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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2274595 No.2274595 [Reply] [Original]

I want to have a website where I could constantly upload stuff I draw

What website should I use for doing that?
Or should I make my own domain?

>> No.2274598

Tumblr, instagram, deviantart?

Are you new to the internet?

>> No.2274599

tumblr is sketchy with SJW. Deviantart has a lot of shittty shit. instagram is okay, but you cant post anythind sexual.

ae you new?

>> No.2274600

>tumblr is sketchy with SJW
They can't kill you.

>> No.2274601

Make a blogspot/wordpress.

>> No.2274602

>tumblr is sketchy with SJW
It's all about who you follow, man. It's like judging all of 4chan based off of /pol/

>> No.2274605

these are my thoughts exactly

I consider tumblr a cesspool of sjw's
Deviantart is infested with kids drawing their sanic fantasies and mlp furry megafaggots
Instagram isnt even an option

i want to be able to draw anything I want, even controversial content

domain of my own the only option?

>inb4 xD geocities

>> No.2274606

second this.
tumblr is actually a pretty cool platform. It's helped me discover alot of cool artists.

>> No.2274608

Well you should've been more descriptive as to what you're looking for you fucking faggot. If you want to have even the slightest chance of someone seeing your work you would use one of the three. And tumblr is perfectly fine if you're not a pedo which you probably are.

>> No.2274610


tumblr is filled with porn you fucking moron, you'll be fine

>> No.2274611

>tumblr is sketchy with SJW

I follow a whole bunch of d/ic/ks from the self promo thread and its fucking fine and dandy.

Stay away from the big fandoms and you'll be safe.

>> No.2274614

>implying /pol/ is bad

You have a bias and I bet it was brought about those cancerous SJW's

>> No.2274615

/pol/ is everywhere dude
when browsing /b/ you might not think it do
but it is

>> No.2274616

use tumblr to advertise your own site. having tumblr as your main blog is okay, depending on what your content is.

>> No.2274619

>I follow a whole bunch of d/ic/ks from the self promo thread

You mean the ones who never post their work to receive an honest critique and only post to promote their hugbox environment?

>> No.2274622


Give it a rest, kid.

>> No.2274625

to be honest critique is pretty sparse here unless you're a complete beginner, or drawing porn.

>> No.2274640


Nah I see quite a few of them post here on /ic/ and even give redlines.

Why are you salty?

>> No.2274646

I'm telling it the way it is, almost nobody besides that one Anon that gives a vague yet honest feedback to those who post something almost never before seen other than in that particular thread since the thread puts the emphasis not on critique but sharing blogs and social media and facebook and whatnot yet he gets lashed out when fulfilling the one thing that gives reason to this board and that is a fucking goddamn critique.

Fuck off back to your Tumblr.

>> No.2274651

>I'm telling it the way it is, almost nobody besides that one Anon that gives a vague yet honest feedback to those who post something almost never before seen other than in that particular thread since the thread puts the emphasis not on critique but sharing blogs and social media and facebook and whatnot yet he gets lashed out when fulfilling the one thing that gives reason to this board and that is a fucking goddamn critique.

Jesus christ learn to use proper english. I don't give a shit about that guy. I'm just saying the people I follow also post here.

>Fuck off back to your Tumblr

I've been on /ic/ longer than I've been on tumblr. Stay mad.

>> No.2274757

Well for starters I wouldn't use this place or reddit.


Firez aka Mikufag aka squidshit aka Vocaloidloser aka what ever forced meme he decides to call him self through same fagging.

You see Ricardo works in IT and mods this board, a vocaloid board on reddit, and he use to mod a shrine/magical girl forum site. His job is to stir up trouble, drama drives traffic. He samefags, he is the one who uses :^) He avatars using anime heads and was most likely the guy that banned you recently. (He kissed a lot ass chatting in the anime translation ircs to get that position)

He has sway here and on reddit. He is trying currently to get an admin position at deviantart. This is the guy you have to appease. He is a middle age skinny Honduras creep who can't keep a relationship for more than a year and spends all day here fucking with people.

I'd stay away

>> No.2274761

>personal vendetta
No one cares. Cry more

>> No.2274764

You still helping with those medical bills, Ric? Do you give her the shots?

>> No.2274775

I work as a 2D artist, and I use Tumblr, Deviant Art, Facebook, & Artstation.

Tumblr to post absolutely EVERYTHING you draw. Sometimes you just want to share sketches or silly drawings, Tumblr is your place. I have lots of followers from niche groups that love artists because official stuff does not exist. Also, lots of art-lovers use tumblr, so expect followers from people who just like your style.

Deviant art is my archive. You can upload the largest flat file you want, and it will store it there forever. Handy to have in case of total HDD failure. There is nothing else of value there. I started using it back in 2002, but I never stuck with it, so my chance to be big on DA is long gone.

Facebook is an easy way to communicate with normies and people who are not on art centric websites. Someone likes your work in person? Here is my email, and my Facebook artist page. They can contact/follow you without having to make an account. If you want to get *really* successful with FB, you'll have to put time into "running" the page with shit normies will share and like.

Artstation is my portfolio site. I upload only the best and most relevant there. If you ever need to give someone a link to your art for possible work, this is your bet. Also, if you are interested in becoming a professional, these are the people you want to compete with.

I have a domain, but work keeps me busy enough that I keep forgetting to set it up. Ideally, it should be a combination of the things from Artstation and Tumblr. Your work in relevant fields, a page about your background and location, and journal that is work safe and professional where you log any major projects or events you are involved in, because employers really like that stuff.

Also, all that stuff about SJW is from idiots that do not actually use tumblr. I got my start as a freelance artist through people commissioning me there, and the work just kept coming. Never once saw anything SJW related said about my work

>> No.2274776

Shut the fuck up and keep drawing Firez, no one cares about your drama.

>> No.2274952

You should know by now that I play a longer game, Ric

>> No.2275012

Holy shit dude this is really sad. Give it a break it's not that big of a deal. Go play league or something.

>> No.2275045

"Holy shit!" Why play the hyperbolic sissy if you don't care?

>> No.2275082

Thanks for that in depth post! Probably the most useful one in this thread.

>> No.2275412

plz tell me he has a ED page

>> No.2275431

Don't expect anybody to visit it unless you already have a considerable existing following.

The reason social media like tumblr are so useful for artists is because people can get updates of your stuff without you forcing them to go out of their way - even if you're good, many people will not.
It's good as a professional portfolio or possibly a place people go to fap, that's about it.

>> No.2275443

Imho if you do stuff for the community in the beginning it can get you alot of followers. Provided that you are good of course. Like doing requests from time to time, you would be practicing drawing/painting anyway so just draw something some randoms want. Do drawings for the latest fads like new series of doctor who starts, there is going to be a massive spike of interest, draw the coolest fucking picture and hashtag it with doctor who, It will get people to check your page out and get a few followers.

>> No.2275459

/pol/ is one of my main boards doofus. I'm not implying it's bad, I'm just saying it's incorrect to assume the entire website of 4chan is one way due to a prominent subgroup. Go over to /tg/ or even this board. They're much different than /pol/.

>> No.2275469

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.2275670

this, or have lots of content and very specific questions.

>> No.2275673

can i get a story ic? did everyone leave ic for better places? why hasn't the sticky been updated in ages? why no love for other chans sub ic ? :(

>> No.2275712

>deviantart has a lot of shitty shit

That's the best thing about it though.
It's a sea of shit that you can so very happily and easily post your stuff into and not have to worry about anyone bothering you on there unless it's sonic or pony shit.

Sometimes a sea of shit is a good thing.

>> No.2276114

Pixiv, twitter, drawcrowd, tumblr, hentaifoundry, your own website.

Post everywhere.

>> No.2276180
File: 2.64 MB, 320x240, 1434655708209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to post my art on places where people are prude, or SJWs in their own eco chambers
>I just want my own safe space
Post it everywhere you fucking gigantic faggot

>> No.2276515


>> No.2277229

Try pixiv there's no contest, you don't have to censor your drawings even if it's a Japanese website, uncensored western art and any kind of art is allowed however uncensored art is not featured on the daily/weekly/monthly rankings or so I think. If you don't want to worry about anything, just post art and have substantial viewership then pixiv is the best. Nothing compares to having a based as fuck Japanese hentai artist fallowing your drawings, and I'm not even a professional.

>> No.2277765

uh make a facebook page honestly

>> No.2277767

Make a little portfolio website?

>> No.2277773

who is this artist???

>> No.2277774

>what is reverse image search
Hint: use SauceNao. You can go right to it from iqdb.

>> No.2278395

What is the technique behind this? It looks like just recolored with paint. But I find it quite amazing. very nice colors.

How was it made?

>> No.2279608


>> No.2279648

>What is the technique behind this?
It's like open MS Paint, and draw some shit, done.

>> No.2280626

he basically just copied an existing picture of a little girl, ice cream and all

>> No.2281375
File: 761 KB, 2400x1800, 1427110001054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technique? I would like to know who the artist is though. Probably someone from Pixiv, japs love to trace stuff like this.

>> No.2281380

spotted the pedos tbqh

>> No.2281382

What? It's clearly for studies.

>> No.2281404


>> No.2281462


>> No.2281469

you mean hot as fuck, mate

>> No.2281477

her nude set is hotter :^)

>> No.2281479

While i do agree she looks a little seductive in an adult way, and there is probably some truth to those people who molest children and say they were seduced, she's still a child. There is nothing sexual about her.

>> No.2281486

While probably not this child's intention, children can seduce adults. For example children that have been molested before can try seducing an adult as a way to get attention. So that's a clear sign that tells you that a child has been sexually abused. Besides that children of 11/12 get into puberty, they're discovering masturbation, so there is some sexuality going on there. Sex between children and adults is always wrong, to be clear on that.

I don't touch that stuff, m80
fantasies only

>> No.2281487

If sex with children is bad, then fantasies about it are bad too. So seek help.

>> No.2281490

>41 posters in this thread.
samefaging is bad

>> No.2281492
File: 63 KB, 699x444, Michael_Kutsche-Fightclub_Leinwand-2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use behance you may get job offers or at least make a portfolio. and if you can make your own site. i like this one:

>> No.2281496

I can't afford therapy, do you want to pay it for me?
Besides, what are they gonna do, there is nothing you can chance about it, really.
Trust me, I've tried. I've watched adult pornography and fantasized to adults for years and suppressed my fantasies but I can't help to fall in love in children.
My fantasies keep me sane and I'm nowhere near children, I'm comfy in my position.

I guess you should be locked up for murder too, I guess you've thought about wanting to strangle someone for what they did.
Or thinking about what you would do to me, idk, people like to think of creative ways to torture or kill me.

It's my actions that define me, not my fantasies

>> No.2281507

You do you man, it's not my business. I agree that actions define people, i just think indulging in such fantasies is sort of acting on it, and from what i understand no modern practice that deals with pedophiles tries to help people safely masturbate to such things, but rather push away from them. Porn is not therapy. As for murder analogy it doesn't quite goes through since it's just anger and spur of the moment emotion, it goes away. It's not sexual. Sexual fantasies don't simply go away, especially when you fuel them with masturbation.

I don't think things like lolicon or whatever else should be illegal, but i do recognize that most people don't want to get better and instead just masturbate constantly, stuck in one place.

>> No.2281523

I don't see the difference between lolicon and fantasizing about children that don't exist, as consenting children aren't real and they aren't based on any children I know, because I don't know any. The thing with the modern practices is that everyone is guessing at this point anyway what would really help me, as there is little research because people would rather get rid of me if they knew. I quit porn and believe masturbation is healthy in moderation. Lolicon is illegal in my country.

>> No.2281535
File: 38 KB, 377x377, 1428955149035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japs love to trace stuff like this.
I'm sure they do

>> No.2281592

Because you faggots don't know how to search by image and look around the internet for two seconds

It's from an oekaki dump.

>> No.2281602


top kek, this guy knows his stuff.

>> No.2281607

Japs, eastern eurotrash, calimexs, dumb canadian cunts, generally any group that can produce neets in waves, like to trace stuff like that and pass it off as a study, but in such a way as if to imply it's original, unique, wholly theirs.

>> No.2281611

Or they just want to make lewd artwork of existing people and fap to it, because you know, internet is for porn.

>> No.2281616

People who think the internet is for porn are usually too inept to have real sex

>> No.2281618

Certain types of "real sex" are better left to porn unless you want for police to get involved anon.

>> No.2281619

Are you trying to not sound like a betamale?

>> No.2281845


>> No.2281853
File: 42 KB, 200x324, 365612_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nobody in relationships watch porn

tell me another

>> No.2281873

>as if any of you knows what a relationship is.

>> No.2281888

>implying you do