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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2299534 No.2299534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how can you draw
I read the books and im not good
be nice when posting

>> No.2299537

work, bitch

>> No.2299538

get the fuck out meme goat faggot!

>> No.2299572

like give me a worth ethic or something what should I like do should I practice every few days or what
so I can't use undertale images because it makes you mad? sorry.

>> No.2299582

There's so many things wrong with your approach. Don't be a meek little passive bitch about something you want to be good at. That fucking cowering pixellated whatever it is. I wanna rip my cock off.

Don't watch tutorials, Don't waste time making stupid fucking posts like this. Find some people IRL or online to draw with. Get competetive. Don't look up to some faggot pansexual a-gender-queer monstrosity from Tumblr. Find masters to look up to and study them directly. Draw and explore your taste.

People who read Loomis/ art books in general are BETA FAGGOTS who get NOWHERE

>> No.2299605

what is loomis
does he have a tumblr

>> No.2299624

>People who read Loomis/ art books in general are BETA FAGGOTS who get NOWHERE

Readin is for faggots! What are you, some kind of pinko commie LIBERAL?!

in all seriousness though kill yourself.

>> No.2299650

>I read the books and im not good
be nice when posting

You're a fucking faggot. You only get better when you practice. Study smarter, not harder.

>Don't look up to some faggot pansexual a-gender-queer monstrosity from Tumblr.
Are you not taking the OP into account? You know exactly what they're looking for with their art. They're gonna set their standards low and never reach them.

>> No.2299653
File: 4 KB, 250x275, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go beg your parents for a Cintiq you fucking time waster. Would love to see your shitty art to laugh at you.

>> No.2299656

>le ignorant conservative enlightened liberal may-may

Go back to tumblr

>> No.2299660

OP never gonna make it

>> No.2299706

How do you know? If he'll work he can be good.

>> No.2299724

I have doubts about that. And what percentage of master painters are female?

>if he'll work
no shit, that's that case for anyone. But based on their pacifist introduction, I have even more doubts.

>> No.2299730

I like the pacifist introduction more than posts like OP never gonna make it.

>> No.2299732

you might be better than op, but in the end you wont make it either

>> No.2299734

show art motherfucker

>> No.2299738

I don't want to pursue it at all cost, just want to draw a bit if I'll have more ideas but I'm mostly trying to get life balanced.

You seem pretty sure about what you are saying, you think it's necessary to be carnivore and be uberconfident about your work to make it?

>> No.2299752
File: 7 KB, 212x121, 3463464737282(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm making gross generalizations, but I agree with this 100%

If you can't tell by my passion thus far in this subject that I'm a good artist, there is no hope for you either.

>> No.2299753

>i dont wanna make it

of course you wont make it then

>> No.2299765

show art motherfucker

>> No.2299787
File: 304 KB, 900x1106, streamdoodle1-2-P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a blast bucko. You gonna post yours?

>> No.2299791

women becoming artists was not allowed back then.

There are plenty of very skilled artists today that are female, though.

>> No.2299796

>women becoming artists was not allowed back then.
Lies straight from the pit of hell. And even if they hadn't had enough time to produce a great painter, women inherently feel only a fraction of the desire to impress that men do.

>There are plenty of very skilled artists today that are female, though.
True, but compare it to how many male masters there are.

>> No.2299804

pretty good, but it's not fan art so who cares?

>> No.2299809

jokes on you, I don't even draw ;)
shame you're a cunt, nice picture

>> No.2299813

not him but why the fuck you even here then faggot

>inb4 show your art

>> No.2299821


>Give me a work ethic

Nothing can be done

>> No.2299822
File: 167 KB, 1000x676, schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, now never come back.

>> No.2299828

i like to look at art

why so angry, friend?

>> No.2299852

You just have to feel it.

>> No.2299869

Plus draw a lot (also things that you are not comfortable drawing), plus it would be best not to listen typ/ic/al "you're not gonna make it" and try what you can do best at the when you are doing it.

>> No.2300025

bye bye

>it would be best not to listen typ/ic/al "you're not gonna make it"
You know how many people I've passed in the past couple of years skill-wise? I know a dud when I see one, and I like to be honest.

OP and alike, Save the money that was going to go towards art class/ supplies and put it into therapy.

>> No.2300078

You're so cool dude. I hope you get many likes on tumblr.

>> No.2300084

I think you are just being mean and like to build your ego on jumping on some insecure people asking for advice on the internet


>> No.2300086

plus I don't care how many people you passed skill-wise. your post seem like you could really use some theraphy - compensating low esteem?

>> No.2300094

Although you may be right that OP could be better if he was more confident, but I like this approach more than being overconfident cunt, so you know.

>> No.2300154
File: 224 KB, 707x869, 1440710407177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these replies
What has /ic/ become?

OP art is both a mental and physical skill
If you just read the books but don't practice you won't get good
If you just practice but read the books you also won't get good
You have to do both. And you have to do both for a very long time
Comprehending the information is only half the battle

Think of it like sculpture. Even if you understand human anatomy perfectly it's still going to take you a load of years to master the tools to execute what's in your head in the form of a sculpture.

>> No.2300174
File: 172 KB, 476x472, samforehead1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah man, I think you guys might be onto something. I'll start hating myself ASAP.

I should think twice next time before expressing my valueless opinions with 3-4 years of solid experience and evidence to back them up.

>> No.2300206

How is telling someone they can't do something you did anything other than a pathetic ego boost?

>> No.2300223

Boy, you are dense. I told them they should adjust their attitude. When that other dude said they weren't going to make it, I admitted that I agreed, but also that I was making gross generalizations.

>> No.2300242

I looked through through your blog and while your work is really cool it's painfully obvious that you're an incredibly insecure asshole. It's a shame because I was looking following your progress, but I can't justify supporting such an insufferable cunt.

>> No.2300245

>should I practice every few days
you should practice ALL THE FUCKING TIME, faggot.
Now stop posting and go back to drawing/posting on Tumblr/masturbating/whatever

>> No.2300257 [DELETED] 

who cares you fucking you're a dud anyways.

>> No.2300258
File: 324 KB, 301x260, hyde2-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2300260

Who cares, you're a fucking dud anyways.

>> No.2300274
File: 239 KB, 990x1328, pQwZunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I really hit a nerve there didn't I?

>> No.2300289

>but I can't justify supporting such an insufferable cunt.
>keeps talking

The hell's your angle, pal?

>> No.2300316

You got called out and your only defense is that I should stop? Your more insecure than a child hanging from his mothers tits. Drop the dumb "ironic asshole" bullshit covered with xD im so RANDOM memes covering your blog and act like an adult. Hiding behind that wall of insecurity is downright pathetic.

>> No.2300330

Memes are for betas. Don't be mad at me because you can't draw. I also don't know how you could have possibly found my blog because the art I posted isn't anywhere online. Why don't you post your art btw?

>> No.2300595

Both of you are acting like asses.
How about you consider the value of your argument and compare it with the value of your time that could spent doing better things

>> No.2300695

Post your art ;^)

>> No.2300730

>give me a worth ethic
I'm sorry, but drawing, and most other things in life, isn't for you

>> No.2301089

Why are you guys such faggots, just help OP out

>> No.2301114

Where do you think you are? We don't come to /ic/ to learn about art, we come here to be made to feel bad about wanting to learn about art.

>> No.2301150

We come here for honest critique; in other sites the only critique you get is "AMAZING :0 <3 <3 <3 LUV IT UR SO GOOD" even if your work is cancerous shit

>> No.2301153

On the other side here critique (except of the good ones, that I really respect) looks like "KILL YOURSELF" "YOU ARE NOT GONNA MAKE IT" so I wouldn't necessary call it "honest critique" mate.

>> No.2301160

Allright that was a big generalisation.