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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 182 KB, 1684x960, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2314056 No.2314056 [Reply] [Original]

what does /ic/ do for a living?

>> No.2314069
File: 40 KB, 294x236, 1444668176144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dead end copy editor job making 16 dollars an hour. Fortunately I had no student loans because I was on a full scholarship but life sure would have been easier if I had majored in accounting or engineering though... The sad thing is though that just by having a full time job with benefits, making as little as I am, I'm doing better than pretty much all of my friends that also did non stem degrees.

>> No.2314071


oh and art is just a hobby for me. I only started 6 months ago and have no illusions about gitting gud, just having fun. Though now I wish I had taken some studio art courses instead of the other electives I did take.

>> No.2314076

What are you're friends doing now?

>> No.2314077

fucking.. your*

>> No.2314085

I drive.

>> No.2314088


different things, in and out of graduate school in, again, liberal arts fields where getting anything more than adjunct jobs is a real gamble, gas station attendant, recording engineer (which is way more skilled than anything I know but he's making like 12 dollars an hour at a part time job and doing other jobs), delivery driver, wearhouse worker,emt, barista, floating around on parents' money in big cities trying to find something to do but realizing eventually the will have to settle for something that isn't as prestigious as their master's from "prestigious" institutions would lead them to believe they could get,

Of course I have other friends that did STEM and business degrees (usually a bad choice) that are in medical school, software developers, insurance agents, graduate school for science subjects (for which they are paid like 40k stipends and obviously pay nothing for school), accountants.

Idk it just seems like someone should have warned us that if you didn't graduate school with specific skills or work toward a specific career path you would have a hard time finding your way into a career.

I'll probably ended up getting certified as a teacher or I'm thinking about starting an accounting degree cheap at community college.

>> No.2314106

Making big bucks as code monkey + lots of free time to pursue art

>> No.2314117

i wish i could enjoy art again, cherish the feeling while it lasts.

>> No.2314120

my parents are letting me leech off their resources for 5 years

>> No.2314157

Underground utility locator. Pay sucks, long hours but I get to be outside all day.

>> No.2314162

Neet, the only way

>> No.2314227

shitty, mentally destructive fast food restaurant job. Nothing drains your soul like having people constantly be entitled pricks. It sure as hell teaches you humility though, since I'm literally bottom of the shithole and whenever I see people at that lvl I can relate. Doing my best to git gud enough to live off my art.

>> No.2314228

Software Engineer

Went to school for Business Mgmt / Marketing / Studio Art, taught myself code and now I draw as a side-gig.

>> No.2314231

Comcast call center.

Dont do it.

>> No.2314239


Is there an easy way to just request internet instead of an entire basic package? I'm presently paying for both basic cable and 300 gigs of data a month for around 80 bucks. I have my own router, etc. but I want just cable. Any way to swing it for cheap?

Sorry to bring up work, just curious.

>> No.2314250

I drive autistic kids to school.

>> No.2314268

Art, of course. Freelance.

>> No.2314275

Training to be an aircraft maintenance engineer. The more I lean away from art the more I still want to pursue it. But I think about my future as an AME, and doing art on my free time or fixing electronics and reselling them. And that sounds like an awesome time. I fucking love art and "artist" has been my identity since I was like, seven (I'm 23 now). Doesn't matter, this diploma is a new subject for me that I'm embracing completely, and I have taken a good long look inside myself and understood that I'm gonna be happy even if art's not my job. Maybe especially.

A lot of people are like... "I need to art, my spirit cries for it, it's all I ever want to do, I literally can't be interested or invested in any other human pursuit."
That line of thinking is for suckers.

>> No.2314279
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>> No.2314302

where do you work anon. do you do character animation?

do you do cutout or 3d? i'm going to go out on a limb and say you don't do classical unless you're working on steven universe or something

im an animation student whos probably not going to be an animator post grad cause of lack of jobs in what i want to do, which is classical animation

>> No.2314330

To be honest I only really do higher level tech support stuff so I'm not sure exactly how the sales side of things work (comcast is greedy as fuck), but I'll ask my supervisor about that tomorrow since they'll probably have a better idea than me

>> No.2314339
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>> No.2314340

Architecture. I thought it would be good for someone who likes to draw... but thats only true in the mildest sense.

>> No.2314342

I'd go into storyboarding instead or at least move to where some of those jobs exist, like in Europe. Not who you were replying to btw.

>> No.2314367
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>> No.2314384

I have a theory that there's so many shit-posting assholes on /ic/ because they're all autistic starving artists who spent all their time "gitting gud" at art and failed at making anything of themselves.

I'm personally >>2314367

Just learning art as a hobby. My only end goal is being able to draw shitty line-art for concept characters of me and my friends Pathfinder monsters/characters.

>> No.2314385
File: 80 KB, 500x421, 006 - fSSh7df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toilet cleaning

>> No.2314635

>A lot of people are like... "I need to art, my spirit cries for it, it's all I ever want to do, I literally can't be interested or invested in any other human pursuit."
>That line of thinking is for suckers.
I'm sorry you lack passion and character

and no, your identity is now "aircraft maintenance engineer"

>> No.2314698

you motherfucker i wahs dishes for 10 dollars an hour fuck you!!

>> No.2314719

My classmate is sweeping floor at university whilst getting MA in ilustration at different school. He says it´s not that bad cuz he can think about his projects and no one is bothering hiim. Once he get home he draw. Sometimes i envy him. Working on shit art related job can be sometimes be much worse ( source: me as a advertisment ilustrator)

>> No.2314765

that self-defense mechanism

I live as an artist. do different work for different people, companies, concept art, also do some art requests every now and then.

I do enough for a living, just want to get better so I can prize myself better and start having a better quality of life.

everything comes with time and I don't need anything or anyone besides art.

and before you ask, yes I'm a girl and yes I have friends (not much though), and no I'm not trolling just try harder

I'm out, good luck to the nice people of ic who are just like me!

>> No.2314776

chop woood for 40 dollars an hour + comission on sales

Work is work, doodling anime titties in the weekends.

>> No.2314790

Theoretical/computational physics.

>> No.2314812
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I get by selling prints/shirts/etc. of my stuff online. Gotten to the point where I passively make enough to make ends meet, and I can focus on freelancing which brings a few extra hundred a month.

I don't make a ton of money, but at least I do what I love. There is so much room for growth as I land more and more opportunities.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.2314964
File: 24 KB, 681x496, 1437179889440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post ur art.

>> No.2314978

Security guard with long nights left alone and unsupervised. I started drawing because I was extremely bored and it's something that I could occupy myself in my spare time but once I started getting serious about it I realized It's a great getup for working on your art.

>> No.2315053

2d analog 7yearshanddrawn.
Good luck over wherever you are.

>> No.2315054

that sounds great.

>> No.2315078

I'm a Visual Designer for a really big corporation. It's not the most interesting stuff- But the experience will look good on a resume until I get into a big game company.

>> No.2315098

>oh and art is just a hobby for me.
Well there's your fucking problem

>> No.2315099

What's wrong with drawing for fun?

>> No.2315104

Librarian day job, spend my days off doing freelance illustration. I get a lot of anxiety about not making enough to really justify doing it though, especially with the amount of debt I have to pay off. It's a struggle between asking for more from clients/ getting a second "real" job/ buck up and learn how to love graphic design because those are the only art majors with real jobs.

>> No.2315130

I make storyboards [spoiler] for apps and websites so the coders know what they should end up looking like.

>> No.2315133


you guys who are serious about pursuing this as a career, i honestly encourage you to, for now, forget about the 'online' thing and try to gain clients in person. a few good clients who you've shaken hands with and who have browswed your printed portfolio while having coffee at the cafe around their office/agency are worth 20 times more than a ton of shitty online-world clients.

>> No.2315173

Draw porn

>> No.2315199

I recently got hired at Novartis for cancer research. I picked up drawing again since I want to do web comics and someday git gud at oil painting people.

>> No.2315203

Also, don't stop at a assoc. That's fucking retarded, and yes a lot of people get caught in the trap of college. I can only see the reason for college is for only for STEM and Business. Everything else seems rather retarded.

>> No.2315204

Work at microsoft.

>> No.2315247

Caricature artist.

I get to draw and it actually forces me to socialize, it's good for me.

>> No.2315273

aren't you worried putting your life into the hands of porn when paypal or your bank could close your accounts?

>> No.2315286

This happens? Your question has me curious now

>> No.2315390

Engineering student.
Art as hobby. If I ever get to a level where people are willing to pay me every now and then, it would be a nice coffe-money source while enjoying myself, but I got no plans on full-time artist jobs.

>> No.2315422

Freelance Illustrator.

I make about 350€ a day when I feel like working.

>> No.2315423


>> No.2315538

Yes it's not allowed by PayPal and banks. Plus you have a full email record so if someone ends up underage they could be charged as a sex offender.

>> No.2315552

Post your art.

>> No.2315557

pls do. could you post what you were doing when you first got work? i really want to see what the level for making money is. i'm not posting my art yet but i've been working on it for 2 years now

>> No.2315558

noice. i'm living with parents for a year then doing a 3 year bullshit experimental illustration degree. mostly doing it for more time to git gud and hopefully some connections.

>> No.2315589
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I am working in a concert hall in vienna and they treat us as like shit. but on the plus side, most concerts take place in the evenings, so I have plenty of freetime in the daytime to masturbate.

>> No.2315595

sell drugs

>> No.2315597

I'm a freelance illustrator/concept artist. Before anyone asks, no I won't show my work and I earn around 25k Euro per year.

>> No.2315610

>no I won't show my work

>> No.2315614

no work on the side that isn't posted online to show? c'mon man

>> No.2315642

Exact same situation as you, except I'm a fat neckbeard.

I try to help people when I can, but I notice that a lot of fail because they just don't have the drive put in the effort. It takes so damn much.

Oh well, more work for me I suppose

>> No.2315645

Why? There's no reason to post my work as a validation to strangers on the internet.

>> No.2315673

Of course, but there are a few people on /ic/ who'd recognize my visual language right away. I've seen how toxic /ic/ can get when there's reason to be jelly and I'd rather not subject myself to that.

>> No.2315675

>why should I post my work to prove that I really am an illustrator
Because that would really help others - every aspiring pro wants to know how good they have to be.
Besides, contributing good posts is important because it is what drives this website. Don't just leech - giving back to the community is a simple and effective way to make /ic/ a better place.

If you care about /ic/ - contribute.
If you don't care - then you're just a shitposter wasting everyones time. Go away.

>> No.2315676
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>NEET shittalking about people who actually try

Just another day on /ic/

>> No.2315677

you guys are fucking faggots, for the record.

>a bloo bloo my shape language
>I-i dont have to prove anything to you! y-you guys suck!

youre shit if you cant fucking even pretend to draw like someone else for five minutes
that says enough about your art in itself

>> No.2315678

See, this is what I mean with /ic/ being toxic. And I didn't even post my work yet.

>> No.2315681

What a waste of a post. Why didn't you post your work when making this post?

>> No.2315688
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I really disagree. I do like to contribute worthwhile content. I enjoy helping others break into selling online, and sharing tips and tricks along the way. It makes me happy to help others make money with their art. The reason I don't share my work pertaining to this is because:

1. When selling online, the quality of your work is really quite irrelevant. Go onto Society6, Redbubble, Etsy - whatever. You'll find that a lot of the most popular stuff isn't representative of having high skills. Technical skill doesn't matter as much - it's more about understand what people want and appealing to that. Therefore, it's not about knowing "how good they have to be", but rather knowing how to make the RIGHT work instead of the BEST work. Personal research would be much more useful than posting one of my top sellers.

2. I've have terrible people come onto my social media sites from /ic/ and comment dumb shit like "Lol look at this faggot" and calling me a nigger. I have thousands of followers across many platforms, but mostly Tumblr, Facebook, and Instagram. Friends and family can see these comments, and it's downright embarrassing. I've stopped posting in /ic/ Tumblr threads because of this, as well as ever sharing any work on /ic/. I have nothing to gain by posting examples of work, but something to lose.

So I really disagree that you need to post examples of your work in order to contribute good posts.

I don't know why I bothered to type all this out.

>> No.2315695

see this is what i mean about you being a faggot
>teehee didnt post my woork yeet gotta dance if you waaant ittt

waste of space nobody here wants to suck you off

>> No.2315696

People like you are why /ic/ sucks so much more than it should.

>> No.2315697

because youre a nigger, it seems like.

>while selling online the quality is irrelevant


>> No.2315699

no its the thin-skinned fucking noncontributing tumblrite pieces of shit like you who are more concerned with that mans meany words

>> No.2315703

You're being mega autistic right now. Please do us all a favor and fuck off.

>> No.2315704

>I know! I'll call him autistic!

yeah good one you sure showed me.
enjoy your circlejerk faggot, dont be surprised when shitheads refusing to post are garbage.

(but im sure you love sucking down garbage so idk)

>> No.2315707
File: 202 KB, 519x645, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just embarrassing. What's wrong with you people?

Pic related is one of the most popular prints on Society6. Again - selling online have much more to do with appeal than technical skill.

I didn't make that post because of anyone's "meany words". That post is in reply to someone arguing that you need to post examples of your work in order to give advice.

>> No.2315709

Why are you so mad about ONE person not posting their work? At this point no one here even gives a fuck but you. Fuck it, this comment is wasted on you. You're just going to keep replying to every comment directed at you because you'd rather sit on your ass and reply to people that don't agree with you than ACTUALLY work on your fucking art. It's people like YOU that are the real cancer of this board.

>> No.2315710
File: 554 KB, 307x168, 1432966913205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets see you draw something better, faglord.

Oh waaaait, that's right, you won't, because you're a vagina.

Pic-Related: Your face when you read this comment and have your feelings hurt.

>> No.2315711

Alright, now I know you're just here to shit post.

>> No.2315714
File: 1.68 MB, 250x187, 1443609255776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOW you know? As opposed to when? Before I posted? You're a joke.

>> No.2315732

I think you were being genuine at first, but people called you out on how stupid you were being, so now you're all like "HAHA! jokes on all you guys, I was shit posting from the beginning".

>> No.2315734
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I think you're confusing me for some shitlord. I only posted two comments.

>> No.2315743
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Going to uni for Business IT & Management, gonna start graduating Feb 2016 and will be finished June/July. Telling bitches what to do with their computers kek.

I've loved art and drawing since forever, but as soon as I entered High school I knew I couldn't pursue such a career without being able to secure myself financially at all times. So I decided to take the route of getting a degree that I know will get me a good paying job and just do art on the side/as a hobby.

If people someday catch on to me and would pay for my art, I can always drop the career later on, but that's potential future talk. I'm okay with the current situation.

>> No.2315756
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got certified to recieve NEETbux, it's not great but it's enough to live an ok life

I just do art on the side

A doctor bought pic related for $20 a couple months ago

>> No.2315757

anon from >>2315675 here

I just wanted to admit that I was wrong, and you were right about not posting your art here.

And thanks for pointing out, that getting cash online isn't as much about skills, as I thought it was - I learned something. You're useful.

>> No.2315759
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I didn't know they certified blind people to be doctors.

>> No.2315769

>blind person = doctor

that makes no sense anon

>> No.2315772

No problem!

It's really a great way to make some side cash. This holiday season I've actually brought in about $1200 in November from passive sales, and December is shaping up the be the same. Months fluctuate, but I currently average around $500-600 a month after being at it for about a year and a half.

If you're interested in getting into it, I recommend starting to study some of the things that sell well on these sites. You don't have to completely pander to these audiences, but it'll help to start tweaking your work with things that sell well. For example, I saw a lot of wall art (prints, canvases, etc.) were very 'hip' and 'vintage'. My wall art sales doubled when I started using more muted colors and 'vintage' textures, while still drawing things I liked.

More than anything, just know that making a passive income (in any field) is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time to build up, but once it does it can become a nice reliable staple of your income.

>> No.2315779

Blind because the drawing the doctor bought looks horrible.

>> No.2315781


>> No.2315782

OHHHHHHHHHH that's what you meant...

>> No.2315793

I'm a paramedic that's trying to get into medical illustration in the next year or so.

>> No.2315795

>medical illustration

Nice. Pretty solid gig that pays well and seem easy to land many opportunities.

>> No.2315799

thanks man! I've been so busy lately, I haven't worked on anything in forever. Hopefully starting around February I can get myself back into the swing of things.

>> No.2315811
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No wonder with the way you act.

>> No.2315813
File: 89 KB, 537x537, oh myyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not him, but you sound just as much like one of those faggots constantly trying to get the last word in as he does.

>> No.2315824

$20 is nothing to a doctor, he probably just bought it as a charity

>> No.2315826

he look like hes trying to make america great again

>> No.2315830
File: 523 KB, 600x800, 1405202750497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In advertising, we indoctrinate the weak minded, because nobody cares about anything but the bottom line.

Nobody cares...


>> No.2315833

glad this devolved into who wins the big internet fight. maybe just post work instead of making 10000 excuses

post work or scared sorry but thats the way it's always been on this fucking board and if you guys dont like it you can fuck off right back to reddit to argue about sakimichingchong

>> No.2315836

That video is pretty dope... are you actually in advertising or just criticising it?

>> No.2315840

how do I get neetbux?

>> No.2315851

What did you major in?

>> No.2315853
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Nice last word.

>> No.2316351

I take drugs so that my dick stays up for hours on end to fuck moderately attractive women while surrounded by very ugly middle-aged jews.

>> No.2316355

I'm a lumberjack.

>> No.2316357

Crab fishing.
Four months literally dying in Unalaska pay for eight months of upper class NEET life.

>> No.2316390


daaamn i wanna do this

or this >>2316351

>> No.2316404

>>it just seems like someone should have warned us that if you didn't graduate school with specific skills or work toward a specific career path you would have a hard time finding your way into a career

*someone should have warned us that if we don't put an effort into getting a career, we won't get handed a career magically out of thin air

>> No.2316441
File: 1.22 MB, 3003x1840, WP_20151010_02_49_29_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work as a line cook in a restaurant.

>> No.2316443

also it's pretty high class. I get 4 euros an hour

>> No.2316446


wtf that's peanuts. you can make more than 4€ an hour panhandling dude. wtf.

>> No.2317028

Then why are you bragging here to begin with.

>> No.2317034

I'm sorry but that's PRETTY PRETTY bad.

>> No.2317068

Not in eastern Europe mang. I work for 6€ an hour and i'm well off living alone.
Working as a method expert at a big ass car manufacturer. Well paying job for a college dropout (studied mechanical engineering for 2 years).
I get to tell people how to do shit and it's a good career path. Long work hours/overtime and sometimes work on free days tough.

>tfw working without pause for half a year
>dead inside so cannot art anymore.

>> No.2318391

fuckin kek.
drive/10 response m8.

>> No.2320874

I thought about medical illustration. Don't you have to have a lot of qualifications?

>> No.2321234
File: 2.48 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work full time as a mailman. It's a fun job at times and the pay check is good believe it or not. But it's hard to find time to be in my studio, you see I'm also part time editor for a small magazine. I'm mostly in my studio on the weekends nowadays.

>> No.2321250
File: 82 KB, 640x480, FILE23218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing I care to talk about...


>> No.2321811

Graphic/UX designer with a STEM degree.

>> No.2321818

I've thought about doing this, at least for a while. You need much to get hired? And how decent is the check?

>> No.2321859
File: 2.11 MB, 3206x3300, This Thread Is Full Of Bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I serve coffee in a small restaurant

I'm black but I live in a white city, making it difficult to get other jobs.. Everyone wants white people to do white things

I don't do art, I don't have hands and for some reasons I've had blurry vision for a couple of years now

Pic related, it's me

>> No.2324729

What's so bad about it?

>> No.2324751


hey man if your living costs are so low that you consider 4€ an hour a good wage you need to get into the porn game ASAP. you can very easily make 600-700$ a month.

>> No.2324812

very meta & clever

>> No.2324967

day job: 12-6:30 - pallet recycling worker, just repairing/rebuilding broken wooden pallets.

night job: 7:30-12 - security guard, pretty boring.

I do all my art in the early hours and when I'm bored at my night job.

>> No.2324977

At the moment I'm a dishwasher. When school starts again I'll pick up the relief teaching gig.

I live in Australia where the minimum wage is enough to get by on and relief teaching pays $300 a day.