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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 14 KB, 207x225, rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2332945 No.2332945 [Reply] [Original]

Post your portfolio

Rate other peoples portfolios and post assumptions about the artist (personality, interests, profession, etc.)

>> No.2332949


>> No.2332956


>> No.2332965


Self promotion doesn't implicitly mean feedback/critique/assumptions. This thread does

>> No.2332969

people are probably too scared to post

>> No.2332971

I dont give a shit rip me off

>> No.2332974

wow! are you able to live off your art at that level?

>> No.2332988


High level of technique. mid-late 20s. In love with concept art and illustration. You like anime. You could get hired somewhere and make money doing it. Could use a little more imagination tho

>> No.2332989

no lol your eyes are just bad. Even if people were paying 100$ a piece at his level the time it takes to create them youd be making less than minimum wage. The minimum standard for making a living is huge

>> No.2332991

I started to apply for gigs recently, got one atm, but not too big, I guess I need to discipline myself a bit more and get job-related portfolio

I'm looking for a daily job soz cuz family pressure :/ will be better to take it seriously but meh

anyone can live of art at worse level than me, the hard part is to discover/learn how, that's where the value is made

>> No.2332993

i think youre assuming your parents are giving you free rent in your people at a lower level than you can live off their art equation.

>> No.2332997

u're right, it would be minimun wage even in my country, which is even lower, my brain is broken, I can do things quick and with great outputs sometimes, but usually I'm just improductive

But I don't worry about that, will get easier and faster eventually, started this year to focus properly on fundamentals

>> No.2333000

third image, everything in it is way better than i could do, but the hourglass isn't following perspective. also i'd consider taking 'Dolce' out of your portfolio

>> No.2333002

>rip me off
Funny choice of words there because that's exactly what you did in nearly all your work: rip off other people. Every other pic looks familiar, your style changes for no other reason than you found a new inspiration to rip off.

>> No.2333005

got to appreciate those double trips

>> No.2333006

shit that's my favourite, will redo instead, I'm actually -slowly- pushin ahead some of these portfolio pieces from months ago, as most of them are with my stylish lazy-unfinished look :/

>> No.2333012

if id be able to do ten 100 USD commissions per month id be more than set, while five would still be survivable on ramen

>> No.2333016

it's the face that i'm having a problem with in that image, it doesn't have symmetry - see the jawline on each side, and the nose, even being anime, is too far to the left side of the face + what i'm assuming is the cast shadow from the flower is creating a tangent with the nose, and makes the nose less clear

>> No.2333018

not really, I understand your point perspective tho

for third image I got spoonfeed here on ic by some anon who is a saint now

>> No.2333033

i dont know what country you live in that 12k is something you can do. Neverminding the fact that 10 x 100$ commissions is hard to get by.

>> No.2333042

He's 3rd world

>> No.2333075


>> No.2333081


>> No.2333097

would just know what you guys thinks about it http://postic.deviantart.com/ even if i don't have any
pretentiousness about my work for now.

>> No.2333104

almost, just 2nd tier Europe

>> No.2333123

you need to learn traditional/academic way of drawing/painting, aka, the way it works, you lack fundamental understanding, too many symbols

you should detoxify from your shitty fine art teachers
you need to aim lower, take it easier, you're going into too complex things without success, rely more on multiple references, you wouln't cook new things without recipe would u?
focus your studies on a single fundamental at a time

use more your traditional sketchbook, you're cheating on some digital studies

>> No.2333128 [DELETED] 

fuck yeah, finaly somebody that can make agoo use of stencils!

>> No.2333134

fuck yeah, finaly somebody that can make agoo use of stencils!

>> No.2333137

do you wear an obey cap?

>> No.2333383


10 pts.
Your stuff is.. interesting, I guess. Haha, I think I like your old realistic stuff better. There's just something about your painting technique that is super ugly. Maybe push this further?

Nice skillz. A little conventional for my taste.

The first project on there is cool, especially the four armed lady with pentagram. Just fyi, the link for 'shestreet' is not working for me.

I like your abstracts, but your figures are woeful. Protip: Nobody wants to read your poetry.

>> No.2333393 [DELETED] 

Your studies are coming along, but the work from imagination is lacking, if ambitious. I don't wanna tell you to try something easier, but it might be more time efficient. You'll still learn stuff by tackling ambitious pieces.

Anyways, keep practicing. Try more traditional stuff.

>> No.2333397

Your studies are coming along, but the work from imagination is lacking, if ambitious. I don't wanna tell you to try something easier, but it might be more time efficient. You'll still learn stuff by tackling ambitious pieces.

Anyways, keep practicing. Try more traditional stuff.

>> No.2333417
File: 30 KB, 601x695, disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for not having a blog

no one would use it anyway

>> No.2333431


Just make one, the only person that needs to use it is you.
You'll find some poor idiots end up following you no matter how bad you are.

>> No.2333436
File: 43 KB, 356x200, none of my business.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you lack fundamental understanding

The funny thing is he posted his progress in another thread and it's pretty clear he knows them, he just chose to ditch them for that horrifying 'style'.
As long as he likes it I guess, he's made more money on art than I have.

>> No.2333442
File: 173 KB, 785x1000, 09_tangled_art_character_design_rapunzel_flynn_03_glen_keane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DESU I think you are at a good level to practice drawing poses more compositionally-minded and with good flow- like the Ruto one has good expression, but could use more direction in the overall pose to create a more clear focal-point... think Glen Keane

>> No.2333453

poses are stiff and lifeless, yr old stuff is better
love me some saggy tiddies
looks like the shit i did when i was 13 but with gorgeous painting, looks unbalanced and wonky
10/10 fham

>> No.2334201

huehue bump

>> No.2334615


I agree with the anon

>oh look its Link with fucking shoulderpads
>oh hey Mad Max just happened to be out at that time

>> No.2334655

I like it, I assume you're young?

>> No.2335368

good technical skill, lacking in creativity, style, and composition

>> No.2335465

You need to lose that 'amateur' look. Mainly weak values, weak brushstrokes, and weak lines. You should also abuse soft brushes a lot less, like in the armoured beast one. I'd like to imagine if you lose the lines in your drawings, it would look like random splotches of colours that does not build into anything. A good coloured/painted subject is one that you can still tell what it is if you lose your line layers. Use hardbrushes more, and try to have lot less of those unsightly overlapping brush look. And try using the lasso tool more in your workflow.

Anyway, one word of advice, if you want to look legit and get hired, hide or delete those WIPs and weak paintings you have. Only post the strongest pieces you have. More does not equals better.

>> No.2335543

ive been told i need to show characters interacting with each other and objects so that's what i was going to delve into next

your work is really gorgeous, its so clean looking

>> No.2335654


Bring it on,don't hold back

>> No.2335674

20. I'm still developing but should be taken seriously. My late work is intentionally naive.

>> No.2335675

pretty rendering, wonky as fuck anatomy. fish girls spine is completely broken, its like her chest/entire lower body is a different being than her collarbone/arms and head.
same thing happening with the guy fighting the birds, his upper half is drifting away from his lower

>> No.2335677


Give it to me /ic/. Traditional masterrace

>> No.2335713

really nice, how many years of serious fundamental practice till you reached current skill set? gj

>> No.2335781

boring man. You have skills but you use them to make things that are ridiculously generic.

>> No.2335807

>My late work is intentionally naive.
>I'm only pretending to be retarded

>> No.2335808


Seriously, post your art.

>> No.2335810


I agree with the other anonymous, your stuff is bland dude

>> No.2335865

Yeah,you're right.My anatomy can be greatly improved,I'll work harder in that aspect.Thanks for the feedback.
I guess about 4 years though I haven't been very serious until last year
thanks for the feedback.Honestly though this is the kind of stuff that I like.I'm not trying to defend myself,I know there is a lot of room for improvement but this is the type of subject matter that I'm interested in.I will take your opinion into account though.

>> No.2335870

it doesent get much more generic

>> No.2336054


Campbells soup cans and cubism probably looked retarded at some point also. I'm not saying my work is that relevant but I don't think that kind of dismissal is justified.

>> No.2336086

brooooo you're literally almost there. stop rendering and go figure draw with vilpu , your anatomy is the only thing stopping you from reaching gains heaven.

>> No.2336091

have you tried sitting down and drawing something dumb or fun? all of your stuff seems like studies and pictures, c'mon man you can do it, draw a dick girl or some nintendo.

>> No.2336121


Just made this like an hour ago. I'm uploading an animated short I did on yt so I can put it here, but does anyone have any suggestions about what I've got up so far?

Also, what's the general consensus about sketches on artstation? Should I just keep it to more finished stuff?

>> No.2336417


Thanks :)
Your drawing fundamentals are pretty strong. I'd say those studies of animals are your best work, there's something unique and observant about them, and I wish I could see more of that in the final work. I think your finished/coloured work needs some refinement. You definitely need to restrain your palette, there. For example, your ladybug concepts are promising, but the finished piece suffers because you're colouring based on the supposed local colours of the objects. "Grass is green, ladybugs are red, her hair is orange.. etc', and you end up with a mess. Ambient light can have more of an effect on how colours are actually percieved, and can help you simplify the palette.

If you're looking to do typical concept art work, I'd say you're getting there. The fish are nicely done (actually, if you can, try to apply that rendering to the rest of your work, your figures and fabrics rendering is looking noodly), and the crow/fighter image is pretty cool.

You might have to work pretty hard to set yourself apart from the pack. Read lots of literature and get some good/original ideas. After all, it's 'concept' art, not 'epic warriors and babes' art (although some days I wonder).

Work on your face construction! And be less boring.

Pen and ink type drawing is decent. Although your faces are a little wonky. Full rendering and colouring needs much work. The best piece is the musicians. Try if you can not to mimic popular styles so much. You have a very marketable name, lol! I feel this is precisely the kind of work /ic/ hates, so prepare for some harshness.

>> No.2336439

>Work on your face construction! And be less boring.

Actually, 9pts., because >>2332949 should be better than you. :P

>> No.2336449

Not any of these guys but what are these points out of? Like is this (12/100)? or something like that?

>> No.2336458

don't give a shit about the guy who's rating, his criteria for rates is shit
his comments aren't trash tho

>> No.2336479

OP pic implied quantitative rating. I just gave the first guy 10 and scored the others relative to that.

>> No.2336482


>>2335677 gets 12.5 when all they do is copy reference (and be pretty bad at making it interesting) whereas >>2336121 gets 6.5?

typical d/ic/k, studies don't get you jobs

>> No.2336484

1 / 10

1.5 / 10

2 / 10

2 / 10


2.5 / 10

3.5 / 10

3 / 10

1.5 / 10

Tis my humble opinion lads

>> No.2336487


this is my first post in this thread but your post would be less useless if you actually quantified the rating with anything.

>> No.2336514

I degraded him to 9pts on second assessment: >>2336439
I gave chunbum 13pts, so judge for yourself how much I value technical skill :P

You kind of have a point, though. I was rating based on how good I think it is, not on the job-getting power of the portfolio, which would have been more accurate to OP request.

Lol, and how would you rate yourself among those? Boring photostudy guy definitely shouldn't get a 3 relative to the others you rated.

>> No.2336518

>technical skill
I mean, not that >>2335677 has much of it, really.

>> No.2336522
File: 117 KB, 960x718, 53f6bc_99134fc3667843d48293dcbd69da3e30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1/ 10 - colors are too saturated sometimes, while at other times muddy or feeling stuffy. Most of the art appears to stagnate at an experimental stage.


1.5 / 10 - There is something unpleasant about the shading of skin of some characters. Some characters have uncertainty of light and dark that appear like being glazed and without full dynamic range.

2 / 10 - It's a style similar to some street art showing some sort of message or manifesto but not fully mature.

2 / 10 - cartoon style that's not fully mature yet

2.5 / 10 - There is good deal of stylization going on. But most of the characters do not give off unique impressions in a convincing manner.

3.5 / 10 - best I've seen so far

3 / 10 - Good pencil portraits but it's time to move onto color and painting

1.5 / 10 - It should actually be 1 / 10 because it's similar to the first blog in terms of content quality.

For reference - the image in question is by one of my friends. I think it's something like 7.5 / 10

>> No.2336524

nvm i gave chunbum 11pts. i'm retard. same point tho

not that anyone cares

>> No.2336527
File: 94 KB, 600x800, 1311430-barbarian_061_-_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would rate myself 6~7 out of 10

>> No.2336530

> the image in question is by one of my friends. I think it's something like 7.5 / 10

explain why, plz

>> No.2336537

oh.. dear. okay

>> No.2336540

I particularly like this piece because it holds my attention when I look at it. The lines are abstract and calligraphic at same time and are indicative of certain dimensions of reality or thoughts and perception. It has its own unique visual language or style that makes the piece very believable in its highly abstract world or setting. It seems to follow a system of construction of lines and shapes, or a method... to madness of creativity. The essential elements of this ivsual language appear to be squares - the edges of which can become triangles, and edge of which can become trapezoids. The muted colors fit very well with this constructive modeling approach using black and grey lines (which is same reason why cubist works by Picasso used lots of muted colors for reworkability). Amidst these greys high power pink and expansive yellow exert energy throughout the entire piece, sustaining the structure and composition.

>> No.2336557

When I saw this Chunbum art being posted here I was certain it was a meme, but now I see this guy is for real, unbelievable.

This kind of art is funny, because we need to be told it's so good, otherwise it's impossible to know.

>> No.2336600

I guess we're just philistines, sigh.

>> No.2336611

>I particularly like this piece because it holds my attention when I look at it. The lines are abstract and calligraphic at same time and are indicative of certain dimensions of reality or thoughts and perception. It has its own unique visual language or style that makes the piece very believable in its highly abstract world or setting. It seems to follow a system of construction of lines and shapes, or a method... to madness of creativity. The essential elements of this ivsual language appear to be squares - the edges of which can become triangles, and edge of which can become trapezoids. The muted colors fit very well with this constructive modeling approach using black and grey lines (which is same reason why cubist works by Picasso used lots of muted colors for reworkability). Amidst these greys high power pink and expansive yellow exert energy throughout the entire piece, sustaining the structure and composition.

oh boy we have a real treasure here guys. He has no clue how retarded he is, that's why it's funny.

>> No.2336613
File: 4 KB, 205x156, obamalaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omfg this guy goes to RISD HAHAHAHA

>> No.2336626


i'm plateauing pretty hard, but i know what i need to work on, ESPECIALLY on how to actually apply what I've learnt from studies into the things i draw. that's probably one of the biggest obstacles i'm facing right now but the pace i'm going at is depressingly slow.

>> No.2336679

Thanks for the review! Colors are definitely my weakest point, I need to work on those a lot. (Not so worried about rendering as it's not really what I want to get hired for).
>I feel this is precisely the kind of work /ic/ hates
Ha, yeah, I'm taking what I get with a grain of salt, considering ic isn't really the demographic that I'm aiming for.

Eh, it was what I was expecting considering /ic/ loves more realistic stuff and tends to shit on cartoony stuff. Still, he had some good comments!

>> No.2336766


1 / 10


>> No.2336854

you are going for fine art. so you need to market yourself better. fuck blogspot, that shit is the worst. get a proper website. use less muddy colors. I honestly like the weird same faced figures but the style is too old fashioned and won't build hype in today's society.

>> No.2336861

your light sources are way too harsh.
also your images are all similar. the mood, composition, the type of colors you use are all the same. Be a story teller with your images. if the knight is fighting a crow monster, zoom in so we can feel the intensity. Don't make the focal point just on the boy. make it about the relationship between both figures.

there's honestly a long way to go. everything is just o-kay. it looks like generic concept fantasy-splash art. why would anyone hire you when there's someone better? you have to have your own identity when drawing and if you don't, you will just be a gear in the machine. But hey, if that's what you want then find a company you like. make images that suits them.

>> No.2337286

this seems like an interesting thread


>> No.2337410

i like how the guy in 'the kill' has the word CUNT on him