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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2319174 No.2319174 [Reply] [Original]

Couple questions:

1.) Do you have career aspirations or are you just drawing as a hobby?

2.) Do you study art theory and history alongside your technical study?


>> No.2319178
File: 62 KB, 625x474, 9950fa524c9c634f227af0b27120c87e3d119904091056151acdadea147a2652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. I had but after 5 years of not landing a single job those aspirations are more or less dead. Im looking for a 9 to 5 job now.

2. Studying art history is useless. No employer is gonna be impressed that you know that. All that will find you jobs is your work. Art theory is a vague term. It can mean alot of things wich also include the "Technical side" of studying. Color theory , Composition design etc.

>> No.2319184

>I couldnt get a job after trying for 5 years
>so here's my advice on how to get a job

>> No.2319192

Just because I didn't get a job doesn't mean my statement isn't completely factual and valid.
Do prove me wrong though.

>> No.2319207


he's right though.

>the moon is made of moon rocks
>lol how do you fgt you've never been to the moon

>> No.2319217

doesn't matter if it is right or wrong, it is a funny juxtaposition

>> No.2319220

>1.) Do you have career aspirations or are you just drawing as a hobby?
Just a hobbyist for now, maybe I'll run into some actual work at some point but not having a rush about it, ~10 hours a week on studies and another 10 on personal work. I do sometimes draw for money, mostly porn but it's more of a favor for people I know.
>2.) Do you study art theory and history alongside your technical study?
I've had my fair share of art history and got enough theory for my skill level. Will look up more eventually when I progress.

>> No.2319230


It just means you have no experience or authority and also your "work" is probably shit if it doesn't impress enough to get hired so no-one should take your advice.

>> No.2319231

>1.) Do you have career aspirations or are you just drawing as a hobby?
Already make a living off it, though I would like better work.

>2.) Do you study art theory and history alongside your technical study?
Sorta to both. I've studied a fair bit of theory in the past, but at this point I know the major things I want to know with it. I still read texts written by artists but I don't "study theory" much really. For art history I don't study the history part of it but I spend a lot of time looking at old masters, finding obscure dead artists, looking at tons of paintings, analyzing them, saving them to my computer, reading biographies etc. I am pretty familiar with a lot of artists from the time periods and movements I like, but am pretty ignorant about eras that are of less interest to me.

>> No.2319252

1. I'm trying to leave being a hobbyist behind and become more of a professional. I'm really sick of working a 9-5 of an unfulfilling job. Can't take being corporate slug anymore.

2. I'm trying to. Learning what made some dead guys great and incorporating that with new tech is kinda neat. Just wish I had the ability to just dive right away and focus on it full-time right now.

>> No.2319259

OP here, reminder that funposting on /ic/ DOES count towards the total weekly hours.

>> No.2319261

sounds legit

>> No.2319265

1) Just hobby. (Better than some who get paid but not near the point where I feel it's on a professional level). I just share my stuff random places from time to time and tell people who ask if I do commissions "no".

2) Don't care about art history in the sense of who painted what when. It's just a craft to me. I do care about stuff like color theory and refraction of light.

Not voting in the poll as the amount of time I spend is far to inconsistent.

>> No.2319267

1- i'd like to make it my full time job asap, but i'm staying realistic and keeping it a long term goal but still drawing as much as i can. i'm not posting work online yet, just trying to improve (though i'm in the process of setting up some accounts for posting progress on)

2- art theory and technical study seems like the same thing to me. art history doesn't seem like it would have any application to your work unless you find inspiration in any of it, which i don't


what sort of things did you do to try and get jobs. did you post a lot online? tried getting a following on social media? just submitted portfolios to companies?

>> No.2319278


as for the poll, i've only recently started tracking the time i'm putting into drawing. for the past 2 months i've been keeping a minimum of 42 hours a week (6 hours a day). i could easily do more since i'm NEET for a few months but studying fundamentals isn't fun

>> No.2319320

I have career aspirations, and I've been able to land a few small gigs here and there but I'm worried about my chances if I don't make some big moves very soon. Shit, I'm worried about my chances anyway. I studied theory and history when I was going through my fine art AA, though lately I've gotten back into it, finally looking into this untapped well of online info that I never really knew about before coming here. As for the strawpoll I'm a little confused. I draw every day, but I wouldn't say I do a lot of studies because I already did my studies when I was in school, so I'm not sure how to answer it. I've been planning to do more studies to help me learn color though but I keep not doing them everyday. I'm gonna get to it though, I swear.

>> No.2319342


art study is just an all-encompassing word for furthering your art skills, whether they are technical or something like art criticism

>> No.2319351

Oh okay, well then I put down 30 hours. I do draw pretty much all day every day, when I don't get interrupted by something stupid. I'd say I rack up 30 hours in a full week pretty easily.

>> No.2319357

>1.) Do you have career aspirations or are you just drawing as a hobby?
Want to become a professional tattoo artist and currently building up a portfolio now. I'd still be doing fine art as a hobby though, but I don't see it as anything more.

>2.) Do you study art theory and history alongside your technical study?
Art theory is the conjoined twin of technical study.
Art history is interesting and somewhat useful when studied broadly, otherwise it gets incredibly overwhelming.

>> No.2319465

>No employer is gonna be impressed that you know that.
If you're going to start teaching the history of art, you better be damn sure that you know about the history of art.

>> No.2319485

Not the best example. If the best use for an art history degree is to take over the teachers job for then to teach your own replacement then those are poor job opportunities.

>> No.2319500

1. Mostly hobby, but I am from eastern europe and my country just discovered that that huh, you can make games and shit, so there's need for concept artist, 3d artist, ilustartors and so on. So I am just studying and drawing my crap but I know that if I will be good enough I wont have much problem with finding job C: but I am not for now. But on the other hand instead of studying art I went to uni study pharmacy so
2. well, yeah, I would say i spend more time studying than actually drawing, mostly because I was stressed depressed psychotic for last two years, so it was hard to find inspiration, so I just studied art because drawing from photo is easier. I also love fucking love art history, so there's also that thing.

>> No.2319516

>1.) Do you have career aspirations or are you just drawing as a hobby?
I have dropped out of college to do independent study. It was the right choice because I live off of freelance work for now.
>2.) Do you study art theory and history alongside your technical study?
I am studying the work of current and not current artists. As far as theory goes, I have taught myself more about drawing and painting in the last 6 months than I think I ever learned in school or college.

School is a waste of time unless you have the money to go to a really good one. And by good I mean one that will have you sleeping less than 8 hours a night and competing with people who are already good enough to be employed.

If you don't have money, then that is the kind of mindset you need to be in to succeed on your own. Anything less is going to end in failure.

>> No.2319523

dont bomb me bro

>> No.2319525
File: 262 KB, 465x324, 1450346272497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) Do you have career aspirations or are you just drawing as a hobby?
Career. NEET. Study all the time.
2.) Do you study art theory and history alongside your technical study?
Of course.

>> No.2319536

1.) Painting is just a hobby, I'm working towards a modest career in software. I might kill myself along the way though.
2.) Not interested in art history. Art is about design as far as I'm concerned, I'd only be interested in art histories that can teach me effective design. Otherwise I'm only interested in technical study.

>> No.2319537

Im not an astronaut either,but I know that there's no air in space.It's common sense. To me it just sounds like you're being butthurt for some personal reason :/

done all of that. if you look up my handle on google ,every known social media format will give you a result. I've submitted to every tabletop/cardgame/videogame company that you've heard of. The few that have replied said that I should resubmit when I have experience in the industry. Im pretty sure that's just a nice way to say you're not up to the quallity level but that point in general is really annoying since fucking everybody's looking for an artist that has 5 years of experience in the industry.

>> No.2319564

>if you look up my handle on google

post your art and we can finally get some context here

>> No.2319585


1.) Art as a hobby. I am a non-art student, but that is not an excuse for that I don't draw that much as I want to.

2.) I know about art history due to school, I hardcore study and practive 'art theory' if you are thinking form, perspective, etc.

>> No.2319684
File: 538 KB, 245x320, 1389391241293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that the whole point of this board was to remain anonymous.I have no intentions to give any personal information about myself to this toxic place.

>> No.2319689

You can reveal yourself in one thread and then return to being anonymous. And it's not like people will even recognize you based on your art if you are literally a nobody who can't get a single job.

>> No.2319690

>if you look up my handle on google
>post your art
> the whole point of this board was to remain anonymous

>> No.2319691

The point I was trying to make is that I have an account on every social media.I forgot that ic was full of prepubescent trolls that have selective dyslexia and read only what they want

I'd do it if you also do it :/

>> No.2319692

not to mention that showing my art won't change a goddamn thing neither in this discussion nor in your opinion in general so what's really the point ,other than to ridicule ?

>> No.2319694

Bro, if your art is good i'll admit it.

>> No.2319695

It would show that the problem lies in your art rather than your "lack of experience". But we both already know that without seeing it.

>> No.2319696


I never claimed otherwise, but I like how you interpret what I say to skew in your perspective

>> No.2319704


our opinion on your situation hinges on the quality of your art

it's not about critiquing you more like getting some insight on how good the person who can't get a job in the industry is

it sheds some light, don't be a fucking prude no one cares enough to stalk/harm your art

>> No.2319940

do you have a lot of followers on these accounts?

>> No.2321122
File: 233 KB, 960x960, IMG-20151217-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.) Do you have career aspirations or are you just drawing as a hobby?
Im studying a multidisciplinary design course atm. Took two semesters of Fine Arts which helped me a lot (/ic/ also helps <3). Id love to land a job as an ilustrator.

>2.) Do you study art theory and history alongside your technical study?
Yes and yes. It supplements your knowledge of whats been done before. The wheel is already there, its your turn to reinvent it. Also look at contemporary stuff to see whats popular (so I can shit on it).

>> No.2321130

1.) Do you have career aspirations or are you just drawing as a hobby?
Career; I've put too much into this now, too late to turn back. I'm already getting commissions but I need to step it up and churn them out quicker if I want to make a living out of it

2.) Do you study art theory and history alongside your technical study?
Yes. It's important to study art history and history in general and apply it to your art

>> No.2321134

You draw porn for people you know? Isn't that....weird?

>> No.2321142

Just post. It'd actually be informative since I could gauge my own skills against yours and see what it takes to get into the industry. You're prob better than me but I'd still like to see.

>> No.2321197
File: 172 KB, 800x635, portrait sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depending what you concider "alot" on different platforms it varies between 235 on ArtStation to about 460 on FB . Compared to the actual popular artists those numbers are feeble but to me it seems rather agreeable given that I'm not Anthony Jones or some overpowered asian

>> No.2321205

1) One of the reasons why i got into art in the first place was after seeing some behind the scenes of a vidya and i thought it looked really fun. And ever since then i have wanted to work at a studio with cool people who love doing the same things as me
2) I pretty much do neither of the three, im gonna start studying more in 2016 though so we'll se where that takes me

>> No.2321462

pro tip: start now or you probably never will

>> No.2322494
File: 211 KB, 1597x1415, albino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever since graduating high school and getting a girlfriend, I seriously draw almost never.

It's been my passion all my life and it feels like it's slipping away.