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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2337534 No.2337534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do women find men who are good at art attractive? Like being good at sports?

Also would you be in a relationship with an artist?

>> No.2337538

Any marketable skill is attractive to women.

>> No.2337545

too bad art is not marketable

>> No.2337548


The fact that people make a living off of it is evidence that it is.

>> No.2337554
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No, and you will live a bitter sweet lonely way but at least your animu drawings would comfort you.

>> No.2337567

You're underestimating the amount of girls that are into weeaboo things. I don't know if it's a meme or anything but after a while I'm starting to believe you guys truly think there are either no girls into animu or if there are they're just fat whales or disgusting monkeys.

I've had 4 different weeaboo girlfriends these past 5 years or so and I can assure you they were all quite attractive. >>2337534 To answer OP's question, of course yes it is, but the same could be said about anything you're interested in. Women are empty and lack any genuine goals in life, if they see a man deeply interested in something they might also enjoy they'll just instantly fall all over you like a parasite.

>> No.2337578
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I know this guy from college. He was pretty good at art but he was beta as fuck. He'd secretly draw portraits of his crush in class, and god knows what he does with them but apparently he had an entire wall of drawings of her. To add to the cuckery I was pretty sure his crush was going around getting nailed by chads.

>> No.2337588

that fact that you arent is an evidence that it wont get you laid

>> No.2337595

Not if you're fat.

>> No.2337598

huh, wonder how many fat artists there are, or atleas here on /ic/

>> No.2337987

Yes. Writers, authors and artists are very attractive. I would date any of the above.

>> No.2337993
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if you are super talented yes

>> No.2338006

Art doesn't get you laid, your passion and interesting discussions about it gets you laid.

I would totally fuck each and everyone in /ic/

>> No.2338031


>> No.2338115

See :
completely confirms this >>2337567

tl;dr : women are sluts.

>> No.2338121

if women are sluts, why am i not getting laid?

>> No.2338125

because you're work suck

>> No.2338128

only if you know how to play a piano, guitar or any other "cool" instrument

>> No.2338129

Same question, but with boys.

Can I get ass if I draw ass for them?

>> No.2338130
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I'm just eating a lot because I work so much!

>> No.2338131

What about traps?

>> No.2338132

You don't even have to draw

>> No.2338135
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To use the "making it" documentary as a small sample only a couple of the guys were fat. I'm also a normal weight and in good shape myself-I doubt most artists are fat, but not because making art is a healthy activity by any means, but probably because we're all too poor to make ourselves fat.

>> No.2338136

You're dumb. Poor people are by a large margin more likely to be obese than rich people or the middle class. Most professional artists aren't fat because they are smart enough to know the benefits of staying physically fit when you have a job that requries lots of sitting.

>> No.2338137
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>> No.2338150

>pick a franchise that's popular currently; it can be from anime, videogames, cartoons, whatever you are into
>draw art for it literally anywhere where people would be able to see what you are doing

That's it. People like to peek on people who draw shit in public, and if you don't suck completely and draw something popular people talk to you.

>> No.2338152

>art doesn't get you laid, but discussions about it does
Post your art, I'm sure you suck.

>> No.2338171


I would date writers, authors and artist, desu. they give spontaneity and surprises, i guess.

>> No.2338178

>Also would you be in a relationship with an artist?

You're all fucked up in the head, never ever ever stick your dick in crazy.

>> No.2338181

crazy is better than nothing

>> No.2338189
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Of course

>> No.2338194

Alpha. As. Fuck.

>> No.2338215

>Women are empty and lack any genuine goals in life, if they see a man deeply interested in something they might also enjoy they'll just instantly fall all over you like a parasite

This and she will just end up leaving you for guitar man so whats the point?

I recently went through a divorce and had two kids. Wife cheated on me. Now I'm back at the parents and have a custody schedule for the kids visitation leaving me with tons of free time and money.

My life has been about having a gf/wife since I was 16 and now I'm 28 just ready to focus on myself. Guys I know these are just words but know that you don't always need a woman to be happy. You should stop and focus on yourself and not worry about women unless you just wanna give everything up and dedicate your lives to them. Also I realize most of this is my fault because I picked a shitty wife but still I've dated many different girls lived with some and it all turns out the same. Everything is great in the beginning the chemicals are pumpin in your brain, 6 months later chemicals wear off and fights are frequent, after a year or two both of you are pretty sick of each other, next thing you know shes talking to other dudes or you are just miserable and want her to talk to other dudes so you can have a reason to leave her bitch ass.


>> No.2338237
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>know that you don't always need a woman to be happy.

I vouch for this Anon and let me add onto that you don't need a 3d pig disgusting to be happy, a waifu is perfectly capable of fulfilling everything that a bagina offers except it comes without the liabilities. Here's to the coming waifu age brothers.

>> No.2338249

Because sluts can pick and choose males and you're low status and awkwardness makes you a low priority choice.

>> No.2338286

Hang in there anon. Looks like you've found a right mindset, stick to it and make yourself happy.

Not my business but try to stay in touch with your kids if you care about them, else you might regret it later.

>> No.2338291

hahahah you fucking wish...fuck i do to.

>> No.2338311

If you finish a good drawing, a women will actually knock on your door, and ask to suck your peepee.

>> No.2338322

>a waifu is perfectly capable of fulfilling everything
But it doesn't.

>> No.2338344

fuck no, not unless it's making money

>> No.2338349

To be honest my best advice to this whole thread is if you're seeking a relationship to complete some missing aspect of you, your relationship is going to end up tanking.

Girls seem to do this shit a lot. They think having a relationship will meet their needs and somehow fix that emptiness inside them. That's why when shit gets rough they run away and start fucking someone else.

I totally agree with the anons saying you don't need a girl to make you happy. I kind of think at least some part of you has to complete enough that your happiness doesn't hang on the responsibility of someone else. Other wise you're being like those vapid shallow girls who just get with someone not to feel alone.

All and all anon, yes some girls would totally date you over drawing skills. I knew some girls like that in my weeb ass group, but if they're going out with you for the sole purpose of your animu skills, they'll get bored of you when they move onto another hobby. Gotta find those bitches that enjoy you for you, and not you for your hobby alone. Unless you're just looking to get laid in which case hobbies work just fine.

>> No.2338351

get fit - good for drawing, good for girls and pretty much everything else.

>> No.2338375

Damn I could've written all of this myself anon, I checked I hadn't no kidding, inb4 are you me?

>To be honest my best advice to this whole thread is if you're seeking a relationship to complete some missing aspect of you, your relationship is going to end up tanking.
>Girls seem to do this shit a lot.
This a million times.

>> No.2338385

- Does art get you laid
- Do women find men who are good at art attractive?
depends on the person. improve yourself as a person. have least a decent hygienic. and you're should be alright. this is not rocket science

>> No.2338396

I'm fat

>> No.2338415

i got clear attention from 3 girls from drawing when i was complete shit . Maybe its just that drawing gives people a platform to reach you though.

Seriously guys just lose some weight and hope youre naturally beautiful and everything should go well.

ALSO: a girl invited me to her house so i could help her draw and i refused because i didnt get it because she once mentioned she was into girls but i forgot bisexuals exist.

>> No.2338419

So what's a good reason for seeking a relationship?

>> No.2338424

Well being around a person you like for one

>> No.2338425

Not him, but to share your life together, raise a family (if you're into that), basically make your life better opposed to fixing it.

>> No.2338434

>a girl invited me to her house so i could help her draw and i refused because i didnt get it because she once mentioned she was into girls but i forgot bisexuals exist.
Ayy, you fucked up fäm

>> No.2338439
File: 108 KB, 764x1024, 1448926775676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real passion for anything is incredibly attractive. you don't realize that until you lose it and see it in someone else. the world can be as bleak or vivid as you make it, most people live in a colorless world, their dreams and enthusiasm are gone. if you have a passion its like you're enveloped in a blaze of fire, lighting up all around you, impervious to the darkness of this place that so easily envelops and drags others down.

when most people see a good drawing you did, and realize you're just a person like them, they always say "i wish i kept up drawing" or "i want to start drawing!".. they don't really, but they just want to have the kind of passion and love that you have for your craft, but for something of their own.

its an incredible thing. you just don't realize until you lose it.. don't take it for-granted


>> No.2338443

just do the same as youtubers do. pander to them

>> No.2338446

so never

>> No.2338457

I think a good reason to seek a relationship is to add upon something not fix something. Good example is people having kids because they want to raise them, guide them, and accept them for who they are. You want to build upon the life you already have, not use them to fix something missing.

I have a hard time understanding this concept because I'd rather chop my own hand off than having one but it's just an example.

You don't want to be like those crazy ladies who have babies because they want to feel loved, have a whole vision of how their baby should be and end up royally fucking up their child trying to mold them into that.

When it comes to relationships I think there is a lot on of BS how the other person is suppose to be your missing puzzle piece. That implies the other person needs to "fill" something. In reality no one can "fill" whatever is missing in you. The worst part is over time, once the newness wears off and you see the other person isn't fitting exactly where you need them on the puzzle map you'll try and mold them into that missing piece, and that's where everything crumbles.

You want to be more like blocks or legos. You want to build off each other. It sounds cliche but calling it a partnership is probably as close as I can think of comparing it to. You want to work together towards something, not use the other person to fix you.

I hope that makes some semblance of sense.

>implying I'm not alternative universe you

>> No.2338462

Oh I do. I have normal state visitation for a non primary (ex wife is primary obviously) I get them regularly and spoil them with attention. I just had them for 7 days straight and requested the whole week off to hang out with them. Honestly having the perfect 2 boys that are literal clones of me was the best thing I have ever done and makes it easier to move on with life without always wondering what it would be like to get married and have kids.

>> No.2338476
File: 347 KB, 600x661, d3f0b51e195c07bd5ad08e3a0411eef7[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find artist girls to be really cute but I have never dated one. In my experience they either ignore you when they think you're not as good as them, and when you bring out your work they try to get close with you in a phony, jealous kind of way. But then again most artists i have met in real life generally take themselves too seriously regardless of gender.

Has anyone had good experiences with artist girls?

>> No.2338480

great responses

I really hope people read these and take these to heart. I know for sure back when I was 18-24 I would not have read this and just ignorantly assumed everything was always going to work out with little to no effort like it looks in the movies.

>> No.2338487

Yes and no. Most the artist girls I knew in RL were part of my friend group so it might just have been that. A few of them were real bitches even when they lacked skill, others were chill. Most people into art I know of either gender tend to be a little off in some way.

My whole friend group was also full of sluts so I'm not really sure how that plays out. Since most of them hooked up with any guys that gave them attention.

Probably the only one I know that's been consistently chill is my cousin but I chalk that up to us being family.

>> No.2338498

oh nose bro


>> No.2338525

Post face

or even better, post self portrait

>> No.2338534

I dated an opera singer who would get blistering jealous of the protag from a comic I was drawing and be a bitch about it.
She didn't mind I spent hours looking at naked hotties, but she projected all her insecurities into that one character.

Artists in general are fucked up people.

>> No.2338550

I'm glad for you.

>> No.2338607

she was one of those scene/drug/music type girls and wasnt particularly pretty and looked like one of my guy friends. I did get a lot of tits+ /dating+ through art though from one of the girls though
take a chance at literal social suicide? I'll pass. I'd be okay with pulling a censored box-man for i/c one of these days though but I dont have any good cameras/tripods since i have a lot of love for my body despite not being "fit".

>> No.2338632

Artists have huge egos. Being one and in a relationship with another never works out. I've been in an relationship with 3 artist girls.In the end someone always gets offended one way or another, when one tells the other they should study more or when They get offended they don't get the same achievements as the other person. Just find a basic bitch that would be impressed that you're not just a regular joe and be done with it.

>> No.2338667


ehh seems like a pretty shit thing to say, unless you've both agreed upon working off of each other in order to make your art your career. it seems like you're the one with the ego if your telling someone else to study more, especially a dick move if they only want to be a hobbyist, not everyone wants to be professional

>> No.2338673

Female here, no. Art should not be an other highschool guitar to pick up chicks with.

>> No.2338743

That's an answer to a question which was not asked.
Kill yourself.

>> No.2338744

l o n d o n

>> No.2338749


Did you read the OP or what?

>> No.2338751

>Art should not be an other highschool guitar to pick up chicks with.
This does not answer any question.
It's also fucking stupid

>> No.2338759
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>> No.2338817

where do you find them? i hope not art school, because that's a waste of money and i'm not in one.

>> No.2338863

piano isn't cool

you're just standing here doing chords and trying to think how to make it look as if you're doing an actual effort. after that the singer gets all the girls, the guitar gets the rest, the bassist leaves with his gf and you go play videogames with the drummer joking about how much the others are getting laid but actually feeling jealous as fuck

>> No.2338870
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Your mom says yes.

I just ask her.

Mrs. Nigger do women find men who are good at art attractive?

She, like give me your dick.

>> No.2338874

>playing piano in a rock band

>> No.2338884

>scoring without playing in a band
only works if it's the guitar

>> No.2338892

I think given how much of a joke being "that guy who plays wonderwall at parties" has become, leading a quick 2 minute katy perry sing-a-long or whatever ends up with just as much favor if not more. Guitars are way more common of a thing for people to have though, so it's really hard to tell either way.

>> No.2338902

That's not what they mean, get that chip off your shoulder. They mean that expressing passion for what you makes you attractive.

If you can draw well but have the personality of a dead fish you'll be outta luck.

>> No.2338906

I'm average or even maybe slightly above average looks. I've been studying for several years and began some professional work last year.

Been on dating sites, several, I'm convinced once girls read "illustrator" they dip the fuck out of your profile.

Art is too closely tied with starving artist imo, whether that's true or not I don't think women want to sign up to starve.

Or maybe online dating sucks and meeting in person would be better.

Or maybe I'm just an ugly fuck.

>> No.2338907
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>> No.2338908


Thanks for the advice buddy, I needed that. I'm 20 and wanted a girlfriend pretty badly at times, even though I know it's a bad idea when I'm studying and trying to get my career going.

>> No.2338919

was in the same boat, i'm 20, only had casual sex but now i really don't want to be in a relationship since i don't see how it could work around my schedule for drawing. when i don't have complete freedom of how i spend my free time i end up having less motivation and passive aggressively take out my frustration on other people. not good

>> No.2339031

Passion is attractive. It's probably not going to get you puss like being a charming, social 10 with a 200k salary will, but women like a guy that cares about something. Some will avoid you because of the starving-artist trope. Others will chose you over mr. 10-and-200k because they like the sensitive types. It's a crapshoot, so just do what you love and try to become the better version of yourself. You want to be a version of yourself with the right lady? Then try to also become the person your dream-mate would want to be with. For instance, if you want a hot lovely who takes care of her looks, understand that they wouldn't want to be with a disgusting slob. You gotta take care of yourself to have a real chance at that kind of woman.

Even if you don't drown in puss, you'll be living a fulfilling life. Aim for that first and foremost.

>> No.2339038


well, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read that somebody is an illustrator? fucking ultra shitty manga pokemon weeb captain-autismo garbage is what comes to mind. you can't blame the girls for that one.

i'm close to my 30's, an age at which i used to think girls would be in full blown materialist provider-seeker mode. whenever i tell them i paint for a living, then eventually explain a bit about it, they are all really into it. a big part of that however like one anon said is how passionate you are. and also you want to have work (they will ask to see it) that does reflect a certain skill and taste.

i've even dated some incredibly wealthy and successful chicks and they weren't at all put off by me being an artist.

>> No.2339051
File: 24 KB, 84x84, asdasdsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought i was grown
i was wrong

>> No.2339060

>university, break between lectures
>do some sketches
>among others some cats
>girl sitting behind me sees
>"oh my god, those are so cute"
>smalltalk ensues

Maybe you could use art to pick up girls if you do it right.

>> No.2339077

I do it all the time, too bad I get bored because most of them are as empty as vodka bottle in Russia so I just shove them off or dip my penis and then disappear

>> No.2339080


Cool story bro, you sound as vapid as those girls

>> No.2339160

nice meme

>> No.2339477

what DO you paint?

just portraits of pretty grills?

>> No.2339490
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it can seem however you like it to seem .It is what it is. I never claimed I didn't have a big ego. My statement says that both people in a relationship like that do. And no, they all wanted to be professionals, and relationships don't work on the basis of talking as if you're talking to a co-worker. You're making alot of assumptions with no information to back it up.

>> No.2339516

>youre making different assumptions than mine so imma pretend im not making assumptions either
>let me add this gif because it totally helps my argument
>he was being polite by saying it seems, let me use this point and ignore the rest of the points brought up
>im so smart and proud of myself

Saying any type of relationship between any 2 types of people is doomed to failure is a fucking retarded thing to do.

>> No.2339526

It does, its how i got my GF.

>> No.2339933

>Damage control
It's no good captain. Status: wrecked

>> No.2339938

it got brekkist laid

>> No.2339943

>gotta get last word in
not even him, but it looks like you're the one who got rekd.

>> No.2339945

And I wasn't him either, that was my first post in the thread friendo ;^)

Last word, really, white knight harder

>> No.2339952

>i am 12
ok i'm done arguing with a kid

>> No.2339960
File: 633 KB, 500x234, tumblr_n3j8lwgq0e1rn5a30o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do women find men who are good at art attractive?
Not really no, but as a gril it makes people think of me in that 'quirky crazy girl' niche.
Guys want to date me because they think it will be a fucking indie film, full of kooky hijinks or whatever to make their boring lives exciting. Pretty much exactly >>2338457 >>2339051

>Also would you be in a relationship with an artist?
Never, unless they were some sort of high functioning professional graphic artist working in an agency that enjoyed it.
Fine artists and illustrators have too much ego, there's not enough room in a relationship for two artists. I'd rather hear someone talk about something else than what I've been doing all day, too.

Ps 'Wow you're really good at drawing' is not a good pickup line, do people say 'Wow you're really good at telesales?' and expect to get laid?

romantic as fuck

>> No.2339992

>Fine artists and illustrators have too much ego
yeah no kidding, reading your post i can totally see that. artist girls can go to hell.

>> No.2340018

>high functioning professional graphic artist working in an agency

Now I am not saying she's a gold digger.

>> No.2340059

I was going for the "because then they'd be emotionally stable, rather than the tortured or narcissistic artist type" angle, but sure. I wouldn't turn a live-in patreon down, does he cook and clean too?

>> No.2340063

Privileged narcissistic hypocrisy: the post! 8.5/10

>> No.2340064

reminder: most people get a little bit unstable when the person they love treats them like shit.

>> No.2340075

Don't get your drift, it's abusive to want to date someone who has a peaceful or stable life and to want to hear about their day, how? Or is it treating someone like shit to seek a relationship where both like each other for how they connect, not to fulfil some dramatic movie script life?

>> No.2340080

what a vain, self-important cunt

>> No.2340081

Is it possible to be with someone...as well as working on making yourself better?
I see all of these posts about making yourself as good as you can, but why can't or shouldn't you do that while in a relationship?

Never thought I'd be asking relationship advice in /ic/, but my parents are a terrible example to look up to....this thread is slowly opening my eyes

>> No.2340084

Itt never admit to being a grill
Merc wip thread is all hugging and love for a reason

>> No.2340129

You can. You just have to make sure fixing yourself doesn't cross into having the other person take on the burden.

>> No.2340130

I think it's more like never admit to being an asshole in a relationship thread.

>> No.2340138

Can't be fat if you're a starving artist.

>> No.2340139
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>doesn't know how green text works
>going to greentext regardless

mr, new tripfaggot, do point out what assumptions I've made about the op because right now it seems more or less that you're projecting pretty hard. 2 of your "points" are just being a passive aggressive cunt and don't really prove anything other than your ignorance.
I don't know how many relationships with female artists you've had ,but from all 3 I've noticed a pattern that repeats itself with each one.
But if you think you can do better, do prove me wrong when you marry an artist chick, and you're even a working professional.

>> No.2340144

r9k pls

>> No.2340148

Well ofcourse I become vapid as them if I have no interests

>> No.2340223

it's not r9k if it's the honest truth

>> No.2340225
File: 26 KB, 250x333, heterosexual relationship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know about women but im gay and sort of skilled and i have many gay followers on my facebook that sometimes praise me.
It didn't gave me a shit.
Even the person who was my fan, when i was in his city and he asked me of meetup, he just sit in a corner and didnt even talked to me pretending that i dont exist.
I know that gays tend to be extremely picky but i guess its almost the same way with other sexuality.
Dont expect to have sex if you just a good artist. People dont like your body or you personally when they praising your work. They just see your work, you art and etc.

I guess some single mom or some unlucky woman around 35 that still "believes in romantic relationship" can be your gf if she will see how popular you are and that you actually getting money with your art job.
But..i really dont see other scenario when you can have sex JUST BECAUSE you are a good artist.

Not to mention there are so fucking many artists these days (every person is a special snowflake artist and normies dont see the difference between levels) so its not that unique anymore.

>> No.2340236

Top kek; Single tear shed

In high school I threw my hand into drawing; They were mostly projects taken from wild inspiration, and an excuse to talk to girls.

>> No.2340270

People have a weird way of looking at love. Lots of struggle and sacrifice and wanting to be the savior or the martyr.
It may have to do with me being exposed to loss since a very young age and learnt not to fear "losing" somebody or being alone. But I have never had this "I need to suffer to show I love her/cant live without her" stuff and my relationships have been long, peaceful and enjoyable. I even actually can sit down and have a drink with most of my exes without any drama blowing up.

Yes you can be with someone while bettering yourself. So long as both of you understand that you're together to enjoy each other's company and the niceties of love. Understand that support isn't necessarily a sacrifice, and that relationships are not account ledgers or investment plans. It should be ok.

>> No.2340303

You need to find a girl who is ok with you being an artist/illustrator, because you can't hide that stuff once you start seeing each other. Don't delete that part from your profile. What site or app do you use?