not last artist standing, cant even walk
>change name of account
>create new account with old name
>rejoin last artist standing
>mfw no one must know my shame

>> No.2343838

kek, literally this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bo-sCeKL62g

>> No.2343846

Hmm, I didn't realize that it was GMT time when I submitted yesterday. Not sure if I submitted in time since I submitted at 9:30pm PST.

Is there something on the website that will tell me if I'm out or not?

>> No.2343849

Check if your submission is here:

You may have submitted during the test period when I opened submissions right before I took the site down to go live. If that's the case it's no worries.

Even then, you can join any time this week and the only way you'll be eliminated is if you post and then stop posting

>> No.2343855

My submission is up there! Thanks for doing all of this. Its really great.

>> No.2343960

nah you'll be fine.

>> No.2343971
File: 144 KB, 540x960, 1414899983842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is sick
thanks OP o/

>> No.2343975

nope, not him.

>> No.2344005

i see some people are updating their submissions with new drawings: crmbsct, loomis

did you do it because you wanted something different for your first day? cause the first day doesnt end for another 4 hours

>> No.2344007

dey just gay

>> No.2344011

cant i just have fun?

>> No.2344015

I already figured it out.
I assumed it would let me post a new picture regardless since it is a new day at my place, it seems I have to wait the full 24 hour period.

>> No.2344041

Leadership board, when?
When OP?????
Do it for my ego.

>> No.2344042

70 way tie for first place. best leaderboard

>> No.2344066

Newfag to this, when can we post our day 2 drawings? I already submitted my (shitty) art for day one but not sure when to submit for day 2. Is there a specific time or something? I don't want to eliminated this early.

>> No.2344068

Maybe..MAYBE you can post day your day 2 drawing on day 2.

>> No.2344075

You'll have to wait till the timer runs out, until when presumably there will be a new slot available.

The way this was set up is that some people are going to post their day 2 drawing on day 3.After all, there are different timezones other than the atlantic one.

>> No.2344077
File: 1 KB, 125x40, 1452309988835s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed some people were linking to 4chan, puu.sh, etc and those images will eventually die. I rehosted them on imgur, updated the submissions and blacklisted the domains of temporary image hosts. Just an fyi in case anyone wonders why their url changed.

there's a timer. it ends in 3 hours fyi (00:00 GMT)

>> No.2344079
File: 7 KB, 660x215, 1452309988835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i uploaded the thumbnail im so smart

>> No.2344081

I think there should be a way to mark people as favourites in the future.

Nice mech containercore

>> No.2344088

That's a great idea, I'll add it to the to-do list. I'll make it so that you can Follow the user on their profile so that their submissions will appear at the top for you

>> No.2344092
File: 124 KB, 650x430, zYstGIw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there away to change my name? i was drunk and picked the gayest sounding name possible as a goof.

>> No.2344094

top-right corner under settings

>> No.2344124

Who are you?

>> No.2344128
File: 713 KB, 2012x2788, New Doc 3_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sequential art practice

>> No.2344129

That question alone should prove that the name wasn't gayer than any other.

>> No.2344132

2 hours until we become officially the first day posters

>> No.2344135

Is the next submission period open? It says entry closed, which is sort of why I'm asking

>> No.2344137

Then we'll be eternally superior to anyone else who joins the site.

>> No.2344138

Was pretty fun. Thanks OP for not being a faggot for once.

>> No.2344149

Goddamn the pic i took wasnt this bad, why did i do wrong?

>> No.2344164

Check "Image Quality" in Imgur's settings.

>> No.2344167


>> No.2344183



>> No.2344184

can is start on day 2 yet?

>> No.2344186

It's 1 hour away. We can't move the deadline!

>> No.2344198

you got an hour draw something.

>> No.2344202

Your heads were fucking awesome.

>> No.2344203

If I make an account now am I still in for challenge 1 or did I have to sign up yesterday?

>> No.2344206

40min left for the day, right?

Damn, I'll barely make it then. I haven't followed much, no rules on what to draw then? I can do w/e?

>> No.2344210

Hey guys, maybe we can come up with a simple drawing challenge now? Just an optional topic, like, "wizard", "mermaid", "pirate" or w/e.

>> No.2344211

Yes draw whatever you want. just hurry up, dude.

>> No.2344217

What happens when the timer runs out
Does it kill everyone in the list systematically? It better, this place needs cleanup anyway

>> No.2344219

Hey guys, maybe we can come up with a simple drawing challenge now? Just an optional topic, like, "wizard", "mermaid", "pirate" or w/e.

>> No.2344224


>gotta go fast

>> No.2344227
File: 89 KB, 254x273, amused patrick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd do it for the lulz and to get it out of my system
we could also crown somebody king autist and give him a fitting badge :^)

>> No.2344228

Do I update only once a day or can I update multiple times a day if I want to?

>> No.2344229

do both

>> No.2344232

if you try to submit again it replaces the first one so i think once a day

>> No.2344236

>makes a draw every day site
>spends all day working on the site instead of drawing

I'm glad there's no report system yet or I'd get voted out

>> No.2344238

the page refreshes and you can submit for tomorrow. I'll make it all fancy and same page later

>> No.2344240

I'm terribly sorry it isn't an actual dragon and that this is so sloppy but I had like no time today.
Please forgive me

>> No.2344243


>> No.2344245
File: 168 KB, 400x400, 1418394919932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time's running out on me fuck
Why am I so lazy?

>> No.2344246


>> No.2344248
File: 20 KB, 408x273, come.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can join any time this week but dont you want to be in on day 1

>> No.2344251
File: 912 KB, 240x176, 1442564330410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty sad that someone who has a relatively decent understanding of shape and volume gets banned for "low effort" just because of the subject matter whereas people who scribble some petty pencil "gestures" get off for free. Hope it's not permanent.

>> No.2344254

he's not banned its op being a faggot he did it during the beta

>> No.2344255

oh.. sorry I just came in

>> No.2344258

Yeah he's not banned. It's a joke from a couple days ago when I first created the submissions page and I created a custom tag for anyone that helped test it.

I'm not the art police. If your host will host it then submit it. I'll let the community police low effort drawings with the tribunal system when it's released

>> No.2344259

Can we hit 100 you lazy fucks

>> No.2344261

91 on the first day is crazy

>> No.2344262

New day, new drawing, get to work /ic/

>> No.2344263

since day one is over now, is day 2 without a topic as well or do we decide one now?

>> No.2344265

I was surprised when we had 35. This is fantastic.

>> No.2344266


I should of spammed the other drawfag boards more.

>> No.2344267

Where'd you post besides the /a/ drawthread? They didn't seem very interested anyways lol

>> No.2344268

Is there a way to view day one's submissions without going to individual profiles? Also, I just noticed that you typo'd "submissions" on the submissions page.

>> No.2344269

Challenges haven't been implemented it seems, but I think a few people are taking the Sonic challenge seriously.

Also Turrnip, on record, you overwritten your first drawing. You should submit the drawing from yesterday as today's just so that it is official

>> No.2344270

these first three are good

>> No.2344271

Alright guys the plan for tonight is to create a new submissions page that looks more like a traditional gallery (previews/thumbnails, grid layout, etc.)

I've created a dev environment so there shouldn't be any interuptions with the site. If you have anything you'd like to see on the page besides being able to favorite/follow artists let me know.

official topics are still at least a week away. If you guys want to come up with a theme for yourselves then i guess up with some options and i can stick a poll on the site for everyone to vote on

>> No.2344274

/v/ /co/ /h/ /soc/ /u/ /d/ /i/

>> No.2344275

I think you fucked up listing submissions on people's profiles. Day 1's are listed as their day 2 and vise versa (not matched correctly with the day submitted)

>> No.2344277

/a/ has a draw thread with a few artists too.

>> No.2344278

>a few people are taking the Sonic challenge seriously
Heh, I might do it too. Sounds fun.

>> No.2344279

Literally read the post he replied to.

>> No.2344280
File: 160 KB, 720x960, brouf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2344281


>> No.2344284

Fixed the typo and until I think of a better way to view old submissions I added a view all link to the submissions page

>> No.2344285

Oh wrong thread lol

>> No.2344287

what more surprising that they are plenty of others artist on this board that are doing their own thing.

I don't know, maybe more will join the future but this number that turn out is great.

>> No.2344288

yeah it doesn't accurately represent the day on which they submitted since it's literally just a counter of how many days they submitted with "Day" prefixed on.

The data's all there with the correct timestamps I just put that there cause it looked bad without something and it took 3 seconds to add it. I'll fix it when I get to user profiles but I'll change Day to # for now

>> No.2344290

I really like your stuff, Anon313.

>> No.2344294

This system is so good.
It's the second day and yet I'm itching to draw more the moment I finish with today's drawing - making it into a game and into something to strive for that "shows instantly" (daily) is wildly motivating.
Thank you, OP. I feel great. I couldn't draw anything for the whole first week of 2016. In comparison, I've drawn nonstop for the last two days.

>> No.2344296

I'm proud of you, anon! It really is satisfying. I'm looking forward to the badges/achievements.

>> No.2344297

Same boat anon, gave a lot of motivation even though keeping up your every day combo is pretty trivial

>> No.2344300
File: 43 KB, 552x413, do you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you say that now but it wont seem so trivial when theres a dragon dick badge on the line

>> No.2344301

I fucking hope this will actually exist. I want an excuse to draw fantasy penises.

>> No.2344302
File: 361 KB, 295x326, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this is secretly a way for OP to hoard images to start his online art shop

>> No.2344303

a bit disappointed in my /a/ homies 2bhwu

>> No.2344305


>> No.2344306

No one will buy piles of gestures. If he wanted free art, he wouldn't make it a daily challenge.

>> No.2344307

Nice work. Just have fun, learn and try not burn yourself out anons.

More will come around in the future.

>> No.2344309


>step 1 draw everyday for half a year
>step 2 create a site that links to other peoples art
>step 3 ???

that's the shittiest long con i've ever heard of

>> No.2344311

because, why not.

>> No.2344333

man I hope whoever's name is 7 makes it to the end. they were the first person to sign up

>> No.2344334

That turdnup dude is hardcore.

>> No.2344336
File: 15 KB, 360x480, guantanamoed relpies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to the end

>> No.2344337

Until we all die.

>> No.2344339

Nice trips but the ride never ends

>> No.2344341
File: 187 KB, 650x889, toppi27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, I wish I started with figure studies though, a bunch of studies for tomorrow.

>> No.2344346

yeah what happened to them? there's only 10 now.

not him but i drew something then had 40min to render, it looked like shit cause i wasn't finished, ended up not submitting anything. i guess i can do 2 submissions tomorrow?

>> No.2344349

how many will drop out after the first day?
place your bets

>> No.2344352

I say 5

>> No.2344361

the submissions page shows the current day's submissions for the time being. i'm working on a new page right now that'll be more of a gallery style and will show past submissions. if you click on view all you can see yesterday's too

>> No.2344362

>there's only 10 now.
Perhaps because that 91 accumulated over 24 hours, but this day has only been going for an hour and a half? Not everyone prepared in advance.

>> No.2344366

what? i thought this was day 1. does this mean i missed 2 days?

>> No.2344371

If everyone here is looking for a community, we're already 22 trusted artist in our discord server and we're looking for more !
Feel free to join ! We will give us daily / weekly challenges and follow courses all together.

>> No.2344372

You seem to have missed 1 day not two you buffoon

>> No.2344374
File: 356 KB, 658x357, 1452022379709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2344376

Is this the shitty pseudo elitist group from yesterday?

>> No.2344377

Say I get up at 11:30 pm and submit shortly after. The next day is saturday so I sleep in until 01:00 am which means I'm fucked unless I submitted another one on the evening prior which would mean that I submitted twice on (my) day 1 and don't have to submit on (my) day 2 at all.
I don't think this is gonna work for me.

>> No.2344378

Well you've missed yesterday, but there's a rule if you post double the amount of drawings today to make up for it, it's fine. I'm not sure how that's implemented since it's one submission a day.

>> No.2344381

can't tell

>> No.2344382
File: 14 KB, 500x333, is that so, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2344384

You could just draw one thing every day and then submit two in one day. So you'd be drawing a bit ahead. But since the rounds run 24 hours, I don't understand how it wouldn't work unless you're sleeping for 24 hours.

>> No.2344386

Not him but if the idea is to draw every day yet the system actively encourages him to draw twice every second day, the system isn't doing it's job.

>> No.2344390

whats the current level skill of the group.

>> No.2344392

sorry, it was confusing because of different timezones, my day hasn't ended yet.

>> No.2344393

it's mixed, pretty much.
no professional so far, but some pretty good stuff.

>> No.2344395

what if i post 3?

>> No.2344397

In hindsight it should've started a timer once you submit something so that you can set your next timeframe yourself
You could reset it constantly by submitting something every hour or so but of you don't post anything, your limit will be 24 hours
That way it would still be at least a drawing every day

>> No.2344402


the system doesn't encourage you to draw everyday. You're allowed a miss day which you have to make up for the next day with a double post. If you miss again within 30 days then you're eliminated

>draw day 1
>miss day 2
>double post day 3 to catch up
>miss any day from 4-33 and you're eliminated

I don't know why you're so hung up on the clock. If the deadline is midnight for you then submit before midnight everyday. If you wake up some days at 11pm and some days at 1am then just submit everyday at noon

>> No.2344404

fuck why can't I get "everyday" vs "every day" right

>> No.2344409

>What the fuck is a job?

Also: What you're describing in the first post does in fact encourage you to draw every day on 29 out of 30 days. The situation they were deliberating would also have come up every single week which makes the voucher useless for them.

>> No.2344413


I don't get that there's a problem here, you have to submit once in 24 hours, whenever you draw the thing in that time is completely up to you. Then just submit one time between the clock ticking over one way or another. I drew two things as this started so that I could get my schedule set so I can submit like an hour after the day change, and then have all day to do the next piece, no rush.

>> No.2344418

You're missing the point then. You're not supposed to draw to get points, you're supposed to get points so you'll draw. That's how vanity kills artistic development.

>> No.2344419

People have jobs, others have school, others don't have anything. Of course the game is set such that the person with the most time on their hands has the best chance of "winning", but what really is winning? The point is to get people to practice and draw something every day. Honestly you could post sketches you did years ago and call it a day, but as some other anon said, you are only fooling yourself.
also this.

>> No.2344421

Think of how the sentence would sound if spoken, and pay attention to if there's a slightly longer pause between "every" and "day." Alternatively, remember that "every day" is an adverb and "everyday" is an adjective. In most cases you'll be using "every day." It's alright Lavaflake, I'll be here for you until it sticks.

>> No.2344422

>>What the fuck is a job?
Are you at work for 16hrs a day? The anon in question can do their drawing after they wake up and before work, or after work but before they go to sleep. I have trouble imagining what timezone that would prevent anybody from posting at one of those two times everyday.

If the only free time slot is around the 12am GMT mark, then do two drawings the first day so that you can post early the next "day" consistently like anon >>2344413 mentioned.

>> No.2344423 [DELETED] 

Friendly /ic/ grammar police

>> No.2344425

Friendly /ic/ grammar police

>> No.2344426

At some point I'll probably end up doing some gesture pages to save for when I'm booked with assignments, because I'm a competitive fool.

>> No.2344429

Quick question: should the new submissions section contain submissions from only the current day or from the last 24 hours?

The current system (current day only) gives it a fresh feeling cause they're all new but it looks pretty depressing to see 93 participants but only 13 entries (because we're only 2 hours into the day)

What do you think? Current day or last 24 hours

>> No.2344434

The daily system makes it feel more like a competition and community, and separates it more distinctly than a constant inflow and outflow. Think of it as a fresh start.

>> No.2344435

Well, there are dragon dildo badges at stake, and as long as you are practicing at all the effort isn't pointless.

I like the fresh feeling, and once the clock is ticking and about an hour left, it feels like the pressure is on seeing nearly everyone have something in

>> No.2344440

also loomis, good job this time :^)

>> No.2344441
File: 348 KB, 720x960, 1419923615335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current day+ weekly archive.

>> No.2344445
File: 205 KB, 600x900, 1413406967509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

......and leaderboards and cookies.

>> No.2344449

yeah I think that's the way to go. the current day, 30 or however many more from the last week and a load more button at the bottom

>> No.2344454

Current day system forces you into a habit of getting work done. So the slight pressure is good for all in the long run.

Also it's the entries will middle out to the core group that will be consistently working daily, only natural.

Question OP, what are you thoughts on people jumping back into the challenge the day after if they were eliminated?

>> No.2344455

>load more button at the bottom
Please no, can we have pages instead? It makes it so much easier to find something specific and loading them all to the beginning could get pretty cluttered if there's a lot of submissions. I don't think we need pages yet though, maybe once we're regularly getting over 100 submissions per day, with 50-100 on a page.

>> No.2344458
File: 57 KB, 510x546, 8rcekqRCZ18gy1WcT1EwhkFux8G45ANhsHTO8QB2GQKN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singed up late and had only 20min time, didn't make it in time and not sure if my record is fucked now even though I posted

>> No.2344460

Responded to wrong post?

>> No.2344465

Was your submission in day one or day two? The time you submit doesn't matter as long as it's within the 24-hour period. If it was on day two, your score will be one day behind ours, but as people gradually drop out or forget a day you can catch up. Your streak doesn't start until your first submission, so even if you signed up on day one but didn't post until day two, you won't be eliminated unless you miss a day from now on. At least, I believe that's how it is.

>> No.2344470

Porque no los dos

I like the idea of having the current day, which could have like 5 pics if you're one of the early birds, but then if you scroll down you can see what everyone did yesterday. Otherwise if you can only dump sketches early before you then go to work or whatever, you don't really get to see anyone else's stuff.

>> No.2344471

>Question OP, what are you thoughts on people jumping back into the challenge the day after if they were eliminated?
The current system doesn't even let you post if you get eliminated but I'll change that. It won't be possible to jump back into a challenge you've already been eliminated from but I will make it so that you can keep submitting if you are. Once the week ends your submissions will auto-enter you into the new challenge

>Please no, can we have pages instead?
Yeah good point load mores are annoying as hell. I'll make it so that you navigate by "previous page" "next page" and maybe include some of the previous day when there are less than X current submissions or something
>Singed up late and had only 20min time, didn't make it in time and not sure if my record is fucked now even though I posted
Don't worry, if you post at any point during the first week then you're part of the week 1 original challenge. That'll be the big one. It doesn't matter if you're a day late

>> No.2344479

So you would be able to summit but it wont count to the score, till the start of next week where it will start counting from there. Right?

>> No.2344484

Yeah exactly. They'll still show up on your profile and on the submissions page

>> No.2344488

My submission was on day 2 but I singed up on day 1

>> No.2344496

No worries then, you're still part of the original contest. Let's say it's down to you and someone that was from day 1. If they drop out and you submit on that same day it doesn't mean you've won yet. You'd need to submit one more day to tie and then another to win to make up for having started a day later.

You're still in the fight.

>> No.2344503
File: 203 KB, 1901x969, new subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new submissions page is coming along pretty nicely

>> No.2344508

Nigga you better offer your website making servies for money or I'll stab your donkey ass

>> No.2344510

Don't forget to add an option to display or hide nsfw stuff

>> No.2344515

Is it just me, or do the thumbnails look quite large, especially in relation to the sidebar?

>> No.2344517

Yeah by default NSFW get a special thumbnail and you'll be able to disable it in your profile.

Not so much anymore, it's all wordpress and bootpress themes these days. There's nothing wrong with that but I like custom projects and they're too expensive

Yeah I've already downsize them 33% so there's an extra row. I really liked it at first but they're just too big

>> No.2344567

I wish there was some kind of daily topic. I really want to keep participating in this but I feel I won't last long if I'm only asked to draw whatever I want.

I'm of course not forcing everyone else to do this, but some kind of optional topic/goal would be nice.

>> No.2344568

I must admit, I'm getting a little envious at how much work some of you are putting into your submissions. That Turrnip guy looks like he really buckled down and drew some shit. Hopefully I'll be able to deliver some good hard work as well.

>> No.2344573

I think it's just draw whatever you want for the first week, and after that we'll start having optional themes.

>> No.2344574


>> No.2344583

Just gotta survive one week you can do it I believe in you anon


>> No.2344605

Same here. I was just planning on doing some more gestures, but now I feel I should be doing something more ambitious.

>> No.2344612

Just getting a feel of the place before I start submitting weeb shit everywhere.

A visual divider where each days submissions end would be fine, with a whole weeks worth loaded on the page at a time. Maybe less than a week if you start loading thumbnails and we still have a lot of participants. Ideally there'd be an option to choose how many past submissions load for you, so we can pick ourselves.

>> No.2344615

I updated the site with the submissions page progress if you guys want to check it out and let me know what you think. There are a bunch of missing images since I'm currently using the provided url as a thumbnail (a lot of people link directly to their blogs.)

I'll make it look pretty later but let me know if the layout works

>> No.2344620

There's just not enough space for the whole URL but I don't want to send people to a link blindly so I put the domain at the bottom.

Oh and I also set it so the current day is sorted new > old and the previous pages to old > new. I'm hoping this encourages earlier posting since it gives people a better spot in the archives

>> No.2344621

Nice, I like the thumbnails. And at first I thought the NSFW thumbnail was too subtle, but then I realized the low contrast makes the thumbnail itself more work-safe, since it doesn't look like a warning and the word "dicks" isn't obvious. So good thinking.

>> No.2344625

Oh yeah haha I was just using that as a placeholder cause it's 2am and I thought it was funny. I'll probably just replace it with a similar low contrast image except have it say NSFW or something

>> No.2344626
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1449686682878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, good to know. I'll try to hang in there then.

I know about that sub but I since I started on day 1 with everyone else here it feels a bit more special to me.

>> No.2344631

Can the faggots who join late (me) still "win"? I mean I draw everyday anyways, since 2014.

>> No.2344634

I realize now that it's a bit of a pain to open them all so I'll make some changes. Actually I'll add an options button and you'll be able to:

>show all of the image headers/footers without needing to hover
>make the background image clickable
>add an option to switch between a list and grid view

This new view looks better but it'd be a pain to view 100 images with it

Yep, if you enter any time during the first week you can win it all. I explained it to this guy here >>2344496

>> No.2344642

How do the thumbnails work? I'm getting rows of 3, and increasing/decreasing my browser zoom doesn't effect their size at all. I'm not used to this magic.

I like it though, I like that they're huge too.

>> No.2344645

Oh you may have loaded the page right as I was rolling back the changes. You should only ever see 5, 4, 2 or 1 columns and they're based on how wide your browser is. If you saw 3 then odds are it was mid rollback where they are HUGE because it loaded the wrong css file.

It's back to the boring list view now

>> No.2344647

Hey I can't log in anymore since the "alpha numeric usernames only fukr" pops up. I did day 1 submission so please, help

>> No.2344648

what was your username?

>> No.2344649

The special thumbnail is great!

>> No.2344652


>> No.2344653

hmm you dont have an email on your account. upload something to your photobucket to prove it's you and give me some way to send you a new password

>> No.2344657

okay i uploaded a lame sketch. thanks please send to:

>> No.2344715

What time zone is OP in, so I know when it's too lte to submit.

>> No.2344719
File: 130 KB, 874x443, Screenshot_47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2344768

It would be awesome to struggle trying to make anything serious sonic related

>> No.2344795

dont worry about serious, i just threw some in there for fun

>> No.2344880


>> No.2344882


>> No.2344913

I'll do it, even if I am shit.

>> No.2344943

We are all shit.

>> No.2344977


im not a big fan of pringles.

>> No.2344981

Hey Leslie, I am going to leave for some days to a design fest in Stockholm in February, how should I proceed if I don't want to lose my streak?

>> No.2344983


>> No.2345000

Currently there isn't a "vacation" system and I don't know if something like that can exist. How long could you go and how often? Would you have to make it up with a huge image dump when you get back or would you have to submit/schedule them in advance.

Either option's possible but I don't know if that's what everyone wants. I made sure the site was mobile friendly so as long as you have a phone or wifi you should be good.

Instead of making a bunch of strawpolls I made a quick google docs survey. Let me know what you guys want and I'll implement it


I'll embed it into the site as well

>> No.2345002

Can I even submit more than 1 in one day? And will it prevent me from losing the streak?

>> No.2345004

Nope, currently you have to submit everyday. If you miss a day then you'll get a warning and need to make up for it with a double post the next day. If you don't, or if you miss again within a month then you'll be eliminated

>> No.2345006

Shit shit shit
Does anyone know a place with wifi near Stockholm hostel?

>> No.2345009

I really like the idea of a vacation mode. Sometimes life just gets in the way of what you want to do, and this would prevent luck-based loss of streak in events that are more substantial than the token covers. And I don't have a smartphone, and I'm sure many other anons don't either, so I don't have the internet available at all times. I think a catch-up would be better than a bulk post, since instead of drawing a bunch in advance, you could continue with your daily schedule and just post those when you have internet access or the time to focus on this again. Temporary business, like needing to set aside art during finals week, doesn't reflect a poor work ethic. Since this site is to enforce a solid work ethic, I think slight leniences like this are necessary to make it as fair as possible.

>> No.2345012

>I don't have a smartphone
Cmon grandpa

>> No.2345014

I do have a smartphone but I don't think my provider will gib me the nets when I go abroad
Telephone companies are fucking jews

>> No.2345015

>don't have a smartphone
Anon, please draw the Sabertooth tigers the next time you leave your cave

>> No.2345057


Draw everyday challenge. Allow a vacation mode.

No true artist takes a vacation.

>> No.2345072

Are you retarded? There are literally a billion reasons why you might not be able to upload work that don't involve "I don't feel like working today"

>> No.2345075

Imagine this
>Be me
>Go on vacation outside your country
>Draw on vacation
>Can't post without it costing a fuckton
>Be fucked

>> No.2345078

I honestly want to implement a vacation system but really if someone's going to take 2 weeks off because they're feeling lazy do you really think they're going to come back with 15 updates to submit? I think it benifits the dedicated travellers more than it does the slackers

>> No.2345085

Use free wifi? Should be one, if bot going to some 3rd world shithole

>> No.2345088
File: 5 KB, 200x200, shiggy diggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's free wifi everywhere
>if not then its a 3rd world shithole

>> No.2345094

What if you go camping? No free wifi in the woods.

>> No.2345143


like, u can totally like... cheat the system man... just make ur own posting bot, and stockpile ur own draws.... or heck, even random generate the draws so u can take an infinite vacation! :D

>> No.2345145

if the bears dont get you the elimination depression will

>> No.2345176

Tell your friend to upload them. If you have no friends just post your login information here and the kind d/ic/ks will help you out.

>> No.2345180
File: 129 KB, 833x993, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.

>> No.2345181

nice life study

>> No.2345195

Doesn't the hostel have wifi?