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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2326578 No.2326578 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any tricks to getting good with a tablet?
Just got one this morning for Christmas and I've been fidgeting with it for a couple of hours, but I still feel like a kindergarten kid who just picked up crayons for the first time.

>> No.2326580

Just keep using it. It takes a couple days to a couple weeks to get fully used to the disconnect of your hand and eye with a tablet.

>> No.2326583
File: 82 KB, 284x361, dealwithiitgreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 2015, I need instant gratification!

In all seriousness though, are there not conventional exercises or routines that expedite the process, or do I just need to keep trying to draw a basic face for the next two weeks?

>> No.2326592
File: 396 KB, 2550x2550, alongroad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, this is the best I can do, and I'm embarrassed by it.

>> No.2326597

put a piece of paper under the pen, on the tablet, and draw on it

>> No.2326600

What does your work look like on paper/traditional media?

Cause I mean, one thing is to draw something that's bad because you don't master the medium and another is because you don't master fundamentals, and it would look from the image like it's the latter.

>> No.2326602

Do all the things you would do on paper. There isn't a magical technique, no. Just do line exercises, hone your hand-eye coordination, etc.

Though one suggestion I do have that will improve your productivity quickly - familiarize yourself with shortcuts. There is no "too soon" to do this, the earlier you make a habit of it the better. Bind hotkeys easily accessed to your left hand for anything you do a lot of.

It might only save a second or two each time, but that adds up when you're doing something every minute or so, and it's a lot less distracting.

>> No.2326610
File: 330 KB, 1417x2111, WP_20151216_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mostly pencils sketches and marker mock-ups, but I grasp the fundamentals.

>> No.2326618

like, is it okay to keep looking at the tablet from time to time, or should I keep looking at the screen as much as possible?
Also, is there a setting for these things where it just detects the stylist and not your hand? Because I keep bumping it.
These are the sorts of things I need to know.

>> No.2326619

there is no true magic bullet, you need to practice and find a way to draw and still have a little fun experience whit it , how? i personally have value studies by drawing my favorite Pokemon..BUUUUUUUTT this guy created an app that creates a "game" about making circles with your tablet..so its something. check it i guess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjhxM9iGAO4

>> No.2326620

oh yeah i also used the pencil as a mouse and it helped me to get the hang of the screens size.

>> No.2326625
File: 394 KB, 1418x824, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's something else I roughed out in the last ~15mins
i know the eye is wonky

>> No.2326632

eww its the default brush! go check this video and do what he says https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mpUsfEuG0c also >>2326618 ayy nice.

>> No.2326634

I never look at the tablet at all, there's nothing to see there.
>copied from a cartoon
This tells me nothing about what your level is on paper, and even then the technique is bery meh.
It's not only the eye, it's drawn almost as if you barely looked at the ref.

I can tell it's not the tool, you need to work on fundamentals (preferably on paper, but if you want you can work with the tablet once you've gotten more comfortable with it, that is avoiding crutches like ctrl z or transform tool when working at first)

>> No.2326635

Also forgot to say that you should look at your tablet drivers, for the touch control issues, my bamboo has a button that disables touch controls. Read the tablet's manual and play around with the settings on the driver.

>> No.2326637

>but I grasp the fundamentals.
No you fucking don't.

Get paper and a pencil and read the sticky.

>> No.2326642

There's a ctrl paint video where he has tablet/ brush control exercises

>> No.2326643

What are you doing anon? Fucking compare the two pictures if you're gonna use it as reference. The shoulders are totally fucked, the abdomen is stretched and the leg just doesn't work at all.

>> No.2326654
File: 260 KB, 692x824, chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for using something I've officially had ~1 hour of collective practice with, drawing a pose/model I've never seen before, in ~10mins (15 tops), to illustrate that I'm not fully how-to-draw-anime-tier, this is fine.
The right shoulder is way off, but other than that his is good enough for it's purposes.
Were I actually attempting to do the pose in question I would've taken like 30 or 40 minutes, and done an overlay comparison like this several times before presenting it.

>> No.2326656
File: 292 KB, 1328x725, holdup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just doing a bunch of quick one-offs to get used to the tool; loose gesture sketching at best.

>> No.2326659

also, as you can see in that second one, my brush doesn't have the fade his does. He goes through it kinda' quick and I'm not sure which option/slider is making it non-solid.

>> No.2326663
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>"He goes through it kinda' quick and I'm not sure which option/slider is making it non-solid."
then watch the video again you butt pirate.. do you want help or validation? or do you want us to tell you you're awesome and will totally become sakimichan?

>> No.2326665

aren't those last two things the same thing?
but the first thing more than anything.
...the butt pirating

I did re-watch it, it's non-solid through out the whole video. I'm referring to how it gradates away from the center.

>> No.2326673
File: 33 KB, 351x359, ZlxbuB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the whole point of a sketch brush since you're sketching...i'm so done, good luck.

>> No.2326763

>Just got one this morning for Christmas
same here, when studying should i rotate between my pad and then my digital pad, i just don't wanna drop one for the other

>> No.2326769

...I know. I'm asking how to make it do that; mine didn't by default.
I figured it out by clicking everything until it did.

>> No.2326785

hi, i just got a tablet for the first time as well, just wondering what software are you using?

>> No.2326794

you should stay on sketches until you get the hang out of it
use a pencil brush or one PS can mimick google it
or pirate/buy a sketch software there is plenty out there

avoid to try lineart it will only embarrass yourself

>> No.2326816

this is a minor thing but you know how your pen holder has a bunch of nibs right? (wacom has them idk if other brands do)

try them out, there should be a bunch of different textured ones. when i first got my tablet, i found the default nib too slippery especially when lining in SAI so i switched to the white "pencil" nib. default feels a lot better in PS.

when it comes to line quality and smoothness, practice is definitely needed. however PS doesn't come with line smoothing like SAI does. so i bought LazyNezumi and set it to smooth - subtle to help me with lines.

>> No.2327143

the hell? what photoshop do you have? its just pen pressure and turning the brush 45 degrees..are you american? is it an English problem?