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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.72 MB, 400x225, PxDyC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2308174 No.2308174 [Reply] [Original]

Thread #12

Previously On: >>2287018

Bring us your roughs, your storyboards, your pencil tests etc. Talk about industry, schools, the hopelessness of it all, how we all gonna make it etc.

If you're gonna post animation that isn't yours give source or state that it isn't yours.

Don't feed the trolls unless you find that sort of thing entertaining.

>Stuff you may find useful, books basic program tutorials etc

>Reference stuff you can find with a simple google search

Japanese style animation tutorial: http://listeningside.net/a_side00.html
Stoyboard & composition: http://www.floobynooby.com/comp1.html

>Play YT videos frame-by-frame

Lastly, if you've got some good animation resources, contribute!

>> No.2308312
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, 12-7-2015test1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else messing around with shading? Any tips?

>> No.2308320

Shading on the near leg seems a bit narrow in the beginning. Far leg looks like it has the opposite problem, either too much shadow in the beginning or too little at the end.

Possibly reduce the frame delay. That seems a little slow for a run.

>> No.2308360

Best program for traditional animating? I don't like photoshop's brushes, and TVPaint's interface is really weird and cumbersome. Flash also has some really chunky brushes that I'm not too fond of.

>> No.2308370

>Toon Boom
reliable for me; so far

Its free and has issues, but its free

>> No.2308381

Does anyone else make a living on youtube with animations?

Just wondering how hard the cpm changes have hit you over the years since teh 2012 change. I went from entirely youtube revenue to uploading one video every 5 months or less and going back to a IRL job because of it.

>> No.2308387

Rubber Ross made a video about it; I think. He said something like, "You can make more money through Twitch, with animation, than Youtube."

>> No.2308399

Don't even attempt it. Have it as a hobby or portfolio

>> No.2308486

But that guy is shit he draws like an 8 year old.

>> No.2308491

so the trade off is that you have to pander to asinine millennials in place of just dealing with comments from asinine millennials

>> No.2308538

Not the person you're replying to, but I don't think he's that bad. I think he's improved, at least.

I really don't think it's viable unless you're some kind of viral factory or something.

I mean, the only people who make a living entirely off of YouTube are the ones who upload every day and get a good amount of hits/retention/clicks on each one. There's no way an animator could reasonably do that. Maaaaaybe one a week if it's super short and choppy?

>> No.2308544

>But that guy is shit he draws like an 8 year old.
He makes shekels from it, so

You want to make money of nah?

>> No.2308557

>money of nah?
stfu you illiterate retard.

There's something wrong with the world where gamergate fuckwits are a major source of income for artists. Who ever retired off a drawing quasi-porn for minors?

>> No.2308883

Impossible, unfortunately.

>> No.2309206
File: 199 KB, 480x480, 893f9bf02b748d89f2374b181fa0078e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2309560
File: 159 KB, 630x420, gondolagif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost and confused anon here, trying the same thing with a different subject matter. Now I just have to start making inbetweens.

>> No.2309775


>> No.2310030

Who is your favourite internet animator/animators?

Also any good .tumblrs to follow?

>> No.2310179



>> No.2310187
File: 112 KB, 780x483, yutapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I become an awesome animator in Japan like Yutapon?

>> No.2310220
File: 119 KB, 1920x1080, idle animation loop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a gif i did for a class a while back

>> No.2310239

What class, and what did the teacher say about it?

>> No.2310245

Animation Traditional to Digital, nothing constructive I can tell you that much. We basically just work in flash and the assignments are questionable but whatever

>> No.2310311

practice and practice

>> No.2310314

when bubble disappeared
they should keep floating up
not stop in midair

>> No.2310339

Don't be shit at drawing, like most in these threads are, then make a portfolio.

>> No.2310365
File: 235 KB, 961x538, excerise 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started TVPaint and made a bare ass basic bouncing ball to give it a test run after using Flash for a few years.
I really like this program sad we were never taught back in high school

>> No.2310420


Speaking of programs, any tutorials for animating wity After Effects?
And CACAO crack when?

>> No.2310424 [DELETED] 

Ebanjelion :D :D :D

>> No.2310426

Should this be put into a pastebin for the next thread? The last link is especially useful.

>> No.2310437


Holy shit, thanks anon.

>> No.2310493


>> No.2310530

The first video is useful but the rest is too specific and unhelpful

>> No.2310578

the arc on the second bounce looks really off

spacing could be better

stretch is particularly jarring right after the bounce

>i really like this program sad we were never taught it back in high school

why would you assume any high school would be teaching a professional animation program used almost exclusively in europe

you really can't get a legit version without a dongle

>> No.2310600
File: 34 KB, 960x540, leaf gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leaf animation for class

>> No.2310604

Suggest something for me to animate and i'll do it.

>> No.2310633

Baseball hitting a pole.

>> No.2310663

>practice animation a lot in Photoshop
>use After Effects a lot in work
>decide to learn Toon Boom because I want to get a real animation job and not make boring corporate videos
>Toon Boom's entire interface is a Byzantine Labyrinth of menus and icons that don't work in a way that makes any kind of sense
I know there are tutorials out there, but motherfucker, I just wanted to lower the opacity of a layer. Everything is way more work than it needs to be.

>> No.2310664

you can do that by creating a new layer on top of your existing on

toonboom is pretty straightforward if you want to do classical animation. it has very sophisticated puppet animation tools and all of that kind of goes over my head because of disinterest in puppet animation

alternatively you can make your drawings a lighter hue

you cant actually lower the opacity to my knowledge

>> No.2310842
File: 84 KB, 640x360, rrr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my rough. I'll clean it up later.

>> No.2310861

So am I only ever gonna find anime type animation threads on here or do any of you anons have some nice classic/cartoony stuff for me?

>> No.2310862

Download TVPaint it has all the gadgets of toonboom but is much easier to learn

>> No.2310865

Idk why you would want to be an animator for anime, it's supposed to be like sweatshop conditions and an average 2 hospital visits per year.

>> No.2311046
File: 28 KB, 326x425, 1447723806782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



buy this and post us a link, sempai

>> No.2311158
File: 119 KB, 640x360, r2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small update, tried to get a better rhythm and work a few things.

>> No.2311215

Something about the way this looks make me think she(?) has super powers

>> No.2311306

Thanks for the critique.
If anything I wasn't too happy about the water.
As for the high school thing, back then were were taught how to use the program more so than animation itself (our animation teacher didn't know how to draw).
So I was saying I wished I was taught back than I would already know my way around TVPaints' interface.
As for the arc I think I wanted to challenge myself by doing that perspective since everyone I've seen doing a bouncing ball exercise is a side profile or bouncing in place. But again thank you for the feedback

>> No.2311335

You gave it too much "weight" at the fast parts. It's something a diving eagle would do, not a leaf

>> No.2311390
File: 108 KB, 1000x645, animation_tut_by_cuddlesandhuggles-d7334pn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come baring gifts once again. I highly recommend the section where it covers how to combat those pesky/stiff wire trace lines that us newbies tend to shit out. Hopefully you bros will find as much use out of this link as I have. And as usual, don't say I never gave you anything.

Also requesting that this be included in each threads reference pool.


>> No.2311435

End of Eva?

>> No.2311454
File: 295 KB, 180x320, GM_20151112_132130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first animation i put heart into, did it like 2 months ago, Any Tips? i used a gif maker on my phone, sorry for quality

>> No.2311514
File: 34 KB, 250x255, robot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small run anim test thing. wanted to do one of these with a cartoony proportioned thingo so it was kinda hard.

critique? :)

>> No.2311567

Almost every single thing in this gif is wrong, but I have no doubt that it was created without ironic intent.

>> No.2311580

>this gif
>more frames between keyframes means smoother movement
N-n...no? It means slower movement.

>evenly spacing out your frames
Literally the first rule of the first animation everyone does - the ball bounce - is that you space frames out unevenly to make certain parts of the animation quicker.

>> No.2311586

Pretty good. How many frames is it? I feel it could be smoother.

>> No.2311602

>paying for a tutorial
Uh... I'll stick with the shitload of video tutorials online, but thanks anyway.

>> No.2311621

N-n...no it DOES mean smoother movement. More frames between movements means smoother movement. Just compare the gifs right infront of you, none of those 3 are moving faster than another

Obviously how fast something moves is judged by how far it gets in a certain period of time. Bigger spacing gives the ILLUSION of faster movement, which is why that's what you think of with spacing.

If you have 2 frames in one animation that are 10 inches apart and another one with 2 frames that are 1 inch apart, both of these animations last for 1 second, obviously the one that is 10 inches apart will look faster. Now add 100 frames between each one in both and they will still look the same speed, just smoother. There is no reason to put 20 frames in an action that's for example .01 seconds, whether there are 2 frames or 1000 frames, as long as the object gets from point A to B in a certain time period it's still fast action.

And of course even spacing is bad because anything that moves at just a constant speed is unnatural and doesn't reproduce real movements

>> No.2311625

Anyone here have any experience with animation Producers?
What are they like? How do they work?
I'd like to be one 'cause I can't draw but like animation...

>> No.2311642

You're assuming the framerate is changing along with the number of frames.

If you add more frames, the animation takes longer. A 16 frame walk cycle is faster than a 32 frame walk cycle. The only way you get a smoother framerate and keep the same timing is if you double the framerate (or switch between ones and twos)

>> No.2311650
File: 374 KB, 720x480, gondolagif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end of ebingelion

>> No.2311741

The gif is not the point of my post. 8 fact I just needed an image to draw attention to the post so I literally Google inbetweening and chose the first thing that stood out. The real point of my post is the link. I personally find the gif poorly animated but there is technically nothing wrong with it.

>> No.2311746

This is great guy. Be sure to flesh out your proportions before you add any inbetweens (if you decide to do so that is). I personally like the current amount frames but the morons in these threads have convinced themselves that an animation can never be great unless it's at least 24 fps which is absurd.

>> No.2311787

people with Patreon can. Domics, for example.

>> No.2311834

Pretty sure its a new trend so, give it a couple years for someone to actually retire.

Probably Shadebase or zone gonna be first
>literal porn

>> No.2311872

sakimichan p-sure she could retire about 5 times with the money she's made already.

>> No.2311894

> but the morons in these threads have convinced themselves that an animation can never be great unless it's at least 24 fps which is absurd

I think you're the moron because once again 24 fps is just the standard frame rate, you can still work on 1's or 2's or whatever.

Like do you even know what you are talking about because no one would ever animate a run with 24 frames. It's always about 6 frames looped. THIS IS STILL 24FPS YA DINGUS

>> No.2311901

How about you post your work and we'll see if you know what you're talking about.

>> No.2311908
File: 28 KB, 246x240, firstAnimation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it out. My first animation.

Used Photoshop.

>> No.2311915

>literally selecting and rotating
Jesus christ anon

>> No.2311917

You are just jelly because you didn't have that option to make stuff easy when you made your first animation.

>> No.2311927

youre right anon
thanks for the tip

>> No.2311930

Srsly, you'r using PS for this shitty animation, some talented animators out there can't afford crap like that and they end up stuck on some free animation software while they could do miracles with PS...

>> No.2311933

>Srsly, you'r using PS for this shitty animation, some talented animators out there can't afford crap like that and they end up stuck on some free animation software while they could do miracles with PS...

Man, life really is unfair, huh. Good thing you can feel butthurt about it at least.

>> No.2311934

Well, maybe they should pirate it like everybody else and not be an idiot.

>> No.2311944

How about you read the sources you shit in these threads. 24 fps is the standard FOR TELEVISION. Last I checked none of the fuckers in these threads are animators on regular show. 30 or more fps is the standerd for film. You can not submit anything to either of these two respective media unless you meet the standeRd or exceed it.

That does not mean that an animation can never be good becuase none of us are fucking professional you moron. There are plenty of animated shorts on the Web and even in some of the festival submitted works I've seen that were 12 fps and still great.

I swear the cancer on this site gets worse and worse with each year.

>> No.2311954

No the concept still applies, Im not assuming the frame rate changes, at 16 fps of course 16 frames is faster than 36, one takes 1 second and the other takes over 2 seconds.

Let me rephrase it with a constant fps, an animation at 16 fps that lasts one second will have 16 frames, 16 drawings in that one second will look smoother than 8 drawings in that one second, not slower. Adding more frames doesn't necessarily make it slower

>> No.2311961

post your work anon :)

>> No.2311965

I bet you feel smart, but i bet you can't draw though. lmao

>> No.2312006
File: 161 KB, 900x1107, my work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical. "hurrr, he's write guis we sur luk dum. Post ur work...yeh that'll sho him durr"

Well here it is. i drew this about a week ago. Most of my animations are about this level or more so as you can see I actually DO know what i'm talking about.

>> No.2312012

If I told you that's some shitty work, would I hurt your feelings?

>> No.2312016

xD so i presume you're shit? ? xD Dx

>> No.2312020

that is a weird looking horse dude

>> No.2312039

>blatant shitposting
A ball test wouldve been fine anon

>> No.2312074
File: 146 KB, 558x376, second.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to make another

>> No.2312081

That fucking picture always gets to me.

>> No.2312145


its at 24fps, with about uhh, 14 frames, 4 frames are held in the midair parts, didnt really want to sketch them out again.

next time im definitely controlling the hand size, the hands made it really hard to keep track of the overall thing.


yeah, my proportions tend to vary as i make the thing, i've been attempting to fix that but i dont think there's a better way other than checking the overall proportions in the complete animation every once in a while and then comparing, it could potentially be a problem since this is for a lil game project later on

>> No.2312167

Hmm, Anon, Try to use guide lines and some head turn exercise.

>> No.2312174

>guide lines
nah, maybe next time. Was just trying out the basics. Wanted to see how drawing each frame compared to the first attempt.

Why the neck exercise though? She gotta have room for that frog tongue too.

>> No.2312175

Looking pretty good man. You probably want to increase the wind up a bit though. Right now there's not enough build up.

>> No.2312178

You need to start with basic shit like bouncing balls so that you understand timing. Just putting sequential images together isn't animating.

>> No.2312186

looked pretty animated to me. And bitch, those 6 frames had the timing they were suppose to.

>> No.2312187

Why are you here if you're not going to take advice?

>> No.2312196

to lighten up the animation thread with some... Animation. You know, fun. I'm not here begging for just any advice, get your shit together. Any weebo from /a/ could had stitched that advice up.

Make your own neck animation with crazy timing to show me that you know what you are talking about. Then even if I wasn't looking for that type of advice I might had taken you more serious.

>> No.2312200

Dude it's trash. This board isn't about posting art only, it's primarily about critique. No one wants to see your bad work, especially if you're not going to try to improve.

>> No.2312213

It's not here for faggots to just spew out random banalities in pretentious ways either under the excuse of "critique". I don't care about how you feel about your bloated standards.

Your critique was shit and doesn't meet the standard.

>> No.2312215

Im not even that guy, dude. You're being aggressive and contrarian for no reason and shitting up your thread with below-mediocre work. Please just stop.

>> No.2312218

I'm not that guy either. Doesn't make you any less of a fag.

>> No.2312222

That guy isn't the one who made the first comment please don't bully him.

There is nothing pretentious about "do bouncing balls and learn timing", I said it's basic because it's true. You need to learn the basics, sure the basics are "banal" but that's just a reality that you have to deal with. You won't get "special" advice until you follow the basic advice and produce something worth really talking about.

In your first ever attempt at animation you did nothing but rotate a face, you didn't even draw a new position. You are scared of the mileage of drawing animation requires. You are scared of critique because it means evaluating yourself and working harder. You don't want to study, you want to shit something out and be praised for it.

If you sincerely believe everything you've said you are going to hold yourself back with this attitude. Please get over yourself for your own sake.

>> No.2312230

There's no beginners animation thread so calm down your ego. And stop with your projecting. There were no request of praise in that post. Just some guy or girl sharing their first work. You sound like a huge pretentious faggot.

>> No.2312234

Just consider chilling out alright? This thread is perfectly fine for beginners who genuinely want to learn. Be polite and people will be more welcoming.

>> No.2312237

>You sound like a huge pretentious faggot
Dude. You are on /ic/.

>> No.2312243

Skilled art is by its nature pretentious, because it relies on a lot of buzzwords to get points across, similar to academia. You have to get used to that, or, well, leave.

>> No.2312274

friendly reminder that this is an 18+ board

>> No.2312289

He's right though so where does that leave your standards?

>> No.2312297
File: 627 KB, 1000x995, 5p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here for awhile. I've seen some shitty animation threads in term of shit flinging. But this is the most disappointing thread so far.

>> No.2312317
File: 431 KB, 1280x720, sheep push wip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a wip in progress for one of my classes.

really rough, but i hope it still reads decently despite the flickering heads! critique is v. appreciado

>> No.2312318

Hey guys. Beginner in animating (only done a few things like a jumping flour sack, bouncing ball, walking cycle, and ghost) here. Was wondering if there's any books you'd recommend for improving? Or should I just practice?

>> No.2312340

>didn't read thread

N-nevermind. Sorry.

>> No.2312343
File: 361 KB, 700x495, gitup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wip in progress
rip in peace sheep ;_;
It reads well in my opinion. Looks nice and heavy. The perspective seems iffy to me though. The sheep looks like it is stopped at the bridge and refusing to cross, but the characters fall to what I assume is the left of the bridge. They don't look like they're rolling forward diagonally, so that falling part ends up looking more like an optical illusion.
I can understand that you want to produce and post content, and take a step away from shitflinging, but don't you want to step your game up, senpai?

>> No.2312347

Always love your stuff Raymond can't wait to see your action analysis fully completed

>> No.2312355

thamks!! it's good that the sheep looks like it's refusing to cross, because it is! in the final, it's going to crash through the bridge after flipping over, i just haven't blocked that all in yet. hopefully that makes it read less optical-illusion-y and more perspective-looks-alright-y.

>> No.2312356

That makes perfect sense then. Looking forward to the final version.

>> No.2312360

I like the energy

From an outside point of view, you are the one who seems dedicated to shitflinging. But maybe getting the final word is more important to you than shitting up the thread?

>> No.2312361

That was my first post in the thread, senpai.

>> No.2312366

I don't care. But you are obviously interested in continuing whatever shitposting was going on earlier.

>> No.2312378
File: 174 KB, 640x360, sdflgh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the gesture before i goto sleep. Thank god this thread is picking up a little. lmao.

>> No.2312380
File: 1.13 MB, 485x275, sots-genga2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone is actually caring enough about your mediocre "animation".
>Proceeds to attack them for giving you advice
You need to stop acting so high and mighty. You're not good at animating, you're not good at drawing. You can be on the defense all the time and attack anyone who tries to help you, anon, but that won't make you a better artist. Getting off your high horse and listening to advice and critique will. What the other anon probably mean is that you have no consistency, which is one of the 12 animation principles (SOLID DRAWING). You anticipation is weak and ugly. Your character is not turning his head realistically, the eye jumps around like a certain someone when they try to avoid critique. Work pose-to-pose rather than straight ahead. And lastly, work on your fucking attitude, or you're "NOT GONNA MAKE IT".

>> No.2312396
File: 146 KB, 720x386, grief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but don't you want to step your game up, senpai?

Sure, don't we always? But I looked through this thread and remembered that photoshop got an animation function and felt like trying it out. Then since this thread was somewhat dead I decided to share the results. In the future I might decide to pick it when I feel I'm further along with my drawing/digital painting. I noticed there was an advanced timeline function but I just used the default. I was more concerned with just seeing a file with an animation to confirm it worked.

Could I had made it better? Sure. But I was honestly just happy about my first animation like some kid and wanted to share with a dead thread.

I... Anon, I don't mind critique but I just quickly made some key frames and then tried to stitch them together while learning the program. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I knew very well that stuff could be improved and expected it to be obvious. It did feel like however that some other people would not accept that it was not intended for more than that.

But had I known it would had then lead to the following kind of drama I might not had posted it. Well that is, it did liven up the thread.

btw, anon. I don't really care if you think I'm not good at drawing. Except you slinging that out certainly doesn't make me more likely to care for what else you have to say, as I judge your value on that comment.

>> No.2312473

How does /ic/ feel about anime studio?

>> No.2312479
File: 13 KB, 500x600, laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ is finally seeing through the shitty defences of beginners instead of joining in calling everyone a salty jelly
There's some hope to this board after all

>> No.2312501 [DELETED] 

More like a lot of butthurt samefagging (you) from a salty "pro" who tries to lecture people just for the sake of lecturing alone.

>10 frames per sec with and a lot of effort to try and show how a 1 frame per sec newb work were lacking

That's some quality shitposting. The newb even wrote that the point was to compare it with the other piece where layers had just been copied and cut in. It's like you are desperately trying to find something to shitpost about just to feed your bloated ego.

>> No.2312506

On second thought. Some samefagging salty "pro" who just want to lecture for the sake of lecturing is not worth continuing bumping this thread over.

>> No.2312779

I've always wanted to get in to animation, but I have never known where to start. What are some good programs for beginners?

>> No.2313139


Adobe Flash, you'd have to pay for it though. or pirate it.

Photoshop also has a animating function. Then there's also stuff like TVPaint and etc, i don't know much else.

>> No.2313200

desu best original stuff in one of these threads since that dude with the insane perspective skills left like a year ago

>> No.2313214

For anyone interested, a new version of hanepen is going to be dropping soon, I loved the beta and honestly I can only imagine how good the final version will be, I dicked around in flash and whatnot every now and then but they felt so cumbersome, hanepen is lean as fuck and even though it's a selling point you can just ignore the tween stuff completely.

follow updates here https://twitter.com/cii__
not shilling just honestly think this random japanese guy has made a great piece of software

>> No.2313222
File: 230 KB, 153x188, stone_restriction_by_orkimides.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked pretty animated to me. And bitch, those 6 frames had the timing they were suppose to.
>nah, maybe next time. Was just trying out the basics.
is this nigga for real?

Actually question for ALL "animators" from this thread:

Why dont you try to learn how to draw before trying to learn how to animate? You cant do both. Most of drawings in these treads are shit.
Animation wont make you a better artist. It will just make your drawings look like an awkward scribbles being weirdly animated.

Not to mention - stop starting with retarded themes like waifus or anime heads. Start with objects and simple characters (AFTER you will be a good artist not now)
>inb4 butthurt responds from weebs who want to be mangakas

>> No.2313261

>Why dont you try to learn how to draw before trying to learn how to animate? You cant do both. Most of drawings in these treads are shit.

I tried doing a walk cycle straight from tASK today and I JUST

>> No.2313264


>> No.2313284

Your English is awful. I can tell you're a knuckle dragger from here m8.

>> No.2313297
File: 8 KB, 96x96, dave_idle_a_by_sneep29-d7m8u08.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your English is awful. I can tell you're a knuckle dragger from here m8.
Aww did i hurt your anime feelings?
Anyways quit focusing on foreigner's english and leart how to draw instead, hamburger eating lardass.
>doing a walk cycle
>before being able to quickly draw a full body character without anatomical mistakes
Yeah i see that you doing good.

>> No.2313308

It's pretty easy to tell you're not very bright given how bad you are at baiting. And I highly doubt you're any good at drawing yourself.

>> No.2313322

>It's pretty easy to tell you're not very bright given how bad you are at baiting. And I highly doubt you're any good at drawing yourself.
You can keep thinking that person who gave you advice is a shitty artist if that will keep you sitting in your comfort zone.
It's not like i care about your future.

>> No.2313332

Would you take advice from an anonymous person whose done nothing more than proven they're an idiot? If he posted any work proving his skill then I may consider his advice. Advice which was unnecessary, since we all know drawing skills will improve your animations.

>> No.2313335

>If he posted any work proving his skill then I may consider his advice.
that's not how it works my naive butthurt weeb.
I have you an advice (i dont know who is that HE you talking about), and you just went with "HUEHUEHUEHUE XDDD" respond.
As i said - you dont look like you want to work in indusry and learn. In fact, from you responds you sound like you still in school.
From now on trolling/laughing at you is the only option.

>> No.2313344
File: 562 KB, 853x480, sheep wip02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanted to finish all the rough animation today, but i got preoccupied. the sheep gets bigger and bigger as it goes on, which is something i should have caught while blocking it in, but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

here's the current wipwop, now scaled down for easier viewing

>Not to mention - stop starting with retarded themes like waifus or anime heads.
i think most people do anime heads and stuff to begin with because it's fun! it's a good way to at least /start/ animating. animation takes a long time, and for the first while the stuff you make just isn't very interesting or noteworthy, so it can seem kind of daunting or not worth pursuing if you're just doing bouncing balls and stuff. i feel like people can animate what they're passionate about to begin with to at least gain some familiarity with the process, and then they can dive into the drills and whatnot.

>> No.2313351


you're a natural m8 you don't need our advice. i have zero criticism dickie williams could learn a thing or two from you.

>> No.2313354

So you hold your own opinion in high regard for no particular reason? Like I said, you sound like a typical moron. If you just post your work, and if it's not trash, it'll be all good m8.

>> No.2313356

Real nice.
Have a blog?

>> No.2313359
File: 78 KB, 747x660, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I have a ways to go, my anatomy isn't great but I need to figure out how "weight" works more than anything. I was struggling with the walk cycle in the book I was reading which is basically little more than a silhouette with no real anatomy.

I can draw a cartoon figure like this in a minute or two, but making something like this or something much simpler move in more than a superficial way is excruciatingly difficult.

>> No.2313751


>> No.2313854
File: 205 KB, 322x276, 1448581601129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But guidelines are the basics

>> No.2314048

Anyone here use toon boom? I've tried using it but my lines always come out like shit. Like even Flash gives me better lines. Is it a problem on m end or is it toon boom?

>> No.2314075

Just a note on the animation, the sheep creature looks like it's lined up with the bridge so when he falls off in front of it, it looks really off. Either move the bridge or them. A more fun solution I think would to have him hit the bridge pole and awkwardly twist/fall from there, instead of straight off the cliff. It gives more of a feel that the girl actually wanted to get him on the bridge too, and not just kill him.

>> No.2314091

Anyone know how I can save an animation in Toon Boom P2 as a gif? I've looked everywhere but can't find any clear instructions

>> No.2314098

Have you tried messing with the brush settings? Textures?

>> No.2314129

yeah, I keep smoothness pretty low, like at 1 or 2 max and I have contour optimization at around 4. Min brush size is 10 and max is 15. No texture.

>> No.2314151
File: 237 KB, 1000x1349, pbanimation01-big[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone used this book? I've heard it's good for learning to draw cartoons. John K has said good things about it as well as some other animators.

>> No.2314160

I don't have a copy but I've looked through it and an animation tutor of mine swears by it.

People like to get worked up over John K but his curriculum stuff is totally solid.

>> No.2314213
File: 733 KB, 853x480, sheep wip03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ending here gets a little messy, and it feels really floaty, but it'll have to do, i think.

eat your heart out, dick bills


i haven't done much animating recently, though.

for sure!! i think i addressed this a little earlier in the thread, but the sheep is supposed to fall onto the bridge and then crash through it, i just hadn't gotten around to blocking that in yet. hopefully this version more clear.

sorry if it feels like i'm blogging by posting all these minor progressions. i feel the animation threads don't get too busy anyway, unless we're arguing about Bahi or something.

>> No.2314221

feel free to post your shit bro. We need more people to post things they're actually making instead of pencil tests from pros. It doesn't hurt that you're a good animator as well.

>> No.2314233

chill the fuck out dude.. it's not like most of you in this thread are anything other than hobbyists anyways. be a little nicer.

>> No.2314260

why didnt god bless me with the ability to animate

>> No.2314269
File: 64 KB, 601x600, 1445411238617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


watching that makes me miss the days when inbetweening gave me a rush. it makes me happy 2 see people who are still good .

>> No.2314286


It makes more sense if she stretched her palms towards the sheep right before she made each impact. Just think about how you push something really heavy. Ain't gonna keep your palms at your chest and hard-hit it. You'd extend your palms to it to absorb the impact into your arms instead of your face.

>> No.2314313

Cool stuff, man.

>> No.2314778

>posting with jerky weeb piece of shit "animation"
Stopped reading. If you can't give a proper advice without being salty fuck then don't even bother to type your cum-stained keyboard

>> No.2314922


>> No.2314989

This is awesome.

I think that having her approach the sheep with slower steps would convey her eyeing the situation and mentally preparing for the push better, which would help with the buildup of the main act.

Obviously that depends on the context of the whole scene, like if she is doing something routinely, or if she has already been circling around the problem, then the faster steps are fine, but for this cut in isolation I feel like slower steps would help with the buildup.

In terms of the ending part, it does feel a bit floaty. I think you could try being even more extreme with stretching the bridge before it snaps. Alternatively trying to make it so that when the sheep finally rolls over, and she looses her balance, it's her bouncing on top of the sheep that finally makes the bridge snap. There already is a feeling of that but maybe exaggerating it could help. So, when she falls on top of the sheep, have her bounce a from it and carry over the momentum from her flip, as she contacts the bounce the bridge will give in an, this way the two will fall down in slightly different times so there's more anticipation in her falling as well.

Just guessing, though, I can't be sure how these changes would really look

>> No.2315016

looks really good! (also i go to the same school as you, whoa)

>> No.2315269
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, droop1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to focus on the flowers drooping, gonna add a few more frames to the pumpkin leaf drooping.
Anyone have tips on making a background level with toon boom? I know that there's tutorials, but I've searched specific level-questions and haven't gotten much feedback, thanks

>> No.2315327

>Be nicer
Why? How can I say "You're terrible" in a nice way. I actually told him what was wrong instead of going "kill yourself fucking faggot". Why sugarcoat your words? If you cant stand being told the truth, I strongly suggest you go back to your hugbox-forums.

Stopped Reading. What did I say that was salty? I tell him to stop attacking people who give honest critique, just because it's not what he wanted to hear. If you ask for critique and then proceed to attack anyone who says anything but positive things, it's he that has to work on his attitude. I even went as far as saying what parts of his animations are bad. I have no idea how that makes me come across as "salty". Or maybe it's the only word you have in your vocabulary? :)

>> No.2315454
File: 82 KB, 1228x932, adsfkjk2j3f23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using a mouse and snippet tool so this may not look right but you either made it jump out of perspective on purpose or you just did it wrong. The ball isnt following the same path after it hit the floor, yours was something like the blue but it shold be something like the green, think of the 3d space

>> No.2315455

Also I'm not sure how you did the colors on the liquid, they look great, remind me of trix yogurt

>> No.2315684
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, Sans Titre.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong ? Is the spacing correct ?

>> No.2315969
File: 45 KB, 427x240, Untitled-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first try at animating. So fun!

>> No.2316006

This looks lovely, made me smile

Thanks anon

>> No.2316034


Tell me how bad this is. Don't hold back.

>> No.2316037

this is the best thing ITT. Great work man. 10/10

>> No.2316043

Fuck off.

>> No.2316084

Kawaii/10 desu senpai

>> No.2316086


>> No.2316093

dumb question but what are some good animators whose work (films, shows, etc.) would be good to study from?

>> No.2316244
File: 3.95 MB, 1200x675, fucking20fpslossycompressionbullshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been fiddling with this for a bit, mostly learning the software in a trial by fire. (Harmony)
Not great, I know, but I'm, proud that I've finally started SOMETHING, at least.

>b-be gentle...

>> No.2316424

I don't think every action needs an antic. And those antics are just scaled instead of redrawn.

>> No.2316472

It's terrible

>> No.2316493
File: 17 KB, 425x550, gif-001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2316515

Anyone here able to replace the "follow through" example of the wikipedia artcile with an animation that is NOT shit?


>> No.2316853


>> No.2317225

For your first time that's pretty good. If you wanted to keep working on this, I'd advice you make the roll faster. I think one of the most important ways of thinking about timing in animation is "do I want it to be slow or fast?" in relation to other elements.

>> No.2317420


>> No.2317595


>> No.2317779

you copied that from that russian swat video, so fail

>> No.2317813


What is reference.

>> No.2317835

that's the feedback I like. thanks bro

>> No.2317839
File: 543 KB, 1440x900, rolltrace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys feel about tracing?

>> No.2317849

shhh, its called rotoscoping in animation and its not cheating, its legit :^)

>> No.2319159
File: 287 KB, 1920x1080, 12-13-2015test1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ketamine bump

>> No.2319164

Is there any example of rotoscoping that doesnt look shit? By not shit I mean doesnt look like you threw a video in sony vegas and added a sketch filter.

>> No.2319429
File: 349 KB, 655x1152, Thoughts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent a little too much time on this but here are my thoughts

My experience is limited to what i have learn from the online school Ianimate

>> No.2319721
File: 809 KB, 1638x4083, 1445300449070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still working on this? Sizes and perspective all wrong, no coherence, just scrap this and start working on some basic exorcises. without the basics its always gonna turn out like shit.


>> No.2319981


This is very good, nice job.

>> No.2320307
File: 710 KB, 500x385, tumblr_mt8q4tZwst1rofxqqo1_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good way to simply characters for animation?

>> No.2320470
File: 348 KB, 240x155, 1449590244973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, toon boom question, how do you remove a fade? I was dicking around with the program because I'm fairly new with it and accidentally applied it to my work

>> No.2320602

Different anon, but if you mean simplify, a good place to start is to break everything into simple shapes and not get caught up in small details on a design.

I feel like that might be a bit vague, so forgive me for that since I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to go for.

>> No.2320616

post your work please

>> No.2320672

tracing is tracing, it's not fucking animation
rotoscoping is a fucking film thing cause you need film to do it, it's legit not animation
fire and ice, but to be fair they more or less used it as a guide to do real animation cause they know what the fuck they're doing, also there's a movie that it did it really well I'll try to find the name for ya

>> No.2321865

>there's a movie that it did it really well I'll try to find the name for ya
I think the movie was Waking Life

>> No.2321891
File: 310 KB, 600x517, ani01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I tried. Already lost my mind though, you have some good dedication guys

>> No.2321895

it's some of the most effort in the thread. Adding some holds at the start and end and easing out more and it will look much more complete. Adding an overshot drawing and in betweening it with your current end frame will take it further.

>> No.2321901


thanks for feedback, much appreciated! what do you mean by "easing more" and "overshot drawing"? I just added a slight +1 frame still at the end, only thing I can do in photoshop for now. Can other softwares help me much more with basic animations?

>> No.2321926
File: 6 KB, 368x182, spess. the final frontier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add another key with the shoulders, headand hands a bit further down (like a continuation of the current motion) That is the overshoot.
Easing in or out is adding more frames just after or before a keyframe. In this case I think adding more frames towards the end of the motion would make it look more lifelike. Or you can go another route make the motion snappier/bouncier by leaving the spacing similar and then going to the overshoot and adding more frames closer and closer together until you reach the final frame. (easing out)

>> No.2321927

Sorry, the top should say same spacing. They are similar but different.

>> No.2321938


cool, thanks, I felt something was missing at least at the end, and the first frame is so stiff. I guess I should go back reading those "drawn to life" books to further study that topic, but I still have to learn how to draw properly

>> No.2322180
File: 141 KB, 768x576, bonnieguts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I made this

>> No.2322200


>> No.2322219

Ok, I don't like using flash. Can someone recommend me some programs that arent vector based?

>> No.2322225

TvPaint, Pencil 2D, and EasyToon.

>> No.2322238

I'm uploading all my animation stuff here, but I've got another blog dedicated to more or less whimsy ya feel

>> No.2322347


>sorry for doing this in the middle of the night

>> No.2322481


>> No.2322482

Work for literally $1 a frame

>> No.2322484

TV Paint if you're a euro-fancy

>> No.2322649

>that arent vector based?

>> No.2322658

have you tried flash?

>> No.2322660

Have you tried Toonboom? It's still vector based.

>> No.2322672

You should try toonboom mang.

>> No.2322681

What program did you do this in?

>> No.2322686

you can use bitmap as well as vector now in toonboom you fool

>> No.2323760
File: 639 KB, 1800x1350, 3 volumes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow animators, any of you heard of these fantastic pieces? This guy spent the last 40 years of his life accumulating information about the whole history of animation (since prehistoric times to contemporary). I've just ordered all three of the volumes. Got a crazy discount because I am in a good relationship with the biggest bookstore owner in my country. Looking forward to touching them in real life. Hype.

>> No.2323804

I am not for quantity over quality, but these look like mere booklets to me.

>> No.2323834
File: 106 KB, 960x540, rube-goldberg-final.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2323838


>> No.2323867


just Photoshop

>> No.2323870

That picture is tricky, apparently together it's almost 1500 pages. The first volume is the smallest.

>> No.2323914

someone explain what the fuck he means at 2:00

>> No.2323946

what he means is explained right after that -.-
he wants a dynamic and forceful throw by anticipating the movement of the upper body, before it swings to the front it should swing back. actually it is called line of action.

>> No.2324215
File: 679 KB, 500x669, wwalk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this for a class

i wish it looped a little more smoothly/ the ribcage and other things didnt shift sizes. but. any critique or general things to look out for next time?

>> No.2324611
File: 502 KB, 640x360, shot 1 wip 65.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3d fine too?
>/3/ even more dead than 08' /ic/

>> No.2324618

pretty good.
>Try to have her push more of the wall. When she hangs there is probably the most inconsistent moment because of all the sliding.
>when she gets up make her push her torso up by stretching her arm out. otherwise good.
>take care of her weightbalance towards the end.

post this on /3/ you moron.

>> No.2324672
File: 696 KB, 480x342, ezgif-2715064813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP, 12 FPS i still havn't post edited it.
Does someone have tips on traditional animation ?

>> No.2324910


this is really cool. the animation could be smoother but i think conceptually it's interesting enough to forgive the poor arcs/spacing/wobbliness

>> No.2324983

have somebody pictures of a spira mirabillis

>> No.2325003


i feel like the wobbliness is the biggest personal issue i was having? i'm not entirely sure how to fix that other than practice and being more careful(?)
in general i'll look out for arcs more though. i didnt really consider them much at all when i was making this (woops)
& thanks man!

>> No.2325163



>> No.2325394

Can you tell me more about this?
did you have or use reference?
what are the problems you think your having?

>> No.2325401


>> No.2325411

more like shape tween

>> No.2325430

wobbliness is something a lot of novice animators encounter. it's something that you'll grow out of the better you get at drawing/animating. it comes from not looking at your frames critically enough to see if one drawing flows into the next smoothly enough ie are the forms staying consistent etc

>> No.2325450
File: 12 KB, 256x256, lemur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood how to use guidelines, what is their purpose and are there any good resources on how to use them?

>> No.2325456

what do you mean by guidelines

>> No.2325469

The way people draw simple shapes and lines first, and they can end up with really complex characters.

>> No.2325631

How do you send animated sequences from one software to another? Like, say if I want to send my progress from ToonBoom to my partner who may use something like TvPaint. How do I do it?

>> No.2325704

So what do you guys think of this 3D animation process to make it look like the most like anime?


I think it's pretty interesting, my body is ready for the future.

>> No.2325713
File: 1.97 MB, 964x455, fe24a43d477914c77407358a9f5795ad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you use these kinds of green colors? bahi used the same on an ol' animation

>> No.2325725
File: 1.29 MB, 854x480, e9c0b4a6d9062d9e3f65590b9999b4e8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I had a question

Kyoani is one of my favorite studio for the care they put in their animation, but am I wrong when I think that sometimes (and not only them, it happens often when anime try to make super smooth movements) they put so much movement details that the animation looks a bit slower than it should? So in the end it's not that well animated, even if it's full of life, details and without off model right?

Like this webm on some places

>> No.2325734

or those two that are fucking slowed down

is it a problem of timing



>> No.2325743
File: 417 KB, 453x876, 1448336294924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking good, sheepguy

>> No.2325749


i'm not sure if i still know what you're trying to say but if you plan out your animation using simple shapes to get the arcs, timing and spacing correctly it can lead to a stronger animation. it's nothing too complex, just draw a circle instead of a head

>> No.2325761

He is actually developing his own software to do animation.

>> No.2325770

I think what you meant are the scenes when slow actions happen.

I've noticed this trend too, especially in the Disappearance movie (check out how slow the scene is when Haruhi draws on the chalk board).

I'd say it depends on how you look at stuff. In the technical sense of things, it's fantastic to see how much effort they put in a single movement. But animation didn't get invented to stroke the animator's ego, so no matter how detailed your shot is, if it seems a bit weird, you can say it's "bad animated".

I mean, animation in the traditional sense is giving the illusion of life in drawings, if it seems a bit off, then they're not really achieving that.

>> No.2325773

One more thing. Anime is notorious of animating on fours (8 keys a second). Many animators have worked around that by drawing dynamic movements, but it seems the people at KyoAni love small gestures, and if you still use fours with small movements instead of FLCL-like extreme poses, then it'll be really obvious. They could solve it by adding inbetweens and animating it on ones or twos.

>> No.2325777

is bahi a savant or something? how does a 20 yr old whos learned everything from watching anime compilations pull this shit off?

>> No.2325781
File: 2.07 MB, 640x480, e654f71033cdda6fd6371a375098e83a.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just exaggerated the timing. Japanese animators do that all the time.
The anticipation always becomes almost like a slowmotion.

They also like tailing off the animation with a slowmotion. This is because a Japanese animator works with a very specific cut length specified in the storyboard. They often have to stretch the timing to fit the cut.

>> No.2325782
File: 149 KB, 1086x847, Screen Shot 2015-12-07 at 10.05.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hanepen, current version is a year old (new one soon though)

>> No.2325784

He was studying how to draw since he was 16 at least. He was only inspired by anime.

>> No.2325787

It's easier to look at than a blank white surface.
It doesn't have to be green.

>> No.2325802

anime is animated on 3's not on 4's

i think a 4 is technically considered a still

>> No.2325899

Maybe you should read the sticky before trying your hand at animation.

>> No.2325906

In the filename you can see it's the 65th iteration of it. From layout, blocking, primary and some secondary I worked with an animator from the industry to help refine it.

The only reference used was the sprinting, the obvious issues are some of the posing and swapping between FK/IK seemlessly.

The rest of the references are from my own sketches of what should be corrected by my instructor.

>> No.2326015

While i haven't tried any FK/IK switching myself, what you should do is shoot yourself more reference or find more reference to analyze.

If your worried about relying on reference too much, theres are few point i can make about that.
First, Everybody shoots reference the ony people who dont are scenes that are too hard to shoot reference for
https://youtu.be/3posPWuA9Ss?t=41 (this scene where raplh is jumping on gummies was not referenced and was created from the animator's sketches after a week or so of shooting reference but not being able to properly have the proper poses or timing)
or having mocap data.

2. Its ok to use reference, but dont blindly copy it. take the timing or the poses and push it further
. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouaspd_dr5o

gimme a few hours, to make another one
like this

>> No.2327478
File: 181 KB, 1659x1297, 2015-12-04-14-51-09-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey I have a 1.18 second hand drawn pen and ink animation I could post here if this thread is still alive.

If even one person bumps I'll post it

>> No.2327500

dont do us any favors

>> No.2327516


just wasn't sure if this thread was still active

>> No.2327519

it's the only thing I have ever animated. and I didn't really ever use key frames accept for the part in the end where I was looping it.

Overall I have enjoyed the process a lot and I have even been considering going to different school with a better animation program.

Feel free to be as harsh as possible.

>> No.2327619


>> No.2327623

Got redirected here from the beginner thread. What kind of paper should I buy for doing 2D animation?

>> No.2327677
File: 65 KB, 853x480, lunge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting a gif of mine from another thread. What needs improvement?

>> No.2327678


>> No.2327681

you can also use vellum if you want to animate without using a light table.

>> No.2328144

Hey i'm the guy from >>2324672
I can see you've put some good work in it, you still have a stability problem, try making 2 holes on each paper and using those as reference.

>> No.2328178
File: 1.73 MB, 960x540, SV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2328180

yeah thanks I now have acme hole punched animation paper.

>> No.2328184

add secondary animation, he can come to a complete stop but his cloths should not. Add more frames and detail to his shirt and skin jiggling coming to a stop

>> No.2328203
File: 19 KB, 320x320, mageguy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting to see "sketchbook" types of amateur animations. gives me a glimpse into how others practice.

i made this guy in gimp in somewhere between 1 and 2 hours. most of the time was spent tweaking the highlights trying to get a good flicker effect along with the flame. how do i go about making decent highlights and shadows?

>4 frames
>5x5 pixel blocks
>100ms interval

i've browsed around various youtube videos and websites but i didn't give them my fullest attention at the time (couple months ago). what would you guys recommend as a good beginner pixel art resource?

additionally, there seems to be a stunning lack of isometric pixel art video games. is pixel-based isometric animation significantly more complex than other perspectives?

>> No.2328221

On it boss.

>> No.2328248

thanks! i made an effort to edit that before i had to submit it, but i didn't have much time to redo a whole bunch.

yeah, i agree! there were some storyboards a little bit before and after this shot to set up the scene and conclude it, but having more acting in the shot would have been nice. for the assignment, the animation could only be 10 seconds long, and that entire shot was 240 frames exactly, so i didn't have a whole lot of room for character acting. poor planning on my part! now that the semester's over and i don't have a time limit, i'm gonna go back and touch it up, especially the bridge part like you said.

illustration? animation? VCA?

this is cool!! my animation style tends to be more grounded and less exaggerated, which isn't really a good style to have when animating. i'll definitely go back an push the key poses a lot more. the notes on timing are also really helpful, though, again, i only had 10 seconds to work with so adding more frames at the time would have been tricky.

what that other dude said was right, it's just easier to look at for me. also, the background was going to be kinda foresty with lots of green and blues, so i thought having a green BG would suit it, i guess.

thanks for posting this, it made me realize that when i posted it to tumblr the colours got all weird and saturated for some reason.

>> No.2328410


>> No.2328411

Why? This is a slow thread on a slow board. It's not uncommon for a day to pass before someone posts something.

>> No.2328447

I really want to get into animating but I don't really know much about it. Can anyone explain rendering/exporting to me? Do I need to download any programs or anything or is .afi ok?

>> No.2328481

my bad
first time poster on /ic/

>> No.2329757


Bahi has been drawing for as long as he can remember.

>> No.2329898
File: 109 KB, 700x400, punch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this a long ass time ago

>> No.2329902
File: 551 KB, 700x400, sticks dicks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this, I used to do stick figures a fucking bunch

>> No.2329906

isnt he like 25?

>> No.2329916


this is my dumb animated series i drew with my mouse. i know it sucks, but i have a drawing tablet now. what can i do to make it better?

>> No.2329933 [DELETED] 

Yes. Still pretty impressive.
He's not that "young" by the industry standard, though.

>> No.2329975

Jesus Christ, how old is sycra? He's got gray hair like crazy.

>> No.2329981

I'm by no means an expert but I'm really digging the movement and timing of these. Good job anon.

>> No.2330039
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>> No.2330043
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>> No.2330075
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>> No.2330076

Holy shit, that's what Sycra looks like? He sounds like such a nerd but he looks like fucking southeast asian George Clooney.

>> No.2330082
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>> No.2330084
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>> No.2330141
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>> No.2330174

yeah now but he got his first key animation gigs with watanabe back in 2011 so imagine working with the director of cowboy bebop on animation intensive scenes fresh out of college... without any college instruction, honestly if he keeps improving at this rate he'll surpass kahl and iso by the time he's 30.

>> No.2330302
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>> No.2330440 [DELETED] 

>honestly if he keeps improving at this rate he'll surpass kahl and iso by the time he's 30
That's a bit of a stretch.
It's common in Japan for an animator to not have a college-level education.
Bahi was 21yo when he worked on Apollon. Yes, he was young but he's not the only young animator who started creating amazing animation at that age.

Masami Obara animated this single-handedly when he was 20.
Many of the animators in Akira were in their early 20s.
OPM has a lot of young animators as well.

Japanese animators the same age as Bahi are already becoming director and animation supervisor.
Bahi is great but not his age or his education background (or the lack thereof) that make him stand out.

>> No.2330444 [DELETED] 

>honestly if he keeps improving at this rate he'll surpass kahl and iso by the time he's 30
That's a bit of a stretch.
It's common in Japan for an animator to not have a college-level education.
Bahi was 21yo when he worked on Apollon. Yes, he was young but he's not the only young animator who started creating amazing animation at that age.

Masami Obara animated this single-handedly when he was 20.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItCMX3A1qaE [Embed]
Many of the animators in Akira were in their early 20s.
OPM has a lot of young animators as well.

Japanese animators the same age as Bahi are already becoming director and animation supervisor.
Bahi is remarkable but it's not his age or his education background (or the lack thereof) that make him stand out.

>> No.2330452

Why was 80's/90's anime so good-animation and style-wise anyway? What the hell happened? I'd probably be a weeaboo today if they kept that kind of shit up. The fact that it's all traditional hand-painted cells is mind-blowing.

>> No.2330458

Also, I had an old animation book that implied that eastern animators relied heavily on computers-this book was old as balls and I think showed a picture of Teknoman or something. I wonder how these old ass computers could have possibly supplemented their process.

>> No.2330561

Gekiga and katsuhiro otomo

>> No.2331161

So I've been doing some deep studies in old western animation and I think I've come to a realization.

The western mentality for 2d animation is outdated and useless. When I'm reading the old books on acting and capturing life I realize that they never truly stress the 2d medium, nor play to it's specific advantages. Most books don't put emphasis on nice drawings because they want constant movement and minute details in the movement. They often discourage the hold and believe there should be more emphasis on the moving hold or follow through. This mentality better suits 3d animation than it ever did 2d animation. I know believe that there are very few books about 2d animation and playing to the streangths of it.

Now, I'm not trying to sound like a weeboo, but the reason why I believe Japanese animation always did it right is because it was more about adding motion to the pictures and less about capturing life, it's why we see that it has evolved to the point it's at... yet we don't really have any material on that approach or those particular methods.

I might be wrong, but I thought I'd share what I'm thinking and get some input on the conclusion. Also, if this is right, does anyone know any books that talk more about the eastern techniques and philosophies of animation?

>> No.2331206

I think Japanese animations are more stylized than American animation. Its hard to say which one is superior based on stylization. Jap animation is also marketed to adults as well as children, so jap animation can appeal to a broader audience. Study the golden age of animation and then follow how jap animation evolved from it.

I think around the early 80's with ZZgundam, Ideon be invoked, Macross DYRL, and Daicon 3 and 4 help shape japanese stylization. Im talking about animation style, not the eastern art style. ZZ gundam had the crazy visual effects. Macross DYRL had those missile chase scenes. Daicon 3 and 4 was Gainax's first gig. Then Ideon be invoked's final scene was a masterpiece, film wise.

Then again I could be horribly wrong.

>> No.2331210

Yep, that's what I'm studying now in the book "the Illusion of Life". I'll have to check out some of those animes when I'm done, like you said.

Still, the territory we are in sort of sounds like sacrilege, but now that I look back at the "Drawn to Life" series and the "Animators Survival Kit" I can't help but think that most of those techniques are better suited for 3d animation. Going back and watching old Disney movies I'm almost certain of it. I always thought that 2d was timeless, but now I think that some of the older Disney films have aged. See, they were never focused on the drawings, colors, shading, etc, they were focused on the animation, the motion, and the emotion. It can leave some of the older Disney films looking pretty bland visually. Richard Williams also praised the world of 3d animation alluding to it being the next step.

Now this isn't to say that the foundations that were set in the golden age aren't still useful, but I think there needs to be a greater focus on things that set the 2d medium apart from the 3d. Watching the old Disney movies I feel like most of them, if not all could be done with 3d animation and done better, where as most current Japanese animes would looks terrible in 3d and would miss a certain something, though that's hard for me to say seeing as I haven't studied many Japanese animators yet. To be honest though, I'm hoping that I'm missing something and just looking at old Disney movies and animations with jaded eyes.

>> No.2331215

Fuck off

>> No.2331250

Jap 3dcg has terrible rendering. Then Disney 2d animations focused more on the individual characters and story. Jap animation in the 2000 put more focus on appeal in order to get shekels imo. You might be looking at it with jaded eyes.

>Richard Williams also praised the world of 3d animation alluding to it being the next step.
Yea, because you dont have to draw every single frame

>I can't help but think that most of those techniques are better suited for 3d animation
Do you have experience from an animation school? Or the animation industry?

>> No.2331369

Nah, but I've had about 4 years of practice and study. Now, I'm not trying to discredit those old films, personally I still much prefer them to the new films, but I don't see why somebody should learn all these animation techniques on capturing "life" and smooth motions when the same results can now be done with 3d software but more easily and with finer detail. There needs to be new material focusing on the strengths of traditional animation vs 3d and highlighting techniques that can really set it apart. I feel like Disney was getting really close to defining their traditional medium with Treasure Planet before they dropped it all together.

And again, I think this all comes down to a big difference in philosophy. Western animators concern themselves with capturing life and the story, Eastern animators want to add motion to the pictures. I believe the western mentality is now outdated for traditional animation, while the eastern one is hardly covered over here.

>> No.2331400

>Western animators concern themselves with capturing life and the story, Eastern animators want to add motion to the picture
Whats the difference? Give some examples

>strengths of traditional animation vs 3d and highlighting techniques that can really set it apart
It boils down to what appeals to the viewer.

You have loaded questions anon, just google it if havent done so.

>> No.2331483

Western animation:

Historically: More frames

Eastern animation:

Historically: More details

But the principals are the same.

the Illusion of Life is primarily about animation history (Disney's, of course), the Animator's Survival Kit on the other hand is about animation principals and it is completely relevant to all forms of animation no matter what hemisphere you were born in or medium (2d/3d) you use. Both TV and feature Anime emphasizes very economic low frame animation supplemented by key scenes where much of the time and attention are directed towards. With both TV and Feature Western animation the quality is generally more consistent throughout, but may lack any truly "punchy" scenes. Neither of them forego animation principals. What the Animator's Survival Kit doesn't talk about that eastern animation employs heavily is dynamic camera angles.

>more stylized

Western animation is far more stylized generally than a typical anime is. Anime generally employs semi-realistic figures that just have unrealistic faces and proportions. Western animation everything is unrealistic for the most part.

>> No.2331580

The difference is that one tries to preserve the original art while adding motion to it, while the other is all about capturing fluid motion and more revolves around acting. Watch animes and look at the mangas. If they do it right there will be a lot of held frames that match up perfectly with the manga and they'll save the real animation for scenes with heavy action where they'll usually rely on straight aheads or light pose to pose. Western animation, on the other hand, is a lot more loose with the story boards because it's less anout the animation and more about capturing the "life". The detail work isn't as important as the fluidity and emotion.

At this point I'm just hoping I can isolate what makes traditional animation so special and blow it up in my work. Perhaps there really is little difference between the two mediums, but there has to be something.
It also doesn't talk about shading and coloring characters in frames from what I remember. That was another big thing Disney never seemed to do which left their characters looking pretty flat and bland at times... of course, that may have just been due to limitations of the technology as we started to see them experiment with that extra layer in Atlantis and Treasure planet.

>> No.2332142

>The detail work isn't as important as the fluidity and emotion.
then give me some examples or a source

>> No.2332179

I saved this, I like the lines in it.
What did you make the frames with?

>> No.2332182

noob question but what program is that? The draft lines/ink look pleasant.

>> No.2332408

Like, a quote? I believe that in "Gesture Drawing for Animation," as well as the "Drawn to Life" series Walt Stanchfield says multiple times that in animation the artists shouldn't focus on a pretty or appealing drawing, but instead to go for truth. I'll have to look tomorrow to see if I can find the exact quote. Richard Williams also says something similar in the video version of "the Animators Survival kit".

>> No.2332420
File: 127 KB, 703x722, anim3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't belong here, you don't even animate.
animate or learn to keep your mouth shut bitch.

>> No.2332458
File: 185 KB, 529x720, anim2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2332485

Dude, can I commission you? I need to rig something before I can get the in-betweening done, and you're timing and fluidity is perfect.

>> No.2332681

this is not animation, that's barely an animatic
it's funny and silly but don't call it animation

>> No.2332793
File: 327 KB, 924x768, anim5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When one see a super duper animation he thinks: man, that's a cool shit.
When one see my shit he thinks: man, i can do better than this shit, and he does better. This way mah lazy shit makes 4chan better .

>> No.2332894

Oh God, I just noticed...

>> No.2333015

Here's a pretty useful video about Disney's 12 principles of Animation.

>> No.2333029

could ya try, just try a little

>> No.2333245
File: 1.89 MB, 516x291, 937621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think anyone gives a shit about two fucking looping frames that you spent thirty seconds on. I think these threads are slowly getting better, if you had a shred of self awareness you would fuck off until you actually decided to try.

>you don't even animate

and you assume as well! I might be a shitty animator but at least I try, if I don't have something worth posting I won't fucking post.

>> No.2333277

I kinda feel the same way, but I'm kinda glad that at least people are posting, and they are posting animations.

Wish people would stop being mean though, animation is pretty tough.