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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 42 KB, 296x315, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2288734 No.2288734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any artfags here? Can we please get a picture of a 30 meter high statue of a dog biting the throat of Mohammad placed in the middle of a city.

>> No.2288736

"wahhhhh I'm mad at things I don't understand"

>> No.2288740
File: 28 KB, 258x215, 1447788808203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back to /b/ faggot

>> No.2288742

If you want to criticise muslims be more creative.

>> No.2288744


what's not to get?

>> No.2288745

nah, there's no artists here. just shitposters.

>> No.2288746

I want libtards and ISIS apologists to fucking leave.

>> No.2288749

Quality thread tbqh

>> No.2288751

If you're looking for conservative fuckheads, try /b/.

If you're looking for free work, try /r/.

Either way, fuck off.

>> No.2288754


the average internet person is only passionate about one thing OP. one thing only in life really makes him energized and vibrant with passion.

that is being contrarian. being against something. if you want the internet to do something for you, you don't ask for it. you ask for the opposite. i'm serious.

go make a thread on /b/ asking for help about a specific issue that requires some knowledge. zero replies. the few people that know don't give enough of a crap to help you.

go make the exact same thread on /b/ but claiming you KNOW that your point of view is correct. BAM immediatly 20 replies of people calling you an idiot and showing you why you are wrong.

That's how the internet works. Now take this wisdom and go forth conquer the world.

>> No.2288756

Why do liberals always defend muslim. Yes the west has been attacking them , yes we have sins to bear but they have been fighting each other over petty arguments since their religion came about. They cant even agree on the right interpretation of their book. Their prophet was a sadistic bastard. They hate us and our secular government, to them there is no seperation of religion and state. We cant even criticize their religion or book without them wanting to kill us. Perhaps is time for the west to leave them alone and deal with their issues. But the oil has to run out before than happens.

>> No.2288765

>Why do liberals always defend muslim.

They're all cattle and sheep brainwashed by communists and causing the left to subvert and overthrow traditional and good virtuous moral values by means of "social justice" and "tolerance" and multiculturalism.

>> No.2288769

Qutbism, the ideology that spawned ISIS and al Qaeda, came about exactly because Egypt and other arabic countries were secular.
The terrorists are attacking secular muslims for being secular, and they are fighting the west for being the west. More muslims are being killed than anyone else.
Absolutely agree on the west having to leave the middle east alone, though. I say the same about poor Africa and all such situations. Does require the western world to stop exploiting everyone else, though.

>> No.2288778

Because they, unlike you, don't think about islam with all the depth of a comic book. Look, Indonesia has more muslims that any of the countries in the middle east; when's the last time you saw dumbshits like you calling for Indonesian blood on the internet? Fact is that the problems we're having with these religious extremists is more closely tied to political, economic and historical condiitons in the middle east than the fact that they're muslims.

...ffs we wouldn't even have ISIS if not for british colonialism and the American war in Iraq, just to name two of the most obvious causes.

>> No.2288783

Indonesia is fully muslim and they're stuck on an archipelago, so no, they're not going to do anything, maybe one day they'll lay waste to Australia but that's at least a few decades off.

In nearby Thailand, China and the Philippines muslim minorities ARE a big problem and engage in terrorism.

>> No.2288785

>Thailand, China and the Philippines
In all those cases, it's a problem because they're a politically disenfranchised minority.

>> No.2288786


>> No.2288789

Research how Indonesia treats is non muslim citizens, Yes the west is responsible for Daesh and other extremist groups that have sprung in modern times but muslim have been at war with themselves , killing other muslim that dont adhere to their islam teaching and killing non-muslim, for fuck sake they had caliphates for crying out loud. I'm not saying kill all muslim all I am saying is that islam needs to be scrutinize and ridicule and put under the microscope and muslim need not to spazz out and go allah akbar or whatever they say. We make fun of other religions yet for soem reason we walk on egg shells around theirs and why is that?

>> No.2288791

You can make all the excuses you want in the world, fact is other religions aren't blowing people up anymore, btw, Indonesia had the Bali bombings.

>> No.2288793

>Does require the western world to stop exploiting everyone else, though.

Not possible, especially for the US. Our economy runs on war and we have a knack for spicing things up.

>> No.2288795

>fact is other religions aren't blowing people up anymore

Such a lowbrow and ignorant comment. There are mass shootings almost every day in the US conducted by white christian men. Lmfao educate yourself.

>> No.2288796

report and hide

>> No.2288798

>image of mekka
>"i want libtards/muslim apologists to leave"

i want low IQ polfags to leave.
and remember, this is ic. where are the fucking mods

>> No.2288799

...christ, nothing in my comment denied that there's a rigid, politically closed strain in islam. My point was that if you want to start pointing fingers, the religion itself is one of the dumbest things to point at. ffs the strains of islam that are causing problems were created outta politics. You thinking anyone would care about wahhabism if there wasn't a major state, propped up by western desire for oil, promoting that shit?

Look past your own immature prejudice, children.

...ffs. on a personal level desu I think religious people are idiots, muslims included. I'm not respond cause I'm a 'libtard"; I'm responding because you think like children.

>> No.2288800

No matter where muslims go, death and misery follow them soon after. At some point the world will learn this, no matter if 50% of them go #NotAllMuslims

Violence is built into the religion and they have not changed that in the way Christianity has. Sure, put the statue up. Then also pay for 20 police officers to constantly guard it because some manchildren can't handle their imaginary friend being insulted.

>> No.2288801

I hope every race except blacks gets wipe out

>> No.2288804

If you want to talk about stats over half of all murders in the US are by niggers, a 12% minority.

>> No.2288805

There are mass shootings everyday commited by black young men i. the states everyday. Educate yourself, see we can play this game too. The diferrence is that white so called christian males arent some group whose main reason for their attack is backed by some book. How many of those christian males are commiting terrorist acts in differnet countries, subsugating an ethnic group of people to rape, murder and bondage.

>> No.2288807

Christianity didn't change at all. It just withered and faded from relevance in the mind's of educated people.

>> No.2288811

Their religion is the main thing which they based their everydays acts. They had caliphates, they had empires, which is why africa has muslim blacks. Seriosly take their religion away and most of teir problems would begin to fade, sure we'll have groups that want to commit terrorist acts against the west and yes those would be political in nature but when those groups go on to say a world wide caliphate, to spread the wordl of so called allah then it becomes clear that above the political and economic issues they face and lash out againt takes a back seat when the proudly proclaime they want a world wide islam world.

>> No.2288813

Wich in my opinion the muslim coudl use but is hard to do when their religion and their identity is one and the same. Muslim I tink need what many barbaric religions of the past had, which is to strip it out of them.

>> No.2288816


lmao 0/10 m8

>> No.2288826
File: 44 KB, 624x374, muh_safespace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be refuted by facts and statistics.
>LA LA LA LA LA LA LA I'm not listening!

Typical libkeks

>> No.2288830

But is it not true, everyday black young men are killed in large numbers by tiger black young men. Innocent people are killed in the crossfire, kids for crying out loud. He said christian white males commit mass murders but young black men also commit mass murder and in large numbers. Of course their victims are other black men, killings in chicago, detroit and other parts of states that have a majority black population, is infected with crime. So he should educate himself, thats why blacks dont get help in this country because if you bring up their crime statistics you are seen as a racist. Which in the end only ends up hurting them.

>> No.2288833


>> No.2288858
File: 297 KB, 1488x1488, 1406458030145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you again. go fellate your pedophile prophet.

>> No.2288859
File: 38 KB, 596x388, rape-norway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this thread

>> No.2288867

You are a genius, sir. I like how you narrated it with that BAM.

>> No.2288869

Although I know that on some boards it works just to ask normal way.

>> No.2288870

Mods please, this thread belongs on /pol/ not here.

>> No.2288871

Hug a muslim today, show them that they are loved and respected just dont critisize their religion or you will get and earfull that is if you dont get killed first

>> No.2288872

quick post art before it gets da boot.

>> No.2288879
File: 24 KB, 296x394, 1422918299948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post islamic art, oh wait, you can't.

>inb4 you post something worse than the byzantines managed

>> No.2288880

jesus, you responded to a well-thought out post that looks at the entire situation with the same "le dumb religion is teh only issue" stuff that he was chiding you for in the first place.

just stop posting. back to /b/.

>> No.2288884

are you kidding? they have some of the most amazing tile work and calligraphy on the planet. just fuck off to /pol/ already.

>> No.2288887

No they don't, go to the British Museum, the islamic "wing" is the worst by far, an embarrassment they keep in the cellar.

>> No.2288892

you're dealing with one of the most easily triggerable groups of people on the planet. if you wanna edgelord, at least be creative with it


>> No.2288895
File: 142 KB, 1024x673, tajmahal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah ok.

>> No.2288899

>posts architecture
>not art

Also, obligatory DESIGNATED

>> No.2288900
File: 285 KB, 1600x900, Sultan-Ahmed-Mosque-Photo.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>architecture isn't art
tell me more about how pleb you are

>> No.2288904

Architecture isn't art though. Who ever claimed it was?

>> No.2288912
File: 1.58 MB, 1704x2272, al-azhar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

architecture, noun: the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.

Its focus on aesthetics should be proof enough to anyone with a working brain, or do you have a viable source that proves architecture isn't art?

>> No.2288928

Onus is on you, friend, never have I heard of a functional building described as art.