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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2309437 No.2309437[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we make
>post your work
a bannable offense?

>> No.2309440

if you get that a lot you must be a major shit poster.

>> No.2309441

No. If you dont want to post it thats your choice

Of course people never post their work because they're talentless hacks.

You talentless hack

>> No.2309444

Post your work.
Post your work, you hack.

>> No.2309445

no, people that shit post don't post their work because even in the unlikely chance that they're even OK at drawing, anything, no matter how good can be shitted on for no reason.

This is how shit works on every boards,

>your tastes in games, tv, movies, music, art, social media, is shit.

>post what you like.


>> No.2309446
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>> No.2309447

Waah people are mean on the internet

>> No.2309448

where's the dragon dildo?

>> No.2309450

Post your work makes sense since most people on here love to give their opinions even if their opinion is way above their own level. 4chan is a nasty place though. Arguments often end up in dogfights since you can always say something back if you are just there to not lose an internet argument.

>> No.2309454

Post your work is still shitty, because nobody in an argument on an anonymous imageboard is posting THEIR work while making themselves vulnerable to attacks and identification from an potentially insane person that he argued with.
It just doesnt work this way.

>> No.2309455

Ah are you the anon that used all my dragon dildo's on my a couple of months ago? I'm glad you still remember.

>> No.2309457

Post your work then.

>> No.2309719

they just need to add IDs to /ic/.

>> No.2309728

Exactly. I've seen a few instances where someone actually did post their work, which was really good, but all the aggressor has to do is say "Bah that's shit" because they can, and act like they won, and now whoever posted their work just looks bad for letting themselves be baited into arguing with some asshole. Even if your work is better and proves the point, you still lose by posting it in the context of an internet argument.

>> No.2309730

logged on just to upvote this

>> No.2309733

I actually think this is brilliant. It's the perfect tool to defuse opinionated nooblets and trolls/shitposters. However this board is filled with frustrated beginners and they love to keep replying to the bait because the board is slow as fuck and they need an excuse not to work.

>> No.2309738

no, because anyone actually buttblasted enough to use that comeback already makes themselves look like a chimp in a cage throwing feces. If it wasn't such a self degrading thing then perhaps, but you can tell when someone slings that term that their autisim is flaring up and it's not worth your time

>> No.2309744

From what I've seen, people usually only ask that when someone makes either a very stupid or very arrogant claim, so it kind of goes both ways.

>> No.2309756
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here is why the "post your work" comeback does not work

the concept is flawed. imagine that you are in a math study group. the guy to the right reads out is solution to question A. It's wrong, and you know its wrong. You say so and give a detailed analysis and he retorts with "show your work". You then proceed to. He looks it over, and your work shows that question A is completely correct. But your classmate, ego inflated, reads through the rest of your questions. turns out you got C wrong. They say " you fucked up C completely, that makes what you said about A wrong"

It's an ego thing. whoever asks "post your work" just received criticism that they don't agree with because it hurts their feelings. If the criticism is bad, other anons will correct it, but that does not happen because rarely is criticism inarticulate. If anatomy is fucked, it's fucked. if your values are fucked, they are fucked. What the real issue is they sunk so much time and effort into what they think was good, and all of that is for not

and every time I've seen someone rise up to the challenge, its always the same issue. nobody's perfect, especially on a board where 90% or the population has only been here for a year or less. They post their work and, no matter what quality, the "post your work" anon will bash it to defend their "honor". Nobody will ever go "wow, I asked you to show your work, and you did and its good. I will now value your opinion" because for that to happen, they would need to be intelligent and not have their head up their own ass to start with!

If people wouldn't be so defensive this meme wouldn't exist. and that's what it is, a joke that makes you look like a fool every time

>> No.2309760

Nobody shitted on this: >>2309446
Your argument is invalid, you talentless hacks.

You literally don't have anything to be scared of - in the worst case scenario you'll get a critique. And if you can't deal with getting a critique then fuck off "Artwork/Critique" board, you faggots.

>> No.2309762

when you post a crit on shitty work, seeing the op respond with "post your work" is the most gratifying thing ever. because its then that you know you were accurate with your assessment and maybe you hurt their feelings enough to actually change

>> No.2309771

I am perfectly fine with someone saying "post your work."

It's just frustrating to see them refuse and say "it doesn't work. I don't need to be good in order to criticize."

No, guys. If you want to criticize my work with unhelpful thrashing and stomping, you better be able to show yours also. If your work sucks, you don't have a right to stomp me down. Sure a valid criticism from anyone can help, but most of time I am sure it's not a valid criticism, so there's my opinion.

>> No.2309781

I support this. If I offer someone a critique and they're doubtful I know what I'm talking about so they ask to see an example, I'll do it. I never get called on to post my work though because I don't fill my critiques with a bunch of charged, aggressive language, I just make my points and usually anons are very appreciative and move on. The few times I have gotten into more of an argument with someone, it's never been over a crit I gave them, it's usually been over some concept they're trying to argue like 'nobody who draws anime will ever be gud' or something, and I have posted my work on those occasions and so far that usually put an end to the discussion but I don't want to press my luck. Yesterday though someone came at me because I said I liked one reference over another, just out of nowhere. It just made no sense, I had to assume they were just looking for a fight. Those are the kinds of times I'm not in support of someone using 'post ur work'.

>> No.2309785
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>every time I've seen someone rise up to the challenge, its always the same issue.
>They post their work and, no matter what quality, the "post your work" anon will bash it
>Nobody will ever go "wow, I asked you to show your work, and you did and its good. I will now value your opinion"
Lurk more. The "I'll value your opinion" thing happened many times in the past.

>> No.2309787

>I don't fill my critiques with a bunch of charged, aggressive language
>on /ic/
Yeah, right. Post your critique.

>> No.2309790
File: 350 KB, 600x955, 7bef5916389717.562ab0ee36666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People drawing in anime style can get good, too.

There's no reason to hate on animus.

>> No.2309808

It happened once in recent memory. Other then that, valid critique get shrugged off. and perhaps
is right. Maybe the key is using very nice language and making sure that you don't hurt the other persons feelings or infringe on their safespace

when I started, If I tried and tried on something then posted it in beginner thread and someone called it shit, I would go back to the drawing board. There's a reason they called it shit and how do I change that. That's how you accelerate growing. You don't delude yourself if something is bad. You dont ever trick yourself into thinking that somthing is good. But you put a lot of time into it, learn from it and you move past it . That's why it stings for me when someone posts "show your work" or the infamous " its better then 90% of posters here" because it's then that people are missing out on the growth that they are posting here to receive.

just like >>2309771 There is a reason your work is being shit on. its because it's flawed. if someone says its bad and gives it a thrashing, its because, to be as brutally honest as they are, it is bad. If it was good, it wouldn't get thrashed. You just need to take a step out of your comfort zone and remember the level you are really at, and what you need to do so next time you don't get battered

>> No.2309816
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>go look to find one of my crits
>it does have some swearing and excitable language
Well, it wasn't directed at the recipient, at least, it was aimed at other people who'd been harsh on him.
It's not that I use super nice language or anything, I just use neutral words, for the most part. For instance instead of "arm looks fucked" I would say "The arm is bent too far to the left" or something along those lines. Basically I just say what I think is wrong, sometimes I'm even a little curt about it, but it still works out better than a dismissive 'gb2 beginer thred'.

>> No.2309819
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What the fuck, that's not the image I attached? Try that again.

>> No.2309952

No, you triggered faggot.

>> No.2309957


>> No.2309976
File: 508 KB, 1739x1237, a51d33efc990731cb31eb6e9bcf79670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People drawing in anime style can get good, too.
People who are good at anime style were usually good before they started using anime style.

>> No.2309997

yeah now post your work retard

>> No.2310001
File: 119 KB, 384x313, I dont know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should have to post your work to post tbqh.

>> No.2310019


Shitposter confirmed.

People almost never use "post your work" in the context you're using it. They use it when they go "x is shit" or provide awful baseless critique.

>> No.2310028

post your work, what are you afraid of?

>> No.2310035

>Why don't we close this board altogether?

Post your work is a legit way to btfo shitposters or newbies who shouldn't be giving critique when they barely know the basics.

>WAAH waah people will dox me
This is a hilarious argument coming from a board who has a /whoreyourturmblr,da,blog in here/ thread while having the wildest dream of living from commissions.
To be honest, if you're not showcasing the most shit drawing you did chances are you won't show the good ones either, so how do you expect to get comissions if you're not showing your product, family?

>Muh internet points
>If i post my work and don't get praised for it, it means i lost the argument

If all of you were serious about drawing you wouldn't have just 2 shit drawings to show, so stop giving shit critique and start working. When you have 100+ studies and finished pieces, there's no way people will know who you're and if they discover the most they will do is "merc_wip" some of your pieces to use as bait and guess what? It's one of best complements this board can give you, making your shitty art a meme.

Stop complaining and start working.

>> No.2310063

70 percent yes to IDs. Time to make it happen.

I've asked a number of times when moot was still here and it didn't happen. I don't even know how to ask anymore.

>> No.2310091

im submitting a request on the feedback page

>> No.2310094

I did also if it matters to you.

>> No.2310098


>I'm better than you, and therefore you are wrong.

>> No.2310130

I'm gonna do it too. If there's any hope for cutting down on some of the bs that happens around here I'm all for it.

>> No.2310146

desu I only ever say post your work when I'm too lazy to come up with a proper counterargument.

>> No.2310182

it did on /soc/, where I get a lot of my nude reference material but there was also a lot less posting in general.

>> No.2310214

Less posting might be a good thing here. We've been burning through draw threads like crazy lately, the rate they're hitting bump limit and starting a new one is about a new thread every other day.

>> No.2310222

bunch of pussies can't take the heat and post their work, those who can't should go back to their battle kitchen stations instead. kek.