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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 51 KB, 720x960, 942792_967698456643886_5580811541315571278_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2333701 No.2333701 [Reply] [Original]

Do normies actually think this is good? Not just good, but GREAT? Some girl posted this on a facebook group and asked for honest opinions if it was good enough to give away as a gift, and added that she was a beginner.

I told her that I didn't understand why you would give away a drawing if you're just a beginner, but everyone one else was RAVING over how good it was. "looks amazing!" "wow, that's great!! I'd love that as a gift!!" both men and women. Predicatbly one white knight popped up and said I was just jealous and that she shouldn't listen to "the haters" and reassured her that she in fact just made a masterpiece. What the fuck are people legit retarded? I'm honestly stunned.

>> No.2333703

the problem isn't with the drawing op, it's with you

someone getting compliments and positive reaction doesn't take away from you. it shouldn't affect you so deeply. why do you care what other people do focus on yourself. this sort of negative behaviour will only be detrimental in life

>> No.2333706


Never said it takes anything away from me. I'm happy for other people getting praise if they deserve it. Fuck off with your pseudo pop psychology bullshit and answer the question instead. Do these people actually think this is good or are they just engaging in tribal hugbox behavior?

>> No.2333707


in the case of females apply the following formula:

60% of her likes are based on her looks
20% of her likes are based on friends/social support

so you can multiply her likes by 0.2 and you have a normalized value.

female privilege.

>> No.2333716

It clearly upsets you, you'd do better not to worry about this kind of shit.

>> No.2333717

stop being an autist

>> No.2333726

But...OP this IS good.

>> No.2333730

Quit samefagging

Also. This is deeply concerning in the art community as it shows people's lowering expectations in art and a decline in the quality of modern art.

Yes I hate it when terrible artists like Friday kahlo get praise

>> No.2333748

this seems to be traced off a photo or something

>> No.2333778

honestly OP you're a cynical fucktard who was also once a beginner, if not currently

>> No.2333802

>What the fuck are people legit retarded?
No, they realize this is shit.

They just don't want to discourage a beginner who probably put some real effort into this.

>> No.2333815

Dude... dude... I was about to tell you to fuck off t b h, but I'm going to answer clearly your question.

Yes, normies are extremely tasteless and would never ever tell apart a Singer Sargent from a Rembrandt. Yes, normies are kinda stupid, yes normies are easily impressed. Yes, even your most beginner work would get them crazy.

Now that you're aware that you don't want to impress normies but yourself...


>> No.2333828

Tell her to read the sticky

>> No.2333862

jesus christ your pathetic op, i mean seriously, I think you need to take a step back from /ic/ and realize that you're being an elitist, pretentious, cuck. Let people enjoy something that you obviously have to pretend to like.

>> No.2333875

What makes a good art for normies is totally different than what makes a good art for artists.

Yes, a normie can recognize that a Sargent painting looks nice, but at the same time, it doesn't appeal to them.

Sometimes, it's really good to understand how normies function, what they like to see, just look at Sakimichan, she's one of the best capturing that.

>> No.2333879

>Yes, normies are extremely tasteless and would never ever tell apart a Singer Sargent from a Rembrandt.
I agree that normies lack taste and have shit visual literacy, but would they seriously not be able to tell apart Rembrandt and Sargent? I think they could. Stylistically they are so far apart. They probably couldn't say Sargent was better than a generic 19th century portrait painter, but they could tell him apart just visually from Rembrandt. Or so I would assume. I would be interested in someone testing these things out.

>> No.2333882

I guarantee you a majority of people saying how great it is realize its mediocrity.
The thing is, it's generally socially unacceptable to go around going "your art is shit" in most places that aren't geared for critique.
Like damn OP have you ever seen how women behave on facebook? Have you ever seen any of those screencaps of horribly disfigured people posting portraits and everyone going "you're so beautiful! :)" "WOW gorgeous!" "omg I love your hair!!!"
It's what they do. It's 'nice' and it's uncontroversial. It doesn't rock the boat. You might have a social impairment if you don't understand this.

>> No.2333889

>Yes, normies are extremely tasteless and would never ever tell apart a Singer Sargent from a Rembrandt.

Which is extremely ironic considering most artists work direct or indirectly for normies.

I mean, even if you work for a company instead of doing private commissions, your work will probably be used in a product for normies.

>> No.2333991

Actually I'm very encouraging towards beginners if they ask for help which is more than can be said for the average user on this board. I have no patience pandering to delusional "you go girl" bullshit, though. As an adult you'd have to be pretty narcissistic to want to give away a drawing if you can't draw. If she posted the same drawing just for fun I would have no problem with it.

>> No.2334062

You could apply the same logic to your comment.

Anyway, op, from what I understand the less you know about something, the more you THINK you know about something. The kinds of people that think this is a great picture are also the kinds of people that think all art consists of nothing more andy warhols and jackson pollocks. In their minds, they're passively aware that people actually make and have made the kinds of paintings you and I find to be "good" but it just doesn't factor into their thought process because they aren't made aware of it.

I had a conversation with someone once about this very subject she just assumed that people don't make art like they did hundreds of years ago. I asked her what she thought about comic book art or promotional paintings and from what I gather she just hadn't thought about it before.

>> No.2334083

>it's the female boogey-mans fault that I can't gain popularity on social networks.

>> No.2334137

Tell her she needs more Loomis

>> No.2334351

no, but being a cute girl in any activity can allow you to get hollow praise, mostly because dudes want to fuck you and so they'll compliment you in vain hope of getting in your vagina.

>> No.2334358

>I asked her what she thought about comic book art or promotional paintings and from what I gather she just hadn't thought about it before.

So much this. I recently started sketching, and if nothing else, it's made me appreciate all the art I see on a daily basis that beautifies the world around me, art that I, like this person, wouldn't have never paid any mind, assuming it just popped out of thin air or something.

>> No.2334361

still won't be getting the commish money like that. try harder

>> No.2334378

You also have to keep in mind that the people who are supporting her are her friends and family, not anonymous people on chinese image boards

>> No.2334386


>> No.2334389

Someone needs a hug. Seriously, what the fuck did your parents do to you to make you get upset when someone else has kind words said to them?

>> No.2334390

He DOES have a social impairment.

>> No.2334410

Thirsty betas will absolutely overpay for shoddy work if that means they'll get a teensy bit of attention from le artist Stacy

>> No.2334416


Furthering the impression that you're a twat.
Don't act like you've never been impressed by things that are unremarkable to the proficient. In fact, you probably like a lot of music and literature that seems pretty shallow and stupid to masterful composers and authors but you don't see Jean-Paul Sartre hunting down people's poetry on facebook and bitching about how many likes they're getting. grow up.

>> No.2334417


You aren't part of any kind of "art community" certainly not reputable professionals in the creative industries.

Don't try and speak for them.

>> No.2334425

probably some 13 year old girl

>> No.2334522

So you admit that men are, truly, unable to judge art objectively.

>> No.2334551


I don't think you appreciate how undiscerning the average person is.
Especially when it comes to people they know (even if it's just through Facebook). If they were shown the same image on a billboard or something, they'd probably think "who the fuck thought that looked good?" but seeing it come from someone you interact with it suddenly elevates it to "holy shit, it's like I'm having coffee with Johnny Depp" status. Plus general politeness - obviously you're not going to hold someone you know to the same standards as a professional, so any old shit they manage to crank out will automatically exceed expectations.
It pretty much comes down to "You're better than me, I can barely draw a stick figure!" It's impressive by default.

And I'm not saying this as an elitist. I've drawn much, much worse stuff and been given the same sort of praise.

As eye-rolling as it is to see your comment referred to as 'hating', at the end of the day, your comment was simply out of place. If she'd wanted critique, she would have gone to artists. She wanted shallow reassurance and praise, so she went to Facebook.

>> No.2334557


Some people can't tell Africa and South America apart on a map. Sure, it's obvious as fuck if you take a minute to think about it, but most people don't have a minute to think about shit they don't give a rats ass about at the risk of pushing out information they need.
I'm sure you and I have millions of little blind spots that are stupidly obvious to a relevant hobbyist.

>> No.2334562


>> No.2334573

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.2335114
File: 42 KB, 355x266, IMG_4294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most artists work direct or indirectly for normies
>most artists (/ic/ included) aren't top notch tier, so they work for normies

>> No.2335189

What exactly is wrong about giving away a picture in OP-post as a gift?
I mean, really, as far as useless gifts go — "meh" small objects that did not cost too much are a solid choice.

>> No.2336000

I'm not sure. But I think it's a combination of comparing it to your own skill, and just being a decent person. Like, if you legit thing that you are worse than for example OP's pic, you might automatically think that it is good. I think that's usually the case for, for example, children. And to tell a friend who actually tries to do good, that they are shit, is just mean and you shouldn't do that.

>> No.2336083
File: 309 KB, 960x1287, 1442401522179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a fucking master piece whats wrong with out faggots

>> No.2336110
File: 311 KB, 1024x1365, elf_girl_portrait_by_sakimichan-d85vf7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny indeed, because /ic/ is possibly one of the most snobbish, elitist and pretentious art communities I've seem in the internet, yet, everything they hate so much is what make other artists wealthy.

>> No.2337556
File: 109 KB, 900x900, 1449984914439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2337560
File: 222 KB, 937x763, sleeping pika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this to my FB a few weeks back and it's got a tonne of likes. It's not even a piece i took a lot of time on. I don't get it.
It's grating to hear people spout "Your art is so good! You should get a Patreon and sell your art!" as if it's super easy.

>> No.2338003
