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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 111 KB, 500x500, 1353290550996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2308158 No.2308158 [Reply] [Original]

Questions go here.

>> No.2308206

Why don't we draw lips?

Does it add too much detail to that specific part of the face in comparison to the rest? Is it because the lips aren't so much a form as a color change?

I have this horrible habit of wanting to add a bottom lip to my drawings and it makes my characters look pouty or just plain retarded. This has been happening less and less as I catch myself, but I think it's just from growing up feeling that when you draw a girl you have to draw the lips.

>> No.2308211


I think its because it has too much of a contrast when the rest of the face and body isnt shaded and it just ends up looking bad.

>> No.2308343
File: 377 KB, 640x480, Jae Lee Drawing The X-Men's Wolverine.mp4_snapshot_06.56_[2015.12.07_09.56.59].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of brush is that?

>> No.2308364

There are no such rule unless you talk about you being conditioned to anime/manga freakish symbol drawing is cute (your image related). Normally one would put down a line if there's a sharp contrast between two areas. If you then want to simplify or style a drawing them some contrasts are more important for conveying the message.

>> No.2308483

Where can you find good brushes for photoshop that simulate tradition art?

>> No.2308501

I'm retarded and don't get vanishing points despite dedicating a lot of time to them. Is there someone/something that explains it simply so I can grasp it?

>> No.2308503

that fucking anime with the violin girl did that, draw the lips i mean, and it was instantly off-putting

>> No.2308513
File: 20 KB, 313x932, brush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It entirely depends on your understanding of what you are trying to do if a brush can be good. If you want to be good at digital painting then it's not a troll when people tell you to start designing your own (It's easy).

That said, photoshop does come with a lot of stored default brushes. Including water coloring and charcoal.

>> No.2308581

A vanishing point is a point where all lines that are parallel to each other appear to converge. This applies to all lines EXCEPT those orthogonal to your line of sight. If you look straight ahead through a window, any line that exists I the plane of the window (or is parallel to one) will not have a vanishing point.

This ignores wide angle lenses, which can be thought of as you looking ahead and stitching that view with adjacent views from you turning your head slightly. In this scenario, lines parallel to the window are no longer orthogonal to your line of sight as you turn your head slightly.

Any set of parallel lines (that aren't orthogonal to your line of sight) will have their own unique vanishing point that they share with any other line parallel to them. This means that in a scene you aren't limited to 2 or 3 vanishing points. That might work of everything is a cube and lined up with each other. The second you start rotating or tilting those cubes, you now have new vanishing points for those cubes.

>> No.2308590

How do I get good at drawing surfaces lines on spheres?

I am trying over and over again, but they either end up way too flat, or they don't look correct in perspective.

>> No.2308658
File: 283 KB, 900x900, etilize_56815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of brushes, I'm looking for a Photoshop brush with a thumbnail that sort of looked like an eraser (pic-related) and if I remember correctly it wasn't highly textured or anything.

Anyway I figured this was probably the best place to ask maybe someone here has it or a brush similar to it?

>> No.2308661
File: 462 KB, 720x720, 1443402523862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you mix eye types in character design?

i have a character with eye whites. and a character with no eye whites. can having them both in a cast look cohesive? i know steven universe has some characters with pupils and some not, but the eye white thing im not sure about

>> No.2308696

What happened to the guy that was homeless and use to post from hostels or something. His dad died or cheated on his mom he got caught in the crossfire or something. He was trying to make it and painted some sign and didn't get paid IIRC. I think he was in tehmehs stream about 2 years ago, but out of nowhere I just remembered him and was curious if I missed what happened to him.

>> No.2308702
File: 129 KB, 1024x1448, sothe-fire-emblem-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love the fire emblem art style and lineart style, and I want to push my art in that sort of direction.

With the interior linework on the clothes and skin, I notice that its not black but a shade of the surrounding color. I've tried lowering the opacity of my lines or using a blend layer, but I haven't been able to recreate the effect.

Does anyone know how they're doing it, or the wort of workflow they're likely using?

>> No.2308711

search how to colour lineart, or 'colored lines', since lowering opacity will just get you greyish lines

>> No.2308735

Could have those lines on a multiply layer

>> No.2308749
File: 16 KB, 596x466, multiply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you could link me one? The only ones I'm seeing is either using flat colors on inked work, or how to paint out the lines altogether.

Multiply doesn't seem to have any effect. Overlay at least gives me a step in the right direction, but it still looks too light.

>> No.2308766

If done digitally, he's just plating around with the value and saturation of the same hue. And then using what somewhere looks like a pressure sensitive brush with opacity, low flow or a texture to apply it.

I would not call it a good way of shading but it sort of works when the background is entirely white and there is no defined light source.

>> No.2308787


Goddamnit, you bunch of daft fuckers.

1. Have your lineart on a separete layer
2. Lock empty pixels (you want the little box with the grey and white squares) on said lineart layer
3. Go to town on lineart layer with brush and whatever colour you want
4. ¿¿¿¿

Was that so hard?

>> No.2308802

What is the Picasso conspiracy theory?
I think its from /ic/

>> No.2308890

What's the difference between a reference and a copy? As an absolute beginner (stick figure tier) which should I be doing more and what should I be focusing on when I do it?

>> No.2308920

thanks for the explanation, anon. i still dont get it but i think im starting to.

>> No.2308928
File: 1.45 MB, 2763x2280, Doc Dec 7, 2015, 5-56 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing the first batch of Proko figure drawing videos. Proko says when practicing figure drawing, I should pretty much measure incessantly and make sure everything is exactly in the right spot. While my stuff doesn't always match the model exactly, everything is pretty proportionate and the figure comes out balanced. Should I be so concerned?
I'm pretty sure I've heard Sheldon Borenstein and Glenn Vilppu insist not to copy the model precisely for favor of inventing a little more.
picture related
not exact but looks sort of okay to me.

>> No.2308932

Aspiring comic artist here

I feel like I'm good enough that I'm not shit but not good enough to get a job doing comics. Is this a good place to be?

>> No.2308942

Imagine you're in an empty desert. Attached to your head and about 1ft straight in front of you is a glass window. This glass window is always perpendicular to your line of sight. Imagine that you can't see anything outside of that glass window. Whenever you turn your head, the window moves with your head so that it's always orthogonal to your line of sight and straight in front. This glass window is a stand-in for your canvas.

In this desert is a set of train tracks that just goes in a straight line. The tracks has two metal rails that are parallel IRL. For EVERY possible angle you can look at these train tracks (except directly down at them), the rails don't look parallel if you trace what you see in the window using a marker. Since they're not parallel on the window marker tracing, they must meet at some point. Some times this is within the boundary of the window, but many times it's far off the window boundary. Where the marker tracings on the window meet, is a vanishing point for that set of IRL parallel lines. ANY other line that is parallel to those rails IRL will converge to the same vanishing point derived from your window marker tracings.

Now imagine a scene where there's the same train tracks as before, but now you have a few more sets of tracks. Your original set might be going straight ahead. Another set goes off to the right, one goes to the left but rotated at 45 degrees. One is straight, but going uphill at a 30 degree slope. Imagine you can see all of those tracks at once through you window and nothing else. Each set of tracks has it's own unique vanishing point (unless they're parallel with another set of tracks IRL).

>> No.2308943


A master is an eternal student. Even if you were already a professional and making money, you should be trying to improve at all times.

>> No.2308945

Let's take a different example, but with cubes. Imagine a cube in front of you. Your looking at one face of the cube straight on. The cube has an X, Y and Z axis (with Z pointing up and down, and the XY plane is the ground plane). If one plane of the cube is facing you, this means that two of its axes are orthogonal to your line of sight (say it was the X and Z axes). This means that those sets of lines don't have a vanishing point. Only the lines for the Y axis would have a vanishing point, and that vanishing point will be straight in front of you. This is one point perspective.

Let's rotate that cube a bit along the vertical Z axis. Now the lines for the cube's Z axis are still orthogonal to your line of sight, but now both the X and Y axis lines aren't. The lines for the X axis point to an X-Vanishing point to the left, and the Y axis lines point to a Y-Vanishing point to the right. This is two point perspective.

Now we can take this rotate cube, and tilt it forward a bit. A corner of the cube is pointed towards us. This time, none of the cube's lines are orthogonal to your line of sight. The X-lines of the cube point to a new X-Vanishing point, the Y-lines point to a new Y-vanishing point, and the Z-lines point to a Z-vanishing point. This is three point perspective.

That was one cube. Now imagine we have 5 cubes, all in the same orientation. They'll share vanishing points (1-3, depending on which orientation we choose for the whole set). If we now have the cubes floating in random orientations, none of them sharing any IRL parallel lines, then each cube has it's own set of vanishing points (1-3 for each, depending on if we have any sides or planes orthogonal to our line of sight).

The number of vanishing points in a given scene depends on how many sets of IRL parallel lines you have. Every full set of IRL parallel lines that aren't orthogonal to your line of sight is a vanishing point.

>> No.2308956

I am 21 can I still be a good artist

>> No.2308958


You could be 60 and never having touched a pencil in your life, and turn out a good artist.

>> No.2308975

Nope. At 20 and 11 months there's a part of your brain designated to drawing that shuts off, and you're stuck at that skill level for the rest of your life.

>> No.2308990
File: 113 KB, 800x1147, hajime-no-ippo-2073591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do I know i'm ready?

>> No.2309027

I have an intuos 4 from years and years ago. I'm looking for an on par or better tablet that's under $200 to ask for Christmas. Anyone know of a good one with pressure settings? Or is that too optimistic with that price?

>> No.2309157

Is it normal to get extremely frustrated when doing studies? It just makes me so mad that I'm not able to capture the likeness and it totally puts me on tilt. Do I just push through?

>> No.2309202


>> No.2309243


>> No.2309248

That's normal for any activity where the results don't meet your expectations. Either your expectations are unrealistic, or you're having an off day - maybe you're rushing things where you should slow down, think, measure, etc.

Try changing up subject matter, or being more methodical with your studies. If the results look like crap, that means it's a subject area that you need to do more studies in. Don't expect one study of a subject to look good, but the average study after doing 1000 of them to look better than the average you do now.

>> No.2309250

What? Well then...

>> No.2309256

im that guy who was posting those shitty figure outlines from imagination in the last beginner thread. is dynamic figures by hogarth a good resource for drawing figures from imagination?

>> No.2309257
File: 12 KB, 251x242, 1438865649379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was joking...

Of course you can get good at 21.

I am 21 myself and I'm getting back into drawing since I stopped one year ago.

>> No.2309263

>Is it normal to get extremely frustrated when doing studies? It just makes me so mad
>That's normal for any activity where the results don't meet your expectations.

I would say that's not normal but each their own. Sounds like a source of motivation thing.

But I guess it's as good a motivator as any if the result is that you learn about the value of hard work, which talent and potential is useless without.

>> No.2309265

I can confirm that he was not joking. We are genetically geared to shut off our learning ability in drawing when we have experienced 20 summers. The only way around this is to live near equator or the poles.

>> No.2309266

both art and my other job prospect wont' make me any money and I have no degree and won't be getting one anytime soon

what do I do?

>> No.2309275

figure out what you can do that people needs or wants and then start your own business. Learn some new skills. Lower your standards for job prospects. Become homeless and regret not taking responsibility for your own well being. Stop being entitled, lazy and take charge of your own life. Stop blaming things out of your control but instead your inability to adapt and respond. In short, become an adult.

>> No.2309349

the excuses people can find out to convince themselves into that they cant make it...

i also heard there was a magic fairie giving away git gud talents when you were 5 year old. if you missed it, well you should just give up.

>> No.2309353

>the excuses people can find out to convince themselves into that they cant make it...

I don't think you are ready for the internet, let alone 4chan yet.

>> No.2309363

I've always used SAI and but I now have free access to photoshop due to school, should I bother learning it?

>> No.2309367

id personally say yes just because you have more possibilities with photoshop and also a text editing tool (the lack of it in sai really annoys me)

>> No.2309500
File: 163 KB, 331x297, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys where can I change this sort of transparent effect?

Seems like pressed something by mistake.

I would a more "dense" paint.. like oil painting.

>> No.2309548


Your image, each layer and the brush itself can all have flow and opacity enabled. Turning both off all those 3 places will give you a pure solid color.

>> No.2309586

This, people cant learn past 20 years old, at least with any meaningful success

>> No.2309595


I have it on 100% flow 100% opacity

Maybe is some special brush setting?

I am actually using Matt Kohr´s 3 basic brushes

>> No.2309609

Any recommendations on a good display tablet for around 400ish?
Don't mean to repost, already asked on another
thread but didn´t get any solid answer.

>> No.2309612

Has anyone finished Scott Robertsons how to draw book? I'm trying to go through it but everything past the perspective grids and maybe mirroring seem so precise that it's almost autistic

>> No.2309615

What board are you using? A2, A3? What should I get?

>> No.2309616

don't forget the equator part. It is scientifically proven and have been discussed in 3 articles in Popular Science and National Geographic. People stay young forever near equator, like literally.

I read it on the internet and my dog confirmed it.

>> No.2309623

If your brush looks like that then you got flow or opacity enabled. You need to check the document, the layer and the brush setting (3 different places. Top of your bar and in the "brush" and "layers" windows). Just confirming that it is not enabled in one of them is not enough.

>> No.2309636
File: 1.01 MB, 1508x732, question kron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys the other day fellow ic anon took a drawing in black and white (left) and apply some filters or shit I don´t know to "kronalize" it (right).

What specific filters or tools did he used?

p.s. If you are reading this... you really "kronalized" it! :)

>> No.2309639

Use a Levels adjustment layer to push the contrast, paint the eyes to have a bit more form and a large highlight, add chromatic aberration. He may have sharpened it it a bit too, but it's hard to tell since the contrast is up and there is chromatic aberration, both of which may be making it look sharper in some areas.

>> No.2310178
File: 70 KB, 729x960, 4353453455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard weeb shit, but does anyone know what kind of blending technique is used to achieve the texture seen in her uniform?

>> No.2310193

When it comes to crosshatching or hatching rounded surfaces, how do I keep the curved hatching from looking like shit? Can I just stick with straight lines?

>> No.2310609

is getting Wacom Bamboo a good choice? Right now I have an opportunity to buy a used one at a relatively cheap price. I'm still in the beginner phase so I'm probably not going to switch to digital drawing any time soon but it seems like my country's economy's going down the shitter after New Year so I kinda want to get the best of it. I'm asking because I don't want to spend my money, realize that what I bought was shit and be forced to spend an even bigger amount of money later on.

>> No.2310611

I probably should have mentioned it's CTH470k. Or maybe not. Again, I don't know shit about tablets.

>> No.2310612

If you can afford it get a intuos medium. But if not, wacom tablets are never shit and last forever.

>> No.2310731

What you mean is, why don't we "overwork the lips", the reason is because that much detail just below the center of the face changes focus dramatically.

No, the bamboos are too small and will give you carpel tunnel.
Save for a medium sized int pro, you'll be thankful you did.

>> No.2310737

What's the best way to fight off comparing your art to others?

>> No.2310767

what does /ic/ mean by 'art study'?

>> No.2310769

Aspiring good-drawer here. Currently shit-drawer. What do yall recommend a shit-drawer such as myself start with, Tracing, Free-Hand Redrawing, Shitty custom work until it becomes not so shit? Looking for a starting point and have no idea what to work on first.

>> No.2310775

grow up

I dunno. What do you mean by it? (You are /ic/ as far as I'm concerned)

study the objects you want to draw instead of drawing from imagination. Don't use other peoples drawings for reference (just inspiration). Start looking up what the next got to offer (Example below).


>> No.2310794
File: 284 KB, 960x720, IMG_0328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third-Guy Here, the Shit-Drawer. This is the kind of stuff I hope to one day be able to draw, but only you know, less shitty and hopefully not on a sticky-note. It may not look like much but in my mind I see quite a brilliant landscape, rolling hills stripped bare of trees but abundant in tall grass and wheats, the sun behind the distant mountain casting a shadow over the valley, with the single landmark a strangely alien tower, oddly fortified for such a barren landscape.

I think of alot of these things, a deser barren save for the un-naturally dazzling sun, a lake reflecting a moon almost more beautiful than the one in the sky. I can describe them, not so great at making it happen. I just truly don't know where to dip my fingers, because as you can see, this is the extent of my abilities, sticky note or otherwise.

>> No.2310802

Forget about digital media for now then. Get a sketch book and bring it along with you where ever you go. Use all these small break you get that you normally just spend on waiting and listening to music, to draw. Draw horizons, landscapes, people, cars, everything you see to learn and communicate those things well on paper. Maybe think of your motive in context of a story to not make it boring. A good image needs things going on anyway.

Once you have improved your observation skills, gotten a better understanding of form and improved your pen craftsman skills you can decide in which direction you want to take it.

In the link above there's a site library that contains some basic tip on traditional drawing. Watching them all would probably be a good start (They are short).

>> No.2310805
File: 258 KB, 960x720, IMG_0329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you muchly, stranger. I have alot of downtime since my work is on an as-hired schedule, I'll see if I can't take some walks and illustrate some of my surroundings. Here's one last aspiring good-drawer original work for ya', I hope it's acceptable payment for the advice and link.

>> No.2310858

Is gimp able to replace Photoshop or if im getting into it should just go to learning Photoshop instead?

>> No.2310963
File: 29 KB, 450x217, Model-Package-Cover-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone share the latest sets?

>> No.2310969

Photoshop is an industrial standard, while nobody really cares about gimp.
Go for photoshop.

>> No.2310990

I'm using a wacom Intuos 3 and my pen is kind of dead, will the newest ones be compatible with it, or do I have to find another Intuos 3 pen?

>> No.2311007

how dead? have you changed the tip? Your pen holder comes with 10 replacements inside. You can also change the settings for sensitivity with the software that you installed to make the tablet work.

>> No.2311028

It comes from my mother's attic, so there was no replacements. As for the pen, everything works fine as long as I hold the pen perfectly still, so I can still work with it but it makes everything that involves curves a nightmare. I was thinking of buying stuff like http://www.amazon.fr/Wacom-Intuos3-Customisation-Personnalisation-Stylet/dp/B0006GAHUG/ref=sr_1_3?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1449689354&sr=1-3&keywords=wacom+intuos+3 but 30 € for this seems like a rip-off

>> No.2311037

It might be broken but it sounds like the tip is just worn down. When people who don't understand the tool they often discard the holder for some odd reason, as if it was just some wrapping they forgot to bring with them. It's actually pretty important spare parts.

Anyway, try and pull the tip out. If it's not long enough for you to get a good grab on then it's obviously too worn down.

>> No.2311040

I've been practicing from the ground up starting with Keys. I've been practicing my lines, circles, shapes, 3d perspective shapes, and the studies in the book. What else should I be practicing drawing if life models are hard to come by (I have more time to draw at work)

>> No.2311047

I already pulled the tip out many times, to no avail. I guess I'll have to buy spare parts. Anyway, thanks for your help

>> No.2311067

>not using Krita

>> No.2311329

who's book will help me get a good foundation in drawing landscapes?

>> No.2311350

How do I stop myself from using the same two poses when trying to draw someone?

>> No.2311360

Start running screaming towards your target and draw their reaction in the process.

>> No.2311362
File: 47 KB, 357x499, 5171AfP8WOL._SX355_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know where I can get a copy of Dennou Coil Visual Collection? Im gonna be training for an animation company soon but I'd like to get an idea how it all works

>> No.2311582

I just bought Clip Studio Paint Pro since it was 70% off and I've heard good things about it.
Any quirks, features or headaches with it that I should know about before I start using it for real?

>> No.2311585


>> No.2311594

Aren't we supposed to copy masters to see how they arrived at construction though?

>> No.2311599

Solid construction method for drawing hands from all angles? I'm not sure where to start. Sketching the "a gesture" of the hand? step by step figures? Draw the thing that's on top first? Telling me "do whatever works for you" - already past that part, tried them all, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't so I'm back at square one.

>> No.2311601

I have 200 pages worth of black/white printer credits that I can't carry over to the next semester.

What are things that would be useful for a beginner to print out? inb4 loomis

>> No.2311662

How do you draw on a white canvas? Something wrong with my eyes? It's the equivalent of looking directly into the sun for me.

You specifically may not, but I watch a lot of streamers sketch on white pads like normal.

>> No.2311668


Well firstly, I personally use f.lux at 4400k.

Secondly, I sometimes add a light blue background only to not draw on white - it's pretty fun when you make rough drawings with a greenish lumi layer on a dark background.

Note that your end coloring might look different to other people if you're using f.lux, since you're trying to make things look right with that lowered contrast.

So maybe the streamers you've seen also see the stuff differently to what you see on the stream, since they're changing their monitor settings.

>> No.2311725

What exactly is symbol thinking or drawing and how do you get rid of it?

>> No.2311728

If I say tree, the standard image of a straight log with a spherical bushy cloud of leaves on top is a symbol. This is your brain's stand-in image that just represents "tree." It isn't any specific tree. It's a symbol for a tree. You get rid of it by examining, in this case, how trees are actually composed, by drawing them from life, etc. Essentially, where before your brain had few details, you stuff in knowledge. The symbol is ostensibly still in there, but you now know that that isn't really any tree, and so you draw based on what you now know trees actually look like.

>> No.2311768

>Aren't we supposed to copy
no. You need to understand the basics they do in order to draw like them. You don't learn that from copying their results. Once you got your fundamentals down you can be inspired by other artist. That will also make you see what they do in another light and make you able to understand what is going on instead of you just fumbling in blind.

>> No.2311782

Everyone says to copy the pictures while doing Loomis or Hampton or Villpu or whatever though.

>> No.2311791

I'm pretty sure those books themselves tell you to study real life objects. Doing your own version of something and then copying a picture are two different things. Learning the anatomy and then trying to draw muscles on top of one of your own drawing and only when you are done comparing the results is a study. Just trying to copy the angles of a drawing you see in a book wont get you very far.

>> No.2311831

>want to draw
>I got the time to draw
>I feel like I got the hang of basicest of the basics
>but I don't like drawing at all
>I can't find it enjoyable no matter what I draw, or how I draw it
>no imagination whatsoever
>took a months long break
>came back
>I can see how much I've improwed from zero skill to what I managed in a few days (It's not good, but I did make a good bit of improving)
>no desire to draw even though I'm getting better and I can clearly see it
>still don't find it fun

I just want to be good at drawing

>> No.2311837

If I remember correctly, life drawing doesn't come until way later in Loomis. And yes, life drawing is always the best case scenario but it won't help if you don't have the fundamentals in the first place.

I guess what I meant by copying is in an active sense rather than mindless.

>> No.2311840

Draw more of what you want, realize that you're shit so you have the motivation to get better. Rinse, repeat.

A vague understanding of not being good is really different than actually feeling you're not good enough in the moment I think.

>> No.2311848

My first thought was "obviously you don't like drawing" but I actually have the feeling you may be depressed. Could be worth investigating. Don't give it up, keep coming back to it and figure out if you're ok.

>> No.2311851 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 356x685, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem is I feel like drawing A or B,
but the second I pickup my stylus, literally, the second I can draw it all of my motivation and preparing for fun dissapears, and no matter what I do I can't bring myself to it
so I'm just stuck with practicing which I also don't find fun
and I'm not in the phase of "thinking I can be able to draw something really good with a bit of practice and then get dissapointed at how shit it looks", I've realised that could've been the case the first time and I made it so that wont happen
for example pic related, I just decided to draw something like that, I did all I could to bring myself into it without any references, it's not very good, but I made it based on all the knowledge and practice I did the week before that, and even though there is thousands of hours of practicing in front of me, I felt like I drew something OK, but I still don't feel like drawing something like that again, there is nothing driving me forwards, I'm pathetic
I'm like that for a long time and I've accepted that that's just the way I'm going to be, I feel "at peace" actually, I don't know how I should phrase it so it doesn't sound weird

>> No.2311855

I loved that series.

>> No.2311857

you know, fuck this, why the fuck am I posting blogs here

>> No.2312060

What's a good artist to look at if I'm struggling with the subtle hue/value shifts in the face without losing the brustrokes. (No bougerau...but more like zorn or sargent.)

>> No.2312092

ok is there a guide to proportions for the human body thats not the 7.5-8 heads? I have no idea why but ive always hated that guide and feel like theres something better out there.

>> No.2312101
File: 179 KB, 746x814, prop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like a kid?

>> No.2312106

nah i mean is there another way to do proportions that doesnt involve stacking heads?
(I think the ancient greeks had a way where they layered 3 circles on top of each other as a way to define body proportions but i havent found anything about it outside my art history class)

>> No.2312112

why don't you try and work it out for yourself, draw some circles over photos and see what you can find?

>> No.2312115

why dont cute animes have noses?

>> No.2312119
File: 54 KB, 403x425, vitruvian-man-clip-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, but I think head stacking is just a tool for the desperate. Can't recall if I ever used it. There are so many surface relations...

>> No.2312129

I look at a line in my reference and try to make a mark in the same shape on my paper. The line on my paper is vastly different from the one in the reference.
Are there any resources teaching something as basic as this? I've been through the beginner books in the sticky (No, I'm not symbol drawing.) but I always end up working through to things that are way beyond me before I've even managed to make proper lines.
Do I need to stop practicing this by copying lines of complicated objects (the human figure) and instead just draw random simple objects? I've been struggling through this for a few months and 100+ hours now and I don't think I could keep this up if I wouldn't at least be looking at cute girls while being confronted with how much of a failure I am.

>> No.2312132

Can you post an example? Lines don't exist in real life, they are just representations of contrast. A finished picture shouldn't contain any of the lines you blueprint with.

>> No.2312140

A pencil always moves over the paper in a line. He's also clearly not at a point where he should be concerned with shading and contrast and then the only thing he has to work with is contour.

Do you have the same problem when you're drawing from life/photographs/lineart? The answer to this question should tell you wether your problem is with perception or execution.

>> No.2312144

>He's also clearly not at a point where he should be concerned with shading and contrast and then the only thing he has to work with is contour.

That doesn't make sense. If you are drawing a line you have to be looking at contrast and asking yourself if there is enough contrast to justify a line being here.

>> No.2312147

it's about how you hold the pen. Sometimes you need to lock your hand and wrist and draw from your elbow and shoulder. It's not something you can do well right away. In basic classes I hear they train that stuff for hours, just drawing repeated shapes.

>> No.2312280

I heard somewhere that 2mm lead is supposed to be 90 sticks for $6

The best deal I can find is 6 sticks for $3.60

Where do you buy this shit

>> No.2312282

Do I REALLY have to read all those books and watch a shit ton of videos in order to draw better or will just practicing help me?

>> No.2312283

You have to have direction in your practicing. Books and videos will guide your practicing.

>> No.2312392
File: 365 KB, 863x438, Capture d’écran 2015-12-11 à 10.03.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what this tool is? or any tool similar.

>> No.2312409

looks like a pilot parallel pen

>> No.2312418
File: 26 KB, 600x343, 0042542000000-st-01-super-sculpey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I want to buy some super sculpey to try out sculpture...which one should I buy?
Super Sculpey
Medium Blend
Super Sculpey Firm?

>> No.2312422


Yea its a pilot parallel pen, I have one I use for caligraphy. Never knew they could be used for inking artwork. Can you link us the video?

>> No.2312445

Beginner here, I found some constructing basic form in a loomis book, I learned from ic that I should have a lot of time down with basic form. But when I practice I found it more about perspective than about the form, and found myself practicing a lot of perspective instead. Am I even doing this right?

>> No.2312603
File: 109 KB, 209x193, 1373811132367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I memorize all this anatomy.

>> No.2312608

repetition, family


>> No.2312621

i'm interested too.
i've been looking at fimo professional porcelain too because i'd like the sculpture to have a slightly translucent look but i'm looking for something easy to work with in the first place.

>> No.2312643


Yes. It is right because you cant draw form without thinking in perspective.
Watch Peter han's excercises and Scott robertson's book. Both are online.

>> No.2312646

A long while back I checked out a series someone suggested that for the most part dealt with improving traditional inking techniques and show you various exercises that are good for improving your lines.

Essentially it was doing a shit ton of the same basic exercises over and over again to get better.

Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the series or who did it. Anybody else have an idea of what I'm talking about or do you know of similar tutorials?

>> No.2312751

If you want an answer post a less shitty pic

>> No.2312754

That really depends on the finished rendering of the art piece. Mostly on how much contrast is within the characters themselves and relative areas.

Not all characters have to have the exact same design elements to look cohesive to eachother as a cast. Just pay attention to how you render them together.

>> No.2312786

I've worked with the sculpey pictured, but not the firm. It's fairly sturdy, but might require an armature for most things. Don't know if firm is any different.

If you have one of those pasta makers, I've heard you can also make a blend of medium and firm.

The boxes aren't that large anyway, get a box of the regular and play around with it. Keep in mind that you'll have to knead it quite a lot to get it workable.

>> No.2312789

Peter Han Dynamic Sketching I ?

>> No.2312790

Yep, that's it, thanks.

>> No.2313003
File: 43 KB, 512x512, 1439974864253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bit the bullet and got the regular super sculpey.
It is Suuuper soft. Like, you definitely need an armature for anything with limbs or extruded parts otherwise there's a lot of droop happening. It's very good for blending and just blocking in, though. But the more you work with it, the softer it gets.

I might get the firm as it might work a little better.

>> No.2313053

For what?

>> No.2313154

does anyone have the schoolism course Jason Seiler did on caricature. i cant find it on muh secret club

>> No.2313219

i managed to find a batch of schoolism torrents on the pirate bay including this one. the dl speed is shitty but its something

>> No.2313244
File: 977 KB, 350x233, tidy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hands get sweaty as fuck when I draw.

How can I fix this?
>pic unrelated

>> No.2313262

It's no different from how you would fix getting sweaty from any other kind of exercise, anon.

>> No.2313275


Medical cotton glove helps, atleast in making the paper/tablet receive less sweat.

>> No.2313287

Look up Bernie Wrightson, particularly Mary Shelly's illustrated Frankenstein. Dude only uses straight lines to draw clouds.

>> No.2313360

What can I use to learn if I seem to be brain-dead retarded when it comes to drawing? Everything I've tried has been too complicated for me, or seems to assume that I already understand some things without teaching me.

Fun With a Pencil, despite being a recommended starting point in the sticky, has easily been one of the worst offenders. Loomis says you only need to know how to draw a circle, but then suddenly expects you to draw full heads in 3D. I don't get it.

>> No.2313370
File: 407 KB, 500x750, ruikiriyama205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fampais.

>> No.2313403

How the fuck do you get into perspective with figures

It feels like most gesture websites dont provide images with heavy bird or worm eye views

>> No.2313408

draw even lines on a ball with a string and a ruler and then draw it from observation with different tilts

>> No.2313423

Does anyone know where I can watch SketchUp tutorials aside from youtube?

>> No.2313561

Is there any place to get Peter Han's full dynamic sketching course? It looks really interesting but I seriously don't wanna spend 700$ on it.

>> No.2313564


>> No.2313566

So I just have to wait until the 14th and join?
Or can I get it somewhere else as well?
Thanks for the tip anyhow.

>> No.2313568

Sauce on that video... for reference purposes

>> No.2313571

Keys to drawing or drawing on the right side
drawabox.com was kinda fun for me

>> No.2313599

have sombody paintings of flowers

>> No.2313601

Wait fir the 14th. The first week's lesson is for free on the site so you can start already

>> No.2313602
File: 20 KB, 382x385, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a comic artist and I guess I'm okay but what exactly are the fundamental things that all comic artists know if there are any? I'm talking about Marvel/DC type artists not weird ass webcomic jabronies doing cartoons or anything. I've already had a look at that how to draw comics the marvel way book fyi.

Also, how does one get to that level of good where all they draw is where dark areas are? I mean like Yoji Shinkawa's style, how does someonw get to that level? Where they just KNOW where everything goes with no real guide, like without drawing the shape of a face of anything, if that makes any sense, like pic related for example.

>> No.2313604

What is 'photobashing'? I hear the term thrown around a lot, no idea what it means.

>> No.2313605

alright, thanks pham

>> No.2313607

Richard Schmid has painted a lot of flowers. Michael Klein has some nice ones as well.

>> No.2313609

At some point you've just built enough confidence to stop asking these questions

>> No.2313625
File: 737 KB, 1171x677, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what medium Mucha most commonly worked in? I've always assumed watercolor but I really can't tell.

>> No.2313629

It's digital.
The use of overlays and gradients is oretty obvius if you zoom in

>> No.2313637

He used illustrator

>> No.2313646

Should I draw everything in 3 point perspective? Seems like the only time you use two point is when you are just drawing what is 1 meter in front of you.

>> No.2313649

It's a matter of preference. That said, 3-point is unnecessary in most cases, and only really helps when you want to show very large scale things. The majority of paintings use 1 or 2 point.

>> No.2313658

Imagine cubes around the forms of what you're drawing in the scene. If those boxes are oriented in a way that necessitates 3pt perspective, then use 3pt. If 3pt isn't necessary for those boxes, then it isn't necessary for the forms you're drawing.

Check if the verticals of your imagined boxes are perpendicular to your line of sight, or if they recede in space upwards or downwards. If they recede, use 3pt, if not, use 2pt. That is, if a corner of a box is closer to you than every other corner, then 3pt can be used. 2pt is often a good enough approximation for most cases.

More specifically, the boxes you draw/imagine around a form have an X, Y, and Z axis. If none of those axes are perpendicular to your line of sight, use 3pt for that form. If axis is perpendicular (usually the vertical axis for a box on a table in front of you), then use 2pt. If 2 axes are perpendicular to your line of sight, then use 1pt perpsective.

Also, what he said >>2313649. Don't over-complicate things. You only really need 3pt if the results will look better than 2pt.

>> No.2313810

Here you go, sempai.


>> No.2313874

Thanks senpai

>> No.2313877

Is there a book that can guide me through the fundamentals specifically?

>> No.2313893
File: 41 KB, 540x960, 1449949085430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do guys wish for christmas ?

other than a qt gf or chinese drawing skills, I don't know what to wish for...

>> No.2314092

Nice Tinfoil!
> :^)

>> No.2314099

Opinions on Holbein watercolours? I was able to get a set of 60 5ml tubes for around 25 USD recently due to the seller fucking up on prices. I've read up that they're OK as far as artist quality goes, but wondering if anyone on /ic/ has used them.

>> No.2314100

What makes someone a master artist? I mean what determines their status as masters? Are there any 20th century masters I can study? I like Norman Rockwell but I'm not sure if he qualifies as a master.

>> No.2314134
File: 19 KB, 260x317, 51SCmYQUUlL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ approved?

>> No.2314149

How do I draw a skull with its mouth opened?

>> No.2314172


>> No.2314201

As in drawing board?

>> No.2314206
File: 219 KB, 1920x1400, 099i6543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daria is the only example I can think of.

>> No.2314208
File: 78 KB, 636x512, article-1285883635413-003fb9c800000258-719197_636x512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep! i had a character design teacher last year who really pushed us to vary up our eye designs.

>> No.2314216

>Norman Rockwell
>not a master

You gotta be fucking kudding me.
He's one of the greatest illustrators of all time.

>> No.2314295

How long should I spend on the upside-down Igor stage of the /ic/ sticky?

>> No.2314318

You probably already left/done it but never, ever rush yourself. Rushing is one of the worst habits you can pick up as a beginner. Speed comes with practice; for now, focus on your accuracy.

>> No.2314327

I meant, how long should I just do this part. Like, when do I know I'm reading to move onto Loomis and stuff?

>> No.2314331

The upside-down Igor is just an exercise to help you accept the fact that your brain is fucking with you and you need to learn to observe angles, spaces, all that stuff. You don't have to do it more than once. Or even once.
Start with Keys to Drawing or Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. It's better to read them both. Check out Proko's videos, they're very helpful. Check out beginner threads, don't be afraid to post your work.

>> No.2314334

A while back there were two private trackers being recommended, one of which was cgpeers - does anyone know what the other is? I'm looking for general art resources and most of the stuff on CGP is aimed at 3D...

>> No.2314346

It was gfxpeers or something

>> No.2314370
File: 144 KB, 636x900, pulpbatman01_by_bumhand-d6k8yxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I develop inking skills?

>> No.2314441

Got a new PC, have an Intuos Pen, bound two keys to the pen buttons, launched Sai, bound said keys to two tools.

Everytime I click a pen button to change to another tool, it only changes to it for how long I hold the button, then goes back to the previous one. What do?

Already solver the color picker horror.

>> No.2314508

Is drawabox a good place to start drawing?
I'm starting from the very bottom here.

>> No.2314521


wow it was literally tool shift option... why didn't I have this problem last time even though using the same Sai folder...

>> No.2314744

Looking for an artwork from a chinese artist? (was it ruanJia?)
The Artwork was the armor of a Gore Magala from Monster Hunter

>> No.2314807

I want to work on getting general proportions,i remember /ic/ recommending something really good, a book or an artist , something along those lines. Anyone here have any idea of what im talking about?

>> No.2314829
File: 867 KB, 1950x2600, top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make this look better (the comics)?
Why does it look like shit?

>> No.2314832

Read sticky.
There are no quick ways of making a shitty comic look good, you simply have to learn how to draw.

>> No.2314838
File: 81 KB, 1359x680, 61v+D91wTgL._SL1359_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have experiance with there pencils. I heard great things an thought about buying them for myself this christmas, are they worth it?

>> No.2314842
File: 82 KB, 736x669, we.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there ANY books that collect Walter Everett's work? It's fucking incredible but he had to be a faggot and burn everything.

>> No.2314848

No, his work is pretty obscure, and there are only a handful of people who really care about his work (they are the ones who track down his images in old magazine and scan them for hte internet). I love his stuff and have spent time tracking down his images online, even then I only have about 60 files.

Also from what I heard he mostly burned his weaker works or his personal work and a lot of his illustration stuff still exists somewhere (in private hands mostly I assume) and the whole "burning his life's work" is an exaggeration that gets passed around as fact. You can find some discussions of stuff on this in the comment sections of blogs that post his work. It seems Kev Ferrara is one of the most knowledgable at the moment regarding Everett, at least that posts online.

>> No.2314856

Thanks, would you mind uploading your folder for me? I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.2314857

My hand gets really cold when I draw. Poor circulation?

>> No.2314863

when you learn that neets and shutins ( today we would call them weebs) are using your work to masterbate to and promote thier corrupt and perverted agendas, you too would burn it all

>> No.2314865

How does one draw gesture with a very stiff pose.

Like the model just standing upright like some soldier. You can't get 'flow or rythm' into that sort of pose.

>> No.2314868
File: 49 KB, 795x764, prop_var.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a wizard harry

Who's walter Everett

You're literally teaching first grade science in your shit comic

Don't use the fucking pen buttons, I don't cuz theyre fucking RETARDED SHIT


You Ink.



Rockwell is shit


Drawing from photos

You're either born with talent or you aren't. Comic artists all know how to paint!

Fuck perspective.

You're literally brain dead, don't do art.

Fucking use a pen



First draw the wrist

3D model

A bamboo


Bamboo's have the best pressure settings of them all

He's shit

>> No.2314875

Mainly just setting the horizon line and vanishing points at an extreme enough distance to make the perspective visible. Then you make boundary lines with said vanishing points and horizon line and make sure the figure stays withing said boundary.

>> No.2314882

how would you draw a traditional picture of something black? like a black cat for example? say you want to have it all rendered out n stuff?

i just dont know how to approach drawing a black object

>> No.2314886

What medium are you using? and it depends on the material of the object

>> No.2314888
File: 387 KB, 2235x1516, Odd_Eyed_Black_Cat_looks_at_viewer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be very observant and think about traits the object has that aren't just "black".

A cat's coat is shiny, look how in this image it reflects the blue light from the sky. On the other side there's warm reddish colours in the fur and on the ears too, the cat isn't just black.

Even matte black objects aren't voids that absorb all light, some still gets reflected and shows the form.

If you do want to use complete darkness for effect have a look at some chiaroscuro paintings, think about lost edges and how you can intentionally eschew information. Studying silhouette is important for making things read without interior information.

>> No.2314897

not sure about the medium yet, thats why im asking in advance

hmm, i see. so what if you arent drawing with references?

>> No.2314900

>about to sit down to paint
>tube cap is stuck as fuck
>no problem, boil some hot water to jostle it loose with an eyedropper as usual
>scald dominant hand with boiling water
>have to sit here with my hand under water for 20 minutes praying that it'll actually be in any condition to paint once it's cooled down

Not really a question, I'm just pissed off and couldn't see a better thread to complain in.
Anyone have advice for burns I guess? Less dangerous ways for retarded monkeys like me to open stuck caps? Can you squeeze gouache (W&N) out onto a palette to be rewet like watercolour so I don't have to face this deadly task again? Can you tell me how to tie my shoes?

>> No.2314928

>so what if you arent drawing with references?
It depends what you are drawing but really you still need to use reference to inform what you do.

If you were drawing a cat from imagination you might use that picture along with others to fill in the gaps of what you don't understand. You should be doing this all the time, it'll only make your drawings stronger.

If you're inventing something totally new like perhaps a spaceship you might use images of real spacecraft, cars and aeroplanes to draw influences and information from.

>> No.2314961

What is the general thing everyone starts off with for first time drawing?

>> No.2314965


>> No.2314972

comics, cartoons, animu, manga, or vidya
stuff they like that they are inspired by, and if they are wanting to draw, then they are going to copy the drawings they like.

>> No.2314994

never used markers, do they work with watercolors?

>> No.2315065

Any suggestions for which of Vilppu's books I should purchase?

>> No.2315071

Maybe this is an stupid question but do you guys feel that playing video games is beneficial for making art?

I lost interest on them years ago but I was considering getting a SW BF PS4 bundle and Destiny and see if this has any impact on my stuff.

>> No.2315073

Exploring various different mediums and concepts is always a good way to expand upon your own creative ideas. As long as your production doesn't suffer because of it, I would say it would do any harm. Though I'd say you'd be better off investing in building a gaming PC where you have many more options game-wise.

>> No.2315086

Not entirely sure if this is the right place to ask, but it's a start, at least. Where should one go if he is looking to commission good quality digital art? Yes, it's weebshit.

>> No.2315143

In what sort of way?

There are a few brands of watercolour markers available, if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.2315151

Trawl deviantart and tumblr until you find something you like for a price your wallet likes.

>> No.2315171
File: 360 KB, 1055x1068, buttplug tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find alternative designs for catgirls? Like, not just protuding from the top of the head like normal but that looks more like correctly placed.
Tried pinterest but everything is just normal, except for some Cirque du Soleil-esque make up photo.

>> No.2315190
File: 79 KB, 600x899, 832ab2c2eebd712ef0c264f5b24cd3b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing feels hopeless. I know practice makes perfect, and I do feel like I improve. But its just, when I look at deviantart galleries, I worry if Im going to stagnate. I dont know how people can go for years without improving. I thought you would improve by just putting in the work, and making sure to look at countless reference images everyday. So, I just dont get why some people can stagnate, and if Im going to.

>> No.2315219

>cat ears on humans
>placed correctly

>> No.2315228

I'm not very good at drawing but as someone who's worked on music composition for around 6 years:

Practice is just exercise. It offers a more fine-tuned understanding but doesn't push your boundaries creatively.

The only way you stagnate is if you constantly repeat yourself. Early on people improve because everything is new and challenging but once you hit a certain point if you don't challenge yourself you're going to stagnate. The people you see who don't improve are just sitting in their comfort zone and not learning anything else. It may even be on purpose, who knows. Some people find their desired lane and carve out a niche, that's fine.

Just think of it as building stuff. (something i have even less experience at but whatever this is an analogy) After you build a dog house or something you wouldn't panic and say "oh god what if I can only make dog houses from now on look at those guys over there, they're just making a shitload of doghouses"

You'de learn how to make a real house. (if you wanted)

>> No.2315237

From what I see, the people who can go years without improving are the ones who just stick to their one and only beginning style, they never really get out of their comfort zone. Try to get zany and have ambition for something new that you want to be able to show off one day, dont give up friend never do

>> No.2315241

Thanks, I hope I'm not taking my drive for granted but I'm confident art will be always my priority. As for the platform I was never a huge PC gamer and considering the amount of time I have I think a console fits me better.

>> No.2315244

Is it safe to assume that in 2 point perspective both vanishing points will be separated at around 90 degress?

>> No.2315253
File: 138 KB, 900x1433, 1438131875815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks d/ic/s, so drawing something new will prevent stagnating? Ill keep that in mind, and try to emphasize having a larger visual library of different styles. Idk if Ill ever make something good enough even worth posting on /ic/ or show off, but I just hope I improve by next year, so I know im doing something right.

>> No.2315290

Yeah man. It doesn't guarantee unlimited creativity, but it's a great way to find a sense of direction if nothing else (even if the direction you decide on is "any direction but THAT again"). Like I said, I'm just starting out too. If I'm still around this time next year hopefully I'll see some of your stuff.

>> No.2315297


is it?

>> No.2315298
File: 139 KB, 1280x879, 1449796163509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna learn how to cartoon like this guy. Do I just read Loomis like the sticky or are these other things you'd recommend? Spoonfeed me plox.

>> No.2315332

I can see them.

>> No.2315335

Just use illustrator or another software that draws in vectors.

>> No.2315350

But I don't know how to draw.

>> No.2315352

how can you not know how to draw? I don't understand.

>> No.2315353

I get the gist of it but I don't know shading, composition, etc.

>> No.2315357

Read the sticky for links maybe.

>> No.2315359


Illustrator is not the best option here. Manga Studio all the way.

>> No.2315377

I'm leaving for a 2 week holiday vacation on Thursday and am planning on drawing there as much as I can.

I usually only draw with pencils but I'm thinking of buying various different tools to have more fun.

What kind of tools are good for outside sketching?

>> No.2315378

any pen and paper. Stop treating your drawings as master pieces when you are just practicing. See it as a good opportunity to learn not to get too attached to a drawing and spend long on it trying to fix it if it doesn't feel right but instead just redo it.

>> No.2315800

get a cute pencil case

it might be fun to try watercolour painting, in monochrome to learn values and shit if you're new. they're a lot less fuss than other paints.

fingerless gloves?

smushing photos into/just barely painting over photos for a digital painting. concept artists do it a lot and ppl on the board whine about it being lazy

looks like lithography or oils to me

>> No.2315861

like if you can do a picture where you use watercolors and markers together switching between them multiple times in the process

like if one will fuck up the other

>> No.2315868

I have a couple about literature/guides.

Are there any books that touch upon composition that you can recommend?
Are there any good digital art books, that is to say how to learn to draw with a tablet in Photoshop or whatever.


>> No.2315899

how do i get the good stuff

>> No.2316099

Do regulars here each have their own blog or is that just some meme?

>> No.2316101
File: 13 KB, 946x364, quick-strokes-mspaint-vs-sai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I try to draw quick strokes in sai the lines register bad and choppy. I doubt it's the tablet since it's fine on mspaint. Help?

>> No.2316243

How necessary is it to build the viewing contraption in the right side?

try krita. Also allocate more ram to sai and check drivers.

>> No.2316282
File: 1.63 MB, 1800x1200, 1398242346598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a question, I have an answer.

I just don't care to share.


>> No.2316302

Is drawabox plus Loomis a good starting point?

>> No.2316320

Well yes, don't see it any different as wanting to use normal coloured pencil and watercolour together. The usual way I see people go about with that is getting all of their watercolour down first, dry thoroughly, and then use their second medium to do the rest.

With pencils & markers especially made to be used in conjunction with watercolours, you can swap in between much easier I'd reckon.

>> No.2316331

that was dope

>> No.2316340
File: 69 KB, 1366x743, Untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It says 'add more bricks' but i dont really get HOW.

Picture 2 (gif actually) shows how i built my first brick.

>> No.2316342
File: 30 KB, 640x400, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2316343

use your vertical lines as anchors. Also, thinner lines.

>> No.2316344
File: 296 KB, 600x600, RCW600x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get into Colour?!
Always when i am try to do colour studys i totally pick the wrong colour!
For Example I see like a saturated blue and when i compared it with the Reference it turns out it was a goddamn green.
Man i feeling like i becoming colourblind

>> No.2316345

>use as anchors


Could you please elaborate?

>> No.2316391


Not the guy who posted before but:

An anchor as in something fixed in place that you can use to stop from drifting away from where you need to be

The the line representing the corner of your brick (the vertical one) will be exactly the same in the second brick as it was in the first, all you need to do is extend it to the height of your second brick and redraw the rest of the lines between the horizon and the vertical line

>> No.2316393

What if i cant use the same line? I.e. the second brick is to be located to the right and *farther*, *inside*.

>> No.2316411

In two point perspective, the vertical is assumed to be straight up and down. If you want the brick moved to a side, put a line at where you want the closest corner to be and match the ends of it with the vanishing points.

>> No.2316413
File: 26 KB, 793x406, 14501789408770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want it not only to side but also *inside*.

Like here.

>> No.2316418

You are showing something that is both more to a side and more inside. What is your difficulty exactly?

>> No.2316420

How to recreate it. Step by step. This image is not my work.

>> No.2316421

Draw your line left/right if you want it more to the left/right and then line it up with your vanishing points. Draw it more up/down if you want it more inside/outside respectively and then line it up with your vanishing points. If it's further away, make it smaller.

>> No.2316431

you're stupid

>> No.2316434

you're not wrong

>> No.2316437
File: 5 KB, 640x400, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw it more up and right if you want it inside and right

Both inside and outside box fit your description. I've drawn box MORE UP and TO THE RIGHT and it still is in outside plane. This is not the defining criteria.

Something else is.

>> No.2316440

In fact i can move this second box to the left and right as much as i can and it STILL IS ON OUTSIDE PLANE.

I cant make it look like it is on a plane behind the first box.

>> No.2316447

Like I said, if it's further away make it smaller. Look up a guide on perspective or something because you're clearly not getting the basics and should start from absolute zero. There are a couple video guides on perspective out there and you should probably really be starting with one point perspective if you don't get that you should make things smaller if you want them to seem further away on the same plane. If you were asking how to measure it, that would be one thing, but you're drawing two boxes with the exact same height and asking why they both look the same distance away.

>> No.2316451

Anyone know where to find a bunch of high res screentones?

>> No.2316455

Clip Studio Paint / Manga Studio has some, and their website has more to download if I recall correctly.

>> No.2316461

You clearly dont get it yourself. You can make it smaller, whatever IT WILL SIT ON THE SAME, FRONT PLANE.

Jesus, is it that hard for you to comprehend the problem?!

>> No.2316490
File: 19 KB, 1316x639, 2pt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus, is it that hard for you to comprehend the problem?!
Yes because you have trouble explaining what it is you want. Originally you asked how to add a second brick like the first picture you posted and were told how to do it. You then asked how to do it if the brick didn't line up with the other brick. Your response was
>it still is in outside plane
And I have no idea which plane you are talking about. You have horizontal planes, you have vertical planes, you have planes on the boxes. You then changed your phrasing to "front plane". If you mean the closest plane of the boxes, or the plane facing us that you have blocked in, that's an inherent part of two point perspective with only two vanishing points. If you want to rotate your object, draw a new line and add new vanishing points based on how it's rotated.

>> No.2316503

I'm trying to install Clip Studio Paint but when I run the installer it just trys to update it an existing install even though I've never installed it.
Does anyone know how to fix this?

>> No.2316504

Front plane is where red box stands. Blue and yellow boxes appear "behind" it. I need right box to have the same inside-effect.

Simply to move it right-up-small doesnt create required effect.

>> No.2316518
File: 15 KB, 228x126, Roka Question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the memory-leak rumors about Photoshop true, so I shouldn't use it, or should I just stick with PS for now?

>> No.2316543
File: 99 KB, 1127x885, ambiguous perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but you have to understand that perspective can appear ambiguous. Google "forced perspective" pics.

The "right-up-smaller" thing does in fact achieve the desired effect (of making one box appear farther away than another box, ie behind another box), but is misleading IMO and not how I'd phrase it.

See pic related, try and understand it. Understand how the two red boxes were drawn using different methods, and what the intention was in drawing them using those methods. Understand that they're the exact same red box, regardless of the intention.

Perspective is more than just parallel lines converging into vanishing points, its conveyed through shadow, atmosphere, etc.

>> No.2316549
File: 107 KB, 1127x885, ambiguous perspective2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug, better image here

>> No.2316557

How to manage time?

I'm trying to get back into art, I've got the literature, the time and the means, and I want to do it, but I'm having trouble getting the timetable straight.

Should I have paper and pencil on me at all times and just do it when I have 15 minutes? Should I be partitioning time away to art?

How much should I be drawing a day in order to improve?

>> No.2316583

I've experienced "memory leaks" using Photoshop, but IIRC it's a non-issue. Photoshop knows that it's allocated memory that it's not using anymore, but it doesn't immediately deallocate that memory when it's done with it, because deallocation may significantly bog down the CPU.

Instead, Photoshop keeps the memory it's used allocated for as long as it's alive, even if you save and close all open documents. When it dies, the memory it used will be deallocated. When another program needs more memory, Photoshop will deallocate memory. When Photoshop needs to use more memory, it repurposes the useless memory that's already been allocated, and will allocate more memory when there's not enough.

This gives the appearance of Photoshop leaking memory.

Take what I say with a grain of salt, I don't have Photoshop handy with me, I don't work for Adobe, I don't write software, and have replaced Photoshop with Krita anyway.

I recommend you stick with Photoshop regardless.

>> No.2316590

>Should I have paper and pencil on me at all times and just do it when I have 15 minutes?
Yes, if you want to make a habit of drawing whenever you have any time free. Much better than using that time mindlessly on the internet or playing games on your phone.

>Should I be partitioning time away to art?
Absolutely. You do need to have long, focused drawing sessions away from distractions. Ideally you want to make it a routine, doing it at the same time of day for the same length of time daily. Start small, with 30min, 15min or whatever you can manage. Just be sure do it it every day and as close to the same time as possible. Do that consistently for a couple of weeks, then ramp up your drawing time in either 15 or 30min increments. Do that again for a couple of weeks, then ramp up again. Keep going until you reach the desired number of daily drawing hours.

If you try to jump in to 3, 5 or 8 hours, you'll probably burn out in a couple of weeks of you aren't used to that. You're in this for the long game, so no rushing towards your daily drawing goal.

>How much should I be drawing a day in order to improve?
As much as you can/want to. It depends on your goals, and how much free time you have, and what you're willing to sacrifice. Maybe you're a hobbyist, maybe you're an aspiring professional.

All else kept constant, the person drawing 5 hours a day will improve a lot faster than the person drawing 30min a day. Both can become good, but one route will just take more time.

>> No.2316591

Are there any books that really help with proportion? Or is that just a practice thing, being able to eyeball distances accurately. I think I've spent more time reading about how to draw than actually drawing, so I'm just polishing my turds.

>> No.2316593

Thank you for getting back to me. Here is a post I made >>2316586 in another thread, the picture is from the chapter I'm on currently.

I had a final question before I get back to it, and that is, I can only see things wrong with my work. It looks wrong, compared to the photos provided, it feels wrong to look at (which the book says is fine) but I feel like I'm sabotaging myself by having such a sloppy image by my hand. Should I just keep practicing this until I feel comfortable with my work, or should I be progressing in some manner to how the book goes, which is just a single project per section?

You said I should practice whenever I have time, and I figure 60 minutes is a good starting point for me. should I work for that hour then move on?

If you've got no opinion, thanks anyway.

>> No.2316609

Why isnt flow working in photoshop? Opacity is fine, I have pen pressure, but flow doesn't do anything. Do specific brushes have flow on/off?

>> No.2316616
File: 14 KB, 227x222, скачанные файлы (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wah...I don't even...
Is this real??

>> No.2316619

Do each assignment to the best of your ability. If you feel you can do a better job at one, then do it again.

You should be critical of your work, but you shouldn't expect miracles either. It takes a ton of mileage to be able to produce any drawing that doesn't look like crap. They say you have 5000 (or any other large arbitrary number) of bad drawings in you that have to come out before you produce any good ones. Even then, producing one good drawing doesn't mean all your future drawings will be good.

There's both the brain aspect, and the motor aspect to drawing. Even if you perfectly comprehend what should be done and how it should be done, you still need to develop the motor skill necessary to translate that to the page. A good way to test things out is to see if you can place marks where and how you intended. If your marks do not look as intended, then you mostly need practice developing your motor skills. If your marks ARE where you intended, but the results still look like crap, then it's a brain issue (comprehension, intent, etc; things that aren't moving your hand in space).

You should also keep in mind that if you're drawing for say 60min in a day, that doesn't mean you need to keep all your drawings to 60min or less. You can come back to an assignment the next day if you aren't done with it. Don't rush anything. At the same time, you can choose to draw more than 60min on a day if you don't feel like stopping. The goal is to establish a consistent minimum amount of drawing time, and to avoid burn-out. Only you can tell how much more drawing time over your minimum might make you burn out for the rest of the week.

Another anon pointed it out already, but you should stick with traditional tools at least until you have your motor skills under control. Digital tools aren't as accurate or intuitive as pencil and paper, and then you have software to learn on top of that as well.

>> No.2316620

Ok, i can agree that this specific cas of red box is ambiguos.


Lok at our original image in question. >>2316413

There is NO double-questioning that THIS one is strictly inside? Right?

I need to know how to build it this way.

>> No.2316622

Check the Brush properties panel, go to Transfer, and see if Flow is set to Pen Pressure, and if there's a jitter.

Different brushes can be saved with different default settings. You can always change the settings, then resave the brush.

>> No.2316626
File: 91 KB, 922x669, scoobydo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by inside?

>> No.2316627

What does 'symbol draw' mean? Google is unfamiliar with the term.

>> No.2316632

I thought we are already past this question...

>> No.2316637

Thanks very much for your time. I'll go give it a shot now, see what I can see.

>> No.2316640

Drawing symbols instead of drawing forms. Icons, Egyptian art, toddler's drawings are all symbolic drawing. A symbol for an eye might be an almond shape with a circle in the middle, and thick eyelashes equally spaced and radiating outwards. The eye doesn't change appearance when viewed from another angle, except maybe it gets skewed like a flat sticker on a box.

Symbols are basically how your brain thinks of things. Everyone has a mental model for an eye or a hand or the sun that isn't how those objects ACTUALLY look, and disregards that they exist in 3D space.

To tell if you're "symbol drawing" to some extent, draw something from multiple different angles (especially 3/4 angles). If many of them look like a photoshop skew transformation of the front view, then you're symbol drawing.

Keep in mind that it's possible to not technically be symbol drawing, but to still be drawing your forms badly or incorrectly. I wouldn't call this symbol drawing, but others on here would. In that case, "symbol drawing" is a shorthand for "your forms are fucked".

>> No.2316645
File: 96 KB, 793x1218, ambiguous perspective3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thin lines make the box appear farther away, methinks

I'm assuming they mean farther away

Correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.2316654

There is no way to imaging this being on the same plane as first box. It is not ambiguos. Look what anon have done hew posts to the top - he extended lines until they fell (projected) on first box extended edges.

This one box will not have it.

>> No.2316660

Is this a ruse?? Please clarify what you mean

>> No.2316679

I want to draw

>> No.2316728

>take a break from everything art related for a week
>come back with a stronger eye for flaws and proper anatomy and color, thus be able to correct and draw better
How come?

>> No.2316729


That goes for everything. You need to put in many hours to get good yes, but you also need rest and recovery time. Kinda like how your muscles actually don't grow at the gym when you're lifting weights but when you rest.

>> No.2316730


Any good gouache dvd recommendations? Shit that I can pirate ofcourse so not something ultra rare preferably

>> No.2316733

Huh, I never thought to compare artistic growth with muscle growth but that makes absolute sense. It's really conflicts with the "draw every day even if you've masturbated both of your arms to stumps and flesh eating bacteria has consumed your legs" mantra you see a lot in even pro-artists' advice.

>> No.2316736

That's not a question.

>> No.2316741


I still think drawing everyday is a good advice in general, but a few days off every now and then won't hurt. I really think it comes down to your brain needing some down time to process new information. Also having other interests fuels your imagination. Not interests like shitposting on 4chan, but stuff like working out, meditating and chasing girls etc.

>> No.2316743

In general you need to sleep before you internalize concepts. For example if you are a musician it is better to practice 6 different pieces for minutes each and it is to practice one piece for an hour. You should still draw constantly, but just mix it up a bit, focusing on different concepts.

>> No.2316753

Not a matter of memorizing anatomy for me. Remember and learn to sense how the big parts of the body fit and move together. Slowly, as you study more, your understanding goes to the level of smaller and smaller parts of the body.

>> No.2316765


> not a matter of memorizing
> remember and learn

u fucking wot m8

>> No.2316822
File: 58 KB, 536x540, work of a real tutor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the UK (Nireland), where do I find life drawing classes?
This sort of shit comes off a bit outlandish and fetishistic where I live. The only ones I can find are dear(>£100 for 10 lessons) and there's no guaranteeing a decent tutor who's not an abstract/contemporary derivative or some conceited beginner. I feel like my money and time would be better spent paying an escort. I hate drawing from this tiny ass laptop screen.

shit taste everywhere in this country, man

>> No.2317200

Question: If you got cartoon/manga art you want to share. Stuff like landscapes, industrial designs, character designs, storyboard ideas. Where is then a good place? Tumblr? Deviant Art? Something else?

>> No.2317331

Hi, I'm a beginner artist and I've been practicing drawing seriously for at least 2 years, on and off.

Usually what happens is I have a period where I work really hard, and then sort of burn out and stop drawing for a while, then take it up again.

Art is only a hobby for me, and I'm not aspiring to become the next Kim Jung Gi or anything, but should I have a set practice schedule and work everyday, even if I don't feel like it? I worry that if I force myself to draw even if I don't find it enjoyable, I'll eventually decide to give it up forever.

>> No.2317490
File: 129 KB, 1684x2184, referencepoints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted this here but didn't get to elaborate. How do I make sense of this? Basically I want to rotate a box in perspective.

>> No.2317510
File: 263 KB, 640x960, IMG_4056[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Norling. Why exactly second cylinder is incorrect?

>> No.2317512
File: 196 KB, 640x960, IMG_4057[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2319538

it's supposed to be a cylinder right? cylinders are a circle, not an oval. the perspective is fucked somehow.

find some friends who want to draw a live model, via internet or art class or asking around at art colleges or art supply shops or something. find person willing to pose in a swimsuit. no tutor, but better than nothing.

have both, a lot of people do