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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2337755 No.2337755 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a beginner and I want to go through this book (I've tried loomis but his stuff jumps around a bit too much for me). Just wondering what ic thinks of it?

My main fear is that book will only teach me to copy drawings rather than being able to create from imagination. It also seems to focus more on shape rather than form, which (for drawing from imagination) is another red flag.

Anyone here read/worked through/knows about this book?

>> No.2337768

Bargue is a little too advanced for a beginner
Get "jack hamm drawing the head and figure"
And "atlas of human anatomy for artists" as reference and your good to go.

>> No.2337772

Your criticisms of the Bargue course are right. It's good for teaching 2d observation and value grouping/value transitions.

If your goal is to draw from your head it would be better to learn a more construction-based approach. Someone like Vilppu or Hampton would be a better place to start.

>> No.2337792

Jack Hamm is like Loomis but objectively worse.

>> No.2338089

So...go with Bargue or something else?
Shit, this is exactly what I was afraid of. It looked really promising too.

>> No.2338092

You do realize you don't have to do exclusively one thing or another. You can study both Bargue and Vilppu. They will teach you different things and strengthen your work overall.

>> No.2338109

That's what I'm doing right now actually. I was just wondering if it would have been redundant that's all (i.e whether Bargue covers everything in Vilppu). Since they don't I guess I'll just do both. Can't hurt right?

>> No.2338124

No, they cover entirely different things. There will be pretty much zero redundancy.

>> No.2338576

Loomis is a fucking meme and a failure as a teacher, that's why his books stopped being printed. Jack Hamm is Loomis without all the esoteric bullshit that keeps people on /ic/ from progressing.

"Drawing the head and figure" is a barebones portraiture manual for easy and competent construction you can master in a week and then move into Vilppu and Hampton for advanced construction and gesture. That's why these books are in universities and Loomis is not.

>> No.2338604


Tons of people in universities still study from Loomis you dolt.

>> No.2339844

You know what? I'll give Hamm a shot too. Loomemes didn't do much for me, and I'm looking through "Drawing the Head and Figure" and the artwork is similar but maybe the approach is a little more focused and a little less jumpy.

I just hope I don't end up learning anything because I spread myself too thin.

>> No.2339845


>> No.2339847

not learning* Jesus I need some sleep

>> No.2340141

>My main fear is that book will only teach me to copy drawings rather than being able to create from imagination

That's the whole point of the Bargue course, it teaches you to copy and draw what you see, but if you want to draw from imagination then look elsewhere